Florida Historical Quarterly Volume 18 Number 3 Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol 18, Article 9 Issue 3 1939 The Union Catalog of Floridiana Florida Historical Society
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[email protected]. Recommended Citation Society, Florida Historical (1939) "The Union Catalog of Floridiana," Florida Historical Quarterly: Vol. 18 : No. 3 , Article 9. Available at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq/vol18/iss3/9 Society: The Union Catalog of Floridiana THE UNION CATALOG OF FLORIDIANA The compiling of the Union Catalog of Floridiana progresses steadily. Its plan, its establishment, and its progress during its first half-year were told in detail in the Quarterly (October, 1937). A record of its growth since and its further plans are con- tained in a paper written by its founder, Professor Alfred J. Hanna, for the Second Convention of the Inter-American Bibliographical and Library As- sociation lately held in Washington. * This paper recounts some of the stones used in its building:-Under the supervision of Mr. Sey- mour Robb of the Library of Congress, 3,000 cards have been transcribed from the Union and Public catalogs of that library. From a check list of Flor- idiana in the Florida Library Bulletin.