The Filson Club History Quarterly
THE FILSON CLUB HISTORY QUARTERLY Vol. 24 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, JULY, 1950 No. 3 THE TROUTMAN FAMILIES OF KENTUCKY By EVELYN CRADY ADAMS John Michael and George Peter Troutman, the progenitors of the two Troutman families of Kentucky, were pioneers twice over. They established their first homes in the early 1760's slightly south of the Pennsylvania border in Frederick County, Maryland, where all of Peter's children, the most of Michael's and some of the third generation were born. In 1790 and 1791 Peter and his family settled in the bluegrass section of Kentucky. Michael came to Bullitt County, Kentucky, in 1792 but few of his children remained there. Although the family origin lies hidden in the lengthening shadows of two centuries, the tradition that Michael came to Pennsylvania with immigrant parents when he was a mere lad, and that he and Peter were brothers, is generally implied in numerous records. The Middletown and Monocacy Valleys in northern Fred- erick County, Maryland, where Michael and Peter lived, were settled largely by immigrants who began to cross over from Pennsylvania about 1735 and from that year until 1752 some seven Troutmans are listed among the arrivals in Philadelphia from Rotterdam.1 Of these, one Hironomous Troutman has been erroneously referred to as the father of Michael Troutman of Kentucky. Michael, the son of Hironomous, died childless in Berks County, Pennsylvania, November 1, 1804.• John Leonard Troutman, who came to Philadelphia from Rotterdam, Septem- ber 24, 1751, and settled in the Monocacy Valley in Frederick County, Maryland, in 1754,3 was closely associated with Michael and Peter but kinship is not defined.
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