B·usy Slate For Visitin~ . To Welcome . , The Weather ~Best Girls' Fair arut eeoler Wa, with ...... of 1S-2I. Pari- 11 elowly .... wal'lBfr Su""y with a poulblltty For Weekend of thuDdBsbowel'l Sun­ • al owan day nirhL All SUI will play host this Eat. 1~68 - AP leaso-::t Wiro, Wirephoto - five Ce,," lowo City, Iowa, Saturday, M?y 7, 1955 weekend to mothers of hundreds of students as the university joins the na tion in honoring Its • best girl friends," the mothers A-Blast Damage 4,7JO Feet from Center • of America's families. ., Entertainment planned for visiting mothers ranges from coed canoe races to an opportu­ nity to attend a tea at SUI Presi­ dent Virgil M. Hancher's home. "On tJ\1s special weekend, all our eCforts are directed toward en tertaining the studenls' moth­ ers at events ,planned especially for their pleasure," Mr. Hancher has said of the Mother's day wet4\end. The activities present­ ed by various campus orlanlza­ tlons are many and varied. ~------"" I * . * * aects&raUon In Vnlon Registration for mothers will OK Expected, be In the lotily of the [owa Me­ Johnson Resigns First Shots morial Union !rom 9 a.m. to 5 ~.m. loday and from 1 to 5 ,p.m. Sunday. Mothers who register 2 Speech Posts Given 1,421 Other Supplies will receive a Mother's day badge and registration material. County Tots Pl'o,rams and other information will also be lIvai1®le. Reslgllall'lIl or Prof. Wl'ndell Admlnbtrallon of the Salk po­ Being Sent Canoe Capers, sponsored by lio vaccine to Johnson COUll ty J01lnllon fIJI" l'I::t~OIlS ot health (~ .iMr vaHlne tory Wom ~ n 's Recreation association, Cir~t and se~ond rradfM's ended will begin at 9:30 a.m. today. (rom his udminisll' Uve duties us Friday mornlnc with a total of pace ') -A modern dance demon.tra­ director of the Stilte University 1,421 younf.llers Inoculated. WASHINGTON (.IP) - Federal tlon will be presented by the of the ~pe ch clinic and chair­ Orl.glnallY. 1,5OI.'i chlldr n were clearance of Salk polio vaccln to receive shots. The drop-off, Modem Dance club in the Wom­ man or lhe SUI council on speech has been halted for a few days, en's gym at 11 a.m. tod/lY. authorities believe, was due 10 Surgeon General Leonard A. The 1955 SlJiI Mother, Son and speech pa~holollY Dnd Dudlology, many cales of mum~. measles Scheele said )i·rldIlY, but he em­ Daugh ter will be presented at was announced Frid y by Pr 1- and chicken pox rather 'than to phasized that inoculations hould the Mother's day luncheon at dent Virgil M. Ha ncher. recent reports at poliO among pJ'oc .. ",d with supplies already Inoculated children. noon today in the River room of RellnQui hm nt of John!lOn's clear d. the Union. Seeond sho are tentatively Mrs. KUlllk SUI MOCher admlnistr live re~ ; ponsihlhtles set to begin May 31. Dr. Scheele told the house banking comOlitlllC Ule manufac­ Mrs. Julius Kunik or Wash­ will take erCcet Imm diately. As A total at 923 children were Ington has been chosen SUt prof or oC .pe eh pathoiogy Inoculated at the local center In ture or vaccine Is continuing and Mother by the SUt chapter of and psychololY he will continue the Henry Sabin school. A total that shipment and use of batchl'~ Mortar Board, national senior l AP Wlr.p".i.) the t achlna, r s arch and wrlt­ at 7~ at these youngstera were already apr)l'oved Is ,olng anead. women's honorary society, which MANNIKINS REPRE ENTING a mo~h er &nd her c:hJ ld~ show humans wouldn't have survived Ina In stuttering and semantics from lawa Clty scbools, with an Emphaslzlnl that the product acts as sponsor for the Mother's ~ursday's atomJe blu. &t Survival CUy, Nev .