Tottington St Anne’s Trinity

July 2020 Price £1

The View from the Vicarage I was thinking the other day, in one of my more amusing moments, that I might rename the Vicarage Garden. A number of possibilities passed through my mind, which, on reflection and in the circumstances, seemed perhaps a little flippant. Be that as it may, it has to be said that there has been an awful lot going on in that patch of land I am at this moment looking towards from my study window. The rose garden has been extended, areas of moss have been turfed, two new vegetable patches have been dug and planted, a patio has been laid, new bird boxes and feeders have been erected, boulders have been relocated from along the pathway leading from Church, the mountain of leaves beneath the bamboo screen has been cleared away, several tonnes of golden gravel support areas of seating, the grass has been reseeded in places, and a rather nice lantern now hangs at the back of the Vicarage. There is always plenty to do and what busy bees we have been!

The week in which I find myself composing these words has seen the “reopening of the Church” (is this an oxymoron? I rather think so). The faithful were enabled to re enter their own building and, unsurprisingly and very much in character, the first visitor to cross the threshold was the oldest St Annesite. I shan’t name them for fear of impertinence and having my ears boxed the next time I meet her, but we can probably work out who that particular person is. The inside of Church had been well prepared and I am grateful to those individuals who, with meticulous professionalism and thoughtful care, made sure that “guidance” was followed in order that people would feel confident when they turned up to say their prayers. Rather like the Vicarage garden, what busy bees they have been.

“Getting your finger out” is a somewhat crude expression that I find myself using from time to time. However, I think we will all agree that nothing much is achieved in life without some degree of effort. In recent months we have had to navigate our way around all sorts of cascading information, direction, advice, confusing signals that have on occasion baffled and a plethora of material that would overwhelm the most efficient of us. We have also had to find ways to maintain the fellowship of the Church and our life of prayer. However, we have continued to bat on (as I often say) and we have done quite a bit of metaphorical landscaping. During times for individual prayer and in the absence of formal services, I have read prayers and Bible readings from within the Sanctuary that have been augmented by recorded choral and music from Taize; we do the same type of thing at the Watch on Maundy Thursday. No doubt we will continue our ecclesiastical landscaping, moving forward, optimistically, prayerfully, hopefully and faithfully, trusting God to give us the strength that we all need to maintain the little section of his vineyard that we are entrusted with.

Keep the where’s my spade!

The Vicar 3 50 not out and still batting!!

To use a cricketing analogy new Standing Orders and conversions from envelopes has just passed 50. So yes, a round of applause for everyone who has contributed!

We are however still batting and want to add to our run rate so please review your giving if you still have envelopes.

Seriously the new standing order total is now approaching £1,500 per month which is a fantastic figure, thank you to all who have contributed. This plus existing standing orders at £1,800 per month remains our sole source of regular income through this crisis. We are still receiving fee income as Hugh continues to be busy, kind people are also making donations and we have the 100 club income. These together with Gift Aid brings the monthly income to say £6,000 some £4,000 short of our normal £10,000 average.

The Hall is still closed of course, so therefore no income is being generated there.

I know I have said it before, but it remains important to keep reviewing the monthly giving. Please support St Anne’s.

Thank you, Roger

4 Saint of the Month St Thomas the Apostle

By Chris Jupp

To me, St Thomas is a larger than life figure, who was not the sort to let his master (Jesus) get away with something that he, Thomas, did not understand.

No doubt (forgive the pun) we, as Christians, should be thankful for Thomas’s enquiring mind and questions, as from this we learn so much about faith and ministry in the answers given by Jesus. Here we see the practical, down-to-earth ‘seeing is believeing’ disciple of Jesus, whose doubts of the resurrection dissolved in the presence of his Risen Master.

St Thomas is known by several names, i.e. ‘Doubting Thomas’, also ‘The Twin’ from the Syrian Aramaic word and from the Greek ‘Didymos.’ His true name was Judas Thomas, but Judas was not used in Gospel texts, so that he would neither bear the name of the Betrayer, nor be mistakenly identified with him. Thomas’s history is so interesting. He visited many countries, and also became known as ‘The Apostle of India’ which led me to enquire further about this fascinating Disciple.

