
Vol.6, No.4, 171-183 (2014) Natural Science http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ns.2014.64021

Symmetry of : From initial bilaterally-asymmetric metamerism to pentaradiality

Sergey V. Rozhnov

Borissiak Paleontological Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]

Received 3 December 2013; revised 3 January 2014; accepted 10 January 2014

Copyright © 2014 Serge y V. Rozhnov. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In accor- dance of the Creative Commons Attribution License all Copyrights © 2014 are reserved for SCIRP and the owner of the intellectual property Sergey V. Rozhnov. All Copyright © 2014 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as a guardian.

ABSTRACT during the .

Echinoderm radial symmetry has first appeared KEYWORDS in the ambulacral system, when the ambulacral channel assumed the shape of a closed ring or a Echinodermata; Symmetry; Asymmetry; horseshoe with approximated ends, and then Metamerism; Pentaradiality; ; Hox spread onto other organ systems. Its origin was Genes; Colinearity a natural consequence of a steady increase of the original asymmetry of bilaterally-asymmetric 1. INTRODUCTION three-segmented ancestors of echinoderms, cul- minated by closing of the ancestral linear meta- The area of study dedicated to body plan symmetries merism into radiality. The evolutionary transfor- and focused on discovery and comparative analysis of mation from a simple pouchlike hydrocoel with key symmetry elements across taxa has been called pro- one side channel to an elongated hydrocoel (lo- morphology [1]. Echinoderms are of special interest in cated under the oesophagus) with two side chan- this regard because they display the greatest number of nels, and finally to a nearly closed horseshoe- different symmetry types (Figure 1), expressed, moreo- shaped hydrocoel with three radial channels can ver, on top of a profound asymmetry [2,3]. In present- be reconstructed based on the theca structure day, radial (usually pentaradial) symmetry and the number of ambulacra in the row - with its multiple symmetry planes and a central rotation -Helicoplacoidea. After the hydrocoel with axis is combined with bilateral symmetry and metameri- three outbound ambulacral channels circled sm. around the oesophagus as a horseshoe, it either Echinoderm coeloms arise during early development closed into a ring, or its ends became closely ap- as three bilaterally symmetric pairs of primordia, but their proximated. This has determined the primary tri- subsequent growth is different between the two sides of radiate symmetry, which quickly transformed in- the body, which reflects the deep asymmetry of echino- to pentaradial symmetry of the 2-1-2 type as a re- derm morphology. In many echinoderms, asymmetry is sult of branching of two of the three primary ra- also expressed in the spiral shape of the gut, usually coil- dial channels. This occurred no earlier than the ing clockwise in sea lilies (Figure 2), sea urchins, and Late Vendian, when the first bilaterians appear- holothurians. This “internal” asymmetry of modern echi- ed to have begun to acquire body appendages, noderms corresponds, to some degree, to the bilateral and no later than the Early , when the asymmetry of skeleton in carpozoans—solutes, stylopho- first skeletal remains of echinoderms entered rans, and cinctans—and spiral arrangement of ambulacra the record (in the Atdabanian). The 2-1-2 in helicoplacoids. Bilaterally-asymmetric carpozoans, or pentaradial symmetry evolved into the true pen- at least some of them, have been considered as ancestors taradiality as a result of shifting the timing of of pentaradial echinoderms [4-7]. This hypothesis, how- tentacle branching to earlier stages of ontogene- ever, is not fully convincing because the morphology of sis and even spreading of the five tentacle pri- many such forms, particularly stylophorans, does not ea- mordia over the ambulacral ring. This occurred sily lend itself to unambiguous interpretation. One exam-

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Figure 1. Radial symmetry of echinoderms and corals: (a) the edrioasteroid Cyathocystis (oral view) and (b) the rhombiferan Cystoblastus (oral view), Ordovician of Estonia; (c) the rugose coral Palaeocyclus porpita from above, of Gotland. (d) the horseshoe-shaped stage in the ambulacral ring ontogenesis of a crinoid, showing arrangement of skeletal elements, dia- grammatically [47]; (e) a generalized diagram of the ambulacral ring development; (f) a genera- lized diagram of the development of septa in hexacorals.