• as Lbey lay smashed on the noor anlnsl a wall of a which he hal carried on since addition. I 130 children from is not "under suspicion." Dr. day weekend. Karen Kratz, 1'f4, one-story masonry bloek house after the explosion. The build Inc's WIllis and roof withstood the 1931. rural schools. Scheele said federal review of Rocktord, m., and Socrates Pap­ Vaccinated at centers at Ox­ foree of tbe blasl 4,700 feet away ( ee story: Pa,e 8Y Prof. Jam F. Curtis, Sl"~ paJohn, Mason City, were ford, Lone Tree, Solon and A., i o;pecch faculty member since chQsen sur Daughter and Son Prof. Wendell Johnson CoraLville, were 4N children by Marlar Boord. 1946. was nom d acting director Rl'signs Some Dlltll'S [rom schools In the county out­ Top Gives Views Mr. Hancher wll1 speak at the of the ps ch clinic and chlllr­ side Iowa City. 'Seeks Ouster amn of the SUI council on speech In Iowa City, Dr. Ffoanklln Top, lunch~o n. 2 Rail Strikers Sbot; Union Twenty-two physician, admin­ pnthology and audiology. For head 01 the SUI depal1mllnt of Thpplng at new members of istered shot.s at the rowa City leaching. re Drch and cllnicnl preveJlUve medleiJIe and Ii mem­ Mortar Board will take place at 01 Bao Do; Wind Bailers Firm, center. Nursing services were ber of &he orla'lnaJ vaeclne slub 2 p.m. today on the west ap­ servic·o the COlini'll draws to­ provided by University hospltllls, commlttff, exprl'fiHd connden~ proach to Oid Capitol. The lden­ Withdraws Arbitration, Offer SAJooN, So~th VJet Nam (JP) Ij'eth r the SUI departm nls ot public and school nurses, and to the Salk vaectM. illy ot the women to be chosen -A government Informant sald speech, psychology, education, Homes in Harlan NASHV}LLE, Tenn. (JP)­ volunteer registered nurses. "In Ill)' oplnJem In view of the is kept secret until the tapping shot In self defense. The Ten- Friday South Viet Nam will pro- dentisll'y and Ule medIcal sp c- HARJ..AN (IP) _ Winds The Louisville and Nashville fail­ at number 01 pertlOM va.cdDaW!' to ceremonIes. ncssec bureau of identification lolUes at otolaryn¥ology, p dlat- d , In case rain, tapping cere­ road strike erupted into pistol claifl\ herself II republic Lf as- ncnr to. nado lorc caus 80m . aaW! .:... lOme 4,010,000 - &he at lislco the mDn as lito V n Brind­ 14 btlckiD by Fran • Br rk.. rvlec8 for handicapped proJ.) rt,y d m ~ to the north Cire Thul'liday nJghl nd FI id y, 0 number poUo dOH lIot moni Wilt be l'letd in tM Un­ chfJdr n ond 1 lated fields. ,.eWn, Ion: teaving one striker dead In Ten­ ley, 28, locomotive fireman. tllin and the Unit~ Stat 8. part of Hllrluu Friday aiternoon. Ippear be ou of nne with nessee nnd another seriously The a\tIlude of these ;powers, "We rogr t v ry much the fact Simil. r fUsty wind reportedlY Nationalists , OIt4!Il Rouset "~Arter trike wJaa& JIII(hi 'reuollaltly be n­ The Hospl tal School for Se­ wounded In Kentucky. An L&N Stale Safety Commissioner the source close to Premier Nao thllt Dr. Johnson's h a1th will nol blllw down some outbuildings In peeW!cI sillce Ute vacela. hu DOt ~ely Handicapped Children diesel train Friday night was W. W. Ll.Ittrell said Brindley, Dinh Diem sold, is lhe only allow him to continue his ad- the Kirkman area north :1st of bad 10111 Inourh to prevent the wll hold an open house from 3 dynamited in Kentucky. hired after the strike started, stumbling block to the South's mlnlstrallve duties," President here. dileue," Top said. revolutionary move to Hanch r said Friday, continuing: There were no injuries. Lay ~ines to 5 ;p.m. today as will Parklawn Withdrawal o{ a union offer was arrested three times by stat d~e apartment building for married Ohlef of State Bao Dal. "Knowing him chiefly as a sel- Worst damagu was to a large to arbitrate the dispute involving offlccrs on ChOloa S oC transport­ o ew batches has been "at 11 students. The informant said Diem's I!ntist and tt'ucher, lew people building owned by the Owens 25,000 workers in 14 states fol­ ing liquot in legally dry orens of $t;mdstill" iQr several d ay~ pehd­ "Mythical Mermaids," the Seals lowed the shootings. Tennessee. government Is confident of quick appreCiate the superlative con- Constructlon Co" the last st.ruc­ Near Coast lng a top-level scientific discus­ club water show, will be pre­ recognition from non-

