Hike and Backpack with the Mountaineers! 2017 Mountaineers Programs 2017 Mountaineers Hiking Programs

Free Hikes and Backpacks Are Available Year-round Every season of the year the Mountaineers offer hundreds of free, easy to challenging hikes and backpacks to members and guests to get you out on the trail, all led by experienced volunteer leaders! • 33 day hikes posted right now for the next 3 months - 584 day hikes were led over the past 12 months, not counting the fee-based hiking series. • 108 backpack trips were offered over the past 12 months • Hikes and backpacks range from beginner to very strenuous, and go all over the state – choose the type and location that appeals to you! – No course pre-requisites to join hikes or backpacks (though you must be fit and experienced enough to do the route safely). – You can go on hikes and backpacks without being registered for a course. • You ALSO have many choices of hiking and skills courses, seminars and organized activity programs. 2017 Mountaineers Hiking Programs Seminar: Intro to Hiking in the Pacific Northwest! Get a good start on a lifetime of fun, safe hiking in our lovely PNW backcountry with this FREE public seminar. • How to find the best places to hike and compatible companions to hike with • Preparing for a fun, successful hike • Common trail hazards and how to avoid them • The best gear and clothing for our PNW conditions, including demonstration • Basic skills, Leave-No-Trace practices, Trail etiquette Seminars are held about every other month, at a library on the east side of Lake Washington. The next is January 10 at the King County Library Service Center in Issaquah. To register, go to www.mountaineers.org - then select LEARN, FIND COURSES, CLINICS AND SEMINARS, DAY HIKING. 2017 Mountaineers Hiking Programs Series: Winter Conditioning Hikes: FREE conditioning hikes through the winter and spring to maintain your fitness for those high-country summer trails! No course sign-up required. Regular weekday and weekend hikes offered every week between late November and April by experienced leaders on good conditioning hike routes mostly on the I-90 corridor (and elsewhere based on leader interest). Open www.mountaineers.org, go to EXPLORE and Day Hiking, and search for WINTER CONDITIONING HIKE. Series: Mid-Week Hikes: FREE weekday hikes throughout the year, with a broad range of difficulty and destination, for those who want an alternative and a community for hiking during the week. No course sign-up required. A coordinated program of mid-week hikes by experienced leaders all over the region, and option for email notification of new hikes. Open www.mountaineers.org, go to EXPLORE and Day Hiking, and scroll down to find weekday hikes you would enjoy. 2017 Mountaineers Backpacking Programs 2017 Mountaineers Backpacking Programs

• Seattle backpacking workshop • Backpacking Building Blocks – season-long course, organized by Foothills • Tacoma and Olympia also offer backpacking courses • Many skills seminars, workshops and clinics offered through the year (supporting hikers and backpackers) Want to try out backpacking in a low-risk environment? Find fun and compatible companions? Update your old gear to new lighter options? Backpacking Building Blocks A comprehensive beginner backpacking course Sponsored by the Foothills Branch Backpacking Committee Backpacking Building Blocks (B3): Objectives • Provide new and experienced backpackers with the latest knowledge, tools and practical experience to be skilled, safe and successful on overnight or longer trips. • Show you how to prepare well based on expected conditions. • Connect you with a growing community of trusted trip leaders and compatible companions, through an array of trips of varying intensity in the fabulous Northwest backcountry. Traveling Light • This is not an “ultralight” class, though we will introduce some of the very light gear and methods. • It’s also not just about gear, though we will share and discuss the pros and cons of many gear options.