Later traditions claim that Thomas found his way to Persia and Southern india, and it is said that he even had doubts about his mission, but in his own way he taught the message of Christ to those peoples.

Whilst in India, Thomas received news that the Virgin Mary was near to death at Ephesus. He returned to Ephesus but missed her passing, and on approaching her tomb beheld the Virgin’s body ascending. Thomas cried out for Her not to leave him desolate, when she took from her waist the belt she habitually wore and gave it to him with words of blessing. Thomas returned to India with this most precious relic and it became the most valued treasure of his disciples, whose descendants came to be known as the St Thomas Christians.

It is interesting to note that when Thomas returned he was also in the company of a community of Essenes and they settled in Kerala, Southern India, in AD52.

The St Thomas Christians, represent one of the oldest Christian traditions in the world. They are still vibrant in their communities, and in the 21st Century there are about 4 million St Thomas Christians in India. Even today there are ceremonies held with Christians, Hindus and Muslims all celebrating the life of the Virgin Mary, a testament to those adherents of all religions uniting in love and harmony.

St Thomas was martyred in or near Mylapore in approximately AD72, and it is ironic that his murderer King Mazdai eventually became converted to St Thomas Christianity. 5 ongrega Alison Bearn C t e io Born in Hampshire, she moved to h n Wootten in Bedfordshire at an early T age, where she attended school, t before going on to the University of

e e Durham. She then studied at Birmingham and to

M become an Educational Psychologist. by Geoff Leach She’s been married to Hugh for 30 years and they have two sons, Harry and Freddie. What is your perfect evening? Your greatest weakness With the family on a sunny evening at our It’s worthless to worry. It might never house in France. Following a swim in the happen and probably never will. river we would all return for a BBQ. Extra guests would include my friend Emma, my When was the last time you cried? Mum because there were so many things we With my sister in hospital which was a sad didn’t talk about, Billy Connelly and Peter Kay. time in my life. However, I do cry very easily, watching Scotland get a try, What is your favourite TV show? Manchester United scoring a goal. Modern Family which is very heart warming and hilarious sometimes. Apart from that I do The bravest thing you have ever done not watch much apart from sport. I prefer the I dislike spiders immensely but thought I radio. had to teach the boys not to share my fear. We caught one in the bath and put it in a If you could change or make a new law, glass so we could examine it. The boys what would it be? thought it was fun but not me. Fortunately, We dispose of things to easily and we should our dog Cameron catches them now. be made to recycle things more. But I think it should be compulsory for every family to The best day of your life (apart from have an allotment. children and weddings) I don’t think I’ve had it yet. For my 50th The best things my parents taught me birthday I decided to do 50 things. I’ve done How good family life can be. No matter what some, but there is still a long way to go. happens, when you come home it should be warm, welcoming, fun and secure. Your worst job Working in a cattery. I had to cycle 5 miles The shop you cannot walk past to get there and then got all the worst jobs I am not a shopper usually and buy most like replacing cat litter. There would be two things from Amazon. I do like foody shops cats kept in a cage together and one would however where you can look round and have distract me so the other could escape. a nibble at things on offer. Waterstones is After chasing the escaped cats all day, also a favourite. I then had to cycle 5 miles home.

What song or music is always in your head? If you had only one hour left on earth On a lovely warm day it sometimes makes what would your last meal be? me think of holidays in my youth. My dad Roast Chicken dinner. I don’t eat puddings would wake us up singing “The sun is shining so it would finish with a cheese board and to welcome in the day”. a glass of white Burgundy 6 More progress during lockdown! Cocklestorm have now secured the patio area behind the Church Hall, which had become a dumping ground. It was also attracting youngsters who were using it for smoking and drinking etc. It's seclusion did make it an ideal location for this sort of behaviour and some people were also climbing onto the roof from there.

The PCC had decided some time ago that we should not be seen to encourage this and that the roof scrambling was both potentially damaging to the recent £43,000 new roof and also endangered the lives of those climbing onto it. Some of the hirers of the hall had also expressed their concerns.

