Marlboro Race Is Hottest Around
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Shore reaches CJ Group II baseball finals 1B The Register Vol. 107 No. 288 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER ...SINCE 1878 TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1985 25 CENTS INSIDE Marlboro race is hottest around LOCAL zoning board memberships are appointed positions, and the tion "a closed, backroom collection of the worst of If TED LOttl current primary campaign is the first try at elected office Marlboro's past." The Register for Blackburn and Goldstein. The Regular Democrats have allowed the New MARLBORO - The membership of the Township The three Regular Democrats have the support of the Democrats to take the offensive, and are running on the Council has not changed since January 1(84, but that will township's traditional party establishment They have run theme of "Honesty, Integrity and Competence." But their all change after today's balloting in a primary election on a platform stressing their experience, particularly recent advertisements have chided the breakaway faction featuring 10 candidates. Lemer's long involvement in township government. of the party with "creating illusions" with their campaign The heated primary fight between the Regular Going against the Regular Democrats are New rhetoric. Democrats and the New Democratic Organization high- Democrats Judy Clifford. Hy Cohen and Mel Schwartz The pace of residential and commercial development has lights balloting, as voters must choose three candidates They are all active in various township bodies, but today's emerged as the key issue in the campaign Both sides agree to carry the Democratic banner. voting represents the culmination of step one In their first that the township needs tougher zoning to slow that growth Incumbent Council President David M. Lemer will be campaign for elected office. rate, but both sides blame the other for letting the situation running with Zoning Board members Robert Blackburn and Targeting Lemer, as well as other key party officials, reach its present state. Arthur Goldstein on the Regular Democratic ticket. The the New Democrats call the current Democratic organiza- See Marlboro Page 2A Thousand stake out Rumson Regatta arts tickets A special full-color page If KEVMFKCHETTE recalls the action and thrills of the The Register 10th annual Rumson Outboard Regatta held Sunday. HOLMDEL - Armed wth blankets, beach chairs, and hours of patience, 1ZA nearly a thousand people waited in 80- degree heat yesterday for a chance to see the likes of Barry Manilow, Bill Cosby and STATE Eric Clapton. Young and old alike waited for ticket Political licenses booths to open for the Garden State Arts A report sharply criticizes a top state Center's 18th summer season, which official for his handling of the photo- officials are billing as, "the finest line-up license contract. of performers in Arts Center history." Anxious music fans began lining up on the lawn outside the ampitheater as early 4A as Sunday afternoon, said Mindy Hoy, ticketing systems supervisor at the center. Several hundred people were Ex-workers speak already standing in line when the box Three former employees of Great office opened at 10:30 a.m. yesterday. Hoy THE HEOISTER/CARL 0 FORINO Adventure amusement park testified said. COMFORTABLE WAIT — Joanna Bandermark of Hazlet Stale Arts Center. She was among those who waited up to five yesterday that patrons in the Haunted By noon, the line at the box office relaxes while waiting yesterday lor a chance to buy tickets lo hours to get tickets. Castle threw smoke bombs and lit shows by Connie Francis and Anne Murray at the Garden matches. The attraction burned last See Tickets Page 3A year, killing eight. 4A NATION Municipal court in Long Branch criticized heavily Spy probe floor, the desks, the shelves and on top of the file cabinets should be investigated. The federal Investigation into security If MTU E. RAM* in no apparent order." Iadanza said changes in the court are under the breaches in the armed forces The Register The report also stated that the supply room door is often jurisdiction of Municipal Court Judge Stanley Cohen and widened with the arrest of a fourth LONG BRANCH - Borough Council President Frank open, jeopardizing the security of court forms. The door the Monmouth County Administrative Office of the Courts suspect. Agents say they expect Pallone Jr. last night demanded action against the to the judge's chambers, the report alleges, is open for Pallone said he will not be satisfied until something is more apprehensions. "general disarray and lack of supervision" in the anyone to use as a short-cut to the police department. done. "I feel like we're passing the buck. We control the municipal court. Eugene Iadanza, borough attorney, said the office was pursestrings. we pay the judge's salary, so he's responsible V At a press conference