JET Volume 10 (2017) p.p. 35-50 Issue 2, June 2017 Type of article 1.02 EFFICIENT APPLICATIONS AND ARCHITECTURE OF MODERN DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS UČINKOVITE APLIKACIJE IN ARHITEKTURE MODERNIH DIGITALNIH SIGNALNIH PROCESORJEV Ivana Hartmann TolićR, Snježana Rimac-Drlje1, Željko Hocenski1 Keywords: digital signal processor, parallel processing, Harvard processor architecture, evaluation model Abstract Digital signal processors have found their roles in various fields of science and technology. With the appearance of problems related to the processing of large quantities of data in real time, it was nec- essary to develop a system that would execute procedures very rapidly and at low cost. The most common application in real time is the digitization and mathematical processing of audio, video, tem- perature, and voltage data, etc., resolved using parallel operations. Various producers of digital signal processors have developed processors and evaluation models that enable developers to quickly and efficiently create unique applications in communications and visual systems, biomedicine, meteorol- ogy, etc. In this article, the basic performance and architecture of the modern digital signal processor are described in detail with emphasis on the most common applications. A practical example of the use of a digital signal processor for numerical integration is presented. A comparison with commonly used processors is performed to confirm its efficiency.. R Corresponding author: Ivana Hartmann Tolić, J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Com- puter Science and Information Technology in Osijek, Kneza Trpimira 2b, Osijek, Croatia, Tel: +385 31 495 416, e-mail address:
[email protected] 1 J.