Twinned with the Methodist Church of Sierra Leone

Minutes of Synod/Circuit Meeting, 12th September 2020, 10.00 am, at St. Andrew’s United Reformed Church Douglas.

Welcomes and Opening Worship.

Rev. Richard Hall welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Rev. David Shirtliff led the opening devotions, including readings from Isaiah 40: 27 - 31, 1 Kings 19: 9 - 13 and Mark 6: 6- 13, 30 - 32, the singing of the hymns “Dear Lord and Father of mankind” and “Jesus, be the centre”, and a presentation on the ministry of Thie dy Vea (House of Life,, the new retreat centre in Peel, a place of welcome, hospitality, encouragement, exploration, community, rest, relaxation, refreshment and healing. David spoke about the development for the centre from its initial inception and plans for the future. Leadership is drawn from several different denominations.

District Business

Present were: Helen Norton, (, by Zoom), Rev. Richard Hall, (Chair), John Binns, (Secretary), Rev. Andy Fishburne, Rev. Steve Ingrouille, Rev. Bryan Yardy, Rev. Chris Belfield, Rev. David Shirtliff, Pat Costain, (Circuit Steward), Sue Montgomery, (Circuit Steward), Phyllis Jackson, (Circuit Steward), Harvey Garton, (Circuit Steward), Gareth Moore, (Circuit Steward), Eddie Teare, (Circuit Steward), Caroline Salmon, (MWiB), Kevin Mort, (Local Preachers and Worship Leaders secretary), Panda Dooley, (Youth and Community Worker), Rita Norrey, (Southern Mission Team), Linda Eccles, (Southern Mission Team), Dorrie Garton, (Abbeylands), Margaret Sadler, (Agneash), Mike Simm, (Agneash), Pat Godby, (Baldrine), Jean Wilkinson, (Ballafesson), Sue Young, (Ballagarey), John Cashen, (Ballakilpheric), Claire Quayle, (), Alwyn Collister, (Castletown), Lily Chapman, Julia Gilbert, (Colby), Jennifer Corrin, (The Cooil), Joy Creer, (The Cooil), Shirley Harper, (Kirk Michael), Marilyn Cannell, (Kirk Michael), Eileen Mellows, (), Karen Elliott, (Peel), Bert Quayle, (Peel), Jane Foxon, (), Judy Matthews, (Port Erin), Rosemary Cooil, (), Frank Cowin, (Promenade), Anne Cowell, (Promenade), John Craine, (Ramsey), Margaret Kennaugh, (St. John’s), Yvonne Creswell, (St. John’s), Henry Gorry, (Sulby), Derek Jones, (Sulby), Elaine Christian, (Trinity), David Quayle, ().

Apologies were received from: Rev. Richard Hooton, Fiona Cracknell, Clair Gelling, Marion Watterson, Keith Watterson, Simon Young, Hilary Sewell, Ann Quayle, Aimee Corlett, Chris Martin, Julia Sharples, Paul Craker, Celia Marshall and Christine Sugden.

There was no lay representation from: , Barregarrow, Crosby, , Pulrose, Sandygate and The Howe.

Dispensations: Revd. Rebecca Ingrouille

Appointment of scrutineers

The meeting agreed to appoint Rev. Andy Fishburne and Gareth Moore as scrutineers.

Letters of greeting

It was requested that letters of encouragement be sent to the President and Vice President of the British and Sierra Leone Methodist Conferences.

1. Report of Conference 2020

Rev. Bryan Yardy introduced the report and described the unprecedented nature of Conference, streamed from Cliff College by Zoom. The agenda had been restricted to a minimum of essential items and included the induction of the new President and Vice President. Bryan highlighted the overwhelming vote in favour of the new strategy for evangelism and growth, to be launched with a focussed year of prayer and introduced the video on the Evangelism and Growth Strategy

Caroline spoke particularly about the focus on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, with a reminder that Conference took place against the background of the Black Lives Matters movement, referring to testimonies about the ways in which the church falls short. She encouraged Synod to reflect those who might feel excluded, emphasising that when people are excluded the body of Christ is incomplete, and that we are more truly the body of Christ the more diverse we are in our churches.

