Ihe 4Tfrhternational Fderation of IandsmpArchitd$flfm) I{orldCongess


28-30 May 2010

Edited by MENG Zhaozhen CHEN Xiaoli

hmrdh, ky dknas d tlrbm-turd Dereeou d&t P@'r *dk d(Xn kaudid Fder*ie d l^dxrpc tl&dr

&gai&dh (b.st Soci*y dl "&ryc tn&.otur kprrhd 0f [ousiry ed Urbrg-RsslDffr&@d,.kre Prsfrc k*ai&d&rurm* uoMt cH sctENcE Staqhi l^epinf rnd fsr Aneraer Affiirc kas c PUBUSHtNG B&fgt*ttkirs$dy Proceedings

Ther4 7 th International Federati on o f Landscap e Architects (IFLA) World Congress


Suzhou, China, 28-30 MaY 2L

Edited b1' !t{ENG Zhoozhen CHEN Xiaoli

SPonsored b1' I\linistrl of [Iousing and Urban-Rural Dcvelopment of the People's Republic of China International Fcderation of Landscape Architecls

Organized bY Chinese Societl' of Landscape Architecture Dcparlment of Houiing and Urban-Rural Developmert, Jiangsu Province Suzhou l\{uniciPal Government shanghai Landscaping and citl' Apperance Administrative Bureau Bcij ing Forcstrl' Universit.r' 0

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ll London Scicncc Publishing Limited T hllp: 'rvrvs. londottscictrcc nct St Table of Contents

The 47th International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) World Congress {r IFLAWC 2010

keface IX Orpnizing Committee x

Plsnoing and Management of Culrural Heritage Sites and Landscape of Sunounding Cities and Towns-'Taking the Peking Man Site for Example u chi Thc'Shan-shui Ciry" -An Ecological City rvith Chinese Characteristics Jie Hu A Study for Protection of Cultural Resources of the Yeongdo Bridge- l6 Sieyoung Lloon. Kee*'on Hv'ang and Minv'oong, Lint The Typology Approach Study on Landscapc Architecrure in Contemporary Community 20 Wenying Zhang

Inspiration of Process Art on the Design of Rain Carden _' 21 Xioo Feng and l!ui<'hug Zhong Study on Traditional Dwcllings and the Environmental Protection of Liiiang Old Tou'n District _32 Lc l(ang. Lei lltei and Lling Zhao Methodology of Event N'lcmory Transpose Dcsign in Lrndscapc Architecture 36 LIANG Shangu Study on thc Convcrsion Mcthod ol the Function of Expo Grcen Spacc bctrveen the Inter-expo and Post-expo-Taking thc Green-space of Shanghai World Expo for Examplc 4l

Lv-shui Zhang and Qing-ping Zhong Cemeteries as Cultural Landscapc: Solutions for Revival of the Iranian Cernctcries 45 Farshod Kazextoni. lilohsen Faizi and llchdi Sheihoni Thrce Study Models of Urban Landscape Planning for Bangkok Sustainable Transportation Development Apinya Limpuilnon Sustainable Urban Spaccs Design Based on Prcsen'ing Remnant Patches: An Analysis o{ AB-o-ATASH En-trence Plaza in Tchranilran ---51 55

-' tti Naghat.i Jlamini and Farshod K(Eer

A Study on thc Theorctical De finition of Landscape Architecture 62

The Csnsen'ation of l-ocal Culturc Landscapc Spacc Based on lhc Fragmcntation Analysis-A Casc Study of Zicaor+ru Villanc in Easr of China 67 funcot ll'sng. ['atrtck .l{iller and Brian Kotot

ilr 7t The Mu Garden: The Rediscovered Barnes Chen, Pilar At@res and Christopher Yuezhong 7'7 of Cultural Resources Urban Landscape Planning and Design: Protection Siegmar Thomas vs. store 8t preservation in Thailand-Tasty Local Market Mega Dilemma of Cultural LandscaPe Aiya.fininta in lndonesia: An Introduction of an Ecotourism - Development of Protected Landscapes Areas Sustainable 85 Concept Resi Soehaaini Sekaniakrorini and Puspita Galih Arrchitecture Professional: A Case StudY Optirnization of Urban Design Course for Landscape Teaching 90 on Forestry Universit-v Da Ting 94 and Design Srudio Research on Teaching of Ecological Plarning DAI Da&in and ll/ANG Llin World Heritage between Universal Value and The Governance Strategy of the Dotomites UNESCO 98 Local Culrure Loredona Ponticelli and Cesare Micheletti Resources-Discussion on thc lssues of Maintain the Authenticity and Inlegrity of the Scenic To 103 Park Planning and Construction of Chinese National SHEN Sii-3rra ng and ll'ANG Hao and Urban Deveiopment.-Taking LandscaPc Research on Balance Problem of Heritagc Prcscn'ation 107 as an Example Design of Hangzhou Fenghuangshan Roa

