Spring 2007 RRATTLEATTLE Poetry for th e 21st Century Book Features: Laurie Blauner All This Could Be Yours Roy Jacobstein A Form of Optimism 2007 Neil Postman Award for Metaphor Paintings by Mark Vallen Issue #27 Preview e.2 RRATTLEATTLE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alan Fox EDITOR Timothy Green (
[email protected]) ASSISTANT EDITOR EDITOR EMERITUS Megan O’Reilly Stellasue Lee EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Cassandra Glickman © 2007 by Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation, Inc. Spring 2007, e.2 All rights revert to authors on publication. Print issues of RATTLE are 4-color, per- fect-bound, and include about 200 pages of poetry, essays, and interviews. Each issue also features a tribute section dedicated to an ethnic, vocational, or stylis- tic group. For more information, including submission guidelines, please visit www.rattle.com. RATTLE e.2 2 R RRATTLEATTLE CONTENTS About this E-Issue 4 ONTENTS THE NEIL POSTMAN AWARD FOR METAPHOR C About the Award 6 Cullen Bailey Burns 2007 Winner 8 Stacie Primeaux Honorable Mention 9 BOOK FEATURES Laurie Blauner All This Could Be Yours 10 Roy Jacobstein A Form of Optimism 18 ARTWORK Mark Vallen Five Paintings 26 ESSAYS Gary Lehman On the Self and Others: Thoughts on the Craft of Poetry 32 E-REVIEWS Todd Davis Street, by Jim Daniels 37 Stephen A. Allen Oriflamme, by Sandra Miller 40 #27 PREVIEW Caleb Barber I Went in With My Hands Up 45 Luisa A. Igloria Circle of Cranes 46 Krista Klanderman Hello, I Must Be Going 47 Anis Mojgani Cradle 48 Patricia Smith Building Nicole’s Mama 49 Marc Kelly Smith Conversation Excerpt 51 INFORMATION Order Form 56 Rattle Poetry Prize Guidelines 57 RATTLE e.2 3 R RRATTLEATTLE ABOUT THIS E-ISSUE In many ways it’s been a frustrating winter—trying to arrange an audio BOUT CD for the summer issue knowing nothing about audio; dealing with constant hacker attacks to our ever-growing website; snowstorms and A missed flights, SUVs crashing through coffee shops (don’t ask).