. , ~ '. 'r

Pap %-mE DAILY IOWA - Iowa City, la.- at., May 7, 1955 Germany Gives Up-Jusl 10 Years Ago' 'Says u.s. Could Help letter to the Ed itor---l ,.:" 1 I l' NEW YORK (CP) - On 'May Il 7, 1945, just 10 years ago today, In Arab-Israel Dispute ReaderDec1ar~'s Co Ion to lism grim-faced Germans sal down at (EDITOR' NO'I'E: This Is Ute - a table in a school house which fifth of 12 Interviews by Central was tqe,lorward headquarters of Press eorrespond~t l\Jark Leo­ Not Prime Threat to Asians FE na)od ,,;th forelpa amba sadon Gen. OWight. D. Eisenhower at (Bea.ets ar. l.vUe" t. es.,re.q .pl .. - to the United S~.) I•• • ID 1.11e .. t. Ibe E.lI.r. All .eU... Relms, France, and affixed thcir Illalt IDel.de a...... rltte. ~ 1.Dat.re . run in what free elections, to I the French) - all these AsialUl, /5 By ~IARK LEONARD .n ••cl4rt les - h·p.wrlUI • • faaat.res eled local officials? One of the and many more with money and signatures to a brief document. are net .e~ept.ble . Letters be~'lIle tile I I)rO • WASHINGTO Egypt's am- ,ro,ert, e' Tile DIU" 'O.ID. Tile hallmarks of sel!-government by power and responsibility, are u Thus did the greatest war Eur­ lowaD ,uerve. ~be d.hl to , b.rlea, and for the ,general populace of much at fault for their people' boUr ( ope ever saw come to an end. basador warned today that tthe seled represeat.il". leUers wben man, on tbe . Ime Jubje.el are 'fleel".", or any nation is the right of its peo- poverty and hunger as any of Iy to The document was an tAct or worsening Middle East situation ..ltbb.l. lelle... Co.lrlbat.,. a •• "will most certainly xplode un­ limited 10 Det mer. th•• I ... I.tlo .. Iq pie to associate freely for non- the colonial powers. tred 1 Surrender and the top German less somethiDg is done soon to any 30·da, perlD4. Oph,I•• 1 flK,resu:d violent 'political -purposes. Docs Asian PhUosopby prt:sent, whose gloomy task it do "0& aeee... rJly nprel o .. " 'b ••e •• Sev redress the Inju'tices inflicted Tbe D ~II)' I ...... ) this right exist jn Communist The western nations did not was to dil\ for the fallen Reich 'on the Palestinian Arabs and to China? How many political par" introduce into Asian philosophy pOtlh 'Was Col. Gen. Gusta! J odi, Wehr­ put an end to Israeli aggressions (EDITOR'S .NOTE: MI;. Web- ties run candidates opposing t he an exh'eme indifference fo Indi,,­ JIIlIkin macht commander and chief-of­ and well known expansion de­ , ,Communist ,party in tree and idual ' life that lets peasants I OlliS staCt to Grand Adm. Karl Doen­ er s Jetter Is one of many re- open elections by secret ballot t . h'l . Ity . h signs." I . ' 's arV'e IV I e a mmor nc • co UI itz, who had succeeded Fuehrer eJ d I nl llam I Ambassador Ahmed Hussein c ve on co 0 a a Asia in qun!!. . , . class of their countrymen live or da Adoll fHlper as German chief and elsewhere. The edJ&ors feel · Another indispensable filature fat and sleek" and comfortable. anotlU of state. said that "the Arabs consider TJDS WAS IKE, Supreme Commander-in-Chief, as he made a V­ that the United States is morally that this is a. fair represeh&a&loa of !.rue sell-government lies in a It is easy to detract attention