: l\' a. Research on the chinese Landscape Design Philosophy of Piling Hill t52 Fe$u Wei and YunYnn Li The Prohibirive Regularion Tablet in Xiaoling Tomb of thc Ming Dynast-v r55 Hui lliang. Si Chen and Jon Bryan Burla' National Culrural Continuity and landscape Design for Sustainabte Development 159 Han BirlDue and Ma Haoran Thc Historical Vicissirude Analysis of Lanting Landscape and Presen'ation Strategies of Culrural Heritage l{ang Li-xian. Long Song-liang, ll'ang -rin and Chen Hong-peng City planning for Biodiversity and Well-being-Balancing in Lomma Ciz.y of Southem Srveden 173 I Eri* S*drb

Tang Xiao-lan. Li Tao an

TjlNG l\leq,r /)a)\'(; l-rang antl A .1.\.(i ( ,lrrrrlrrll. The Movemcnt of (irccn Fcncc Transftrnrr:rliort lirr [iIcntcttlitn' Scltttols in Taiu'an :28 .ivra-./lrr i:rr ll r:rit, Environmental planning Dererminism: TheAldinga Scrub Srudy of Greenways in South Australia Cynthia E.V. Wuisang and David S. Jones -232 236 Historical Public Spaces of Istanbul Pinar Kollu ond Elif Kutqv Karacor 240 The Chitdren's Play Behavior and Environmental Cognition in Beijing Urban Villages Hsu. Titq{un ond Ron Hendenon 244 The Study on the Classiffing and Ranking System of Tourist Anraction of Shanghai Wu Chengzhao and lYangJing Curriculum Integration and Innovation of Urban Planning in Landscape Architectural Education PANG Ying and XU Da-Wei -?48 251 Research and Design of Network Classroom of Landscape Dendrology Xioonan l'u, Qixiang Zhang, Guangtei Lu and Huanzhi Song 256 Didactic Catalog of Native Plants for Landscape Design Mario del Carmen Maa Aguilor and Ama.va Lantcea Garrilz 260 Ttre Teaching System Reform and Practice of "National Park Planning" Course Il'U l'an. XIJ dau'ei. ZITANG iunling and ZHAO Zhiqiang Landscape Ptanning and Design Method under Culrural Heritage Cognition-Sino-French 264 Joint-research and Workshop in Xi'an Chan-ba District Ll/ Lin. LIU Hui ond I:AN l'a-ni Citizcn Education Programs at Awaji Landscape Plarrning & Horticulture Academy for the Improvement 269 of thc Landscape and thc Environment I'layumi Hayashi 2'14,, Sustainability in Landscape Architecture in Mexico Fahiola Pasl

.a l'aozhi l'luong and Qinga l.i i 299 !! Study on Air,A.nion and CI of Plant Contntunities of Three Sanatoriums in Hangzhou *4 E Dongqing l-in. tltxian Jin and fue Zhoo ;1 .j: Multifunctiopnl \\Iater Syslem in Korcan Traditional Garrjen:The Case of Palacc :i: 103 Garden lllun-)ionr Sim ond Kr.rtng-Jin Zth lt,

\.'l and Technology Theme Analysis of Sustainable Design Srrategies and Methods in Shijiazhuang Science 301 Park Peilong Wong, Wen Chen ond !'uan Zhang Expo Valuing Landscape in Green Building in Lorv Carbon Age: Case Srudies of Melbourne CH2 and China Pavilion 3lt YueblJieqiongll'ang Utilization DSmamic protection Technology for Landscape Resources in the Development and proccss-case Study on Danxia Resources Protection 3l?

