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Category: Final Notes - (60 questions) Describe the Book of Galatians - Pauline - Does not express gratitude to church in Galatia - It is all about justification; how are we to be made right with God

Describe the Book of Hebrews Theme is Supremacy is High Priest It is a sermon to the Jews to encourage them

Describe the Book of Titus. A pastoral epistle of Paul Who was he? Paul and Titus met with officials about Titus being a Gentile and not circumcised. They did not require him to be.

Describe the book of James. Tradition says that the author is James, the brother of Jesus The audience was the 12 tribes in diaspora It is wisdom literature patterned after Proverbs The concerns in the text are words / language; the poor & rich; faith / deeds / works

Who was Timothy? In Acts, Paul & pick him up on the way to Macedonia & for Missionary journey It is also a pastoral epistle and it is disputed.

Who was Stephen? found in Acts He was stoned & people took off their jackets to do it. He was stoned for his beliefs

Who was Simon Peter? from Joppa He has a vision about clean and unclean matters. Important because if he hadn't had it he would not have visited Cornelius because he is a Gentile which is unclean. Who was Silas? Went with Paul on Missionary journey to Macedonia & Greece and picked up Timothy along the way.

Describe the . Apocolyptic Literature Author was of written to the 7 churches of Asia Minor A series of visions Lots of symbolism Dominant image of Jesus was the Slaughtered Lamb

What does Pseudonymity mean? When someone writes something for a person long after they are dead.

What were the prison ? Epistles Paul wrote in prison. Ephesians Phillippians Colossians Philemon

Who was Philip? One of the seven that are called to take care of the Hellenist Widows.

What is the ? In It was 50 days after Passover It was when the Holy Spirit came down and gave the 120 people the gift of speaking in tongues.

What are the Pastoral Epistles? Paul's epistles speaking to church leaders 1 & 2 Timothy Titus

What were the Pauline Epistles? 13 Letters that Paul wrote to the congregations Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Phillippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon Who was Saul / Paul? Most important apostle in N.T. Born in Tarsus, therefore he has Jewish & Roman credentials Instrument of persecution Converted to Paul on Damascus Road. On Jerusalem Council on circumcision. Executed in Rome in 60's C.E. Wrote epistles in Hellenistic form

What are Missionary Journeys? They went from Cyprus to Asia Minor to Antioch They would go into synogogues proclaiming The primary response is from the Gentiles

What is the Macedonian call? This is when Paul and Silas pick up Titus on their Missionary journeys

What are Judaizers? People in the church that make sure that the people proclaiming to be followers of Jesus are circumcised.

Who was John of Patmos? Author of Revelations On the Island of Patmos he was arrested for his beliefs and teachings

Who was ? Helped lead Missionary Journeys to Asia Minor and Antioch with Paul & They would go into synagogues proclaming Christ

Who was James, the brother of Jesus? Tradition says he was the author of James.

What is ? Literature attributed to , 2, 3 John Revelations

What is an Epistle? means "letters" Paul wrote epistles in Hellenistic form There are 13 Pauline Epistles and 7 Catholic Epistles What is the organization of the N.T.? --> Acts --> 13 Pauline Epistles --> Hebrews --> Catholic Epistles --> Revelations

What is an Elder? High authority in the church Found in 2, 3 John and in Revelation

What are the disputed Epistles of Paul? Ephesians Colossians 2 Thessalonians 1 & 2 Timothy Titus

Who was Cornelius? A God fearing Gentile, Centurion Not circumcised Through Simon Peter's vision he is allowed to be follower despite not being circumcised.

What are the Catholic Epistles? Universal Epistles Hard to date

What is Antioch? One of the first cities where the movement started Place where people were first called Christians The Hellenists were included in the church of Antioch

What is Caesarea? The city where Paul was first incarcerated for his beliefs & teaching because they caused a riot. He is then moved to Rome.

Who was Barnabas? A person who wnet on the 1st few Missionary Journeys with Paul Then they split and Titus takes his place

What is Apocalyptic Literature? "a product of a community in crisis" It has a cosmic view, dualism perspective, symbolic language Emphasis on good triumphing over evil through violence What is the Apocalypse? Deals with Revelation It means "to reveal something"

Who was Ananias? The person on the Damascus Road that witnessess to Paul / Saul after he is blinded.

What is an Amanuensis? A person who took down dictation Secretary Paul used one

Describe the Book of Acts Begins in Jerusalem Same author as Luke Addressed to Prominent characters - Peter and Paul Numerous speeches The theme is empowerment & validation by the Holy Spirit

What was the whom Jesus loved? It is where the material of John comes from Sometimes called "the beloved disciple"

What is the story of Lazarus raising John from the dead from?

What was the Hasmoneon Dynasty? led the Maccabean Revolt The only Israelite government led by Israel between the fall and modern state of Israel From 142-63 B.C.E. It was a government that was of political intriquet and fighting never a government that lead to religious reforms Last nation Israelites governed until WWII

What happened in 70 C.E.? The temple was destroyed in Jerusalem by the Romans and was never rebuilt Mark was written

Who is Antiochus IV? "One who can speak for God" or "Voice box of God" Wanted to unite empire around Hellenism He felt he needed to wipe out all other religions Passover meal found in what book? Luke

What gospel was prominent? Matthew

This book makes women heroes Luke

What gospel tells tory of Peter cutting off the John ear of the centurion as they arrest Jesus?

What gospel is the story of doubting Thomas John from?

What gospel was said to be the most Jewish Matthew and most references to the O.T.?

What gospel was the only gospel to use the Matthew term church?

What gospel uses Greek? Luke

What gospel talks about Jesus' teaching the Matthew most?

Synoptic Gospels? Matthew, Mark, and Luke From Greek meaning "from or with a similar perspective"

Who was in the inner circle of disciples? Peter, John, and James

What is Hellenism? Greek culture that became important and the dominant culture for Judaism

Who were the 2 men on Emmaus Road with Cleopus and an unknown follower Jesus Luke What book was this found in?

Turning point in Mark? Transfiguration

What gospel has an emphasis on timing? John What gospel does geneology start with Matthew Abraham?

What gospel talks about Judas' betrayal the Matthew most?

Two themes of Luke Universal gospel Social / Political Irony