Meeting date: 13 th July 2012

From: Chief Executive



1.1 This report gives details of the work programme being undertaken by the Rural Projects Officer.

1.2 The Rural Projects Officer works in Dalton North and Dalton South Wards in Barrow-in-Furness delivering a work programme determined by the Rural Joint Committee. The Rural Joint Committee comprises members and officers from Barrow Borough Council, County Council and members of the Parish Councils.

1.3 The Rural Projects Officer’s post is funded by Cumbria County Council, Barrow Borough Council, Dalton with Newton Town Council and Parish Council. Cumbria County Council is the employing authority.


2.1 This project supports the delivery of the Community Plan by developing “community capacity through thriving parish councils, supporting parish charters and community plans”

2.2 In supporting the rural community and developing their voice this project will ensure that Councillors and colleagues will have “better intelligence on local views, concerns and wishes.”

2.3 This project supports the aims of the Council Plan; Better council services connected to people and places, Wealthier – a sustainable and prosperous community, Healthier - Improving the health and well being of adults, Safer – stronger and inclusive communities, Greener – world class environmental quality and effective connections between people. In particular the project aims to support: “Enhance opportunities for people and communities to influence decisions and services.”

2.4 All projects will be assessed to ensure that the equality and diversity impacts are addressed.


3.1 That the report is noted.


4.1 – Working with the Community Rail Officer and , a Friends of Askam Station Group has been established. Their developing role is to work on the overgrown station garden, provide a working presence on the station doing minor decorating and repair jobs. Alongside this group, which is supported by the Rural Projects Officer, work will continue to secure a sustainable long term use for the listed station buildings and complete the refurbishment.

4.2 Dalton-in-Furness Drill Hall – Youth provision. The Rural Projects Officer is working with the Dalton Community Association on a programme of refurbishments for the Drill Hall on Nelson Street and supporting the Trustees in expanding their work in the town. The community asset transfer is about to be completed. A funding request to WREN has been submitted for £40,000 to refurbish the main kitchen and create additional storage areas. Following consultation with the Fire Officers a new fire alarm and sounder system was required to make the building compliant for fire safety. The Rural Projects Officer has prepared documentation for the user groups on fire risk assessments and training has been arranged with Fire Wardens from each group on evacuation procedures. Once funding for the new kitchen has been secured the final phase of refurbishment will include a new heating system, solar panels, new toilets and disabled facilities. Negotiations have been undertaken to bring Dalton Police into the building with a permanent work base and training centre.

4.3 Dalton Mary Portas Pilot – The Rural Projects Officer completed a submission to DCLG for Dalton to bid to become one of the 12 Mary Portas pilots towns. The bid involved developing a Town Team and producing a You Tube clip. Working with media students from Furness College a You Tube clip was produced involving pupils from Dowdales School, community leaders and Town Councillors. Unfortunately Dalton’s bid was not successfully, 12 towns were chosen out of 371 who applied. Unsucessful bids are being automatically entered to the second round which closes on 30 th June.

4.4 Dalton-in-Furness Innovation and Skills Centre – The Rural Projects Officer has been a member of the Steering Group assisting Dowdales School with planning and fund raising for the Innovation and Skills Centre Feasibility Study. Following a commissioned piece of work to investigate the likelihood of any national funding streams for the project it was agreed that there was no prospect in the medium term to take the project forward. The steering committee is in the process of winding up the project.

4.5 Askam Community Centre – The Rural Projects Officer continues to assist the committee with their governance and good practice in running the community centre. Their AGM is on Friday, 29 th June.

4.6 Parish Planning – Askam and Ireleth – The Community/Parish Plan for Askam and Ireleth is being revised. The Rural Projects Officer held a planning workshop with parish councillors to develop a series of action plans based on issues raised in the questionnaires.

4.7 Dalton Jubilee Celebrations – The Rural Projects Officer assisted the Dalton Town Council Jubilee Committee with plans for the Jubilee celebrations in June. A successful application was made to Awards for All (Lottery) for funding for the main events on Sunday, 3 rd June which included a Vintage Village Hall, crafting workshops, intergenerational activities with schools and other satellite events. The Rural Projects Officer drew up the Events Management Plan which was submitted to the statutory authorities.

4.8 Closure of toilets in Askam and Ireleth – The Rural Projects Officer is undertaking further work with Borough Councillor Barry Doughty and Askam and Ireleth Parish Council to find a solution which will enable Duke Street toilets to be re-opened.

4.9 Members £12k Capital Fund and Barrow BC Rural Capital Fund– The Rural Projects Officer continues to work with Dalton North and Dalton South Councillors on members delegated revenue fund projects.

4.10 Parish and Town Council, Rural Joint Committee – The Rural Projects Officer is attending Dalton Town Council and Askam and Ireleth Parish Council meetings on a regular basis to update council members on the status of projects, receive feedback and report on a variety of issues including Highways. Four meetings have now taken place of the new Rural Joint Committee.

4.11 Involvement in Area Engagement Activity

The Rural Projects Officer is working with colleagues on the Library service engagement plan in Askam and Ireleth.

4.12 Match and Levered Funding – Members may be interested to note that to date the Rural Projects Officer has brought in additional funding to assist with projects in Askam and Ireleth and Dalton. The current total of funding received to projects has risen from £136,367 to £140,367.


5.1 Members are invited to discuss the report and note the progress made on projects.


6.1 Barrow local Committee has previously contributed towards the Rural Projects Officer role by committing £8,000 per year towards the post from

2006/07 to 2010/11. There are no additional resource implications arising from this report.


7.1 There are no direct legal implications in this report.


8.1 The Rural Projects programme is progressing well with a good distribution of projects between Dalton and Askam and Ireleth. Good and productive relationships are being embedded with the two rural communities.

Jill Stannard Chief Executive

25 th June 2012


No appendices

Electoral Division(s): Dalton North Ward and Dalton South Ward.

* Please remove whichever option is not applicable

Executive Decision No

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Head of Member Services and Scrutiny has obtained the necessary approvals.


No previous relevant decisions


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny


No background papers


Contact: Angela Knowles, Rural Projects Officer [email protected] Tel: 01229 407577