paedomorphosis [13]. This hypothesis does not seem well substantiated, either, because on the geological scale the time difference between the first appearances of the asym- metric and radial forms is small [14] and can be due to incompleteness of the fossil record, while morphological differences between these forms are profound [15,16]. Moreover, no intermediate forms documenting the pro- gress of this far-reaching paedomorphic change are known. However, the same facts speak against the idea of carpo- zoan echinoderms being direct ancestors to pentaradial echinoderms. Therefore, it seems more likely that carpo- zoans have not been direct ancestors of pentaradial echi- noderms, but their structure nevertheless reflects the main Figure 2. The ambulacral (pentaradial) and digestive (spir- stages in the evolution of radial symmetry. My analysis al) systems of a crinoid [48]. of the origin of echinoderm radiality rests on this as- sumption [15,17]. Whether some of the currently known ple is the long-standing debate between Jefferies with his carpozoans evolved directly from the immediate ances- students and proponents of the aulacophoral interpreta- tors of radially symmetric echinoderms or, via paedomor- tion of stylophorans [5,8-12]. Moreover, pentaradial echi- phosis, from the already radially symmetric forms is of noderms enter the geological record somewhat earlier than no importance for such analysis. In both cases, carpozo- bilaterally-asymmetric echinoderms. ans reflect the evolution of echinoderm pentaradiality. Together with some morphological considerations, this Based on this idea, I will attempt to trace out connections fact prompted the idea that the bilaterally-asymmetric between different symmetry types displayed by echino- forms had evolved from the radially symmetric ones via derms and demonstrate how the evolutionary succession

Copyright © 2014 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS S. V. Rozhnov / Natural Science 6 (2014) 171-183 173 of these types was predetermined by the symmetry of the In the first case they determine the symmetry directly echinoderm ancestors. and in the second indirectly, through the plates surroun- ding the mouth (between which run the proximal parts of 2. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS the ambulacra). In phylogenesis it is sometimes possible to observe a gradual spread of pentaradial symmetry The same type of symmetry can be observed among through the entire theca starting from these plates, in the unrelated organisms. However, both the evolutionary and order of their appearance during ontogenesis [18,19]. ontogenetic origins of similar body plans can be com- The role of ambulacra as organizers of pentaradial pletely different. For example, the radial symmetry of co- symmetry has been emphasized by Hotchkiss [20], who rals arises as their body cavity becomes successively di- suggested the interesting “ray-as-appendages” model of vided into chambers by septa. In contrast, the radial sym- the origin of echinoderm pentaradiality. Nevertheless, the metry of echinoderms results from the hydrocoel primor- latter is determined first of all by the number of radial dium, together with radial channel primordia, bending ambulacral channels coming off the ambulacral ring. around the oesophagus to form a closed ambulacral ring, Therefore, to understand its origin in echinoderms we off which several, usually five, ambulacral channels radi- should first clarify the origin of pentaradiality in their ate symmetrically. It is the symmetry of the ambulacral ambulacral rings. After its establishment, its gradual ring that patterns the development of radial symmetry in spread onto other organ systems, at least the skeleton, the rest of the body. can be traced on fossil material. Therefore, reconstruction of the hydrocoel structure in During ontogenesis the ambulacral ring becomes ra- the most ancient echinoderms deserves special attention. dially symmetric as a result of its primordium (the left The development of symmetry during the ontogenesis of hydrocoel) circling clockwise around what will become present-day echinoderms can be studied in detail. In con- pharynx (i.e. the anteroposterior body axis) and closing trast, fossil forms are usually represented by skeletons at into a ring (Figures 1(d) and (e)). To describe this pro- the latest stages of development. Nevertheless, late onto- cess Minsuk et al. [21] have introduced the notion of the genesis of the skeleton and correlated organ systems can circumoral body axis, which becomes segmented into be reconstructed, at least partially, based on the age vari- five sectors. In other words, the symmetry of the ambu- ation observed among the . lacral ring primordium can be described as a curved me- Another approach focuses on aberrant forms, which tamerism eventually closing into a radiality [19]. arise via deviation of ontogenesis from its normal course. Therefore, echinoderm radiality arises through bend- Such aberrant forms can be recognized as rare variants in ing, due to asymmetrical growth, of the initial metamer- the spectrum of individual variation of a particular spe- ism until the anterior end of the growing primordium fi- cies or as separate taxa, sometimes of a high rank, as is nally reaches and fuses with its own posterior end, so exemplified by minor classes of echinoderms. These de- that the hydrocoel pouch becomes a closed ambulacral viations can provide information on some aspects of ear- ring. This genesis of radiality is profoundly different from ly ontogenesis, which cannot be directly deduced from the mechanism observed in corals, i.e. successive divi- normal adult morphology. This is so because many aber- sion of the body cavity (Figures 1(c) and (f)). Metamer- rations result from paedomorphosis or other heterochro- ic development of the ambulacral ring includes the ap- nies, which lead to expression of traits normally express- pearance of serially arranged ambulacral channel primor- ed in early ontogenesis during the adult stage or reveal dia. latent potencies of future trait evolution. Reconstruction In present-day eleutherozoan echinoderms sensu Sum- of symmetry ontogenesis in fossil forms, based on the rall & Sprinkle [22]—echinoids, asteroids, ophiuroids, study of age variation or morphogenetic aberrations in and holothurians—five ambulacra radiate directly off the comparison with of present-day forms, mouth. Sumrall & Wray [13] call this true pentaradial can open ways to reconstruction of symmetry evolution. symmetry. In many echinoderms only three ambulacra extend directly off the mouth, two of them 3. ECHINODERM RADIAL SYMMETRY bifurcating at some distance away to produce additional The radial symmetry of echinoderms is usually ex- two ambulacra (Figure 3). This fundamentally bilateral pressed as pentamery (Figure 1). It patterns not the en- arrangement of ambulacra is referred to as the 2-1-2 pat- tire body, but only particular organ systems: ambulacral, tern. It is well reflected in the structure of the plates sur- nervous, skeletal, and some others. In the skeleton it is rounding the mouth, among which three extend and two primarily determined by the arrangement of ambulacra, do not extend all the way to the center. This may indicate i.e. food-gathering grooves or similar structures contain- that only three radial channels were extending off the ing radial ambulacral channels. Such structures can be ambulacral ring. Besides blastozoan echinoderms and ed- part of the theca or extend outside as arms or brachioles. rioasteroids, the 2-1-2 pattern occurs in crinoids [15,19].