Chaan Vang and lnrong Dang of Nanjing Asscs$nent of Visual Qualit-v Change after Post-Mining Planting on Mufu Mountaip Lu Di, Xia Qian and Lu Jianguo Development-320 324 f,anOscapc ptanning in Transirional China: Exploring a Possible way tou'ard Sustainable lJ Zhiming 329 Gls-based Study on Green Space Svstem in Nanjing City Xll Hoo The Sustainable Landscapp Exploration of Ecologically Fragile Zoncs orr the Uppcr Reaches of the Yellow River 334 Wong Eaohua and ll'ong Qiong Grccnbelts'Managcment Mode and Opcraticln in Shansh;ri' Crccn spacc conscnation alrd managcment in Expo parks 33tr Chea Dong atid Tjtu I'an EcOlOgicat Regencration and l-andscapc Reclamation of Urban [-andfills 344 Y/.NG Rui and ll"ANG lluo The Dcvelopmcnl of Urban Ilivcr Corridors irt lvlalaysia 348 Nor Arbino 7-oinol Ahidin ond (iini l.u On thc Urban Crecn Spacc Managctncnt and Protcclion in \\Iuluut 3_5 3 Ding Jinglei. Deng Bing and Goo ('hi Eco-planning Stratcgics on Urban Soil and \\/alcr C'onscn alron l-s7 He Fong, ll'ang l'ongsi ond )'io lling TtrConsfruction of Sludgc [.antlsc:rpc Park--Taking N'lciliang Lakc in \\rr.rxi Taihu Arca as an lixarnplc36l H bang. Xu l'i. Yu Bing-qin ond l.i l-i lntegratcd Sustainabilitt,in thc Dcsigncti Landscapc ('q'stalline [:coPark and I--xhibition Arca ]65 Shim Jocohs Ecological Thinking in Chincsc ('lassical Gardcn and lts ('otttcnt1ror:tn'Significancc 370 l'onrong Fu .174 The Application and f)cvcloprncnt o f \'l osaicu lt urc- P I arrts iri Itc ij inu Vin Hao ond Xing l'u Rcsearch on Watcrfront Tcrrcstrial Planl l.andscape .{rt in \\cstlakc's Srnall Watcrs of Ilangzhou l?8 pirerii l'ia.q - The landrcaJrc Planring Dcsign arrtl ('ulturc in C'lassic Ciartlcrrs ort Yanglzc I)clta in thc Srx Dr nastics 38J llao Pei)aa and {)rtnc l.t Feature Anall'sis and Optirnizarion Srrarc{:r ft.r Plant [.antlscapc in thc Sccrtic Arca of Strn lsland ]89 l.*angJunlt,t1l" Zh*t l.rhr,en *qi ll'tt i'an

Vil The Constmction of NRW's Landscape Act and Enlightenment on Chinese Legistation 393 DONG Libing and ZIIAO Zticong Resources ofAromatic Plants and lts Gardening Application in china 396 U Ping, SIJN Ming and ZHANG ei-xiang of Local ft "-trvation cultural Diversity-A case study in Baoshan District of ffir?t 400 Min Wang and btguon Bao Ecological Restoration Research of the Loess Plateau Ecosystem under the Guidance of Forestry Carbon Sequestration-Taking Bei-mengou Vit lage for Example 4M WE Bong-rui. lJ Qi-li ond CHENG Lei CO2 Concentration park Characreristics in Beijing Olympic Forest 409 Pon Jian-bin and Dong Li A Revierv Study of Landscape Metrics Support to Sustainable Development of Urban Green Spaces _414 Tianqing Luo

Comparison of Urban Traffic Noise Atlenuation Effecrs by Different Planr Communities g 'i 4l Zhu Zunling and Du Dan - The Ornamental Peach and lrs Application in Landscape 422 Dong,'un l!, Initiativc Restoration of Urban wctland Park Design-A Case Study of Sungo Bay Narionat Urban Wctland Park _._- 426 Qiu Lanjun, Qiu ltonglfei ond Zhou Jingfan

Vill World Congress 47th International Federation of Landscape Architects QfL4 /e structure of Agrotourism Park in Bogor west Java Indonesia scape t7

and Dewi Sukma2 ltd6 ,, Nizar Nasrullahl', Afra D.N. Makalewl, Tati Budiartil 20s, of Landscape Architecture Faculty of Agriculture Bogor Agricultural rent l. ilpartment il West Java Indonesia t1:rcel Uniiersity. Jl. Meranti Darmaga Bogor, ilof Flcutq' of Agriculture Bogor Agricultttral 2. Department of Agronomy and Horticutti,re, Jl. Meranti Darmaga Bogor, West Java Indonesia cc UniTeiity, of * 'icoce, E- nwil : n iza raas ru I I a h@y aho o' c om

