Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları, XVI/2 (2015): 3-32 THE BEGINNINGS OF PRINTING IN THE OTTOMAN CAPITAL: BOOK PRODUCTION AND CIRCULATION IN EARLY MODERN ISTANBUL Nil Pektaş* When Johannes Gutenberg began printing using the technology of movable type in Mainz around 1439, the Western world was to change rapidly and irreversibly. This shift from mainly handwritten production and the less popular xylographic printing (made from a single carved or sculpted block for each page) to typographic printing (made with movable type on a printing press in Gutenberg’s style) made it possible to produce more books by considerably reducing the time and cost of production. Renaissance and Reformation, the two movements that defined pre-modern Europe, would have been unthinkable without this technology.1 The conquest of Constantinople by the Ottomans in 1453, which coincided with the printing of Gutenberg’s Bible, forced a substantial number of scholars and scribes to migrate to the West, where they established workshops for the copying and printing of Greek liturgical, patristic and classical texts and grammars.2 Thus Greek printers and printers of Greek texts were active mainly in Italy, but also in Germany, France, England, the Netherlands and Spain.3 In The Printing Press as an Agent of Change, Elizabeth * Dr, The Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway, University of London,
[email protected] 1 On moveable type printing in Europe see L. Febvre and H. Martin, The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing 1450-1800 (London and New York: Verso, 1976); E.L. Eisenstein, The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early-Modern Europe, 2 vols (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979); idem, The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983); A.