



ༀඣ௜໗҄ิശđ۲ཛᇶေ၄ਏᆷѓ࠿࿃໗ंಆ൧భਙb૮ሙ၄ਏ଴ีđؿఏࠢڛ၄ਏ҂෌b၂୍টđྍ޿၄ჽ၄ਏᇉਈა b၂ཛཛۚ଴؇aุགྷྍ޿ඣ௜֥ਢԵ၄ਏӮݔ۳ਔ໡ૌ҂ཬ֥ࣙ༟bܱ۾ಕ

၂ᇕᇕิശ၄ਏሧჷ൐Ⴈིੱ֥Ⴕི๯ࣥđ ༀሦ࿘ಣཌpll၂ཛཛь૶߲૶֥ईծڛ߲૶҂ُboྍ޿&ჽpaoྍ޿၄ਏ


࿐॓҂ᧁbݓࡅۚ࠯ඌ࿹࣮ؿᅚ࠹߃čĎཛଢᆞൔ৫ཛĠݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁࠆሧᇹཛଢᄜԷྍۚĠ4$* ં໓ؿіඔಆݓ

ࠩ࿐ඌ௹़uሱಖi၌Ԯ࿐v़֨ࠎԤ࿹࣮๬௥ྟ໓ᅣđֻ೘۱സ҆ࠩᇗׄൌဒ൩ઋ޼ྍ޿llᅟᄝ࿐॓oۚפ၄ჽஆ଀ֻ  ໊Ġ oളଁత฿࠹߃pa࿐॓ಕᅞ੻ܿ߃đಞ॓࿹ႄౣӻ࿃ؿ৯b 院长寄语ބpđoਢԵ࿹࣮ᇏྏpڂჰpഈյᄯ࿐॓oۚ PREFACE BY HOSPITAL PRESIDENT



đoܵ৘ԷྍiiྍӮӉpaފ৫၄ჽ༵܄ༀ҆षݓଽم৘Էྍđဆၶoܵ৘ԛളଁp֥ᆇፂbӮ৫ܵ ଽ॥ህཛ֩၂༢ਙԷྍईծঘषਔܵ৘Էྍ֥ᖥଞb Who Is Dancing with These Rainbow Colors in the Sky The year of 2014 is destined to be an extraordinary one in which it, eying on , is "the first year of deepening reform" completely full of outstanding accomplishments. ᆃ၂୍đྍ޿ದൌൌᄝᄝᄽ۴ᄝჱࡹֹ౵đᇹ৯ྍࡿळ൉ؽჽoԷ೘ࡊp֥ᆘӱĠ A series of reform measures has been implemented, showing a series of new changes and new situation, creating a new look and a new set-up. Focusing on Xinhua, the ;৫၄ჽჱࡹཅࠩ၄ new twelve word policy of "strengthen connotation, emphasize actual effect, create new features, and promote development" became the motto of spirit of the year܄ ჱࡹԌૼੂ୍đӮࣼն྘ ᄉଲЌ೶൧ದ૶၄ჽࣉྛؓ१ᆦჱؓ Sticking to reform and innovation, quality medical service and connotation construction is “the New Normal”; remarkable medical achievements, wholehearted benefits to .…ਏᇏྏ֥ٓ২b the patients, fruitful research results, rich cultural heritage, management innovation

Remarkable medical achievements have been gained. For the past year, the medical and service quality of Xinhua Hospital has been steadily improved; the main measures ߄჏ϮϜ๝ of quality health care continuously have come out top in the city. Aiming at the medical problems and initiating clustered work towards the key breakthroughs, Xinhuaڄ໓߄҂ᣳđႿ໭ലԩ๳ٙ޿b၂۱۱া༯ྍ޿ႆ࠺֥໓߄௖இđೂԽ .ྏโboुර໭đԩԩႵp֥ቋۚ࣢ࢸđ֡ԛ Hospital has made gratifying achievements in clinical and medical work֥۽ྏؿᅚ֥ᆞିਈሩ೎ࣉਔᆯ

၄ჽ໓߄ୠྏऊ৯֥ᅦ৯b Patients have been wholeheartedly served. The convenience measures as "Xinhua E hospital", "Xinhua medical service hotline" etc., and a variety of effective ways to enhance the efficiency of using medical resource have been continuously implemented in the practice of the service to the patients.

Ⴛ؋ᄠ֥ൈࡗᇠഈ֥đ Fruitful research results have been achieved. The national high technology research and development project (863) was officially approved; the number of the NationalطᄝᆃથӉ۬קđა໡ૌߨ൭ቔљđ୍  Natural Science Foundation funded projects reached a high record; the hospital was ranked twenty-second in the number of papers published in SCI by the whole country’s ൞ྍ޿ᨲᨮభྛ֥ࡔൌቀࠖb hospitals; the top academic journal of "Nature-Genetics" will publish the articles on basic research breakthroughs; the third provincial and ministerial key laboratories was setup in Xinhua… Standing on the scientific "plateau" to create discipline "peak", the "clinical research centers" and " a thousand day plan on Life" and discipline group strategic planning have sustained their force to the scientific research engine.

In 2014, the roadmap for the "outside talent training program", "top qualified talent development fund" was promoted to a higher level. Different "runways" have been designed for the training of excellent backbones and discipline leaders to implement the way of targeted training, increment from gradient to height and coexistence of level and thickness.

Management innovation has deduced the essence of "Life comes from management". The hospital was the first one of the domestic public hospitals to establish the Legal Department, and started the management innovation with a series of innovative measures like the "management innovation -- new growth" and the internal control of special project s.

Over the past year, rooting in construction supported area, Xinhua people has supported Xinjiang Kashi No. 2 Hospital to develop itself into a “class A grade three 院 长 : hospital"đgiven targeted aid to Yunnan Baoshan People's Hospital and facilitated the development of Chongming Central Hospital for six years, setting an example of a large public hospitals to support a county level medical center.

President : Rich cultural heritage has been continuously carried forward and a multitude of cultural flowers blossom in the silence. Like spring breeze and rain, Xinhua culture brands moist the positive energy of concentric development into the staff's hearts. The highest realm of "Seemingly there is nothing but exist everywhere" marked the tension of hospital culture to gather the strength.

The year of 2014 ended but fixed in the long and short axes of time is a solid footprint of Xinhua forging ahead courageously. ෤᫧ჽӉ Sun Kun, President

໱ᬯ֔຾඀࠺ Wu Hao, Party Secretary

඀࠺ڬჽӉ֔຾ڬᠱ࣡ܤ Gu Qijing, Vice President,Vice Party Secretary

ჽӉ໱ڬჽӉ ໱ᡐڬ໱ᤜૼ Wu Yeming, Vice President Wu Tao,Vice President

ჽӉਾڬჽӉ ਾ႖ќڬᇛќ Zhou Bin, Vice President Liu Yingbin,Vice President

඀࠺ڬჽӉ ᅦᅦݽ֔຾ڬ৙࣑඾ Li Jingsong, Vice President Zhang Hao,Vice Party Secretary

ჽӉڬჽӉ ӱӱૼڬᅦࣁୡ Zhang Jinning,Vice President Cheng Ming,Vice President Content 目录







7 Ѹ ѸኒeᚷՋ ܷӝዴនὋᚷՋѸள ̾ѸளူএὋኒᡐܷྕ ʿԪᄽৰὋߵએၶ֐̾ ᖯᔎĀĀڗᤇྞᕎᕎ፮ڙᝧᄟཨၶ఺Ὃ Ӟᬓഐц HOSPITAL BRIEFING ◆

၄ჽbྟކඋ࢝࿐၄ჽđԷࡹႿ  ୍đ൞ྍᇏݓӮ৫ၛটഈݚሱྛഡ࠹ࡹഡ֥൮ࡅሸڸྍ޿၄ჽ൞ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ



Founded in 1958, Xinhua Hospital is a affiliated to Jiaotong University School of Medicine. It is the first general hospital designed and established by Shanghai people themselves after the founding of PRC With more than 50 year’s efforts of all Xin Hua staff to make it prosperous, the hospital has become a modern comprehensive institution with a complete installation of disciplines, special features and integrated with medical treatment, education and scientific researches. Xinhua Hospital has won the titles of “National Advanced Collectivity”, “National Advanced Unit in Health System”, “National Advanced Unit in Hospital Cultural Construction” and “Shanghai Civilized Unit”.

±学科齐全,具有特色 ±品牌辐射,协调发展 Complete installation of disciplines with special features Brand expansion with coordinated development

ӱ҆ඇđ၄ჽ In accordance with the overall deployment of "5 +3 +1" project in Shanghai medical۽o  p۪ڿದđष٢Ե໊ඔ  Ⴥ The hospital has a complete installation of disciplines with 3490 staff, over 2000 οᅶഈݚ൧၄ਏ໏ളุᇅ  ۽၄ჽ࿐॓ఊಆđགྷႵჴ medical beds, 47 clinical departments, 10 medical technology departments, 8 and health system reform, the hospital takes full responsibility for upgrading ቔđஊԛᆔಸ఼ն֥ህࡅؒ໸ӈ Chongming Hospital to tertiary level and sends a strong lineup of experts to۽ᄳԌૼ೘ࠩ၄ჽԷࡹڵༀ௜෻b technological platforms for medical service. With strong medical strengths and ಆ૫ڛᅦđ ۱ਢԵ॓൩đ ۱၄࠯॓൩đ ۱၄ਏ࠯ඌა ๙ݖ೘ࠩ၄ჽ௟ബđӮູഈݚ൧ື၂၂ Chongming branch. Chongming Hospital successfully passed tertiary level reviewۿჽӮٳჽđٳ၄ჽᆜุ၄ਏൌ৯ྦިđห೤༷ૼđགྷႵ  ۱ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄ distinctive characteristics, the hospital boasts 10 national key clinical specialties, ሁԌૼ Children’s Stone Diagnosis and Treatment of National Health and Family Planning and became the only pilot hospital in Shanghai for standardized diagnosis and ”ຓ॓ Commission, Shanghai Clinical Center for Pediatric Surgery, Shanghai Maternaty ࡅݓࡅᇖਿܿٓ߄ᆐᇍ൫ׄ၄ჽb၄ჽቔູ੃๨ቆࡹoྍ޿Ē treatment of tumor. The hospital set up “Xinhua-Chongming medical consortiumظ๠ࢲെѨᆐਏᇏྏaഈݚ൧ཬظህ॓đݓࡅ໏ള࠹ള຾ ཚb൳ with itself as the core, which has realized resource sharing among 24 public܋৫၄ჽ֥ሧჷ܄pđൌགྷ֛ଽ  ࡅุކ৳ఽࣷᇏྏaഈݚ൧ and Newborn Critical Care Center, Shanghai Prenatal Diagnosis Center, Shanghai Ԍૼ၄ਏظྍളބڹਢԵ၄࿐ᇏྏaഈݚ൧າᇗᄓӁ hospitals in the island. Entrusted by Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and oळ൉ֹ౵ؽჽᇗׄ࿐ Shanghai Municipal Government, the hospital took the responsibility for overallטᄳ๤Ԕླྀڵ຾ກđکӁభᆐ؎ᇏྏaഈݚ൧๐৯ᅰθᆐᇍᇏྏၛࠣ  ۱ഈݚࢌ๙ն Tong University Diagnosis and Treatment Centers for Special Diseases. ഈݚ൧຾a൧ᆟ coordination of “Key Discipline Construction Project of Kashi No. 2 Hospital” ቔᇏіགྷԛ೤đ۽࿐ህѨᆐᇍᇏྏb ॓ࡹഡཛଢpđյᄯଲࡿ၄࿐ᇏྏb၄ჽᄝჱׂ and building of medical center in South Xinjiang. In view of its excellent medical ቔ༵ࣉุࠢpӫݼđ൞ഈݚ aiding work for Yunnan, the hospital was granted the honor of “National Group۽Ф൱ჍoಆݓӬཔ၄ჽؓ१ᆦჱ ±科教比翼,硕果累累 for Counterpart Support Work between Urban and Rural Hospitals”. It is the only ൧ື၂ࠆՎӫݼ֥၄ჽb Scientific research and education brings about fruitful results hospital in Shanghai to have won this honorary title.

.࠹  ۱b The hospital has a total of 11 National/Shanghai key specialties and research bases܋၄ჽႚႵݓࡅࠣഈݚ൧ᇗׄ࿐॓ࠇ࿹࣮ࠎֹ In recent years, a great number of fruitful scientific results have been yielded. ±交流合作,与时俱进 ԛđࠆ֤ݓࡅ॓࠯ࣉ҄ࢂ  ཛaസ҆ࠩ॓࠯ The hospital has won two National Science & Technology Progress Awards and 16 Exchanges and cooperation, Keeping pace with the timesם୍࣍ট॓࿹Ӯݔ ࣉ҄ࢂ  ཛĠസ҆ࠩၛഈ॓࿹ज़ี  ཛĠؿі 4$* ໓ᅣ Science & Technology Progress Awards at Provincial/Ministerial above; obtained Since 1970s, the hospital has established collaborative programs and academic ܋ܒresearch programs at Provincial/Ministerial level or above. 668 SCI papers ሱഈൗࡀ௾൅୍սఏđ၄ჽषᅚაః෱ݓࡅ֥၄ਏࠏ 419 ௉bྍ޿ਢԵ၄࿐ჽഡႵഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽਢԵ၄࿐༢a have been published. There are four faculties in the School of Xinhua Clinical exchange with more than 20 overseas hospitals and institutions, including  ࿐ඌ University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Wisconsin Schoolބቔކ၄ჽࡹ৫ႶݺބቔཛଢđაݓຓჇ  ෮ն࿐ކࡹ ࿐༢ඹ۱၄࿐࢝ტ࿐༢đ Medicine, namely Clinical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Pediatrics and Faculty of॓ޤа࿳ع࿐༢a॓ظਢԵႏအ༢a ,၄࿐ჽaૅݓຯථूྌ of Medicine, McMaster University, University of Ottawa Faculty of MedicineغOtolaryngology. The hospital now has 63 tutors for the training of doctor degree ࢌੀđЇওૅݓᆤࡆۢն࿐௴৚Շक़ གྷႵѰൖള֝ഽ  ଀aණൖള֝ഽ  ଀b၄ჽᇶϷ֥ህြ students, 130 tutors for the training of master degree students. Edited by the Assistance Publique - Hopitaux De Paris and dozens of its affiliated hospitals in ն࿐၄࿐ჽaࡆଦնચक़ઔථหն࿐aࡆଦնᛵ෾޿ն࿐၄࿐ჽa hospital, the “Journal of Clinical Pediatrics” and the “Journal of Biology Education” France, etc. The variety of increasing international exchanges have not only given ࡅݓ࠽؟u࢝ტള໾࿐ᄖᆽvФބᄖᆽv॓ظ࿐ඌ௹़uਢԵ ݓϘ৓໏ളअࠣః༯උඔ൅ࡅ၄ჽ֩b۲োݓ࠽ࢌੀࠃ׮ய a great impetus to the rapid development of the hospital but also brought forth toم .have been included by several international retrieval databases ࡟෬ඔऌ९൬੣b the world a good image. ᅚൕਔᇏݓ၄ჽٳѱषᅚđ࠻ູ၄ჽ֥ؿᅚᄹเਔࠃ৯đ္ԉ 设施先进,设备精良 ਅݺྙའb± Advanced facilities and sophisticated equipment

၄ჽᅝֹ૫ࠒ  ଙđሹุࡹᇽ૫ࠒ  ຣ௜ٚ૜đഡ The hospital has an area of more than 7.27 hectares with a building acreage of 192,000 square meters. The hospital offers a beautiful and comfortable ീ၂ੀ֥ࠤᆐնੌa૊ᆐაଽ॓նੌaຓ॓նੌa၄ਏЌࡲሸ environment to patients with such first class medical facilities as emergency ၄࠯ੌູѨದ building, outpatient and internal medicine building, surgical building, healthcareބੌ॓ڑa१స௃ੌظڹຓ॓նੌaظaཬੌކ building, pediatric surgical building, Gynecology/Obstetrics, stomatology and ਔႪૅaൽൡ֥ࣼ၄ߌ࣢b50.0a1&5$5a%4$5čච dermatology building, and medical technology building. Patients are provided܂ิ ჷ $5Ďa41&$5a-"a%4"a.3*aࠢӮܻࠗӑലࢺೆ༢๤a with high quality services by various advanced medical equipment, including TOMO, PET-CT, DSCT, SPECT, LA, DSA, MRI, integrated intervention system of laser ᆒӮཞ༢๤aۚ࿢č֮࿢Ď ultrasound, argon helium cryogenic operation system, mobile magnetic resonance܋ᥢݛ֮໑൭ඌ༢๤a၍׮ൔඌᇏՈ imaging system in operation, high-pressure (low pressure) oxygen therapy chamber ሰܻࠗ֩ቆӮਔ఼ն֥གྷս߄၄ਏഡСᆔಸđٳሙބသᇍਏҜ and excimer laser, which ensures the high quality of diagnosis and treatment. ᇍਏ֥௖ᇉbބ؎ಒЌਔᆐ

  ਢԵ॓൩ ጸጻ౶౞ Clinical Department ANAGEMENT STRUCTURE◆ M ྏᄣࢺೆᆐᇍ҆ഫӮྖ Ӂ॓ဗቃᑈ ېDepartment of Cardiac Intervention, ྏ࿓ܵଽ॓৙ၪ Shen Chengxing Cardiology, Li Yigang Obstetrics, Yang Zujing

ཨ߄ଽࣤᆐᇍ҆ྷূ૾ ᅦ௛॓ڹ Department of Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment, ཨ߄ଽ॓ٓࡹۚ ༀ҆ Xu LeimingLeiming Gastroenterology, Fan Jiangao Gynecology, Zhang Pingم ൩č၄ਏ൙ြؿᅚ҆Ď཯ќ܄ჽӉϷ President’s Office, Department of Medical and Health Development, Legal Department Xiao Bin σ൩֖ Archives Office ଽ॓Д၂ཱظ ་ଽ॓ݒ࿒बޫ ၄ༀ҆ӧ৅ ᇉਈ॥ᇅϷ܄൩ Respiratory Medicine, Guo Xuejun Pediatric Internal Medicine, Bao Yixiao Medical Affairs Office, Chen Lei Quality Control Office Ѩൎ൩ Medical Records Room ࿓၁࣪߄҆੤᠚ യᄣଽ॓ࢀ۷ೂ ་ଽ॓Д၂ཱޫظಙܵ৘॓ Department of Blood Purification, ཬۋ၄ჽ Nephrology, Jiang Gengru Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine, Bao Yixiao ၄ༀؽ҆ࢀ࿒ૈ Nosocomial Infection Control Lu Wei No. 2 Medical Affairs Office,Jiang Xuemei

תᇗᆡ၄࿐॓ᇫཫظ൩ ࿓၁ଽ॓ݹනݓ ཬ܄၄ਏЌགϷ Health Insurance Office Hematology, Hao Siguo Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Zhu Xiaodong ڌ૊ࠤᆐ҆൞म Outpatient & Emergency Department, Shi Junfeng ຓ॓຦मظ ૟්॓ౝٳༀᇏྏ ଽڛь૶ Convenience Service Center Endocrinology, Su Qing Pediatric Surgery, Wang Jun ༀಣཌڛ ޹৘҆ӧݚဉ Nursing Department, Chen Haiyan Service Line ൩ പࣜଽ॓ਾᆒݓ܄૊ࠤᆐϷ ᅵ৓॓ܠظ Outpatient & Emergency Office Neurology, Liu Zhenguo Pediatric Orthopedics, Zhao Li ॓࿹҆ศᤜᡅ Department of Scientific Research, Tao Yexuan த޹ᇏྏ Accompany & Care Center ᇖਿ॓ᆢ৅ᆋ ๠აౝഒ୍Ќࡲ॓ᅦ࣑඾ظ Oncology, Zheng Leizhen Child & Adolescent Healthcare, Zhang Jinsong ॓࿹ᇏྏ ದ৯ሧჷ҆ӧཫ౗ Scientific Research Center Department of Human Resources, Chen Xiaoqin ׮໾ൌဒᇏྏ ঺୍၄࿐॓ӧ඀ဇ Experimental Animal Center Geriatrics, Chen Shuyan ਢԵྏ৘॓ᅦ࣑඾ ੾৘Ϸ܄൩ Medical Psychology, Zhang Jinsong Ethics Office ҍༀ҆ୂब໓ ൩ ࠤᆐ၄࿐॓஌ආૼ܄৘ϷܵٮFinancial Department, Ni Junwen ൬ ᇫࡹྜྷ॓ظCharging Management Office Emergency Medicine, Pan Shuming ྍള Neonatology, Zhu Jianxing

൩܄ሧӁܵ৘҆׬০फ ߶࠹ܵ৘Ϸ Department of Property Management, Dong Lijun Accounting Management Office ᇏ၄॓໱ૹ ၄࿐॓؄ౝگू TCM, Wu Min Rehabilitation Medicine, Du Qing

Department ofAdministration ᆯି҆૊ ൩܄ӱ҆ณࡹ௜ ιݓ໏ളܵ৘຾ჴ߶Ϸ۽ Engineering Department, Tang Jianping Office of Patriotic Health Committee ௴ຓ॓ਾ႖ќ ྏ࿓ܵ॓ӧ෦ظGeneral Surgery, Liu Yingbin ཬ Pediatric Cardiology,Chen Sun

Ӌຓ॓ա੃ۓ ඾มܤ൩܄ིࠛܵ৘Ϸ പࣜຓ॓ઔࢭظPerformance Management Office, Gu Songtao Colorectal Surgery, Cui Long ཬ Pediatric Neurosurgery, Ma Jie

๭඀ܶ ڃ༏ܵ৘҆৙༵ྐ Department of Information Management,Li Xianfeng Library ྏྣຓ઼॓ई Cardiothoracic Surgery, Mei Ju ނ၄࿐॓຦ߩ Nuclear Medicine, Wang Hui

പࣜຓ॓৙ൗ๕ ൩๠฿঵ Neurosurgery, Li Shiting ူ࿐҆ᅦࡲ܄ࢳϷט၄ߑ Doctor-patient Mediation Office, Tong Tianlang Pharmacy, Zhang Jian