Shipl Allied WItDesses sign wUh Ute surrender signature pens In France. Left, Gen. res.ponsible for much of this tra­ of Utem.) free press. How many newspa·p- from the fundamental . problems lIlome Witnessing for the allies, Walter Bedell Smith, Ike's chief of staff, who did the aetual slgn­ gic chain or even ts." ers exist in ComunistChIna, as of land reform and hunger that ' \lAve : ampDg oth~r s, were Lt. Gen. in,. Egypt's envoy to Washington TO THE EDITOR: a nUJ;nber do in India and other face Asians today by yelling at wltb Walter Bedejl Smith, Eisenhow­ said that "Israel could not live Mr. Albdel-Moneim's letter pa~liamentary democracic;> .. in the weslern colonjal powel1, (the s er's chief-oI-staff; Gen. Ivan and carryon its aggressions about European colonialism and A S l ~ , that. can openly . CTlhCI~e "you dir\.y imperialists, It's all is date V-E day should be celebrat­ Hable as soon as the allies had the effect of communism on Susloparott, head of the Russian ed. without the continued olificial t~ e1r government. and lts poll- your fault!" !Much more diffi- • mission to France, French Gen. neutralized the effect of the sur­ 'Asia, which you printed on Sat­ May 7 prise Ardennes offensive which and ;private financial aid from cles? Or has U':Ol?la Ibeen .50 sud- cult is a direct tackling of the F. -Sevez and others. urday, April 30, was interesting. denly and definitely. arrived. ~t basic problems themselves. The unconditional surrender the Germans had launched the this country." The Act of Surrender began: was signed on May·7 at 2:41 a.m., Asks U.S. To Demand HaU I deeply sympathize with t~at no one wOul.d Wlsh to cnt!- My point Is that Asians are hu- previous December. Asians' aspirations for demo­ ClZe such perfecLJon? . I' We the undersigned, acting French time. This, however, was American armies in the total He said that "if the United man beings like anyone el$e, and , cracy. As human beings they Goo~ and Evil they should 'fern ember that. They . on authority of the German !High May 6 at 8:41 p.m. in the United struggle against Germany suf­ States would seriously demand have as much right to it as we Command, hereby surremier un- States, eastern standard time. fered 506,207 caSualties which it, Israel .would stop her aggres­ I wond.er If on.e. c0;tld get a can be as liable to exploitation Americans do. But they should lette~ Pflnte~ . enh~izlDg ell. Joseph R McC.arthy (R-Wis.) accused the Truman admin­ 9:45 Women's Feat.ure: 's T. Z. Koo, professor of Oriental 10:00 News present Jean Cocteau's feature­ mother; Mrs. Rose Deutsch, Air­ j s~ rat.ion of "deceit and dishonesty" in making availa.ble some gov­ ]0:15 Public llcalth length !11m, "Orpheus," Thurs­ pha Epsilon Pi housemother; Mrs. studies, will be the speaker. ernment loyally files to senate investigators of communism. "It's 10 :30 K itchen Concert day, ,May 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Bettha Nathan, Sigma Delta Tick!!t sales close Thursday noon, 11 :30 G reat Books of A"'a May 12. The public and ' cotn­ a pHony offer of phony files," he said. 11 :45 Man and Ute Moment o:fficial daily Shambaugh lecture room. Coffee Tau housemother, find Leo­ 12 :00 Rhythm Rambles will follow In the third-floor ria Cohen, Hillel housemother. munity is Invited. 12:30 News I. Ten Years Ago Today 12:45 Meet Our Ouest lounge of the library. All regu­ A wards and keys are to be pres­ .. :rpe Associated Press disclosed that Germany had surrendered 1:00 Musical Chats iar and associate members of the ented to active Rillel members, IOWA OHRISTIAN FELLOW· cOlTl,plct.cly and unconditionally, although a rigid official news 2:10 Recenl and Contemporary Music BULLETIN Graduate club are invited. Sunday night supper, 6. ship wIll meet at 7:30 p.m. 3>00 Fingcl"Jlrlnts In MUll. Tues- blaQkout still prevented formal allied announcement of the fact. 3:30 News SATURDAY, MAY 7,1955 day, May 10, in conference room City and university officiais and business and religious leaders 3:45 This Is Turkey PROF. RAYMOND H . 