So this new 3 metre high fence and gate has been erected. It’s very discreet and we hope it will put an end to the misuse of the area.

You never know, we may want to use this as a smart patio area one day! Coffee Al Fresco!

p.s. the security dog in the photo is not included. Roger 7 Hello Everyone I was scratching my head as to what on earth I could send to Carole for the MU page in the magazine. Ah, I thought, I will look at the MU Manchester Facebook page for inspiration. To do this of course, you first have to join Facebook - something I have kept putting off in view of my reluctance in general ‘to put it all out there’. I had been considering setting up Facebook for our Branch but let’s not run before we can walk!! Anyway, I have joined and found this post of a moving poem from a prison inmate who was provided with some reading glasses courtesy of the MU.

I, like probably most of you, have been feeling totally useless in this pandemic as we are used to meeting up regularly in friendship and prayer and trying to think of ways to support the work of the Mothers’ Union. As most of you will know, our Branch donated £600 during lockdown to support MU projects. Our help will be needed more than ever as the economic fallout from Covid 19 starts to affect the poorest in our society. However, this poem shows that MU Action and Outreach work is still having such a positive effect, so much so that the recipient of our support felt the need to put their thanks into the words of this poem. Very humbling.

8 Margaret x

We’re open! Thank goodness! St Anne's is now open for private prayer.

At the moment the church will be open on Sundays from 11am to 12 noon, and 4pm to 5pm and Wednesdays from 11am to 12 noon. Some times may be added soon in the evening. All the required safety measures are in place.

The risk assessment document with details of the safety measures is on display on the noticeboard outside church. 9 Fundraising for the Hospice

The photographer who does all the lovely pictures of church for us, Nick Snape, is raising funds for Bury Hospice by selling copies of his photographs.

There are some shown here, but there are lots more on his Picfair website of all sorts of beautiful things, places, and animals that he took on his travels. He really is a sensationally good photographer and it’s so kind of him to donate his time and skills to us for free.

They’re £10 each for a digital file or £12.50 for an A4 print.

£10 from each one sold will be donated to the Hospice, (he’s just covering the printing costs)

10 Take a look at his site but if you would like to order some please email Nick directly at: [email protected] so that you won’t be charged commission.

11 The Totty Scarecrow Festival! Friday 3rd July to Sunday 5th July

Organised by 12th Bury & Ramsbottom (1st Tottington St. Anne’s) Scout Group

Most of our lovely village annual events, such as Tottington’s Big Day Out and the village fete at the Tottington Centre, won't be going ahead this year, due to social distancing and lockdown, so a socially distanced appropriate event idea for the kids (and village), inspired by the Totty Snake was born! The idea: Build a scarecrow with your family and place it in your front garden, yard or window, where people can see it without breaking social distancing rules.

We will then issue a list of streets where scarecrows are being displayed so that people can plan their own route for their daily exercise walks to see them. Prizes will be awarded by the judges!

To enter please:

1) Email us for an entry form here: [email protected], then complete the form and return it to us.

2) Pay our small entry fee of £2, via Paypal: The proceeds will be shared by the scout group and the prize fund.

The event will be held from Friday 3rd July to Sunday 5th July with the winner being announced at the end of the day on Sunday 5th.

If you have access to Facebook then the event details can be found here: 12 Lentern Lenses ( and other thoughts for 2020)

The beginning of Lent and the start of collecting unneeded glasses for recycling now seems but a distant memory. Little did we know then the challenges that would be coming our way. However we still managed to get nearly eighty pairs of glasses donated that are now boxed and ready to go to Vision Aid Overseas for recycling.

Many thanks to all of you who searched in the back of cupboards and drawers for your no longer required spectacles. As we together face the daily changes that Covid 19 has brought us, it is important to remember that there is always cause to hope for a better future.

One of the biggest causes for hope in recent days has been the new momentum given to the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd.

It would seem that now is the time when we can all do something to ensure that racism is ended within our lifetime, whether this is ‘taking a knee’, challenging institutional bias or challenging a prejudice rather than pretending you haven’t heard, there is something each one of us can do to support equality within our society.