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nism of such transition has already been suggested [19] based on the ontogenesis of present-day and the morpho- logy of Paleozoic forms: the timing of appearance of all five ambulacrum primordia shifts onto the early stages of the ambulacral ring development (Figure 4). Correspon- dingly, bifurcation of ambulacra shifts onto the earliest stages of their ontogenesis. It is possible that in some eleutherozoan lineages this stage was followed by gra- dual rearrangement of radial channels to become evenly spaced along the circumference of the growing ambula- cral ring, resulting in the characteristic true pentaradial symmetry of these clades. In crinoids, however, the pro- cess was different: the entire ring primordium with five tentacle primordia (ambulacral channel primordia) under- went metameric, serial fivefold multiplication and then closed into an ambulacral ring with five radial channels within each of its five sectors. This is reflected in ontoge- nesis of present-day crinoids, in which five tentacle pri- Figure 3. Pentaradial symmetry of the 2-1-2 type in the mordia arise within each sector [29]. edrioasteroid Krama, of the St. Petersburg area. Later the central tentacle continues growing into a ra- cdial ambulacral channel, while the two pairs of tentacle Yet, in present-day crinoids five channels radiate imme- primordia on each of its sides undergo reduction. In some diately off the ambulacral ring, just like in eleuthero- Paleozoic disparid crinoids all or a significant part of ten- zoans. This suggests that in the crinoid ancestors, or at tacle primordia developed into radial channels, forming least in early crinoids, only three ambulacral channel ra- multiple arms coming off each radial plate of an adult in- diated immediately off the ambulacral ring which resul- dividual (Figure 4). This mechanism explains the origin ted in the 2-1-2 arrangement of oral plates. Later in evo- of numerous arms in the Devonian Anamesocrinus (five lution the structure had changed to five ambulacra com- at each radial plate) and Late Paleozoic allagecrinids and ing directly off the ring, but the plate arrangement remain- catillocrinids with variable number of arms at each radial ed unchanged. plate. That this peculiar structure resulted from numerous Sumrall & Wray [13] have convincingly argued that radial channels coming directly off the ambulacral ring is the reduction of the number of ambulacra in blastozoan confirmed by a contrast between these crinoids and Aco- echinoderms and crinoids was due to paedomorphosis. Paedomorphic reduction of structures follows, in the re- locrinus, a genus of uncertain systematic position, in verse order, the sequence of their appearance in ontoge- which multiple facets for arm attachment at each radial nesis. Available data on the ontogenesis of edrioasteroids plate clearly develop as a result of a series of close-set [23,24], glyptocystitoids [25-27], and gogiids [28] indi- bifurcations of the single ambulacrum connected to that cate that in the majority of early pentaradial echinoderms plate (Figures 4(h) and (i)). the order of ambulacra appearance was similar: first de- Therefore, the structure and relative position of ambu- veloped the two side ambulacra, corresponding to B+C lacra allow confident reconstruction of the ambulacral on the right and D+E on the left, then the unbranching ring and the number and arrangement of radial channels. ambulacrum A, and finally each of the two side ambula- In the evolution of blastozoans, crinoids, and eleutero- cra bifurcated [13]. zoans an ambulacral ring with three outbound radial Therefore, unless due to some unknown reasons the channels, two of them bifurcating at some distance away order of ambulacra appearance had changed, the recon- (the 2-1-2 pattern), has transformed into an ambulacral structions by Sumrall & Wray [13] of the evolution of ring with five channels directly connected to it (true pen- blastozoans and crinoids with aberrant number of ambu- taradial symmetry). Deviations from pentaradial symme- lacra may well be accurate. However, we would like to try in these groups can usually be explained by paedo- better understand the transition between the 2-1-2 pattern morphosis and other heterochronies [13,19]. In most and true pentaradial symmetry. It is possible that it oc- cases such deviations do not affect the integrity of the curred independently and differently during the early evo- ambulacral ring, which remains closed, as evidenced by lution of body plans of the main eleutherozoans (echino- the oral plates retaining their pentaradial arrangement ids, asteroids, ophiuroids, holothurians, and ophiocistio- and by the presence of variation in the number of ambu- ids) and crinoid lineages. For crinoids a possible mecha- lacra.