• Our focus is to help you make sensible choices to lighten your pack and hike further with less effort, and gear/methods to hike and camp light with good safety, comfort and ‘leave no trace’ methods. • By offering longer (3 day +) backpack trips, we hope to expose B3 participants to the magical rhythm and sense of "journey" that comes with multi-day backpacking. The Backpacking Building Blocks Course will include: • “Building Blocks” class: Two 2.5-hour evening lectures (last 2 weeks of March) and a full-day outdoor hands-on session (Saturday April 1), with all the basics plus ideas to go beyond. • In-depth seminars in April, May and June, on lightweight gear, lightweight food planning/prep, navigation, first aid and conditioning. • All lectures will be held at libraries or schools around the eastside/Mercer Island, or Seattle Program Center. • We will also offer easy mentored overnight field Trips to help you try out gear and skills in a non- threatening environment The Backpacking Building Blocks Course includes: • A series of 2-5 day trips through the summer, with a range of length and strenuousness: – To help you get in shape – To increase your backpacking skills and confidence – To experience amazing remote backcountry with experienced leaders and trail companions you come to know and trust. • Regular email reminders of new trips and stewardship activities that are opening up • A Facebook group and active community of backpackers and leaders you come to know and trust. • For graduates, a fabulous B3 Tee-shirt!!! B3 Course Graduation Graduation from the course will serve as a meaningful credential for participants to qualify for longer and more strenuous backpack trips in future seasons.

To formally graduate you must: • Complete the “Building Blocks” lectures and ‘demo day’ session • Complete at least three backpacks over the summer, including at least one trip of 3 days or longer (One can be a private trip) • AND complete one trail-maintenance activity • With satisfactory reviews by your trip leaders indicating that you have gained the skills and capabilities to plan and complete successful multi-day backpack trips. You don’t have to complete the requirements in one season. Your registration carries over as long as you need. Only pay again if you want to re-take all the seminars/workshops. B3 Course Registration: To register, you need to: • Sign up for the Backpacking Building Blocks course on the Mountaineers backpacking page, and pay a registration fee. – $120 fee includes the required and optional lectures and demo day, and 50% discount on field navigation workshop • Register for the two ‘basics’ lectures and demonstration day, one or more field trips, and any of the optional classes you want to take.

REGISTRATION OPENS SATURDAY JANUARY 21 AT 8AM! B3 Course Registration (continued): Any Mountaineers backpack trip can count toward your graduation requirement. Some trips will be offered with a greater mentoring focus, and communicated to B3 students in advance (usually 4-6 weeks ahead). – You are responsible to sign up for and complete the trips you need for graduation, and to understand and be prepared for the posted difficulty and pace. – Leader Permission will be required for some trips to ensure that participants have the skills and conditioning to complete the specific itinerary successfully and safely. – B3 participants will get advance notice of trip postings to allow you front- of-line access. – Even these B3 backpack trips will be open to any qualified Mountaineers member to foster connections with experienced backpackers across the club. What if I don’t have gear, or only old gear? Our classes early on will emphasize helping you decide what gear you need, among the latest options. – Classes, hands-on demonstrations and sharing info with other participants – Partnering with REI to offer beginner ‘packages’ at a discount Leaders can help you share, borrow or rent gear if you want to do that before you buy.

We’ll help you go as low-tech/low-cost or as high-tech as you want to go, based on a good understanding of what you want and need. Other 2017 Foothills Branch Hiking and Backpacking Skills Classes and Seminars

Lightweight Gear for Hiking and Backpacking: Learn about a wide range of new and ‘tried and true’ lightweight gear options for the trail, with lots of hands-on demonstration. $30 (free for Backpacking Building Blocks students and for active Foothills activity leaders). – Two duplicate sessions: April 10 at the Mountaineers Seattle Program Center, and April 17 at a library on the east side (date and location to be finalized by Feb 1).

Lightweight Backpack Food Planning and Preparation: Learn easy ways to plan and purchase, assemble or prepare backpacking meals that help you eat well and maintain your energy on the trail, with minimum cost, weight, cooking time and cleanup. $10 for Backpacking Building Blocks students and for active Foothills activity leaders, $30 for general membership. – Two duplicate sessions May 18 at the Mercer Island Library (tentative), or June 8 at the Seattle Program Center. Other 2017 Foothills Branch Hiking and Backpacking Skills Classes and Seminars Conditioning for Hiking and Backpacking: Learn and practice exercises and create your own training routine to build conditioning and strengthen major muscles used during hiking and backpacking. Two indoor hands-on sessions, at the Seattle Program Center. $30 for each session. – Level I – focused on preparation for hiking. April 18, 2017 – Level II – focused on prep for backpacking & more advanced hiking. May 30, 2017 – Taught by Sheri Goodwin, international trekker-personal trainer/fitness coach