૟୕ຓ॓ఊᵻ ࣁᇒ૾ Urology, Qi Jun ࡟ဒ॓ഫ৫඾҆۽၄ༀഠ Department of Medical Social Work, Jin Zhongming Clinical Laboratory, Shen Lisong ူ໾ਢԵ൫ဒϷ܄൩ GCP Office ᆜྙຓ॓୸ဝ฿བ ൩Ď Plastic Surgery, Ouyang Tianxiang ൻ࿓॓ณӔ᤟܄൩čࣚപ໓ૼϷ܄຾Ϸ֔ Blood Transfusion, Tang Zhaohui i ܤќ ߛ఼ Party Committee Office(Spiritual Civilization Office) 2014.1-2015.3 Gu Bin, 2015.3 Huangqiang תӧཫ॓ܠ ٢ഝ॓ລ֨ќ Orthopedics, Chen Xiaodong Radiology, Wang Dengbin ൩܄Ϸކ৳ڹౝ۽  ཯ќ ઐቊაᇗᆡ၄࿐॓ ٢ഝࢺೆ॓୸ဝ఼ ဗ੪न  ğ຦ႇ຿aӧ၇ब Interventional Radiology, Ouyang Qiang ܤќ  െ࿐ၿ Labor Union/ Women’s Committee/Youth League, 2014.1-2014.8 Xiao ႕ཞ൩ Bin, 2014.8-2015.3 Yang Lvjun,2015.3 Gu Bin Photography Room Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine 2014:Wang Yingwei, Chen Yijun 2015:Shi Xueyin ڂѨ৘॓຦৫ Pathology, Wang Lifeng

๨࣠ຓ॓ဗफޤа࿳ع ޣ൩ഔ܄ࡀࡓബϷ Discipline/Inspection/Audit Office, Shao Hong ๐৯ᇏྏߛᇍ໾ Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, ӑലᆐ؎॓ӧ࿰ౝ Hearing Center, Huang Zhiwu Yang Jun Ultrasound diagnosis, Chen Yaqing ჽ༢Ϸ܄൩ ࿆Ԯ҆ Department Administrative Office ᇆ಴ ਢԵႏအ॓ณ౩ចိ॓ڑߛ఼ ࣁᇒ૾ ௃  Publicity Department, Dermatology, Yao Zhirong Clinical Nutrition, Tang Qingya 2014.1-2015.3Huang Qiang,2015.3Jin Zhongming ࿹࣮ളܵ৘Ϸ܄൩ Graduate Students Management Office १స॓ࢀৡ௛ ರࡗѨٜઔॏ ໳ልЌ໏҆ථम૶ Stomatology, Jiang Liping Day Ward, Ma Ke Department of Security and Safeguard, Si Junmin ࠿࿃࢝ტϷ܄൩ Continuous Education Office ౹ܻ൭ඌᆐᇍ҆৙ݚဉ Department of Excimer Laser Treatment, Li Haiyan င॓ᅵ஡ಅ ุ࡟หᆐ҆຦ᆒม ਢԵ၄࿐ჽഔྍ޿ ၄ഽ஡࿞Ϸ܄൩ Ophthalmology, Zhao Peiquan Health Exam & Vip Service, Wang Zhentao School of Xinhua Clinical Medicine, Shao Xinhua Doctor Training Office


◎ 门急诊人次 ◎ 平均住院天数 ◎人员分布 Total number of outpatient and emergency patients Average length of stay Staff Structure

· ၄ള 932ದ Doctors 7.3% ๝бᄹࡆ 6.54% Increased by 6.54% ๝б༯ࢆ 2.71% descend by 2.71% 3.6% · ޹ൖ 1665ದ 3.5% 26.7% Nurses čຣĎ 11.2% · ၄࠯ 390ದ 450 8 7.71 Medical Technicianss 413.48 7.53 400 388.11 7.5 · ܵ৘ 121ದ 350 Administrators 6 250 47.7% ౗ 126ದ۽ · 4.5 200 Logistic Workers 150 3 100 · ః෰ 256ದ 50 1.5 Others 0 0 ކ࠹ 3490ದ 2013୍ 2014୍ 2013年 2014年 Total

◎ 出院人次 ◎ 床位使用率 Total number of discharged inpatients Bed Usage ◎医生职称结构 ◎护士职称结构 Professional Titles of Doctors Professional Titles of Nurses ๝бᄹࡆ 7.96% Increased by 7.96% ๝б༯ࢆ 2.23% descend by 2.23%

ᇶ಩޹ഽ 8ದ 0.5%ڬ · ᇶ಩၄ഽ 136ದ · 120000 120.00% botanic physician 11.6% 14.6% co-chief superintendent 102.78% 100000 99.77% 23.6% 97476 100.00% 239 393 ᇶ಩၄ഽ ದ · ᇶܵ޹ഽ ದڬ · 90286 80000 80.00% associate chief physician nurse 40.0% 60000 60.00% · ᇶᇍ၄ഽ 449ದ 25.6% · ޹ഽ 597ದ physician nurse-in-charge 40000 40.00% 108 48.2% 667 20000 20.00% · ၄ഽ ದ · ޹ൖ ದ physician primary nurse 35.9% 0 0% 2013୍ 2014୍ ކ࠹ ದ ކ࠹ ದ 2013年 2014年 Total Total

◎ 医生学历结构 ◎护士学历结构 ◎ 手术例数 ◎ 药占比 Educational Degrees of Doctors Educational Degrees of Nurses Total number of surgical patients Ratio of drug income to operating income

0.8% ๝бᄹࡆ 10.15% Increased by 10.15% ๝бᄹࡆ0.79% Increased by 0.79% · Ѱൖ 352ದ · ණൖ 13ದ Doctor Degree Master Degree 9.0% 16.3% · ණൖ 428ದ · Ч॓ 471ದ 28.2% Master Degree Bachelor Degree 120000 100.00% 37.8% · նህ 1032ದ 100000 · Ч॓ 152ದ 80.00% Bachelor Degree College Graduate 80000 74174 60.00% ކ࠹ 932ದ · ᇏህ 149ದ 60000 67342 Total Special 40.00% 45.9% 62.0% 40000 38.21% 38.51% ކ࠹ 1665ದ 20000 20.00% Total

0 0% 2013୍ 2014୍ 2013年 2014年


◎ 总收入(万元) ◎ 总支出(万元) Total lncome Total Expenditure

๝бᄹࡆ 10.1%% Increased by 10.1%% ๝бᄹࡆ 7.88% Increased by 7.88%

450000 450000 400000 400000 350000 350000 290020 319298 309117 250000 250000 286526 200000 200000 150000 150000 100000 100000 50000 50000 0 0 2013୍ 2014୍ 2014୍ 2013୍

◎ 总收入(万元) Total Income

· ၄ਏ൬ೆ 293323 აഈ୍бࢠᄹӉčĎ Medical service ҍᆟཛଢҀᇹ॓࢝ཛଢ൬ೆ · ҍᆟࠎЧҀᇹ 8492 12.94% Subsidy 5.33% · ҍᆟཛଢҀᇹ 2816 3.4% Financial assistance Science ၄ਏ൬ೆҍᆟࠎЧҀᇹ ః෰൬ೆ · ॓࢝ཛଢ൬ೆ 7984 project income -5.28% · ః෰൬ೆ  Others ކ࠹  Total į -61.55%

◎ 总支出(万元) Total Expenditure

აഈ୍бࢠᄹӉčĎ 93718 ٮದჴࣜ · Personnel གࣁڄ౼၄ਏิ · ໏ളҋਘ 73421 ҍᆟཛଢᆦԛ॓࢝ཛଢᆦԛ Medical materials

15.93% %14.52 100670 ٮ௖ူ · 12.87% 12.79% Medicine 6.57% 0.68% ః෰ᆦԛٮႨࣜ܄ః෰ٮሧӁᅼࣸקܥٮ໏ളҋਘူ௖ٮሧӁᅼࣸขཧ 12446 ದჴࣜ · Depreciation of fixed assets  གࠎࣁڄ౼၄ਏิ · Extraction of medical capital -15.65% -20.44%  ٮႨࣜ܄ః෰ · Other public funds · ః෰ᆦԛ  Others į · ҍᆟཛଢᆦԛ  -84.12% Financial projects · ॓࢝ཛଢᆦԛ  Science and education programs ކ࠹  Total

  ள ள᠁eཟԦ ࠼ளὋ੝̾࣡᭞˝ځ Ὃʹ៵ᡱள֖̠ڠܸ ७᮲Njᣑ೔Ὃ࣎భ˧ᓂੳ࣌ᤉᛠ ͛ᤫྕᄉҦ᧙Ὃ୦୞ளᄉ࣎భĀĀ

ƣ˵ȟϚ  ¤Ãͻj¬̻Ϝ ƣÏ˗ȟF̃ˀĠ r FĿ̰ĥ ΉʒF˄ˆ<Ș<͌BBBHȘ¬˄ˆ΅ISό}))°Ή ݓं৚࿹࣮෮مࡕ၄ჽפ᧘ܸᝮ̃ ᄅರđൗࢸδᆡ࿹࣮აᇍਏ IMPORTANT EVENTS ◆ č*n*OTUJUVU$VSJFĎభ෮Ӊ1JFSSF#&:࢝൱aᇖਿնଽ ॓ᇶ಩-BVSFOU.*(/05࢝൱၂ྛট໡ჽҕܴࢌੀbࢌੀ :&#ᇖਿ၄࿐ࢌੀંฆđ1JFSSFمࡗđᄝ໡ჽईྛਔᇏ௹ BVSFOU.*(/05࢝൱ࢺകਔं৚࿹࣮෮֥ؿᅚሑ-ބ࢝൱ ࠆࢂᆀઑৡcं৚ࡹ৫֥đӮ৫ᇀغঃđ࿹࣮෮൞Ⴎ୶Н ࣂၘႵϤ୍৥ൎđՖࠎԤ࿹࣮֞ਢԵᇍਏ҂؎षຉԷྍđ 1月 ၘࣜӮູࢤବটሱಆ౯ᇖਿߑᆀ֥ᆩ଀ᇍਏᇏྏbචٚࣂ ࿐॓ࡹഡજބቔđ๷׮ದҌ஡အކJanuary ުࡼࣉ၂҄ᄹࣉ܎๙ა ഈྍ෻ࢨb

February 20 Prof. Pierre BEY, former president of I’Institut Curie in France, the world’s top hospital in the medical fields of cancer research and treatment, and Prof. Laurent MIGNOT, director of the hospital’s Department of Internal Medicine, as well as their accompanies paid an exchange visit to our hospital. During the exchange, Sino French Forum for Medical Exchange of Oncology was held. Prof. Pierre BEY and Prof. Laurent MIGNOT briefed the development of I’Institut Curie. With history of more than 100 years, the Institute was established by Marie Curie, a Nobel laureate. With continuous innovation in the fields of basic research and clinical treatment, it has become a famous treatment center accepting worldwide cancer patients from all over the word. The two sides will further enhance the communication and cooperation and promote personnel training and discipline construction to a new level.

ຓ॓ਢԵ၄࿐ᇏྏնੌظᄅರđཬ ௴ظຓ॓čЇওཬظ3月 ᆞൔ๧ೆ൐Ⴈbཬ ૟୕ຓ॓aظຓ॓aཬظMarch ๙ຓ॓aྍള aཬ॓ܠظᇖਿຓ॓۲ህြĎđཬظཬ ᇗᆡ၄࿐॓֩༑ඔϬظപࣜຓ॓aཬظ థᇀྍնੌđđԵ໊ඔղ֞ᅦđࢠ ຓ॓ظᆭభᄹࡆਔ၂Пb๧ೆ൐Ⴈ֥ཬ ದҕࡆਔն߶bᆞൔ܋ਙ༜սіބսіն߶ੈᇗईྛđᆯսі۽ᄅರđྍ޿၄ჽֻ൅ࢽ௾Ցᆯ ਢԵ၄࿐ᇏྏնੌࡼӮູഈݚମᇀಆݓ ۽୍ބቔሹࢲ۽ᠱ࣡ᇶӻbն߶іथ๙ݖਔuྍ޿၄ჽ୍ܤ߶ᇶ༜۽඀࠺aڬ߶ၰႮ֔຾ ຓ॓ቋགྷս߄֥ህ॓նੌđྙӮ໡ظཬ ބ࠹߃vauྍ޿၄ჽ୍؇ҍༀБ୍ۡބष౦ঃБۡ܄ቔ࠹߃vauྍ޿၄ჽ୍ჽༀ ຓ॓ᆐਏ֥ࠢᇏ၄ਏ౵თđࠞնֹظჽ սіն߶थၰvb֔຾඀࠺෤᫧۽؇ყෘ࠹߃vđն߶ቋުіथ๙ݖਔuྍ޿၄ჽֻ൅ࢽ௾Ցᆯ୍ ๠ߑᆀ֥ࣼ၄ߌ࣢đߏࢳਔଢభظ೿ڿ սіჽ֔຾ቋުቔᇗေࢃ߅b ྍ၂੽॓ظ๠ᇾჽ଴֥གྷሑđູྍ޿ظ ਔ۷ܼখ֥ॢࡗb܂January 24 The Seventh Session of the Tenth Xinhua Hospital Workers Conference was held with a total of 237 delegates and observer- ؿᅚิ representatives attended the meeting. The official meeting was chaired by Gu Qijing, Deputy Secretary of the Party committee and chairwoman of the Trade Union. At the general meeting, "Xinhua Hospital Work Summery of 2013 and Work Plan of 2014 ", "Report on March 31 Shanghai Clinic Medical Center for the Publicity of Xinhua Hospital Affairs of 2013 and Plan of 2014", "Xinhua Hospital Annual Financial Report of 2013 and Annual Financial Pediatric Surgery building was formally put into use. Budget of 2014" and "Resolution of the Seventh Session of the Tenth Xinhua Hospital Workers Conference " were approved by voting. On All the departments of Pediatric Surgery (including behalf of the Hospital Party Committee, Party secretary Sun Kun made an important speech at the meeting. the departments of General Surgery, Neonatal Surgery, Urology and Tumor Surgery), Pediatric Orthopedics, Neurosurgery and Critical Care Medicine moved to the new building. The number of medical beds reached 300 which is doubled ຓظ؇ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ࡹഡཛଢֆ໊଀ֆđ໡ჽཬ୍҃܄๏܄ᄅđݓࡅ໏ള࠹ള຾Ϸ compared with the previous capacity. The pediatric ഝି৯đ surgery building will become the most modernڕ2月 ॓aࠤᆐ၄࿐॓௝ࢹህ॓ਅݺ֥ࠎԤ่ࡱaਢԵൌ৯đ఼ն֥ದҌؒ໸ၛܼ֥ࠣٗህ॓౵თ ԛđᴮദݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ࡹഡཛଢྛਙbᇀՎđ໡ჽᄝࡹ֥ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ specialized establishment in Shanghai and even inطണБህ॓ᇏຂ႖؟February ᄝᇙ ་ህ the whole country and the centralized medical areaޫظčཬ॓ظaྏᄣն࿓ܵຓ॓a॓ޤа࿳عљູ࡟ဒ॓aူ࿐҆čਢԵူ࿐Ďaٳղ֞۱đ॓ ࠤᆐ၄࿐॓b has been formed for the diagnosis and treatment ofބຓ॓ظĎaཬ॓ظaᇏ၄č॓ڑြĎa௴๙ຓ॓a௃ the patients with pediatric surgical diseases in our hospital, the medical environment for sick kids has been greatly improved, the current February The General Office of the State Health and Family Planning Commission released the unit name list for the construction of difficult situation for children's hospitalization has been alleviated and a wider space for a new round development of the pediatrics of the national clinical key subject of the year 2013-2014. With good basic conditions, clinical strength, high - quality talented specialists Xinhua Hospital has been provided. as well as a wide range of regional radiation ability, our hospital’s Pediatric Surgery, Emergency Medicine were included among the the ranks of the national clinical key subject construction project. So far, our hospital the number of the national clinical key departments has reached 10. They are the Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Department of Pharmacy, (Clinical Pharmacy), Department of Otolaryngology, Heart and Great Vessels Surgery, Pediatrics (Pediatric Respiratory Medicine), General Surgery, Department of Dermatology, Traditional Chinese Medicine (Pediatrics), Pediatric Surgery and Emergency Medicine.

  ๠ࡲू࢝ტ҆ᇗׄൌဒ൩ࡹഡཛظቔ߶ၰ ᄅರđ໡ჽߌ࣢ა۽ᄅđ୍ഈݚ൧၄ਏ໏ള ޙն࿐ӧѥ֊گஇbဒ൬ህࡅቆЇওܫ࠹߃ളტ຾ჴ߶࿆҃ ଢ๙ݖဒ൬đᆞൔބ4月 ഈđഈݚ൧໏ള ࢝תਢԵ ࢝൱a޿ᇏ॓࠯ն࿐፫ถԽ࢝൱aᇗ౩၄॓ն࿐ᅵཫ॓ޤа࿳عApril ໡ჽᆞൔӮູoഈݚ൧ ࿹࣮෮ᇫሷݤ࿹࣮॓ظ࢝൱a൮׻ڌᇉਈ॥ᇅᇏྏpđ໡ჽ໱ᬯ࢝൱಩ᇉ॥ ൱aКࣘն࿐຦ზ ᇏྏᇶ಩đսіഈ෻ࢤ൳൧໏࠹຾ϯؿ ჴaᇏݓ॓࿐ჽഈݚളଁ॓࿐ჽള໾߄࿐ა༥Іള໾࿐࿹ ᇉ॥ᇏྏ๞இb୍ָđᄝഈݚ൧ ࣮෮ᇫ࿐ਅ࿹࣮ჴaᇏ೶ն࿐࣡ࣉ࢝൱bૅݓ၄࿐॓࿐ჽ֥ ๠ࡲूᇗׄൌဒ൩భᇶ಩ഫཫૼظ໏ള࠹ള຾֥ቆᆮ༯đಆ൧ٓຶଽᅱѓ ຓࠡჽൖa໡ჽߌ࣢ა ཮Ӊa၄࿐ჽჽӉӧݓ఼࢝൱֩ԛڬਢԵᇉਈ॥ᇅᇏྏđ ࢝൱đഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐॓ޤа࿳عഈݚ൧ ๨࣠ຓ॓ ༜ဒ൬߶ၰbޤа࿳عࣜݖࠗਛ࢘ᇯđ໡ჽ đಪູൌဒ൩࿹࣮קड़ٳቔ۳Ⴭԉ۽ԛđϙ֤๨ ህࡅቆؓൌဒ൩ࡹഡطՖೆຶ֥ࡅ၄ჽᇏຂ႖ ණaሇ߄߲૶Ġᄽൌ๷ࣉaپ๨࣠ຓ॓࣍൅୍টؿ ᇶีૼಒaห೤༷ૼĠӮݔޤа࿳عԔb໡ჽ இ൞ؓ࿐॓ؿ ઋൌປડĠ֤৯Ќᅰa҂؎ิശđ၂ᇁ๝ၩ๙ݖဒ൬bܫᅚ࿡෎đՎՑᇉ॥ᇏྏ ໷b April 18 The construction project of the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Environmental Children’s Health of our hospital passed the acceptance andܝބקᅚ֥Ⴛ၂۱ड़ was officially activated. The expert group for the acceptance included Professor Chen Bingheng from Fudan University, Professor Wu Tangchun from Huazhong April At Shanghai Medical and Health Work Conference 2014, Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission announced our University of Science and Technology, Professor Zhao Xiaodong from Chongqing Medical University, Professor Wang Yufeng of Peking University, Zhu Zonghan, hospital "Shanghai Clinical Quality Control Center for Otolaryngology". Prof. Wu Hao took the position of center director and accepted researcher of the Capital Pediatric Research Institute, Zhu Xueliang researcher of Shanghai Life Science Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Research the brass plate of the quality control center issued by the commission. Institute, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Jing Jing Jin of Zhongshan University. Present at the acceptance meeting were Professor Shen Xiaoming, At the end of 2013, Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission invited tenders for "Shanghai Clinical Quality Control Center for foreign academician of USA Academy of Medical Sciences and former director of our hospital’s Key Laboratory of Environmental Children's Health and Professor Otolaryngology" within the Shanghai. After fierce competition, the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery in our hospital Chen Guoqiang, vice president of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and dean of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. raised itself above the 7 hospitals in the shortlist to the final. The Department has been developing rapidly during the recent ten years. The expert group fully affirmed the work on the laboratory construction and held that the laboratory has given a clear research theme and vivid features, made The hanging of the center brass plate is another affirmation and inspiration to the development of the discipline. fruitful results, translated to benefit the people, achieved solid progress implemented successfully, had effective guarantees and been continuously enhanced. They agreed that the project is qualified for the acceptance.