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Figure 4. Hypothetical transformations of ambulacral system ontogenesis leading to true pentara- diality in crinoids, diagrammatically: (a) upper row: successive stages in ontogenesis of the 2-1-2 type ambulacral system in the crinoid ancestors; middle row: hypothetical stages of the ambulacral system ontogenesis in Paleozoic crinoids, deduced from the morphology of some paedomorphic multiarmed disparids; bottom row: ontogenesis of the ambulacral system in present-day crinoids; (b) the “Pentacrinus” stage in ontogenesis of Antedon rosacea and (c) an arm primordium with five tentacle primoridia at that stage [49]; (d-g) Paleozoic paedomorphic multiarmed crinoids Anameso- crinus (d-e), Devonian of USA [50] and Allocatillocrinus rotundus (f-g) Pennsylvanian of USA [51]; multiarmed crinoid (?) Acolocrinus (h-i): (h) lateral view, Middle Ordovician of USA [52], (i) radial plate (oral view) with facets for arm attachment, documenting the origin of multiple arms via branching of radial channels, Estonia, Middle Ordovician, PIN4125/890.

To understand the origin of a closed ambulacral ring matching such reduced number of ambulacra and recon- with three outbound radial ambulacra one needs to con- struct the process of elevation (migration of the mouth sider the morphology of all echinoderms, including car- from the anterior to the posterior body end, which oc- pozoans, which have been described by many previous curred in all pentaradial echinoderms) in such forms. researchers as originally having lacked radial symmetry It appears highly unlikely that the carpozoan hydro- [4,8]. coel was a closed ring and that their mouth migrated The idea of Sumrall & Wray [13] that carpozoan echi- from the anterior to the posterior body end. The stable noderms with one or two ambulacra evolved from pen- number of ambulacra in each carpozoan clade, never vary- taradial forms via paedomorphosis does not seem con- ing even in the form of rare aberrations, speaks against vincing because of the uniqueness of their structure, lack the presence of a closed ambulacral ring. Additionally, of variation in the number of ambulacra, and absence of the absence among these clades of characteristically bent intermediate forms. In any case, if one considers these aberrant forms, such as occur among eocrinoids and cri- echinoderms as deeply paedomorphic, it is necessary to noids [19,30], suggests that the ontogenesis in these clad- hypothesize an ambulacral ring structure (closed or open) es lacked the process of elevation (Figure 5).