So in the words of Rev Martin Luther King Jr. ‘The time is always right to do what is right’

Peace and Grace, Mark Knight, ALM 13 lays down his crozier on the high altar at York Minster as his last act as Archbishop.

The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu, accompanied by his wife, the Rev’d Margaret Sentamu, laid down his crozier of office on the high altar of York Minster on Sunday 7th June. The Dean of York, the Rt Rev’d Dr Jonathan Frost and Head Verger Alex Carberry were witnesses to this final act as Archbishop.

The Dean of York said, ‘Today, in the simple and symbolic act of laying down his crozier, Archbishop Sentamu brought his ministry as Archbishop of York to a close. In current circumstances we have been unable to fulfil our hope to gather together for a service. However, in households and communities across the Diocese of York, the North and Nation, those whose lives have been graced by Sentamu and Margaret give thanks for their witness to the joy, simplicity and compassion of the good news of Jesus Christ.’

On 8th June 2020, Archbishop Sentamu concluded nearly 15 years in his role as Archbishop of York. He has served in ordained ministry within the Church of for 41 years.

The Archbishop will continue to live in the North of England, and has said he will continue with his work on the case for income equality and sustainability. A video of the ceremony can be seen on Youtube here: 14 We pray for Dr Sentamu and his family and his future ministry, and also for the Rt Rev’d Stephen Cottrell who will be confirmed as the 98th Archbishop of York at 11am on Thursday 9th July.



Who do you think this is? The first person to guess the correct name wins a bottle of wine or a box of Quality Street!

email: [email protected] phone: 07976 234399 PPPPPPPPPPPPP

IT’S A ROLLOVER! Nobody guessed correctly in June that this little boy was Peter Crabtree, so July’s winner will win the bottle of wine and the chocs! 16

Missing people... Well I don’t know about you, but I’m getting just a tiny bit fed up now, and missing my visits to church, and my trips to the library for tea and cake with Liz. We loved that chat every week.

Well! For the first time nobody guessed June’s ‘Guess Who’ correctly! I can honestly say I’m not a bit surprised though, because it was Peter Crabtree! Is there something you’re not telling us Peter?

Carole (Ed) x [email protected] 07976 234399

Next issue.... Copy deadline: 20th July

Community of the Resurrection Live Since Sunday 22 March 2020 all our services are now live Streaming streamed via Facebook. Please follow this link

Childrens What do you get What has one Corny when you cross a eye but cannot Joke walrus with a see?

Corner bee? A wallaby! A needle! 17 Intercessions for July 2020 We remember in our prayers all those whose names lie at the foot of the cross in the intercession corner in our church. Those who are sick, those who mourn, those who can no longer live independent lives, all who are troubled in body, mind or spirit.

Holy Father God ….

We pray for all who mourn the loss of a loved one for whatever reason. We pray especially for those who cannot mourn as they would wish because of the current restrictions and who are separated from the comfort of their family and friends.

We pray too for those who have, or are contemplating, suicide because they feel even more alone than usual and for all those who struggle to support them and assure them that they are loved and cared about.

We give thanks for the continued work of all front line workers, for the growing sense of community and for the love, care and concern of the vast majority for each other.

We pray for all those who feel that they must stand up and be counted on matters close to their hearts. May they demonstrate peacefully, and responsibly and not take matters into their own hands where they live in a democratic society.

May we all work together for the common good of others so that no one is ever left without an equal chance of food, accommodation, education and the opportunity for democratic representation in the corridors of power.


