Member bf Audit Bureau of Circulations ^ Contents Copyright by the Cdtholic Press Society, inc., 1956— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Fr. Kenneth Funk Named to Steamboat Springs Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue + + + Rev. John H. LePenske Assistant at Corpus Christi studies for four yers before bishop Vehr took him to Christ he received a master of arts Appointments The Rev. Kenneth Q. degree in English from the joining the Denver Archdiocese. DENVER CATHOLIC the King , Denver, as Funk, a.«wistant at Corpus assistant in December, 1960. University of Illinois, and had He also taught English, educa­ Christi Parish, Colorado Father Funk served at Christ begun work on his doctorate tion, and psychology at St. Springs, for the past four the King until June 19, 1962, when he came to Colorado. Bede’s. when he received the Colorado In 1936, Father Funk took Father Funk was ordained in and one-half years, has a teaching post at Spalding In­ Peoria by the late Archbishop been appointed by Archbishop Springs appointment. The new administrator at stitute, Peoria, Ilj., and later Joseph Schlarman June 1, 1940 Urban J . Vehr to be adminis­ assumed professorial duties a f His mother, Mrs. Florence trator of Holy Name Parish, Steamboat was born Jan. 29, REGISTER 1914. A graduate of St Bene­ St. Bede's College, Peru, 111., Funk, resides in Lakewood. VOL.LII. No. 20. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1956 DENVER, COLORADO Steamboat Springs. where he served at director of (See story on page 2) In the same announcement. dict’s College, Atchison, Kans., Archbishop Vehr named the Rev. John'Henry LePenske, who has been serving as assistant at St. Anthony’s Parish, Sterling, High School Campaign Among Major Events of Archdiocese in Past Year to replace Father Funk at Cor­ pus Christi Parish in Colorado Springs. Father Funk replaces the Rev. Edward Prinster, admin­ istrator at Steamboat Springs since 1939, who died in a tragic Archbishop's Jubilee Is Top Story accident Dec. 12. Native of lllinoii A native of Ottawa, 111., who joined the Denver Archdiocese Plans Drawn for Retreat House at Sedalia Spiritual, Material in August, 1960, Father Funk has held several posts in Colo­ rado. On his arrival in Denver, R c t . Kennatb Funk he served temporarily as ap as­ Growth Is Traced sistant at the Immaculate Con­ ception Cathedral. The second appointment given him by Arch- I 1 I In 12-Month Span b f f i c i o F By B i l l K i l k e n n y ARCHBISHOP’S HOUSE 777 Pearl Tlie jiilver jubilop of Archbisliop Urban J. Denver 3, Colorado Vehr as Ordinary of Denvor and iho lannchinp of a $3,225,000 oampaipn for Catholic hipli .school facilities highlighted major news events in the Archdiocese of Denver for 1956. In connection with the Archbishop’s jubilee was dedication of the new $1,500,000 buildings at St. Thomas’ Seminary, Denver. ’ Clergy Appointments 'The hi^h school campaign, announced in January, was Rev. Kenneth Funk, Adminis' among the first «f the principal news stories in the Detiver Cath­ tralor, Hoir Name Church An architect's sketch of the new Sacred Heart Re­ olic Register, 'The purpose of the drive was the construaion Steamboat Springs. treat House for Men, to be erected near Sedalia, is shown Rev. John H. Le Penske, assist­ of the new Machebeuf High School in F.ast Denver, and addi­ ant, (>>rpus Christi Church, in the top drawing. The chapel for the retreat house is New Institution tions to Qthedral, St. Francis de Sales', Holy Family, and An­ Colorado Springs. pictured in the sketch at bottom. nunciation High Schools, Denver; for additional development at The appointments are effec­ tive as of January 2, 1937. Regis High School, Denver; St. Mary's Academy, Cherry Hills; « URBAN J. VEHR lo Be Dedicated and Mullen High School, Fort Logan; and for new parish de­ Rer. John H. LePentke Archbishop of Denver velopment. To Sacred Heart K. oi C. Council Ranks 13th Council 5.^9, Denver, was revealed in Special Prayer Day B. J. R. Walsh January to be the 13th largest K. of C. council in membership Prelim inary plan.s have in the world. Members of the l«fal group total more than 2,000. been drawn for a $300,000 In the same month, rural pastors reported their parishes For Persecuted Set retreat fo r men to be hard-hit by severe drought conditions. At Sacred Heart Parish erected on the 190-acre site in Roggen, for instance, where the annual harvest collection was acquired by the Jesuit Fa­ usually from $5,000 to $10,000, it had hit a new low of $935. thers near Sedalia. Father Ra­ Although city folk seemed to be doing better, according to the phael C. McCarthy, S.J., direc­ reports of business groups, Elmer J. Kolka, director of On Sunday, Dec. 30 tor of retreats, said the new institution will be dedicated to Denver Catholic Charities, reported a soaring relief load. Clerpry, religious, and faithful of the Archdiocese the Sacred Heart and will be The first large parochial building project in the news con­ of Denver are a.sked by Archbishop Urban J . V ehr to the first of its kind for men in cerned the dedication by Archbishop Vehr on Jan. 4 of the new the Rocky Mountain Empire. join with other Catholics of the U. S. on Sunday, Dec. Pauline Memorial School in Broadmoor, (Colorado Springs. It Proposed itructurei in­ 30, in .special prayers for victims of religious persecu­ was built for $250,000, a large part of which was donated by tion. The special day of prayer, on the last Sunday of clude < chapel and a two- • torf main wing, which will Mrs. Spencer Penrose. the year, is sponsored by the Bishops of the country, b. attached to the chapel. A Plans were announced in mid-January for additions to Ca­ The need of prayer for generous benefactor already thedral and Cure d'Ars Schools. Catholiea suffering behind has donated $50,000 for the Cddipaign Fund the Iron Curtain has been chapel and its furnishings. Generous Beneiaeior Dies Archbishop Urban J . Vehr emphasised in recent weeks Mrs. Spencer Penrose died on Jan. 23. She had donated by the tragic events in East­ has given his blessing and ap­ Collections Are ern Europe, especially Hun­ proval for the over-all plan. millions of dollars to Qtholic institutions and projects in Colo­ gary, where thousands have . The type of construction. Fa­ rado, and other millions went to other charitable enterprises. Her died or chosen exile from Parishioners Pool Efforts to Provide ther McCarthy said, will be of largest single gift was $3,200,000 to Glockncr-Penrosc Hospital, their homes for the sake of painted steel panels separated (Turn to Page S — Column k ) Near $1,000,1 freedom and their religion. every 15 feet by pilasters of white stone. The panels will be Son Studying for PrioNthood Paym ents made last Persecution Continues Shelter and Assistance for Refugees blue spruce to help preserve week on pledges to the Paul W. McCloskey of the the native color. The chapel’s By F r a n k M o r r iss up until May. Thus the first Vice President Richard Nixon NCWC News Service staff, in panels will be of a marble con­ Archbishop’s High Schools four months of 1957 should to Austria and action that a report of Communist perse­ By year’s end the Denver crete and will blend with those Denver Mon Tells About Fund bring the total pay­ Archdiocese will have re­ see a greater influx of re­ will arise therefrom may of the main wing. cution of the Church in 1966 double the number of Hun­ ments to $978,797.46. 'This ceived 519 refugees in the 21 fugees into the country and The main building, 250 by shows that, despite some gains garian refugees coming to total makes certain that $1,- made by the Church in Eastern months since the fifst persons into the archdiocese, Monsi­ 28. feet in size, includes 54 000,000 will be paid by the end arrived in March, 1955, under gnor Kolka reported. Two Colorado. The first estimate roohfis for retreatants, a large Trip Into Soviet Russia Europe, persecution continues saw 500 coming to the state. of this year. rife. the Refugee Relief Act. ships are reaching lounge and library, -six priests’ today (Dec. 27) and Friday, Now some 1,000 can be ex­ [The following account of TRANSPORTATION wa.-i December is the 10th month Seventy-one refugees ar­ rooms, a parlor and dining The persecution that Com­ Dec. 28, bearing a number pected under the expanded “Ten Daye in Russia," by second-class, both as to rail and In the 30 - month collection rived in November alone. By room, and an office. A partial munism unleashed against of families who will reach the program, with the archdio­ M. A. Molitor, Denver busi- air. You see supdrhighway sys­ period, so that the first million Dec. 31, another 65 will have basement will contain storage nessman, is reprinted from dollars has been paid in 10 Christians and all men of good archdiocese before the year's cese receiving 200 or 300 or tems, but very few secondary will 39 years ago is still t^ing come into the archdiocese, ac­ space and the heating plant. The Winter, 1956, issue of roads. Very little traveling i.s mpnths. This average must be end. Another Denver-bound more. Up to date, 21 Hun­ Roland Johnson of Denver pursued systematically in every cording to the Very Rev. T h e P r i e s t , A m ba ssa d o r ok done in Russia, as the average increased, however, within the family will reach New York garian refugees have arrived designed the retreat house. The Monsignor Elmer J. Kolka, C h r is t , published by St. person lives and dies within a next 20 months if the unpaid land where the Marxist "ideal” by air Dec. 28. in the archdiocese. holds sway. director of the archdiocesan young architect also designed Thomas’ Seminary, Denver. radius of 50 miles of his birth­ balance of $2,400,000 in pledges Monaigaor Kolka (aid that One person in every three in Catholic Resettlement Com­ St. Therese’s School and Con­ A son, John Molitor, is a stu­ place. They know little of is to be collected. 1,000 Hungarians hii office, at 1665 Grant vent, Aurora, and the new stu­ the vast heartland of the world mittee. Expected in State Street, Denver, AC. 2-3825, dent for the priesthood of the America. They have no oppor­ Help of All Needed —from its distant Indochinese dent center being built at Regis Archdiocese of Denver in tunity to listen to radio or read, The Refugee Relief Act ex­ will be available to aniwer College, Denver. Persons who are behind in fringe in Southeast Asia to the pires Dec. 31, but all those In addition, Monsignor queationi, provide informa­ third year theology in St. except what the Communist their payments are urged to Arctic and across the west to given visas can be admitted Kolka believes the visit of tion, and receive donations The chapel building will ex­ Thomas' Seminary.] _ leaders want them to know. But Scandinavia and the Adriatic tend out from the center of the the Radio Voice of America make their payments as quickly and offers of assistance as IF YOU HAD an opportunity as possible. The making of Sea—is subject to terror. much as possible as the refu­ main wing and will be con­ and the tourists are changing Nationally Known Retreat lUlaster nected to it. In back of the to talk to all of the 2,500 Amer­ things. regular payments on pledges The year 1956 saw a loosening gee influx swells. No domes­ icans, businessmen, to u rists, makes payment relatively easy. of the vise torturing the Mysti­ tics or orphans are available, building, stations of the cross The Ukraine is a beautiful • It is always difficult to make cal Body of Christ in some of he added. will be erected on free-stand­ country. It is like Kansas, tra­ up past due payments. The need this area. In parts of Eastern Christian Family Groups' The latest refugees to ar­ ing brick piers, and this area versed by many fine clear-water for all of the money for high Europe—nowhere more than in rive in Denver are four Hun­ will be secluded for meditation rivers. World War II leveled school construction is so tre­ Poland—the Church made gains garian families, who foundi purposes. m'any civilized areas that at one . Recollection Day 13 time were fine, large cities. mendous that it is hoped that in the direction of freedom. But the warmth of Catholic hos­ Retreats Held * * * - no one will fail to complete his in other large areas—notably The Christian Family The fee for the day’s pro­ pitality extended at Christ­ pledge on time. China, Northern Vietnam, and mas time. Since 1910 THERE ARE NO farm Movement’s fourth annual gram, including lunch and all ^ t homes. All farmers live in small Persons who have not made a elsewhere—the; Communist on­ day of recollection has been contributions to the speaker, The families' of Gabor Since 1910, Father McCarthy pledge to the High Schools slaught continued unabated. Zagyi, Laszlo Zanyi, and Er-' cities and work on co-operative, scheduled for Sunday, Jan. has been set at $4 per couple. said, retreats have been offered collective, or state farms. There Fund are urged to send their In the minds of those who 13, at Loretto Heights Col­ nos Acsai arrived ^ Sunday, for laymen at Regis College. pledge to the collection office. have suffered under the dread Monsignor Kanaly, whose Dec. 23, after a 48-hour train are no fences in Ru.ssia. Old lege. The day of recollection, Circumstances restricted these women, while, they knit, herd The telephone number for the weight of the hammer and varied duties also include ride from Camp Kilmer, N.J. opportunities to the summer which is open to all interested serving as at the cattle. . Cattle are few, and collection office is KE. 4-4205. sickle, what relaxation there has couples, will be highlighted With the Zanyis was a close months. But the growth of Den­ federal penitentiary at El herds are not yet back to pre­ The address is Box 1620, Den­ been in persecution is the re­ by a series of talks by Rt. friend, Margit Kantor, aildi ver and nearby cities, the in­ ver 1. sult of one thing: Prayer. This Reno, Okla., and working as her daughter, Margit, 11. The’ war level. No one owns hi.s own Rev. Don J . Kanaly, pastor in crease of the Catholic popula­ farm. All farms are operated Contributions to the fund was perhaps said most plainly diocesan chaplain of CFM in Istvan Szoecses arrived earl-' tion, and the desire of both Calumet, Okla., and a na­ the Oklahoma City-Tulsa Dio­ for the country. may be sent to Archbishop by an American Jesuit, Father tionally recognized leader in ier on the same day. Catholic and non-CathoIic men Urban J. Vehr, Box 1620, Den John Clifford, on reaching home cese, has been active in the Moscow is a clean city of 6,- the Catholic Action move­ Monsignor Kolkk praised for more frequent retreats after three years in a succes lay apostolate for more than 000,000. It has one or two beau­ ver 1. ment. the spirit that saw the Hun­ make a year round retreat sion of Red Chinese jails. There 30 years. His initial contact garians find shelter in four tiful streets,, widened at gov­ house not only feasible but ernment will, as the Communist was just one thing to "get Workshops Planned came at Louvain U., where Denver area parishes. necessary. Monsig;nor Kanaly studied government owns all the land. Good Resolution straight first,” he said: "My In addition, a number of Combined Effort under Canon Joseph Cardijn, "It is time for us to go,” Fa­ It has a super-subway system, being here is a direct result of practical workshops will be By Parishioners founder of the Jocist Move­ ther McCarthy said.. “Construc­ all marble, six floors under­ the prayers that were offered conducted on all phases of the ment. 'Through a combined-effort tion will start when funds are ground with escalators, more For New Year: for me. Of that I’m convinced.” family apostolate. in St. Vincent’s Parish, Den­ available. The success of the of a showplace than a transpor­ Another missionary, one who The day’s activities will be­ Interested couples should ver, the Zagyis received the venture depends upon the men tation system. The city has two gin with registration at 10 make their reservations now use of home, clothing, and retreatants throughout the or three large buildings, and the Aid to Burse! suffered five years under the a.m. and conclude with with Win and Marge Power, other basic necessities. A par­ M. A. Molitor rest are six-stpry apartments Chinese Communist jail system, and the renewal of marriage 2351 Birch, Denver. The dead­ tially furnished house at 501 Rocky Mountain. Empire, for (Turn to Page t — Column B) The St. Jude Burse—Denver (Turn to Page t — Column 1) vows from 4 to 5 p.m. line for reservations is Jan. 9. (Turn to Page S — Column i ) (Turn to Page i — Column 8) professional men, who, so far archdiocesan fund for the edu­ this year, have visited in the cation of priests—stands at Soviet Russia, particularly in Evergreen Parish $4,616.04 as this paper goes to the towns of Moscow, Kiev, press. The past week brought in St. Mary's School, Littleton, Rapidly^Taking Shape Lvov, and Minsk, and asked Counts Blessings three donations totaling $24. them to tell you about Commu­ Donors included J . C., DeU' nist Russia, you would (ret sub­ Through the co-operative ver, who contributed $6; W.C.F. stantially the same story. It work of parishioners, many Lakewood, $4; and an anon was my good fortune to be blessings have come to the ymous Denver friend, $15. among this group. My stay in Church of Christ the King, A suggestion for an appro­ Russia was only 10 days, but, Evergreen, in the past year. priate New Year’s resolution for in my opinion, an observant The parish hall has become a every Catholic wage earner is traveler can see hear, taste, reality, and some $23,000 has this; " I will set aside a small smell, and feel a great many been paid on the debt of this portion of every paycheck as things in 10 days. hall, most of it through pledges my contribution to the works of I traveled with an American- in the Parish Hall Campaign. the Church. In doing this, I born Russian Jew, who came to Recently another $1,340 was will be assured of the special America in 1938, and spoke pledged by new families of the blessings Almighty God s£nt Russian very well. For tourists parish. down upon those who line up our money exchange was bad; Income in the parish has al­ with Him in the conquest of so we paid in advance $24 a most tripled in the last few aouls.” day for board and room, an years due to its growth and or­ Incidentally, the archdiocesan automobile, a chauffeur, and an ganization. priesthood burses form a fund interpreter. We were given com­ The women of the Altar'Shd of vital importance in the spread plete freedom to come and go as Rosary Society, through its af­ of Christ’s kingdom; for the we wished; to ask as many ques­ filiated circles, have donated burses assist seminarians; and tions as we liked; and, inter­ $4,500 to the parish in sums of seminarians become priests, estingly enough, to give our $3,000, $600, and $900 in the Christ’s captains on the field of An Intenratefl plant for St. Mary’s ^ The L-shaped area at the left is the section now pupils, "at t^e most.” Enrollment now threatens to personal opinions. None of our past year. These donations have spiritual warfare. MH i m e y r u i c u Littleton, is rapidly tak­ being erected. It should be ready after the first of burst accommodations. The present student total party wandered away too far, been the result of diverse activ­ Gifts to the St. Jude Burse ing shape at the N. Nevada Street site. An archi­ the year, according to the Rev, Frederick Mcljallin, is 430, and thero is no indication that it will remain since the minute we got into a ities of the nine circles of the may be sent to Archbishop Ur­ tect’s sketch above shows the building as it will look pastor of St. Mary’s. The new section will contain four at that level. Property near the church and school city our passports were taken 80ci6ty* ban J . Vehr at 1636 Logan when completed. The present school building is at classrooms, a principal’s office, and lavatories. The has been acquired to make expansion possible. away and were returned to us 'The Rev. D. A. McMahon is Street, Denver. j the right. « Original school was built in 1951 to ascommodate 250 , only as we lelK pastor. S-* -i,;. -^ ?#< - « -« «r ' ^ • - »r^«

■Thursday, December 27, T 958 PAGE TWO OHk«, 938 lonneck Streat THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER I\'oed G races to Stand Steadfa. evil and inhuman rule, certain to raise up from the in August, 1954, from Austria, sists of one room. In this one for men to volunteer their aerv- ery.” members of the Church of Si­ seed of their martyred brothers where he served as command room the average family of ices for landscaping the retreat In one heroic gesture, they lence have suffered, bled, and a Christian Church which in chaplain of U.S. forces sta­ man and wife, two children, and site. Although this work will have laid bare to the whole died for their Christian faith. the end will prevail. tioned there from 1951 until usually his or her parents will not be done until next spring, world the unchanging evil Never in history has any body 1954. eke' out an existence. There is Father McCarthy said, all of­ character of the Soviet regime; of Christians borne such wide- “Because the sufferings of no kitchen. Usually one kitchen fers of services for landscaping these, our brothers, require spe­ In World War II,. from 1942 and one bathroom are shared by until 1946, Father White was may be made to him at Regis cial graces of fortitude and per­ six families. Only one in a thou­ College, Denver (GL. 5-3633). assistant chaplain of the Ninth sand will have his own home. severance, at this season when Corps in the Pacific Theater. Unlike Americans, they do He pointed out the great we stand near the beginning of From 1946 until 1947, he served not like to show their homes. amount of work volunteers ac­ MORGAN, LEIBMAN & HICKEY another year of plenty and hope, as chaplain of the 25th Infantry You will find very few televi­ complished at the former re­ Division in the Far East. and they on the brink of another sion sets, and only a few radio treat site, which enhanced its INSURANCE SINCE 1897 sale value, and tfie funds from desolate year of persecution and He entered the army in July, sets. There is very little elec­ terror, we call upon all Catho­ 1942. His parents reside in Ra- trical eauipment such as wash­ which were applied for part payment of the present site. insurers lics of our country to unite on harnie, Ireland. ing macnines, vacuum cleaners, Trees,‘ shrubs, grass, and simi­ Sunday, Dec. 30, in a day of electric irons, or refrigerators. • Prior to entering the service. lar work will have to be done 753 Gas & Electric Bldg. TA. 5-0241 prayer and in this we beseech By this I do not mean they do all men of good will to join us Father White was assistant not have this equipment, but at the new location. Herbert W. Leibmon Gerard R. TeBockhorst —that God may speedily humble pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in rather that only a lew have it. Memariols Available Food is not too plentiful. Wheat all tyrants and grant peace and Newton, Kans., from 1935 until ^Map by WillUm Sktahan Opportunii--8 for memorials. Gerald J. Hencmann and com products, as well as freedom to those who so pa­ 1940. He was pastor of St. Jo­ Father McCarthy noted,' are fish and caviar, are the most ■f + - tiently have borne their crush­ seph’s Parish in Yates Center, ideas, and he has begun to museums, and the art galleries. available for every man and ing yoke. Kans., from 1940 until 1942. plentiful, but I found very few fresh fruits. Meat was avail­ realize that all he has been re­ woman. They may be estab­ lished for individuals, families, able only two days a week. ceiving is one empty promise DURING THE 10 DAYS I * • * after Another. spent in the four cities I vis­ or organized groups. Such me­ morials will for decades to WHEN VISITING their The Communists have a pro­ ited, never could I find a Cath­ paganda machine of the high­ olic priest in Ru.ssian Kiev, a come serve actively in the stores and shops, you first spread and deepening of reli­ select your item, obtain the est efficiency which covers city of 1,500,000 with but one Communist owned radios, the­ church standing. Moscow has gion throughout this Western price, pay the cashier, and 'then country. . you get your merchandise. They aters,.television, and books. This one . I visited one small white frame building All memorials will be suit­ do noli have cash registers, but propaganda Ls unsuspected by reportedly Catholic but I could ably designated by a plaque Jh iL TyioJllL StoJU L still use the old Chinese abacus the large majority. It is used not find a priest. I visited many b^ariqg the name of the con­ bead machines. You must stand to sell Communism as we would in line for everything: Shows, advertise our merchandise. other churches and it certainly, tributor or that of the person buses, shopping, pleasures. If • • * was disheartening to sec the whom he desires to honor. Par­ older men and women come into tial contributions toward any you are buying an item of lux­ ONE OF THE MOST DIS­ the church to worship, and, as of the suggested memorials will ury, you will not doubt stand HEARTENING sighU is the you would watch them, particu­ be sincerely appreciated. in line from one to two hours Russian working women. They larly their manner of devotio'n, to be waited upon, and then are not found in the home as Memorials may include: 54 you could not help but think rooms, $1,500 each; furnishings j a m y a r y d you will be charged a prohib­ a hou.sewife, but on the streets that at one time they were itive price. By luxuries, I mean, as section laborers, street clean­ for rooms, $200; lounge and li­ Catholics and perhaps even brary, $21,000; 54 lounge ties, cuff-links, lipstick, rouge, ers. hod carriers, engineers, and members of the clergy. finger-nail polish, high-heel police. All women work, which chairs, $60 apiece; six rooms shoes, perfumes, or toilet arti­ is probably the reason that I visited several catacombs for priests, each $1,500; furn­ ishings for priests’ rooms, cles. birth control and abortion are and a monastery, and always $250; parlor furnishings, $600; legal in Russia. The Russian the guide would merely say, The stores are drab and unin­ dining room, $21,000; office, women are only allowed three “Yes. there are still a few old teresting. In hotels and shops, people that believe in God, but $3,00(1; and kitchen and equip­ that tops all others^ elevators take you up ONLY, months off from work to have a baby. But they too are becom­ they will soon die, and then we ment, estimates given upon re­ not down. There are no credit will make museums out of the quest. All contributions to the or charge accounts. You see ing discontented, and they would like to discontinue the churches.” retreat house are deductible very little poverty, nor do you • • * for tax purposes. offering entire stock see any hixuries, such as soap Communist-inspired abuses, at and white clothing, if you con­ least the manual labor. In fact IT WAS HARD FOR ME to sider soap and white clothing through their influence there believe 1 was in a country where at clearance reductions luxuries. Men’s suits are never is now a proposal in the next the people did not believe in a pressed; there are no shaves. five-year plan to build kitchens God, where there was no educa­ Shirts are not ironed and very in the new housing units, and tion in thq schools about reli­ seldom do you see a tie. to abolish women labor on all gion or God, that I was in a * • • manual jobs. country where they openly de­ clare, “We don’t need a God.” A young man and a young WHILE Cx PHYSICALLY, the average In Russia I found only one small Russian is mediocre. The man women must wait at least four YOU ^ ray of hope, and th-at was the WAIT is of small stature, 150 pounds years to marry. He has a choice utterance of my interpreter is his approximate weight, and when she bi,d me good-by. I l-TEAR GUARANTEE about five feet six inches is the to enlist, be drafted, or marry and go to work in the cold of invited her td come to America MOST CARS average height. I might add someday, and she quickly re­ that the Russian women, even Siberia. Many prefer Siberia. plied, “With the help of God,” BONDED LINING, •400 the blondes, are just as un­ * • • an I then she stopped and said, 2-Year Gntrantec.. Extra attractive. DRUMS .00 THERE ARE MANY places “Oh, I didn’t mean that.” The Russian Communist TURNED ...... Each of interest to the sight-.seer. 1 Russia, as I found it, is a creed is: “No man in Russia say sight-seeing advisedly be­ country of shadows, peopled by may hire or rent another man 2600 S. BROADWAY > cause there are only certain sad humans of little or no faith or material for profit” No man AUTO BAKE CO. ' -y^ajlcm ae^ places that they wish to show in God. RA. 2-4676' Phone for Appt. owns hia land or his business. you; the University of Moscow, In America, 30 per cent of the 32 stories high, boasting 22,000 DOLLS — WIGS — SHOES national income goes to the 2424 E. Calfqx support pf our government, but students; the Athletic Field, Dolli Drexied to Order BLACK 4 WHITE SERVICE seating 100,000 people, built by in the Soviet Union the govern­ « 7-881B Phone for Appt. ment takes 100 per cent Com­ 100,000 students each donating A.B.C. Doll Hospital munism means more paper work one day’s labor; a ski jump with 122 N. CASCADE and fewer consumer goods. Mil­ escalators eight stories high; REUGIOUS STATUES REPAIRED BUCK 4 'WHITE SERVICE the Stalin and Lenin Mauso­ itary and government checkers Mr. and .Mrs. J. A. McCourt ME. 4-6675' Colorado Sprinqs leum, Red Square, and the per are everywhere. 616 Downing MA. 3-7617 * • raanent $100,000,000 Agricul­ THE RUSSIAN WORKER is ture Exhibition Building, visited not a happy worker. Every by some 50,000 people per day. SUITS & TOPCOATS worker whether in the store, the Yet, the fact still remains shop, or on the farm is on piece­ clear that the great majority of work. If he is on the farm, he people are at least 10 years be­ is given a quota of cattle, milk, hind our standard of living. In regard to entertainment, an hogs, amd wheat If he is in I WENT TO SBB the shop, he must be on so American can select from the many assemblies or complete so puppet shows (Stalin’s favor­ IHB LOAN Regularly $75 ite), the ballet^ the national many pieces per day or per hour. He realizes that none of ARBANGEB the fruits of his labor are his, and to stimulate his achieve­ ment the government encour­ Colo. Springs ages the worker by dangling before him as a prize, better housing, better living condl tions, larger living quarters, Post Third for prizes of new items, vacations, and gifts. Without personal ownership his initiative to go ahead is gone. Fr. LePenske They do not hesitate to admit Why b« buidanod with o lot of pesky little bills, wbea ^ (See page I atory also) | one call wUl pay them all. For full iniormotion oo a that their standard of living cotitoUdorting looa come to- is 10 to 15 years below that .F^her John H. LePenske’s! of the and they ajipOSntment to Corpus Christ! | $85 Hart Schaffner & Marx and Timely attempt to justify this by stat­ Parish, Colorado Springs, as as-! Citizens Loon Co. SUITS & TOPCOATS reduced t o ... ing: “America had no war. We sistant is his third since his or-j are just recovering from 1905, dination the past May. His first, 1538 Califarnia St. MA. 3-4959 was to Holy Ghost Parish, Den-i R. B. DILLON. Pr.iid»nt $90 Hart Schaffner & Marx $119 1916, and 1940. Give us 10 more years and we will pass ver, where he remained for the | SUITS 4 TOPCOATS reduced t o ... you.” summer months, and his sec­ * * ond, the past Aug, 16, was to THE LOAN ARRANGER $.12S Hart Schaffner & Marx $ 1 A 7 IT IS THE OPINION of St. Anthony’s Parish, Sterling. SUITS 4 TOPCOATS reduced to... I w # most Russians that Russia does The son of Mr. and Mrs. not want war. They will not John H. LePenske of Lake- VIeteeux excluded wage war with their present wood, Father LePenske was standard of living. They say, bom in Denver Dec. 3, 1930. “After the wars, we first must His early education was taken eat; then we must have shelter, at SL Joseph’s Redemptorist, and lastly we want luxuries Holy Family, and St. Dominic’s Muuliefd de £uxe Now that we have food and Grade Schools. After beginning shelter we can think of lux­ his high school training in uries.” It is true that they have Lakewood, he completed it at > 5 no taxes and no doctor bills. Holy Family High School, Den­ « 6 5 S U I T S They have old age pensions, Holds in "W ill Call" ver, where he was g;raduated. homes for the aged, the dis­ After one year’s study at FOR OUR ANNUAL abled, the blind, and the handi­ Regis College, Denver, he en­ capped, homes for the children, rolled in St. Thomas’ Seminary kindergartens, holiday homes, in September, 1949. He com­ recreation homes, and to top it pleted his collegiate and the- all off, 14 years of free educa­ olopcal studies at St. Thomas’, tion provided by the govern­ and was ordained by Arch­ INVENTORY ment There is one thing they bishop Urban J . Vehr May 26, have in advance of even Amer- 1956. iica— the government finances The young priest was the| the last two years of a student’s editor of the Ambaeeador, sem-| FRIDAY, DEC. 28th college education. inary magazine, in 1954, direc-| This is all very well, but tor of St. Thomas’ sehola ean- they are beginning to awaken torum in 1963 and 1954, and AND to the false government propa­ sacristan in 1954 and 1955. d e £ m ganda and are asking them­ selves, “Why can't we have ^65 Topcoats kitchens and bathrooms, wear The Den?er Catholic hate, own automobiles, own tel Chmrgo Purthmtot SATURDAY, DEC. 29th evision sets, electeical appli Re8[i$ter <• ■ i ’ SUM Mntmrr M ances, telephones, and nice or koy on,,. clothes, second suite of clothes,Published Weekly by the $ i f l and enjoy a few of the many Catholic Press Society, Inc. Extended other luxuries of life?" 938 Bannock Street, Denver, The James Clarke^ Payments * * * ’Subscription: $3.00 Per WITH SUCH A QUESTION Year. Sold in combination * Third doe in his mind, you can • under­ with The Register, National m g U A R Y 1 0 stand and sympathize with the Edition, in Archdiocese of . Church Goods House MARCH 10 thoughts of the common Rus Denver. APRIL 1 0 sian citizen. The average Rus Entered as Second Class 1633 Tremont TA. 5-3789 Sizes to fit IVIKYman.., sian, however, is afraid; he Matter at the Post Office Denver, Colo. liven In constant fear! He is not Colo. : kegafus, loags, Extra lengsr Shorts, Stoats alloared to express - his own Telephone, Keyitone 4-4205 PAGE THREE Archbishops Jubilee Top Story; High School Drive Among Major 1956 Archdiocesan Events