Rev. Richard Hall mentioned the proposed changes to trusteeship and encouraged discussion at local level. “Proposals for change to the current structure now go to the next stage of consideration, including reviewing the number of Church Councils, a review of the size of the Conference and a wide-ranging review of the constitution and function of all connexional committees. The Conference directed that a proposal be brought to the 2021 Conference to raise the minimum size for a Local Church, together with examples of creative ways in which one Church on multiple sites and/or federations of classes under a united Church Council can enable local missional communities to flourish. In the light of this, the Conference further directed all Circuit Meetings to review the number of Church Councils in the Circuit and encouraged Church Councils to work together to determine the best way of working to achieve the minimum number of trustee bodies necessary to fulfil its calling. (From the Conference Business Digest).

Rev. Richard Hall also gave an update on the memorials that had been sent in to Conference.

2. Appointment of reps. to Conference 2021

It was agreed that Caroline Salmon and Rev. Bryan Yardy should continue as Conference representatives, (proposed Rev. Richard Hall, seconded Elaine Christian), and that substitutes should be Rev. Rebecca Ingrouille and Rita Norrey, (proposed Rev. Richard Hall, seconded Judy Matthews)

3. District Policy Committee Report a. District Finance

District Accounts

Appointment of Treasurer: It was agreed that Eddie Teare should continue as treasurer, (proposed Rev. Richard Hall, seconded Judy Matthews),

Independent Examiner

As Howard Pilley is stepping down, it was agreed that he should be succeeded by David Meyerhoff, (proposed Rev. Richard Hall, seconded Eddie Teare).

Standard form of accounts and schedules

Eddie Teare reported that the District Accounts are ready for examination and ready to send to Howard Pilley. Thanks were expressed to Charlton Krenz for his work in preparing them.

Howard was thanked for his work.

Attention was drawn to the slight change to the format of the Schedule B wording on the back two pages. Electronic copies are available from Eddie Teare.

Confirm District Budgets

Eddie Teare proposed that the District Budget agreed earlier in the year be accepted. This was seconded by Harvey Garton and agreed. Synod was reminded that the District Advance fund is available for mission projects, (but not buildings), and was encouraged to think about initiatives that could be supported.

Initial financial results for 2019-20

Eddie Teare reported that expenditure is in line with projections and that the figures will be shared with the examiner. There were no questions

4. Sierra Leone update

Paul Craine gave an update on the situation in Sierra Leone, highlighting significant population growth, with half of the population under 20, that churches had reopened and that there had been few deaths from Covid-19. There had been further progress with the HIV centre which should soon be open, despite some problems with connecting services.

5. TMMCP Business

It was reported that David Meyerhoff is stepping down as treasurer and that Alan Gelling will be taking over.

7. District Appointments were confirmed as listed in the Synod Directory, noting that Judy Matthews was stepping down as District Property Secretary and John Binns as Synod/Circuit Meeting Secretary. Rev. Richard Hall proposed that Helen Norton be appointed as Synod/Circuit Meeting Secretary with effect from the December meeting. This was seconded by Claire Quayle and agreed.

8. District Chair’s Appointment

John Binns reported that the nomination committee had conducted a discernment process and had not found anyone to fulfil the role at this stage

He proposed that Helen Norton be appointed as a substitute on the nomination committee as Sylvia Fryer had withdrawn, and Rob Simpson had stepped up to assume her place. This was seconded by Jane Foxon and agreed.

9. There was no other Synod business.

6. North West & Mann update

Edel McLean gave an update on initiatives and resources by Zoom and concluded the morning session with prayer.

Circuit Business

Ruth Walker gave an update on the work of SUMT since its move to Pulrose.

The Minutes of the December 2019 Circuit Meeting and the notes of the Circuit Meeting held on 18th June 2020 by Zoom were agreed.

The meeting remembered the life and work of Ian Whittaker, both in his role in the community and as a Local Preacher.

1. Staffing – Invitation Committee

Rev. Richard Hall reported the unanimous decision of the invitation committee that the invitation to Revs. Steve and Rebecca Ingrouille be extended for a further 5 years from September 2021.

2. Appointments

Circuit Stewards.

Rev. Richard Hall proposed that Pat Costain, Sue Montgomery. Eddie Teare, Phyllis Jackson, Harvey Garton, and Gareth Moore be reappointed. This was seconded by Judy Matthews and agreed.

Rev. Richard Hall proposed that Eddie Teare be reappointed as treasurer. This was seconded by Judy Matthews and agreed.


Rev Richard Hall proposed that Grant Thornton Ltd. be appointed. This was seconded by Pat Costain and agreed.