Requiescat In Pace Readings for July We pray for the repose of the 5th July souls of those who have died in Genesis 24 Verses 34-38, 42-49, recent weeks and who were 58-67 ministered to by the Church. Romans 7 Verses 15-25 We offer their loved ones and Matthew 11 Verses 16-19, 25-30 friends the prayers of St Anne’s and our ongoing support for 12th July them as we are able. Genesis 25 Verses 19-34

Romans 8 Verses 1- 11 Luke Walsh Matthew 13 Verses 1-9, 18-23

Lillian Robinson 19th July Philip Morgan Genesis 28 Verses 10-19 Romans 8 Verses 12-25 George Baird Matthew 13 Verses 24-30, 36-43

Douglas Allen 26th July Genesis 29 Verses 15-28 Elaine Warren Romans 8 Verses 26-39 David Dixon Matthew 13 Verses 31-33, 44-52

Prayer for July

O God, who hast prepared for them that love thee such good things as pass man’s understanding: pour into our hearts such love towards thee, that we, loving thee above all things, may obtain thy promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Book of Common Prayer

19 Pets In Need

Can you re-home one of our cats, dogs or rabbits? Or why not consider sponsoring one of our animals? Bric-a-brac is always welcome to help our worthy cause. Just phone and we’ll collect it. Reynards Bank, Turton Road, Tottington BL8 3QE Tel: 01204 883846 Registered charity No 1020244

20 Stockbrokers Since 1885

We are pleased to support St Anne’s Church with its ongoing work in the community

James Sharp & Co. Authorised and regulated by The Exchange the Financial Conduct Authority 5 Bank Street Bury Lancashire BL9 0DN Member of the London Stock Exchange Member of Nexexchange Tel : 0161 764 4043 Member of PIMFA

James Sharp & Co is a trading name of James Sharp & Co LLP (OC422665) Members of the LLP are referred to as Partners


Signature Funerals is an independent and privately owned funeral service based in Ramsbottom, Bury. We take great pride in offering a modern approach to funeral care for the community and those in surrounding areas.

We provide bespoke funeral support, and will take the time to sit down with you and help you plan a funeral which truly reflects the life of your loved one.

Through listening to you we are able to support you in coming to the right decision. We will empower you to pay tribute to a life in a unique way, just as that life was lived.

17 Bolton Road West, Ramsbottom BL9 5NZ 01706 829482 * [email protected] 22 ) 22 J. Rawson & Sons Monumental Masons and Sculptors Everlasting memorials in Granite, Marble and Natural Stone. Inscriptions engraved and memorials renovated. 250 MarketStreet, Bury BL9 9JN Tel: 0161 764 4391 Email:[email protected]

Call us on 01204 880400

Your journey to recovery starts here. Open 7 days Over 30 years of clinical experience. All medical insurance accepted. Chartered and HCPC registered clinicians. Pilates classes available. 31 Market Street, Tottington Bury BL8 4AA email:[email protected]

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215 Bury New Road, Whitefield, Manchester, M45 8GW For immediate and personal attention 24 hours a day please call: 24 0161 796 6018 James Hinchliffe Dairyman

Doorstep Deliveries. Free Range Eggs, Creams and Yoghurts

Mason’s Nursery, Bradshaw Road BL8 3PP Tel: 01204 885147

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Looking for a reputable and reliable building Contractor to carry out your property maintenance and repairs?

Jack Hamer & Son have been trading for over 80 years, competitively serving the private and commercial property market. General building and Joinery works are carried out by our small team of skilled dedicated workers.

Moosical Fun for your little one Contact: Cassy Howard Tel: 07919 145932 Send us an email: cassy@moo‐

We run 4 sessions, for different age groups, in St Anne's Parish Hall every Thursday from 9.30am to 1.45pm. See our web site for details: moo‐ 26 Areas We Cover Ramsbottom l Radcliffe Summerseat l Holcombe Brook l Brandlesholme Hawkshaw l Affetside l Greenmount Tottington l Walshaw l Elton lAinsworth l Seddons Farm Whitefield l Prestwich

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We offer private Chapels of Rest. Fully qualified male and female funeral directors. Floral and Monumental services.

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Ease the burden of funeral costs with a Dignity pre-payment plan.