fContinued From Page^One) minded Cafholics of the archdio- nearly all pledges had beeq re partment, addressed the Q th - Andrew Richman,' a displaced person from Hungary, received Gilorado Springs, for a new cese that there can be no higher ported, the total jumped to $3,- olic Parent-Teacher League at its annual meeting. He stressed $17,000 at the Cathedral bazaar building. or more compelling motive for 307,000, and latecomers boosted on April 15. Another person who had supporting the drive than the the pledge figure to exactly tha; parochial schools are not a Mt. St. Vincent’s Home for given much to the Church died fact that its goal is the^ future $3,463,180.42 by early April. threat to the unity of U. S. so­ Boys, Denver, announced plans in January: Samuel McCullough of their children. Administrators -of Catholic ciety, and he noted that Catholic for a $400,000 building pro­ Forsyth of Boulder, who had Trappist hospitals in Colorado were ad­ school textbooks praise the pub­ gram. three sons priests and three dressed by the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ lic school system, but that pubEc Monastery school textbooks do not recipro­ The Rev. Bernard j, Brekel, daughters nuns. Trappists in Spencer, Mass., gnor Donald A. McGowan, di- cate. Gov. Edwin C Johnson O.M.L, was ordained a priest The purchase of eight aaes announced in mid-February the recto/ of the N CW C Depart­ and Mayor Will F. Nicholson of May 31 at the Oblates’ seminary of land in the Martin A aes sub­ purchase of a monastery site at ment of Hospitals, at the meet­ Denver lauded the role of Cath­ in Pass Christian, Miss. He of­ division of Boulder as a parish, Snowmass, near Aspen. Origin ing of the Colorado Conference olic schools in Colorado educa­ fered his First Solemn Mass in site was announced Feb. 2. A ally named the Abbey of Our of Catholic Hospitals in late tion at the CPTI. conference.. St. Peter’s Church, Fleming, six-and-one-half-aae site was Lady of Colorado, the monastery February. He chided hospital The Rev. Robert C Hartnett, where he was once a parish­ also bought in Fort Lupton. was retitled St. Benedia's Abbey nuns for sometimes showing an former editor of America, ad­ ioner. Joseph A. Craven, attorney in December. "excess of charitable zeal,” which dressed alumni of Jesuit schools The annual report of Denver for the Archdiocese of Denver, The Rev. Thomas Barry, pas- led to deficits in hospital fi­ at a breakfast marking the 400th Catholic Charities said that the appeared before a committee of , tor, and the Rev. C. B. Wood- nances. anniversary of St. Ignatius care of handicapped children shown in a home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glasier, the Colorado Legislature to ex-jrich, assistants, escaped death MedicalStudenis Loyola, founder of the Society was the top social problem in Denver Parish Welcome S’ g aTK being provided them temporarily. Left to right j plain the Catholic stand on a when a gun jammed in the hand Form Guild of Jesus. The breakfast followed Colorado. Eight Catholic hos­ Zagyi, refugees from Red terror in Hungary, are Gabor, Jr., 1 ^ ,, Erzebet, u-,. 48; ,o . r>.i GaWr, cSr., - 45; , = . would have given to ^ reen-ager who had invaded Margit, 12; and Erzebet, 23. SUnding are Mr. ... . Catholic medical students at a special Mass in St. Ignatius pitals in the state reported car­ receive a welcome and their first malt” in public authorities the right of the Annunciation Parish rectory, St. Vincent de Paul's Parish, Denver. They are and Mrs. Glasier.—(Register photo) Colorado University formed the Loyola Church, Denver. ing for 54,734 patients in a authorizing or licensing non-i Denver, Thomas Linacre Guild in Feb­ The Legion of Mary of the year's time. Of the toul, 1,216 public schools. The bill died in ' On Feb. 23, a few days after ruary with the backing of the Archdiocese of Denver reported were cared for free and 7,283 committee. the opening of the High School Catholic Physicians' Guild. on its activities in the past 12- paid for only part of their care, As the date for the launching Campaign in the Denver area, Plans were announced in month period at its comitium with the hospitals providing of the High School Campaign pledges totaling $2,773,367 were March for an $88,000 convent meeting at the end of Mstreh. $233^ 06 in free care. neared. Archbishop Vehr re- reported. Two weeks later, when in Divine Redeemer Parish, Col Their work, included leading 73 Religion in the home was orado Springs, where a new adults and 31 children to be t;alled the cure and preventative Assistance to Refugees church was just being completed baptized, returning- 106 adults for juvenile delinquency by the and a school was headed toward and one child to the sacraments, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Nicholas H. completion in September. and getting 36 couples to have Wegner, direaor of Boys Town, their marriages validated. when he addressed delegates to Bishop John P. Cody, then Provided by Parishioners Both Regis and Loretto the convention of the Atchdi- Coadjutor of St. Joseph, Mo., (Continued From Page One) Dutch Nationals Heights Colleges announced ocesan Council of Q tholic E. Kentucky was provided by told priests and seminarians at Also Arriving plans in early April for major Women early in May. The Ijoyd Glasier. The St. Vin­ the annual Forty Hours’ Devo­ building projects. Regis planned ACCW pledged support of the cent de Paul Society parish Dutch refugees and na­ tion at St. Thpmas' Seminary, conference and the St. Vin­ tionals arriving under the a residence haU and student cen­ Migrant Labor Committee and Denver, that they should always cent de Paul Society Sal­ Refugee Relief Act on the ter, and Ixretto Heights planned deplored the "unfortunate vage Bureau helped the fam­ Zuiderkniis, scheduled to "bear in their persons a sanctity a residence hall. plight” of migrant workers at ily with clothing, . etc. The dock in New York Dec. 28, befitting their sacred calling.” The new parish hall of Christ Fort Lupton. family consists of Gabor, 4.5; are these persons: Rep. Eugene McCarthy (D., Erzebet, 48; Erzebet, 23; Ga­ Adolph Zimmermann, 43; the King Parish, Evergreen, was Open house was held in the Minn.) told an audience at the bor, Jr., 18; and Margit, 12. his wife Gertrude, 48, and dedicated by Archbishop Vehr new $100,000 rectory of St. Laszio Zanyi, 34; Maria, their daughters Adolphine, Social Science Conference spon­ on April 28. John the Evangelists Parish, 34; Laszio, Jr., 5; and Maria, 14, and Maria, 12. They will sored by Loretto Heights Col­ Contracts totaling $300,000 Denver, on May 13. 4, fulfilled the wish of Thorn­ be employed by Edward Jor­ lege that, although there is no ton citizens that a refugee dan of the Wolhurst Club. were signed in April for the Q - such thing as "Catholic politics,” Pupils’ GUt family arrive by Christmas. Mr. Zimmermann, who speaks thedral School annex, later With them came Margit Kan- English and German, is a Catholics should make their in­ To Archbishop named Marian Hall. ton, 31, and her 11-year-old cook of 28 years’ experience. fluence felt in legislation. Arch­ The 17,127 pupils of Catholic daughter, Margit. They re­ The family will live in St. bishop Vehr made his first Machebeui High schook in Colorado pledged ceived a royal welcome from Mary> Parish, Littleton, at „:'jr '■’r'' incr’allatio'n 121,010 Masses and 92,699 a Thornton committee led by 5595 S. Santa Fe Drive; ( P^torai visit to tne installation Plans Drawn or the temporary Air Force The Machebeuf High School, Communions in a spiritual Kiwanis members, and ^were Joseph Boer, 20, a native treated to a Christmas Eve of The Hague, Netherlands, Academy at Lowry Field March to be built with funds collected bouquet to Archbishop Vehr. dinner through the courtesy who will also be employed by 4. in the High School Campaign, The spiritual bouquet, which in­ of the SkyChef Restaurant. Mr. Jordan and who will live 1.200 Men will accommodate 450 pupils in cluded thousands of other spirit­ if ir k Toray, manager of at Wolhurst: the Town Club, 10th and Rt Breakfast the tipper three grades of high ual works, was presented to the Sherman .Streets, Denver, has Adrianus Van Her Zijde, school and another 150 in the Archbishop at a Mass attended 18, an aircraft mechanic Who Bishop Robert J. Dwyer of provided .shelter and employ­ freshman year. Pledges in the by 8,000 .youngsters in the Den­ A Christmas Eve Denver; Doug Shockey, president of speaks English and Dutch. Reno, Ncv., addres.sed 1,200 ment for Ernos Aesai, 33, and drive reached $3,473,717.42 by ver Auditorium Annex May 24. Welcoming Dinner dinner was fur­ Thornton Kiwanis Club; Newton S. Paletz o f ^ He is being sponsored by men at a breakfast following the Monsignor Kolka, who will nished by the Skychef Restaurant as part of the the Lions’ Club; Oyer G. Leary, mayor of * mid-April. Four men were »ordained arrange for housing and em­ men’s annual G)mmunion in a welcome given by the community of Thornton Thornton, and L. B. Bishop of the Skychef. his wife, Rosza, 25. Mr. Toray Two thousand pupils took priests for the Denver Archdio­ ployment. Mass in the Denver Cathedral to Hungarian refugees. Standing, left to right, Seated, left to right, are 4.aszlo Zanyi, Jr'., 5; already has another Hun­ part in the annual Archdiocesan cese May 26: Fathers. John J. Margit Kanton, 11; her mother, Margit; Laszio garian family in his employ­ Aboard the Gen. Taylor, March 11. He declared that the are .Monsignor Elmer J. Kolka, director of the Music Festival, which honored Jepson, 'Thomas P. Stone, Robert archdiecesan Catholic Resettlement Committee, Zanyi, Maria Zanyi, 4; and Mrs. Mario Zanyi, ment. docking in New York Dec. 27, idea that the government alone are: under whose auspices the refugees were brought 34.— {Register photo) Istvan Szoecs,’ 35, his wife, has the right to control schools Archbishop Vehr on his 25th F. Dote, and John J. LePenske. Katalin, 27, and daughter, Ignacy Sychia, 35; his wife, anniversary as Ordinary of Den­ Ordained with them was a Stanislawa, 32, Jerzy, 9; and is "educational socialism. Beatrix, 2, have been taken ver. priesthood candidate of the into the home of Mr, and ; Stanislaus, 4. They are a A remodeling project was The new St. Thomas Aquinas Servites: The Rev. Robert M. Mrs. A. V. Ignatowicz, 1677 JPolish refugee family who are under way in mid-March in St. Garfield Street. The St. Phii- being sponsored by Monsignor Chapel at the University of Volk, O.S.M. Catherine's Church, Derby, omena’s Parish couple will Kolka, and will go to a friend, Colorado, Boulder, was dedi­ On the same day in Chicago, Pawle Ladika, 4638 Logan where the number of families in share their home with- the cated by Archbishop Vehr April the Rev. Andrew Tscu, the first Hungarian family, providing Street; the parish increased from 60 to 14. (Turn to Page IS — Column S) food, lodging, and some of the Eva Maria Nowotny, 26, 1.000 in seven years. The who was born in Neisse, Po­ basic necessities of life in capacity of the church was being co-operation with Monsignor land, and is going to a friend. doubled to accommodate the Well Kolka’s Resettlement Commit­ Miss Christine Behler, 967 to tee. It is this Christian re­ Downing Street, Denver; aowds at Masses. CARPETS Wall DR. JAMES P. Johanpes Gertje, 26, a Ger­ Room Size sponse that Monsignor Kolka St. Anthony's Hospital, Den­ said his office hopes to see man ethnic who is being spon­ end Smeller more of. sored by Frank J. Applhans, ver, announced plans for a $1,- RUGS GRAY Moniignor Kolka taid that Henderson, Colo. 500.000 campaign to finance Largest selectioos in tha city. Optometri$it he hopet neighbor! in the .\rriving by air in New construction work. York Dec. 28 arc Albinus area of theie and future ref­ Denver's celebration of St Furniture'”' Eyes Examined - Visual Care ugee! will help to a!!i!t Dorau, 39; his wife, Briggitte, Oprn WMinndty R*«ninp Til) t e'eJoek the!e courageou! refugee! 39; their sons, Detlef, 12, and Patrick’s Day included a special Phone who are victim! of national Werner, 6. This family from dance in the Shirley-Savoy TAbor 5-8883 diaaater. The aim i! to get the Red-held East Zone of Hotel. E.M.W. FOR APPOINTMENT them on their feet until they Germany is being spon.sored The Very Rev. Monsignor where caeb talk! have recuperated and become by Monsignor Kolka. They William E. McManus, director 2141 So, Broadway 213 COLO. BLDG. self-!ufficient after having are expected to arrive in Den­ SHerman 4-2754 1615 CALIF. ST. to leave their home!. ver Dec. 30. of the NCW C Education De­

Your Best Deal Is Still at A Denver Catholic Istvan Szoecs, holding on his lap his daughter, Christian Sharing couple, Mr. and Beatrix, 2. The action of the Igmatowiczes in Mrs. Victor Ignatowicz, opened their home to opening up their home to- the refugee family a Hungarian refugee family. Left to right are has been praised by Monsignor Elmer J. Kolka Mr. Ignatowicz, Mrs. Katalin Szoecs, Mrs. Ig­ as a type of action that should be encouraged natowicz, and young Jeffery Ignatowic£, and More such help is needed.—(Register photo)




Y 0 K . ^ % per annum F 2 2 E I D 0 AUMEOA AUMEDA E- . Compounded Quarterly S R A H A E I R 1 . On ALL Sayings Accounts


15 to l i minutoi 25 to 30 minuUt 25 minuUt from 15th and Arapahoe • Denver. Colorado S minntaa from from From W. 38lh A £ . 32nd h York SU, £. Event Ave. Jk £ a tt Colfax A NVedtworth, Sheriden Univ. Blvd., or S. Colo. Blvd. Logen or Downing or Foderel Blvd. Colo. Blvd. MEMBER: FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION • FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM PAUL HORAN MORTUARY 1375 E. Hampden Ave. SU, 9-9460 or FR. 7-2098 I A Tefcpfi*!!*/ 4*4MS Thund^y, D*ctmb*t 27,1956 PAG! FOUK Offic*, 9SI ••nnocic Sfrot THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Contribution Envelopes Father Weibel Ready at St. Patrick's Baptizes Nine

