Member bf Audit Bureau of Circulations ^ Contents Copyright by the Cdtholic Press Society, inc., 1956— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Fr. Kenneth Funk Named to Steamboat Springs Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue + + + Rev. John H. LePenske Assistant at Corpus Christi Clergy studies for four yers before bishop Vehr took him to Christ he received a master of arts Appointments The Rev. Kenneth Q. degree in English from the joining the Denver Archdiocese. DENVER CATHOLIC the King Parish, Denver, as Funk, a.«wistant at Corpus assistant in December, 1960. University of Illinois, and had He also taught English, educa­ Christi Parish, Colorado Father Funk served at Christ begun work on his doctorate tion, and psychology at St. Springs, for the past four the King until June 19, 1962, when he came to Colorado. Bede’s. when he received the Colorado In 1936, Father Funk took Father Funk was ordained in and one-half years, has a teaching post at Spalding In­ Peoria by the late Archbishop been appointed by Archbishop Springs appointment. The new administrator at stitute, Peoria, Ilj., and later Joseph Schlarman June 1, 1940 Urban J . Vehr to be adminis­ assumed professorial duties a f His mother, Mrs. Florence trator of Holy Name Parish, Steamboat was born Jan. 29, REGISTER 1914. A graduate of St Bene­ St. Bede's College, Peru, 111., Funk, resides in Lakewood. VOL.LII. No. 20. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1956 DENVER, COLORADO Steamboat Springs. where he served at director of (See story on page 2) In the same announcement. dict’s College, Atchison, Kans., Archbishop Vehr named the Rev. John'Henry LePenske, who has been serving as assistant at St. Anthony’s Parish, Sterling, High School Campaign Among Major Events of Archdiocese in Past Year to replace Father Funk at Cor­ pus Christi Parish in Colorado Springs. Father Funk replaces the Rev. Edward Prinster, admin­ istrator at Steamboat Springs since 1939, who died in a tragic Archbishop's Jubilee Is Top Story accident Dec. 12. Native of lllinoii A native of Ottawa, 111., who joined the Denver Archdiocese Plans Drawn for Retreat House at Sedalia Spiritual, Material in August, 1960, Father Funk has held several posts in Colo­ rado. On his arrival in Denver, R c t . Kennatb Funk he served temporarily as ap as­ Growth Is Traced sistant at the Immaculate Con­ ception Cathedral. The second appointment given him by Arch- I 1 I In 12-Month Span b f f i c i o F By B i l l K i l k e n n y ARCHBISHOP’S HOUSE 777 Pearl Tlie jiilver jubilop of Archbisliop Urban J. Denver 3, Colorado Vehr as Ordinary of Denvor and iho lannchinp of a $3,225,000 oampaipn for Catholic hipli .school facilities highlighted major news events in the Archdiocese of Denver for 1956. In connection with the Archbishop’s jubilee was dedication of the new $1,500,000 buildings at St. Thomas’ Seminary, Denver. ’ Clergy Appointments 'The hi^h school campaign, announced in January, was Rev. Kenneth Funk, Adminis' among the first «f the principal news stories in the Detiver Cath­ tralor, Hoir Name Church An architect's sketch of the new Sacred Heart Re­ olic Register, 'The purpose of the drive was the construaion Steamboat Springs. treat House for Men, to be erected near Sedalia, is shown Rev. John H. Le Penske, assist­ of the new Machebeuf High School in F.ast Denver, and addi­ ant, (>>rpus Christi Church, in the top drawing. The chapel for the retreat house is New Institution tions to Qthedral, St. Francis de Sales', Holy Family, and An­ Colorado Springs. pictured in the sketch at bottom. nunciation High Schools, Denver; for additional development at The appointments are effec­ tive as of January 2, 1937. Regis High School, Denver; St. Mary's Academy, Cherry Hills; « URBAN J. VEHR lo Be Dedicated and Mullen High School, Fort Logan; and for new parish de­ Rer. John H. LePentke Archbishop of Denver velopment. To Sacred Heart K. oi C. Council Ranks 13th Knights of Columbus Council 5.