ྏᄣྟ฿༵ظ࿐࿐॓ջ๨ದ෤᫧࢝൱ਵ༻֥oཬ॓ظഈݚۚ཮۲ো࿹࣮ࠎֹࡹഡཛଢ଀ֆđႮ໡ჽ҃܄ᄅđഈݚ൧࢝຾ ނ௜෻ൌᇉྟࣉᅚູބཛଢၛ՜ࣉ࿐॓ھӱ࿹࣮ᇏྏb۽ӱ࿹࣮ࠎֹpೆ࿊ഈݚۚ཮۽Ѩᆐ؎ࠣັԷᇍਏ࠯ඌაఖྀषؿ ଆൔٚ૫Ⴕ๬௥đᆦӪބ၂஻οᅶݓࡅླྀ๝Էྍᅞ੻ေ౰đᄝᄎྛࠏᇅaุᇅקྏđ๷ࣉഈݚۚ֩࿐཮Էྍି৯ࡹഡđಪ ӱ࿹࣮ᇏྏਙೆ࠹߃b۽Ⴕ۱܋ჰ֥۲ো࿹࣮ࠎֹđಆ൧ۚބڂ௜෻ྙӮۚބ཮࿐॓ۚ

April Shanghai Municipal Education Commission released the name list of various research base construction project in the universities of Shanghai. The project of “Technology Research and Equipment Development Project Base for the Diagnosis and Minimally Invasive Treatment of Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease” led Prof. Sun Kun, academic leader of Pediatrics in our hospital, has been selected for the Shanghai University Engineering Research Center. In order to promote the substantive progress of disciplines and platforms as the core carry forward the innovation ability construction of Shanghai schools of higher learning, and in accordance with the national requirements of collaborative innovation strategy, the construction project has identified a number of research bases which have made a breakthrough in the aspects of operation mechanism, system and mode and can support the formation of the peak and plateau platform for university's disciplines. In Shanghai a total of 18 engineering research centers have been included in the plan. Apri ໙1BUSJDFܤᄳದ)PSFODF7&3#&3aຓ൙ڵ৫၄ჽࠢ๶č"1)1Ďຓ൙ԩ܄ݓϘ৓مᄅರđ مᄳದၛࠣᄻႵ਽ڵჽӉaཌྷܱᆯି҆૊ڬቔದჴ၂ྛট໡ჽ٠໙ࢌੀb໡ჽ໱ᬯ۽ၛࠣཌྷܱ&% ე஡࿞ᇏྏ࢝ტمԩӉӧ݉ਟaڬݓটџࣉྛਔႶݺ߶ซbࢌն၄࿐ჽݓ࠽ࢌੀԩمࣜ৥֥ౝ୍၄ളა Ϸᇶ಩ӧࣆӄ֩த๝ҕ٠b

April 18 The AP-HP (Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris)’S foreign affairs department driector Horence, and adviser Patrice DEBRE and its relevant staff members had an exchange tour of our hospital. Wu Hao, hospital vice president, directors of the departments concerned as well as young doctors who once studied abroad in France had a friendly talks with the French guests. Chen Guilin, deputy director of the International Exchange Office and Chen Jinchang, director of Education Office of French Language Training Center of

Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine accompanied the guests. l

߶ၰඨ০ᅺषđ߶ၰ๷࿊໡ჽ॓ع࿰ת߶č-"""TJB1BDJGJDĎᄝ໡ჽᅺषbЧՑն߶Ⴎ၄ჽྏଽ॓ა֣ݓ ᄅರđֻඹࢽڂۚ؁ٿعᄅರđ࿰෾ֹ౵ቐྏ ࿐߶ᇶ༜bটሱᇏݓaݢݓaರ॓ع࿰תSBOLGVSUྏᄣᇏྏaཐۖྏᄣѨ࿐߶֣ࠣݓ$PCVSH၄ჽླྀ๝ईϷbটሱૅݓa֣ݓaࡆଦնaϏն০࿰aೋׅaರ ໱ᬯ࢝൱ք಩' ህࡅ॓عЧa෻ຖaཐۖ֩۱ݓࡅֹࠣ౵֥Ⴥ໊ عऊ၂ถđຶಡቐྏ܋ህࡅაݓଽ֥׈ള৘a႕ཞၛࠣྏ࿓ܵࢺೆਵთ֥ህࡅૌ໊؟౵ֹ֥ބЧaཐۖa෻ຖ֩ݓࡅ ߶ၰ൞॓ع࿰תਵთ֥ቋྍࣉᅚb॓عಣׄ໙ีࣉྛਔധೆฐษb ఊऊഈݚđฐษਔ֥؁ٿ ࿐ඌ߶॓ع၄ളࠣ࿹࣮ᆀԷϷ֥ቋህြ֥॓ع࿰ֹ౵תApril 18 LAA Asia Pacific 2014 - How to close the Left Atrial Appendage was held in Shanghai, China on April 18-19, 2014. LAA Asia-Pacific 2014 was held in Ⴎ ၄ഽࠣ๐৯࿐॓ظࡕפ࿰ֹ౵֥תour hospital. The conference was co-organized by the Department of Cardiology of Xinhua Hospital and Frankfurt Heart Center of Germany, Hongkong Heart ၰđਆ୍၂Ցđऊࠢਔ ๨࣠ຓ॓ᄝݓޤа࿳عईϷႵ৯ิശਔ໡ჽۿAssociation and German’s. Coburg Hospital. More than 40 experts from America, Germany, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan and other ࡅđՎՑӮ countries and regions together with domestic experts in electrophysiology, imaging and interventional fields of cardiology attended the meeting and discussed ࠽࿐ඌࢸֹ໊֥b the hot issues of left atrial appendage closure.

May 10 The Fourth East Asian Symposium on Otology was successfully held. The meeting elected Prof. Wu Hao chairman of the East Asian Otological Society. More than 400 otological experts from 12 countries and regions ჽӉa௴ຓ॓ᇶ಩ਾ႖ќ࢝൱಴ࠆ including China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hongkong gathered in Shanghaiڬᄅರđ໡ჽ and discussed the latest development of otology. East Asian Conference on Otology was the most professional otologic conference founded by the otologic ܊ಆݓ໴၂স׮ࢂᅣbಆݓ໴၂স׮ࢂᅣ׻൞Ֆ୍ .ང๬ԛaᄝྛြᇏऎႵᇗေഠ߶႕ཙ֥༵ࣉ۱ದࠇഈݚ doctors and researchers from East Asian areas and this is a biennial conference which brings together the top pediatricians and audiologists in East Asia areas ഈݚ൧čࠇസ҆ࠩĎস׮ଆٓ The successful meeting has elevated the position the position of the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery in the international academicބ൧໴၂স׮ࢂᅣࠆ֤ᆀđ community. ቔᆀĎᇏӁളb۽č༵ࣉ

April 24 Professor Liu Yingbin, vice president of our hospital and director of the Department of General Surgery, was granted national "May 1" labor medal of 2014. The winners are from the medalists who have been elected advanced individuals for their outstanding contribution and vital social effect ᄅರđ໡ჽᄝ॓࢝նੌੈᇗईྛocpݓ࠽޹ൖ in their industries or who have been granted Shanghai "May 1" labor medals ࢫіᅤն߶b၄ჽ֔ᆟਵ֝a۲॓ᇶ಩ၛࠣಆჽ޹ൖսі as well as from those who are Shanghai (or provincial and ministerial level ) ჅದҕࡆਔЧՑն߶bჽਵ֝ཟಆุ޹ൖᇁၛ౔్֥ labor models (advanced workers). ಆุ޹ൖؓ၄ჽ྆ۋቋӴᆾaቋԌ֥ࣣۚၩđބࢫರ໙ީ ངđ܊ᇗေބༀaၛࠣࡹഡ෮ቓԛ֥ྌ౗স׮ڛa۪ڿ֥ ᄡဘ໡ჽ޹ൖၛൌ࠽ྛ׮ᅤཁਔϢ၉฿൐֥Ч೤b

"၄ May 12 The commendation and commemoration meeting on "May 12ބ߶ᇶ຾aླྀٳईϷbંฆဤ౨֞ᇏ॓ჽჽൖaᇏ޿၄࿐߶ຓ॓ۿᄅರđֻ໴ࢽྍ޿ຓ॓ંฆӮ 5月 ჽჽӉᅵზ஧ჽൖᇁषଞՍđߎဤ౨֞ᇏ॓ჽჽൖaᇷ଀࿓ܵຓ॓ህࡅລᇑ۟ჽൖđᇏ॓ჽჽൖaൗࢸ International Nurses Day was held ceremoniously in Science and Education Building. More than 260 people including hospital Party and administration ։၏ຓ॓࿐ࡅaϏն০࿰ߟࡅຓ॓࿐ჽ಴უჽൖaཐۖᇏ໓ն࿐၄࿐ჽ֥ਾᄍᙛჽൖđ୸ᇝຓۉMay ᇷ଀֥ leaders, heads of all departments and nurse representatives attended the උֻؽ၄ჽமൾᥫ࢝൱ԛ༜߶ meeting. The hospital leaders extended cordial greetings and the mostڸ࿐ჽaૅݓຓ॓࿐ჽaႇݓߟࡅຓ॓࿐ჽ಴უჽൖaᆄࡾն࿐၄࿐ჽ॓ ჽ heartfelt and highest respect to all nurses, appreciated all the nurses for theirڬ඀࠺aഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ֔຾඀࠺෤նḃ࢝൱սі၄࿐ჽᇁՊđ໡ჽڬၰbഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐֔຾ Ӊa௴ຓ॓ᇶ಩ਾ႖ќ࢝൱սі၄ჽᇁՊb hard work and important contributions to the hospital’s reform, service as well as and construction and spoke highly of the nurses who had taken a practical action to show the true nature of angels. May 9 The Fifth Xinhua Forum on Surgery was successfully held. Zhao Yupei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Chinese Medical Association Branch of Surgery and Dean of Union Hospital was invited to deliver the opening speech. Also invited to attend the forum were Wang Zhonghao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and well known expert in vascular surgery, Liu Yunyi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the world famous scientist of hepato-biliary-p ancreatic surgery, honorary ࿐॓ࡹഡ๷ࣉն߶ֻ᳝ؽࢽ॓ظacademician of Australian Royal College of surgeons and academician of the Chinese University Hong Kong School of Medicine, Professor ᄅರđ໡ჽ ྍದࢂpϯࢂ၎ൔᄝ॓࢝նੌБۡ๏ईྛb໡ݓᇷ॓ظPeng Shuyou, honorary academician of European Surgery College, USA College of Surgeons and Royal College of Surgeons of England, o ࿐ህࡅaૅݓ၄࿐॓࿐ჽຓࠡჽൖaѰൖള֝ഽഫ॓ظprofessor of Affiliated Second Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine. On behalf of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of ଀ Medicine, Professor Sun Dalin, deputy secretary of Party Committee of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and secretary of Party Committee ཫૼ࢝൱ၛࠣݒְ࢝൱֥ࡅඋݒൈᝲ༵ളቔູϯࢂࡁџԛ OF Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine addressed to the conference. Professor Liu Yingbin, vice president of Xinhua Hospital ظᄝৣܝϯࢂ၎ൔbູ቎Ֆݒְ࢝൱֥࢝ߺđބand director the Department of General Surgery made a speech in the name of the hospital. ༜ਔն߶ ൙ြؿᅚᇏႵԛ೤іགྷ୍֥౞၄ളđ၄ჽᄝ୍ഡ॓ ದҌ஡အࠎࣁpሧᇹb॓ظྍದࢂpđႮoݒְ॓ظ৫ਔo

May 26 The Promoting Congress on Pediatric Construction 2014 and the second Awarding Ceremony on "Pediatric New Talents" was held in the Lecture Hall of Science and Education Building. As promulgation honored guests, Professor Shen Xiaoming, China's well-known pediatric expert, foreign academician of USA Academy of Medical Sciences and doctoral supervisor, Mr. Guo Shibi, Professor Guo Di’s relative attended the meeting. In order to comply with Professor Guo Di's teachings, encourage young doctors who have done well in the development of pediatric cause and sponsored by the " Guo Di pediatric Talent Cultivation Fund", the hospital established "Pediatric New Telent Awards" in 2013.

  ܒđຶٲຓ॓ਅݺ࿐ඌظᄅರđࡆଦնᛵ෾޿ն࿐၄࿐ჽჽӉ+BRVFT ᄅರđູࣉ၂҄๷ࣉྍ޿ཬ ईϷۿຓ॓Ӯظຓ॓࿐॓ؿᅚࢌੀ௜෻đ໡ჽཬظჽӉ.FMJTTB'PSHJF֩၂ྛট໡ჽ٠໙ࢌ ࡹཬڬSBEXFKOa# ຓ॓ظຓ॓࿐ඌ߶ၰ᳝൮ࢽྍ޿၄ჽཬظ๠ࡲूᇗׄൌဒ ഈݚ൧ཬظੀb໡ჽ෤᫧࢝൱a໱ᬯ࢝൱aߌ࣢ა ᄳದࢤրਔսі๶b٠໙௹ࡗđ ંฆđটሱݚ༬ਆρaಆݓ۲ֹ֥ࣚႇ࿐ᆀჅದఊऊڵ࿹෮ࠣཌྷܱ॓൩ظ൩a ህࡅa໡ჽ॓ظᇶ༜a໡ݓᇷ଀ڬӁ॓ᇶ಩.BSL8BMLFS࢝൱ቔਔ၂ӆࣚґ֥ ЧՑંฆbഈݚ൧ᆟླྀڹᛵ෾޿ն࿐ ຓ॓ਢԵ၄࿐ᇏྏᇶ಩ғຯ࢝൱֞߶ᇁߋ႒Պđ໡ჽظ࿐ඌࢃቖb୍࣍টđࡆଦնᛵ෾޿ն࿐ა໡ჽЌӻሢਅݺ ཬ ჽӉᇶӻ߶ၰbڬቔܱ༢đࢲ༯ਔധި֥ႶၱbՎՑট٠ࡼࣉ၂ ໱ᤜૼކࢌੀა֥ ๷׮චٚᄝౝ୍၄ളࢌੀaਢԵ၄ਏࠣ॓࿹࢝࿐֩ٚ૫֥҄ June 29 In order to further promote a good academic atmosphere and build ކቔࢌੀb up the exchange platform for the discipline development of pediatric surgery, the Department of Pediatric Surgery of our hospital successfully held 2014 May 28 Jaques Bradwejn, president of Ottawa University School of Medicine, Shanghai Academic Conference 2014 and the First Xinhua Hospital Forum Canada and Melissa Forgie, vice president of the school, and their delegation on Pediatric Surgery. More than 200 elites and scholars from both sides of visited our hospital. Professor Sun Kun, Professor Wu Hao and the heads of the Strait and all over the country gathered at the forum. Professor Cai Wei, the Key Laboratory of Environment and Children’s Health, Shanghai Institute for Pediatric Research and relevant department leaders received delegations. During vice president of Shanghai CPPCC, China's well-known pediatric expert and the visit, Professor Mark Walker, director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Ottawa University made a wonderful lecture. In recent years, Ottawa director of Pediatric Surgery Clinic Medical Center of our hospital delivered a University in Canada and our hospital have maintained a good exchange and cooperation relationship and forged a profound friendship. This visit will further welcome speech. Our hospital’s vice president Wu Yeming, presided over the promote bilateral cooperation and exchange in the aspects of the exchange of young doctors, clinical treatment, scientific research and teaching as well. meeting.

߶č$41&/ĎᇶϷđ฿ࣃ൧၄࿐߶a໡ჽა฿ࣃ၄॓ն࿐ሹ၄ჽaഈݚ൧ٳᄅರđႮᇏ޿၄࿐߶ӋຓӋଽႏအ࿐ ᇶڬᅺषbն߶ᇶ༜aഈݚ൧ᆟླྀۿ๝ӵϷ֥oֻϖࢽಆݓӋຓӋଽႏအ࿐ն߶pᄝѺݚᆭў฿ࣃӮ܋၄࿐࿹࣮෮॓ظ ຓ॓ਢԵ၄࿐ᇏྏᇶ಩ғຯ࢝൱ᇶӻषଞظ߶ᇶ಩຾ჴa໡ჽཬٳህࡅaᇏ޿၄࿐߶ӋຓӋଽႏအ࿐॓ظ༜a໡ݓᇷ଀ bޏ߶Ӊ໱ૼࡾսі၄࿐߶ؓն߶ඨ০षଞіൕሀڬൔbᇏ޿၄࿐߶

May 28 Hosted by the Chinese Medical Association Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Branch (CSPEN) and co-organized by Tianjin Medical Association, our hospital, General Hospital Affiliated to Tianjin Medical University, Shanghai Institute for Pediatric Research, "the Eighth National Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Conference” was held successfully in Tianjin of Bohai bank. The chairman of the meeting, Professor Cai Wei, vice chairman of Shanghai CPPCC, China's famous specialist in pediatrics, chairman of the Chinese Medical Association Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Branch and director of Pediatric Surgery Clinic Medical Center of our hospital presided over the opening ceremony. On behalf of the Chinese Medical Association Wu Mingjiang, vice chairman the association gave a ᄅರđoഈݚ൧ࢲᆰӋᇖਿ࿹࣮ᇏ congratulatory address. ഡڸஇӮ৫đඋ໡ჽܫ7月 ྏpᆞൔᄝ໡ჽ Ӌຓ॓ᇶ಩ա੃࢝ۓJuly ྟ࿹࣮௜෻đ໡ჽ ൱಩ࢲᆰӋᇖਿ࿹࣮ᇏྏᇶ಩bݓଽࢲ ᇖਿֻ֥೘ྟذᆰӋδؿѨੱၘഈശᇀ ቔܱ༢֥ॿࡏކpᅞ੻ކ࿐ࢲ۽aކ৳ᄅರđ໡ჽაഈݚ൧၄ူۚ֩ህ॓࿐཮ᆞൔదඇࡹ৫oჽ཮ đ࿹࣮ࢲᆰӋᇖਿؿѨࠏᇅაྍ໊֥ٝ љᄝదჿٳ၄ۚህนݓဧ඀࠺ބቔླྀၰđ෤᫧඀࠺ކ཮Ӊսіదඇਔ઼ޣ၄ۚህนބၰbྷ໏ݓჽӉླྀ ᇍҦ੻đषᅚਢԵሇ߄ႋႨؓႿЌᅰದ ѩ࠷Ⴭިקड़ٳቔіൕԉކ6月 ၎ൔഈቔࡥ؋ᇁՊđࢌն၄࿐ჽ෤նḃ඀࠺ԛ༜దჿ၎ൔѩࢃ߅đؓච֥ٚ June ૶ࡲूaҕაݓ࠽భခ၄࿐࠯ඌࣩᆚऎ ࿐ࢲ۽aކ৳ቔభࣟđၛoჽ཮ކቔࣜ৥đູषԷྍ֥ჽ཮ކࣼြބຬbචٚ၂ᆰႵሢӉ௹ૡ్֥࢝࿐ ଢభ໡ݓഉ໭ህ૊ࢲᆰطႵᇗေၩၬđ ቔ֩ٚ૫ղӮ၂ᇁླྀၰbކཟ஡အa॓࿹קቔࠏᇅaކࡹ࢝࿐ܒቔ޺႓p֥ჰᄵđࣼކaႪ൝޺Ҁaކ b໡ჽӮ৫֥oഈݚ൧ܒӋᇖਿ࿹࣮ࠏ June 24 Our hospital and Shanghai Institute of Health Sciences formally signed the framework agreement to establish strategic ࢲᆰӋᇖਿ࿹࣮ᇏྏpđ҂ࣇູ࿹࣮౼ partnership on "hospital and school cooperation, work and study combination". Xhuhua Hospital president Xu Weiguo, and institute ֤๬௥Էᄯ่ࡱđߎॖၛջ׮၂஻Էྍ ࠎԤbקpresident Tang Hongmei signed the cooperation agreement. Sun Kun, Party secretary of Xinhua and Tang Guoyao, Part secretary of the ྟ࿹࣮ದҌؒ໸đູ໡ݓࢲᆰӋᇖਿ࿹࣮ॖӻ࿃ؿᅚ׍ institute made brief speeches at the signing ceremony. With full affirmation and high hopes on the cooperation between the two sides, Sun Dalin, Party secretary of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine attended to address to the ceremony. The two sides have July 5 "Shanghai Colorectal Cancer Research Center" was formally founded in our hospital as affiliated research platform. Professor Cui established a long-term close cooperation in teaching and employment. In order to open up a new cooperative perspective and in the Long, director of the Department of Anorectal Surgery, took the position of director of the research center. principle of "hospital and school cooperation, work and study combination, complementary advantages and win-win cooperation", the The domestic colorectal cancer incidence has risen to the third in malignant tumor. It is of great importance to study the pathogenesis cooperation, agreement has been reached to in the fields of creating a teaching cooperative mechanism, target training and cooperation of colorectal cancer and new prevention and treatment oriented strategy, carry out clinical transformation and application for the in scientific research protection of the people’s and participate in the international cutting-edge medical technology competition. and there is no special colorectal cancer research institute. Not only would the establishment of the center in our hospital create the conditions for the research breakthroughs but also could lead a group of innovative research teams of talents to lay the foundation for sustainable development of Chinese colorectal cancer research.