(Sl. PalrieVi P«ri*lh r Th« weekly envelope* for and randy cane* and sent home At St, Vincent's 1957 are ready and all parish­ to enjoy their Christntaa vaca- ioners are asked to pick them tion. (Sl. Vlnuant du Pnal'i Parltli, up as soon as possible in the Confessions will hi heard Dunrur) baptistry, where those already from 4 to 5:30 and from 7 >30 At the eonelunion of the fall assit^ned are spread out in the to 8:30 p.m., Dec. 31. Masses neritn of convert eUMen Father alphabetical order. Others for on New Year's Day wll bo the George Weibel received the fol­ whom there is no record are same as Sundays, at 7, 9,10:30, lowing (even penonn into the asked’ to wait for Father James and 12 with the addition of an Choren ihortly before Christ- Purfield after all Masses on eveninjr Mass at 7 p.m. mas: Sandra Lee Beck, with Sunday in the baptialry so that There will be no catechism Suzanne Holmes as sponsor; he may (tet your name and ad­ class on Sunday, Dec. 30. The Grace Elizabeth Bonner, spon­ dress. rheetinfs for the week are as sors: Frank Robert and Patricia All parishioners are asked to follows: Friday, Dec. 28, at 8 Mijler; Wayne Eugene Fagen- use envelopes. Since there is no p.m.. Senior Newman Club at bush, sponsor: Walter Sluser- the school; Saturday, Dec. 29, tuition at school, envelopes are ski; Maaietta Louise Stasica, used as the condition for ac- at 2 p.m.. Junior Nowman Club sponsors: Frank and Alma Con­ ceptinp children in school. The at the school and at 7 p.m ley; Harold Lee Sullivan, spon­ school is crowded and prefer­ choir practice at the school sors: Thomas and Louise Rowe; The Rev. .Thomas Feeley, ence is given to families of faith­ Vehr will present Catholic Church awards to Ronald John Willemsen, spon­ C.M., is spending the Christmas A i f l In r r A flp k Coach Dan Cavarra is shown receiving s ful parishioners. There are other Scouting Demonstration Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts in the program. sors: Thurman and Lorraine advantages in being on parish holiday with his folks. Father Every Catholic boy who is participating in the u m lu r VUUI.II ^i,e Rev. John Doherty i t the Feeley is the son of _ Mrs. Jameson; MarjrLouise Willem­ dinner honoring,the football teams and coaches of St. Berna­ records, for income tax reports, Plans Being Prepared scouting program is expected to attend the sen, sponsors: Melvin and Mary character reference, and help Thoma.s Feely of this parish. Catholic scouting demonstration. dette's School, Lakewood, Dec. 5. Committee met recently in St, John the Evan­ Paylow. Robert Dean and De­ in financial assistance in time gelist’s School, Denver, to make plana for the In the picture are, left to right, seated, Al­ borah Ann Willemsen, the chil­ + + -f~ -!-■ *4- of need. annual Catholic scouting demonstration which bert M, Towner, J r .; Louis R. Duran, Leo W. dren of Ronald and Manr Wil­ Pupils Entertain Schedule Jon. 1 will be held shortly after the first of the year Kraeriter, chairman; Carl Ott; and standing, lemsen, were baptized in the At the meeting of the PT.\ in the Denver Cathedral. Archbishop Urban J. Glenn Wilson, Jack Rice, and Pete Vart Woensel. same ceremony with the par­ Parents Fete Coaches, on Dec. 18 the parents were en­ + + + ents. tertained by some of the school At St. Joseph's + + + The next series of convert children under the direction of instruction classes will begin St. Bernadette's Teams Mrs. Leo Slavenske and Mrs. (St. Joseph's Rademptoriit Monday, Jan. 14. The classes Howard Potter. Father Purfield Perish) Denver Area Catholic Scouting Units will be held on Monday and Ldkewood.— (St. Bernadette’s on Jan. 6 in the 7:30 o'clock gave a Christmas message, and There will be an evening Wednesday evenings at 8, Parish)—The football teams Mass. coffee, punch, and sandv^ches Mass at 5:30 o’clock on New —Archdiocese of Denver— tive, Albert T'owner, BE. ter, F. R. Weiser, FR. 7-8306; o’clock in the reading room' of and coaches were honored with Muses oa Nrw Ytar’s Day a supper, given by the parents were served. Year’s Day. The rest of the Denver Area Council, Inc. 3-1555; scoutmaster, Charles 32 boys; the new rectory. These instruc­ will b« at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and On Dee. 20 the same children Martin; 33 boys; Post 145, Blessed Sacrament of the teams on Wednesday 12 o'clock. Masses will follow the regular Catholic Scouting Units tions are intended for non- entertained at the annual PTA Sunday schedule — 5:30, 7, 8, 9, Troop 65, St. Dominic’s Holy Parish: adviser,' Francis Weis- Catholics who may be Inter­ eveiflnft Dec. 5. Coach Cavarra CY High Dance Chri.stmaa party. They were de- cr, FR. 7-8306; institutional was given a camera case and 10, and 11:30 o’clock. The devo­ Arapahoe District Name Society; institutional ested in the Catholic relgian The CY High group will have 1 i g h t cd by “Grandma and tions in honor of Our Mother Troop 136, St. Louis’ Church, representative, Mike Debell, representative, the Rev. A. J. and also for Catholics who a lignt meter; the assistant Grandpa,” recalling Christ­ a Christmas dance on Thursday of Perpetual Help will be held Englewood, scoutmaster, Wil-. GR. 7-6317; scoutmaster, Law- Borer, FR. 7-1692; 8 boys; would like to refresh their coach, Dick Bonelli, a fountain mases past, and a “Toyland” Pack 145, Blessed Sacrament pen; and Mrs. Cavarra, g [evening, Dec. 27, in the school as usual at 3 p.m., during the liam Vobejeda, SU. 1-4737; in­ rtence Gray, GR. 7-4847; 57 kaowledge of their religion. ' hall from 8 until 11 p.m. This is scene. There were carols, 5:30 o’clock evening Mass, and stitutional representative, Wil­ boys; Payish; cubmaster, James Gay- Also any Catholic planning to planter. dances, readings, piano, and ac­ nor, FL. 5-7461; 71 boys; a “Couple -Dance,” and the cost at 7:30. Confessions will be liam Ross, SU. 1-3656, 27 boys; Troop 216, Holy Trinity marry a non-CathoIic in the The lightweight team mem­ is 75 cents per couple. Refresh­ cordion solos, and last but not heard after all the services. Troop 263, St. Mary’s, Little­ Men’s Club; institljtional repre­ Pack 186, St. Therese’s Holy coming months should bring bers will also receive letters. least the “Nativity” portrayed ments will be provided. Those The games party held ordin­ ton; scoutmaster, John V. Ross, sentative, Henry Salazar, HA. Name Society, Aurora; institu­ that person^to'these instructions Altar Meeting who are going to the dance can by the children of the lower 9-0178; scoutmaster, Art Berg, arily on Monday nights will be AM. 6-2611; 36 boys; institu­ tional representative, James for the necessary pre-marital call Eu’genia Walley, BE. 3- grades. After the entertainment HA. 9-8259; 23 boys; The Altar and Rosary Society cancelled this hibnday because tional representative, Harry Suntum, EM. 6-1602; cubmas- instructions. 2004, or Julia Sheda, BE. 3- Troop 212, Guardian Angels’ meeting will be held on Jan. 10, of New Year’s eve. They will be Hanzlick; ter, Vince Hill, E.M. 6-3861; 29 1655, ahead of time so that Seats Available Troop 264, All Souls’, Engle-1 Parish; institutional repre­ resumed on Jan. 7. boys; at which time the new officers enough refreshments may be wood; institutional represents- sentative, Frank Testa; scout- For Stock Show Pack 187, Cure d'Ars; insti­ will be installed. Members will provided. Bring your dancing Retreat for Sisters tive, John F. Crump; scout­ master, Eugene Sullivan; 13 tutional representative, the Evergreen Men receive Communion corporately partner. National Western Stock The Sisters of Mercy will be- master, Robert, Disher. boys; Rev. Matthew Reef, E.A. Show officials advised that gin their annual year-end re- Pack 136, St. Louis’, Engle­ Pack 27, St. Mary Magda­ 2- 1119; cubmaster, Bernard there are still seats available: treat this Friday evening, Dec. wood; cubmaster, Edward Res- lene’s; institutional representa­ Foster, FR. 7-4354; 69 boys. for all performances of the|28, and will conclude it New ley, SU. 1-0595; 47 boys; tive, Albert Towner, BE. Weit Diitrict Will Hear List show from Jan. 11 to Jan. 19. Year’s morning. The Rev. Pack 263, St. Mary’s, Little­ 3-1555; cubmaster, Earl Marte- Cathedral Parish Eddie Richards, ticket manager Stephen Livernois, C.SS.R., of ton; cubmaster, Neil D. lon, GE. 3-3256; 32 boys; Troop 206, St. Rose of of the show, pointed out that the Pine City, Minn., will conduct Schwed, AC. 2-0633; 55 boys. Pack 155, St. Catherine’s; in­ Lima’s, institutional repre­ sentative, Burton Stadig; scout­ Please Patronize These Friendly Firms sale was following the historic the exercises. Because of the Capitol Hill Diftrict stitutional representative, John Of New Officers pattern of heavy demand for sisters’ retreat there will be no Troop 124, St. Philomena’s Schamberger, GL. 5-9432; cub­ master, James Dunn, WE. week-end show dates, but that catechism classes for those chil­ Men’s Club; institutional repre­ master, Jerome Litzau; 99 4-4763; 7 boys; Evergreen. — (Church of he still had seats for both eve- dren attending public schools sentative, William Haggoner, boys; / Troop 220, All Saints' Holy Christ the King)—A nominat­ niiiK ana maunee snows. vin» uuuu«y. jj E. 3-3616; scoutmaster. Dr. Pack J72, Holy Family Par­ Name Society; institutional ing committee, which consists representative, J. F. Clement, R . FoYd, DU. 8-3300; 17 boys; ish; institutional representa­ of Father D. A. McMahon, pas­ Troop 270, Christ the King tive, Father Patrick Kennedy, WE. 5-7915; scoutmaster, Med­ tor; John Reardon, retiring arish; institutional repre- GL. 5-1664; cubmaster, John ford Shively, WE. 5-2287; 34 president; Charles Feehan, and PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED mtative, Joe Weaver, DU. Dermott, GR. 7-8555; 45 boys. boys; Robert Snow, Will select a slate ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH 1 Troop 221, St. Cajetan’s; in­ of new officers to be announced FOR AND DELIVERED o Park Adami Diitrict Colfax at Downinc Dtovtr stitutional representative, Jo­ at the meeting of the Men’s i KEyttono 4*3217 Please Patronize These Friendly Firms Posth 4. noi1-4, St.o. PhilomenaDk:i«.v,o.,o'e. s, I Troop, j, pg 145, j Blessed Sacra- j seph- Carreon, D,p. 3-8581; Club Wednesday, Jan. 16. ' scoutmaster, 'Walter Carreon; Layden, DE. resentative, the Rev. A. J. Plans for the year will be 18 boys; D O Y L E ’S Please Patronize 3 Borer, FR. 7-1692;' scoutmas- presented at this meeting and Rays'StandardService Pack 96, St. James’ PTA; in- Troop 226, St. Anthony of the various committees will be­ Your REGISTER itutional representative, J.j Padua’s, Westwood; institu­ gin functioning. PHARMACY' LEN'S Pharmacy Ray Guertner, Prop. Advertisers and r. O’Shea, DE.3-2466; cub- tional representative, R. Wash- Preparations for ' the first Tke Particular Om irist L. C. FEHR. Prop. laster, William Barnes, EA. ley; scoutmaster, Leo G. Phe-! Membor SU Vincont d< Poul's Porlzk Washing • Greasing n men's day of recollection in 17lh AVE. and GRA.M Mention ■5573; 91 boys; Cub Pack Plans Ian, WE. 4-9474; 10 boysj February are under way. Have Your Doctor Phone So. Clayton at Louisiana Pack 206, S t Rose of Lima’s; KE. 4-5887 FREE DEUVERY THE REGISTER Pack 124, St. Philoraena’s; Parish Social U * Your Prescription RA. 2-9870 ii istitutional representative, W. institutional representative, 2707 E. Loui*iana RA. 2,3739 [. Waggoner, DE. 3-3616; cub- Burton Stadig, WE. 5-1314; Planned Dec. 29 Free Pickup and Delivery ^ Meeting Dec.28 At Louisian* and South Ctarten laster, Henry Carroll; 44 boys. cubmaster, Tarsisius Yegges; The Altar and Rosary So­ Ea»t District 84 boys; ciety will sponsor a social Sat­ Washington Pack 205, Cathedral; institu- *,.jfack 220, All Saints’ Holy urday, Dec. 29, at 8 p.m. in the ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH NORRIS AG MARKET , oVial representative, iW. F- At Cure d'Afs Name Society; institutional parish hall for all the members Girth Sstrli. tn t h ^elty, FR. 7-0613; cubinaster, representative, J . F. Clement, of the parish. This will afford Please Patronize These Friendly Firms Park Mkt. Mib Sk il SI VlKiofi firlili J (Cure -1’ Art Parith, Denver) WE. 5-7951; cubmaster, Arch an opportunity for all to renew Complete AG Food Center ^ Bill Hughes Cub Scout Pack 187 will meet Rose, WE. 4-7939; 67 boys. acquaintances and to meet new Your Friendly Open Sundays 9 Till 2 Pack 286, Loyola, instjtu- Friday evehing, Dec. 28, at 7:30 South Diitrict members of the parish. Admis­ onal representative, J. M. sion is $1.50 per couple, and re­ Credi' — Free Delivery * p.m. in the school hall. Mrs. Pack 126, St Francis De Alameda Drug Store CONOCO PRODUaS AG Store eirich, TA. 5-4781; cubmas- freshments will be served. 598 S. Gilpin SP. 7-6075 S. CUyton A Louisiana PE. 3 -9 4 !7 ^ Paul Daniluk’s Den 6 will put Sales’; institutional representa­ V. O. PETERSON. Prop. Lubricalion-Delco Batteries >r, Robert M o w e r y, FR. on the skit for the evening. 'The tive, A. P. Widhelm, SH. Masses on the Feast of the ■5042; 14 boys; flag ceremony will be*Conducted 4-2148; cubmaster, H enry Circumision, Jan. 1, will be at Cnt Rate Driijfn Car Ha.shing Announcing the Reopening Troop 64, Annunciation; in- by Mrs. M. A. Maas’s Den 2. Stamfer, RA. 2-9520; 31 boys; the same time as on Sunday^ Fountain Service Sundriet\ , . . . Please Patronize of s 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. After the meeting the boys and Troop 126, S t Francis de Your BuMine$$ Appreciated |W* A« (DUtCh) TnOmaS Your REGISTER THE HOUSE OF 5-7221; scout- parents will have a Christmas Sales; scoutmaster, G. A. Shea, Jo Mendez, KE. Alameda & S o. Broadway I Alameda & Logan PE. 3-9840 Advertisers and LITTLE MEN party with pinata and gift ex­ PE. 3-7048; 27 boys; ■7698; 21 L y s ; change. Post 126, St Francis de First Communion Mention Full Time Care for Boya— Troop 84, Our Lady of Sales; adviser, G, A. Shea, PE $12.00 per week. . race; institutional representa- Maitei O' Sunday, Dec. Pehrson’s Market THE REGISTER SK 6 -4 2 3 2 ^ 30, will be offered at 6, 8, 3- 7048; 8 boys; ve, E. B. Schaeffer, KE. Troop 140, St Vincent de PLATIT ■3917; scoutmaster, Jerre 10, and 11:30 a.m., and 7 At St. Patrick's Complete One-Stop p.m. On Tuesday, New Paul’s; institutional representa­ amilton, MA. 3-6979; 28 tive, Andrew Baird, Jr .; PE CLEAXERS jys; Year’s Day, Jan. 1 Masses will be at 6, 8, 10, and 11:30 3-6125; scoutmaster, Lawrence For Six Children FOOD STORE Mr*. Emily Howell, Owner Post 84, Our Lady of Grace, Weber, SK. 6-5868; 35 boys; a.m. and 7 p m, Delivery — Tues., Thurs., S a t St. John's Parish 1! ^ Troop 250, Most Precious (St. Patrick’s Pariih, Denver)_ Mrs^ Robert Wilson, R700 Blood Parish; institutional rep­ 491 So. Pearl . PE. 3-1484 Very Reasonable Eudora, is ill in a local hos­ On Dec. 2 the following chil­ Troop 205, Cathedral; insti- resentative, Alan Lutz, SK dren of the parish made their Please Patronize These Friendly Firms itional representative, W. F. pital. Prices 6-4855; scoutmaster, Joe Rat- First Communion: David Gill, The firms listed here , elty, F R .'7-9613; scoutmas- Women who helped in the kovic, SK. 6-6032; 13 boys; Teresita Vigil, Francis Gill, deserve to be remembered | Cleaning by Bodefelt Specializing in lunch room during the month Pack 140, St Vincent de John Mycka, Helen Mycka, and of December included Mmes. A. Paul’s; institutional representa­ when you are distributing I Dick Tnmiett John Boliinger CAPITOL DRUG ' Nancy Beck. Permanent Waving Troop 283, Sacred Heart J. Beringer, J, J. Barry, C. H. tive, Robert Cleso, RA. 2-5274; Officers Installed your patronage in the dif-1 PAUL 0 SCHN'EIDKR i Cory, L. F. Credon, J . I. Conbov, 295 S. Penn. R.A. 2-8653 Ueni«r of 8t iobn’« Psrixb cubmaster, E. J. Clentzer, RA. When the Altar and Rosary ferent lines of business. ! My Lady Edith New Drive-In S. J . Johns, A. D. Kelly, J. J. 2-5955; 67 boys; Society met Dec. 12, tte follow­ Haigh, E. G. Macoskie, G. M. Pack 250, Most Precious ing officers were installed for Beauty Shoppe Window Service Troop 286, Loyola; institu- McNamara, R. W. Nickless, R. Blood Parish; institutional rep- MINNIE KF.SSELER. Mgr. FREE DELIVERY onal representative, J. M. the new year: President, Mrs. B. Nuxol, H. R. Page, J . L. Pag- re.sentative, LeRoy Brown, SK. Richard Sanders; vice president, 2804 E. 6th Ave. EA. 2-0788 E. 6th & Fillmore FR. 7-2741 erich, T.\. 5-4781; scoutmas- liasotti, L. A. Pastore, H. L. 6-2688; cubmastet George :r, Edmund ■ Berens, EA. Mrs. Ed Junk; treasurer, Mrs. Cure d'Ars Parish Reece, R. L. Rickert, F. H. Ripp, Brown, SK. 6-3193; 33 boys. Ed Moeder; secretary, Mrs. FRANK MATHIS 2-9449; 16 boys. J . L. Roche, P. H. Russ, C. N. North District Summary of Scouting Robert Moya; and correspond­ Please Patronize These Friendly Firms OLSON'S Tolve, J . M. Watling, B. C. Under Catholid Sponiorthip ing secretary, Mrs. Steve Sny­ Druggist Troop 27, S t Mary Magda- Weaver, H. We.iman, and R. R. I’s; Institutional representa- OctoberllO, 1955 der. Professional Food Market Laws. . i 17 Cub packs, 824 Cubs; 21 Mrs. Sanders appointed the { Prescription Service * The new officers of the St. Scout troops, 448 Scouts; 4 Ex­ following women as chairmen THELMA KASSON Please Patronize Phones RA. 2-4685— 2-4686 Appreciates Your Business Pius Tenth Circle include Mrs. plorer Posts, 36 Explorers. _ for the year: Ways and means BEAUTY SALON Circle Sets Party J. C. Harvey, 2212 Forest, cap­ Total: 42 units, 1,308 boys and membership, George Aver- Your REGISTER 6th Ave. at Marion 3030 E. 6lh EA. 2-1801 2876 Colorado Bird. { tain; Mrs. H. W. Buchman, 3244 registered. mann; hospitality, Mrs. John Hair Styling | Advertisers and 1 WALTER FOGG SERVICE At St. Francis' Holly, secretary. New members December, 1956 Fattor; program, Mrs. Elbprt Permanent fPaving | are Mrs. E. J . Frank. 2911 Bell- 17 Cub pacte, 840 Cub Glift. Mention ' SINCLAIR PRODUCTS (St. Francis de^ Sales’ Parish, PHONE OExUr 3-1188 \ F O K S T E K ^ ^ aire, and Mrs. V. W. Bunker, Scouts; 22 Scout Troops, 501 After the business meeting 0'Cotu\mj THE REGISTER 1 Complete Automotive D e n T e r) 3291 Olive. Members made a Scouts; 4 Explorer posts, 39 Christmas carols were sung and Complete St. Joseph’s Circle will hold S erv ice donation for the Christmas altar Explorers. the exchanging of gifts was Food Market the annual Christmas party on rather than having an individ­ Total: 43 units, 1,380 boys held. Refresnments were served Meats Processed for Freezers W# Give Green Stampe Friday, Dec. 28, at 1 p.m., in ual Christmas gift exchange. registered. by Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Sny­ the home of Mrs. A. J . Dunst, 28 institutions. der. 2916 E. 6th Ave. EA 2-2472 Pickup and Delivery 644 S. Pearl Street. Mrs. + + St. Philomena's Porish 2700 East 6th DE. 3-9709 Thomas Smith will be co-host­ ess. Gifts will be exchanged. The League of the Sacred Please Patronize These Friendly Firms Heart workers for the coming 1 SOUTH GAYLORD 1 month are: Dec. 24, Mmes. Betty & Bob’s Be.auty Charles McKay and Stephen Andy's Texaco Station & Barber Shop Ryan; Dec. 31, Mrs. A. E. 12th A Clayton FR. 7-9826 Magerd and Mrs.^ Margaret 1 Shopping District | WE GIVE RED STAMPS Specializing in Brennan; Jan. 7,' Mrs. A1 Permanent Wav­ Fender, Mrs. Vance Johnson, Texaco Products ing and Latest in EMPIRE MARKET Mts. Frank Connors, and Mrs. Hair Shaping GAYLORD A. J . Dunst; and Jan. 14, Mrs. Washing Lubrication CLEAIVERS Johnny Meyers Bob Holm George Mulqueen. Aeeestoriea 2603 E. 12tfa Ave.' EA 2-4723 Open Week Days and Sundays * PICKUP DEUVERY » A.M. to 9 P.M. -v ‘S .& H .’ HEAR We Give Green Stamps j Qaelity Meats - Sea Food PE. 3-1350-1025 So. Gaylord Blessed Sacrament Parish 11058 S. Gaylord SP 7-7567 ASK and LEARN Please Patronize These Friendly Firms 1 BONNIE BRAE KOA 10:15 Every Sunday Evening COLORADO BOULEVARD DRUG 1 Shopping Center Qttoationa on religiou sub­ JOE H. SCHMITZ. Prop. mitted by the radio audience (Mtntxt SICiMi) StcruKiit ftrlsb) answered on the archdioc- oaan broadcait. Prescriptions CONOCO PRODUaS Preisser's Red & White Booklet on Catholic Church Afieurately' Fillad Lpbrlcatlen, Car Wafhlnf, Battcrin available free of cost Fonntain Service Recharfcd, Tire Vulcanizing Grocery and Market to all inquirers. Liqnor Department We Give Pioneer Stamps Parish, Denver, are pictured above. From left WRITE, TO Frto DcUvtry East Denvar and Aurora FANCY MEATS. VEGETABLES, Decoration Committee “rd^^” to right are Mrs. Donald Herbert, J r .; Mrs. BONNIE BRAE AND Q U A U IY GROCERIES Atk and Leayn, Station KOA EA 2-3S33 EA 2-9997 EA 2-9998 Bernard Finnerty, chairman; and Mrs. Richard Edit Colfax A Colorado Blvd. P I Conoco Service Frao Delivery » SPruco 7-4447 Dfnver 2, Colorado For Annual Bal d'Ars S"for““the Breaker. Mrs. Ted Pokryenka is also working 724 So. Univortity PE. 3-9909 2331 E . Ave. (S. Univ. u d Ohio) Bal d’Ars, annual social event of Cure d’Ars with this group. o PAGE FIVE THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER telephone, Keystone 4-4205 ,


RCA Wfc»u« RoRey Wwnd RCA V k fe r Roeibom. Sw cep ^ low. pdeed RCA Victor TV Dedinel Great boy coETSole wiA 261 sq. b». of viewoWe rRCA Victor Edgemont De* new "IMng Imoge" pichtre wMs 261 sq. "liying Image" picHire. Twm-speokef lu x e . Swivel consolettel Enjoy in. of vvewobfa oiea. VHP cboimel nenr- Balonced RdeNty Soend with tone con­ TV from ony sect in the room, ber oppeors in "window" at top of set. trol. "High-Shorp-ond-Eosy" toning with RCA Vt«eor Balanced FideNry Soend w ilii tone oon- "living Image" picture with 261 Otf/tomsiyM PEORiincial 261 illuminotod chonnel selector. Pbono-jock. Iroi. PHono-jodt and svdkh. Towey gold, 3 Imrorioes finishes: mohogony groined I sq. in. of viewoble area. 2- iq . m. of viewable ln*09«" p<- speoker Bolcmced RdeKty Sound. nwbopany grained, wainef grained or wolnef groined with Weed him; or Smed t«re. 3-$peaker Pofwoflwc So*mA

U}sL Jm am jL OjjUl O w n . Cbsuodiu.— ii) SjuiiL %DiL Not One p r e -in v e n t o r y But Two Reasons AND PRE-AUDIT For These Deep - Deep Reductions * WE NEED TRADE-INS 2 CLEARANCE FOR OUR SANTA FE STORE DENVER’S BEST BUYS J O E ONOFRIO MUSIC CO.

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REFRIGERATOR ^ Deluxe 30 inch A 11.6 eu. ft. - 2 door 1 AUTOMATIC WASHER D 1 F R E E Z E R T ELECTRIC RANGE , GAS RANGE T 1 9 fu. ft. 1 Scratched Top ^ Was $329.95 N ' Reg. $299.95 A Was $249.95 G Was $369.95 1 Was .$249.95 ‘ N O W 1 6 8 9 3 ‘ NOW 19995 i N 0 W 1 8 8 ° 9 i N 0W 236<><> with trade i N O W 1 5 2 9 9 with trade ^ 1 E with trade #

Refrigerator DELUXE ELEQRiC RANGE Westinghouse Refrigerator e G A S R A N G E c Filterflo Washer 1956 g e 12 cu. ft. bottom freezer ^ • A 2 Oven Deluxe • Deep Well G (10 cu. ft. • Pushbutton Defrost J E L Was $279.95 o Fully Automatic g Was $339.95 g e Was $449.95 | Was $319.95 ^ Was $499.95 S

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Refrigerator | > Yacuum Cleaners 1956 REFRIGERATOR 8 cu. ft. T *4 Toasters - Cbffeemakers 10.4 cu. ft. 1 f • Was $229.95 ^ Waffle Irons - Frypans ♦ Was $319.95 e c Pianos Organs Radios - TV & Hi Fi N O W 1 7 4 9 9 s N O W 2 0 8 9 2 i ! with trad* E ALL’AT-REDUCED-PRICES with trada > . . . ■)t ' ■ ■ $ -V- »-