^9, Denver, was revealed in Special Prayer Day B. J. R. Walsh January to be the 13th largest K. of C. council in membership Prelim inary plan.s have in the world. Members of the l«fal group total more than 2,000. been drawn for a $300,000 In the same month, rural pastors reported their parishes For Persecuted Set retreat hou.se fo r men to be hard-hit by severe drought conditions. At Sacred Heart Parish erected on the 190-acre site in Roggen, for instance, where the annual harvest collection was acquired by the Jesuit Fa­ usually from $5,000 to $10,000, it had hit a new low of $935. thers near Sedalia. Father Ra­ Although city folk seemed to be doing better, according to the phael C. McCarthy, S.J., direc­ reports of business groups, Monsignor Elmer J. Kolka, director of On Sunday, Dec. 30 tor of retreats, said the new institution will be dedicated to Denver Catholic Charities, reported a soaring relief load. Clerpry, religious, and faithful of the Archdiocese the Sacred Heart and will be The first large parochial building project in the news con­ of Denver are a.sked by Archbishop Urban J . V ehr to the first of its kind for men in cerned the dedication by Archbishop Vehr on Jan. 4 of the new the Rocky Mountain Empire. join with other Catholics of the U. S. on Sunday, Dec. Pauline Memorial School in Broadmoor, (Colorado Springs. It Proposed itructurei in­ 30, in .special prayers for victims of religious persecu­ was built for $250,000, a large part of which was donated by tion. The special day of prayer, on the last Sunday of clude < chapel and a two- • torf main wing, which will Mrs. Spencer Penrose. the year, is sponsored by the Bishops of the country, b. attached to the chapel. A Plans were announced in mid-January for additions to Ca­ The need of prayer for generous benefactor already thedral and Cure d'Ars Schools. Catholiea suffering behind has donated $50,000 for the Cddipaign Fund the Iron Curtain has been chapel and its furnishings. Generous Beneiaeior Dies Archbishop Urban J . Vehr emphasised in recent weeks Mrs. Spencer Penrose died on Jan. 23. She had donated by the tragic events in East­ has given his blessing and ap­ Collections Are ern Europe, especially Hun­ proval for the over-all plan. millions of dollars to Qtholic institutions and projects in Colo­ gary, where thousands have . The type of construction. Fa­ rado, and other millions went to other charitable enterprises. Her died or chosen exile from Parishioners Pool Efforts to Provide ther McCarthy said, will be of largest single gift was $3,200,000 to Glockncr-Penrosc Hospital, their homes for the sake of painted steel panels separated (Turn to Page S — Column k ) Near $1,000,1 freedom and their religion. every 15 feet by pilasters of white stone. The panels will be Son Studying for PrioNthood Paym ents made last Persecution Continues Shelter and Assistance for Refugees blue spruce to help preserve week on pledges to the Paul W. McCloskey of the the native color. The chapel’s By F r a n k M o r r iss up until May. Thus the first Vice President Richard Nixon NCWC News Service staff, in panels will be of a marble con­ Archbishop’s High Schools four months of 1957 should to Austria and action that a report of Communist perse­ By year’s end the Denver crete and will blend with those Denver Mon Tells About Fund bring the total pay­ Archdiocese will have re­ see a greater influx of re­ will arise therefrom may of the main wing. cution of the Church in 1966 double the number of Hun­ ments to $978,797.46. 'This ceived 519 refugees in the 21 fugees into the country and The main building, 250 by shows that, despite some gains garian refugees coming to total makes certain that $1,- months since the fifst persons into the archdiocese, Monsi­ 28. feet in size, includes 54 made by the Church in Eastern Colorado. The first estimate 000,000 will be paid by the end Europe, persecution continues arrived in March, 1955, under gnor Kolka reported. Two roohfis for retreatants, a large Trip Into Soviet Russia ships are reaching New York saw 500 coming to the state. of this year. rife. the Refugee Relief Act. lounge and library, -six priests’ [The following account of TRANSPORTATION wa.-i December is the 10th month today (Dec. 27) and Friday, Now some 1,000 can be ex­ Seventy-one refugees ar­ rooms, a parlor and dining “Ten Daye in Russia," by second-class, both as to rail and In the 30 - month collection The persecution that Com­ Dec. 28, bearing a number pected under the expanded rived in November alone. By room, and an office. A partial M. A. Molitor, Denver busi- period, so that the first million munism unleashed against of families who will reach the program, with the archdio­ air. You see supdrhighway sys­ Dec. 31, another 65 will have basement will contain storage nessman, is reprinted from dollars has been paid in 10 Christians and all men of good archdiocese before the year's cese receiving 200 or 300 or tems, but very few secondary will 39 years ago is still t^ing come into the archdiocese, ac­ space and the heating plant. The Winter, 1956, issue of roads. Very little traveling i.s mpnths.
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