yesterday, Pallone made public exterminated. He also said the council is investigating to us." a report by the Monmouth County Administrative Office relocating the court and administration to the Garfield It was pointed out that council can do nothing to correct of the Courts critical of the municipal court's working Grant building, formerly the Monmouth County District the conditions outlined in the report. SPORTS conditions, personnel training, docketing procedures, Courthouse, located at Broadway and Fifth Avenue. "If the judge feels he wants to run the court this way, disbursements, and other practices. The report also reccommends the court appoint a there's not alot we can do," said Anthony Muscillo, "I've never seen anything so bad," said Pallone permanent Deputy Court Clerk and that all court business administrator. referring to the report. "This could very well be the worst employees attend the Fall Court Clerk's Training Course court in Monmouth County. The things mentioned in here "as their lack of training is hampering the operation of the In another matter, the council adopted a resolution to go way beyond any problems ever mentioned in municipal court." reduce a cut in the school budget from 1240,000 to 1120.000. court before." Criminal dockets and driving while intoxicated cases, leaving a current expense budget of $9,207,823 The report, compiled after six visits to the court, the report states, were also not properly disposed of The resolution states that the revised figure avoids legal and administrative costs of confronting an appeal of the described working conditions as "embarrassingly inade- through the Violations Bureau. The report also noted the court was lax in follow-up on original cut by the Board of Education. It also saves quate." It stated that mice droppings were often found on several teaching positions which would have been delinquent payments, disbursements were late and the desks, carpeting was soiled torn and dirty, walls were eliminated had the 1240.000 been cut. peeling paint, and there was inadequate heat in the cash book did not accurately reflect the court's monthly Violations Bureau during the winter. bank statement and checkbook. While Pallone said he was happy the jobs were saved, In addition, the entire office area was described as In addition, it revealed unnecessary duplication of bail he said the board had still avoided the problem of a "top "extremely cluttered with ... papers lying all over on the entries and an "exceedingly" large cash bail balance that heavy" administration. Trial testimony Courtroom contradicts Taylor security is technique known as Luminol and •» UIA R. discovered a 55-foot long drag very tight The Register mark of blood starting from the ADVANCES — Shore Regional High FREEHOLD - A county in- spare bedroom in the northwest School's David Stanton returns a vestigator testified yesterday at corner of the first floor of the FREEHOLD - The unusually lorehand during yesterday's the murder trial of Dr. Kenneth Z. house that ended in the garage. tight security surrounding the Monmouth College Invitational Taylor that there was litUe Luminol, the witness said, Is a murder trial of Dr. Kenneth Z. Tennis Tournament quarterfinals. evidence of blood where Taylor liquid chemical which is dissolved Taylor is doe to threats made on Stanton advanced to the semifinals. said he struggled with his wife in water, and then sprayed like his life some months ago, law before her violent death last year. mist. When blood had been pres- enforcement officials said yester- 1B The testimony in the second day ent, the area becomes flourescent. day. of Taylor's murder trial by In- Meyer said the drag mark was Although the threats on Taylor's vestigator Glen Meyer directly two feet wide and began In the life are not recent. Superior Court contradicted what Taylor had told spare bedroom, continued through Judge Michael D. Farren granted police happened when his 25-year- the kitchen, the dining room, and the request of Defense Attorney old wife Teresa was killed the into the garage. Meyer said the Jack Venturi for the extra precau- INDEX night of Nov. 11, 1964 in the drag mark did not go through the tions at the Monmouth County couple's home on Valley Road in sewing-weight room. Courthouse. Manalapan. Taylor, 33, had told The only evidence of blood In the Venturi declined to comment on police in previous proceedings in sewing-weight room was a spot on the security precautions. How- BRIDGE 71 connection with his wife's death the washing machine, which also ever, officials have said the BU8INES3 H that the slaying occurred in the became evident to investigators threats were received shortly CLA88IFIED 71 sewing-weight room of the borne, when Luminol was used. In ad- after Taylor was arrested and COMICS II after his wife attacked him with a dition, the Luminol detected a charged with the Nov. 11 murder CROSSWORD 11A dumbbell.