1 4:00 Proudly We Ha,t DELTA PH~ ALPIIA, HON­ of the Iowa' Memorial Union. of Iowa Cit, decided to have no V-E day observance until Presi­ 4:30 Tea Time UNIVERSITY CALENDAR orary German 1raternity, wIll Thompson, University of Ken- The group will hear reports flOm dent Trutmlc1 'corilirmed the announcement. There was JitUe cele­ 5:00 Children', Hour aturday, May 7 Friday, May 13 hold a picnic in City park, shel­ tucky, will give ad illustrated those who will attend the Inter­ 5:30 Ncw~ brating or excitement among Iowa City residents. 3:30 p.m. - : SUI vs. oC 5:45 Sporl!lllrne 8 p.m. - Seals swimming ter No. 4, on Friday, May 13, at lecture, "Decorative Features varsity retreat from May 8 to \ .' '. ' . 6:00 Olnner Hour show - field house .• Indiana - here. 4 p.m. Register in l'oom 101, Maya' Ceremonial Structures," May 8 at' QUaker height camp­ V Twenty Years Ago Today 6:55 News 8 p,m. - A~ t guild movie: Schaeffer hall, by noon Wednes­ Monday,. May 9, at 8:15 p.m. In ing grounds'" 7:00 Ask the Sclcn lisls Monday, ~y 9 ..J. IWrit ~f injunction rEl!;tr-dining the Andrews hotel in Iowa 7:30 Student Forum "P assion oC Joan of Arc" and day, May 1 l, if attending. Guests the Shambaugb lecture room. ., ---' 8:00 They !Showed ~ Way 4 p.m. - Orillntation Spring "Lot in Sodom" - Shambaugh The gradl.Late college and the , City "{rom being used as a house 0.£ prostitution and as a liquor are welcome. Refreshments. . PROF. J, M. JAVCH, DE· 8:45 Melody Theater coffee hour ..... Iowa Memorial lecture room. Iowa society, Archaeololi'ical In­ ~uisance" weirs issued !by District Judge Harold D. Evans. 9:00 Music You Want Transportation if desired. Ad· p.aJ;tmep t of phy,sics" will aptllk 9:45 News .. nd Sports Union. • SaLurday, May It stitute of America sppnsor ·'the . . -Tne' sU}'>reme cou'h tagged the railway [peosion act "unconsti- miss ion: 50 cents per person. on' "The. Scientific Work of AI· 10 :00 Silln OU 8:15 p.m. - Graduate college talk. • tuqbnal" i~ B. 5-4' 'declSion. . ..- 2 p.m. - Baseball: SUI vs. \;lert Einstein" Tuesday. May 10, .' ----~------~~--~--- and Iowa SOCiety, ArcHaeologi­ Ohio State (2) - here. at 4:10 p.m. iii room 3in, Phys­ cal Institute of America­ Sunday, May 15 APPLICATIONS FOR STAFF positions on the 1956 Ha wkeye PROF. ROBERT G. TURN­ ics building. speaker: Prof. , \ Raymqnd H. 7:30 p.m. - Union Board free bull will speak on "Existential Thompson, U. of' Kentucky - movie, "Dial M for Murder" - will be accepted at an Informal coffee hour Tuesday, May 10, 'Engagement' and the 'About­ THE COLLEGIATE CHAM· Shambaugh lecture room. Main lounge, Io wa Memorial ness' of Concepts" Tuesday, May ·The Daily Ipwan from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Hawkeye ber of commerce will pt'eIl:Dt Tuesday, May 10 Union. 17, at 8 p.m. in the senate cham­ the Awards Day dinner at 8:30 Monday, M.. y 16 oIfice, room 210 in the Com­ SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1955 8 p.m. - Graduate college lec­ ber, Old Capitol. The graduate p.m., May 11, In the north River .' 