Long-Distance Backpacking Clinic. Triple-crown backpacker Brian Lewis will offer participants a good idea of what it's like to take longer backpack trips, as well as tips on logistics, clothing and equipment, discussion of issues special to longer distances, and some suggested long distance trails to consider. – FREE 2.5 hour evening presentation with discussion, May 16 at the Seattle Program Center Other 2017 Foothills Branch Hiking and Backpacking Skills Classes and Seminars New Course: Backpacking with Kids! Gain the skills, gear and confidence to get your kids out on easy to challenging backpack trips! – 2.5 hour evening lecture and gear demo, for parents only, May 23 at Seattle Program Center – Easy mentored overnight car camp or walk-in – nearby state park (camping fee extra) – Three or four mentored family backpack trips, grouped by age of children – $60 for the family if parents are members, $90 if parents are not members. Mountaineers Navigation Classes and Seminars • Introduction to And . Free evening indoor seminar. Get a basic overview of how to identify important features on a topo map, understand the key features of a compass, and how to use a compass to read and follow a bearing on a map and in the field. – Seattle Program Center, monthly or bi-monthly beginning Jan 23.

• “Staying Found” Basic On-Trail Navigation for Hikers and Backpackers. Hands-on field day focused on learning and practicing with map, compass, watch and altimeter to plan your route, maintain an ongoing awareness of where you are, and avoid getting lost, on even the most complicated trail system. – Three duplicate sessions, on Saturdays in April, May and June at Tiger Mountain State Park. A practice hike is included. $25 for B3 students, $50 for general membership. Mountaineers Navigation Classes and Seminars

• Wilderness Navigation. Are you planning to travel off trail or on snow or glacier? If so then this advanced navigation course is for you. This course is a graduation requirement for other Mountaineers courses including Basic Alpine , Alpine Scrambling, Backcountry /Snowboarding, and Backcountry Snowshoeing. – Evening lecture and full-day field practice . – Offered multiple times of year, at Seattle, Tacoma, Everett and Olympia – $65 for members and guests. • Smart Phone and Dedicated GPS Workshop. Evening workshop covers the use of GPS with either a smartphone app or a dedicated receiver. Includes both an indoor presentation and outdoor exercises. – Seattle Program Center, six sessions offered beginning January 31. $20 for members, $30 for non-members. Mountaineers First Aid Classes and Seminars

• Trail Emergency Preparedness: Evening workshop to provide basic skills, information and practice to competently handle the most common first-aid situations encountered on trails. Does not count towards WFA requirement for courses. – Two duplicate sessions in late April and early to mid May, at libraries on the east side. – Free for B3 students, $30 for general membership

• First Aid skills sessions. Evening workshops throughout the year to provide extra first-aid practice on various seasonal hazards. – Next session Monday Dec 5 at Seattle Program Center, focused on common cold-weather injuries. Mountaineers First Aid Classes and Seminars

• Wilderness First Aid/Mountain-Oriented First Aid. Participants learn basic skills to assess, treat, and contain some of the most common backcountry emergencies. Includes two 8-hour indoor weekend workshops and a 4-hour hands-on outdoor practical session. Participants obtain an independent WFA Certification. Required for many Mountaineers courses. – Offered several times a year by most branches. – $150-185.

• Wilderness First Responder. A 10-day including short lectures, interactive labs, and realistic practice scenarios that train students to manage emergencies and provide medical care with limited resources when evacuation is hours or days away. Participants obtain an independent WFR certification, required for many outdoor professionals. – Offered once or twice a year, at Seattle Program Center – $575 for members, $600 for non-members. Want to Become a Mountaineers Hike or Backpack Leader? • Attend a free New Hike-Backpack Leader seminar – offered monthly through most of the year. – Understand the roles and expectations of a hike or backpack leader for the Mountaineers. – Be prepared and confident to handle common challenges you will encounter leading groups on the trail. – Discuss common leadership decision-making challenges based on real leader experiences. • Complete and submit a leader application • Lead a group hike or backpack successfully with an experienced mentor • May need other specialized training based on your experience (First Aid, navigation, outdoor leadership) • Final step is to be certified on the leader roster for a branch • Contact any of the committee representatives at this information session for more details!