Born Into New Life ^ ^(jJom sutdu ThuvA ^ PrMtiiUtidB P*mk» D«Bv«r la M flr^at '^.v>iiaora, Walter atd A t4 m r . m a of Mr. «ji4 ijc^alu An4tre«*’ Mr». Patrick F. Jokftoon. Eathgrl-» Aon. dauskUr * Mr. IL Law irae* C karletu Moorr. a«r Mrs Virtor £•»■ rrmaa. 8r--n- Becky JooepkiM, 4atitkUr of Mr. a«ra. AlWrt Saga tad Mary Fraaeoa and M ^ Williaa J. Rran. Spoaaarv, '.knttf?. Luther aad Virginia Marema. Reborn TberoM. daughter af Mr. Carol Aotsa Mac. daotkter of M r and Mra. Frank Marques. Sponaara, and M rt. Carl T. Wilaoo. Spomaora, Arthur Baea and Mary Jarmmllln. NIcholaa aad Domaeica Doniiio. Valrrit L^mn, daughter «f Mr. and Annette Lomint, daoiktcr of Mr Mra. John Eolekunoa. Sponaora, Jo- and Mrt. Lambert Bauer. Sponaon. atpb and Margaret GHmoakna. Betty Jake and Bernard Baoer. AngeU Sue, daughter of Mr. aud Ricky Lawrence, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Deanic R. PHeat. Sponaura, Mrt. Lawrence R. Bronlah. Bpoaaora, WniUm and Pearl Byrne. Betty Mae and Edward Bronith« Jr. David Angel aon of Mr. aad Mra. Frank Michael, aon of Mr. and Mra. Sebaatian Larta. Sponaora. Hyioio Frank A. Medina. Spoaeon, Inaa and and Lucy .Bamiaa. John Carabajal. Cynthia Louise, daughter of Mr. Harry and Ann EHtabeth, eklMren and Mra. Ernest Luna. Sponaora, of Mr. and Mra. Alfonao V irlt Spoa* Ismael Tafoya and Nancy Aragon. aora. Jose and Bertha Baca. James Ado^b and Richard Ignacio, Diane Kathren. daufhter of Mr. •ona of Mr. and Mra. Alexander San- and Mra. Donald G. Abuero. Spon* tea. Sponaora, Frank and Mary Jane aora. Andrea and Mary Valdea. BuaUm. J r . Raymond Dean, aon of Mr. and Garfield Ralph, aon of Mr. and Mra. Samuel W. Glllan. Spanaora, Mra. Robert Sedilloa. Sponaora, Ar­ Frank and Loretta XJrbka. turo and Mary Munla. Sharon Gay Ann. dautrhter of Mr. Joy Lynn, daughter and Mra. Delbert Bowen. Sponaora, Mra. Ottis Skalla. Sponaora, Fred Rudy and Patricia Baca. and Carol Nelson, Jr. Tbomaa Emmett, aon of Mr. and St. Patrick's Pnriak, Deneer Mra. William Dufficy. Sponsors, Mi­ Susanne Marie, daughter of Mr. chael and Corinne McLelian. aad Mn. Robert Fiore. Frances Ann. dauirhter of Mr. and Donna Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Joe Lucero. Sponsors, Joe Mar­ Mra. Kenneth Harrison. P f i r ic k W A rIro re Members of the Queen Today the Church recognizes that it is im­ ques and Ann Martinet. Cynthia Marie, daughter of Mr. r u n s n f f O r a e r » „f Peace circle of the portant not to limit women to one function. Cory, son of Mr. and aad Mn. Pete Lege. Mrs. R. Keith Thy fault. Sponaora. Altar Society of All Saints’ Parish, Denver, Today motherhood is by no means her only Julius and Janet Martell. Most Prucioua Blood Parish, are pictured above at a monthly meeting in the task; many others are waiting for her in public, David Roland, son of Mr. and Mra. Deneer social, arid cultural life. Motivated by religious Paul Gavin. Sponsors, JuUua and home of Mrs. J . A. Poirier, 1873 S. Tennyson Leslie. SOB of Mr. and Mra. Wal­ ideals, woman is destined to create the right. Janet Hartall. ter Koelbel. Street, Denver. Samples of their handiwork are Cecile Thercae, daughter of Mr. Vincent Edmund, eon of Mr. and placed before them; proceeds from this work atmosphere wherever there are human relation­ and Mrs. Peter Hcit, Sponsors, Ron­ Mrs. James Schmuhl. will benefit the parish. The sacrifice and will­ ships. ald Carpinella and Patricia Fiaeher. Marie Annette, daughter of Mr. Diana Linda, daughter of Mr. and and Mrs. Samuel Saraelno. ingness of such parishioners is what makes for From left to right are Mmes. Shirley Dahl, Mrs. Juan Madrid. Sponsors, Jose Stephen John, aon of Mr. and Mra. an effective and co-ordinated parish. The aid Pat Ridgeway, Irene Heffernan, Marian Kelley, and Bessie Madrid. John DiTolla. given by one of these women,' Mrs. Clement Norma Husky, Louise G i^ere, Florence Dom­ Robert Vincent, son of Mr. and Trade Ann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mutch. Sponsors, Wil­ Mra. Howard Canlff." DomPierre, is detailed in an accompanying Pierre, Frances Poirier, Virginia Buraett, Dody liam and Albertine Jackson. ^ article. Sanders, and Virginia Rose. Wilfred Joseph, aon of Mr. and Mother of God Parish, Denver Mrs. Wilfrid J. Capra. Sr. Sponsors, Steven Wayne, eon of Mr. and Mra. + + + + + + Domenick and Rosie Margitello. AUshouae. Mr. and Mrt. William Elois Joseph, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Horn, sponsors. I,ea DeHerrera. Sponsors, John and ^ ehard Franklin, aon of Mr. and Patricia Chave*. Mrs. Ricardo Quintana. Steve and Helping Santa dent of the Colorado Alumnae of the Sacred Juanita Martinez, sponsors. Party for Children Balancing Books of All Saints' Parish Stephen Michael, aon of Mr. and Claus with his gift Heart; Mrs. William Aragon, chairman of the Mra. Steve A. Moya* Sponaora. Law­ Paul Mark, son ^ Mr. and Mrs. rence and Helen Argucllo. Thomas Grubwic. Joseph Berlier and giving are Mrs. R. youth project; and Mrs. Peter Anderson, Cynthia Marie, daughter of Mr. Martha LaGuardla. sponaora. Of Youth Center S. Fowler, presi­ assistant chairman of the project. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Terry. Spon­ Mark Stephen, aon of Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott. Daniel and Dorothy This Housewife's Volunteer Assignment sors. Richard Laureta and Mary Lou Karlin. Elliott, aponaors. Kathleen Delores, daughter of Mr. Eugene Francis, aon of Mr. and and Mra. Efidencio Omelaa. Spon­ Mr#. Harry Plampin. Kenneth Plam- By Robert Sievers quently called the rectory seek­ crowd of women, new mem­ pin and Florence Humphreys, apon- sors. Raymond and Pauline Lucero. 'T KNOW I ENJOY coffee ing recommendations for baby bers with these pendants could Alphons Joseph, aon of Mr. and aors. sitters. In the conversation be easily recognized. Mrs. Francis C. Dike. Sponsors, An­ Anthony Charles, aon of Mr. and and socials with my friends and thony and Margaret Peluaa. Mrs. Gerald L. Oswald. John and Mrs. DomPierre showed sur­ On one occasion 27 new Jeannie Slogan, sponsors. neighbors as much as anyone Kenneth James, of Mr. and else, but I see no sense in wast­ prise that Fpther was not able members attended a meeting; Mrs. Toby Duran. Sponsors, Ernest St. Rote of Lima's Pariah, to answer their queries. Where­ the tags solved a difficult and and Ida Avila. ing time all day, every day.” Denver upon Father suggested the.calls potentially embarrassing prob­ Gregory l^ee. aon of Mr. and Mra. Barbara Joan, daughter of Mr. and This remark came from Mrs. be transferred to her. And so lem. Her advice to new mem­ Mrs. Burton Stadig. Ralph and Ger­ Clement H. DomPierre when I maine Schell, sponsors. it was done. From that point asked why she had begun her bers: “Volunteer once and you Barbara Rae, daughter of Mr. and on, Mrs. DomPierre conducted will be on your way to being Mrs. George Ehalt. Joseph and parish activities. Kathryn Ehalt, sponsors. a baby-sitting service. If any­ acquainted in the parish.” HUMMEL'S Donald Joseph, son of Mr. and She said that her work for one called, the party was re­ Mrs. Charles Coleman. Joseph Cole­ the parish is moijvated by the ferred to three Catholics living AT ALL SAINTS’ the Altar Denver’s Leading man and Mary Boland, sponsors. real need for doing something Delicatessen and Caterers William Gary, aon of Mr. and Mrs. in the immediate area who did Society is divided. into circles Joseph Barela. Fidel and Ida Marti­ with more lasting effect than baby sitting. for closer contact and more 311 E. 7th Av*. KE. 4-19M nez, sponsors. simply consuming coffee in her effective working units. Mrs. Cherry Cr«,k C.nt.r spare time. The parish Altar Society EA. 2-4144 When You Drive... forms another important area DomPierre belongs to th e Frtihly B«k«d, Family 3ii, of activity. Since the society Queen of Peace Circle in which 1 When you take the wheel of ONCE EACH MONTH Mrs. she is ending the term as cap­ iyour automobile, you take your DomPierre faces the task of is composed of a great number Chicken Pies, $1.75 of young mothers with tots of tain. Twelve members comprise life and the lives around you balancing the All Saints’ Parish the circle and rarely do fewer Old Fashioned Baked in your hands. The State Patrol accounts for Father Harley preschool age, the meeting are Ham by the slice. held in the evenings. This pro­ than eight attend the monthly urges all motorists to drive ac­ Schmitt The time she takes meetings. Working as a spir­ cording to the golden rule—in posting and balancing means cedure allo\ys the husbands to Open Sunday 9:30-’6:30 baby sit; it requires a bit of itually motivated whole, the traffic give others a chance. that Father Schmitt is free to women will enjoy a sociable continue his spiritual ministra­ family co-qperation to achieve goals in this parish. evening and do a good deal of Tht tIOHt lor thal Inponint OMmiiit | tions. work. ciKa our ipKiiltr > 8 ilorca ta sen* yoo Mrs. DomPierre recalled for MRS. DOMPIERRE regrets The new circle captain Is the first time in some years that she has not been active in typical of many Altar Society I Voss Bros. Bakeries that this task began when the parish work before. Besides the members; she is in her 20s and man doing the parish books was spiritual work achieved, she mother of four preschool main office and plant transferred. “Father asked if finds in the Altar Society a children. Like many others in 3220 Meade GR 7-1659 my husband, an accountant by number of Catholic friends the parish she has found you do profession, might help. He told with similar Interests. She feels not have to be a grandmother eaaaw aaaaaw aaaaaa Father Schmitt he would try.” that the society is an excellent to belong to parish societies. He was working, however, and Spacialiata in Party Pastrlaa method of introducing yourself The Altar Society has -Its so Mrs. DomPierre began to to a new neighborhood. From varied projects in which circles ++ - f + + + help out a little. She did the her own experience she knows co-ordin£^te or the entire so­ MAPYANNEjl At Holy Ghost Youth Center posting and organizational that you are closer to Church ciety works. The sale of re­ work between household tasks. and people. ligious goods after the Masses BAKERIES As a result of this effort she But it requires effort on on Sundays, sale of Christmas became so enthusiastic that she cards by personal appointment, All Butter one’s part. She cites a conversa­ Sacred Heart Alumnae Treat 200 wanted to finish and check for tion between two women when making of layettes for the St. CAKES a balance. Her husband g;uided one mentioned she had three Vincent de Paul Society, prep­ for The Colorado Alumnae of the Christmas party. The Colorado the Sacred Heart alumnae help­ her, so that she would know children and just did not have aration of 50 First Communion Weddings ^cred Heart held Christ­ alumnae of the Sacred Heart ing at the party, were Mmes. what to do; but, from that time time for anything else. The veils and other apparel for rent CONNOISSEURS’ CHOICE and Parties mas party on Tuesday, Dec. 18, presented a deep fat fryer and R. J. Fowler, president of the on, .she was the official book­ other simply replied: “I am or sale— all this- provides serv­ A Irtoiur, (rem th* woitd’t in the Holy Ghost Youth Center, $140 to the Sisters of Our Lady group; William Aragan, Peter keeper. She has been at this ice to individuals and gain for 601 S. Broadway — P£. 3*6929 ( | dog tired after working four grtot tao gnrdani where Santa Claris distributed of Victory with Aeir best Anderson, Willard Simms, Wil-’;task for five years now, hours at that parish benefit but the parish. 25 Broadway — SP. 7*7413 gafts of toys -to more than 200 wishes for continuation of their liam S t John, Eugene Reidy, Mrs. Clement DomPierre Is 65 W. GlrarS, En|la«s«d — SU. X*19£8 I don’t think my three children h3 fimrd Seaton Luxury Tea it a 3iildreri. Ice cream and assorted wonderful work. Members of and Martin Harrington. an example of the many woinen Twy choicest bbnd of flowery Dar- ONE POINT Mrs. DomPierre are neglected.” jeclinf, India and Ceylon. cookies were given each child, made clear: “This is my re­ in the parishes, who for spiri­ Superb ia bouquet! CMiate in fleforl with a gift and a chocolate tual ideals, provide indispen­ A lea you proudlyodly offer to your fueiii sponsibility. I try to keep the AS HOSPITALITY CHAIR iff )our hotne! A tea served at workf* Santa Claus. MAN she has found it better sable time, fiends, and contri­ rtrvowned hotels and resiauraots! For Quality Bakery Goods Rites, at St. Cajetan's work from interfering with my Each tea carton, packed with noo- The children gave a special family duties. The tasks I have for a new member to be intro­ butions to make the parish both tan|linf bJ|t. is a tlmol^ied okS ‘Treas- Try presentable and effective. Let •rc Otest** from Sroon. tea merchkntt Shown here with my children come first duced by someone in the parish, I performance of tap dancing and are Mr. and for then continued personal one of these individuals make songs for the alumnae of the And when my husband comes WEISS BAKERY Mrs. Marvin home after working all day, he contact keeps individuals inter­ a mistake and you recognize Sacred Heart, and Mrs. William Jacketta who should not be obliged to spend ested. To cope with neglect of the value of a job often unre­ Three Stores to Serve You Aragon, chairman of the Holy recently recited free time doing my work.” new members, she devised, the warded and done well for many Ghost project, thanked fhe Mis­ their wedding Her work, however, does not use of colored name trigs. In a years. 4024 Tenn. St, sionary Sisters of Our Lady of vows in St. CL. 5-1937 stop with the complications of Victory and the children for the C a j e t a n ’s the monthly and yearly reports excellent entertainment. Church, D e n - on the books. Mrs. DomPierre Lakeside Center ver. Mrs. Jack­ Mrs. R. J . Fowler, president has found timd to aid in minor Q ju £ d U i/ GE. 3-1703 e tta , formerly 4a S«iWa 4 Ca.. Orfeeqa of the alumnae, thanked the clerical capacities: Typing of 5850 W. 38th Ave. members for their assistance in Dolores C a s - adoration lists, of record files tillo, was grad­ H.\. 4-1366 providing the children with the of parishioners, and of other uated last year emergency work te aid the from Cathedral regular parish secretaries. Engaged High School and until her * • • . OLIVER’S MEAT MARKET marriage was ANOTHER INTERESTING The Beer That the president of PROJECT arose at an- infor­ Made Milwaukee Famous 33 YEARS ON E. 6TH AVE. the Daughters mal discussion between the of Mary Society pastor and Mrs. DomPierre. CUT at St. Cajetan’s. Since All Saints’ is a new par­ MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. CHOICE STEAKS ROASTS ORDER The young cou­ ish, enjoying rapid growth, TO ple are making families 'Roving there fre­ : Robert M. — Paul V. — M. T, Murray; their home in FRESH POULTRY FISH Denver after a y b rie f wedding / 8 Experienced Meat Cutters to Serve You trip to Colorado Springs. — Phone PE. 3-4629 1312 E. 6th Ave. (Foto Munoz) JAiMJARY ISSUE Hours 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Ample Parking in Rear Rites at St. Catherine's Miss Virginia Ann Z i t o , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. FAMILY CIRCLE WANTED Zito, 4116 Eliot Street, and An­ th on y Lonis Pietrafeso, son Here’s the biggest magazine of Tony Pietra- Proofreaders in Large f e s 0 , 2084 value America today nbw serving Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Eaton, and the Zarlengo announced the late Mrs. An­ j engagement of their daughter gelina P ie tr a - over 4 million families. Be sure to Newspaper Plant Virginia (above) to Lloyd J. leso, were mar­ Churchill at an open house on ried O ct 6 in get your copy today at your Safe* Christmas Day. St. Catherine’s Church, Den­ way Store. Articles on ...... Miss Zatlengo i.<«»a graduate ver. Write Letter, Giving jof Holy Family High School and attended Regis College in Attendants at the evening division. Mr. the double-ring Qualifications, to Churchill, son of Mr. and Mrs. ceremony were • TV Quiz Shows E. Grant Churchill of Denver, b r 1 desmaida has served with the armed Linda Zito, sis­ • Sewing for Spring forces overseas and is now at­ ter to the bride; tending Regis College. Mrs. Dorothy • Mental Health DEPARTM ENT PR McHatton, sis­ A late summer wedding is ter to the bride- Problems O planned by the couple. groom ; and P. 0 . Box 1620 Sirs. Lou Petro, cousin to the bridegroom. Denver, Colorado 'The best man was ert LaGuardia; ushers were Alfred lYannacita and Mike V^ant j The wedding breakfast i/M in the home of the bride’s BAKERIES I parents, and dinner in the afternoon was in the home of the ALSO NEEDED: j bridegroom’s father. A reception was held in the evening in the “The Finest Only” [Slovenian Hall. 66 So. Broadway Both are graduates of Holy Family High School. Mr. Pietra- Young Man for Newspaper Library 753 So. Univcriity feso is an employe of Newstrom-Davis Construction Co., and ISSO Colorado Blvd. is a student at Colorado University Extension Center, Denver. 2410 Eatt 3rd Av^. I After a wedding trip to Colorado Springs and Estes Park, I the couple are at home in Denver. I Offict, fSB f •nnoclt Stritt TH l OINVW CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4-4205 PAGE SEVEM C D. of A. Court Selects Trustee Margaret Webster was elected a trustee for Court St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 1544, Catholic Daughters of America, Lead- Receptionists, Hostesses Named ville, at a meeting in the An­ nunciation Parish Hall. Members were asked to bring C. D. of A. Open House Slated Dec^ 30 ideas for fund-raising projects to next month’s meeting. They (Catholic Daughter* of third since these functions wei« NCOS women’s division. Dur­ were also asked tp submit names America, Denver) resumed after the war when, ing the-war, when hotel accom­ of prospective members to the Miss Anna Limacher, grand on Jan. 1, J955, the court cele­ modations were at a premium, court. regent; Miss Anne E. Fallon, brated the 30th anniversary of it proved a haven for hundreds After the business meeting, past grand regent, and Mrs. thej^opening of the club house. of women and children coming members made several varieties Abbie Milner, vice regent, will The ’first open house of 1925 to Denver to visit their families of Christmas corsages and ear be in the receiving line for waa;j..the inspiration of Mrs. serving in the military forces rings. Mrs. John Kehoe was the open house to be held by Maty A. O’Fallon, first gprand or hospitalized at Fitzsimons. given the December award. Court S t Rita 625, on Sunday, recent, and for many years the Dec. 30, from 2 to 5 o’clock, guiding spirit of the court. at the club house, 1772 Grant The functions were contin­ Street, Denver. General host­ ued until 1942, when the home esses will be past grand re­ was turned over to the USO- Wishing You a Blessed gents Mmes. Kate K. Miller, Louise Brown, and Mary Ro­ han, and Misses A^ne O’Kane And Prosperous New Yepr and Catharine C. Maloney. Regis Mothers' Miss Helen Steffes will be in charge of refreshments, as­ ^Rm Cictare^ CnAncAr P a H u "Big: Sisters” in the age, Denver. This is one of the many activities sponsored'by the D iy S l s l n a jp o n a u i r u i ly Archbishop’s Guild held Archbishop’s Guild. The ‘Big Sisters” and girls of the home are sisted by Misses Charlotte Franzen, Magdalene Hughes, Club Changes RELIGIOUS ARTICLES e Christmas party for their little sisters at S t Clara’s Orphan- shown above. Margaret Lynch, Minerva Mai- • STATUES • ROSARIES • MEDALS + + + + + + + + + + -)- ers, Florence Moore, Coletta Millie Slusher President of Christ the King Group Nagel, Jessie Pasquale, and Plans for Party • PICTURES • PRAYER BOOKS Vilma Slomiany, and Mmes. Irene Bickett, Juanita Ham-» The Regis High School • PENDANTS • BOOKS • PLAQUES Circles of Archbishop's Guild Select Officers mond, and Irene McCall. Mothers’ Club of Denver an­ M ^^Bwill be provided by nounces there will be no De­ Allan l^ b s , organist for the cember Friday card party this Complete Line of Rcligiout Article* for Church ond Home (Archbiihop'a Guild, Denver) Jeannette Kavanaugh of Lit­ Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Koester Mother of God Circle. They Cathedral choir, and Mmes. month. The next party will be Christ the King Circle re­ tle Flower Circle left Denver are in St. Joseph, Mo., to at­ are president, Dorothy Dreil- Elizabeth Goff and lone Craig. the last Friday in January. cently held election of officers last Friday for Greeley, Neb., tend the funeral of Mr. Koes- ing; treasurer, 'Virginia Wil­ to spend the Christmas holi­ ter’s mother. son; linen chairman, Bernice Archbishop Urban J. Vehr On Dec. 16 a Communion A. P. W AGNER & CO. as follows: President, Millie and members of the clergy breakfast was served to- 400 Slusher; secretary - treasurer, days with her mother. Officers, were elected by Holien; layette chairman. Sue Kingston; and publicity chair­ have been asked to attend, and Regis fathers and their sons.'' Jean Bauer; publicity, Ada all present and past members The job of serving the men was Luna; linen chairman, Gene­ man, Florence Brown. CHURCH GOODS The family of Mary Jarosz of the court and theii\ friends undertaken by the following vieve Potter; program chair­ are invited. Santa Claus Shop Tops and Fran Merhing and her fam­ mothers: Mmes. Michael Lud­ 606 14th St. Between & Welton man, Ida Romero; and layette Third Event wig, Peter McNeill, James chairman, Alice Vitry. Mary ily are spending the holidays in Nebraska. The members of St. For Orgonization Kerr, Dale Smith, Vincent TA. 5-8331 Zaiss of this circle is recover­ Capillupo, George Smart, Ras­ ing from a recent illness. Theresa’s Circle and their hus­ The open house will be the 26-Year Gifts Record bands, will be the guests of Mr. mussen, McCabe, Denis Rose, 1 Hour FREE Parking Directly , New officers for Our Lady and Mrs. Carl Fiore New Eddie Bohn, William Marvel, of the Sacred Heart Circle are: The Denver Santa Claus Shop without a gift this Christmas, in rear of our store—Welton St. Entrance broke all records in its 26-year she said. Year’s Evej at a party in their Hospital Aides' John Layter, Delbert Ellis, Sul­ President, Mildred Kreutzer; home. livan, Robert Lucy, Casey Bum- history in providing Christmas The shop, established in 1930, vice president, Charlotte New offiefers of St. Luke’s gartener, Griffen, Jack Trenkle, tVhite; secretary, Dolly Gachic, gifts for more than 14,000 is operated anonymously by Benefit Success needy Denver children, officials Circle are: President, Helen Gerald Hasenkamp, Frank and treasurer, Betty Baur. Denver civic, social and lay per­ The Women’s Auxiliary of Haraway, Larry Deusche, Jo­ said. sonnel in an effort to provide Campbell; and secretary-treas­ JOE ONOFRIO urer, Pat Dunn. Mercy -HospitAl, Denver com­ seph Sarconi, and the president, I Many Catholic, organiza- Christmas for the- city’s needy pleted a successful fund-raising H. J . Gisler; Father Casey, S J., 1332 Broadway children. Mary Louise Bradley, daugh­ Hom« of Quality help the Santa Claui ter of Katherine Bradley of project with a benefit on Dec. directed and made all the ar­ Shop with gift, and dona- 20. PIANOS Through $1 gift certificates Our Lady of Sorrows Circle, re­ rangements for the breakfast. W* Buy. Sell, or Trade issued by the shop for each child turned from New York to A beautiful handmade The record was established in a family parents could “buy” spend the holidays with her woolen stole was presented to Holiday when Denverites for their children without an air mother.- a Mercy graduate, Mrs. Martha pocketbooks to help the non- Open House of charity surrounding gifts to T h e publicity committee Brouder, a member of the 'The November card party profit organizati(^ make their families. No item in the takes this opportunity to ex­ Visiting Nurses’ Association. $1,665 deficit in the last three special prize of $10 was shop, despite the wholesale price tend best wishes for a Holy The $25 cash was received by awarded to Mrs. Margaret days of operations. of jeans running about $1.25, and Happy New Year to mem­ Mrs. 0 . V. Simpson, and a clock Mrs. Milton Keegan, cer­ Houck. Mrs. David Griffin was TO.M WALKER PIANOS was priced at more'than $1. bers of the Archbishop’s Guild radio by Mrs. Frank McGlone. in charge of refreshments for Leiter Betey Ron Hepr«i«nutive of Kimball. Sohmer, tificate chairman, said dona­ Cable-Mehlin Kohler, Campbell and French tions “poured in” after the the Christmas open house, Pianos .. deficit was made known Dec. which was enjoyed by the 1332 Broadway CH 4-4556 C. G. Conn Coonionata Half-Million Calendars .in 28 Years Mothers’ and Dads’ Clubs. Electronic Orfsn 20. Fine Reconditioned Pianos “Not a single item of clothing 1345 S. BROADWAY SPruce 7-7364 from our stock had to be re­ turned,” Mrs. Keegan said. Den Mothers Best Wishes for a When it was discovered several It's SO convenient hundred girls’ dresses and 400 To Be Honored pairs of jeans would have to be Very Happy and tn RFNT fnrm al u/oarl returned to wholesalers, if the The Park-Adams District, lU n c m lUfllldl w ear.^ o n ey was not available to pay Denver Area • Boy Scout Moth­ for themilby Saturday, citizens ers’ Council, will honor all den Healthful New Year In con began sending checks, she said. mothers of the district at a tea at 1:15 p.m. on, Thursday, Jan: b« *xp.r1ly fitted The shop closed Saturday. We have appreciated your patronage in ’56 and In n.wly ilyl.d “When the mail cj(me Satur­ 3 in the Messiah Lutheran Church, 1750 Colorado Boule­ formol w.or — day,” Mrs. Keegan said, “there hope to serve you in ’57. fr.ihly cl.ontd were checks for $1, $5, $10, $25, vard. and pr.titd to and four for $100 each, all from Mrs. Charles Fenters, chair­ piok. your ov*. anonymous contributors.” man, extends an invitation to Remember alwavs— fling mor. The shop this year, she said, all den mothers and their assist, • n joyobl. provided gifts for 14,381 chil- ants to attend. In the Park- o n d you Adams district there are 37 cnor. com- 'dren from 3,751 families, final tabulations showed. Merchan­ Cub Packs and approximately TRY forlobl. ond 275 den mothers, , ol.gonll dise value of the gifts, she said, i totaled an estimated $20,000. 'Thiere will be an exhibition i More than 100,000 items, in­ of cUberaft and an interesting i cluding dolls, clothihg, books, talk on scouting L. L. I FIRST games, costume jewelry and (Tiny) Lewis, scout executive. Pther guests will be Mrs. Fran­ sports equipment were distrib­ Housewares — GiftMares — Hardwares uted, Mrs. Keegan said. Some cis Dole, president of the Den­ ver Area Mothers’ Council; and I 25,000 toys were donated to the 32 Broadway I’E. 3-2940 shop through the Marine Corps’ Mrs. Bernard Fester, first vice annual “toys for tots” drive and president of the council. [ A citation is presented to two tons of Christmas candy OFFICIAL HOLY NAME CALENDAR were distributed, she said. McConaty’s Boulevard Mortu­ A staff qf 100 volunteer ary, Denver, by the Brown- workers manned the shop each Bigelow Company for having day during its week-long opera­ distributed 500,000 Catholic tion, sorting and “selling” calendars in the past 28 years, merchandise to parents with ^hown above are, left to- right, '1611 Glenarm AM. 6-0608 gift certificates so no child was Jack Denny, Joseph McConaty, and James McConaty of Mc­ (iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinminiiniiiiiiiiiiMiimiiMnnntmiiniiHmiiiiin^ Conaty’s Boulevard Mortuary and Elmer Nelson with Howard McCarthy of Brown - Bigelow I “Why Pay More?” ICompany. = rTrad«aark) p For being the largest distrib­ Denver’s leading • utors of religious calendars I Wm. W. Myer Drug Stores | in the 'West and for having reached the grand total of one- g Colorado Owned Stores 1 half million since they gave their first order in 1928 of Catholic Mortnary C/ I I6th & Glenarm 1,000 calendars the Boulevard g Englewood 800 Santa Fa Dr. Mortuary is being acclaimed by § 30 Sonth Broadway ISth and California both Brown-Bigelow Company, • ^ % 3933 W. Colfax 17th and Tromont largest calendar producers in the world, and Catholic leaders § , Curtis & 15th St. • in Colorado. / iiniinnininfliiiniiiiinnnnniminimnimimtiniiiiiiflim^^ This year’s distribution in Largest Distributors of Catholic Colorado through the Boule­ vard Mortuary is above 40,000. These calendars are produced by Brown - Bigelow Company, Calendars in the West S t Paul, Minn., the largest pro­ • Ve, * JOIN OUR ducers of calendars in the world. The 1955 Catholic Church ■ Boulevakd Mortuaries calendars are the official Holy Name calendars, sanctioned by • DENVa'S LEADINO CATHOUC MCWTUA«II$ • 1957 ' „ * CHRISTMAS CUUB the National Holy Name So­ If you have not received yours through ciety, the largest organization MK. JAM« r. MtCOMATT • -lAMES A MtCORATT • JOUfK t. M*COMATY , of men in the Catholic Church. J. oam The front pages are illus­ GRazd 7-1624 • DENVER, COLORADO your parish church . . « trated with full color reproduc­ NOW! tions of outstanding sacred art Federal Soidev^d ert Speer Boulevard • * So. Caloroda and Mlsiictippi Avesne paintings, created for this cal­ •s endar by George Prout, out­ standing artist and authority in To Insure adequate cash this field. 1 9 5 7 1957 for next year's Christmas The calendar pad has num­ Tmesdeif iVfdattderf Timtsdejf^ Phone or (drop us a corid onid. you erals printed in correct, sym- shopping ., . . plan now! bcffcal colors, liturgical sea­ Join the North's Christ­ sons, Sunday designations, U- will receive one in maji . . . feast days, days of fitst and iehHet^sg mas Savings Club by de­ abstinence all clearly indicated, «*e iiu v; .'/ • _ 'Ntt »*«♦ positing reg ularly any and the Holy Name Sunday of (M.hN- ' , v-4luA»*e*..•• iriRwii • 4 amount from 50c up! each month. This authentic material is iA Then wotch your savings prepared by th e Benedictine Fathers of St. John’s Abbey* grow as 1957 runs its with an imprimatur, by the cycle! Yes . . . start pre­ Most Rev. Peter W. Bartholome, SueAtwWwiFfS A»u«i 4*4 tim - paring for NEXT Christ­ Bishop of St .Cloud, Minn. The calendars, distributed by " a mas . , , THIS Christmas! the individual churches, has the times of Masses, C6nfes$ions, M SBitMwpfte 4 I S <,*krr<4mlPn 1 6 > *A«$wA^ and other religious devotions* t ttism 0

PAGE NINE Htvn^oy, ^MtinWr 27,1991 Offic*, 999 t«niioclc Shctt THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Ttlaphont, Keystont 4-4205 Brother Herman, Ruth's Parochial Cagers Open 1st Baseball Coach, Dies ■ it •f > < Brother Herman, of the ful eye before Roth showed Brother* of St. Franci* Xarier, the signs that were to make him “the icout who found” and famous. Festivities on Jan. 6 i first coached George Herman Ruth was graduated at the f i -' (Babe) Ruth, died this past age^ of 19 into the guardian­ The firs‘ of the Denver Pa­ St. Joa^h'a ftOOf.m.: St. Jaeaph's’ SL Joaeph'a 3t30p .m .t Mt. Carmat week in St. Agnes’ Hospital, ship of Jack Dunn, owner of va. CatkWral i va. S 4 Joaeph'a f rochial Leaftue'a ctfre double- Ragta 3:30 p .n .: Regia va. I T ■ Baltimore, Md. the Baltimore club of the In­ headers will iret under way on Jan. 13 AnnuBcUtion 1 ■ Brother Herman, who was 75 ternational League and from Sunday, Jan. 6, it has been an­ Regia 3:00 n.B.: Rtfii vs. Mt. 1 Carmel Feb. 8 at the time of his death, had there he went on to fame with nounced by officials of the Waat Higk 3 :0 0 p4R.: Holy Family St. Joseph's 7:30 pjn.: St. Francis been in the hospital about a the Red Sox and the Yankees. league. va. Anaunciatiov) vs. Annunciation week. He suffered from a heart Ruth later took Brother Auditorium 3 :0 0 pjn.: Cathedral va. West High 8 :0 0 p.m.: Cathedral va. The schedule, a.s in past Si. Francis* St. Joseph's condition and had been con­ Herman’s name a* his middle years, has been divided up into St. Joatph'a 3:00 p.m.: Mullaa va. Regia 8:00 p.m.: Regis va. fined to his room et Mt. St. Jo­ name and became George Her­ St. Joaepb'a Mullen two rounds with the first to St. Joaeph'a 9 :0 0 p.m.: Mt. Carmel seph's College for the past man. Ruth. The Babe died in run from Jan. 6 to Feb. 1 and Jnn. 18 vs. Holy'Family year. 1948. the second from Feb. 3 to St. Joaeph'a 7:30 p.m.: St. Francis' Feb. 10 Ruth started life as a neg­ It was in 1906 that Brother March 3. The state tournament va. Mt. Carmel St. Joaeph'a l:OOpjD.: St. Francis lected waif on Baltimore’s wa­ Herman first coached “the Regia 7 :3 0 p.m.: Holy Family va. Cathedral will follow. va. St. Joaeph'a St. Joaeph'a 2:30 p.m.: St. Joaeph'a terfront, At the age of seven Babe” and prepared him for his Three high school gyms will St. Joaeph'a 9 :0 0 p.m.: Mullen va. va. Mullen he was sent to St. Mary’s In­ fabulous big league career. It Annunciation Regia 3 :0 0 pmi.: A n n u n cia- dustrial Home when his mother was Brother Herman who be used, St. Joseph’s. West, and Ragla 0 :0 0 p.m.: Regia vs. tion va. Holy Family Regis, with three league games Cathedral St. Joaeph'a 4:00 p.m.: Mt. Carmel died. There he learned the taught Ruth how to throw and slated for th e Auditorium Jan. 20 va. Regia trade of a shirt-maker, and, to swing a bat. Of course Ruth Arena. Two doubleheaders will St. Joaeph'a 1:00 p.m.: St. Francis' Feb. 15 more important, the rudiments was an apt pupil and it did not be played every Sunday after­ vs. Holy Family St. Joseph's 7:30 p.m.: St. Joseph’s of baseball. It was not long take him long to learn the rudi­ St. Joaeph'a 2 :3 0 p.m.: Mt. Carmel va. Holy Family under Brother Herman’s watch­ ment* of his future trade. noon and Friday night writh the va. Mullen Regia 8:00 p.m.: Ann uncia- exception of Friday, Jan. 25, Regia 3:00 p.m.: Ann uncia^ tion va. Mullen tion vs. Cathedral W est High 8:00 p.m.: Cathedral va. when a single game will be St. Joaeph'a 4:00 p.m.: St. Joseph’s Regia A. C. Gregory, and went on to defeat the Abbey Bears of Canon vs. Regis Phone played and Sunday, Feb. 3, and St. Joseph's 9 :0 0 p.m.: Mt. Carmel Notre Dame Trophy president of City for the state Catholic title. Shown above Phone Jan. 25 va. St. Francis' Sunday, Jan. 27, when three the Denver Notre Dame Club, is sho^ra above at the presentation are, left to right. Assistant CH 4- CH. 4- St. Joseph's 8:00 p.m.; St. Francis' 2494, DICK BURGS 2494 contests are .scheduled. Single vs. Mullen Feb. 17 presenting the 1956 Notre Dame trophy to Coach Sam Jarvis, Brother William, Mullen games will also be played on Regis 2 :0 0 p.m.: Holy Family Jan. 27 vs. St. Franois* Dennis Norton, co-captain of the Mullen Mus­ athletic director; Head Coach Frank Rino, Nor­ Monday, Jan. 28, and on Sat­ Regia 2:00-p.m.: Annunciation West High 3:00 p.m.: Cathedral va. tangs, champions of the Denver Parochial ton, Gregory, and line co-captains, Terry Mc­ urday, March 2. vs. Mt. Carmel Annunciation League. The trophy is given each year to the Cormack and Tom Deem. ' West High 3:00 p.m.: Cathedral vs. St. Joseph's 3 :0 0 p.m.: Mullen vs. The complete schedule fol­ Mullen Mt. Carmel Denver grid winners. Mullen won the city title Regia 3:30 p.m.: Holy Family Regia 3:30 p.m.: Regis vs. St. STUDIO lows: • FIRST ROUND vs. Regis Joseph’s Jan. 6 Jan. 28 Feb. 24 St. Joseph's 2 :0 0 p.m.; Mullen vs. St. St* Joseph's 8:00 p.m.: St. Joseph's St. Joseph^ 1:00 p.m.: St. Francis' Francis' vs. St. Francis' vs. St. Joseph’s West Hifh 3 :0 0 p.m.: Cathedral v». Auditorium 2:00 p.m.: Regis vs. Holf Family Feb. 1 Holy Family 6:30 p.m.: Mullen vs. Regis 3:00 p.m.: Annunciation St. Joseph's St. Joseph's 2:30 p.m.: Mullen vs. v«. Refis Holy Family Cathedral 5t. Joseph's 3:30 p.m.: St. Joseph’s Regia 8:00 p.m.: Annunciation St. Joseph's 4:00 p.m.: Mt. Carmel vs. Ml. Carmel vs. St. Joseph's vs. Annunciation 1747 Tremont at Broadway St. Joseph's 8:00 p.m.: St. Francis’ vs. Regis March 2 Jan. 11 St. Joseph's 9:30 p.m.: Mt. Carmel Auditorium 2 :0 0 p.m.: Regis Sincere Wishes for a Happy New Year Regis 7:30 p.m.: Annunciation vt. Catfaedraf St. Francis* vs. St. Francis' SECOND ROUND St. Joseph's 7 :3 0 p.m.: Mullen vs. March 3 Gala New Year’s Eve Party Regis Feb. 3 Regia 3 :0 0 p.m.: Holy Family Regis 9.00p .m .: Holy Family Regia 2:00 p.m.: Holy Family vs. Mullen No Cover Charge vt. Mt. Carmel vs. Cathedral W est High 3 :0 0 p.m.: Cathedral vs. Mt. Carmel 3:00 p.m.: St. Joseph's NEW YEAR'S DAY CHERRY TREE HUT A UNIQUE AND FASCINATING HOME-LIKE TURKEY DINNER. . . . . $1.75 RESTAURANT Children’s Portions at Children’s Prices ‘'Where Quality Is Supreme DANCING And Unsurpassed!” Friday and Saturday iKights A Complete New Menu of *9:30 ’till 1:30 a.m. DELICIOUS SPECIALTY DINNERS FREE DINNER PARKING At Most^Reasonable Prices at twp locations after 5 p.m., and anything on Sundays and holidays— 1 hour just next door and 2 hours at DINNERS $1.10 - $1.25 - $1.35 UP Municipal Parking Garage, 1625 Tremont