  ቔ֔຾඀࠺ӧक़۽ն߶b൧࢝໏҆ۄᄅರđ໡ჽ௴ຓ᳝॓ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ։֡ࠥѨ࿹࣮෮ਾ႖ќ࢝൱๶ؒᄝჰؿྟ։ଵδ࿹࣮ਵთ౼֤ᇗն๬௥bݓ ᄅರđ໡ჽᅺष ԩԩӉ༱ૼਟaഈݚࢌ๙ն҆ۄa൧຾ቆᆮ࿆҆࢝॓࠯ޡ ն࿐ള໾၄࿐࿹࣮֊گࠩ࿐ඌ௹़uሱಖi၌Ԯ࿐vč/BUVSF(FOFUJDTđ*'ĎؿіਔႮ໡ჽਾ႖ќ࢝൱აפ࠽ ࿹࣮ࡆധਔؓ։ଵδؿളؿᅚࠏᇅ֥ਔ ࿐၄࿐ჽ֔຾඀࠺෤նḃ֩ཌྷܱਵ֝ԛ༜߶ၰbჽ֔ᆟਵھ࢝൱aᇏ॓ჽഈݚള॓ჽႏအ෮຦߰࿹࣮ჴླྀቔປӮ֥ቋྍ࿹࣮Ӯݔbڬჽਾ䯁 ྍٚσđѓᆽሢ໡ჽ։ଵδ֥࿹࣮ղ֞ݓ࠽ඣ௜b ֝ϫሰӮჴa॓ᇶ಩a֔ᆦ҆඀࠺a޹ൖӉa֔ຓದൖսބྍϛׄ܂ࢳđູ։ଵδѨದਢԵᄪᆐ؎aᄪᇍਏaᄪყҩၛࠣ۱ุ߄၄ਏิ іa๼ྨ঺๝ᆽսі֩ҕࡆb߶ၰႮ෤նḃ඀࠺ᇶӻb༱ July 6 The Department of General Surgery of our hospital and the team of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine’s Biliary Tract Disease Research ğ಩ଁ෤ק಩૧थ҆ۄႵܱکਔ൧຾a൧ᆟ؀Institute headed by Professor Liu Yingbin achieved a major breakthrough in the field of primary gallbladder cancer research. The top international academic ૼਟԩӉ࿆ උྍ޿၄ჽჽӉĠ಩ଁ໱ڸjournal "Nature Genetics" IF35.209” published the latest research results obtained by Professor Liu Yingb of our hospital with the joint efforts of Liu Yunfu, ᫧๝ᆽູഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ උྍ޿၄ჽ֔຾඀࠺bڸassociate professor of Biomedical Research Institute of Fudan University and Wang Hui, fellow of the Nutrition Institute of CAS’s Shanghai Life Science. The ᬯ๝ᆽູഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ ಆุྍ޿ದ֥ྐބഈࠩቆᆮ྆ۋresearch has deepened the understanding of the mechanism of the occurrence and development of gallbladder carcinoma and provided new targets and new ෤᫧๝ᆽᄝؿ࿽ൈඪđ scheme the gallbladder cancer patients for early clinical diagnosis, treatment, prediction and personalized medicine, and marked that the gallbladder cancer in ॖିԛགྷ۪ڿ৫၄ჽ܄ᄳ಩ᇗնb૫ؓྍ၂੽֥ۋ಩đധ our hospital has reached the international level. ᆦӻ༯đࣅࣅ၇ौބᆔ๥đࡼᄝഈࠩቆᆮ֥ႄਵބ؛઱֥ ჽ֔຾đაಆุྍ޿ದ၂ఏ๝ྏླྀ৯đࢰ࣐෮ିaಆദྏ ؿᅚᇏđൌགྷྍ޿၄ჽྍ֥٦ᄁbބ۪ڿ๧ೆ၄ჽֹ֥ ಩bࣂުࡼ࠿࿃ࡆ఼࿐༝đ҂؎ิۚሱദྩအĠࡆ఼ਵྐ֥۽ಆჽᆯބഈࠩቆᆮaϫሰӮჴ྆ۋ໱ᬯ๝ᆽᄝؿ࿽ᇏіൕđ ᅺषbંฆ߸ऊਔটሱۿᄅರđႮྏྣຓ॓ᇶϷ֥uٜӃ֥ັԷຓ॓ᇍਏvݓࡅࠩ၄࿐࠿࿃࢝ტཛଢࠣݓ࠽ંฆᄝ໡ჽӮ Ⴕི֥Ќᆣb܂ቔđູ၄ჽ۷ݺ۷ॹֹؿᅚิ۽ᅞ׶৯Ġࣅࣅຶಡᇏྏሂݺ֔ࡹބϫሰࡹഡđЌӻϫሰ֥ୠऊ৯֝ ህࡅҕࡆđՎຓߎ་ႄਔૅݓaб০ൈ֩ބസ൧֥࣍ࡅ၄ਏֆ໊Ⴥ໊ྏྣຓ॓๝ྛ؟ၛࠣഈݚ֩شaᆄaຟaਗ਼a්

,ݓຓህࡅ֥ҕ߶b August 20 The hospital held a cadres meeting. Present at the meeting, Chen Kehong, Party secretary of Shanghai Commission of Education and Health Work Xia Minglin director of the Office of Science and Technology Cadres, Division of Propaganda and Education, Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Organization July 26 Hosted by the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, The International Forum on "Minimal Invasive Surgical Therapy of Atrial fibrillati ", Department, and Sun Dalin, Party secretary of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and other related leaders as well. Our hospital’s Party and a national continuing medical education program, was successfully held in our hospital. The forum brought together more than 100 peers and administration leaders, department directors, Party secretaries of the Party branches, head nurses, representatives of non-Party people and retired comrades experts in cardiothoracic surgery from early 30 medical institutions from Shanghai, the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shandong and participated in the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Sun Dalin. Xia Minglin announced Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Organization Department and Hubei and also attracted the other foreign experts from America, Belgium etc. to attend the meeting. Shanghai Municipal Government’s appointment and removal decisions: Comrade Sun Kun was appointed president of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Affiliated Xinhua Hospital; Wu Hao was appointed Party secretary of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Affiliated Xinhua hospital.

Comrade Sun Kun said in his speech that He appreciated trust of the superior Party organizations and all the Xinhua people's and felt deeply the heavy responsibility. Facing the possible contradictions and pains occurred during a new round of the reform of public hospitals; he would do his best to devote himself to the hospital reform and development under the leadership and support of the higher Party organization, closely rely on the hospital Party Committee, unite in ҪંฆᄝКۚمᄅರđᄝ୍ᇏ a concerted effort with all Xinhua people to realize the new leap of Xinhua hospital. 8月 ࣘईϷᆭ࠽đྍ޿၄ჽࠢ๶৘൙Ӊྷ໏ August Comrade Wu Hao said in his speech that he thanked trust of the superior Party organizations, and the members of the leading group and all the staff members ৫၄ჽࠢ๶č"1܄ݓϘ৓مބݓჽӉ of Xinhua Hospital; he would in the future continue to study hard to improve his own self-cultivation, enhance the construction of leading group, keep the ൙.BSUJO)*34$)༵ളսіۄ1Ďሹ( group's cohesion and combat effectiveness; launch the Party building by focusing on the Party's central tasks to provide an effective guarantee for the hospital ቔॿࡏླྀၰđݓࡅ໏ള࠹ to better and faster development.strategy, the construction project has identified a number of research bases which have made a breakthrough in the aspectsކదඇਔݓ࠽ ቔᇏྏۚ໏ᇏᇶ಩ᇶ of operation mechanism, system and mode and can support the formation of the peak and plateau platform for university's disciplines. In Shanghai a total of 18ކބള຾ݓ࠽ࢌੀ .ቔі engineering research centers have been included in the planކӻਔదሳ၎ൔѩࢃ߅đؓච֥ٚ ѩ࠷Ⴭިຬbקड़ٳൕԉ

August 16 On the occasion of the holding of Forum Medial Franco-Chinois 2014 in Beijing, Xu Weiguo, director-general of Xinhua Hospital Group and Mr. ᄅರđ໡ჽᅺषo఼ଽݤaᇗൌིaԷห೤a՜ؿᅚpᇶีൌ࡬ࠃ׮׮ჴն߶b֔຾඀࠺໱ᬯսі Martin HIR SCH, secretary-general of the AP-HP ༀڛಕᇙਫ਼ཌ࢝ტൌ࡬ࠃ׮Ӯݔđࣉ၂҄ࡆ఼၄ჽଽݤࡹഡđሢ৯Էྍ֥֔ܥ܇ჽ֔຾ቔ׮ჴБۡbູ (Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris) signed 9月 ༀඣ௜đ၄ჽࡼႿ୍ᄅᇀ୍ᄅषᅚo఼ଽݤaᇗൌིaԷห೤aڛthe framework agreement on international cooperation. Gao Weizhong, director of the State Health and Family Planning Commission’s September ଆൔđ҂؎ิശ၄ਏ Iinternational Exchange and Cooperation Center presided over the signing ceremony and delivered a speech which gave the full ՜ؿᅚpᇶีൌ࡬ࠃ׮đࣉ၂҄๷ࣉ໡ჽႻݺႻॹֹॖӻ࿃ؿᅚb confirmation and high hopes for the cooperation between the two sides. September 29 Our hospital held “the Mobilization Meeting on Practical Activities Themed at "Strengthen Connotation, Emphasize Actual Effect, Create New Features, and Promote Development". On behalf of the hospital, Party secretary Wu Hao made a mobilization speech. In order to consolidate the results during the education practice he of Party's mass line, further strengthen the hospital connotation construction, focus on the innovation of service mode and constantly improve medical service, the hospital launched a practical campaign themed at of " at "Strengthen Connotation, Emphasize Actual Effect, Create New Features, and Promote Development" from September 2014 to January 2015 to further promote the sustainable and fast development of the hospital.

  ᄅರđᄝࡆଦնᛵ෾޿ն࿐၄࿐ 10月 ჽჽӉ+BDRVFT#SBEXFKO֥ջਵ༯đ October ᛵ෾޿ն࿐սі๶၂ྛЇও၄࿐ჽაః ๠၄ظνն੻תඋ֥ᛵ෾޿၄ჽაڸ༯ ჽč$)&0Ď֥ۚҪܵ৘ದჴაਢԵ॓ ൩ᇶ಩܋൅Ⴥದđট໡ჽࣉྛਔູ௹၂ ᇛ֥༢ਙҕ٠ࠃ׮b໡ჽჽӉ෤᫧a֔ ჽӉ໱ᤜૼაਾ႖ќၛڬ຾඀࠺໱ᬯa ࠣཌྷܱᆯି҆૊ބਢԵ॓൩ࢤրਔսі ๶đᄝਢԵ॓࿹ᇏྏ֥ࡹ৫aಆ॓၄ള ഽሧ஡အa၄ჽܵ৘ದჴ஡࿞֩ٚ૫ࣉ ቔٚཟა๯ࣥbކ၂҄ૼಒਔ

October 21 Led by Jacques Bradwejn, dean of Ottawa University School of Medicine in Canada, a ten people delegation from Ottawa University including the senior management staff and directors the clinical departments of the school and its affiliated Ottawa Hospital and Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) paid a week-long tour to our hospital to have a series of activities. The delegation was received by President Sun Kun, Party secretary Wu Hao, vice president Wu Yeming and Liu Yingbin as well as the representatives from the relevant functional departments and clinical departments of our hospital. During the visit, both sides further defined the direction and ways of cooperation int the fields of the establishment of clinical research centers, teachers’ training for GP, training of hospital management personnel and so on,

ቔࣉྛ၂Ցಆ૫ሹࢲ۽ቔ߶ၰᄝ॓࢝նੌБۡ๏ᅺषđؓഈ϶୍؇֥࿆Ԯ۽ᄅರđ၄ჽ࿆Ԯ ߶ᇶ༜ࠣ॓൩๙࿟ჴჿ۽ᄳದaᆦ҆඀࠺a҆૊ڵᇶ಩a޹ൖӉaᆯି҆૊ڬb۲ਢԵ॓൩ᆞܤა߭ ቔླྀၰđᛵ෾޿ն࿐၄࿐ჽჽӉ+BDRVFT#SBEXFKOa$)&0ჽӉ.Sކ๠၄ჽᆞൔదඇظνն੻תቔ๙ ᄅರđ໡ჽა۽඀࠺ᅦݽ൮༵ᄝ߶ഈቔo୍ഈ϶୍࿆ԮڬჅದҕ߶đ߶ၰႮ֔຾඀࠺໱ᬯᇶӻb֔຾ νն੻സ॓࠯٠໙๶ট٠ഈݚ֥ᇗေଽתቔᇏ֥ԷྍईծđЇও "MFYBOEFS.VOUFSၛࠣ໡ჽ֔຾඀࠺໱ᬯቔູսіదඇਔླྀၰbቔູࡆଦն۽؍༅đߎࢺകਔ࿆Ԯ҆૊࣍ࢨٳБpđؓ၄ჽؓଽaؓຓ࿆ԮБ֡ࣉྛਔ༢๤ Ⴜ֨࠺࿹࣮ཛଢڹቔ֥ކസགྷ಩സӉ,BUIMFFO8ZOOF࡮ᆣਔᆃ၂ൈख़b۴ऌླྀၰଽಸđචٚ࠹߃षᅚݓ࠽תഠ߶ሧჷaն৯ຉᅚ࿆Ԯᆔֹ֩b๝ൈđ ಸᆭ၂đކ൩षᅚᆌؓྟ࿆Ԯa๷ࢺህࡅ఼߄౵໊Ⴊ൝aࠒࠞᆜ॓ކ஥ ႼਢԵ࿹࣮๶ؒbڹቔđ๷ࣉ၄ჽ č#03/3&(*453:Ďđյᄯ၂ᆦݓ࠽ਵ༵֥۽๝ቓݺ၄ჽ࿆Ԯ܋ༀaປ೿ࠏᇅaषຉԷྍđڛቔනਫ਼đࡼࣉ၂҄ࡆ఼۽ૼಒਔࣂު֥ ࿐॓ؿᅚđյᄯ၄ჽ௖இྙའb October 28 our hospital and Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) in Ontario officially reached a cooperation agreement. As the representatives of both sides, Jacques Bradwejn, dean of Ottawa University School of Medicine, Mr. Alexander Munter, dean of CHEO, our hospital Party secretary committee September 29 The Hospital Propaganda Work Conference was held in the Lecture Hall of Science and Education Wu Hao signed the agreement. As the important part of the Shanghai mission of science and technology delegation from Canada’s Eastern Ontario Province, Building, The meeting gave an overall summary and review on the first half year's propaganda work of 2014.More than Kathleen Wynne incumbent governor of the province witnessed the signing of the agreement. According to the agreement, the two sides planed to carry out an 200 individuals including all the clinical department directors and deputy directors, head nurses, heads of the functional international cooperative research project of born registry and create a leading international clinical research team for maternal and children’s health care. departments, Party branch secretaries, department chairmen of the Trade Union and Department correspondents. The meeting was chaired by the Party secretary Wu Hao. At the meeting Zhang Hao, deputy Party secretary, reported "the propaganda work of first half year of 2014" which carried on the system analysis on the propaganda work both inside and outside the hospital, also introduced the innovation measures adopted by the propaganda department to the recent stage work including the implementation of targeted publicity cooperated with the departments, recommended experts to strengthen regional advantages, and actively integrated social resources, vigorously developed the battle fields of ᄅರđႮഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ྏੰാӈᆐᇍᇏྏa໡ჽྏ࿓ propagandizing work etc.. At the same time, it is made clear that the ideas for future work is to further strengthen the ܵଽ॓ᇶϷ֥oഈݚྏᄣࢫੰંฆpႿᄅರᇀ service, perfect the mechanism, explore and innovate to jointly do a good job for the hospital propaganda work to promote the development of the hospital disciplines and create the hospital brand image. ᄅರईྛđѩ๝ൈईϷݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃၄࿐࢝ტཛଢo൩ ྏੰാӈაྏჷྟᘉඵpၛࠣഈݚ൧࠿࿃၄࿐࢝ტཛଢྟ o֝ܵࢺೆ࠯ඌᄝྏ࿓ܵଽ֥॓ᄎႨࠣ޹৘ࣉᅚp࿐༝ ϫb໡ჽჽӉ෤᫧սі၄ჽᇁՊđؓӉ௹ᆦӻ໡ჽྏଽ॓ ېbંฆႮ໡ჽྏଽ॓ᇶ಩৙ၪ྆ۋؿᅚ֥ህࡅ๝ಥіൕ ᇶӻb

October 31 Sponsored by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University l Arrhythmia Diagnosis and Treatment Center and the Department of Cardiology of our hospital, the national continuing medical education program of "Shanghai Forum on Ventricular Arrhythmia and Sudden Cardiac Death 2014, and Shanghai continuing medical education course of the ". Advancement of Interventional Cardiology and Cardiovascular Nursing" were held from October 31st to November 2nd”. On Apri behalf of our hospital, President Sun Kun made a speech and extended his appreciations to colleagues and experts who have been given a long-term support to the development of the Department of Cardiology of our hospital. The forum was chaired by Li Yigang, director of the Department of Cardiology of our hospital.


௹ᄅđֻ൅௾ࢽ࿰٤င॓ն߶᳝ᇏ޿၄࿐߶ֻ൅ࣴՑಆݓင॓࿐ඌն߶ᄝ೻༆༆νඨ০оଞbࣜݖ༵ ߶ֻࢽ຾ჴ߶ӈ຾߶๧ௐ௟࿊֩ҪҪ᝜࿊đ໡ჽٳ11月 င॓۲࿐ቆ๷࿊aຩ઎ௐ࿊aᇏ޿၄࿐߶င॓࿐ ൪ຩଇࠥѨᆐਏ֥ܿٓྖఏა๷ܼpᆃ၂Ӯݔᄝն߶ഈ಴ࠆظNovember င॓ᅵ஡ಅᇶ಩ੱਵః๶ؒࣉྛ֥oᇏݓཬ o໡ݓင॓࿐ᇀ୍൅ն࿹࣮ࣉᅚӫݼpb

November The Seventeenth Asian-African Conference on Ophthalmology and the Nineteenth National Ophthalmology Conference of the Chinese Medical Association concluded successfully in xi'an, Shaanxi. After the prior recommendation of each group Ophthalmology Branch, network voting, the meeting of the members the Eleventh Standing Committee of the Chinese Medical Association Ophthalmology Branch voted by selecting, the achievement of the "Rising and Promotion of the Diagnosis and Treatment Standard for Pediatric Retinal Disease in China" made by the team led by Zhao Peiquan, director of our hospital’s Department of Ophthalmology, was honored “the title of Top Ten Research Progresses in China from 2009 to 2013 " at the meeting".

ᄅರđഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ֔຾඀࠺෤նḃaჽӉӧ ᄳದটڵჽ༢ބህaݒ৴ࠣ۲ᆯି҆ԩޣჽӉӧڬݓ఼a טቔࣉྛਔህี۽ದҌ஡အ֩ٚ૫֥ބ໡ჽؓ࿐॓ࡹഡ ᄳದҕࡆਔ߶ၰb෤ڵᆯି҆૊ބ࿹b၄ჽ֔ᆟਵ֝ϫሰ ᫧ჽӉսі၄ჽࣼ࿐॓ࡹഡܿ߃ࣉྛਔ߸Бbӧݓ఼ჽ Ӊᆷԛđྍ၂ࢽਵ֝ϫሰؓ࿐॓ࡹഡაؿᅚ֥නਫ਼ᆴ֤ᄡ ਔ၄ჽ֥ؿᅚӮࠛđ༐קड़ٳဘb෤նḃ඀࠺ᄝሹࢲᇏԉ ቔၘࠎЧປӮđ۽ༀ҆Ԕࡹمሧ ᄅರđ໡ჽაնӮੰഽ൙ༀ෮ᆞൔईྛదჿ၎ൔđՎईѓᆽሢ໡ჽކఊ༯đᆜܵ؟ഝቔႨđڕຬ၄ჽؿߨԮ๤Ⴊ൝࿐֥॓ ᄳದԛ༜ՎՑڵჽӉӱૼࠣཌྷܱᆯି҆૊ڬb໡ჽჽӉ෤᫧a֔຾඀࠺໱ᬯa؍ჷđࣉ၂҄๷ࣉ࿐॓ؿᅚაದҌؒ໸ࡹഡb ࠧࡼࣉೆൌᇉྟᄎྛࢨ దჿ၎ൔb November 5 Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine’s Party secretary Sun Dalin, President Chen Guoqiang, vice president Chen November 5 Our hospital and Dacheng Law Firm formally held the signing ceremony which marked that the preparatory work for Hongzhuan, Guo Lian and heads various functional departments and faculties setting up the Legal Department of our hospital has been basically completed and the department would enter a substantive operation came to conduct a special investigation tour of our hospital on discipline construction and talent cultivation work. The hospital’s Party and administration stage. Our hospital’s president Sun Kun, vice president Cheng Ming, party secretary Wu Hao and heads of the relevant administration leaders and heads of the functional departments attended the meeting. On behalf of the hospital, president Sun Kun reported the planning of the discipline departments attended the signing ceremony. construction. President Chen Guoqiang pointed out the ideas of new leading group to the discipline construction and development is worth praising. Party secretary Sun Dalin fully affirmed the achievements of the development of the hospital in his summary and hoped that the hospital’s traditional advantage disciplines should play a radiation role, try your best in all the ways to integrate resources and further promote the discipline development and the construction of talent team. ߶ᇶϷđ໡ჽٳᄅರđႮݓ࠽ߌ࣢ੀྛѨ࿐߶࿰ᇝ ๠ࡲूᇗׄൌဒ൩ӵϷ֥ݓ࠽ߌ࣢ੀྛѨ࿐߶࿰ظߌ࣢ა ߶୍୍߶ᄝ໡ჽषଞđЧՑ߶ၰᇶี൞oЌ޹ٳᇝ ๠ࡲूᇗׄൌظߌ࣢đࡲूᆭЧpb߶ၰषଞൔႮߌ࣢ა ߶ᇶ༜aݓٳᄅರđണू၄ჽؿᅚᇏྏӧࡹ௜ᇶ಩aᅵ຿ྒ඀࠺a ဒ൩ᇶ಩ᅦफᇶӻbݓ࠽ߌ࣢ੀྛѨ࿐࿰ᇝ ࠹߃ളტ຾ჴ߶֔ބն࿐࢝൱ݒݽಖđഈݚ൧໏ളۿ࿹đ ৫Ӯטᄳದটჽڵᇶ಩ੱཌྷܱԩ൩ڬᇶ಩aӧٚڬݒႥᡀ ჽڬđഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐॓࿐࠯ඌؿᅚ࿹࣮ჽӈༀޣ࿹߶ၰb߶ၰႮ ຾඀࠺ߛטᄳದԛ༜ڵ໡ჽಆุჽਵ֝ࠣཌྷܱ҆૊ ๠ࡲूᇗׄൌဒ൩భᇶ಩a໡ݓᇷ଀ظӧࡹ௜ᇶ಩ᇶӻbᅵ຿ྒ඀࠺ؓ໡ჽᄝܵ৘ٚ૫Ґ౼֥Է Ӊܱྍ௜aߌ࣢ა ࿐ህࡅaૅݓ၄࿐॓࿐ჽຓࠡჽൖഫཫૼ࢝൱ԛ༜ष॓ظ ቔൌaིݔݺbӧࡹ௜۽ྍईծ۳Ⴭۚ؇௟ࡎđ৘୑ྍa ਔ၄ჽ֥o൅೘໴pؿᅚഡམđ ଞ၎ൔb໡ჽჽӉ෤᫧սі၄ჽᇁՊbषଞൔഈईྛਔߌקड़ٳᇶ಩ᄝሹࢲᇏ္ԉ ܱބ඀࠺ޣ๠ࡲू࢝ტ҆ᇗׄൌဒ൩ࢣஇ၎ൔđߛظѩ༐ຬ၄ჽ҂؎Ӕࣚ༥߄ܵ৘ٚཟ୭৯đิശ၄ჽܵ৘ඣ ࣢ა ჽӉູᇗׄൌဒ൩ࢣஇbڬ௜b ྍ௜

November 6 Shen Kang Hospital Development Center’s director Chen November 30 Sponsored by The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Asian Chapter and our hospital’s the Ministry of Education Key Jianping, Party secretary Zhao Weixing, deputy director Guo Yongjin and Laboratory of Environmental Children’s Health, the Annual on The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Asian Chapter Conference 2014 deputy director Chen Fang led the heads of related offices and departments opened in our hospital. The theme of this conference is "Protect environment is the ultimate source of health ". The opening ceremony was chaired by Zhang to conduct a special investigation tour of our hospital. The hospital’s Party and Jun, director of the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Environmental Children’s Health. Professor Guo Haoran, chairman of The International Society administration leaders and heads of the relevant functional departments attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by director Chen Jianping. Secretary for Environmental Epidemiology Asian Chapter and professor of National Cheng Kung University, Huang Hong, Party secretary of Shanghai Health and Family Zhao Weixing spoke highly of the innovation measures taken in our hospital in the management aspects, which have new ideas, positive work and good effects. Planning Commission, Guan Xinping executive vice president, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Science and Technology Development, Professor Shen In his summary Director Chen Jianping also fully affirmed the development ideas on the hospital’s "the Thirteen’s Five Planning" and hoped that the hospital Xiaoming, foreign academician of USA Academy of Medical Sciences and former director of our hospital’s Key Laboratory of Environmental Children's Health, should continuously try its efforts to work in the detailed management direction and enhance the management level of the hospital. our country’s famous expert attend the opening ceremony. On behalf of our hospital, President Sun Kun addressed to the conference. And meanwhile the commencement of the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Environmental Children’s Health was held and Huang Hong and Guan Xinping executive vice president of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Science and Technology Development unveiled the plate of the laboratory.