5 p.m. - Phi Beta Kappa Init­ munications center. Coffee and ture, W. Wm. Olsson - Sham­ doughnuts will Ibe served and college and the Humanities so­ room of the Iowa Memorial Un­ PubUshed dally except Sunday and error. of paid aoba.rlbers If reported DAILY IOWAN EDITORIAL STArF iation - house and senate cham­ ciety sponsor the talk. Monday and le,al holidays b y Sludent u y U • . m. Tbe Dally Iowan Cllnul.tion baugh lecture room. ion. Tickets are on sale at the Ed Itor ...... Gene Ingle bers, Old Capitol. members of the editorial, busi­ Publleatlona, Inc. 130 Iowa ave .• Iowa 4ep.rtmenl, In Clole lIa ll, Dubuque Managing Editor ...... Jerry Hess 7:30 p.m. - Elimination "f ness, photograph, art and office oollege of .commerce office, Uni­ City, ,Jowe . Entet"ed .. second class and Iowa aye .• II open from 8 •.m . Wire Editors ••.• Ira Kapensteln ,and 7:30 p.m. - University New­ mall matler at the, post o((fce at 10 5 Monday Ihrou,h Friday skits for Greek week - Mac­ NEWMAN CLUB ACTIVIT­ versity hall - general public, p.m. and Larry. Alkire comers club bridge - Iowa Me­ staffs of the 1955 Hawkeye w!l1 Iowa City, under the act o( con,,"e," 7 a.m. to l'l no •• Salurda,. City Editor ' ...... Don 1IfcQuWen bride auditorium. be present to talk to applicants ies: Today, 2:30 ,p.m., reg­ $2 .50, undergraduates In the col­ 0' March 2. 1819, Society Editor ...... J an Pai1ke . morial Union. ional picnic in Cedar Rapids; Sporls EdJtor ...... , . Arlo J acoMon Wednesday, May 11 Tuesday, May 17 about their work. lege of commerce, $1.25. ~e ItEMIU;. of the ASSOCIATED ),KESS Call 4191 from noOD I. mldnlehl to Chief PhotoflJ"apher, Jerry Mosey; Sunday 6 p.m. supper, 7 p.m. speaker will be Lee T. Flat\'ey, The ,\alDcl.led Press Is entitled ex­ report DeWI Iteml, women's pal. ,7:15 p.m. - Sigma Xi annual 6:30 p.m. - Triangle club an- .i:lusively to lhe u se {or repUb lication Asslstant City Editors. Kirk Boyd anet Sock Hop party. neJn ~ .r announcemenu &. Tbe Oany Phyllis Flemlnl; Asslltant Society inHiation'- Shambaugh lecture nual banquet and business meet- THE UNIVERSITY BABY­ C.P.A" Ph.D,. of 'Price, .Flatley of all the local newl printed In this lo ..an . Edllorlal oW... are la TIr. Editor. Jean Lelnhauler; AssIstant neWlJIIUIer .. ~ and company, South Bend, Ind. wen .. all newl Commaalca"••• Clater. SporU Editor. Arl Winter; Edltorlal room. ing - Iowa Memorial Union. sittini lea,ue book wlII be in the APPLICATIONS FOR mE dbpt.ch... . t Alilstanl. Jim Oweno; Wltephot. 7:30 , p.m. - Elimination of 8 p.m. - Humanities society' charge of Mrs. A. S. Norris position of editor of The Daily , SubscrlpUon ra1.e:- - "':0 carrier in Technlcian. Arnie Gore. ..101&. Iowa CllY. 25 cent.. weekly or f8 per skits for Greek week ~ Mac- speaker: Prof. Robert C. Turn~ from May 3 to May 16. Tele­ Iowan for the periOd beg.lnnina S'n1DBNTS AU UIIINDID AllalT BU.UU yeu In advance' .Ix months. $4,25 ; DAILY IOWAN ADVERTISING 8~AJ'F bride auditorium. bull, "Existential 'Engagement' phone her at 5864 It a sitter or June I, 1955, and ending Nov. of , the reculation that COunti : OP Ihree months, $2,50. By mall In Iowa, Bus"les Manager •. E. John Kollman .. ,' f I , I .. $9 per yeo r; six mDnlh •. $5 ; threo 8 p.m. - University Band con-I and the 'Aboutness' of Concepts" Information about joining the 30, 11155, must be filed with .the that ' are not dropped with the .• ClIaCI1LA.nOHI Ass\. Bus iness -Milr . •. .. J Rm~ PatlCJ\ month8, $3: all olhcr 0\8\1 aWlscrlp­ ClJr