X (Entering lo f’nrtiri in niir ditlinrtirr Private Dining Room$ ♦ ONE BLOCK We s t o f LAKE;S1DE CENTER CREST HOTEL ♦ Plenty of Parking Space 120 Fireproof Rooms ^ 6090 W. 44th Avenue HA. 4-3816 Located one block from Holy Ghost This scene from the St. Mary’s Academy Cantata three Magi, Elaine Schoendaller, Janie McLaughlin and Peggy Church . . . Spacious Lobby . , . Academy Christmas cantata shows McNally. In the background stand members of the Academy I the shepherds and the Magi adoring before the crib of the Glee Club. Free TV . . . Nicely Furnished and 'Savior. the left ^foreground are Mary Kay Sullivan, Judy Members of the cast not pictured are Sheila Sullivan, narra­ Decorated Rooms and Suites II Photograph Anything, Anywhere Dillon, and Sandy Carlisle, taking the parts of the shepherds tor; Susan Scott, an inn-keeper; and Judy Seely, a shepherd. land the Angel Gabriel. Near the center are Kathy Fehr, Dianne Directors of the cantata were Forrest Fishel, who handled Complete Service — Reasonable Welsh, and Elaine Balk, as St. Joseph, the Blessed Mother, and the music, and Miss Margaret Grace, who directed the action. Permanent and Trantient Ralet The Photo Co. an angel. To the right are an inn-keeper, Diane Wagner, and the INSPECTION INVITED Kodak Finishing 20th & Broadway 320-22 Seventeenth KEystone 4-6114 PARAMOUNT 16tb and Glcnarm KE. 4-0151 Mon. Dec. 31 • Tbura. Jan. 3 "WRITTEN ON THE WIND" m K ff'e With All of Our Patront a Happy Holiday Seaton f, Rock Hudson • Lauren Bacall DEAN ovlJERRy MONACO DRIVE-IN MILE e MARTIN LEWIS>. K. 40th and Monaco Parkway RESTAURANT % HOUlVWOODw Dec. 2Sth - Dec. 28tb HOUSE and " Feature ?AlCSm £t Jack Lemmon • June Allysoa LOUNGE MAXIE R13SENBID0M Jack Palaocd .. "I DIED A THOUSAND ANITA EKBER jG tich nicoior * S O'RiCTto fy BiAW taSwum ^ TIMES' WH ITEN LAZARUS WS Featuring Charcoal Broiled Steaks g VALLEY DRIVE-IN Fine Food and Drinks Available 7 Day* a Week fi 6360 £. Evans (Dec. 25th - Jan. lit) 4550 LEETSDALE DRIVE (Parker Road) | DENHAM **“* Henry Fonda • Audrey Hepburn One Block East of Colorado Blvd. on .\lanieda P l a y i n g C a lif. "WAR AND PEACE" Bear Right ^ Block f

Saturday Night — Frankie F’arrell and Orrhegtra MAMMOTH CELEBRATION NEW YEAR'S EVE 'c HfindiwArlf glrlsifrom left, are two of the fourth graders, Pa- PARTY... aiiuiiumuiiv Jjneel before the tricia Newman and Goldberg; and Frankie Farrell and His Orchestra cribM scene in their classroom at St. Mary’s three of the third graders, Margaret Alice .Academy, Cherry Hills. Figures for the crib!Smith, Mary Ellen O’Flaherty, and Karen Free Hats, Favors, and Noise Makers were sketched, colored, and cut out by the chil- Sweeney. V ; For New Y^ear’g Eve Reservalions Call SP. 7-2991 dren of the third and fourth grades. Pictured,! ' i RAINBOW BALLROOM Former Denverite Writes of Europe 5th Off Broadway

By C. J . Zecha ning between the buildings so sisters who were graduated A TOUR T© ITALY and an close I could just barely get the from S t Francis de Sales’ High audience with Pope Pius XII big car through.” School: Mrs. Patricia Watson, .KE. 4-7918- were described in a letter by Mary Jane England, and Carol T.Sgt. James S. (Buddy) Pow­ FROM THE TOWN of Avez- Joan Uridel. A brother, John, ers, a former member of St. zano they drove to Rome, is a freshman at S t Francis de JhsL cXoiiiL fiponL where they spent .three days. Sales’ High. Francis de Sales’ Parish, Den­ (Msnsxement of Esther and Frank Fonx) ver, to his parents, Mr. and “We didn’t see hardly anything Mrs. James P. Powers of 845 compared to what there is to Ninth Avenue at Speer Blvd. S. Pennsylvania Street, Den­ see,” he said. They went on a farrell Band W ill Play COMPLETE ORIENTAL STAFF ’ ver. guided tour through S t Peter’s, FINEST CHINESE AND Sergeant Powers, who is sta­ and saw the Basilicas of St Af Rainbow Dec. 31 tioned with the Army Air Force Mary Major, S t John Lateran, AMERICAN FOODS i in Kaufbeuren, Germany, made and S t Paul. Plans are nearing completion A BeautiftzJ LuiU rn Ll(bt*d Dining Room jin th« the trip by automobile with his “yifhile I went to Castelgan- for the New Y ear’s Eve dancing Vttcrans o f Foreign W nrt Horn* dolfo,” Sergeant Powers said, John Ss St«v«rt Pott No. 1 wife, Rena, and children. They party to be held at the Rainbow Op«iL to th« Public traveled from Kaufbeuren to “Rena and the children visited Ballroom, Denver, Monday eve­ II «jn* to Midnight — Sat. till 2 a.m. Innsbruck, Austria. From there, the catacombs on the outskirts ning, Dec. 31. Frankie Farrell (CioMO Tuatdayt) they crossed the border into of Rome.” and his orchestra will be on Italy, via the Brenner Pass. In He described his trip to Cas- hand to assist the celebrants in the 'j)olomite Mountain area telgandolfo: “A Papal audience greeting the New Year. they described the countiy as with a big group from many "beautiful, with the Italian nations is a strange and ex­ The Frankie Farrfell Or­ towns built right on the side of citing experience, for me any­ chestra has built a solid founda­ way. I was amazed at the roar­ tion of good music, and is fre­ the mountains.” quently held over, or called • e • ing people when the Pope ap­ back, to make repeat engage­ THE FAMILY VISITED Bol­ peared on the balcony. ments at some of the top danc­ zano, Verona, and Venice. From * « « ing spots in the nation. Frankie Venice they drove along the “HE SPOKE TO EACH na­ Farrell and his orchestra will Adriatic Sea to the town of Ri­ tionality in its own tongue. also play for dancing at the He blessed all the religious ar­ mini, where they camped for Rainbow Ballroom on. Saturday ticles and gave his personal Beautiful Photomurais, soft lights, two days. A fter they visited night, Dec. 29. Pescara, they cut inland blessing to the crowd, ''^ en he subdued background music, sparkling through the mountains to Rome. started to depart, the throng The Rainbow Ballroom will white linens and a wonderful "Fes­ have a festive air on New "Here in these mountains we roared, "Long live the Pope” in tive Dinner.” saw the poor people of Italy, all different languages. He mo­ Year’s Eve with thousands of living almost in the past,” he tioned again with his hands. gay balloons and other decora­ Cali CRestview 9-2594 wrote. “We saw women carry­ It’s really hard to describe the tions. The management will For Reservation* ing heavy burdens on their feeling I got when I watched also provide hats, horns, and heads without using th e ir his hands. One might say they noise makers for everyone. ' 1730 SOUTH COLORADO BOULEVARD hands, and walking up steep are beautiful han

iA i Telepfione, Ifeyiton* 4-4205 Tliursday, December 27, T956 PA G t TTM OfBct, 938 Bonnock StrMt THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER

SiKter ]Har>' Gabriella fioquioA rant. in , fioO L Last Rites Held

Nun, Leadville,Native, JOHN LOVAS, f t . of tTOl D«1* gnindchltdmi. tnd If giwat-gnnd- In New Mexico cmny. K« U «urvivH hf four daufh* childrco. Requiem Maaa waa cele­ t«r». Mr*. SutW Stnieki, Mrs. H9,lcn brated Dec. 22 In St. CaJaUn’a L4»8»1U. Dtnvcr: Un. Mary Ym - Church. Interment In ML OHvcL chuk. Caaton. O.; and II r«. Aooa Capitol Mortuary. For Father Gene Buried in Mount Olivet Jobb. Saatik, Wath.; alght grand- GEORGE SANDOVAL, 84. of 3614 and I I grtat-grandcklldr«n. WillUroa StreeL He la aurvived by Cheyenne.—Sister M*ry Ga- Newell and Father Delaney Ill b« rtcited Thuradaxi hia mother. Adalia Sandoval, Brigh­ A Pontifical Mass of Re­ A. , ?• at 7:20 p.m. In tha Boult- ton: and hia hiunt, Benlta Torres, quiem was celebrated by Arch­ brieila died at DePaul Hospital, were Monsignor James Hart­ Mortuary chapaL Requltm High Denver. Requiem Maaa waa celebra­ mann of S t Mary’s Cathedral, will ba calabratad Friday, Dae, ted Dec. 22 in Annunciation Church. bishop Edwin V. Byrne of Cheyenne, Dec. 21 after an'ex­ Cheyenne; Monsignor John Mc- . . at 10 a.m. in Su Joaapb’a (Pollah) Interment in ML OUveL Capitol Mor­ Santa Fe in the Church of the :borch. Intarmant In MU OHvat. tuary. tended illness. She was a mem­ Devitt of S t Laurence OToole’i loolavard Mortuary. JOHN L. HARTMAN, 67, of 1041H Holy Cross, Santa Cruz, N. ber of the Sister*^ of Charity Parish. Laramie; and Fath MARY A. CURTANg 70, of 84$ 11th StreeL Requiem High Maaa waa Mex., Tuesday, Dec. 11,’ for the Michael Scullion, ^ itor of Gaylord Straat. 8ha la aurrlvad by celebrated Dec. 22 in 8L EUaabetb’a Very Rev. Salvador Gene, S.F., of Leavenworth, who staff the two aona. Thomaa R. and John Cur- Church. Interment in ML OliveL hospital. The Funeral Mass Wj/oming Catholic Regit^ tan, both of Danver; two daughtara, Hackethal-Nooiian Mortuary. whd died in was sunp in the chapel of De- The funeral arrangements Mra. J. Sherman Brown. Den ea r: and CARRIE SUAZO, 61, of 3280 Dec. 6. Father Gene, for 85 Mra. Elian Merton, Loa Angeles, Franklin StreeL Requiem High Maaa years acting Provincial of the Paul Hospital Dec. 22 by the carried out by the Grace Calif.: a brother. Joaeph R. Shea. waa celebrated Dec. 26 in Our Lady chaplain, Father William E. tuary. ^ Durango; a aiater, Jean Shea of San of Grace Church. Interment ip ML Holy Family Fathers in the Delaney. The Most Rev. Hu­ Sister Mary Gabriella- had Franeiaeo, Calif.; and ,10 grandchil­ Olivet. Haekethal-Noonan MoKuary. United States, was stricken dren. Requiem High Maaa was cele­ KATHERINE BELICH, 72. of 1406 with a heart seizure a few bert M. Newell, D.D., officiated taught grade school in Mon­ brated Dec. 24 in St. John the Evan- E. 83rd Avenue. She ia aurvived by at the absolution before the- geliat'a Church. Intefment In Mt. Oli­ her huaband. Anton Belleh: two aona, minutes after alighting from a body was taken to Mount Oli-j tana and Kansas for many vet. Boulevard Mortuary. Joe and William Belich; three daugh- plane St a New York airport HANNAH O'ROURKE. 80. of 6640 tera. Katherine Goble, -Ann Walker, He had just returned to this vet Cemetery in Denver forj years prior to taking ill. She W. 54th Place. She la survived by a and Mary Little. Loa Angelea. Calif. burial. Members of the clergy was a native of Leadville, son, William E. O'Rourke: a daugh­ Requiem Mass waa celebrated Dec. 22 country from Spain, where he pre.sent in addition to Bishop Colo. ter, Mra. Mary Ann Ryan; and two in Annunciation Church. Interment had gone in the spring of this granddaughters, Mra. Hugh Kelley. in Ml OliveL Day Mortuary. year. ^ Park City, U t ^ : and 'Mrs. Melvin CATHERINE WEBB. 71. of 2635 Hayea, Kimball, Neb. Requiem High W. 84th Avenue. She ia survived by Near 76th Birthday ■ Mass was celebrated Dec. 22 in the a aiater/ Mra. Margaret Conway. The Shrine of SU Ann, Arvada. Inter­ Rosary will be recited Thursday, Dec. Father Gene had celebrated W ishing You a Very H appy ment in Mt. Olivet. Boulevard Mor­ 27, a t 8 p.m. in the Day Mortuary his 50th year as a priest May tuary. chapel. Requiem Mass will be cele­ WILLIAM TONAR. 66. of 062 brated Friday, Dec. 28. at 9 a.m. in 3, 1955. He was born in the N e w Y e a r Santa Fe Drive. He is eurvived by his St. Dominic’s Church. Interment in province of Taragona, Spain, wife, Adolphine Tonar; a daughter. Mt. Olivet. Day Mortuary. Dec. 17, 1880. He was ordained Vietta Hayes, Seattle, Wash.: a son, JOE GONZALES, 64. of 2505 Lawr­ near Barcelona in 1905 and, Harry W. .Swigert, Jr. Harry W. Odil Albert Tonar, Santa Maria, Calif.: his ence Street. Solemn Requiem Mass mother, Mary Tonar, Spearville, was celebrated Dec. 24 in Our Lady according to the usual assign- annual Christmas party. Santa visited the first Dale O. Kvaiis Golds Lilly Kans.; and four grandchildren. Re­ of Guadalupe Church. Interment in n l i i E r io iifl A few of the young children quiem High Mass was celebrated Dec. Mt. OHvet. Trevino Mortuary. U lU r i ICIIU g(. Janies’ School, Denver, three grades and passsed out candy canes to all Helen Hall .Alia Faye Jackson 21 in St. Joseph’s (Redemptorist) FRED GRENIER, 74. of 1322 Lari­ the children. Refresliments were served and Church. Interment in Mt. Olivet.- mer Street died in Denvey. He ia gather around Santa Claus as a climax to the games were played in each of the classes. Boulevard Mortuary. eurvived by a eon. Robert Grenier: a JAMES W. LARKIN, 67. of 1069 brother, George Edward Grepaer: and + + + SWIGERT BROS. K^math Street. He is survived by three grandchildren. Requibm Maes his wife, Alice M. Larkin; two daugh­ was celebrated Dec. 21 i^-Sacred Progress Reports Due Dee. 28 l.}50 California O ptO m C tristS KEr$tone 4-7651 ters. Margie McDonald, Denver; and Heart Church. Military honors. Tre­ Dorothy Moberly, San Antonio, Tex.: vino Mortuary. two sons. James G. and Wilburn Pat PETE ROMERO. 40. of 1644 Eliot Better Vision Good Service Larkin, Denver; a brother, John Lar­ Street. He ia eurvived by the follow­ kin, Ft. Lyon; and seven grandchil­ ing brother sand slaters: Aacencion, St. James' Club Captains to Meet for Every Age At Right Prices dren. Requiem High Mass was cele­ Roberto. Dora. Julio, Soatenes. Ro- brated Dec. 26 in St. Joseph’s (Re­ aalio, and Doloritaa Romero. Requiem c l a s s e F' individually s t y l e d demptorist) Church. Interment in Maes was celebrated Dec. 26 in SL (St Jame»’ Parish, Denver) 12:15, and 6 in the evening. eon and theater party during Mt. Olivet. Olingcr Mortuary. Cajetan'e Church. Interment in Ml All captains working on the Confessions will be heard the holidays. ELIZABETH T. MOONEY, 77. at Olivet. Trevino Mortuary. organization drive for the new Monday afternoon and evening. Knoxville, Tcnn., formerly of Denver. CHARLES JOSEPH MATTICK, 74. Women Participating Requiem High Mass was celebrated of 1671 Logan Street. He ia eurvived St. James Social Club will hold The Sacred Heart Devotions In Lunch Program Dec. 26 in Holy Family Church. In­ by hie wife, Rose M. M attick; three are held every Friday evening a meeting on Friday evening, The following women partici­ terment in Mt. Olivet. Olinger Mor­ daughters, Marie Kennedy. San Fran­ at 7:30 o’clock. tuary. cisco, Calif.; Rose Cook, Denver: and Dec. 28, at 8 o’clock in the pated in the lunchroom program The priests of the pai||sh ONE PICKUP FOR DIRECT SERVICE MAGDALENA M. NAVARRO. 83. Catherine I^prevotte, Fresno, Calif.; Walsh Memorial Hall. They are during the month of December: of 1569 Bryant Street. She is' eur­ his mother-in-law, Mrs. Anna Colby; asked to contact members of will be hosts to the Altar and vived by three eons, Paul and Ray­ eight grandchildren, and one great- Rosary Society in the m et- Mmes. Whittaker, Kane, Ruff, mond Macias. Denver; and Frank Ma­ grandson. Requiem High Mass is be­ their individual teams so as to Spencer, Schlueter, Hughes, ing on Jan. 11 in the Mont­ TO BOTH / \ COASTS cias. Gering, Neb.: a daughter. Mrsj ing celebrated Thursday, Dec. 27. at have a complete report on the Hetzler, Cuthbertson, Conley, Severn Oliva, Escalon. Calif.; 2$ 10 a.m. in the Cathedral. Interment clair Civic Building. progress made to date. Meyer, Treacy, Mintkin, Rober­ in Mt. Olivet. The girls’ choir members will JOHN DAVID BEATTY, infant of Masses on New Year’s Day son, Rodriguez, Frigon, Learned, be the guests of the pastor, the Dr. and Mra. Eugene. C. Beatty. Jr., will be at the regular Sunday Murray, Franek, Connell, Vagn- Accident Fatal of 2338 E. Floyd Place. Englewood. hours: 7:15, 8:30, 9:45, 11, and Rev. William Power, at a lunch- m o n ly c o A S & K - m s r m i c r a m m He is eurvived also by a sister, Susan; ino. Kolowich, Mizicko, Pieters, two brothers. Mark and Paul: and Mulroney, VanNatter, Deroian, his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. For 7-Year-Old Barth and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beatty, Campbell, Mestek, Mahoney, Ut- all of Denver. Graveside services In Very Rev. Salvador Gene, S.F. echt, White, Beemer, Fernandez, Debra Newton, 7 - year - old Mt. Olivet Dec. 22. Arvada Parish Reveals Piasecki, Dumas, OrtelL Viola, MARY McMa h o n , 86, formerly of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kelly, O’Shea, Nevin, Cullinan, Denver-Chicage Trucking Co., Inc. Newton, 4108 E. Iliff Avenue, 4268 S. Logan Street. Requiem High ments of the Holy Family Fa­ Mass is being celebrated Thursday. thers, he taught eight years in Webb, Scheuermann, and Pat­ 2.>01 Blake Denver KE. 4-7261 died Dec. 21 of strangulation Dec. 27, at 10 a.m. in St. Louis’ terson. when the balloon she was play­ Church. Interment in Mt. Olivet. colleges for boys in Spain. Mass Schedule Jan. 1 The Cub Scouts held their ing with lodged in her throat. M ERLE A. MUTCHIE, 62. of 86 In 1913 he came to the W. 12th Avenue. He is survived by Christmas party in Walsh Hall United States. His first work Helen Reed, president; George Debra had been playing in a four brothers, Floyd E., Denver; Arvada. — (Shrine of St. on Thursday, Dec. 20. Approxi­ MAin 3-5314- Francis L., ^lida; Haro), Renton, here was in Sacred Heart Par­ Wood, vice president; Pat bedroom with her brother, Ste­ Anne)— Children of the parish mately 200 parents and scouts phen, when suddenly she ran W ash.; and Charles D., Holyoke: and ish, Durango, in the Diocese of Quirk, secretary; John Bivans, a sister, Mnry J. Githens. Denver. who attend catechism classes attended. The Cub Scouts pre- < to the kitchen and told her Pueblo, where he was stationed treasurer; Gerald Shea, ways Requiem Mass was celebrated Dec. on Saturdays enjoyed a Christ­ sen ted their parents with mother she had swallowed 24 in St. Patrick's Church, Holyoke. two years. In these years he mas treat of ice cream and and means chairman; Joe Mur­ F. J. KIRCHHOF something. A doctor was sum­ Interment in Holyoke. preached missions in the Span- candy on. Saturday, Dec. 22. ray, corresponding secretary; Christmas gifts made at their GUSTAVE MYERS weekly den meetings, and the moned, but she died shortly language in many places in Hostesses, members of the Al­ and Roxy Mapley, altar chair­ Gustave L. Myers. 56, of 1127 S. committee presented each boy afterward. Elir.aheth Street died Dec. 24 in St. Colorado and New Mexico. In tar and Rosary Society, were man. In addition to her parents, Joseph’s Hospital after a long illness. 1916 he returned to Spain to Mmes. Ruth Jones, Irene Gi- with an official cub .scout Ever- He was born in Bendena. Kans.. The January meeting of sharp. Mrs. Jean Gilbert’s den Construction Co. she is survived also by a become Consultor General of meno, Jean Russel, Kathleen May 12. 1901, and was educated in the Holy Family Fathers. Iq the Altar and Rotary Society presented a short skit on Christ­ brother, Stephen H. Newton; Atchison. Waldorf, Jerry Larghe, Jo ha* been pottponed one week and her grandmothers, Mrs. Mr. Myers came to Denver about 1919, *at the request of Arch­ Schaefer, Jane Hurd, Helen mas customs in other countries. 19 years ago, and recently was em­ bishop Daeger of Santa Fe, he and will be held on Jan. 8. Refreshments were served and BUILDERS^ Richard A. Brickell, Colorado ployed as a storekeeper a t thq- Air Reed, Mary Ellen Burke, and Springs; and Mrs. J. P. New­ Force Academy. came back to the United States Dorothy Stueller. Banns of marriage have been faroling was enjoyed by all. ton, Sioux City, la. Mass of He was a member of the Knights and became pastor of Holy published between Charles In- of Columbus, Denver Council 639, Matset on Jan. I, New W e Appreciate Your Patronage the Angels was celebrated Dec. and the Legion of Mar>*. Cross Parish, SanU Cruz, N. genthrone of this parish and Mex. Year’* Day, will be at 6:30, Jackie Matthew of Loyola; and 24 in Most Precious Blood He is survived by his wife, Mar- 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30 Church. Interment in Mt. Oli­ th« Ann. At this time he was given Joseph Lucius of this parish 700 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. Requiem Mass and burial in Atchi­ a.m. and 7:30 p.m. INCOME TAX vet. son, Kans. Boulevard Mortuary. the office of First Consultor of and Rosemary Arneson of Holy the Holy Family Congregation Recipients of turkeys at the Trinity, Westminster. HELP in the United States, and he December games party were Special thanks are extended performed the duties of this the following: Mmes. Bresna- to the members of the choir Over 20 Years Experience office from Santa Cruz for han, Jersin, Walker, Aunka, for the beautiful rendition of Reasonable Fees more than 35 years. He re­ Gaber, Lasasso, Dolance, Ed the Christmas mpsic. The Mass tired from this office last year Walsh, and Dick Gillarducci, aung at midnight was one dedi­ CALL IIOWEY at the time that Father Augus­ Ray Chage, Betty Summers, cated to Fray Junipero S ena. AL. 5-0111 i tine Cortes, S.F., was sent from Gloria Guse, Charles Peters, B. A. Windhqlz is choir direc­ Del Norte to Santa Cruz as A1 Smith, John Koras, Ed tor and Carol Lotito, organist. pastor. The duties of Consul- Walsh, and Frank Honeyman. tor General are equivalent to Tom Barry of 8525 W. 59th those of an acting Provincial. .\venu€ was the winner of the He is survived by two sisters 50-50 Club games held by who live near Tarragona, the Holy Name Men’s Club. Spain. Henry Koldeway, John Cal­ The Holy Family Fathers are lahan, and Emil Gimeno volun­ in charge of Our Lady of Peace teered to transport the Catho­ Parish, Greeley, in the Arch­ lic children from Ridge Home diocese of Denver. CONOnlON to the 6:30 a.m. Mass on WHCRC DENVER SHOPS tVITH CONEIDENCE Christmas. statement Postmaster's Requiem The members of the St. Vin-1 Tissmliin . KEyslont « 2111 cent de Paul’s Society prepared , ( W • OEilct 3 8SS$ • GEneset 3 6611 Oj CEMBER 15, Christmas baskets for distribu-1 Held in New Castle tion to the poor of the parish. I U A B JU 'T*® * Funeral services for Charles Annual '’arty | Matthew Burrell, postmaster at New Castle, were held Wednes­ Members of the Altar and i ' r e s o u r c e s day morning Dec. 12, in the Rosary Society enjoyed their Precious Blood Church, New annual Christmas party on Dec. ^ 348.88 Castle, with the Rev. Edward 20. Mrs. John Bivans was Have Twelve Times Your First Mortgages and ...... ^ gg,891,413.63 J. Fraezkowski officiating. In­ chairman of the ham dinner j irsT terment was in the New Castle which was served at 6:30 p.m.,| ^ Contracts tMotS ...... Highland Cemetery. Graveside followed by an exchange of | services were conducted bv the gifts and group singing. The; society presented Father B er-' Buying Power ^ n s on Savin g, ....._ ,84,009.80 American Legion. Mr. Burrell died Dec. 10 at his home. nard Kelly, pastor, with a gift. Gifts were also presented to He was born Nov. 16, 1895, Acooo"*"...... in process...... - the outgoing officers, Mmes. at New Castle and spent the rest Estate Certificate^-. . of his life there. He was married to Katherine M. Ganiev on June Use Our Revolving - ...., 2,093)039.62 28, 1924, in Rifle. He, was a . -rred Charges and 42,501-44 Q^^gr Liabilities ...... , member of the New Castle start HEARING American Legion Post and the ...... Last Squad. He served as pri­ vate first class with the U. S. BETTER lodoy Army in World War I. Surviving are his wife; one 60NOTONI Credit Plan ...... stepson, Lester Miller of Ful- Yem Domivm TIm iMtl tures, less uep , m Ibrton, Calif.; and two sisters, 100 Melrooolitan Bldg. | Mrs. John C. Texton, New Cas­ TA. 5.11«6 vpacraiHomeLoanBank ^ ,00,000.00 General Reser''^ ^ 7,410,311-80 U ',:* tle, and Mrs. Bertha Giamnias of Greeley. S t o c k ...... Surplus ...... «U1 ...... t