Across Down 2 Tired, exhausted (3,4) 1 Indian city near the Taj Mahal (4) 6 Ugly monster (4) 2 Salad ingredient (3,6) 7 Sign (4) 3 Japanese art of folding paper (7) 8 File (7) 4 Geordie territory (5,4) 10 Pitch tents (4) 5 Pavement edge (4) 11 London’s underground (4) 9 Ship’s captain (7) 13 Inscription on a tombstone (7) 10 Private vehicle (3) 14 Please reply (4) 12 Ernie ...., South African golfer (3) 16 Son of Aphrodite in Greek myth (4) 15 Untidy person (4) 18 Powdered spice (7) 17 Heavy cattle (4) 19 Arrive, turn up (4) 20 Egyptian canal (4) 21 Melted cheese on toast (7) Solutions on page 38 29 The Country Pet Shop Turton Road Tottington BL8 3QJ l Two Brooks Valley Pet Foods Monday-Friday 10am-6pm l Hypoallergenic foods for dogs and cats Saturday 10am-5pm l Grain free range available Sunday 10am-4pm l Free samples available in store 01204 883974 [email protected]

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Experienced enough to know, old enough to care.

It’s All About The Dancers! With Damien Hey and Samantha Powers St Anne’s Church Hall Chapel Street, Tottington BL8 4AP Join us every Tuesday and start your dancing journey. Learn to waltz and cha-cha like the Strictly Stars. Tuesday

For more info contact us 6.45pm Adult beginners on Facebook, call or text Ballroom and Latin

7.45pm Adult not-so-beginners We are friendly so Ballroom and Latin don't be shy - come and try either or both Tel: 07795 902810 34 1 Which actors last film was 'The Shootist' in 1976? 2 The British Saddleback is a breed of what type of animal? 3 Which vegetable develops 'eyes' if left exposed to light? 4 On which type of instrument would you find a fretboard? 5 In business terms, how is a potential client referred to? 6 Who wrote the 1993 novel The Night Manager? 7 The song We'll Gather Lilacs was written by which composer? 8 Which rank is the immediate junior of a sea captain? 9 Which sea is south of Sole? 10 In Holby City what is the name of Bob Barrett's character? 11 Who topped the charts in 1973 with Can the Can? 12 What is the term for formal admission to a university? 13 Santander is a port in which Country? 14 What salad item has cherry and beefsteak varieties? 15 Who was Neil Kinnock's deputy when he became leader of the Labour Party?

16 What was the title of the 2015 film about French tightrope walker Philippe Petit? 17 When was the first French Republic proclaimed? 18 A slapshot is a strike in which sport? 19 What is a corsage? 20 Moving clockwise on a dartboard what number is next to 6?

Solutions on page 38 35 Yoga with Melanie Normal yoga for normal people

Yoga and Meditation Classes, Workshops, Retreats St Anne’s Church Hall, Tottington Hatha Yoga Classes (£6) Wednesdays 10.30am - 11.50am and 7.05pm - 8.40pm

Meditation Classes (£6)

Mondays 1.15pm - 2.30pm

Please contact Melanie Mason Tel: 07796 944645 Facebook: Yoga with Melanie Email: [email protected] Website:

Springvale Upholstery

23 Market Street, Tottington BL8 4AA Mark Lambert has been providing locally sourced meat from the best farms for more than 25 years. Re-upholstery Specialists Unbeatable Prices Have your old suite upholstered as new by the experts. Dralons,cotton prints, flat weaves. Tailored covers, dining chairs, small repairs.

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Crossword Page 29 Dingbats Page 29 01 Base Line 02 Back Door 03 An Inside Job 04 An Uphill Struggle 05 Upset Tummy 06 Back to Square One 07 An Afterthought 08 Alright on the Night 09 A High IQ 10 Anyone for Tennis 11 Arm in Arm ANSWERS 12 Alice Through the Looking Glass Anne’ 1 John Wayne St s 2 A pig 3 A potato 4 Stringed instrument 5 Prospect 6 John Le Carre PRIZE DRAW 7 Ivor Novello WINNERS 8 First mate May 2020 9 Fitzroy 10 Sacha Levy Hilary Smith - £70 11 Suzi Quatro Kathy Flitcroft - £45 12 Matriculation Jill Percival - £35 13 Spain 14 Tomato Katherine Taylor - £20