'Hawaiian' Party'at Methodist Student Center Fellowship, Recreation I Re/~i~n* Scho~i' s *'pian' ~ Siudenis Is Wesley House Aim Widely Studied, Copied To Tell Views II Drop in at Wesley house any Now celebratinr its 28th anni­ bour of the day and you are Uke- have a sense of belonging and a versary. the SUI school of reli­ Iy to find some students gath­ place for a good time. but where gion has for over a quarter cen­ Of lis Work they can search thrOUih many ered there. tury been a mllestDne in the pro­ of their basic concepts of life motion of harmonious interaction Three students will tell their Several may be studying In with other students who are aLso between three faiths. impression of the SUI school of porth lounge. some could be in aearch for a basic understand­ It.s interfaith teachln, staff ot religion and its activities at the m.aking fudge or playing table In&, of life lind the world. CathoHc, Protestant and Jewish school's annual luncheon to be tennis in the basement; perhaps The activitle at the Wesley adherents pursues the ideal of ~Id Monday noon in the River 1 couple afe listening to records presentinl the facts of religion room of the Iowa Memorial Un­ loundatlon ne\'er seem to end ion. or dancing in the main lounge; and there is enough variety that without Indoctrination, revealing lIlother may have stepped into some part of the program tor the differences and likenesses They are Sandra Levenson, Shipley chapel for a few guiet student.s is bound to appeal to among the historic relltiOO$ and AI, Mason City; Bal'bara Bebr· ens. A4, 0e1weln. and Donald moments alone; and some may everyone. studylng the role of religion In !lave stopped by to have a chat man's societies. Templeman. CA, Cedar Raplc:ls. Wesley house is loca ted at 120 with the Rev. Robert Sanks Widely studied by other Prof. Robert S. Michaellfll, di­ N. Dubuque st. just north of Ole (the students call him Bob) who schools, the "Iowa Plan" was the I rector of the school. said that the First Methodist church. 'fbe stu­ Is minister to Methodist students first attempt of an Inter-reU­ purpose or the annual lunct\eon dents have the run ot the three­ .t SUI. gious character to present the is to acquaint persons with the story structure which was dedi­ work of the school and alao to There are many reasons why study of religion In a state tax­ cated In 1951. supported achoo} as a fact or his­ provide an Qpportunity for mem­ students go to Wesley house but A north wing which was ror­ tory and human culture. bers of the board of trustees ot probably the most important ,IJIerly used as a student center Althouch Iowa law er. of C hurch 8c.heol. " :41\ a .m. Tbe kyo Geor,e Raehman, .... t •• t chapel service Monday morning. Ling in Charge the student work eommiitee of .\laD Cleeton who is assistant Chure h Servlr.e, Jt:4!'i a .... Sund.ay Niue•• 6:" a.ID,., • I .m., Lampe is former director ot the erding is a representative at City. vice-president; Thom&l lJlil1lster of the First Methodist P.nel disc • • Ion: "WhS We' re Bere." 10 • . m ., It :4& a.m. large. Lundeen. G, Mediapolis, leCle· the. Iowa Society Qf Christian lunler fihureh ebolr, 2::._ ,.m. Dally Mu.e" 1 a.m., 7tH . ...~ school of religion. Of Danforth Services Ctlurches. Fritz was 'named at thurch Ind helps with the stu­ · , . · . . The Rev. Elmer H. Yohr of &to D a it tor t h Cha6e1 services, tary, and Thomas Di1kes~ 0, lo- FIRST PBESB\' TERIAN c o uaCR ST. TROMAS Moas C HAPEL the bUilineu session of the l09th dent wor\l ot Wesley Founda­ !!6 k. Mar.ea .... lOll MeUID It . Paul's Lutheran church in Iowa sponsored by the Student Chrls- REJECT SEGREGATION wa City, treasurer. l. annual convention of Christin tioD. Dr, P. Hewls •• Pollee.k, mi.lller Vu,. aew. 1II.,r. J . O. c .....,.. p ...l.r City will conduct the services tian council. will be conducted TRENTON, N.J. {J1»-The con- Prot. Ca rl Anthon, vi.itJ~. The B .... J ... me Le. h. mlallt.r t. The b •. a. J . Weleh, an. Churches ot Jowa whlch met in I ladentl Til. aev. K C M.rll.. • 11",.11 the remainder of the week. nExt week by the Iowa Christian vention 01 the E!piscojllli diocese lecturer in the department 1of Des Moines this week. nOCLADO HOSPITAL WEEK C~.r.h S.h ..l. l:lIO . .... lB' 1\ • .