  ᄅರđ၄ჽ֔຾ᇏྏቆčঔնĎህี࿐༝߶ᄝ॓࢝ੌ ҆ۄᆯି҆૊ᇏҪܵ৘ބ12月 ဆࢃ๏ᅺषb၄ჽ֔ᆟਵ֝ϫሰ December ҕࡆਔ߶ၰđ߶ၰႮ֔຾඀࠺໱ᬯᇶӻb߶ഈđ෤᫧ჽӉ ၛuԷྍܵ৘aᅚຬໃটvູีቔਔህีБۡbБۡՖэ ༅ਔ၄ჽܵٳ࣍௹ᇗׄཛଢਆ۱ٚ૫བྷ༥ބაܵ৘ଆൔ۪ ༅๩ٳቔᇏթᄝ֥໙ีđӂඍള׮a۽৘གྷঃၛࠣ֒భ Ӟaႄࣜऌׅđູնࡅࣉྛਔ၂Ցധख़֥නམ׮ჴb໱ᬯ ԛေ౰đ၂൞ࡆ఼࿐༝đؽ൞఼߄ܵ৘ิ҆ۄ඀࠺ؓܵ৘ ႿքۍԷྍđࣉ၂҄ࡆ఼܎๙ླྀቔđյᄯ၂ᆦࠒࠞࣉ౼a Ⴕ৯Ќᅰb܂a೿Ⴟᆳྛ֥ܵ৘๶ؒđູൌགྷ၄ჽࡲूॹ෎ؿᅚิ֒

December 8 The Special Subject Study (Enlarged) Meeting of the hospital’s Party Committee center group was held in the Lecture Hall of the Science and Education Building. The hospital’s Party and administration leaders and the functional departments’ middle management cadres attended the meeting. Party secretary Wu Hao chaired the meeting. At the meeting, President Sun Kun made a report themed at on "Update the Management and Look to the Future". With vivid elaboration, penetrating analysis and chapter and verse, he provided a detailed analysis of the situation of the hospital management and problems existing in the current work from two aspects of reform, management mode and key projects in his report and gave all of us c a profound ideological mobilization. Party secretary Wu Hao made his requests on the management cadres: one is to improve study; two is to strengthen management and innovation. Further enhancing communication and cooperation, In order to build up a good management team, which has proactive attitude, dare to bear responsibility and is efficient at the implementation, to provide a powerful guarantee for the realization of the rapid and healthy development of the hospital, ኮေѹழ nnovation of management ǂ I 法务部 Legal Department

“管理创新—新成长” ±国无常强,无常弱;奉法者强,则国强,奉法者弱,则国弱 A country can neither always remain strong nor always be weak. If law-executors conduct according to the "Innovation of management --New growth " law, the country will be strong and vice versa.

഼֏ࢫđྍ޿၄ჽ൮ࢽoܵ৘ԷྍiiྍӮӉp On Christmas Day of 2014, Xinhua Hospital’s first training course on "Innovation୍֥  of management system--New growth" for increasing leadership started. The deep ഼֏ blue tablecloth and flaming Christmas flowers heightened the relaxed and natural֥ޣࠅބਵ֝৯ิശ஡࿞ϫᆞൔषϫđᄝധᝠ֥ড೤ም҃ .ᇏࣉྛb atmosphere of the two day training classຶٲ޽֥ᛴಙ༯đູ௹ਆ฿֥஡࿞ϫ൓ᇔᄝ౞඾ሱಖ֥ At the opening ceremony, president Sun Kun compared the development of Xinhua ෤᫧ჽӉषϫ၎ൔഈྙའֹϜྍ޿֥ؿᅚбቔೈࡱϱЧđ Hospital to software's update and upgrade. The hospital, having grown in strength through arduous pioneering age as a similar approach taken in the development ၄ჽࣜ৥ਔ࡛७Էြ֥  ൈսđᆞՖၛܿଆঔᅦaॹ෎ؿᅚ software version 1.0, is progressing into the age of version 3.0 in order to create ෤᫧ჽӉᄝֻϖࢽಆݓ၄ჽჽӉ୍߶ؿіਔܱႿuն྘၄ At the Eighth Annual Meeting of National Hospital Presidents, president Sun ห೤֥  ൈսሇ྘ࣉೆၛԷห೤aଽݤؿᅚູᇶᆻ֥  features and develop connotation as the theme from version 2.0 age with scale Kun delivered a lecture titled "Exploration of the ideas and feasibility on theູ ༀ֥҆ഡམაॖྛྟฐ෬v֥ဆࢃđ૫ؓಆݓ۲ֹ࣍ establishment of legal department in large hospitals". Facing nearly 5000 seniorمexpansion and rapid development as its characteristics. The training course was ჽӮ৫ ൈսbᄝᆃܱ࡯ൈ௹ईྛ֥ਵ֝৯ิശ஡࿞đ༐ຬնࡅ๙ݖज़ӱđ just held at this crucial stage. Hopefully, all of us could, through the course, master managers and scholars from all over the country, he explored what form of legal ކༀҌൡڛੰمҪܵ৘ᆀა࿐ᆀđฐษ൉હྙൔ໊֥ۚ  ᅧ໤ྍ֥ܵ৘৘ંၛࠣ࠯ెđ࿐ၛᇁႨđູࢤ༯ট֥ຶಡԷྍ the new management theory and skills, use what would have learned in order to service is suitable for large public hospitals and briefed the practice and experience bဆ of how Xinhua Hospital prepared and established the legal department. His speechمༀ֥҆ࣜဒაቓم৫၄ჽđࢺകਔྍ޿၄ჽԔࡹ܄lay a good foundation for our future work on innovation drive and connotation ն྘ .ቔյ༯ਅݺࠎԤb development basis۽षᅚ֥۲ཛط౺׮aଽݤؿᅚ ࢃѰ֤ಆӆᅧലࣲࣜ҂༏đჽӉૌ௟ࡎࠞۚđಪູྍ޿၄ჽӮ was greeted with a prolonged applause from the audience and highly regarded Now we are in a critical period of Shanghai’s medical reform and advancing by the hospital heads. They thought that Xinhua Hospital had set a precedent for đᄏݣሢؓ၄ჽܵ domestic public hospitals by establishing a legal department and the speech hasފ৫၄ჽ֥༵܄ༀ֥҆ई׮षԷਔݓଽم๷ࣉ۲ཛᆟҦ֥ܱ࡯ various policies and rapid transformation must be promoted in the major medical ৫۪ڿଢభ໡ૌᆞԩႿഈݚ൧၄ਏุᇅ contained a profound thinking of hospital management and unique insights. ࡆॹሇ྘bൡႋྙ൝aэ۪ institutions in the city. To adapt to the situation, change is to represent the general ৘ധख़֥නॉა׿ห֥࡮ࢳbܒđ൝с߶՜ࣉಆ൧۲ն၄ਏࠏ௹ trend. Not to advance is to go back and time will not wait for us. Our hospital’s On November 18, Our hospital and Dacheng Law Firm formally held the signing ሇ྘൞ն൝෮౴đ҂ࣉᄵ๼đൈ҂໡րb໡ჽྍo൅ؽሳpٚ "twelve words" policy is put forward at the right time. The training held themed  ᄅ  ರđ໡ჽაնӮੰഽ൙ༀ෮ईྛదჿ၎ൔđѓᆽ ceremony, marking the formal establishment of the legal department of our oܵ৘ԷྍiྍӮӉp஡࿞ᄵᄝᆃ၂ܱ at and "Innovation of management--New growth" would provide our hospital hospital. Xinhua Hospital is the first to adopt comprehensive cooperation modeطఃൈđڇᆌ֥ิԛᆞ ༀ҆ᆞൔӮ৫bྍ޿၄ჽ൞ݓଽ൮ࡅҐ౼აੰഽ൙ༀ with law firms, creating a precedent by practicing hospital management mode. Theمmanagers with ideologically strong technical weapon to break our mindset, give ሢ໡ჽ ൝đ๬ԛԷྍ౺׮đႄਵಆ prominence to innovation drive, lead all the staff members of the hospital to bindק࡯ൈ௹ູ၄ჽܵ৘ದჴյ௥නົ bӮ establishment of the legal department is the best practice for the hospital daredފቔଆൔ֥၄ჽđषԷਔ၄ჽܵ৘ଆൔ֥༵ކ෮षᅚಆ૫ ਔනམഈ఼֥Ⴕ৯ and work together, overtake at the corners and make significant breakthroughs innovate in hospital management. Only by changing we can drive the development܂ୠྏऊ৯aຕ֡ӑӚa๬௥ᇗຶิ۽ჽᆯ –ႿԷྍ֥ቋࡄൌ࡬bືႵэ and only by innovating we will meet the reform. It can be predicted that in the notۍༀ҆൞၄ჽܵ৘ႧႿฐ෬aمin this key period. We expect that more staffs will participate in relevant training ৫ ҕაཌྷܱ஡࿞đ္ཌྷྐ၇ौ courses and also believe that relying on the wisdom of every individuals of Xinhua, too-distant future when legal departments become popular in public hospitals, it is۽ᆯ֥؟࠯ඌ໳ఖb໡ૌ௹ր۷֥ we will feel a greater sense of well - being and dignity at the time of Xinhua version ۪đҌି౺׮ؿᅚđືႵԷྍđҌି႒টэ۪bॖၛყ࡮đᄝ not only to play a decisive role for hospital operation but also can go far in handling ֥؟൳֞۷ۋ၂໊ྍ޿ದ֥ᇆ߰đ໡ૌᄝྍ޿֥  ൈսିૄ ৫၄ჽ֥௴ࠣđ҂ࣇູ၄ჽᄎႏఏ֞ the doctor-patient relationship and will play a positive effect to the whole society܄ༀ҆ᄝم҂ࣲ֥ࡼটđ .3.0 ቍ࿸b as well. From this point of view, Xinhua Hospital, as a main body of the reform, hasބڞྜྷ ቔູđؓᆜ۱ىईቀ౞ᇗ֥ቔႨđ۷ॖᄝ൸৘၄ߑܱ༢ᇏႵ၂ made the first initiative move to establish the department since the medical system ഠ߶׻ࡼఏ֞ࠒࠞᆞ૫ི֥ႋbՖᆃ၂ၩၬഈটඪđྍ޿၄ჽ reform began. It really exhibits the spirit of a master, the attitude of an innovator as well as the courage of a forerunner. ৫၄ჽᇶ׮જԛֻ֥၂܄ၛটđ۪ڿༀ҆ॖ໌၄ਏุᇅمӮ৫

ᇶุ֥ᇶದ໛֥ࣚപaԷྍᆀ֥ረ෿a۪ڿđᆇᆞཁൕԛቔູ҄ ᆀ֥గ௦Ćྛ༵

  ◎“激情新华,感动你我”主题评选 ஡ӑᔊӨ “Passionate Xinhua Inspires You and Me" Electing Activity THRIVING CULTURE ◆ ׮୆໡pᇶี௟࿊ࠃ׮đ As the brand culture built up by Xinhua people, since the event of titled "Passionateۋ໡ჽሢ৯յᄯ֥oࠗ౦ྍ޿đ  5CG ࣉ۱ದđԮ groups and advanced individuals have emerged and it has also passed forward the༵ބሱ  ୍षᅚၛটđႤགྷԛ၂ն஻ࠗ౦ุࠢ ᆞaЇಸaᄳ಩p֥ࡎᆴ౼ཟđӮູܺԬಆ୍֥၂ཛ value orientation of fairness, tolerance and responsibility and played a role of the܄ਔo־ 激情新华,感动你我” 颁奖典礼“◎ "Passionate Xinhua , Inspire You and Me " Awarding Ceremony inspiration and cohesion of the people in the building of advanced hospital culture. ѩሢ৯ሔ౰֥ࢂཛڛaಕᇙቋູྐ؟ᇿ؇ቋۚaҕაದඔቋܱ ?\CG@ ࡹ༵ࣉ၄ჽ໓߄ᇏఏ֞ਔࠗৣ from 2013 September, after several rounds of recommendation, vote, personalܒ௟࿊ࠃ׮đᄝ၄ჽሇ྘ؿᅚđ presentation and review by committee, finally the winners goes to: ದྏaୠऊದྏ֥ቔႨb




॓ڹຓ॓aظࠗ౦॓൩ğ૟୕ຓ॓aཬ Passionate departments: Urology Department, Pediatric Surgery Department, Gynecology Department

๠აౝഒ୍Ќࡲ॓aྏ࿓ܵଽ॓aപࣜଽ॓ظࠗ౦॓൩ದగࢂğ ԮࢮБđ໴ရ๋ᄁᅚྍ๭b ୍؇oࠗ౦ྍ޿đ Horse has turned the old year away and vigorous goats are ushering in beautiful Appealing departments: Child and Adolescent Healthcre Department , Cardiology Department , Neurology Departmentڄϖलධ spring. At 3 PM , on the afternoon of January 13, the Lecture Hall of the Science ׮ྍ޿ದ໾ğဗफaഫफaઔॏaഔྞទۋ ׮୆໡pᇶี௟࿊ϯࢂׅড়ੈᇗईྛb໡ჽჽӉ෤᫧a֔຾ Building was packed and full of a happy and peaceful festive atmosphere. On theۋ occasion of the upcoming of Spring Festival, The awarding ceremony -- "Passionate Individuals who inspire Xinhua: Yang Jun, Shen Jun, Ma Ke, Shao XindiAppealing individuals who inspire Xinhua: Zheng Leizhen, Ding Lin ۽ᆯބ۱ದaіဆದჴބ඀࠺໱ᬯ֩ಆุ֔ᆟਵ֝aࠆࢂุࠢ Xinhua, Inspire You and Me 2014" was held to carry forward the advanced and ਞנ׮ྍ޿ದ໾ิ଀ࢂğᆢ৅ᆋaۋ սі࣍  ದҕࡆਔࠃ׮b recommended models. President Sun Kun, Party secretary Wu Hao and all the Party and administration leaders, collective and individual award winners, actors and Appealing individuals who inspire Xinhua: Zheng Leizhen, Ding Lin .ϯࢂׅড়หљဤ౨ਔࡆଦնᛵ෾޿ն࿐၄࿐ჽჽӉ %S actresses and staff representatives of nearly 400 people took part in the event ࢭԛౝ୍ğߛৡ෍aઔӑaરဉ٦aഫӑaඳၤ +BDRVFT#SBEXFKOaჽӉᇹ৘ %S:VXFJ8BOHaੀྛѨ࿐ In the event, Dr. Jacques Bradwejn (Dean) ,Dr. Yuwei Wang(Assistant Dean) and Dr. Outstanding youths: Huang Lisu, Ma Chao, Mao Yanfei, Shen Chao, Si Yi Appealing outstanding youths: Wu Wenguang, Wei Yan, Xu Ajing, Feng Xiaobo Julian Little (Chair, Department of Epidemiology) from University of Ottawa Medical , ׮ྍ޿ದ໾pϯࢂb๝ൈ School are invited as distinguish guests to present the medals. Moreover, asۋ༢ᇶ಩ %S+VMJBO-JUUMF ԛ༜ѩູo ཫѰڈࢭԛౝ୍ิ଀ࢂğ໱໓ܼaຳ࿸aྷέࣖa special setting part, Dr. Jacques Bradwejn announced President Sun Kun as Adjunct ࡆଦնᛵ෾޿ն࿐၄࿐ჽჽӉ %S+BDRVFT#SBEXFKO གྷӆ࿆ Appealing outstanding youths: Wu Wenguang, Wei Yan, Xu Ajing, Feng Xiaobo Professor of University of Ottawa Medical School and presented the certificate as ҃หௗ໡ჽჽӉ෤᫧ູࡆଦնᛵ෾޿ն࿐၄࿐ჽหௗ࢝൱đѩ well. aࣁ৫੾a୸ํa෤ᠰaᇫᄉषaఫࡹ޿a຦ૹaਾধबوༀѓѡğႿလa຦დಥaшڛ ෤ჽӉϯؿᆣ඀b The elaborate programs, which are produced, directed and performed by Xinhua Service Models: Yu Yang, Wang Yuren, Bian Fan, Jin Lilun, Ou Tie, Sun Ying, Zhu Yunkai, Qian Jianhua, Wang Min, Liu Lanjunູ staff pushed the scene atmosphere to a climax and the stunning finale was ༀᇏྏϫቆa14*$6 ޹৘ϫቆڛༀѓѡϫቆğࠤᆐ޹৘ϫቆaь૶ڛ .ྍ޿ದૄ୍ၛ၂෻ሱщaሱ֝aሱဆ֥ࣚґϯࢂׅড়đ஍ blessing video presented by the staff from different departments, even abroad Accompanied by the melodious rhythm, all the Party and administration leaders Group service models: Nursing Group of Department of Emergency, Group of Patient Service Center, Nursing Group of PSICU .၂ came to the stage and said “Happy new year” to all the Xinhua peopleٲ߶a҆૊ࣚྏሙС֥ࢫଢ္ࡼགྷӆగ۽၂୍֥൬ࠆđ۲ׄ

૾b On behalf of the team of hospital leadership, president Sun kun expressed his܋൪௔۷൞ႄؿಆӆڞՑՑ๷ཟۚӖđቋުྍ޿ದ֥ྍԽሀ ϴሢྍԽ֥ಣହᄒੰđ၄ჽ֔ᆟਵ֝ϫሰӮჴุࠢ֨෻đཟಆ season’s greeting to 3700 staff members of the hospital and said: In the coming new year, one mission of Xinhua Hospital is to provide better medical service to ྍ޿ದϨ୍b෤᫧ჽӉսі၄ჽ֔ᆟਵ֝ᇁՊğoྍ֥၂୍đ the patients to satisfy them. Another one is to take measures to provide moreุ ༐ຬѨದؓ໡ૌྍ޿၄ჽ۷ࡆડၩa۷ࡆྐঠđ۷ᇗ൪֥൞đ happiness and sense of honor to all the staff. Meanwhile, Party secretary Wu Hao wish all the staff a new year full of happiness, peacefulness and healthiness all !bp໱ᬯ඀ along your family, a realization of your wishes and a speedy successۋđ۷Ⴕቍ࿸ۋڞᄝྍ޿၄ჽ۷Ⴕྜྷ۽ಞ໡ૌ֥ჴ đሀಆุྍ޿ದྍ୍ڞᇁၛྍԽሀ۽࠺္ཟಆჽ  Ⴥ଀ჴ Ćڞॹুđദุࡲूđᚘࡅྜྷ

  ◎ 新华大讲堂 ◎新华 TV Xinhua Grand Lecture Xin Hua TV

໱ච Wu Shuang

ഈݚഽٓն࿐หௗ࢝൱ Distinguished Professor, Shanghai Normal University 

ෑᄯဝܻྏ෿ Build a positive attitude

Ϙ୍֣ Ba Denian

ӱჽჽൖ۽໡ݓᇷ଀૧ၦ࿐ህࡅᇏݓ ၄॓ն࿐཮Ӊބჰᇏݓ၄࿐॓࿐ჽჽӉࠣჰᇏݓླྀ China's famous immunology expert, member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, former Dean of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and former President of Peking Union Medical College

໡֥၄࿐࢝ტܴა၄࿐ದҌܴ My views on medical education and medical talents

ઍྍ Luo Xin

ൈ After five years of development, Xinhua TV has clear positioning and regularקބ໊קؿᅚđྍ޿ 57 ଢభၘႵૼಒ֥֥؟ٚ໏൪Էၩሹࡓaྍ໔௟ંჴa൮༜࠺ᆀ ࣜݖ໴୍תഈݚ Creative director, news commentator, chief reporter of Shanghai Dragon TV broadcasting system. The level of producing, editing and broadcasting has been Ѭԛᇅ؇đҐaщaѬ֩ᇅѬඣ௜ᄝฐ෬ᇏ໗҄ิശđ steadily increasing. Now Xinhua TV has built its reputation in Shanghai health֥௹ק րொ࡮ ᄝഈݚ֥໏ള༢๤ᇏၘऎႵࢠ֥ۚᆩ଀؇đѩӁളਔࠒ֥ࠞ႕ system and exerted positive influence. In 2014, Xinhua TV produced a total of 6ؓޅࣂ฿໡ૌೂ How do we deal with prejudice? conventional programs and 1 special issue (Awards Ceremony of 2013 “Passionate ཙb Xinhua Inspires You and Me” Electing Activity).