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Figure 5. The process of elevation in crinoids (a-b) and aberrant forms of crinoids and eocrinoids (c-f): (a) larval morphology at an early stage of elevation; (b) same, at the end of elevation; (c) a late stage in the aberrant ontogenesis of the crinoid Antedon [53], (d) the recent cyrtocrinoid Gymnocrinus recheri, (e) the disparid crinoid Halisiocrinus (Ordovician), and (f) a reconstruction of the eocrinoid Rhi- pidocystis (Ordovician).

Nevertheless, whatever the view on the phylogeny of can be observed in various organs and body parts. The these forms, it is of no principal importance for the study ambulacra and interambulacra of echinoids, stems and of the origin of pentaradiality because paedomorphic arms of crinoids, stems and brachioles of many blasto- changes repeat, only in the reverse order, the successive zoans, stems and arms of asteroids and ophiuroids, and appearance of structures during phylogenesis. Therefore, ambulacra of holothurians are all metameric. But the we should focus on those traits of morphology and sym- most characteristic of echinoderms is the original deep metry that are shared in common between carpozoans tripartite metamerism expressed in a linear arrangement and radial echinoderms. From the standpoint of promor- along the anteroposterior body axis of the three pairs of phology, the most important similarity in the designs of coeloms in their embryos and larvae. This arrangement, the two groups are the extensive and profound manife- sometimes referred to as archimery, is also typical of stations of metamerism (serial repetition) and asymmetry. many bilaterians, including their adult stages. The origin In the following part we shall discuss these in more de- of archimery and the gene system controlling its devel- tail. opment can be related to the functional division of the bodies of first bilaterians into the anterior, middle, and 4. METAMERISM posterior parts. The ontogenesis of these regions was The metamerism of adult echinoderms is profound and controlled by colinear expression of a cluster of regula-

Copyright © 2014 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS S. V. Rozhnov / Natural Science 6 (2014) 171-183 177 tory genes. It is possible that this mechanism played a most 180˚ in crinoids and 90˚ in echinoids and asteroids. key role in the origin of first the triradial and then penta- Another important, and unique, aspect of Hox genes radial symmetry of echinoderms. expression in echinoderms has been discovered in the Development of bilateral symmetry required individu- same model species of sea urchins, S. purpuratus. In this alization of the anterior body end, which determined the species the order of activation of the most anterior genes anteroposterior axis, and the upper and bottom sides, in the cluster is reversed with respect to other bilaterian which determined the dorsoventral axis. These two axes types (Figure 6): the group of three genes, Hox1, Hox2, together mark the sagittal plane, which allows distingui- and Hox3, has been translocated to the 5’ end of the clu- shing between the right and left body sides. In bilateral ster and inverted [33]. organisms the anteroposterior body axis is easy to iden- Such rearranged Hox genes order has not been found tify based on the locations of the mouth and anus. In ra- in other echinoderm classes, but Mooi & David [34] sug- dially symmetric echinoderms it is more difficult because gest that it will eventually be found in representatives of of the spiral shape of the gut. The problem can be solved all echinoderm classes because, according to these au- by determining the order of activation of Hox genes. Du- thors, this genetic disorder is not an accident, but a spe- ring ontogenesis of vertebrates, , and cephalo- cial mechanism to build an adult symmetry completely a cluster of 13 Hox genes is expressed coli- different from the larval symmetry. nearly along the anteroposterior body axis. Colinearity However, I think that the inversion of the three anteri- means that the order of activation of these genes is the ormost Hox genes and their translocation to the 5’ end of same as their linear order within the cluster: the closer the cluster will not necessarily be discovered in all the gene’s position to the 3’ end of the cluster, the earlier classes of present-day echinoderms because this rearran- the timing of its activation and the closer its expression gement is a consequence rather than cause of the sym- domain to the anterior body end. Therefore, the antero- metry change that has occurred in the echinoderm evolu- posterior axis can be identified from the succession of tion. Indeed, for all the radially symmetric echinoderms Hox genes expression domains. Peterson et al. [31] have after their evolutionary transition to sedentary life style it applied this approach to echinoderms. Based on the fact was a physiological necessity that, after the larva at- that in larvae of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus pur- taches to the substratum with its preoral lobe, its mouth puratus, the most posterior gene of the cluster, Hox 11/ migrates from the anterior to the posterior body end. In 13b, which serves as a marker of the posterior homology the ontogenesis of present-day crinoids this is accom- across , is expressed in the paired somato- plished via a gradual elevation process, which leads to coels of the rudiment from which the adult body devel- the “straightening” of the anteroposterior body axis and ops, they postulated that the anteroposterior body axis reorientation of the prospective mouth (Figure 5). In runs from the mouth to the posterior coeloms. This cor- crinoids elevation takes place at relatively late stages of responds to the traditional oral-aboral axis [21]. Unlike and appears to be controlled not directly in , in which the coeloms are arranged in by Hox genes, but by some downstream stages of the pairs on both sides of the body, the coeloms of adult hierarchical regulatory cascade. As a consequence, echinoderms form a stack: the derivatives of the left hy- among crinoids occur aberrant, curved forms resulting drocoel are stacked on top of the left somatocoelar deriv- from unfinished elevation. Such aberrations can provide atives, which, in turn, are stacked on top of the right so- basis for the origin of taxa of a relatively high taxonomic matocoelar derivatives. In adult echinoderms the antero- rank, such for example as Paleozoic calceocrinaceans posterior body axis runs through this stack [31,32]. In and Meso-Ceno-zoic spoon-like cyrtocrinids [19,30]. In some echinoderms these axes are differently oriented in the indirect ontogenesis of echinoids this stage is signif- the adults and bilateral larvae, forming the angle of al- icantly modified compared to crinoids. The adult