•• Sa.~"1 Maslel. ~:n '18 .. 8 ...... WSUI mornint chapel services fellows hlp. of New Jersey Wednesday hlstory gave In add"a on the Morain. W ...hl,. ~:S4I • . m., II ..... !f a.m" II ...... 11 :Ra . .... sovietization of Representatives of the Firat DI!;S MOINllS (.4» - Gov. Leo Ser_on: "A St.,y ef A Mother." Newma .. ' elab, .s p •• . are heard Monday through Fri­ Samuel Lina:. G, Talpeh, For· ' unanimously approved a resolu­ Ea.t Gennad7, the Hpe,h iasyed a prQClamation Fri­ h.l.r III CI •••• :81 •. 18. 0.11,. Mnle • G:8I '18 .. 1 . ,.... day .at 8 a.m. and are sponsored mosa, Is in charge of the week's lion against segregation in its Anthon served IS hieber educia· Chrlatlan church and Chris· 8t.unt. Velpen, l It.m. 1:81 a .m. tlan .tudent &roup attended the day, deai",atln, Yay 8-14 as Speaker: Mrs. O.rdur Wi ... . by the school of religion. Luther services. churches. Bishop Allred L. Ban­ tion advisor for the U.s" hljb convention which opened "NatJooal Hospital Week in Jo­ Teplll: "The C hrf. Ua. H ....: · 8T. PA ·L'S L THl!aAN c H uaca Livingston, G, Vinton, Is in The short devotional programs yard said segregation is "con­ commission in German), fraaa SUn· SIU .... 1 Sopp.r. 0 •.•• 'MI'I.I" Inatl _ .. _ ... __ _ 01 charge of the ~rograma. start at 4 p.m. each !Chaol day. irary to the will of God." 11150 to 11l5a. cIir, w.... III CI.II, ':iII , .•• ~.""r'" ••• Oil"......

It P.ce 4-TOE DAJLY IOWAN-Io,,'. City, Ia.-Sat., Ma, 't, 19M Intra-Squad Grid Ga Closes -Ori.lIs 'oelay :1 Black While Former Players Attand Football School IRichest Derby Squads Pia, School Stops· Wolves. [ I Draws Ten 6 k' At 2:30 P.M'.· )-Year-Olds For ; How S·· ~O~~kh~ The first annual Iowa football coachin~ school, attended by 160 LOUISVILLE, Ky. (.4» - Ten Michigan, hitless for six innincs. coaches this weekend, will wind of the country's 3-year-old colts won a 4-2 Big Ten baseball vit­ up with the intra-squad football will start today in the richest tory over nlnlb-;place Iowa Fri­ game in the Iowa stadium at Kentucky Derby since America's day. 2:30 p.m. today. most colorful racing classic was iBill Schoof, Iowa's , did Coach Forest Evashevski has inaugura ted in 1875. not allow a until Danny Cline' divided his squad into teams - A good portion of the 100,000 beat out a bunt leading off the A~IERIC .\N LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAduE seventh inning. Ken Tlpperr the Blacks and Whites-for the fans expected to jam ancient W L Pot, GS W L Pol. GB game that will conclude four Churchill Downs for the mile and Clev.land .. 14 7 .(Hl7 Broo"I,... '" 19 Il> .f!O,l singled Cline to third anq he weeks of spring drills. Chlca,a .. , ... I'! 't .6.'t! I Cbl ... o ...... 11 JI .!IeO M' ~ scored on a long lly. one-Quarter race are looking for De'r0.4& ...... 1:\ " . W9 I ~llIwauk.. .. . 10 II .41(1 0 Evashevski wlll walch from another duel between Nashua, New York • .. • J'! K .UOO I\~ Now York .... ~ 10 .471 • A , a home run by Xan ... City .. ~ m .4H 4 Pllllbur,Il ... & J I .41141 U~r. Moby Benedict who had sl{Uck the stands while his assistants the odds-on favorite, and his Wa.hln,ton .. 8 .~ .400 GIlt I. Lnl. . ... 8 10 .4« 9'_ handle the two squads. In the shadow, Summer Tan. BOlton ...... •. U U .:UH G Phlladolphl. .. 8 lS .!IIIL J L out in his three ,previous times past the teams had been coached BalUmore ~ 16 :)38 o Inclnn.1I .. .. , 13 .300 J nil at bat, a single and a stolen ~ There were no sUl'prise late­ Frlda,. 's RuuUs Frhhy's "elllullJ by Iowa sports writers. gave Michigan lbree more !'IlII$. comers in the calculations when Cleveland