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. ■ r nil ...... ilA ' Wil ...... i ■„ i n i PAGE ELEVEN TNt DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telepkeiie, K cyttoa* 4420S

Comic B o o W k Cnrei(ulated! One of the Family No Protection Rindy Is Dead; Buh Rindy Lives B y R rv . R o bext E . K e k e is e n mercy on the departed soul Mary’s Parish, Colorado WHEN ONE IS a Cath­ — is the same, whether the Springs. Rindy died last week olic, and lives as a ^tholic, obsequies are for a penniless at 77. The Very Rev. Monsi-, and dies as a Catholic, he is widow or a chief of state. gnor William Kelly offered Ineffectuality Reaches Crisis v FonColorodo Youths! buried as a Catholic. The This beautiful truth was her Funeral High Mass at St. essential element of the exemplified in the funeral of Mary’s in the presence of the o LEGAL PROTECTION against evil comic books Church’s funeral service — Renda Temes, a Negro pastor, the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ N wjll be given Colorado children, it seems, if ^ e the offering of the Holy woman called affectionately gnor William Kipp, dean of UN Will Die or Be Reborn opinion, of a committee of the Colorado Legislative Sacrifice to invoke divine “Rindy” by her friends at St. the Pike's Peak Region; and Fathers Robert Greenslade By P aul H. Hallett torials in Catholic papers denouncing UN Council is followed by the State Legislature. The com­ and John Jepson, S t Mary’s t h e DAY HAS PASSED when criti­ fecklessness, the editor of the Brooklyn Tablet mittee drags out the old canard that “government TRANGE BUT TRUp assistants. cism of the UN was taken as a mark of isola­ noted: censorship of corak books ‘is totally out of keeping’ ALSO IN THE SANC­ “ WE RECALL RECENTLY writing a with the concepts of a free press in a land of free tionism or xenophobia. When even an inter­ LittU-Kim FieU ftr CitboliDt L m TUARY was Father Robert condemnation of the lack of morality in many people.” Freudenstein, pastor of nationally mind^ statesman like the Belgian SBv M. 1. MURRAY OoorrickL ISSl. N .C.W .a Sanria* Hugo, Limon, and missions Socialist Paul-Henri Spaak, the new Secre­ of the United Nations actions or lack of aalon. Adequate control of the comic book problem, the — the priest who instructed A short time after, an American representa­ committee has decided, involves a two-foid approach: tary-General of NATO, can denounce the in­ Rindy in the faith a few tive in the organization advised us: 1. Continuing vigilance on the part of parents and or-parent ternational assembly as ineffectual, and even years back, and received her "Keep firing away. The greatest handicap ganized groups within each community; 2. mainten­ intq the Church. Father dangerous, we may know that its days are to the United Nations has been the blind ance of a militant educational program against this Freudenstein conducted the nearing an end, unless it changes. glorification of those who acted as if the type of literature. The report declares, according to rites at graveside. One of the most stringent criticisms of With her roots in the Deep w'orld body was the greatest contribution to the press article, that in the final analysis control the UN was made Nov. 25 in Rome by Cardi­ South, Rindy came to Colo­ civilization since Moses gave us the Ten Com­ could best be exerted through parents and church nal Ottaviani, when he preached a Holy Hour rado Springs a widow several mandments. What is needed is criticism of our groups and through self-regulation by the comic book years ago. When she em­ in St. Peter’s Basilica. Alluding to the assem­ weaknesses and failures so as to strengthen publishers and distributors. braced the Catholic faith, she bly’s impotence in the face of the Hungarian showered upon her new faith the hand of the West and to give us talking h e m e t h o d s s u g g e s t e d by the committee, we massacres, the Cardinal-Seaetary of the Holy all the ardor characteristic points to try and get the support of other na­ reply, have been tried and found wanting. Legal Office declared: T of her race. With Rindy, tions for a just peace and against Red aggres­ means are needed to curb the comic book publishers Catholicity was life; and life “ IN WHAT SHOULD BE the su­ sion!” " and distributors; other forms of control nave been was sweet, even with arth­ ritis. preme assembly of international justice, the IT IS HAZARDOUS to essay the role tried and found wanting.. aggressor sits as a judge among the other A definite law is what is needed, spelling out “SHE OPENED the of prophet, but if any development can be Church every morning” was judges, and, instead of there being anyone to what is permitted to be sold on newsstends and what safely predicted for 1957, it is that either the Monsignor Kelly’s comment represent the victim, the accodplice in his as­ UN will dissolve or it will conform to the ad­ is not. there w'ill be cries of "pressure capsulizing Rindy’s devotion sassination has a place of honor.” groups,” “illegal censorship,” “local zealots,” “boy­ to God. “She never missed a vice given it-by Pius XII. in his Christmas talk The same aiticism, in softer and more cott,.” when groups of parents and church groups at­ service at St. Mary’s — (see Register, National Edition). whether it was a Benediction, veiled language, had been voiced only two tempt to clean up the newsstands. 'The choice is not one between interna­ First Holy Communion, Con­ weeks before by Pius XII. tional organization or none at all. We must S FOR FREEDOM OF THE PRESS being threat­ firmation, or one bf the many Even among UN representatives them­ have some form of world association in these ened, we say nonsense! Have you seen any crime other rites' in which she could not have had a personal selves, little illusion is left about the organiza­ times or perish. But the United Nations pust and horror comic books? Are these the American interest other thah that, of tion’s value. After assembling a list of edi­ be reformed or replaced. press? To protect sex and horror comics on the basis visiting the Eucharistic of freedom of the press is the same as to defend Lord.” Independency Proposed a drunken driver who rams his speeding automobile This writer was privileged through a crowded school playground on the basis to be introduced to Rindy by of his right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi­ an aged couple in the Springs who had become her close New Red Recruiting Scheme ness. friends. The trio would kneel •And as for self-regulation, there is on old together at an early Mass in B y R e v . D a n ie l F l a h e r t y tion which would make the to the group the appearance proverb: "Nemo index in causa sua,” no one can be St. Mary’s, and afterward the AN INTERESTING BIT party independent of Mos­ of a native American politi­ couple would drive her home. of information, but certainly cow and which would- re­ cal party. a judge in his own case. Self-interests, profits, sales, not a startling item, is the nounce violent revolution. THIS IS INDEED inter- AS SHE DESCENDED competition — all these things enter in when an in- news about a proposed Next February the party esting news, for undeniably from her friends’ car, Rindy du.stry attempts to police itself. Individual publi.shers change in plans by the Amer­ will meet to .iiark its decision it is an admis.'ion that past would affectionately kiss both on the draft It is expected publicly known affiliation and distributors, moreover, are not bound by such the old gentleman and his ican Communist Party. The 111 Sea of Secularism U.S. Reds have announced that the result will be a regulation unless they wish to be. wife, and say: “I love you.” with the Soviet has worked a drafting of a new constitu­ “new look” which will give hardship on the American F THE PARENTS A.ND CHURCH GROUPS were The emphasis was right “pinks.” The hardships came first armed with a workable state statute for the The Security of Faith when St. Mary’s gave that Need for Serious Thought in the form of the Smith Act, I poor Colored woman the best policing of comic books, then they could do something. which outlawed violent rev­ burial service it could ar­ olution, a known attribute of As it is, they are like S t George going out to fight the THIS IS A NEUROTIC but surely squeezed God and range; for Rindy was a Cath­ AGE. Multitudes of people supernatural ideals out of How About Resolutions? the Russian comrades, and dragon, but without a sword. They have no weapons olic—with the kind of warm the Internal Security Act, are haunted by feelings of in­ his hopes and plans. love of the Savior that pas­ to match the money and power of the giant publish­ security. WHEN LOVE OF GOD is AS NEW YEAR’S DAY conversion. which forbade the effective tors dream about and every approaches, most people at ing firm s. This is true irt our country gone as an effective force in Every priest has heard the control of a U.S. organiza­ zealous priest strives to in­ least go through the motions story from converts who Educational programs, too, are good, but just and in our time in spite of human life, and spiritual tion by a foreign power. culcate in the hearts of his of making resolutions regard­ would have joined the Church The admission of these up to a point. There are alw'ays some who cannot be the unparalleled prosperity motivation is supplanted by penitents. of the American people. economic ambition, and faith ing their conduct, starting long before if they had not hardships by the Reds must educated enough to protect themselves. Some chil­ What is more startling, the gives way to worldly wisdom, THE SCRIPTURES point with their intention of im­ been sidetracked by the un­ be a hard pill to swallow for dren, even knowing it is wrong, will still buy the comic insecurity of our times is the the solid foundations of gen­ out that God is “no respecter proving over the past. It may seeming conduct of Catholic our own politicos who in the books if they are available, as a drunk will take product of our material pros­ uine security begin to vanish. of persons.” And neither is be a case of reducing one’s friends, and from non-Cath- past were all for throwing perity. This is the great para­ The more we come to rely God’s Holy Church. There is weight or adding some pound­ olics, many of whom consider out the Security Act on the another drink. But we have laws against .selling liquor no graduation of dignity age: it may be a resurrected their own good lives an indi­ grojnds that it had no ef­ to a drunk; w’e don’t trust simply in education. dox of modern America. on economic security, scien­ The expansion of wealth, tific advance, physical pleas­ along the Communion rail. ambition to study or to ad­ cation that they are right and fective purpose. h e r e i s .an .ATTE.MPT by the committee, it the multiplication of physi­ ure — the more self-centered The Sacred Host that is vance or^e’s position. Best of we are wrong. BEYOND THIS, the pro­ placed on the tongue of the AN EXAMPLE IN point is seems, to minimize the evil effects of bad comic cal comforts, the growth of we become. The more self- all, it may be a sincere Con­ posed change has little to of­ T saint is the same Lord who fession of faults and the firm the natural charity for one’s fer on the positive side. It books upon juveniles. Judges from three Colorado learning, the progress of centered we become, the less science, the miracles of medi­ important God and superna­ copies to the repentant sinner. purpose of amendment. friends and neighbors found could, however, propound a counties were interviewed, it is said, and “told the cine, the power of the new tural security appear to be. The same priestly absolution Any or all of these will be outside the Church, which tremendous reverse-action in­ committee they could not establish a definite connec­ firearms, and other signs of The less important God and given in the sacred tribunal a good practice if made with often in intensity overshadows fluence. The new look could tion between juvenile delinquency and comic book material prosperity have so supernatural security appear of Penance both dusts the thoughtful consideration and the supernatural love we show be a powerful recruiting angelic nuns and washes an honest intention of fulfill­ others for the sake of God. scheme which would double reading.” These judges fly in the face of almost gripped the imagination of to be, the more pressing and modern man that he has absorbing are reliance on thoroughly the criminal ment. The actual accomplish­ With perhaps only an inci­ party enlistments. For many unanimous opinion by an army of experts in legal, slowly, perhaps reluctantly. material strength. steeped in sin and now re­ ment of these resolutions will dental thought of serving God, a border-line Socialist the educational, police and other fields that evil comic MATERIAL WEALTH and gretful of his sin. bring great personal satisfac­ people who do not enjoy the party will now seem to be books do have a very definite effect upon juvenile power are inadequate in The Communists rant tion as well as marked im­ infused virtues of faith, hope, eliminating the bad while provement in one’s life. And and charity, which are ours keeping the Socialistic delinquency and crime. Words to Live By themselves to give strength about their so-called democ­ racy; and the only democracy even a partial completion- of through Baptism, often jump “good.” Mayor Robert Wagner of New York in Septem­ and hope and peace to man. Everything has an ending; Furthermore, they tend to known in Red lands is that the intention will prove into the breach of sickness, It is difficult to see how a ber, 1954, ordered legal steps to be taken against the there will be an ending one destroy the very substance of common starvation and worth while. deafh, and other disaster with clear-thinking American sale of offensive comics. ‘ Recent crimes committed sad day for you and me, and of the only lasting joj^ we degradation. And even in IT IS GOOD to make such unselfish abandon. Might we could bt taken in by the by juveniles,” he said, “clearly indicate that such pub­ ending of the days we had to­ have. America, where the best de­ resolutions occasionally, for not all improve our own change in plans, but unfor­ record in regard to this vir­ tunately not all Americans lications are responsible in a great measure for the gether, the good companion­ A self-centered life is an mocracy to be found still they help us avoid the rut of ship, all kinds of weather.— insecure one. A God - cen­ flourishes, a great deal of a lukewarmness, if only for a tue? think clearly and logically on alarming upward trend in juvenile delinquency, par­ Katharine Tynan Hinkson. tered life is filled with man’s acceptability depends short time. Little improve­ Perhaps even more appall­ all issues. ticularly in the fields of violence and sex crimes.” • • * strength and hope. upon the number of digits he ment can ever be expected ing is the sheep-headed folly AT THE VERY MOST, New' York police officials declared that many “terrible The God whom we have can put in a fheck he writes. unless it is intended and of most Catholics in following the new constitution will be Whate’er there be of sor­ but a “token phrase,” adcfpt- abandoned in large meas­ BUT IN THE CATHO­ planned ahead of time. And the example of pagans in re­ crimes” by juveniles and others were the direct re­ row I’ll put off till tomorrow, ed as a matter of conven­ ure for mammon has left LIC Church, despite the un­ none of us can say honestly gard to pleasure, entertain­ sult of indecent and vicious comics. and, when tomorrow comeS, ience, subject to change at us to our wealth — and to just charges brought against that there is no room for im­ ment, recreation, and clothing. why then’t will be today and the whim of any of a number h r e e y o u t h s joy again.—John Kenrick our weaknesses, wants, her by her enemies, there is provement in his or her life. We wonder how many who of Albany, Ind., in August, 1948, of higher-echelon comrades. and fears. The riches of true democracy as far as the IT IS UNFORTUNATELY made the Legion of Decency tortured a playmate and strung him up to a Bangs. World Communism, of which T * * * nature, considered by some enjoj’ment of the spiritual TRUE that most Catholics pledge a month ago have al­ tree. W’ith lighted matches they burned his bare the center of security for privileges goes. Spiritual au­ give scandal—bad example is ready broken it, encouraging the U.S. party is a part, does Nor love they least who not allow for independency. flesh. The boys admitted that they had been inspired men on earth, often become thority is, and must be ac­ the nicer sounding term—in the production of additional strike with right good will to objectionable movies. Do you The roots of indoctrinations to their fiendish pastime by reading comic books. vanquish ill and fight God’s the monster that destroys cording to Christ’s constitu­ some actions -of their lives, us in the end, and that many Catholics scan­ plan to end 1956 and begin in her leaders are imbedded They had already selected their next victim — a seven- battle upward from the beast, tion, absolute and in the too deeply for that. Internal THIS IS THE PUZZLE of dalize in many ways. This 1957 in a quiet, decent, and year-old girl. A 15-year-old Chicago boy strangled — Richard Hovey (1864- hands of one divinely chosen. tie-ups will always be found secularism. This is the grow­ But spiritual graces are scandal hurts other Catholics, prayerful way, or will you fol­ 1900). by the inquisitor. his 13-year-old companion with a belt and hid the body ing modern fear that un­ there for all who qualify to especially by weakening their low the lead of the pagans in * * • Those who are wise will in a conduit. He admitted to being an avid reader of settles the peace of strong receive them. The treasure good intentions, and causes a debauching, gluttonous And now. Lord, Thou not “toy with the tiger,” for, minds and destroys the joy chest of merit was opened by untold numbers of outsiders orgy? horror comics. Another boy smothered a little girl knowest that not for fleshly with or without Soviet affil­ to death — because she would not return the comic of a prosperous nation.— (By the Savior, and it has never to misjudge the True Church Yes, there is ample reason lust do I take my . . . wife, and to avoid the primary for serious thought and hum­ iation, Atheistic Communism but only for the love of pos­ Rev. Joseph A. Hughes in been closed. Rindy can testify books he gave her. In a 14-year-old boy the Duluth Register) to that. steps that might lead to their ble self-accusation as we ap­ is an evil to be avoided. poisoned a 50-year-old woman — the idea came from terity, in which Thy name proach New Year’s Day. Let DO NOT LET anyone ever may be blessed forever and a comic book, he said. A 13-year-old boy’s parents We Need More Like Rep. O’Konski us hope that the resolutions tell you that the honest and ever.—Tobias viii, 9. intelligent man blindly seeks came home from the movies to find his body hanging that develop from such think­ * * • ing will be implemented by good in the party, for if a in the garage — at his feet an opened crime comic Themistocles said that a sincere effort and produce the person is honest and a Com­ depicted a hanging body. Two boys, aged 14 and 15, man’s discourse was like a Cheers for a Courageous Stand improvement we need for our munist; he is not intelligent; are caught committing a burglary — the crime comics rich Persian carpet, the beau­ own salvation and for the edi­ and if he be intelligent and in their possession showed them how to do it. tiful figures and patterns of B v F r a n k M o r r iss . The House of set an aged Bishop afire! fication of our neighbors, a Communist, he is not hon­ which can be shown only by O U R CONGRATULA­ Representatives member has No one should forget the dry Catholics and non-Catholics est. If he is honest and in­ The committee of the Colorado Legislative Coun­ spreading and extending it TIONS to Catholic Congress­ threatened to resifcp if Tito martyrdom of Cardinal Stepi- alike. Happy New Year!— telligent, he is not a Com­ cil reports that two Denver dealers sell about 110,000 out.—Plutarch (46-120 A.D.), man Alvin E. O’Konski of of Yugoslavia is invited to nac under Tito, every bit as (Father Francis Reed Hoy, munist. We refuse to believe comic books a month, and one-fifth of these would be this country. real as martyrdom as that of in the Altoona Register) otherwise. classified in the "dime and horror" category. In other It has quite clearly come to Cardinal Mindszenty under words, 22,000 comic books monthly calculated to “in­ The Denver Catholic Register a matter of conscience with the “genuine” Soviets.) FORTY HOURS' DEVOTION the Wisconsin Congressman. It is a principle of law that spire” just such activities as those mentioned above. President...... Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. He feels he cannot be a party no one can expect support Archdiocese of Denver Editor__R t Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., Jour. D., LittD., LL.D. in a government that has from a court of equity or kOCTOR raEDERIC WERTHAM, a New York Managing Director....Monsignor John B. Cavanagh, M.A., P^.D. WEEK OF DEC. 30, psychiatrist, and Gershon Legman, an authority adopted a policy of such ex­ law if he does not enter with Executive Editor...... Rev. John B. Ehel, LittD ., Hist.D. pediency that it can bring clean hands. How much less SUNDAY WITHIN OCTAVE OF NATIVITY Denver...... St. Anthony’* Hotpital on follclore, in 1948 presented papers to the American Associate Editors—Rev. Robert Kekeisen, M.A., LittD .; Rev. murderers and tyrants into can we expect the support of Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy in Daniel Flaherty, M.A.'; Linus Riordan, Ph.D.; Paul Hallett, its confidence on the spurious the divine Judge if we con­ which they asserted that a city child who was six L ittD .; Jack Heher, B.A., L ittD .; Frank Morriss, B.S., LL.B., idea that it takes friendship sort with the most gross crim­ L ittD .; Art Director, Leo Canavan, D.F.A. years old in 1938 had in the succeeding 10 years with such evil men to defeat inals and take the support of other evil men. the most imrtioral gangsters. dLadijo a n d , J l / J t o j g , “absorbed an absolute minimum of 18,000 pictorial Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at CLEARLY if we had more IT IS TRUE that some­ KBTV KFSC, Denver m beating, shooting, stranglings, blood puddles, and Denver, Colo. O’Konskis, both in govern­ times one must coexist with SACRED HEART P R O- 1 torturings-to-death from comic books alone.” Thii Pip«r Printed Entirelx bjr Union Labor ment and as private citizens, extreme evil, when he is help­ Channel 9 GRAM — (EngUsh) — | As a result, declared Dr, Wertham, “you cannot we would soon, isolate these less to oppose it. But inviting BISHOP SHEEN, “Life I* Worth Living”— Sunday, Monday through' Friday, s understand present-day juvenile delinquency if you dictators, as common sense Tito here would be more than Published Weekly by and good moral judgment say co-existing with evil — it is 10 p.m. 9 a.m. 3 do not take into account the influence of comic books.” THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) they should be isolated. abetting and encouraging it. SACRED HEART PRO- SACRED HEART P R O• | They not only inspire evil, but suggest a form for From the very ordinary The world has*fhund out the GRAM — Sunday, 12:15 GRAM — (Spanish) — p evil to take, 938 Bannock Street, 1 point of practicality, we are hard and sad way that dealing p.m, Saturday, 7 a.m'.; Sunday, S James W. Bennett, director of the Bureau of Teleph''ne, KEystone 4-4205 P.O. Box-1620 foolish to deal further with with the Communist world is KTVR 7:15 a.m. | Prisons, in 1948 delivered a sharp indictment of comic Tito. We poured millions into playing with dynamite. Every Channel 2 THE VOICE OF ITALY— I his Communist coffers, only pact has been broken— notice (Italian) — Sunday, 7:30 M book material and its effect upon juvenile crime, and Subscription: THE CHRISTOPHERS — to find not many months ago the Korean treachery, where Sunday, 5 p.m. added: “As long as the [comic book] industry bases $1.50 per yea^* in Archdiocese of Denver. that he was back in Moscow’s a great buildup has been un­ t h e "’christophers — I its appeal on the primitive instincts, I doubt wdiether good graces. We thought we der way since .the “armi­ Sunday, 7 a.m. = $2.00 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. KOA-TV any form of voluntary censorship will work.” were bolstering an enemy of stice;” think of the Vietna­ Channel 4 THE lamplighters — i the Soviets, only to find out Canada, $2.75 a year per subscription. mese agreement, whereby the THE CHRISTOPHERS — Daily in December, 4 tl0 M v e n t h e m a n w h o in v e n t e d comic books exactly what many Catholic West agreed with Red China Foreign countries, including , $3.50 a year. Sunday, 11:30 a.m. later admitted that he was sorry. He declar^, spokesmen were saying was that there would be freedom VOICE OF ST. PAUL — | E true — he was no more an of movement, o n ly .t^ s e e KOA, Denver Sundays in Dacember, ^ moreover, that he never allowed his young daughter i^ ^ 42 Thursday, December 27, 1956 enemy of Russia than i6 Chi­ countless Catholics m um red CATHOLIC HOUR — Sun­ 4:10 p.m. s to read the things. Harry I. Wildenberg of Key West, na’s Mao Tse-tung. in the attempt to flee. KIMN, Denver 1 BUT EVEN WERE it ex- day, 12 noon to 12:30. Fla., who thought up the comic-book technique in 1932, OFFICIALi ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER How will the thousands of SACRED HEART PRO-| pedient and practical to deal ASK AND LEARN — Sun­ said in 1949, when 720,000,000 copies of his brain persecuted Bishops, priests, GRAM— Sunday, 7 a.m. = The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial ap­ with Tito, we would be fool­ day, 10:15 p.m. nuns, and lay Catholics of AVE MARIA HOUR— Sun- | child were being produced annually, that he would proval. We confirm it as the official publication of the arch­ ish to do so. There is a Yugoslavia look upon o u r KBOL, Boulder day, 7:15 a.m. = like to see them abolished. diocese. Whatever appears in its columns over the signature strength in morality and wining and dining of the “I don’t feel proud that I started the comic books,” of the Ordinary or those of the Officials of our Curia is righteousness that the West­ blood-tinged tyrant of SACRED HEART P R O - FAMILY THEATER pro. | hereby declared official. ern World, even the United Zagreb! GRAM— Monday through gram of Father Patrick § Wildenberg said. “If I had an inkling of the harm We hope The Register will be read in every home of the Saturday, 6:45 a.m. Peyton, C.S.C.— Saturday, g they would do, I would never have gone through with States, seems to have for­ THREE CHEERS for Con­ archdiocese. gotten and foresworn. We gressman O’Konski. If Tito 5:30 p.m. = the idea. I’m glad parents and educators are waking We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a can hardly stand against the comes, every patriot in the KFKA, Greeley KWBY, Colorado Springi g up to the menace of the comic books. I’d be glad to taste in the children of the archdiocese for the reading of Russian butchers, if we have land should join in confront­ AVE MARIA HOUR— Sun­ MOMENTS OF MEDITA- I do what I could to help,” The Register. , taken into our alliance a ing him with the face of day, 12:30 p.m. TION, daily, 6:15 a.m-' P Colorado State L^slature please note! + URBAN J. VEIHR butcher hardly less repre­ righteousness and the deter­ (Drop m postcard to these stations, telling them Jan. 29,1942 , Archbishop of Denver - hensible. (No one sKbuld for­ mined anger of the freedom- „ you appreciate these programs.) ' * — Rev. #ohn B. Ebel get the 'Tito hoodlums who loving. ■) .