Figure 6. Hox genes spatial and temporal colinearity in echinoderms [33,34]. Upper row: the traditional gene order from the 3’ to 5’ end along the chromosome. Bottom row: the modified order, with the anterior group of genes translocated to the 5’ end and inverted.

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organism develops from a rudiment on the left side of the their associated structures and migration of the posterior larval body. This means that the initial and terminal right coelom to the left side. According to these authors, stages of the elevation process have been shifted close to this resulted in the characteristic stacked arrangement of each other and incorporated into the early development the coeloms. They assume that later in evolution the of that rudiment, controlled directly by the anterior Hox echinoderms returned to their original orientation, ventral genes. Apparently, this became possible due to a change side down, and attached themselves to the sea floor with in the spatial and temporal colinearity of the anterior Hox the preoral lobe. The sedentary life style has resulted in genes via their inversion and translocation within the development of radial symmetry, typical of many seden- cluster. tary filtrators. The particular kind of symmetry, pentara- Therefore, the dramatic difference between the bilate- diality, became fixed probably because it turned out the ral symmetry of larvae and the pentaradial symmetry of most beneficial. Such are, in brief, the classical views on adults does not imply an abrupt transition from bilateral the evolution of echinoderm pentaradial symmetry. They metameric to pentaradial forms during echinoderm evo- offer a merely formal, too mechanistic explanation of the lution. There must be some intermediate stages between origin of echinoderm asymmetry and no explanation of the two symmetry types. Such continuity can be seen in why it was specifically pentaradiality that had to eventu- deviations from bilaterality and development of asym- ally evolve. Therefore, we will approach the evolution of metry. echinoderm asymmetry and pentaradiality from a differ- ent angle. 5. ASYMMETRY The asymmetric development of the coeloms is the only available evidence that at one time echinoderms The rich manifestations of symmetry in echinoderms were oriented lateral side down. But there are a few Cam- are accompanied by profound asymmetry [2,3]. In adults brian echinoderms with perfect bilateral symmetry of the the latter is expressed, first of all, in their gut being coil- body. Ctenoimbricata is one of them. It has a fully bila- ed clockwise (Figure 2). In larvae the asymmetry is dra- terian body plan as adults and can be discerned as a bila- matically manifested in the unequal development of the teral ancestor of echinoderms [36]. But also possible that left and right coeloms. This asymmetry of coeloms dur- perfect bilateral symmetry of this genus is a more late ing larval development has parallels in the morphology adaptation because Ctenoimbricata enter in the geologi- of ancient carpozoan echinoderms. cal record noticeably later (Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5) In fact, in most carpozoans the body was bilaterally- than bilateral-asymmetric and radial echinoderms [14, asymmetric. The origin and phylogenetic relationships of 36]. Therefore, it is actually possible that the ancestors of Carpozoa remain subjects of debate. In my opinion, these Echinodermata have never been perfectly bilaterally sym- have not been direct ancestors of radially sym- metric. Perhaps some asymmetry between their left and metric echinoderms, but nevertheless their morphology right body sides existed ever since they first became bila- reflects some important stages in the evolution of echi- terally symmetric. I believe it was further development noderm radial symmetry. According to the opposite view, of this original asymmetry that has led to the origin of bi- Carpozoa have evolved from pentaradial echinoderms laterally-asymmetric carpozoan echinoderms as well as via paedomorphosis. This hypothesis is in contradiction (through developing asymmetry to its ultimate degree by with a number of facts. I do not share this point of view, bending the linear metamerism and closing it into radial- but I will not argue against it here because the issue is ity) radially symmetric echinoderms [15]. not of primary importance for the main subject of this In the evolution of echinoderms, asymmetry may have article: paedomorphic changes also reflect, although in been present ever since their ancestors acquired first the reverse order, stages in the morphological evolution morphological and morphogenetic traits of bilaterian or- of a group. ganization (Figure 7). In fact, departures from bilateral Asymmetry is just as fundamentally characteristic of symmetry must have occurred ever since it first evolved. echinoderms as their pentaradial symmetry. The evolu- While a perfectly bilateral body enables locomotion tion of the asymmetric structure of echinoderms via re- along a straight line and facilitates navigation towards a duction of their right anterior and middle coeloms is usu- target, a bilaterally asymmetric body may have its own ally considered a consequence of their remote bilaterally advantages in spite of less sophisticated control of loco- symmetric ancestor having lain down onto the sea bot- motion: the moves in a spiral path without risk of tom on its lateral side. Some authors, for example Jeffe- accidentally losing the favorable environment. Such ad- ries [5] think that that ancestor had lain down on its right vantageous departures from bilaterality may have become side, while others, for example Holland [35] believe it fixed in the genome by natural selection. Therefore, it is was the left side. The new orientation has led to the re- possible that during the evolution of early Bilateria, in- duction of the anterior and middle right coeloms with cluding the echinoderm ancestors, both bilaterally