A.M. lc ard Successful agrotourism parks are determined by cnced Abstraet factors: (l) object to interpret (tourism object) by s for visitor such as a plantation, fish pond, and ranch' (2) :rcnce J sites of Agrrttourism Park his paper descibes sen,ice facilities, and in&astructure such as lirc.ert each type of landscnPe structur.e d lll' tlall ,uir"i"ntrd accommodation. accessibility and transportation Park in Bogar. Type l. Park consisted atioq In rhe park. each elements of design must satisfy lo core area' Core area ond villa7e adjacent functional and a esthetic requirements agricullttral village both rcapc riu.t ananged in an I'l.Thcrcfore good setting of agricultural object and Varie$ of croPs that irbrn garden. farm facilitics in the agrotourim park rvill contribute to schcr the village adiacettt Io core area werc in visitor satisfaction. of appreciation- Tvpe 2' Park a.s ohjects Bog

Villagc (CT\ 3.1. Number of Visitor 3.2. Cinangneng 1'ourisnr ) ('il3rtqlcn! Villlnt' (C'IVt locatcd In this study, selected tourism parks were popular T,.,uristt't oui ( []oSor ltrlrnr.tcip:rlitr. It is c'asl' in Bogor. It's shown by the number of visitor. Visitor C ianrpr-u ounty. 19 knt ltrcalcd litrni lillagc road &ta in 2009 performed Cinangneng Tourism Village acccss. duc rtr onl) l of i aL'oul onll. l: km ticrni rvere visited by average I185 visitor per month' Pasir Br)gor-('irn1fer. trr it's 11a' knl litrln ccntral Jakana Mukti Tourism Park 5079 per monttr, and Warso ccnlrc' oi'Ilori,r C'itr t r 55 rtcccss br public tratt:ponatigg Farm t500 r,isitor per rnonth. This fact also proved Bccausc rr1- its casr lo ('TV r isitcd b1 Illan\ people. the parks have a visual and physical characters and nrakcs thc bc services tha{htisfy the visitors.

l-IC; l:\ l) I l. Rcgislration Room Ricc llulitr Gate 12. lr,tain l)lddl art<1 13. Ls\Aal Vcrcl:ri,!c l'iel.l 14. Sheltcr \l1r\qirj 15. Bag \\'orkshoP L --n \ Lii.rr.:c (.. ( i:t:r;l::ltcttl Rtrcr l. I itr:lttiir\ il l)('(tl s (ii;r.i il.,it:c (l (;.1;ticl.rtl I i,'ll\( l o ( )ll-lcc. ( irtli'i.rrrrr \- '\ Corntnunity Fantt Villagc tY.

nu Village Ilfl Figure 1.Ptan of Clnangneng Tourism 0r ll()il.(s. sltcllct.. CTV is a recreation area consisting of trvo zones, \(iu\cnlt sl)(rP. tlle\l sllrtlclllng oll rlrttlk tlt:t]"'tttg rotrttt I:ttr namely thc corc zonc of thc arca 2 ha o*'ned by tilul]lIi! l(r(,ll]. llll(i itI()lliitllt ul ()11( 11 irleti. tlrc k :tl't' itic: 1:lu tt' tourism providcr. and its surrounding the village and ltr'tr\ tl lc\ ttl |'il Jltt'r th rl\r't Ilii Ilt lil lirl lllS of conrntunity-ou'nedconlnlunlty-o\\'ned aSriculturalagricultural landlanq (2.4tl.q ha).llar. CTVL I Y \"'ir'rttl:tll lrr,,,1l'\'r ill)rl I':r.ltli l)1il(1t( t.c locatcd on lorv land, 180 - 218 m above sea level. I'rr,iti" r'ttllr\ittr(\r1 ('{l trr and topography ofarea varied from flat to hilly. 'l Corc zonc wcre sct as agricultural village .1.-1.1':rsir )ltrkti ortt'isttt I'ark (l''l [') IIT Attractive object of tourism in the corc (l' lanclscapc. [':r.tt \1r:].1t I (![lllsll] I'.ltl' l"e:rtctl oll ( lt(ulctlp paddy field, vegetable plants fields, r\) z.one including ( 1)lliti\. ilo{ol \1;tttrt.:iIr:rlitr. It t' ;lls0 c:l\\ 1(1 ilcfcss' larvn, and fruits trec that using for shading trces' -l drr (iirr 1i) (rtll\ ) kttl lru il\ 1l()lll -l;t!t'lltir r oil \\';rr Ilrtt' Welcome area was strongly decorated with perennial ( nlr .ltl\l I1'\:rlrittl l(lkl11 1i{'lll lllt cttllct ol llogirr itr' ground covcr plants' Thc ,,\l ornamcntal shrubs and I,l i, r. itrl :i!i(ij1r1t l\11 ir.irL \\ ltll lO ltlr :trCa lan'n of Axonophus cotn7re.ssus givcs an open and l'"triereti $ttll ,,'.ritr'ri i'" :r I': 1";l1r'((1llli].ill" Illt lrte:i thc u'elconrc area and its using [or rc, visibility space in ,,tlrt: trr:,.,,]i,t,,,1 1;,rl,i r'rl llr' iic'i illl(i Ilollll tttlc oI or cvenls. nrullrpurpose out door activilics lirr'.ri.. illl(l ( lleiil!i1ir [ilr".] iil llld r'i'1 \l{le t'II the villagc and farm land o*'ned by' Using i,,t.lir',i,,:r 1,,.i l,rl:,i.,1 l:{t ltt- 111;1lr".'c 'e:i ltrcl' corc zone as object of community adjacenl to 1{'|!\:ll.iilll.'..r;ia\: 1j,':l; iilli' til lllr' nt'\1 \llc illl(! tourism. is the unique character of the park. Visitors ::.iiiiit:ll' 1l,ll ;il ll;i a,i\1 !l(ii ''1 illi "lie scrc guided to see the vie*' of housing in the village. i'i 1,,,1.. 1,,,,, t,1e r.t:l(lii\ ,lrltit:lttrt;rl ttl'lcrf in hand made handvcrafts rvorkshop in and shopping il.iL,,llrl.: |.1.j,jr iilr,1. f irli:lr\i rrl sc\ri'ti the villagc. lrilii i;!('.. irili' i'l \iieiilili! {']'illl'' Visitor also guided to fccl tlrc farm land such as paddl,ancl horticultural farnr. and apprcciale thc routine activities of farner. Thc visitor also can pick and purchasc rhc han'cst as a sousenir. Thc park providcs scr\icc facilitrcs in the corc zonc irrcluding parking lol. rcgistration and inltlrnurtion roont itt rtclcornc arca. In servicc arca it's prolided a cafctcria'

