Jacobi Medical Center Always the best of care. Now in the best of places. HHC - NYC Health & Hospitals Corporation (nyc.gov) A teaching hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Sutures, bandages and medicine are the tools that our physicians and caregivers use to restore the body. However, as physicians and caregivers we cannot ignore the power of the mind and the stimulating effect of art in the curative process. Our art...inspires the soul, which in turn heals and rejuvenates the body. Excerpt from The Medicine Of Art A Retrospective of Public Art in the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation, 1977 For more information on the Art of Caring Campaign, please call 718.918.3827 or e-mail
[email protected] Jacobi Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc. 1400 Pelham Parkway South Building 4, 7N5 Bronx, New York 10461 The Art of Caring he Art of Caring Campaign Suggested wording for recognition and dedicatory plaques affixed recognizes that medicine is an on individual pictures includes: Made Possible Through The Tart as much as a science; pays Generosity Of; Donated By; In Honor Of; In Recognition Of; In homage to an extraordinary array of Loving Memory Of; and, Dedicated To. caregivers whose interventions make the critical difference in both saving WAYS TO GET INVOLVED lives and optimizing recovery; and Jacobi Medical Center is supported by the Jacobi Medical Center acknowledges the power of the mind Auxiliary, Inc. a group of very special volunteers that helps to in the curative process, bringing art support and enhance the care provided at our hospital.