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bulacral pouch with a single arm to a horseshoe-shaped channel encircling the oesophagus and, finally, to a com- pletely closed ambulacral ring with five radial outbound channels. I believe that these stages are reflected in the morphology of early Paleozoic echinoderms (Figure 8). In my opinion, the fossil echinoderm group that displays the ancestral hydrocoel with a single ambulacral channel are solutes. This hypothesis is not contradicted by the discovery of the oldest representative of solutes with a small attachment structure at the apex of its stele [40]. Many experts took it as evidence that it was a one-armed pelmatozoan echinoderm, the ancestor or, vice versa, a paedomorphic descendant of eocrinoids [10,13]. In my opinion, however, the attachment organ of those echino- Figure 7. The origin of asymmetry in the early evo- derms is more likely to be homologous to the posterior lution of Bilateria via spontaneous deviations from part of the tail of hemichordates, some of which use it for bilateral symmetry, diagrammatically. temporary attachment, and clearly is not homologous to the attachment disk of present-day crinoid larvae because symmetric and bilaterally asymmetric forms evolved side otherwise we would find traces of elevation at least by side. among aberrant or juvenile solutes. If asymmetry is adaptive it can increase in evolution Moreover, it is unlikely that those animals had a until it reaches its logical end point. This is the condition closed ambulacral ring because otherwise we would find when a paired structure completely disappears on one among solutes forms with several arms. Incidentally, it is side, due to either reduction or migration onto the oppo- an argument against both the hypothesis that solutes site body side, while the analogous structure on the op- evolved from pentaradial echinoderms via paedomorpho- posite side grows larger. The latter process culminates sis and hypothesis that they are primitive eocrinoids. A when the remaining structure circles around the body comparison of solutes and one-armed crinoids also sug- axis and eventually forms a closed ring or sphere. gests that solutes originally lacked pentamery. Whatever Normally, all echinoderms are sinistral animals be- the degree of arms reduction in a crinoid, the ambulacral cause their right coeloms either become reduced or mi- channel remains circular and is never reduced to a pouch grate to the left body side. within the single arm. This is indicated by retention of ra- Elucidating specific reasons why that particular type dial arrangement of the calyx plates and by the single arm of asymmetry became fixed in echinoderm evolution re- being located not in the radius where the growth of the quires special study. hydrocoel begins. In the majority of better studied animal and plant taxa Cinctans had two ambulacra, the right one considera- displaying fixed directed asymmetry it was found to have bly shorter than the left. I suggest that in this case the been preceded by a randomly oriented asymmetric phe- ambulacral pouch became enlarged and elongated, and it notype [37]. It is possible that sinistrality became fixed was located on the ventral side under the mouth. The already in the soft-bodied ancestors of echinoderms. This cinctan gut was curved, as is seen from the anus being is evidenced by the extreme rarity of situs inversus cases located anteriorly, to the left of the mouth. This indicates in adult echinoderms [9,38,39], although such larvae of that the hydrocoel expansion, increase in the number of present-day species have often been generated in a labor- ambulacra and increase of asymmetry were all correlat- atory [29]. ed. The existence of correlation between these processes 6. RECONSTRUCTION OF THE is also confirmed by the structure of helicoplacoids, inter- HYDROCOEL STRUCTURE IN FOSSIL preted as triradiate echinoderms. Their derivation from ECHINODERMS pentaradial edrioasteroids via reduction of two ambula- In adults of all present-day echinoderms the hydrocoel cra [41] appears unlikely. These Early Cambrian animals forms a closed ambulacral ring with several outbound ra- are among the most ancient echinoderms and apparently dial channels. During ontogenesis the circular ambulacral they display the original echinoderm triradiate symmetry. channel develops from a pouchlike primordium. There- The ambulacral pouch with three ambulacra must have fore, it is likely that historically it evolved also from a had the shape of a horseshoe with closely approximated pouchlike ancestral hydrocoel. This process must have ends or, possibly, a closed ring. This may be the reason included several hypothetical stages: from a simple am- why the first three ambulacra in the original pentaradial