 ୍đྍ޿ 57 ܋ᇅቔਔ  ௹ӈܿࢫଢđ ௹ห़č ׮୆໡pᇶี௟࿊ϯࢂׅড়Ďbۋ؇oࠗ౦ྍ޿đ୍ ӧ཯૾ Chen Xiaoming

උֻ၂၄ჽჽӉڸ໑ᇜ၄॓ն࿐ President, the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University

յᄯmᇆ߰၄ਏnݴଛđषఓ၄ਏྍุဒii໑ᇜ උֻ၂၄ჽྐ༏߄ࡹഡൌᅞڸ၄॓ն࿐ Practice of information construction of the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University

ࢀ৫ྍ Jiang Lixin

ᇶ಩ڬݓࡅਢԵ၄࿐࿹࣮ᇏྏӈༀ uੁွ֗čᇏ໓ϱĎvᄖᆽᇶщ Executive deputy director, National Clinical Research Center; Editor in chief, "The Lancet" (Chinese version)

໓ؿіඣ௜ંބಆ૫ิശਢԵ࿹࣮ޅೂ How to improve clinical research and paper publication

  个人荣誉 ഛʽᕦ᝘ Individual Honors HONORS & AWARDS ◆

ࢂཛ଀ӫ ϯࢂֆ໊ ࠆࢂದჴčุࠢ / ۱ದĎ Awards Presentation Unit Winner ሱᇍ౵຾ჴ߶غྍࡿົ໰܋Ď ᇏۿದҌčؽ֩҆ۄ医院荣誉 ֻ௾஻സ൧Ⴊྮჱࡿ Seventh Batch of Provincial/Municipal Excellent Xinjiang-aiding Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous ໱ᬯ Group Honors Wu Hao Cadre (second-class merit) Region ቔ຾ჴ߶۽ቔࢌੀކഈݚ൧܋ᇏ ൩܄ቔࢌੀϷކکഈݚ൧ದ૶ᆟ ഠ߶Ќᅰअބࢂཛ଀ӫ ϯࢂֆ໊ ࠆࢂದჴčุࠢ / ۱ದĎ ഈݚ൧ದ৯ሧჷ ༀჴअ܄ቔ༵ࣉ۱ದ ഈݚ൧۽ቔࢌੀކAwards Presentation Unit Winner 2012-2013 ୍؇ഈݚؓ१ᆦჱა Shanghai Advanced Individual of Counterpart Support Work Party Committee of Shanghai Cooperation and ໱ᬯ ࡹഡ՜ࣉ߶ Wu Haoڄഈݚ၄ူ໏ളྛ 2013-2014 ࡹഡ༵ࣉֆ໊ Shanghai Health and Medical Morals Construction Promotion ྍ޿၄ჽ and Cooperation Exchange, Cooperation and Exchange office ofڄ؇ྛ୍ 2013-2014 Advanced Unit in Morals Construction Xin Hua Hospital Association Shanghai Municipal Government, Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Shanghai ದ૶ರБഠದ૶ຩ Administration of Civil Servants ᇏݓࡲू࢝ტᇏྏ ᠱ࣡ܤ ߶۽ݺਵ֝ ഈݚ൧ሹ۽ᇏݓದ१࿆Ԯ࢝ტᇏྏ ഈݚ൧ྏ༢୯ᆯ Shanghai Good Leader Caring about Female Workers Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions Gu Qijing ܒ؇ಆݓႪྮ໏ള࠹ളࠏ୍ 2013-2014 2013-2014 National Excellent Health and Family ࡲूБഠ ྍ޿၄ჽ Xin Hua Hospital ߶ ӧ඀ဇ۽Planning Institution ᇏݓದ१Бഠ ഈݚ൧ֻ໴ࢽ໴၂ࢾᖤࢂ ഈݚ൧ሹ Co-hosted by the People's Network;China Health Shanghai May 5th Heroine Award Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions Chen Shuyan Education Centre;China Population Publicity and Education

Center;Health Newspaper;China Population Newspaper ഈݚ၄࿐॓࠯ࢂč೘֩ࢂĎ ഈݚ൧၄࿐߶ ӧ࿰ౝ ௼๖ᄅ ᇫᄉष֩ Third Prize of Shanghai Medical Science Award Shanghai Medical Association Chen Yaqing,Qi Tingyue,Zhu Yunkai, etc ౝ๶ഈݚ൧຾ჴ߶܋ - ቔᆀ۽ؿᅚ Ⴊྮگༀؒ ႄਵህ॓ूڛ؇ “ ഈݚ൧ౝ୍໴ඹࢂᅣุࠢ ” ഈݚ൧ದ৯ሧჷഠ߶Ќᅰअ ౝ୍ᆽ჻ᆀ୍ 2013 ၄࿐߶ ؄ౝگExcellent Worker in leading specialized rehabilitation ഈݚ൧ू 2013 Shnaghai Youth May 4th Medal Collective Shanghai Youth League Committee;Shanghai Human Youth Volunteer Service Team Shanghai Rehabilitation Medicine Association Du Qing Resources and Social Secuirty Bureau development ቔᆀ۽ᇏݓྏ৘໏ളླྀ߶ֻϖࢽႪྮྏ৘໏ള ๨࣠ຓ॓aઐቊა൭ඌ޹৘ϫቆ ᇏݓྏ৘໏ളླྀ߶ ᅦ࣑඾ޤа࿳ع ࠹߃ളტ຾ჴ߶຾ჴ߶ބౝ๶ഈݚ൧໏ള܋ ” “ 2013-2014 ؇ഈݚ൧ ౝ୍໓ૼݼ Youth League Committee of Shanghai Health and Family Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Nursing 8th Excellent Mental Health Worker of Chinese Mental Health୍ 2013-2014 Shanghai Youth Civilization Post Chinese Mental Health Association Zhang Jinsong Planning Commission Team of Nnesthesia and Surgery Association

࠹߃ളტ຾ჴ߶ބఋ๶຾ ” ഈݚ൧໏ളޣ؇ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ “ ໴ඹ୍ 2014 ॓ظࢂ ഈݚ൧၄ူ໏ളؿᅚࠎࣁ߶ ྍളڀޣ ౝ๶ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐຾ჴ߶ ਢԵ၄࿐ჽ๶ሹᆦ܋ May 4th Red-banner Youth League of 2014 Youth League Committee of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Youth League Branch of Clinical Medical College Shanghai Jiao Tong University Red Maple Award Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission, Neonatology Dept Shanghai Medical Health Development Foundation ୯ؿᅚ҆ڹ߶ކ৳୯ڹഈݚ൧ Women's Development Dept of Shanghai Women's ᇏ၄॓ ᇏݓ၄ਏЌࡲݓ࠽ࢌੀ՜ࣉ߶ ەഈݚ൧ࢾᖤ໓ૼ Shanghai Woman Civilization Post TCM Dept ޿༱၄࿐॓࠯ࢂ೘֩ࢂ China Promotion of International Healthcae and ਾᆒݓ Federation Third Prize of Chinese Medical Science Award Liu Zhenguo Exchange ༀѓѡϫቆڛༀᇏྏڛь૶ ࠤᆐ޹৘ϫቆ 2014 ഈݚ൧࢝ტ຾ჴ߶aഈݚ൧࢝ტؿᅚࠎࣁ߶ ഈݚ൧ტҌࢂ Shanghai Municipal Education Commission;Shanghai ৙ဉ୍ Ӯದ૊ᆐ༆ူٜ 2014 Shanghai Yucai Education Award Li Yan Education Development Foundation ޹৘ቆ॓ܠظ ࠯Էྍ “ ྒܻ࠹߃ ” Էྍᆭྒ॓۽PSICU ޹৘ቆ ֻඹ௹ഈݚ൧၄ༀᆯ ߶ ઼ई۽Invention Star of 4th Shanghai Medical Staff Technology ഈݚ൧၄ༀ ࠝӤЌࢱ܄ඳଽᄖཬቆ Shanghai Medical Union Mei Ju ϫቆ Innovation Awardگ๠ूظ ࠯Էྍ “ ྒܻ࠹߃ ” Ⴊྮሧᇹཛ॓۽๨࣠ຓ॓๐৯ᇏྏ ֻඹ௹ഈݚ൧၄ༀᆯޤа࿳ع ߶ ઼ई۽ቆ ଢ ഈݚ൧၄ༀٮԛೆჽ൬ Ӂ॓૊ᆐ Excellent Funding Project of 4th Shanghai Medical Staff Shanghai Medical Union Mei Ju ຓ॓૟୕ϫቆ Technology Innovation Awardظཬ ࠯Էྍ “ ྒܻ࠹߃ ” ೘֩ࢂ॓۽٢ഝ॓ࠤᆐϫቆ ֻඹ௹ഈݚ൧၄ༀᆯ 2013-2014 ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ ୍؇໓ૼϫቆ Services Pacesetter Team of Convenient Service ᵾ႖޿ ߶ Shanghai Medical Union۽Civilization Team of Shanghai Jiao Tong ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ Third Prize of 4th Shanghai Medical Staff Technology ഈݚ൧၄ༀ 2013-2014 Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Center; Qu Yinghua University School of Medicine Innovation Award Emergency Care Team; “ ” ࠯Էྍ ྒܻ࠹߃ ೆຶࢂ॓۽ඹ௹ഈݚ൧၄ༀᆯֻ ߶ ӧᢞ ӱሰ຿ ਟ఼۽Adult Outpatient Pharmacy; Finalist Award of 4th Shanghai Medical Staff Technology ഈݚ൧၄ༀ Shanghai Medical Union Chen Nan,Cheng Ziwei,Lin Qiang Pediatric Orthopaedics Care Team; Innovation Award PSICU Care Team; ᅦ໓ԫ ᇛќ ဗૹ ৙ൗ๕ Miscellaneous Work Group of JiChen Cleaning ֻؽ൅ੂࢽഈݚ൧Ⴊྮؿૼ࿊ϙ೗Ⴊྮؿૼ๞ࢂ ഈݚ൧Ⴊྮؿૼ࿊ϙ೗ቆ຾߶ Company; Branze Medial of 26th Shanghai Excellent Invention Organizing Committee of Shanghai Excellent Invention ຦ྼߩ Zhang Wenchuan,Zhou Bin, Pediatric Rehabilitation Team; Competition Competition Yang Min,Li Shiting,Wang Xuhui Hearing Center; Discharge and Admission Group; 2014 ୍ഈݚ൧ᇾჽ၄ഽܿٓ߄஡࿞Ⴊྮܵ৘ᆀ Excellent administrator of 2014 Shanghai Resident ഈݚ൧ᇾჽ၄ഽܿٓ߄஡࿞൙ༀᇏྏ ֆ࣫ Obstetrics Clinic; Shanghai Resident Standardization Training Center Shan Jiong Urinary Team of Pediatric Surgery; Standardization Training Emergency Team of Radiology Department ഈݚ൧࿐ളሧᇹܵ৘ᇏྏaഈݚ൧Ջ೿ࠎࣁ߶ືι ቔ۽၂ࢽ “ ືι · ື֣ ” ഈݚ၄࿐োۚ཮ “ Ⴊྮሧᇹტದֻ ” ฿൐ࠎࣁ ᆀ Shanghai Management Center for Student Financial ӈဉ 2014 Excellent Education Worker of Shanghai Medical Chang Yan Assistance ,"One Love Angel Fund" of Shanghai Charity University Foundation ྍࡿ၄॓ն࿐຾ჴ߶ ӧჷ໓܋ӫݼ “Excellent ᇏ ” ҆ۄྍࡿ၄॓ն࿐ֻ௾஻ “ Ⴊྮჱࡿ Xinjiang-aiding Cadre” of Xinjiang Medical University Party committee of Xinjiang Medical University Chen Yuanwen ౝ๶ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐຾ჴ߶܋ ” ൭ି໊ە؇ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ “ ౝ୍୍ 2012-2013 "Youth Post Reward" of 2013-2014 Shanghai Jiao Tong Youth League Committee of Shanghai Jiao Tong ჯཟਊ Yuan Xiangliang University University ࠹߃ളტ຾ჴ߶຾ჴ߶ Youthބౝ๶ഈݚ൧໏ള܋ ഈݚ൧໏ള࠹ള຾Ⴊྮ๶ჴ୍ 2014 Excellent Youth League Member of 2014 Shanghai Health and League Committee of Shanghai Health and Family ੤ૹղ Lu Minda Family Planning Commission Planning Commission

  ࢂཛ଀ӫ ϯࢂֆ໊ ࠆࢂದჴčุࠢ / ۱ದĎ Awards Presentation Unit Winner

2013 2014 “ ” ઔӢᡊ ්໓ब ซࡄႁ ౝ๶ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐຾ჴ߶܋ j ୍؇ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ Ⴊྮ๶ჴ Excellent Youth League Member of 2013-2014 Shanghai Youth League Committee of Shanghai Jiaotong ຦ݚӬ ნ ࡲ અ໓ム Ma Chenlu, Su Wenjun, Tan Jiayin, Jiaotong University University Wang Haicheng, Yu Jian, Luo Wentao 2013 2014 “ ” ౝ๶ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐຾ჴ߶܋ ҆ۄj ୍؇ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ Ⴊྮ๶ Excellent Youth League Cadre of 2013-2014 Shanghai Jiaotong Youth League Committee of Shanghai Jiaotong ຦ູ ᇫ࣋ ੤၂໔ Wang Wei, Zhu Jin, Lu Yiwen University University ٯഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ ෤ਪ ҆ۄ୯ڹഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐Ⴊྮ Excellent Women Cadre of Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai Jiaotong University Sun Lingfen ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐॓࠯ࢂ ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ ӧ࿰ౝ ௼๖ᄅ ᇫᄉष֩ Technology Award of Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai Jiaotong University Chen Yaqing,Qi Tingyue,Zhu Yunkai, etc ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐Ⴊྮ࢝ഽؽ֩ࢂ Second Prize of Excellent Teacher of Shanghai Jiaotong ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ ӧ⹕aഫݚѯ Shanghai Jiaotong University Chen Yi,Shen Haibo University ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐Ⴊྮනᆟ࢝ഽ୍ 2014 Excellent Ideological and Political Teacher of Shanghai ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ ӈဉaਾൗ௛ 2014 Shanghai Jiaotong University Chang Yan Liu Shiping Jiaotong University đ

/ ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽႪྮ࢝࿐๶ؒ ຓ॓ ໱ᤜૼظ Excellent Teaching Team of Shanghai Jiaotong University ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Pediatric Surgery/Wu Yeming School of Medicine

ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽႪྮ࢝ഽ Excellent Teacher of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ Д၂ཱ Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Bao Yixiao Medicine

ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ॓࿹࿞਀Ⴊྮൌဒቆ Excellent Research Training Experimental Group of Shanghai ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ ྷಞ Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Xu Rang Jiaotong University School of Medicine

ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽଆٓࡄ੩ ڹڏModel Couple of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ ྷࡲ Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Xu Jian couple Medicine ҍༀ҆č୸ํĎ č෤ᠰĎ҆۽၄ༀഠ ༀᇏྏčഔྞទĎڛྍ޿ग़޼ ەഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ 2013-2014 ୍؇໓ૼ Civilization Post of Shanghai Jiaotong University ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ ӑലᆐ؎॓čᇫᄉषĎ 2013-2014 Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Financial Department(Ou Tie); School of Medicine Medical Social Work Dept(Sun Ying); Xin Hua Customer Service Center(Shao Xingdi); Ultrasound Dept (Zhu Yunkai)

  Ԫ Ԫ᣹eᤈԨ ܷӝዴនὋԑॳ̤ॶ ளڎ͛੽નࡘὋҴং ᄉ΍֐ژߵణᇷڱ࿸ణབ঎ᄉСকὋ݊ ᄽនᄉҦ᧙ʿԺઇધὋ੯ᅋᄉζএʿԺͤ᧙ĀĀ ߦሙԧ࡙ DISCIPLINE DEVELOPMENT ◆ Cardiology 心血管内科 Gastroenterology 消化内科

ݓࡅᇗׄ࿐॓ቆӮֆ໊ ྏᄣࢺೆᆐᇍ҆ ᇶ಩ğٓࡹۚ ېᇶ಩ğ৙ၪ Director: Li Yigang Constituent Units of National Key Displine Department of Cardiac Intervention Director: Fan Jiangao

ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ྏੰാӈᆐᇍᇏྏ ᇶ಩ğഫӮྖ Shanghai Jiaotong University Diagnosis and Treatment Center for Cardiac Director: Shen Chengxing

൩ႚႵ௴๙Ե໊  ᅦaࡓ޹Ե໊  ᅦđ॓൩၄ള  ದđ The Cardiology Department owns 123 beds and has 43 doctors including 16 ॓൩Ե໊  ᅦa၄ഽ  ದđۚࠩᆯӫᅝ a࿹࣮ള The Department of Gastroenterology accommodates 62 beds; There are 26 doctors॓ professors and associate professors. Among them, 38 specialists hold PhD/MD in the department, 54% of whom hold senior profession titles with 8 master tutors ଽࣤᆐᇍ҆ĠູჽᇗބѨቆۉඋ໇Ӌa։၏aٳЇওۚࠩᆯӫ  ದaණ֝  ದaѰ֝  ದaѰൖණൖ  ದb degrees and Master degrees. There are 5 doctoral tutors and 7 Master tutors in the ֝ഽᅝ đ and doctoral tutors; The department consists of several sub-disciplines which department. ቔູݓࡅᇗׄ࿐॓ቆӮֆ໊aഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ྏੰാӈᆐਏᇏ ׄ࿐॓a൧ཨ߄ህ॓၄ഽ஡࿞ࠎֹaݓࡅཨ߄ਢԵူ৘ࠎֹđ includes gastrointestinal disease, pancreaticobiliary diseases, liver diseases, and As one unit of National Key Disciplines and Cardiac Arrhythmia Center of Shanghai endoscopic diagnostic branch.The department was elected as key department ᄣѨᄖᆽvླྀϷۉuൌႨބᆐᇍᇏྏۉྏđ॓൩ᄝ֝ܵཨವᇍਏॹ෎ྟྏੰാӈਵთđႭఃᄝఖᇉྟྏ Jiao Tong University, catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia, especially for ၛࠣᇏݓ၄ഽླྀ߶ᆫٛ of hospital level, Shanghai training basis for gastroenterology and hepatology which originated from organic heart disease, takes the leading position in China. ကᆡྟӋѨbಆ୍૊ᆐਈ  ຣބѨۉᄣѨ൩෎ᇍਏٚ૫đԩႿݓଽਵ༵ඣ௜b࿐॓ջ๨ದa॓ᇶ಩৙ ֆ໊bህြห೤તྟ Department director, Prof. Li Yigang, is member of the Standing Committee of the specialist, SFDA qualified clinic research center, clinical center for fatty liver ᇶ಩຾ჴaᇏ޿ Chinese Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, Vice President of Chinese Heart ದՑđԛჽ ದՑđԵ໊ᇛሇੱ Ց  ୍bଽࣤᆐਏ diseases of Chinese Medical Doctor Association as well as co-sponsor of Journal ofڬ߶ٳӱ࿐߶ྏੰ۽࢝൱གྷ಩ᇏݓള໾၄࿐ېၪ Rhythm Society, Vice President of the Shanghai Society of Cardiovascular Diseases, ࠃ Clinical Hepatology (in Chinese). The clinical specialty is characterized by refractoryۉ༸ົ߄  ჅದՑđۉۉຣದՑđ'JCSP4DBO ᆐ؎ᆫٛ ߶ and honored Professor of Arrhythmia Center of Minnesota University. hepatitis and inflammatory bowel disease. There are totally 188 thousandٳ߶ӈༀ຾ჴaഈݚ൧၄࿐߶ྏ࿓ܵٳఏѲބ၄࿐߶ྏ׈ള৘ ห൹ᆐਏ  ჅದՑb outpatient visits and 3337 in-patients with bed turnover rate of 62.6 times per֩ 1$3& ބᇶ಩຾ჴaૅݓૼୄ්ղն࿐ྏੰാӈᇏྏग़ቖ࢝൱b Three key sub-specialties, cardiovascular arrhythmia, coronary heart disease and ࡟ڬ Cardiovascular Care Unit (CCU) are at the forefront of Shanghai. Among them, year. Above 3000 and 49000 patients received non-invasive liver fibrosis diagnosis ॓൩ྏੰാӈaܳྏѨaྏ࿓ܵࠤᇗᆡఽࣷč$$6Ď೘ն catheter ablation treatment of chronic atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia ཛݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁđؿі with examination of FIBROSCAN and endoscopic , respectively. Meanwhile, over  ބ଀  ۄܠྍᄹ  ज़ี with different origins is the special feature of the department, which is in the ࿰ህြඣ௜଀ਙഈݚభਙbતྟٜӃ֥֝ܵཨವඌđఖᇉྟྏᄣ ,ĠᇶϷֻ  ࢽ 300 patients received special medical procedure, such as liver biopsies, ERCP, ESDٳ  leading position in the field. 4$* ં໓  ௉đֆ௉ቋۚ႕ཙၹሰնႿ POME or TACE in the department. ѨၬۉѨϴ൩෎֥֝ܵཨವඌđਆն॓൩ห೤ਵ༵ಆݓb Under the leadership of Prof. Li, the department performed some advanced ഈݚݓ࠽ཨ߄߶ၰa ཛಆݓ࠿࢝࿐༝ϫၛࠣ  ཛն྘ technologies in 2014 such as percutaneous left atrial appendage closure, In 2014, the department harvested 5 new funds from the National Nature Science ඌaٜӃ ᆐࠃ׮b ଀၄ഽԛݓ࿐༝  ۱ᄅĠٓࡹۚ࢝൱৵಩ಆݓᆫٛ؁ٿعཛྍ࠯ඌđೂٜӃߑᆀቐྏ؟षᅚ୍  cryoablation of atrial fibrillation, epicardial ventricular tachycardia ablation, a novel Foundation of China, and one newly assigned Co-PI of “973” project; a total of 19 ཨವඌaྏຓଇ൩෎ཨವaྍ྘࿢৯֝ܵཨವa٧ިྟྏࠔ radiofrequency ablation which use contact force sensing catheter, percutaneousײ৏ ٝᇍᆷଲč॓௴ papers were published in SCI-indexed journal, with the highest impact factor ofۉѨ࿐ቆቆӉđᇶщuᇏݓᆫٛۉࣵࣚྟބۉ transluminal septal myocardial ablation, rotational atherectomy, and so on. Some උಆݓਵֹ໊༵b୍ of those are in front edge and the department is in front-runner status. Compared ϱĎvđѩք಩  Ч 4$* ௹़щ຾b over 11; Three national programs for Continuous Medical Education ( inflammationၘٳѨ֥߄࿐ཨವaܳሑ׮ઝ࿈ଈඌ֩đ҆ bowel disease and fatty liver disease),the Third Shanghai International Conference ؇ປӮܳઝࢺೆඌ ದՑđഝ௔ཨವඌ  ದՑĠఏѰఖ with last year, the patients who have undertaken interventional procedures in 2014 increased dramatically, including 3404 cases of CAG and PCI, 746 cases of on Digestive Disease, and two free medical consultation of liver diseases were radiofrequency ablation, 306 cases of pacemaker implantation, and 18 cases of left ඌ  ದՑb held by our department.Five doctors were sent abroad for further training and؁ٿعᆱೆඌ  ದՑđቐྏ atrial appendage closure. ࠆݓࡅࠩज़ี  ཛa൧॓຾ज़ี  ཛaഈ studying. Prof. Fan Jiangao was re-assigned as the director of Chinese Workshop forٳ൩୍॓  The department won four NSFC grants, two Municipal Science and Technology Fatty Liver and Alcoholic Liver Disease, and as the chief editor for Guideline for the Committee supported grants, one Shanghai Health Bureau and one Medical School ݚ൧໏ളअज़ี  ཛđ၄࿐ჽज़ี  ཛaؿі 4$* ં໓  ௉b Prevention and Treatment in China (for science popularization).He also serves as of Shanghai Jiao Tong University supported grant this year; 12 papers have been ݓ࠽ંฆpđoഈݚྏᄣ published and indexed by SCI. the editor of 4 international SCI-indexed journals.j؁ٿعईϷoቐྏۿ؇Ӯ୍  ཨ߄ଽࣤᆐᇍ҆ ٚݓ The “International Forum of LAA Closure 2014” and the “Shanghai Heart Rhythm Department of Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatmentתoֻϖࢽބઝࢺೆ஡࿞ϫpܳބࢫੰંฆ᳝൩ྟྏੰാӈ Forum 2014, Ventricular Arrhythmias and Coronary Intervention training course” ࠽ྏᄣѨ߶ၰpb were successfully organized by Xinhua Hospital last year. The “8th Oriental Congress ᇶ಩ğྷূ૾ of Cardiology” was jointly organized with other hospitals in 2014. Director: Xu Leiming