15 Roy Hattersley 16 Man on Wire There’s over £3000 to be 17 1792 won every year! 18 Ice Hockey See Jean Crabtree or 19 A small bouquet of flowers Roger Morley for details. 20 Ten 38 OPENING Sales Workshop HOURS Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm Monday-Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm Saturday 9am - 4pm Saturday 8.30am - 12.30pm Sunday 10am - 4pm Sunday Closed

39 Est. 1998 bbeywood A Care Home

Caring for your loved ones is what our professional team at Abbeywood know all about. All our residents care plans are con昀gured by spending time with residents and their families to discuss their needs and wishes. Our caring team appreciate our residents are individuals and respect their privacy and aspirations. Our aim is to support and develop our residents and to always encourage their independence here at Abbeywood. 104 Market Street | Bury | Tottington | BL8 3LS 01204 882370 Organisations Sunday School 10.15am in the Parish Hall, during the Church service, for all children 3 years or older

Choir Choir practice is on Thursday at 8pm, in Church.

Mothers’ Union Meets every third Tuesday at 7.15pm, in the Church Hall. Please contact Margaret Whittaker on 0161 764 8747

Servers’ Rota Details from the Church website

Altar Flowers Details from Mrs M Winstanley via Church

Magazine Editor Carole Spirit. 07976 234399 [email protected]

St Anne’s Drama and Operatic Society Details from Ivan Fish

All information about the above can be found on our website at

Rainbows (5-7 years) Thursday 6pm to 7pm. Please contact Gillian Ormerod on 01204 885292

Brownies (7-10 years) Thursday 6.30pm to 8pm. Please contact Sarah Ferguson on 07771 978313

Guides (10-14 years) Thursday 7.30pm to 9pm. Tel Gill Leach on 01204 880136 or email [email protected]

Rangers (14 -18 years) Thursday 8pm to 9.30pm. Please contact Louise Cope 0161 761 1847

Beavers (6-8 years) Friday 6.15pm to 7.15pm

Cubs (8-10 years) Friday 7.15pm to 8.30pm

Scouts (11-15 years) Friday 7.30pm to 9.15pm For information about our Scout groups email [email protected] 41 Clergy and Readers The Vicar The Reverend Hugh W Bearn MA Chaplain to Her Majesty The Queen Telephone: 07774 521453

The Assistant Curate The Reverend Richard B Moffat BA

The Readers Mrs Bridget C Park - Emeritus Mr Christopher R Jupp - Emeritus Mr Nicholas J Bebb BA Mrs Isobel G Hinchliffe

Officers of the Church

Churchwarden Mrs Gillian Leach

The Church Treasurer Mr Roger Morley

The PCC Secretary Mrs Louise Cope

The Gift Aid Secretary Mrs Alison Granby

The Electoral Roll Officer Mrs Christine Robinson

The Choirmaster Mr Alan Beedie BA (Oxon)

The Organists Mr Harold C H Bearn BA (Dunelm) Mrs D France Ms Ilona Nagyidai MA (Budapest)

The Vicar’s Organ Scholars Henry Hinchliffe Katie Riggs

The Hope Choral Scholar Matilda Brunning Harry Cain

Donations to our church can be Gift Aided. Please contact the Vicar or our Churchwarden to be given a donation envelope, and further information.

The Clergy, Readers and Church Officers can be contacted via the church website

Photographs on cover and inside cover kindly provided by Nick Snape 42 Church Services

Sunday 8am. Holy Communion (1662 BCP)

10.15am. Holy Communion

This is the principal act of worship and the main weekly assembly of the parish of all ages. Refreshments follow in the parish hall

Church Parade for our Girl Guide and Scout groups is on the second Sunday of the month at 10.15am. All are welcome.

Evensong (BCP) Said or sung as announced

Other Services

Wednesday 11am. Holy Communion

Holy Communion and the anointing with the Holy Oils for the housebound and infirm are available by arrangement with the Vicar.

Holy Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Matrimony are freely and openly arranged. Please contact the Vicar.

Funerals Every parishioner, irrespective of church attendance, has the right to the normal practice of a service in church, followed by a commital. Please ask your undertaker to contact the Vicar.


Our Georgian Parish Hall is available for hire

For further information and booking details please visit the church website

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