Telephomi, Keystone 4-4205 Thursday, December 27,1956 PAGE T W a V E Office, 938 Bonneck Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER AKRON Supreme Court Ruling Is Clarified,

Neiu Year’s Qreetings Tax Exempt Status Is Reaffirmed (Coiiiinued From Page S) six-room addition to the Cathe­ James’ School, Denver. G)n- native of China to be graduated dral Convent/in mid-June. tracts totaling .$367,CKX) were by Sc. Thomas’ Seminary, Den- _ _ _ FEED SUPPLIES Court Ruling awarded four months later for ver, was ordained to the pnest-l T h r e a t the project, which includes four hood. classrooms and a gymnasium At the end of June a Colo­ The Rev. George C Tolman, basement.' rado Supreme Court ruling ap- C.M., former rector of St. PROPANE AND GASOLItfE^DELIVERIES pearisl to threaten the tax- A campaign was launched in Thomas' Seminary and now a PHONE 27JW \ exempt status of "foreign cor­ Greeley for $140,000 to re­ professor of moral theology porations” engaged in charitable model St. Peter's Church, expand AI^RON, COLORADO thtre, celebrated his silver jubi­ work in the state, including the parish Khool and convent, lee as a priest on May 24. Q tholic institutions operated by and reduce the parish debt. Two Coloradans were or­ In Lcadville, a $687,000 con­ dained priests in separate cere­ religious communities whose tract awarded for the con­ monies on May 26. 'The Rev. headquarters were outside of Greetings for a Happy Holiday struction of a hew St. Vincent's Gregory Gilbert Aitken, O.S.B., Colorado. The ruling was later Hospital. of Denver was ordained in Con­ clarified so that the tax exempt We are strictly in the' ception, Mo., May 26. The Rev. status of such institutions was re­ Archbishop Vchr dedicated T. Philip Devlin, C.S.C., of affirmed. the new $118,250 addition tb 'Three generations of a fam­ the Carmel of the Holy Spirit in GIFT BUSINESS and chairman, and Tom Hoffines, assistant Wray was ordained in Le Mans, Pins and awards were ily were received into the Church Littleton on July 15. Athletic Awards presented at St. coach, stand by. Approximately 120 parents France. and our forty years of service in Craig by the Rev. Robert ' Philomena’s Athletic dinner held in the school were in attendance at the potliick supper. The St. Thomas' Seminary an­ should mean something to you. Rt. Rev. Monsiffnor William M. Higgins ad­ 554 Graduated Syriancy, pastor. The converts in­ hall Pec. 16. Dennis Conrad is shown receiving nounced in mid-July that it had dressed the group. Father James F. Moynihan, In Joint Rites cluded Mr. and Mrs. Henry ;his football certificate from Tom Wilson, Midget pastor of Our Lady of Grace Church, was the accepted 23 new candidates for Five hundred fifty-four stu­ Grove; their son-in-law and ROB'T MATTHEWS - JEWELER 'coach, as Leonard C. Hart, lightweight coach guest speaker. the priesthood from tlic Denver I . i !• dents from seven Catholic high daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Archdiocese. When classes be­ Sunday Schedule to Be Followed schools took part in the joint Stehle; and the Stehle's two chil­ gan in September, the total en­ commencement exercises in the dren. ^ rollment was 248, including 73 Denver Auditorium Arena on The Rev. William Powers, from this archdiocese. Another 7 Masses at St. Philomena's Jan. 1 June 3. Another 70 pupils from pastor, announced plans in late keven men from the archdiocese three other high schools were June for an addition to St.\ (Turn to Page 1 3 — Column 1) 6 Season’s Qreetings From ("St. Philomena'i Pari.h, .with the aid of Charles Switzer, I the church for Christmas: Mr. graduated in sparate ceremonies. s Denver) will wax and polish the school |and Mrs. R. H. Mead, Mr. and The Rev. Clarence E. Kess­ Masses on the Feast of the building in preparation for the; Mrs. F. P. McNamara, Mmes. ( I ler, pastor of St. Stephen's Par­ AKRON ( I Circumcision, Jan. 1, will fol- opening day. 'James Clarke, Gregg Cloos, (I I low the Sunday schedule; 5:45, The school basketball teamsjH. B. Fisher, Paul Gerber, J . F. ish, Glcnwood Springs, cele­ < I TOM HARPHAM (I 7, 8:15, 9:30, 11, and 12:15 and have been in practice the past Jordan, Omar Nichols, Frank brated his silver jubilee as < I an evening Mass at 6 o’clock. two weeks, and the teams will Patton, Harry Weber, and John priest on June 19. Among those <) Confessions will be heard Mon­ be prepared to enter parochial j Vos; Miss Regina O’Boyle, and o attending the celebration were Holiday Greetings o DRUG STORE day afternoon and evening, competition after the first of Dick Patton. Dec. 31, at the regular hours in the year, Members of the parish CFM Archbishop Vehr, Bishop Hu ]| AKRON, COLORADO PHONE 35 preparation for the holy day. I The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Wil- will receive Communion corpo- bert M. Newell of Cheyenne, T 0 Our Many Friends o School reconvenes Wednes- liam M. Higgins thanks the fol- m the'Auxiliary Bishop Clarence day, Jan. 2. During the holidays lowing persons of the parish rately on Dec. 30 ■ G. Issenmann of Cincinnati. Ed Bulger, school custodian,!who gave their time to decorate o’clock Mass. Two Jesuits from Denver LEBSOCKS were ordained priests June 18 Holy Family Pastor Names Head in St. Marys, Kans.: Fathers Ed­ Clothiers Season s Greetings From ward F. Maguire, S.J., and Leo F. Weber, S.J. AKKON, COLO. ■ ¥ Diplomas were given to 64 Of Parish Ushers for Coming Year fK 'il:;: graduates of Regis College in (Holy Family Pariih, Denver) Circle Gives $450 I dent; Miss Mary Becker, secre- C. N. TEAMANS and SON Father Forrest Allen, pastor, . .. 1. ' ta''y; and Mrs. Samuel Do- ceremonies at which Archbishop At a Christmas luncheon treasurer. Other mem- Vchr presided. announced this week that Rob­ held ert Jones will be head usher in recently, members of the ^ers are Mmes. Joseph Dryer, The new Corpus Christi St. Lawrence Circle presented Ambrose Lantzy, Rose Crouse, Seasons Greetings from" the church for the coming year. Church, Colorado Springs, was Father Allen with a check for Norma Hoar, John McCloskcy, Jones, an alumnus of the high $450 as the first payment to­ Your Hardware and Implement Dealers school and veteran usher, suc­ Thomas Hallinan, Paul Jussel, dedicated June 14 by Arch­ ward purchase of two marble and Frank McCloskey. bishop Vchr. The new building ceeds Sidney Vitry, 1956 head statues for placement in ‘“72 Years of Friendly Serrire^' usher. Vitry, 1957 president niches outside the main en-.^ 6 Converts .Received .— cost $384,000. GAMBLES of the Men's Club, will con­ trance to the church. The ccre-| Bc‘:<^utly six members of the Sunday morning night-club­ tinueq,,. to . serve as an usher. , monv of presenting a year-end i inquiry class were received Thirty other men also serve is an an- ‘he Church by Father Ed- bing came to an end in St. Pius The Friendly Store = in the parish ushers’ corps. Tenth Parish, Aurora, when " '" “ nual affair for the circle mem- Madden, who conducts Dale Kayacn Dan Spear = They are Fred Buchholz, Ber-ju the classes. The six converts new church was dedicated there g nard Carroll, Brt-nard Caul-j and their sponsors are Mrs. Several of the 12 member* on June l6. Parishioners had at­ AKKO.N, COLO. i Phone 2o Akron, Colo. field, Joseph Cavanagh, .\rthur; Rose Marie MbGinn, with Coyie, Thomas' Digenan, Sam­ of the unique circle are non- James A. McGinn* as sponsor; tended Mass in the nearby Town uel Evans, John Fletcher, Ed­ Catholict. Begun 22 year* Miss Harriet I. Martin, with House Supper Club while the ago, the group still numbers ward Flynn, Robert Goebel, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Luchetta church was being built. A Missa fvonald Goebel, Walter Gris- several charter members on as sponsors; Mrs. Claiidia Do­ Cantata, in which all the congre­ dale, Fred Gross, Arthur Ham­ its roll. lores Lantzy, with Fonce mond, John Hansen, Terrence The circle meets monthly .McCallin and Eleanor Weber gation participated, highlighted A f ery Happy New Year Season’s Greetings Healy, Lawrence Loehr, Peter | and sponsors one general card as sponsors; Mrs. Janice L. the dedication rites. McNulty, Joseph Mohesky, ^party annually. All profits from Hayden, with Mrs. Elizabeth Martin Potter, Cecil Proctor, the meetings and parties go Ticknor as sponsor; Orval Lee Archbishop's To Our Many Catholic Patrons Joseph F. Pughe, Sr.; Leonard into the fund for presentation Sanger, with William Tronick Jubilee Noted Ruppert, Samuel Satterwhit€, to the parish at the end of the as sponsor; and Miss Marilyn SPICKNALLS Donald S e c o r d. Dr. Ralfih year. Marie Carson, with Mrs. Re­ The June 7 edition of the Spear, William Splan, Ludwig i Officers ______of the_ ____ circle______are Mrs. gina Zuech as sponsor. Denver Catholic Register in­ Thaler, Edwin Unrein, and'Jo- Victor Moore, president; Mrs. Packets of weekly budget cluded a special section honor­ PONTIAC SALES and SERVICE seph Woertman. Margaret Harris, vice presi- enveTopes for church contribu­ tions in 1957 will be available ing Archbishop Vehr on his sil­ EASTERN COLO. LUMBER CO, ver jubilee. in the high school auditorium Telephone 25W Akron, Colorado after all Masses on Sunday, The Archbishop's jubilee was AKRON, COLO. Dec. 30, and the Feast of the celebrated June 10 at St. Circumcision, Jan. 1. Religious Season's Greetings art calendars furnished by lliom as’ Seminary, where the Olinger’s and Bolilevard Mor­ dedication of the $1,500,000 St. tuaries will also be available. Pius X addition to the seminary Mrs. Elsie B. Landrum, vol­ buildings highlighted the festiv­ unteer parish financial secre­ Season s Greetings tary, asked this week that to ities. More than 5,000 were pres­ Colorado Springs y insure proper crediting'for in­ ent, including 11 visiting Arch­ V come tax and other purposes \> The Citizens Notional Bank bishops, 32 Bishops, .and 400 the contributor’s name be writ­ V priests. Pius X II and Archbishop J. D. CROUCH y From:— yCHEVROLETyj ten on the first few envelopes y Amleto G. Cicognani, Apostolic C. D. O’BRIEN y handed in. Akron, Colorado Altar Society to Meet Delegate to the United States, MAY REALTY Your Chevrolet Dealer At the fi-rst meeting of the were among hundreds who sent new year of the Altar and Ro­ greetings. Archbishop Karl J. R E A L T O R Member F.D.l.C. sary Society on Jan. 3, a new Akron, Colo. president will assume leader­ Alter of Cincinnati gave the ship of the group. Heading the sermon at the Jubilee Mass. Car­ INSURANCE - LOANS society for 1957 will be Mrs. t S.MITTY H.\NK Member Federal Reserve System dinal James Francis McIntyre, Frank Sardick. She will be as­ Archbishop of Los Angeles, 725 N. Tejon St. sisted by Mrs. John Kalkhorst, spoke at a clergy dinner. Quality Apparel vice president; Mrs. Alexina Colorado Springs, Colo. Wilson, recording secretary; On June 21 appointments af­ IN COLORADO SPRINGS , SINCE 1872 Mrs. Edwin Lantzy, financial fecting seven priests were an­ ME. 3-7731 secretary; and Mrs. Victor » IT i.i/iing You a Happy Holiday Season I nounced. The Rev. John C Kiowa and Tejon Street* y A Moore, treasurer. y Recognition will be given Walsh was named administrator y Season’s Greetings y I, at the meeting to the $200 con­ of St. Patrick’s Parish, Holyoke; tribution made to the society the Rev. Leo C. Blach, chaplain FRED'S BOOTERY t Fassler Motors Inc. S this week by St. Rita’s (Circle. y A at St. Anthony’s Hospital, Den­ 106 E. Pike* Peak f « 5 t S - [ » N C A Gifts presented by the circle Sales — Service A jat the recent meeting went to ver; the Rev. John J. Jepson, as­ The Horn* of GOODMAN GRAIN VELVET STEP - CITY CLUB ;Mrs. W. P. Dowling, lamp; sistant at Christ the King Par­ QTI o I o (^ n e. Phone 18 AND WEATHER BIRD SHOES Mrs. Bert Zumtobel, clock; and ish, Denver; the Rev. John H. Mrs. Edward Pr'ettis, luncheon Tk* lltll* tt*n Witk Ik* III r*i*«i r AKRON COLO. set. LePenskc, assistant (pro tern) at y I SEED COMPANY Sidney Vitry, 1957 Men’s Holy Ghost, Denver; the Rev. ME. 3-5349 V ME. 4-«2S1 The Heyse Sheet Ford Case Mercury Club president, announced this Robert F. Dore, assistant (pro LARRY JERRY week that the Men’s Club once tern) at Gpind Lake and Krem- Metal & Roofing i . again will sponsor a Mass, Madden Plumbing Co. Communion, and breakfast for mling; and the Rev. Daniel Kel- INCORPORATED GRAIN SEEDS FURS PLUMBOtG CONTRACTORS HEATING ROOFING alk men of the parish on Sun­ leher, assistant (pro tern) at the PLUMBING REPAIRS SHEET METAL day, Jan. 13, the Feast of the Cathedral. CAS WATER'HEATERS Holy Family. The men will as­ riHM HE 24)042 827 W C*l*n«* «r* 829 SO. NEVADA 'The ‘ Rev. Roch Knopke,: Phoaai ME 2-4S59 Eat. ISSS Office Phone 64 — Residence Phone 207 sist at the 7:30 Mass. At the r Seasons Greetings From breakfast to follow in the high O.F.M., of St. Elizabeth’s Monas­ Pete Beroni ----- AKRON, COLORADO school aditorium, an outstand­ tery, Denver, marked the silver ing speaker will address the jubilee of his priesthood on June Fnrnitare Shop William C. Craron UPHOLSTERING men. Following the breakfast, 24. solemn installation of the 1957 RE-UPHOLSTERING AND Monsignor Walter J. Canavan, REPAIRING Optometrist officers of the club will take Slip CoTcr* and Orap«ri*« 125 North Tojoe St. place pastor, announced plans for a Mad* to Ordar PHONE ME 2-3SSI . Fumitur* Made to Order COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. P 24-22 S. Wahaateb Av. ME. 2-S40I Best Wishes for a Happy New Year From WS V Brighton Parish Plans « S s i The Murray Drug Co. C C D Rally on Dec. 30 PreaeriptioBi Accurately Filled Brighton.— (St. Augnistine’s made $46.25 on their recent Main Store— 116 E. Pikes Peak IVIE. 2-1593 A ^ WASH BROTHERS Parish)— A CCD rally will be cake sale. The money will go North Store— 832 Tejon ME. 4-4861 ‘ 5 held on Sunday, Dec. 30, at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. into their treasiu7 to be used I Letters of invitation are being for a subscription to the Cath­ /PROFESSIONAL PHARMACY i sent out to prospective new olic Boy and for their annual 501 North Tejon ME. 4-5541 Your A-G Store members and plans will be made picnic. The Knights of the Altar for new indoctrination classes have 26 members and 16 new to begin in January. apprentices. The women of the Teen-agers from Holy Ghost Altar Society have made 16 Youth Center will present their new surplices with a ruby or- minstrel show at the rally. Any­ phrey for Christmas. The Hall Grain Company one interested in the CCD is in­ In the Solemn Mass at mid­ > Groceries Meats vited to attend. night Christmas the Rev. Ray J The catechism classes rep­ Figlino, pastor, was the cele­ GRAINS - FEED - SEEDS Fruits Vegetables resenting the first through brant; Father Finnegan, dea­ the eighth grades are pre­ con; Charles Brown, seminar­ senting a Christmas program ian, subdeacoh; John Beals, on Jan.'S and 6, at 8 p.m. in master of ceremonies; Robert DREILING MOTORS the school auditorium. The Storm, thurifer; Ruby Baca and AKRON, COLORADO theme of the program is Robert Martinez, acolytes; and Christmas customs in many Milton Knufke, James Smith, Buick and GMC Trucks lands. Proceeds will go to James Luttrell, Ronnie Hopp, i 230 South College Ave. Phone 2500 the PTA. Michael Shope, and John Tros- V ♦ ']^e Knights of. the Altar t«L torennearers. RACE TMIRTON THI OENVIR CATHOLIC RiaitTIR %\$phn4, 4-4i9%