  Respiratory Medicine 呼吸内科 Nephrology 肾脏内科

ᇶ಩  ݒ࿒ब ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ཥ԰ᆐᇍᇏྏ ᇶ಩ğࢀ۷ೂ Director: Guo Xuejun Shanghai Jiaotong University Diagnosis and Treatment Certes for Respiratory Medicine Director: Jiang Gengru

ޫ་॓ႚႵԵ໊  ᅦbഡᇂޫ་ᇗᆡࡓ޹൩č3*$6Ďa The department was established in 1958. At present, it department is comprised യᄣଽ॓ԷࡹႿ  ୍đ࿐॓Է൓ದޥࠒ൰࢝൱đགྷ಩ The department was established in 1978 by Prof. Hou Jishou. With the hard work of 21 specialist physicians with two doctoral supervisor and two master’s for decades, under the leadership of the director, Prof. Jiang Gengru, now the ದჴ  ଀đགྷ department has 56 beds and 76 staff. The Peritoneal dialysis center and Blood۽ඤ૤ޫ་ࡓҩ൩čഡ  ᅦࡓҩԵ໊Ďb supervisors. There are forty percent of physicians with senior professional ॓ᇶ಩ࢀ۷ೂ࢝൱đགྷႵᄝщ၄a޹a࿹aބ൩ିۿగܵࣤ൩a٫ ૫ࠒ  ௜ٚ૜֥ Purification Centre, which covers an area of 2000 square meters, is equipped withބଇ๩༅ᇏྏڴ၄ള  ଀đۚࠩᆯӫᅝ bѰൖള֝ഽ  ଀đණൖള֝ഽ titles. The department has 72 beds, and sets the pulmonary function lab, sleep ႵԵ໊  ᅦđ॓൩༯ഡ apnea monitoring room (including 6 monitoring beds), bronchoscope room and 95 machines. The department opens clinics for IgA nephropathy, chronic renal . તྟቅೖྟ٫ࠥѨč$01%Ď֥ respiratory intensive care unit (including 10 intensive care beds). In addition ࿓၁࣪߄ᇏྏđႚႵ  ෻࿓၁๩༅ࠏĠӈ୍षഡയᄣѨ௴๙ failure, peritoneal dialysis, and hemodialysisބ଀b࿰ህြห೤Їওཥ԰  to the opening of general and specialist clinic in respiratory department, there ଇ๩ In 2014, the outpatient number of clinic reached 80,533 and 1,972 patients wereڴH" യѨaતྟയᄣѨa࿓၁๩༅a* ބᆘaࡗᇉ ህ॓aህࡅ૊ᆐކ߄ᆐᇍđ٫ඝೖᆐᇍaඤ૤ޫ་ᄠ๔֮๙గሸٓܿ are characteristic clinics in asthma, snoring and chronic obstructive pulmonary hospitalized with the 7.4% and 1.49% increase compared to 2013, respectively. ໭Էࠏྀ๙గᇍਏa disease(COPD). Subspecialty features of the department are: the standardized ༅ህѨ૊ᆐbބ٫ࠥѨa٫҆ᇖਿ֥ᆐᇍbषᅚႵԷྟ Meanwhile, a total of 56828 dialysis have been undertaken in the center with the diagnosis and treatment of asthma and COPD, the diagnosis and treatment .༯ࣜ௃٫ԬՏđӑ increase of 6.59%.The average hospitalization was 9.4, 0.5 shorter than last year໊ק ࡟Ұaඤ૤ޫ་ࡓҩđ$5ିۿ۲ᇕ٫ of pulmonary embolism and pulmonary vascular disease, the diagnosis and യᄣଽ॓ಆ୍૊ᆐਈղ֞ਔ  ದՑđ๝б The cases of difficult miscellaneous diseases admitted in increased 48.64 compared୍  ਥϘࢲࠃ࡟a༸ົᆦగܵࣤ࡟Ұࠣగ֡ࢺೆᇍ noninvasive ventilator therapy of sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome. The departmentۯലᆦగܵࣤሺ to the same period. Ċb ູږĊđԛჽದඔղ  ದՑđ๝бᄹ ູږhas carried out pulmonary function testing, sleep apnea monitoring, bronchoscope ᄹ ਏ֩ཛଢb Ċb௜न The clinical characteristic are developing in recent years ,including kidney ູږand bronchial interventional therapy, invasive and noninvasive ventilator therapy. ࿓၁࣪߄ᆐਏದՑղ  ದՑđ๝бᄹ replacement therapy of chronic kidney disease on terminal stage, the ؇ᄝ࿹ज़ีႵݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁ  ཛđഈݚ൧॓ ᇾჽ฿ඔࢠಀ୍༯ࢆ  ฿đղ֞  ฿b൬ᇍၐ଴Ѩᇕ๝ standardization of diagnosis and treatment of primary glomerular disease, renal୍  The department obtained 8 research projects including 5 items of National Natural pathology, the integration of prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease ղ Ċbᇔଌ௹യᄣࠥѨ֥യูսᇍਏaჰؿྟയږ຾ཛଢ  ཛđؿіંᇷ  ௉đఃᇏ 4$* ં໓  ௉b бᄹ Science Foundation of China, 3 items of Shanghai basic research project. 3 SCI and Acute kidney injury prevention. papers and 17 Chinese papers were published in 2014. ཬ౯ࠥѨܿٓ߄ᆐᇍaയᄣѨ৘aતྟയᄣѨ၂ุ߄ٝᇍaࠤ Director Jiang Gengru is member of Nephrology Committee of Chinese Medical യ෥ഄٝᇍၘӮູ॓൩ᆐਏห೤b Association. Prof. Bian Fan wese awarded as “2014 Service Models”. 3 talentྟ training projects newly won in 2014. According to the sub-specialty developing plan .ࢀ۷ೂᇶ಩֒࿊ᇏ޿၄࿐߶യᄣѨ࿐ህြ຾ჴ߶຾ჴđш of the department, 3 physicians were sent abroad for further medical training ༀѓѡӫݼđ॓൩۴ڛᇶ಩၄ഽࠆ֤  ୍؇ྍ޿၄ჽڬو ࠆ֤ದҌ஡အ܋୍ ऌ࿰ህြؿᅚٚཟđࡆ఼ದҌ஡အđ ႇݓaૅݓ࿹ྩbګ࠹߃ཛଢ  ཛđ ದ

đᇿᇗކࡆ఼࿐॓ଽݤࡹഡđࡆն࿐॓ࢌҭაವ୍  ದҌ஡အđࣉ၂҄ิശ࿐֥॓႕ཙ৯b

࿓၁࣪߄҆ Department of Blood Purification

ᇶ಩ğ੤᠚ Director: Lu Wei

  Endocrinology Hematology 血液内科 内分泌科

ᇶ಩ğݹනݓ ᇶ಩ğ්ౝ Director: Hao Siguo Director: Su Qing

૟॓ႚႵԵ໊  ᅦđ၄ള  ದđఃᇏۚࠩᆯӫᅝ Department of Endocrinology has a capacity of 40 medical beds, 15 doctors, 50%ٳ࿓၁॓ႚႵ௴๙Ե໊  ᅦđ၍ᆱԵ໊  ᅦb၄ഽ  ଀đ Department of Hematology is composed of two parties, general hematology with ଽ 49 beds and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) unit with 4 beds. The of them hold senior professional titles including 3 tutors for MA Program and ࠩᆯӫ  ଀đѰൖള֝ഽ  ଀đණൖള֝ഽ  ଀b࿓၁॓ၛ Ċđණൖ࿹࣮ള֝ഽ  ದđѰൖ࿹࣮ള֝ഽ  ದbۚ department has fifteen doctors, five of which have senior titles including 1 Doctoral 1 for PhD program. The number of outpatient visits reached 150,000 and the ቔᇗׄđ mentor and 2 Master mentors. The clinical practice focuses on the diagnosis and ୍૊ᆐਈ࣍  ຣದՑb୍ԛჽѨದ  ದՑđ๝бᄹࡆ࣍ number of inpatients discharged was 1500 in 2014, up to an increase of 20%. The۽ࠥѨ֥ᆐᇍູਢԵྟذෝਿ֩ܠਥϘਿđϢ࿓Ѩđ treatment of malignant hematological diseases such as lymphoma, leukemia and average length of hospital stay was 9 days. In Shanghai ,the department took the ሰ myeloma. b௜नᇾჽರ  ฿bᄝഈݚ൧ਵ༵षᅚಆჽบ୕Ѩߑᆀ֥ٳਥϘਿ  Ϣ࿓Ѩ֥ބ༥І၍ᆱᇍਏۄ࿓၁Ѩ֥ᄯ࿓ྟذၛ lead in carrying out a project unified management of all the hospital’s diabetic ;ᇍਏູ॓൩֥ᇶေਢԵห೤b The integrated therapy of lymphoma, which is composed of comprehensive ๤၂ܵ৘đหљ൞ຶ൭ඌ௹ߑᆀ֥࿓บ॥ᇅĠؓգྟบ୕Ѩߑ inpatients, especially the blood glucose control of them in perioperative periodކϛཟa૧ၦa٢߄ਏሸ chemoradiotherapy, target therapy and autologous HSCT, the long-term survival ఼߄ծീđЇওؓߑᆀളࠃٚൔ֥۱ุ߄ the comprehensive individualized enhancement measures including individualizedކ২đ၍ᆱσ২ ᆀҐႨ۱ุ߄֥ሸ  ܋༥І၍ᆱۄ൩ປӮሱุࠣၳࠎၹᄯ࿓୍॓ rate of patients with lymphoma, has been improved obviously. Hematopoietic analysis on the life styles of the inpatients and on such a basis the targeted ఼ strengthening interventional measures were developed and adopted to treatކყծീđѩࢲۄႵᆌؓྟ఼֥߄֥ק༅ࠣᄝՎࠎԤഈᇅٳ ,࿓၁ᇖਿb stem cell transplantation and comprehensive treatment with targeting moleculesྟذӯᇯ୍ᄹӉđຉᅚਔ٤࿓ჸఉջ࿓၍ᆱᇍਏӮದ immunotherapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy for patients with lymphoma / ඔѨದࠆ֤ડၩ֥࿓บ॥ᇅb brittle diabetics in combination with intensive blood glucose monitoring, most of؟σ২ࣜૂุБ֡ުູ॓൩ջটਅݺ֥ഠ߶ലუb॓൩ ߄࿓บࡓҩđ൐ۿӮٳ҆ leukemia are the two main featured approaches in our clinical practice. In 2014, the inpatients were satisfied with good blood glucose control. ༥ІਥϘਿႭః൞ /, sixteen patients including four children with hematological malignancies were 5 ބҪᇍਏٳᄝࠤྟਥϘ༥ІϢ࿓Ѩ֥ underwent allogeneic /autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.  ୍ࠆ֤ݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁሧᇹज़ี  ཛđؿі 4$* In 2014,the department secured 2 projects granted by National Natural Science ༥ІਥϘਿ֥ᆐᇍٚ૫ྙӮਔሱ֥࠭ห೤đਏིႪၳđᄝഈ 5 ૟ӈ࡮ Fund, 10 papers were accepted by SCI and 1 Doctoral postgraduates graduated. ItٳईϷଽۿWe further expanded umbilical cord blood transplantation for adult patients ൬੣ં໓  ௉đиြѰൖ࿹࣮ള  ದbӮ ቔ֥ᇗׄٚཟb with hematological malignancies, which were reported by the media. Practice obtained high praise for its successfully organized national continuing education۽႕ཙđ္൞॓൩ਢԵ֥קݚ൧ऎႵ၂ ݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტϫ  Ցđᄝြଽࠆ֤ਅ؀in stratified therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia and T-cell lymphoma, ࠥѨᆐᇍᆷଲ༢๤ࢳ course on Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of ൩Ⴛࠆݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁࠣഈݚ൧ሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁ۲၂ཛđ especially NK / T-cell lymphoma produces good prognosis, the department was୍॓ .ݺ֥ᄡუb endocrine system ࿓၁Ѩ֥ܿٓᇍਏݓࡅࠩ࿐༝ϫ well recognized by Shanghai Hematological Society. In 2014, it obtained oneྟذؿі 4$* ંᇷ  ௉đईϷ project founded by National Natural Science Foundation and Shanghai Science ၂௹b and Technology Commission, respectively. Four papers written in English were published and was indexed by SCI. It organized a national course for standard treatment of hematologic malignancies.

  Neurology 神经内科 Oncology 肿瘤科

ᇶ಩ğਾᆒݓ ᇶ಩ğᆢ৅ᆋ Director: Liu Zhenguo Director: Zheng Leizhen

൩ႚႵӈഡԵ໊  ᅦđ၄ള  ದđఃᇏ࿹࣮ള࿐໊ The department has 56 designated medical beds, 23 doctors and 95.6% of which ॓൩ႚႵӈഡԵ໊  ᅦđགྷႵ၄ള  ದđఃᇏۚࠩᆯ The department has 74 designated medical beds and 20 doctors, among whom॓ have postgraduate student degree background. It is also one of the training bases 30% hold senior professional titles and 3 are master supervisors. ህ॓၄ for residents and neurologic specialists in Shanghai, which have the capacity ӫ  ದđᅝ đ࿹࣮ള֝ഽ  ದbބᅝ bଢభ൞ഈݚ൧പࣜଽ॓ᇾჽ၄ഽ஡࿞ࠎֹ In 2014,29922 out-patients and 4059 in-patients were treated in the department. of training 8 to 10 residents each year. Clinical case report competition was The average hospitalization day was 6.34, hitting a new record. The department ۿഽ஡အࠎֹđૄ୍஡အ  ଀പࣜଽ॓၄ഽđ ୍Ӯ Ѩٜ  ದՑ֥ᆐᇍބsuccessfully held in the department in 2014, which had tremendous influence  ୍ປӮ૊ᆐ  ದՑ is good at diagnosis and treatment of various solid tumors. By the means of ईϷࠎֹᇾჽ၄ഽപࣜଽ॓Ѩ২Б֡б೗đࠆ֤ࠞն႕ཙ৯đ inside the hospital and received praise and thumb-ups. The training base for ቔđ௜नᇾჽರ  ฿đनԷ৥ൎቋݺඣ௜b॓൩೼ӉႿ a variety of treatments that consists of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, target۽ residents of neurological department got the first award in the hospital and ቔࠆ֤ biotherapy, high intensity focused ultrasound, interventional therapy, endoscopic۽іဘđࠎֹᇾჽ၄ഽ஡အބק၄ჽਵ֝঺ഽ֥ड़֤֞ the teacher got the honor named "Shanghai excellent resident training teacher". ᇍਏđႚႵ߄ਏa٢ਏaള໾ϛཟ therapy and sensitized-chemotherapy, a comprehensive cancer treatment systemކ۲ᇕൌุᇖਿ֥ᆐ؎ࠣሸ ၄ჽֻ၂đࠎֹ࢝ഽ௵ᆟ၄ഽФ௟ູoഈݚ൧Ⴊྮᇾჽ၄ഽջ Special disease clinics for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and movement was established combined with advanced radiotherapy equipments. Individual aࢺೆᇍਏaଽইࣤ༯ᇍਏa߄ )*'6 disorders, cerebravascular disease and cognitive impairment were already set up ᇍਏa఼ۚ؇ऊࢊӑല ࢝঺ഽp಴უb॓൩ഡႵஂࣁ೦Ѩࠣᄎ׮ᅰθࠥѨaଷ࿓ܵህѨa comprehensive therapy strategies were established for tumors in accordance with years before, and special clinic for epilepsy was set up in 2014 , which attracted đྙӮ international standards, especially in the treatment of digestive tumor, pediatricކđა॓൩༵ࣉ֥٢ਏഡСཌྷࢲ؍ᇕᇍਏ൭؟ਏᄹૹ֩ ಪᆩᅰθห೤ህѨ૊ᆐđ ୍Ⴛࣉ၂҄षഡᮖ᭵ህѨ૊ᆐđ a large number of patients to the clinics. During 2014, the number of out-patient tumor and breast cancer. ᇍਏູห೤đؓކvisits was nearly 140000, and the number of in-patients was over 1900. The ਔᇖਿ֥ಆ໊ٚᇍਏุ༢b॓൩ၛ۱ุ߄ሸ ་ႄਔնਈߑᆀభটࣼᆐb ୍പࣜଽ॓૊ᆐਈ࣍  ຣ ᇍਏٚσbႭఃᄝקsystematic management database in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of ۲໊҆ࠣ۲Ѩ௹֥ᇖਿοᅶݓ࠽ܿٓđᇅ ದՑđ୍ԛჽӑݖ  ದՑĠ॓൩ᄝஂࣁ೦Ѩaಪᆩᅰθ֥ the patients with Parkinson’s disease was already established. The department’s In 2014,the department harvested three research programs, one was supported ๠ᇖਿaೄཆᇖਿ֥ᆐᇍഈ௣ऎห೤bظneuroelectrophysiological room conducts such examinations as regular EEG , 24- ཨ߄֡ᇖਿa by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the other two were ᄳ hour active EEG , EMG , brainstem evoked potential and Doppler ultrasound ofڵᆐ؎aᇍਏࠣෛ٠ٚ૫ࡹ৫ਔ༢๤֥ܵ৘ሧਘ९đႮህದ supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Science and Technology cerebral vessels.Video electroencephalogram examination was also set up in ৘bപࣜଽ॓༯උ֥പࣜ׈ള৘൩षഡ௴๙ଷ׈๭a  ୍ᄝ࿹ݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁཛଢ  ཛđ൧ࠩज़ี  ཛđ Commission of Shanghai Municipality. 24 articles were published with 7 articlesܵބ੤֨ neurological ward last year,in which 24-hour active EEG check in children and indexed by SCI. The national continuing education course on Tumor Individual ఃᇏ 4$* ં໓  ௉b adolescents has a lot of clout in Shanghai . The department has held a number of ྍ৫ཛ൧ࠩज़ี  ཛđؿіં໓  ௉ ௴؟Ⴚؿ׈໊ၛࠣଷ࿓ܵۄཬൈ׮෿ଷ׈๭aࠔ׈๭aଷ  Treatment was successfully held in August 2014, which further enhanced the physician-patient exchange meetings on Parkinson’s disease, senile dementia and .ईϷݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტཛଢoྍ޿ᇖਿ۱ุ߄ influence of the departmentۿীӑല࡟Ұ֩b ୍॓൩ࠆݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁज़ี  ཛđჽࠩ  ୍  ᄅӮ cerebrovascular disease. The department has established its website (www.shxhsj. ࣉ၂҄ิശਔᇖਿ֥॓႕ཙ৯b ᇍਏ࿹ษ߶pކࠎࣁज़ี  ཛđປӮഈݚ൧॓຾ज़ี  ཛđࠆ  ୍ഈݚࢌ com). Free clinics and national continuing education classes were also successfully ሸ ն၄࿐ჽ၄࿐࢝ტ࿹࣮Ӯݔ೘֩ࢂ  ཛđࠆ  ޿༱၄࿐॓ held in 2014, which attracted refresher doctors from Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang region. The department played own advantages to organize regional hospitals in ࠯ࢂ೘֩ࢂ  ཛbؿіંᇷ  ௉đఃᇏ 4$* ௉đᇏ޿ࠩ௉b case discussions of chronic nervous system disease regularly, which both expanded academic influence and culture the learning atmosphere, finally benefited the community nearby to solve the difficulties in medical service. In 2014, 3 projects by National Natural Science Fund and 1 project by XINHUA Hospital Fund were obtained. 2 projects by Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission were finished . Also in 2014, 2 awards were obtained, one for medical education research by Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and another award by Chinese Medical Science and Technology. 18 articles were published in 2014 with 8 indexed by SCI and 2 in national level journals.