3. Leaders of Worship and Preachers meeting report

Kevin Mort reported that it was recommended that Caroline Salmon be received on to full plan, having completed her studies. Rev. Richard Hall proposed that the recommendation be accepted. This was seconded by Gareth Moore and agreed. Her recognition service would be included in the Local Preachers’ affirmation service on Advent Sunday. Kevin also reported that Louise Whitelegg, Linda Eccles and Pauline Corlett continue On Trial, and that Gareth Moore has been given a Note to Preach.

Rev. Steve Ingrouille asked congregations to think about people who might be encouraged to come forward and join with the new intake of preachers and worship leaders.

Additional item: Deed of union change

Rev. Richard Hall outlined the process that will need to be undertaken over the coming months in relation to a change to the Deed of Union regarding the leasing of premises, which will be addressed initially at Church Councils.

5. Methodist Women in Britain.

Caroline Salmon spoke about the focus on Mental Health Awareness, the impact of lockdown, and anxiety about world events that had been addressed at the July meeting, where it had been decided to do something to support people who are affected, to raise awareness of the issue, and facilitate conversations about coping with anxieties and concerns. She introduced a poster and leaflets that were being made available to churches.

She reported on the coffee morning in August, and thanked everyone for their support, which resulted in enough being raised enough to send two Ghanaian teenage girls to the Methodist women’s training centre at Kumasi for a year. She also encouraged people to attend forthcoming events and services.

6. Finance & Property.

Circuit Accounts

Eddie Teare reported that the accounts are expected to be completed by the end of November and that there would be a meeting with the auditors in early October.

He proposed that the budgets agreed earlier in the year be confirmed. The was seconded by Sue Montgomery and agreed.

He proposed that the assessments be confirmed also. This was seconded by Kevin Mort and agreed.

He informed the meeting of the change of bankers for the Circuit Expenses Fund.

There then ensued an inconclusive discussion about the formula used to calculate assessments, and the new model which had been shared in advance of the meeting.

Questions were asked about whether capital earmarked for specific projects should be taken into consideration, the basis on which attendance is calculated, the discrepancies between churches resulting from societies with large memberships, but small attendances, to what extent rental income should be taken into account, and the basis on which the assessment should be calculated for congregations that do not meet weekly.

It was agreed that a small group should meet to bring a final proposal to the December meeting.

Orrisdale update

Eddie Teare reported that a Court date has been set in January 2021 for a 3 day hearing to establish definitive title to the property.

Future of Kerrowkeil

Frank Cowin spoke to the paper that had been previously circulated, confirming that £1,800 of funding had been promised for each of the first three years, and that 12 people had volunteered to provide daily support.

Rev. Richard Hall proposed that the group be allowed to develop the project at Kerrowkeil at no cost to the circuit for a period of three years, and with no involvement from the Circuit staff, subject to the legal and financial situation being clarified. This was seconded by Paul Craine and agreed.


It was reported that the Sulby congregation were working hard hard to find finance for their development project

Port Erin

It was reported that Port Erin are ‘on borrowed time’ as far as the church building is concerned. Drawings to reconfigure part of church hall and create a new worship space are being produced and will be brought to the next meeting.


It was reported that evening services for the small congregation have ceased but the society isn’t closing. The Salvation Army will be holding their services in the building, probably for the next year, and there will be evening services with a youth and contemporary focus.

7. Schedules

Addressed under Finance above.

8. Safeguarding

Rev. Richard Hall gave an update on the training undertaken and required and reported that Tony Connell will now head up all training. Charlton Krenz holds records of who has undertaken what training, and of the people who have not undertaken required training, which there will be opportunities to do in the coming months. It was confirmed that Food Bank helpers can undertake foundation training.

9. Manor Ark update.

Panda Dooley spoke about the plans for 3generate, which will happen virtually over half term, and with which Sue Yardy will be involved. She reflected on her progression from Manor Ark to her new role as a member of the pastoral support team at , and as a youth worker for 7 hours per week at Manor Ark, including the resumption of the Friday night youth group.

10. Forthcoming events

Attention was drawn to the list of dates which was made available at the start of the meeting.

11. Any Other Business

Rev. Richard Hall drew the attention of the meeting to the Anglican Diocesan Strategy paper, which talks about co-operation with the Methodists, although there has as yet not been any consultation.

The meeting was informed that Quinquennial inspection information is now available

The meeting concluded with the singing of the hymn “This, this is the God we adore”.