Review of Year 1956 la Enrollment in Grade and High Schools THE REGISTER CLASSIFIED GETS RESIATS Is Nearly Double That of 10 Years Ago (Conliniied From Page I!) zantine i Rite, visited Trans­ Colorado were organized in late •Phone Today KE. 4-4205 To Place Your Classified Ad in the Register- were reported studying for the figuration Parish, Denver, in November by Regis, lx)rctto priesthood in Rome. September, He reported a sub­ Heights, and ^ lo rad o W oman’s St. Elizabeth's Church, Den­ stantial growth in the number Colleges, Denver, and Colorado LOST AND FOUND 1 Sol««m«n or Lo^Im 98 Opportunitiei 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALC 33 ver, marked its 60th anniversary of Catholia in his Rite .and a College, Colorado Springs. The corresponding decline in the private, non-tax-supported col­ Legal Notices ! HOM CASH I Wilson & Wilson ; in July. The Margery Reed Mayo ********************* I ta Cbnrpibaa, lUbaala, Ctaba, Scanta, C L IN K is H A R D E S T Y Day Nursery, Denver, was 50 number of schismatics. leges formed the association td OFFICE OF THE TREA5UMEII p and Orvanltatkpaa. dual oatl 44 b a t-' ‘'SKLL.S HOMES” Realty | solicit and accept contributions CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ATTKNTION I tiaa fit Walkhia Doubla .tra n g tb ; C»,EANINr. PLANT ‘‘Your CmthoUe Remlty i years old in the same month. The Very Rev. Monsignor Munclp*! Buddinf IVanlllpt. Datalla can _On OctaWr I4lh a Irlm d »f « l« .' Tbla la not JU ST A.NOTHES /o r Y tm r i" ] Bernard J. Cullen, Vice Chan­ on behalf of member institu­ D«nv«r» Colorado ' M r.. Alnut CH. claanina plant, Ibia fa o«a cp/ tka NO. U«3I 'lo.l h.r Wrl.l W.Ub (rMi , 600 Park Placa— LittUtM New School tions. !lng Is Ih. (roni o l OUR LA D Y, , PUfEST,, -all modara aaofpmcnt, i | cellor of the archdiocese, was NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL rary a*at and riaan, la-., nt park- ( , ;•Sew I hedroom, f«0 hsMsewt, In Loveland ESTATE AT TAX SALE AND OF [o f LOURDES CHURCH. W .,, EMPLOYMENT v-to-w rArp^tlsc. CamphiM j named pastor of St. Louis’ Par­ Members of the Holy Name ,h .v . td v rtltm d Ihl. mir ta, , ina. PARK HILL LOCATION. APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE OF Truck rauta and cauolar. CALL‘'• n rtrie stave end o*en. AttAcb«d far* ( The cornerstone for the new ish, Englewood, in mid-Septem­ Society prayed for the oppressed TREASURER'S DEED ,1.11 th . SISTERS and a Itw etbara, , AGENCIES 10 Ljir A t tha CHURCH. Wa bava H »ad, , FOR APPOINTMENT TO SEEE J. St. John the Evangelist School, To whom It may ooneom. and mort THIS. (O.L.41) Fall price $17.SOO ber. Other clergy appointments peoples of the wbrld, especi­ rtpecially ta Batty J. Koch, Carl R. ,ta ST, ANTHONY tha SAINT af. p Ix)vcland, was laid by the Rt. ally those under the Communist Hmlth. Tha MeCarroU Mamorial .LOST ARTICLES. Tbit watch l.< p Mr. Cindric 1 affected’ the Rev. ^ n icl Kellc- pa graat lo t. a . It la tba gift from * * Wilson & Wilson Rev. Monsignor Gregory Smith, Church. See US for the job EM. 6-6037 F:M. 6-1-5811 } her, named assistant at the Paul­ yoke, at the men’s annual rally You and each of you ara haraby ■ phar falhar bafora ha p at.^ away.' > • iSha would ba willing to pay ^ ra- YOU want. Cline is Hardesty Real Estate | | Realty V.G., on July 22. The $160,0)0 in the Denver Qthcdral. notified that on tha 12th day of No­ ine Chapel, Broadmoor, Colo­ vember. MiS3. tha Manager of Rev­ ward lor ratum . If anyona found SU. 1-6671 structure was opened at the be­ rado Springs, and the Rev. John Tlic first Hungarian refugee enue Kx-Officio Traaaurer of tha City tbla watch PLEASE CALL ST. and County of Denver and State of ANTHONY'S HELPER. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33 p ia NOS. MUSICAL ginning of the school year in family to come to Denver since ACE EMPLOYMENT B. Ebel, temporary chaplain at Colorado, aold at public aale to Carl I PE. 3-MS9 —or— RA. 2-49721 | S INSTRUMENTS J 9 September. St. Elizabeth’s Retreat, Denver. the rebellion in their country H. Smith, asaisnor of Betty J. Koch p p 436 Broadway SH 4-3213 CLINE 4 HARDESTY \ tha applicant, who haa mada demand Open house was held in July ********************** "SELLS HOMES" SHOP areuad lliea •#« Q th olic schools of the arch­ was that of Josef Holubecz. He, for a Trcaaurar'a Deed, the following values. deicribed real ealate, altuate in the in the new St. Augustine Cate­ diocese opened to a record en­ his wife, and their two children CHRIST THE KING ! TOM w a l k e r p ia n o s City and County of Denver and State EDUCATION 13 1 K*ey Parkiag chetical Center, Brighton. The rollment o ( 22,498 in Septem­ were welcomed to this city by of Colorador-to-wit: PERSONALS 2 bdrm., large living rm. { 8P. T-7U 4 I»la Eighteen (13) to Twenty (20) I .Newly decorated inside and I ______$109,000 building was dedicated ber. The total was almost double Archbishop Vehr. ' Inclualve, Jn Block Five (6 ), South Piano Lessons — Reasonable HA. 9-2736 j I ouL Att. garage. 60 by 142^ RADIO & TELEVISION 43 by Archbishop Vchr Sept. 9- the figure of 1946, which w-as Capitol Kill Bob Hope Aids that said tax aale waa made to aat- Ciiiropraclic < - {ft, lot, steel fence, 'i block) Plans for a junior high school 12,552. Accounting for some of Idfy the delinquent General taxea to bus. $11,750 F.l. Price, I Hospital Drive aRseaned against aaid real estate for For Health Cara ] | j PBX SWITCHBOARD r S sjfup in St. John the Evangelist’s the increase were the 608 pupils the year 19S2: that said real eaute $2,600 Down. (SE. 171 FOR SALE Comedian Bob Hope and his was taxed In the name of Carl R. Dr. F. Eupene Armbnister '' I Plus reecptionlat training Bust S 4x5 press Camera. Complete vHb [ Parish, Denver.-were announced in three new grade schools: St. [ness demands trained personnel. wife, Dolores, came to Denver Smith: that the atatutory period of D E 3-8020 flaeh and filters. Cot FRaa Holder [ in July. The first ninth grade redemption expired November 12th, [All ages. Free placement for tboae I Mag. Carries 12 iheeta. M osti Therese’s, Aurora; St. John the to help inaugurate St. Anthony’s 1956; that the aame haa not been . 1310 William* [ who qualify ^ ^ Cline & Hardesty Real Estatesell \ quiek. Fine rsmerm toe s tn -4 class began its studies in Seprern- Evangelist’s, Loveland; and ^ Day and Evening Appointments , ^ dent taking photography. I5f.99( Hospital campaign. They were redeemed; that aaid property may be Switchboard School » '( '»CLINE PE. .3-371.5 4: HARDESTY FL. 5-3463{ } ber. Divine Redeemer, Colorado redeemed at any lime before a Tax Training to 5 Weeks | i lakes it. Write S guests of honor at the dinner Deed is iaaued: that a Tax Deed will Day or Evening [ "SELLS HOMES" { B o x 1 6 2 0 I The SiKiety. of Jesus an­ Sorings. be iaaurd to the aaid Betty J. Koch, f 1450 Logan St. KE.---- 4-4762---- 1 t ! that opened the drive. ST. JAMES 1 c o R-D DeoTcr, Colo . ^ nounced its purchase of a 190- lawful holder of aaid certificate, on Wedding Invitations i Lowry personnel— 2 bdrm.} Catholic Press' The Rev. Leonard G U rb a n April at 12 o'clock acrc site for a retreat house for noon lOfp", unleaa the aame haa. been 100 for S7.60. Fine quality, beautiful I brick with large livin^oom, j .p., Iniluence Told was ordained as a member of redeemed before 12 o'clock no,en'i Ncwspaficrs, Inc., had a circula­ Municipal Building j 1210 Poplar St. — All on on. ^ a Communion breakfast spon­ Denver, Colorado } flo«»r for .a .y livinff. 1 bdrm .. ^ ects at Regis a n d 1-oretto Special to Young Eyes { ' Rest Home' }li» in *: dinina: d.n with firap lar.: ( BUILDING tion of nearly 900,000. sored by the Pueblo Knights of No. U -ll Heights Colleges. I.oretto NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL I I L’1.3 Si. Paul nt. 7-2090 j - utility room. 2 batha; patio \ MATERIALS 46A The new St. Therese School I [ and yard. Heights gets a $1,125,000 loan Columbus to honor Bishop Jo­ ESTATE AT TAX SALE AND OF and Convent, Aurora, were dedi­ seph C. W illging on the 15th APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE Mrs. Wulff — EA. 2-8103 J for a residence h jll, and Regis OF TREASURER’S DEED Dr. Alfred Kleyhaucr { NEW AND USED cated by Archbishop Vehr in TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and I anniversary of his appointment HOUSES FOR R E N T - I gets a $920,000 loan for a more especially to Carl R. Smith. Kearney Realty Co. ) BUILDING m a t e r ia l s ! mid-September. t I dormitory and student center. as Ordinary of Pueblo. Jos. Berenbaum. LeRoy Lester, KE. 4-1044 1432 Tremont FURNISHED 23 I I riMblag Dean Regis College reported its Margaret K. l.«ster, Jos. J. Padia, I Realtor Dl/. 8-3633) giwl The Seminary and Missions The Knights of Columbus, largest enrollment: 671 day Josephine Padia, (aewis W. Olona. J i Kerdy Wrcckin§ Campaign, launched in the arch­ Council 539, studied the possi­ Caroline Olona, Western Slavonic students and 212 night students. bility of selling the site of the Association. City and County of Made to Measure { f'.onlracton diocese in June, 1953, had col­ Denver. John P. Ulibarri, Lena F. PROFESSIONAL Uniforms r3 bedroom home, good South loca- V j SOI rBiiiiu The archdiocese purchased 12 present council headquarters Ulibarri, Ted A. Herrera. NIGHTINGALE UNIFORM CO. lion, owner wishes one bedroom. ^ PATRONIZE lected $2,910,621.91 by August, You and each of you are hereby Small Deposit will start work on $75.00 per month and half of ^ acres of land for a parish site and moving farther out east. 1956. The total represented 84 notified that on the 12th day of No< your uniform. You can get them in utilitios. J near the Gjpnn L. Martin plant The third highest recorded vember, 1953, the Manager of Reve- 35 to 60 days. Call “JO E" for an FLOOR COVERING 46B per ’cent of the total amount nue Ex-Officio Treasurer of the City appU at your home, Wilson & Wilson Realty { ^ THESE in Southwest Denver. week for collections in the High and County of Denver and State of JO E KELSH FL. 5-4391 pledged by abtnit 29,000 wage 'I'hc Rev. Harry Dejonghe, School Qmpaign, with $28,- Colorado, sold at public sale to Car! ; I SU. 1-6671 [ r earners. R. Smith, the applicant, who has HELP WANTED— formcr mayor of Park City,; 095 50, raised the hopes the col- made demand for a Treasurer’s Deed, ------ADVERTISERS ♦ Plans for a four-cla.ssroom the following described real estate, Female Utah, and 11 other men were j lection fund would top $1,000,- CAMEO : addition to St. Mary's School. situate in the „^ty and County of 7 TEA ROOMS & RESTAURANTS ordained to the diaconate at St. IOOQ by the end of the yegr. Denver and State of Colorado, to-wit: Littleton, were announced early East One hundred Two Feel (K HOOR COVERING ! Thomas’ Seminary, Denver. Nineteen conferences of the 102 Ft.) of l^ots Thirteen (13) and in .August. Fourteen (1 4 ), in Block Three (3 ), COOK 4 '^ Ground was broken Oct. 6 Denver Particular Council of the \ Two priests at Rcgi.s— the Crane’s Addition to Town of High­ must be neat, clean and C6. ■ for the new student residence St. Vincent de Paul Society lands ; f \ . Rev. Raphael McCarthy, S.J., and that said tax sale was made to sat­ perienced. Small Nursingingj \ for all and student center at Regis Col­ agreed at the quarterly meeting isfy the delinquent General taxes I Home. the Rev, Bernard Murray, S.J. assessed against said real estate for leading brands lege by the Very Rev. Richard to sponsor Hungarian refugee — celebrated their golden ju­ the year 1952 ; that said real estate AL. .">-6082 F. Ryan, S.J., college president. families. was ta.xed in the name of Ted A. bilees as Jesuits in mid-August. l^ rre ra : that the statutory period of GR 7-9535 Twelve days later Archbishop Our Lady of the Bell, an or redemption expired November 12th. Sister Mary John, superior at 1966: that the same has not been re­ Urban J. Vehr broke ground for ganization of Catholic telephone SPECIALS Free etlimale$ Christ the King School, Denver, deemed : that said property may be the new dormitory at Loretto workers, announced a "dial-a redeemed at any time before a Tax / 2555 W. 29th A»«. for fofir years, was named to Deed is issued: that a Tax Deed will 1 7 (# Heights College. prayer” program. Legal Notices head t^e Precious Blood Sisters' be issued to the said Car) R. Smith, The new Divine Redeemer Bequests totaling $9,000 for lawful holder of said certificate, on DINNER - AC. 2*4891 / first mission in Santiago, Chile. the 26th day of April at 12 o’clock LET'S SWAP SO Church and School, Colorado in* noon 1957. unless the same has been NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT For charitable purposes were AND determination OF 1 1 1 * t Ml r 1 I 1 \ / i redeemed before 12 o’clock noon of Your Individual Bo.\ Lunches, complete with Disposal ANYTHING of valu# taken on pur- New Parish, Springs, were dedicated Oct. 17. eluded in the will ot Isabel Me- said date. HEIRSHIP IN THE COUNTY COURT Silver, many varieties to choose from: Golden Southern Ichase or insLallations of gas furnarea, Both structures were built for w i t n e s s my hand and seal this Clergy Changes In und for the City and County of fried chicken, turkey, jumbo fried shrimp, barbecued ribs. ! water heaters, etc. What bavs you. ------LdiUdm . I 24th day of December. 1956. :RA 2-8T49 __A new parish was erected in $ 220,000. Denver and Stale of Colorado 2. (Closed Tuesday) In SIX months 747 vol-'iseai) c. m. hill. NO. P-6229 I 1 T f r Manager of Revenue Ex* i Colorado Springs and appoint­ A record number of nun- untcer w'orkers at the Infant of THE MATTER OP THE E.STATE County of Ten^r " KD^HARD E. .SHETLER. ,l.o ments affecting 12 priests were tcachcrs, 650, attended the an­ Prague Nursery, Denver, gave By Roy W. Can*. known as RICHARD SHETLER. announced in mid-August. The nual Teachers’ Institute in Den­ 4,151 hours of care. Deputy Treasurer srtd R. L. BRAY. Deceased. ver. The sisters came from the Firnt Publication December 27, 195f Notice is hereby given that on the Rev. Joseph Lcbcrcr was named Tlie Rev. Christopher 'Walsh, I„afit Publication January 10, 1957 2nd day of January, 1957. I will present to the County Court of the pastor of the new Holy F.amily Archdiocese of Denver and the widely known as "the priest who NOTICE TO CREDITORS City and County of Denver, Colorado, Parish in the Stratton Meadows Dioceses of Pueblo and baptized Buffalo Bill,” celc- my accounts for final settlement of Cheyenne. No. P-826« the administration of said estate, area of Colorado Springs. The brated his golden sacerdotal ju­ ESTATE OF ANNA CUBA, also when and where all persons in in­ A $100,000 addition to Cure known as ANNIE CUBA, terest may appear and object to them. ^ Rev. Charles P. Sanger was bilee at ceremonies in the chapel Deceased. if they so desire. [ d’Ars School, Denver, was named first resident pastor of of St Thomas’ Seminary, Den­ Notice is hereby sriven that on (he Notice is also hereby given that [ blessed by Archbishop Vchr on 19th day of December, 1956, letters there has been filed in said estate a Our I.ady of the Mountains ver, Dec. 12, of administration were issued to the petition asking for a judicial ascer­ Oct. 30. undersigned as administrator of the tainment and determination of the Estes Park. Tire Rev. Edward heirs of such deceased, and setting SERVICE DIRECTORY Bids were opened for the new Fr. Prinster above named estate, and all persons Horgan, pastor of Annunciation having claims against said estate are forth that the names, addresses and KE. 4-4205 Glockner-Penrose Hospital, Killed in Fall required to file them for allowance relationship of all persons, who are Parish, Leadvillc, for 27 years, in the County Court of the City and or claim to be heirs of said deceased, Colorado Springs, on Oct. 31. A Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of­ County of Denver, Colorado, within so far as known to the petitioner, retired because of ill health. The are as follows, to-wit: contract for $6,763,457 was fered a Solemn Pontifical Mass six months from said date or said Rev. James B. Hamblin was claims will be forever barred. Florence Vesely, 2918 W'yoming. signed the following week, and in the Denver Cathedral for the LOUIS CUBA Burbank, California. Aunt; Paul­ ASH HAULING 100 FURNACE REPAIR­ PLUMBING and named Father Horgan’s succes­ Administrator ine Fry. 240 East Kilts. Long HEATING 146 work began immediately. Rev. Edward C Prinster, pastor William P. Sullivan, Reach. (California, Cousin; Quinn ING — CLEANING 128 sor. Riggan, I..emhi, Idaho. Cousin. of the Holy Name Parish, Ally. Miller Trash Scrvic* Other appointments were Anti^atholic First Publication December 27. 1955 Clark Riggan, Baker. Idaho, 1 ' Steamboat Springs, who died Cousin: (>ari Riggan. Jackson. Wyo­ Pickup Saturday and Sunday. AL. The O'CONNOR Plumbing Co- j Last Publication January 24. 1957 5-1932. FEDERAL CAS HEATING CO rhose of the Rev. Leonard Aber­ Election Circulars (Published in Denver Catholic ming. Cousin; Winifred Riggan 175 So. FEDERAL ^ ' 0 when he fell from the roof of Kirkham. Ashton. Idaho. Cousin; N crombie, pastor in Roggen; the The Federal Bureau of In­ Register) Furnacet • In^lailation • Repair* \ I the porch of his rectory while Hetty Riggan Walker, c/o EES; E Rev. John Aylward, pastor in vestigation was called into a APO 245, New York (Nurenburg, BRICK AND CEMENT 104 Service ' NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION ' Sheet Metal and Gutter Work J ' BETTER clearing it of snow. A Solemn ilermany). Cousin; Rosalind Deel^ for Sale* and Service Minturn; the Rev. Robert Freu- probe of anti-Catholic election Ian Riggan (minor daughter of Wc. the undersigned. Arthur C. Tuck pointing. Ash pits. Brick repairs I W K. 4-7832 } Cal) GK 8-3K61 or GU 5-4221 . Requiem Mass was offered in Jficques, President, and Elixabeth Earl Riggan, deceased), 441$ Clay­ denstein, pastor in Hugo; tlie circulars. Clarence Stafford was Licensed. F. J Gallagher. TA. 5-4787 I Free Estimate ALL MAKES J loau W 44lb Ave. I Steamboat Springs by the Jacques, Secretary of Jacques Bros.. ton Street. Los Angeles. Calif., Rev. Herbert Banigan, chaplain arrested in early November for Inc. a corporation formed under the cousin; .'eanne Esterman Riggan Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory laws of the State of Colorado, do (mother and natural guardian of of Mercy Hospital, Denver; the distributing the anonymous ma­ Rosalind Deelian Riggan. minor), CARPET LAYING 111 AMERICAN Smith, V.G. Throngs attended hereby give notice that at a meeting GENERAL Rev. John J. Jepson, assistant at terial. He later entered a plea of the atockholders of eaid corpora­ 4416 Clayton Street. Los Angeles, ROOFING SHEE1 M EIA L Cniif.; Robert Appel. Esquire, •REPAIRING 129 from other mountain commun­ tion, duly called for the purpose of CONTRACTING COMPANY St. Mary's, Colorado Springs; of not guilty to the charge. dissolving said corporation, and held Symes Building, Denver. Colorado. ities. at 438 Symes Building, in the city Guardian ad Litem for all peraona HOUSECLEANING T 3~2j Cutters repaired and replaced. rhe Rev. Robert F. Dore, assist­ A new classroom for Sacred Archer’a Floor Coverings Guaranteed. The steady growth in the (or Town) of Denver, State of Colo­ under legal disability. ant at St. Catherine’s, Denver; Heart School, Roggen,, was rado, on the 19th day of December. Accordingly, notice is also hereby Complete Expert Installations \ i Thoroughly Experienced. Dependable, Catholic scouting program in the A.D. 1956, the stockholders, upon a given that Upon the date aforesaid. the Rev. Daniel Kellehcr, as­ blessed by the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ • Carpets • Linoleum j Phone for Free Estimate. CH. 4* t ^ t vote of more than two-thirds of the oT the day to which the hearing may e Tils • Formica Denver area is shown in the re­ be coi^inued. the Court will proceed SATRIANO sistant at St. Louis’, Englewood; gnor Gregory Smith, V.G., in outstanding capital stock , of said "Free estimates cheerfully given" X. port turned in to Archbishop corporation, ordered the corporation to receive and hear proofs concerning TELEVISION and the Rev. John H. LePenske, late October. dissolved. the heira of such deceased, and. upon S22S W 23th Ave. BE 7-1007 BROTHERS Vehr. As of December, 1956, We further certify that all debts the proofs submitted, will enter a de­ Alter Hours Call GE.« 3-0204 SERVICE 153 assistant (temporarily) at St. Colorado had its fifst Cath­ cree in said estate determining who Ruga and Furniture Cleaning there are in the Metropolitan owing by said corporation have been Anthony’s, Sterling. olic Governor with th^ election paid or provided for. are the heirs of such deceased per- Floors Waxed and Polished Denver 43 scouting units under IN WITNESS WHEREOF. We have sofi. at which hearing all persons Walls and Windows Washed t> Mother M. Asella was re- of Stephen L R. McNichols in made and signed this Notice of Dis­ claiming to be heirs at law of such CURTAIN LAUNDRIES 114 Paper Cleaning Qtholic auspices with 1,300 solution, and affixed hereto the seal deceased may appear and present Expert - Dependable • Insured eleaed Provincial of the Sisters early November. Two Q tholics their proofs. Free Estimates References boys registered. of said corporation, this 19th day of of St. Francis Seraph of Perpet­ were also named to the Colorado December, A.D. 1956. ANDREW WYSOWATCKY FRANCIS LACE CURTAIN CLEAN­ Administrator CL 5-5754 1 The Solemn Midnight Mass Arthur C. Jacques. E R S . CURTAINS, CROCHETED ual Adoration at the provincial Supreme Court: Albert T. Franz President, First publication December 13, 1956 I GL 5-8289 chapter in St. Joseph’s Convent, and Edward Day. offered by the Archbishop in the * Elisabbth Jacques, Last publication January 9, 1957 TABLECLOTHS. DRAPERIES. ,1 Secretary. BLANKETS, SPREADS. LlNiNS. Mt. St. Francis, Colorado The Marian Hall addition to Qthedral on Christmas was tele­ Published December 27, 1956 CLEANED BY LATEST METHODS. INSULATION 131A vised by KOA-’TV. in Denver Catholic Register TVS Springs. the Cathedral School plant was HAND PRESSED ONLY. 1269 J.M. certified ioh for warmth and Msgr, O'Heron dedicated Nov. 5 by Archbishop The Christmas special seaion NOTICE TO CREDITORS # Want a Job? KALAMATH. TA. 6-2627. lowtr f4tl bilk Plionograplis, Radios| > of the Denver Catholic Register No. P-8237 Mr. Onyx 90 dayt Cuarante* on all ' Dies at 60 Vehr, who called the project the ESTATE OF Joseph C. McDermott, RA. 2-0261 . Anytima f^st fruits of the High School carried a tribute to the work of Dec^sed. # Want to Sell? DRUGGISTS 115 * parts The Rt. Rev. Monsignbr Jo­ Notice is hereby given that on the MOVING, TRUCK- ~ J Year on Pictura Tuba Campaign. the Catholic hospitals in the 29th day of November, 19'56, letters seph P. O ’Heron, 60, pastor of of administration were issued to the # Want to Hire? ALADDIN DRUG CO. ING, STORAGE 138 The 15th anniversary of the archdiocese. 2022 E.. 0-1/.. Colfax Ave.A.. < 7-7988 St. Louis' Parish, Englewood, undersigned as Administratrix of the AM. 6-1861 Archdiocese of Denver was above named estate and all persens died Aug. 18. His priestly life having claims sgsinst said estate are || Want to Buy? YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS m,arked Nov,~.45. Just before will be niled correctly ut Aaron & .Santa Fe * 0 was highlighted by his con­ required to file them for allowance Finest Cattle Coming in the County Cofirt of the CUy and WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY Moving & Storage Colorado was split into the # Want to Rent? Ph. SP. 7-9766 109* South Gaylord version of 500 persons to the County of Denver, Colorado, within Low Rales UPHOLSTERERS 157 Archdiocese of Denver and the six months from said date or said Church. He had been pastor of To Denver Stock Show claims will be forever barred. Local, Long:-DisUiice, Pack­ Diocese of Pueblo in 1941, the # Want a Home? PROF. QUILTING 119 Expert upholstery and carpet cleaning St. Louis’ Parish for 27 years. Thousands of head of the CECEU A M. O'DAY, ing, Crating, Shipping. in your home or our ihop. Carpet state had a Catholic population Adminiatratrix TA. B-S05I AL. 8-0872 repairing and laying. Lloyd Elliott. Bishop Charles W. Quinn, world’s finest livestock will be Muns A Hannen, 646 Wadsworth. BE. 2-6162. of 166,280. It now has 254,199 312 Synea Bldg., Alaska Quilting Shop. Maehina quilt­ CM., exiled Bishop of Yukiang, on the grounds of the National ing, remodeled down and wool com- Western Stock Show at Den­ Danver, Colorado. Rs-Upbolstery by reliable Srm, China, who had taught at St. Catholics. First Publication December 6. 1966 (orta. Wool batta for tali. 2422 E WALLPAPER. PAINTS 140 21 yeart axperienee— termi. ver’s Stockyard Stadium and Last Publication January 8, 1957 3rd Ave. DU. 2-2662. Free Estimece. AC. t.12T I Thomas’ Seminary for three Rid Sought Union Stockyards from Jan. 11 FOR paper hsni log and painting call Anton Berringsr, 162 Uaditon. EA. NATIONAL UPHOLSTERY » ■ NOTICE TO CREDITORS “Sny You Saw // in 2145 Court PI., neer East 20th Ava. years, celebrated his silvw jubi­ For Reiugees to Jan. 19 No. P-7996 FLOOR REFINISHING 126 2-2286. lee as a priest Aug. 2 2 'in Los Monsignor Elmer J. Kolka, An official tabulation of en­ ESTATE OF Ernest Getty, Word. Notice is hereby given that on the THE REGISTER** Wallpaper— 26« a roll and up. White LINEN SERVICE 162-A tries for the 1967 livestock event Enamel, $3.69 per g a l 866 Santa Fa. 27th dey o( November, 1966, letters Angeles. director of the Archdiocesan Re- FRANK’S FLOOR SERVICE KE. 4-4629. . shows a total of 1,207 cattle o t Coneervetomhip were issued to MOUNTAIN Payments to the High School senlement Committee, appealed LAY. SAND AND FINISH entered in the breeding classes the undersigned ss Conservator of WORK GUARANTEED — RA. 2-2149 PAINTING TOWEL A SUPPLY CO. Campaign totaled $643,541.57 for aid for Hungarian refugees and 129 . steers in the fat the above named eatats and all per-; B. W Backiut. Manager soni having elaimt against said — by the end of August Pledges as thousands of Hungarians fled classes. Herefords lead the lists 2090 S. Grant RA. X-T04T with 679 of the whitefaces Uts ara renuiM to file them of $3,446,502.83 had been made their Red-ruled homeland in the allowance in the County Court named in the breeding classes the City and CountJ of Den The firms listed here to this time. wake of an abortive rebellion. and 67 entered for the fat steer Colorado, within six said date' or said dac^B O U deserve to be remembered Archbishop Constantine Bo- Twenty persons in the arch­ show. Aberdeen Angus run sec­ ever barred. lor ond with 374 entered in ANDREW V. r— when you are distributing hachevsky, Apostolic Exarch of diocese responded by offering ’SOWATCKY, breeding classification and 41 the ^ Philidelphia' Exsfchy of homes or jobs to the refugees. First Publicstioa E^serreW- your patronage in the d if ­ in the fat show.* Short- Lest Publication JalMem)**^ f l.i Qtholic Ukrainians of the By- 'The Associated Colleges of represent the balance. |(PublUhsd iiL-tht Auary *■ ^*^3, ferent lines of business.

1 e a rn dim Telephone, Keystone 44205 Thursday, December 27,1954 i j PAGE FOURTEEN Joseph J. Dryer, 'Santa Claus' to Denver Orphans, for 25 Years

Joseph J. Drjer, who for seated, Ed O’Connor standing, ’The party at the Colorado + + 4" + lannM uninH nnniiiM iiinnnm pm 2S yean has been promoting .and Ed O’Connor,'• Jr., as Christian Home is shown in annnai K. of C.-sponsored Santa Claus. the photo at the right. • Christmas parties for the chil­ Joseph Dryer's 25th Year as Chairman dren of Denver orphanages, is jg s s iim n i shown above in scenes from some of the parties this year. {ktioitieji. It was the 38th annual series ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Of Orphans' Party Marked by Success of Christmas parties for the I AMomemaker’’-s § orphans that the Denver The 38th annual Orphans’ general chairman for the or­ Anne O’Connor’s Accordion Knights of Columbus have I Department | K. of C. Luncheon Club Christmas Party, under the phans’ annual picnic. Many Band, the Rhythm Kings of sponsorefl. supervision of Joseph J . prominent men have donated West Denver, and many other In the photo at far left, fl Patronise These Reliable and Friendly Firms g , Dryer, better known to the or­ money to various Catholic wonderful acts too numerous Mr, Dryer is shown handing phans as “Uncle Joe,” was a Charities, but none has gpven to mention. Children enter­ nut randy to the children. Ed rfliiaiMBMB-iamiiMiiiSffiaiaisiiiiaiaisiiiiismsiiasiMiMSiEBuisgESsssW!^ To Hear Father Aylward tremendous success. This has more unsHntingly of his time tained were those of the Good Coughlin is.Santa Claus. been almost a lifelong work as “Uncl4 Joe.” Shepherd Home, the Queen of In the photo second from Featured speaker at the Fri­ the main hall of the K. of C. for Joe Dryer, inasmuch as he Franlf Devine has been Heaven Orphanage, Mt. St. left, Mr. and Mrs, Dryer are Bacon & Schramm day Luncheon Club this Friday Home, 1575 Grant Street, Den­ has had full charge of this chairmEClTof the entertainment Vincent’s Home for Boys, St. shown, seated in front, at the Composition Roofing will be Father John Aylward, ver. annual affair, sponsored by committee, and assistant to Clara’s Orphanage, and the party -at Queen of Heaven Or­ Tile Roofing assistant pastor at St. Louis’ To Honor A. J. Burnt the Knights of Columbus, for Joe Dryer. Colorado Christian Home, as phanage. ENGLEWOOD Parish in Enplewood. A faithful member of the the past 25 years. Some of the feature acts well as foster home children in Mt. St. Vincent’s Home Is Roof Repairing Father Aylward, who is the Friday Luncheon Club, An­ I His further activities in be­ of the Christmas parties were the charge of Catholic Chari­ the scene of the photo, third 4020 Brighton,Bird. Heating Company chaplain of the Newman Club thony J . Dunst, will be honored half of the orphans has been the Colleens’ Girls’ Quartet, ties. from left, showing Mr. Dryer CH. 4-6563 SsrvlBf Estin EmtnMS sH Ans at Denver University, is an as ‘lOur Man Friday” at the ardent ski enthusiast and on the orphan,s’ lecture commit­ Authorized Lennox Dealer club’s luncheon this week. Tony tee, which he organized some Fam eces and Air Conditioning many occasions his favorite is a native Denverite, educated pleasure has enabled him t*) 10 years ago. The lecture ser­ Please Patronize at St. Francis'De Sales’ and brinfr the word of God to the ies run from September All Makes Furnaces has lived in the parish all his Your REGISTER many friends he has made on through May and are held Installed, Serviced life. the ski slopes of Colorado. i on Wednesday nights. The Advertisers iand and Repaired ! In 1911 he started with the A remarkably popplar priest program consists of the show­ C. F. Hoeckel Company as an Mention with yoiing groups. Father Ayl­ ing of a picture, followed by errand boy and rose through • Heoting ward wae educated at St. Fran­ questions and educational lec­ THE REGISTER the ranks of sales and produc- tures. • Air Conditioning cois De Sales School, Regis Col­ • Sheet Metol Work lege, and St. Thomas’ 'Semin­ Joseph Dryer has also been THE BEST IN LUGGAGE ary. The subject of his talk will Ot All Kinds Phone SI) 1-4494 be “A New Year’s Resolution Free Checkup end Eatlmete for Catholic Laymen.” Drivers Warned Day and NigfiS Service .AU Catholic men and their AT 1065 W. Hampden guests are invited to the lunch­ eon, which lasts one hour, in About Drinking H K Frank Waters, Prop. Est. 1878 GCOi 1544 B'wey BURROWS State Patrol Chief G. R. AM. 6-1458 Carrel issues this warning Scientific and advice to New Year’s celebrants: INCINERATORS Over New Year’s every Electrical Contracting & Repairing Bum> more traah available patrol officer will falter. Make! leia be on the highways, with imoke and aahei .orders to take severe action EARL J . STROHMINGER becauie they breath. against drinking, reckless, The planning to be sponsored by Denver K. of C. Council 539 is shown above. Members are, left to right, ------Electric Company CITY A FHA and careless drivers. K. of C. Retreat Day committee of HIGHEST Carrel points out that, in standing. Dale Warner, Bob Jones, Bill Dresler, LicsHfcd and Bondsd the day of and Tom Nolan; seated, Joe Zimmer, Dr. Ralph APPROVAL general, the drinking' driver Planning Committee Member National Electrical Contractors Ass’n. is as big a menace as the recollection, Spear, chairman; and Charles Van Buskirk. drunk one. Often the condi­ PEkFECTION + - f + - r + ; 1178 Stout St. AC. 2-5733 tion of the so-called “moder­ OUR AMAZING ate” drinker is not detected First Annual Day of Recollection LOW PRICES Rev. John Aylward until after he has an accident ffli iiMiaiaiiiiiaiiiiM WILL PLEASE —labile the erratic behavior YOU Uon to his present job of sec­ of the drunk gives him away. 5 retary in charge of production. If you plan an alcholic K. of C. Council 539 Pidris to Hold SUPERIGR Mr. Dunst joined Council 539 celebration it will be safer FIREPLACE WOOD in 1918 in the Bishop Tihen to hire a taxi. ClothesHn* Poles class and has been actively sup­ If you plan a trip, lea^e Splash Block* porting council activities ever early so you will not have to Mass at Loretto Heights January 13 Colored Steppinf since. He is now a Fourth De­ hurry to get there on time. Worner, or the K. of C. Stones for Under Dr. Ralph Spear-announced during the day. gree member. Stay alert and give other that the first annual day of America’s Clothes! inei, Tickets at $2 per person, Home. Transportation will be Sold by Walks, etc. Among his many Catholic ac- drivers a wide terth—they recollection for K. of C. Coun­ which includes the dinner, Cleanest Fuel made available to anyone if Over 70 BEAUTY jtivities, he has been president may have been drinking. cil 539 will be held at Loretto must be purchased in advance they so desire at the time = 6 No Smoko Dealer* for two terms of the Archdioc- Every officer will be par­ Heights College on Sunday, by Jan. 13. and are available Burrows cMfg. Co. eaian Holy Name Society, presi­ ticularly alert for signs of Jan. 13, starting at 10:30 from Dr. Ralph Spear, Dale they purchase the tickets. dent of the Nocturnal Adora­ recklessness. a.m. a»d closing with Mass • No w k . JiM tplaeiA. tion Society for three terms, Drivers will be stopped for at 4 p.m. < • High Heat Value* * ^ and head usher at St. Francis even the most minor viola­ Members of Council 539 High ({nality Pinon or Apple Logs De Sales for the past rive years. tions. __ and their wives are invited in 14", 18", 24" and 30" Length* to this day of prayer featur­ Split Kindling for Quick Starting ing conferences and panel We Deliver in Denver and Suburb* discussions on Christian mar­ Loicer Priee^If Picked Up at Yard riage. Father Lucius Cer­ vantes, S.J., -who is an out­ A 1 standing sociologist and au­ SufthenuL QoaL ( J o . p e . 3-4679 thority on Catholic marriage, 864 SO. BROADWAY will speak on the Catholic iuHiiuiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiHiHiniiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiwiiiiiiiw family and its responsibili­ ties to society and the Church. \Monsignor Arthur R. ^CUran, noted lecturer and Cans Conference panelist, Register J U S T ONE" will form a panel composed of V O F A T himself, Father Cervantes, and Dr. Louis Barbate to lead O'CONNOR'S PLUMBING CO. the group in a panel discus­ GlVe« A

patronizing our advertisers.

[h e annual mas carols she played all special requests for Luncheon Club I St: pular and classical numbers. sr® r fioon, Dee. Sir^nnd featured Devine ■when he presented the “Rock and and egg nogs specially prepi rhythms of four Vftst High boys.-The quarl T& highlight of the was coi^poMd of Anthony Lucero, James Higgs, sparkling accoraieti arrang«mi^5{,. ISAv8i *C«6ero', and John Garcia. ular Kathy Mentgm. In a*'**'." — . Shown above are, from left, Jim Perl, Kathy 3030 W. 44th A V E .x m z Z the accompanimealKor gro)"*P staging o t C h i ^ htentgen, Marshall Reddieh, and Jack Den^y.