I /i\ 47th International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) World Congress lsn Ilo LECENI) dot I. lr{aggo llE l. Lemon Cui J. Cuala ufta 4. Jambu llol :iou 5. Paddl Ficld pk. 6. lrlahagoni 7. Lcnron 8. Janrbu Air 9. Ralnbuun 10. Cumt Hou_scs ll Fruit Trccs in thc' Pot ll. Pienic r\rca ll. \lud Pond lJ. \lain Pariiing Lot 15. Fishing Pond 16. Orchid Nuncry l7 Canrping Grountl 18. Paint Ball I 9. Banana 2U. Uncrrnrrncrcial I:nrits


Figure 2.Plan of Pasir MuictiTourism Park Various of hy"brid orchids can bc apprcciatcd in and informatioti olllcc. cafctcria. gtlcst housc, ir:, '[hc , mrscry located ncar thc cntrancc of thc park. souvcnir shop. shcltcr. and lacilitics for agriculturc .,pddy ficld is thc largcst area in center of the park. training. Paddy lield fcrr cultivation training is the Orchard of sevcral tropical fmits spccics distributc rnost popular placc in thc park. cspccially lor kids. oO special blocks and pcrfornrs an attractile \ ic\\ Vari

Visitors corne to mainly farm to enjoy fruils of fruit in this farm- The farm also has a nurs€T of durian. The farm maintains turf grass under durian durran, that visitor can buy durian seedlings. O11*i trees canopy, therefore the area ofdurian plantation facilities including: paved strelters and path rn also used as picnic area. The farm recently develops plantation area. In this farm most of shelters were s€t dragon fruits that it can produce &uits throughout the over the fish ponds. year. It hopes this &uit will also become a favorite

Ll:CEND l. Dragon Fruit 7-oae 2. Duian Fruit Zonc -t- Cmpost llous 4. liumrl' 5. Shchcr I ht' 6.Oq'm llre ikatirt ?, Rcgirtratioil e-rPl' 8. Caffctaria * 9. [ntr.rncc bndl,rt 10. Pond l*wtit I I Parling Lot latdsc, I ?. Durian Comr fi)' lt latd-rc, N+ (OlLllnt €glott()t ii 1r bnd-tt, }trlrlr,tIi

i(etrr o Figure of Warso Farm 3.Plan Lrnds< Yljlng 4. Conclusion We exprcss our thanks to the Directoralc of Rescarch and Conununity Se rvice, Directorarc l. Intr Agrotourism Park can bc initiated using Gencral of High Education Indonesian Ministrl' of conrmunity orvncd farnr land an

i i((i xqlq PatBR tsm etarr q@sr ,l laag lFssnu @ 91 I aaBo ffiffiffifiHil$ffi' pa1wn SEqstpq a{rmte3 EopB€ry {q paqqmng 5.0t'1ff40f I"t46 NESI