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Figure 8. Morphology of bilaterally-asymmetric echinoderms and echinoderms with primary radial symmetry: (a) the solute Maennilia, (b) the cinctan Trochocystites, (c) the helicoplacoid , and (d) edrioasteroid Isorophus.

2-1-2 pattern are generated by a mechanism (gradual center towards the radius C, and the ambulacra of some growth) different from the mechanism generating the forms symmetrically curved. It is possible that in some other two ambulacra (branching of already existing am- blastozoan echinoderms (eocrinoids, rhombiferans, para- bulacra). crinoids, and other groups) the circular channel was also The hydrocoel with five ambulacral channels transforms unclosed. Perhaps it was this characteristic that made into a closed ambulacral ring, as is seen in all present- possible the existence among these groups of representa- day echinoderms. Moreover, the ring remains closed if tives with a strongly flattened theca and a highly variable the number of radial channels increases or decreases. Ne- arrangement of the ambulacra. vertheless, it is possible that the ambulacral channel be- came a closed ring only with the origin of true pentamery, 7. CONCLUSIONS i.e. with all five channels coming directly off the ring. At the 2-1-2 stage of pentamery the channel could have The origin of the initial tripartite metamerism typical been incompletely closed, with its two ends closely ap- of echinoderm larvae was predetermined already by the proximated. In particular, it is possible that the ambula- functional division of the bodies of early bilaterians: the cral channel of some edrioasteroids was unclosed. head, trunk, and tail regions always have different func- This is suggested by several morphological characte- tions. The development of these regions is controlled by ristics of that group: the peristome often arched away colinear expression of a set of regulatory genes arranged from the interradius CD, the hydropore shifted from the successively on one chromosome. This ancestral tripar-

Copyright © 2014 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS S. V. Rozhnov / Natural Science 6 (2014) 171-183 181 tite metamerism and the gene system controlling its de- die phylogenetische Ableitung der Echinodermen. Sit- velopment must have played a role in the acquisition of zungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1.Abt, 132, 263-290. the triradial first and then pentaradial symmetry by the [4] Smith, A.B. (2005) The pre-radial history of echinoderms. circularly closed left middle coelom. The transformation Geological Journal, 40, 255-280. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gj.1018 of bilaterally-asymmetric three-segmented forms into pen- taradial echinoderms correlated with profound changes [5] Jefferies, R.P.S. (1986) The ancestry of the vertebrates. British Museum (Natural History), London, 376 p. in their morphology and life style. The main trend during this process was the increase of asymmetry. In the hydro- [6] Smith, A.B. (2008) Deuterostomes in a twist: The origins of a radical new body plan. 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