  Geriatrics 老年医学科 Emergency Medicine 急诊医学科

ᇶ಩ğӧ඀ဇ ᇶ಩ğ஌ආૼ ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ Director: Chen Shuyan Director: Pan Shuming National Key Clinical Specialty

ྍ޿၄ჽ঺୍၄࿐॓൞ഈݚ൧ܿଆࢠն֥঺୍၄࿐ህြ࿐ The Geriatrics Department of Xin Hua Hospital, one of the biggest professional ࠤᆐ၄࿐ູ॓o ୍؇ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ࡹഡ The Emergency Department of Shanghai Xinhua Hospital was recognized as the geriatrics disciplines in Shanghai and founded as a general practitioner standardized state key clinical department in 2014. In the past year, the department accepted ᆭ၂đ൞໏ള҆ಆ॓၄ഽܿٓ߄஡࿞ࠎֹđഈݚ൧൮஻঺୍ training base attached to the Ministry of Health, is among the first batch of geriatric ཛଢֆ໊pb ୍ࠤᆐਈղ  ຣದՑቐႷđఽࣷາᇗߑ about 250 thousand patients, rescued more than 30000 critically ill patients with॓ പࣜຓ॓ປ the successful rate of over 95%. The department of Xinhua Hospital finished theކ৳ղ  ၛഈđੱۿದՑđఽࣷӮ؟Ѱൖުੀ׮ medicine of Shanghai Resident Standardization Training Bases, doctoral degree ᆀղ  ຣބ၄࿐ᇾჽ၄ഽܿٓ߄஡࿞ࠎֹđѰൖ࿐໊൱Ⴭׄ granting department spot and postdoctoral research station. The department first emergency embolectomy for treatment of acute cerebral artery occlusion ᆓ঺ࢧٜ໬ with our support. Our emergency department participated in the rescue work ofޞඵ׮ઝ౼ඝඌbҕაਔۼᅟׄđྍ޿၄ჽᇗׄ࿐॓bགྷष٢Ե໊  ᅦđఃᇏ঺୍၄ provides 136 beds open to the patients including 20 beds in Intensive Care Unit. Ӯਔ໡ჽֻ၂২ࠤྟଷ ࿐॓ᇗᆡࡓ޹ѨԵ  ᅦbགྷႵ၄ഽ  ଀đఃᇏۚࠩᆯӫᅝ 26% of the 50 physicians including two PhD supervisors and three master student ֚෯൙ࡱaഈݚЏֹܼӆԉగӬЍ֚෯൙ࡱ֩๬ؿ൙ࡱᇏഄჴ housing collapse accident and bouncing castles accident of Shanghai in 2014. It supervisors, who are working in the Geriatric Medicine Department, have senior successfully completed the health care mission of Shanghai CICA Summit and other .߶֩ᇗն߶ၰaࠃ׮֥၄ਏЌᅰ major conferences and eventsڂቔĠඨ০ປӮ࿰ྐ۽০Ⴈྍ޿ professional titles. According to the current situation of the development of ֥ࣷᇍٳđѰൖള֝ഽ  ଀đණൖള֝ഽ  ଀b॓൩ԉ geriatric medicine in China and keeping pace with the existing advantages and ໡ݓ঺୍၄࿐ؿᅚགྷሑđᄝЌӻၘ ಩ༀb A lot of national programs for Continuous Medical Education such as “Triage modelކൌ৯đࣅૡࢲކ၄ჽ֥ሸ characteristics, the department follows a specialized development direction, and in the emergency department”, “ITLS” were hosted successfully by our department ,ህ॓ؿᅚٚཟđᇗׄषᅚᄹਭྟ offers a broad range of comprehensive geriatric assessments and treatmentsקห೤֥ࠎԤഈđᇅބႵႪ൝ in 2014. We also successfully hosted “2014 China-US-Japan Forum of Emergency ᆐଆൔฐษ࿐༝ϫpࠣٳईϷਔoࠤᆐყ࡟ۿspecializing in cardiovascular dysfunction, endocrine-metabolic disease, and critical  ୍Ӯ .঺୍ Medicine”, which was reported by the Liberation Daily, FENG and other mediaބ૟ս྆ྟࠥѨ֥ٝᇍٳᅰθ֥࿹࣮a঺୍ଽିۿྏ࿓ܵ disease with elderly population by making the most of comprehensive strength of ईϷਔoᇏ The department has focused on developing the ability of self-salvation of Shanghaiۿo*5-4 ݓ࠽Էഄളଁᆦӻp֩ݓࡅࠩ࿐༝ϫĠӮ າᇗᆡ֥ܿٓ߄ᇍਏb ୍ປӮݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁज़ี  ཛđ Xin Hua Hospital. The department now has accomplished one project from National citizens through some popular science education such as “Platinum ten minutes” ߠຩ֩ૂุࣉྛਔཌྷܱБڌฆpđࢳ٢ರБaંڂNatural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), four projects in process. More than ૅರࠤᆐۚ and “World first aid day”. ᄝ࿹ݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁज़ี  ཛđ୍ྍᄹݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁज़ี  ཛb a dozen of SCI papers were published in 2014. Furthermore, the department ၭ॓௴ཛଢđ܄oൗࢸࠤࣷರp֩ބᇒpٳb๙ݖईϷoϢࣁ൅֡ ᇶ successfully sponsored the Third National Continuing Education Classes in 2014, The department has one new youth committee member of Chinese Medicalۿؿі 4$* ં໓൅Ⴥ௉đ ୍ྍᄹ  ௉b ୍Ӯၘ focusing on “Geriatric Medical Clinical and Practical Progress”. ࿆Ԯࠤࣷ॓௴ᆩ്đᄹ఼ਔ൧૶֥ሱࣷࠣ޺ࣷି৯b Association Emergency Medical Branch in 2014. Two physicians participated in the Ϸਔֻ೘ࢽo঺୍၄࿐ਢԵაൌ࡬ࣉᅚpݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტ࿐༝ϫb activities of support Chong Ming Island and Yun Nan. There are seven physicians ߶ౝ୍຾ჴ  has completed their professional training abroad. One physician became the firstٳࠤᆐ၄࿐॓ྍᄹᇏ޿၄࿐߶ࠤᆐ୍  person in Shanghai to get the certificate of clinical toxicology, which is recognized ቔĠ by Hong Kong clinical toxicology training center. Lots of physicians finished their۽଀đ࿐ቆӮჴ  ଀ĠႵ  ଀၄ഽࠒࠞҕࡆਔoჱԌჱׂp .Ⴕ  ଀၄޹ದჴ༵ުԛݓԛ࣢ࣉྛህြ஡࿞đ၂ದࠆ֤ਔႮཐ continuous medical education in other professional training medical institutions ࠤᆐ࿐߶ਢԵ׽৘஡࿞ᇏྏϯؿ֥oਢԵ׽৘࿐ᆣ඀pĠਸ਼ "Triage Protocol in the Emergency Department", edited by the department wasۖ published by the People’s Medical Publishing House in 2014. ݓଽህြਵ༵ֆ໊ࣉྛࣉྩbګದ؟Ⴕ The department got one project supported by China Special Fund for Medical Research in the Public Interest, one project supported by Science and Technology ದ૶໏ളԛϱഠԛϱਔႮࠤᆐ၄࿐॓ᇶщ֥uࠤ Commission of Shanghai Municipality, one project supported by Shanghai Bureau୍  & ၭྟྛြ॓࿹ of Civil Administration, two projects supported by Shanghai Municipal Health܄ᆐᆷ֝൭Ҩvb ୍ࠤᆐ၄࿐॓ࠆ֤ٳᆐ Family Planning Commission. The faculties of the department published 5 SCI index .ህཛཛଢሰཛଢaഈݚ൧໏࠹຾ཛଢࠣഈݚ൧૶ᆟअཛଢ۲  papers and 30 papers in Chinese statistical source journals totally in 2014 ཛđഈݚ൧॓຾ཛଢ  ཛ֩bؿі 4$* ં໓  ௉đݓଽ௹़ჷ ᄖᆽؿіં໓࣍  ௉b

  Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医科 General Surgery 普外科

ህြĎ ᇶ಩  ਾ႖ќ ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓॓ظᇶ಩໱ૹ ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓č Director: Wu Min National Key Clinical Specialty(Pediatrics) Director: Liu Yingbin National Key Clinical Specialty

ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ։֡ࠥѨ࿹࣮෮ The Institute of Biliary Tract Diseases, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine

у᭤aࡊaೄa࿓ܵa The Department of General Surgery has expanded to 218 beds and 5 wards. 43ڴa։၏a໇ӋaۉԵ໊  ᅦđ The department is composed of five sub-speciaties including TCM internal ௴ຓ॓ଢభႵކ་ᇏ༆၄ࢲޫظ൩ႚႵԵ໊  ᅦđႚႵཬ॓ medicine, TCM pediatrics, TCM gynecology, traumatology and acupuncture. The surgeons, among whom 26 have senior professional titles, 3 are supervisors of ։၏၂Ѩ౵a doctoral degree and 11 are tutors of master degree are now employed in theۉу᭤aڴࡊೄa໇ӋٳԵ໊  ᅦbᄝᆯ၄ള ದđѰൖള֝ഽ ଀đ department carries forward the Chinese characteristics and strives to promote ഄ१ᇍਏϖ۱࿰ህြđކಙᇏ༆၄ࢲۋظ ,department. There are 8 sub-divisions and 18 medical teams in the department ܥ۱၄ਏቆđ  ܋Ѩ౵໴۱Ѩ౵đކ৳։၏ؽѨ౵aຓ॓ۉ ණൖള֝ഽ  ଀b the traditional Chinese medicine therapy. The department actively promotes the specialty treatment of TCM such as Acupoint Application, Chinese navel, children hepatobiliary surgery, pancreatic surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, surgery of hernia ,ᆯ and abdominal wall disease, thyroid surgery, breast surgery, vascular surgeryۚڬԵ໊  ᅦđ၄ളሹದඔ  ದđᆞۚᆯӫ  ದđק with stab Sifeng therapy, inhalation, medicine wash. Meanwhile, we promotes aഄaᆌࣳ໴۱࿰ህြቆӮb॓൩ؿဘᇏ wound healing and management. The department is renowned for its hepatobiliaryڹaظ၄ਏğႮଽa ։၏ຓູ॓ห೤đۉmodern medical technology combined with TCM such as laser acupuncture, ӫ  ದđѰ֝  ದđණ֝  ದb࿐॓ၛ a׫਷ۛ traditional Chinese medicine atomization inhalation, traditional Chinese medicine and pancreatic surgery which are well known for complicated and difficult์ڐڙđೂ༱࠱೘م၄ห೤đ၂ٚ૫࠿࿃๷ࣉᇏ၄Ԯ๤ਏ .։ᇖਿ֥൭ඌᇍਏࠣܿٓᇍਏݓଽਵ༵đѩषᅚਔ hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseaseۉᄖ঒଴گ transdermal technology, sleep EEG monitoring, ultrasonic bone density instrument . Combined aᇏူຓ༡֩đਸ਼၂ٚ૫đ with herbs , all of them reflect the advantages of the integrated treatment ofمਏډՏඹظaᇏူఉਏaཬ์ڐ೘ࣴބٚ گᄣಆແሑွ్Ԣඌaۉն൭ඌđೂ҆ڴ঒଴֥ބᄖگ၂༢ਙ ႋႨđೂܻࠗ࿑໊ᇍਏđᇏူ໼ traditional Chinese medicine. Department of traumatology inherits the essence ofކषᅚགྷսᆐਏ࠯ඌაᇏ၄ူ֥ࢲ ,૊҆։ܵδ൭ඌaಆ၏్Ԣඌa၏๨δ۴ᇍ ౵თਥϘ Each year the department performed more than 100 cases of pancreatic surgeryۉWei's and Shi's traumatology, highlighting distinctive therapy in clinical applications. ᄖ ᇏ The new “small needle knife therapy” in clinical application with introduction of 100 cases of hepatic and biliary surgery, 400 cases of gastric cancer, 1000 cases ofކૡ؇၎֩đ஥ܠ߄་ೆđᇏူ๩௃࠯ඌđඤ૤ଷ׈ࡓҩđӑല ଇᇖਿ్Ԣaڴࢲౢೡඌa၏๨δ၏ཆಆ༢ଇ్Ԣඌaऍնު ᇍਏႪ൝bഄ॓ᄝԮӵ້ millimeter wave, air pressure wave and other advanced physiotherapy equipment thyroid surgery, 800 cases of breast surgery and 600 cases of hernia and abdominalކᇍਏđุགྷਔᇏ၄֥ሸڛяᆣંᇍଽူ to improves the clinical efficacy. "11-&#: ൭ඌ֩ंݓଽਵ༵bૄ୍၏൅ؽᆷӋ్Ԣඌ  Ⴥ wall diseases. The “three step en bloc gastric lymph node clearance” technique .െ൦ഄ॓ࣚෝ֥ࠎԤഈđྍᄹഡཬᆌ֗ᇍਏᄝਢԵ֥ႋႨđ for gastric surgery was first initiated by us and now is a concept widely acceptedބ൦ഄ॓ TCM pediatrics continued to bear the national clinical specialist, focusing on ᄖ঒ The experience in extremely difficult ERCP cases which had previous WHIPPLEگ։֡ᇖਿ൭ඌӑݖ  Ⴥ২Ġཨ߄֡൭ඌުބδۉ  ২ ๝ൈႄࣉݸ૜ѯaॢగ࿢৯ѯ༵֩ࣉ৘ਏഡСđࣉ၂҄ิۚਔਢԵ national authority, in the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" key specialty construction procedure is unique in the country. While the number of yearly operation is  ݓଽᆩ଀Ġ໇δ൭ඌૄ୍ੱۿӮބtasks, improved the diagnosis and treatment of tic disorder and promote the ଴ &3$1 ֥Ӯඃ࠯ඌ ࠿࿃ӵքݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓aݓࡅᇏܵअo൅ؽ໴p increasing, the department always endeavores to do better and performed some॓ظਏིbᇏ၄ implementation of clinical path, added a pediatric respiratory combine traditional ᆜุ໇δਥϘౢೡ࠯ඌpao၏๨δ၏ཆಆ༢ very complicated and difficult cases including complete caudate resection for liverمჅ২đo೘҄ ᇗׄህ॓ࡹഡ಩ༀđປ೿ਔԎ׮ᅰθᆐਏਫ਼ࣥѩᄝਢԵࣉྛ๷ܼൌ Chinese and Western medicine 13 beds, infant infection with combination of bed cancer, complicated hilar cholangiocarcinoma, total pancreatectomy plus regional ࡅ၄ჽ๷ܼĠࡊሑཆ൭ඌ  Ⴥ২Ġ؟pieces of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, pediatric sleep ଇ్Ԣඌpᄝݓଽ֤֞ 12 lymph node clearance, total Mesopancreatectomy, APPLEBY procedure, etc. The ކಙᇏ༆၄ࢲۋظԵ໊  ᅦđކ་ᇏ༆၄ࢲޫظീđྍᄹഡਔཬ EEG monitoring was carried out every day, mental health integrated software, у൭ඌ  Ⴥ২b൭ඌඔӻ࿃ഈ department also acquired 3 National Natural Science Project fundings and 11ڴೄཆ൭ඌ  Ⴥ২Ġ᭤ࠣ children's lung function instrument, provides objective advanced basis for clinical ೈࡱđ other fundings from provincial and/or municipal funding agency which toppedކඤ૤ଷ׈๭ࡓҩđರರྍྏ৘ࡲूሸظԵ໊  ᅦđषᅚਔཬ diagnosis and treatment. At the end of the year, the department smoothly passed ശđ ୍۲ো൭ඌ๬௥  Ⴥ২b॓࿹ٚ૫  ୍๝ up to 6 million in RMB. In addition, the department also published 30 papers in ਔग़ܴ༵ࣉ֥၇ऌb॓൩ᄝ through the national demonstration of Comprehensive Hospital Department܂ᇍਏิބ؎၎đູਢԵᆐିۿ๠٫ظ ဢӻ࿃ྟؿᅚđࠆݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁᇗն࿹࣮࠹߃ཛଢ  ཛa international journals which were indexed by SCI with a highest impact factor of traditional Chinese medicine accreditation, became the Shanghai Jiao Tong ၄ჽൕٓྟᇏ၄॓௟ബđӮູഈݚࢌ 25.5(Nature Genetics). In year 2014, it also hosted National Xinhua Forum, ERCPྟކࣂ୍୍ָඨ০๙ݖಆݓሸ ཛđ  ܋ః෰۲ࠩཛଢބUniversity medical system first and the only one of the exemplary Department of ݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁ  ཛđസ҆ࠩᇗׄཛଢ workshop. Initiated by Professor Liu Yinbing, the institute of biliary tract disease .๙ն࿐၄࿐ุ༢ֻ၂ࡅa္൞ື၂၂ࡅಆݓൕٓྟᇏ၄॓ֆ໊b traditional Chinese medicine unit ຣჭbؿі 4$* ௉đֆ௉႕ཙၹሰቋۚ attached to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine also achieved great؟  ղحሹٮࣜ In 2014,The department harvested 1 project of Shanghai Health Commission success in 2014. ᇗն஡ტཛଢ  ཛđഈݚ൧໏࠹ bކ࿹  ࠆഈݚ൧ᇏ༆၄ࢲ॓ important cultivation traditional Chinese medicine combining with western ຾ज़ี  ཛđഈݚ൧໏࠹຾ದҌ஡အ࠹߃  ཛđഈݚ൧॓຾ज़ี medicine, 2 project of Shanghai Health Commission, 1 project of Shanghai Health Planning Commission personnel training plan , 1 project of Shanghai City ईϷਔಆݓྟ֥߶ၰೂಆݓྍ޿ຓ॓ંฆa&3$1 ஡࿞֩đ Ⴥຣbؿі๤ Committee of science and technology projects , 1 project of Xinhua Hospital level  ٮཛđྍ޿၄ჽჽࠩࠎࣁ  ཛbྍᄹ॓࿹ࣜ  ྍӮ৫֥ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ։֡ࠥѨ࿹࣮෮॓࿹Ӯࠛࠆ֤๬ ࠹ჷં໓  ௉đఃᇏ 4$* ௉b fund . New research fundings was increased by more than 140 million. 14 papers were published this year with 1 indexed by SCI. ௥b

  Colorectal Surgery 肛肠外科 Cardiothoracic Surgery 心胸外科

ᇶ಩ğա੃ ഈݚࢲᆰӋᇖਿ࿹࣮ᇏྏ ᇶ಩ğ઼ई ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓čྏᄣն࿓ܵຓ॓Ď Director: Cui Long Shanghai Research Centre of Colorectal Tumor Director: Mei Ju National Key Clinical Specialty(Cardiothoracic Surgery)

ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ࢲᆰӋδᆐᇍᇏྏ Shanghai Jiaotong University Diagnose and Treatment Center for Colorectal Cancer

૊ࠥѨຓ॓Ӯ৫ᇀࣂ  ୍đ௝ࢹྦި֥ The department has been founded for 7 years. It takes the leading position in China ॓൩ӈഡԵ໊  ᅦbགྷႵ၄ള  ದđఃᇏۚࠩᆯӫ  ದĠ The Department of Cardiovascular Surgery accommodates 100 inpatient bedsۓྍ޿၄ჽࢲᆰӋ for early diagnosis of colorectal cancer, operative treatment, laparoscopic surgery, with 22 doctors, among whom 6 are professors. There are 1 PhD supervisor  ණൖള֝ഽ  ದbಆ୍ྏᄣն࿓ܵ൭ඌ ࣉ֥࠯ඌ௜෻་ႄਔটሱಆݓ۲ֹ֥ߑᆀb Ѱൖള֝ഽ  ದ༵ބᆐᇍି৯ކሸ anuspreserving operation, ulcerative colitis, sacral-anus diseases and preclinical and 5 master supervisors. The department has undertaken around 2000 cases ն൭ඌ֥б২ᅝ of cardiothoracic surgeries yearly. More than 90% of surgeries are majorބresearch, attracting patients from all over the country. Ⴥ২a௴ྣ൭ඌ  Ⴥ২đఃᇏหն൭ඌ ۓసࣤ൭ඌa໊֮ᆰӋδЌڴ൩ᄝࢲᆰӋδ֥ᆐ؎აᇍਏa॓ operations. The department was elected one of the national key departments of The department has established tumor tissue bank and clinical databases through  ၛഈb ୍đྏᄣն࿓ܵຓ॓ህြೆ࿊ಆݓᇗׄህ॓b ކ൭ඌaࠎԤ࿹࣮֩ٚ૫ԩႿݓଽਵ༵ඣ௜bၛࢲᆰӋδ֥ሸ collecting first-hand clinical information, which is promoting preclinical research cardiothoracic surgery in 2011. Several novel surgical techniques were performed षᅚਔoᄖࢌ࠯ඌpᇍਏܳྏѨaoᄖࢌ࠯ඌp this year in coronary artery disease treatment with “hybrid technique”, repairingۿ૊ and helping patients with better follow-up treatment and surveillance. Ч୍؇࠿࿃Ӯۓᄖگᇍਏa঎ယྟࢲӋက֥൭ඌaᆰӋၼ֡ᮂྩҀ൭ඌa ᇹ༯༵฿ྟྏᄣѨ࢔ᇍඌpa aortic arch diseases with “hybrid technique”, total thoracoscopic repair ofڣࠥѨđoྣసࣤ҄܆ᇶ׮ઝگྩ ᷖແ҆ࠥѨ֥ᆐᇍູህ॓࠯ඌห೤b congenital heart disease, minimally invasive surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation, ,ᇹ༯ൊܵδ۴ᇍඌp video-assisted valve repair and minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatumڣᇹ༯ϵଇӮྙඌpaoྣసࣤڣoྣసࣤ ൩ሱྛщӱaܵ৘aᄎྛ֥ࢲᆰӋδቆᆮဢЧ९აਢԵ॓ ྍ࠯ඌĠಆ૫षᅚਔoಆྣసࣤ༯ྏٜӃ׮֥ӑັԷᇍਏpoྏa concomitant surgery for valve disease associated with atrial fibrillation for֩ ሧਘඔऌ९đࡼࢲᆰӋδቆᆮဢЧაਢԵሧਘᆜކቔູჷ๨௜ instance. In 2014, the department carried out a comprehensive early diagnosis ѩྏٜӃ׮๝௹൭ඌᇍਏpaoӑັԷ੐׶ྣ࢔ᇍඌpކᄣϵଇѨ .ණ֥Ӯݔb and treatment of small lung nodules, and achieved satisfactory clinical efficacyپ෻đᄝ॓࿹ٚ૫౼֤ਔ čݓଽຓ൮Էaၘണ౨ህ০Ď֩ྍ൭ඌđᇍਏིݔղݓ࠽༵ࣉ In addition, the department gained 3 national research grants and published 34 .ᇍਏ academic papers, including 12 SCI paper in 2014ބ؎上海结直肠肿瘤研究中心 ඣ௜b ୍॓൩ಆ૫षᅚਔ٫҆ཬࢲࢫ֥ᄪ௹ᆐ◎ Shanghai Research Centre of Colorectal Tumor ቔđ౼֤ਔ٤ӈડၩ֥ਢԵਏིb ୍؇ࠆ֤۲ᇕ॓࿹۽ උྍ޿၄ჽਵ༻đ In February 2009, Diagnose and Treatment Center of Colorectal Cancer of ShanghaiڸᄅđႮഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ  ୍  Jiaotong University was founded in Xinhua Hospital, with the joint participation ࠎࣁ  ཛđؿіં໓  Ⴥ௉đఃᇏ 4$* ં໓  ௉b ೋࣁ၄ჽaಥ࠶၄ჽaֻࣴದ૶၄ჽaֻ၂ದ૶၄ჽaֻੂದེ of Ruijin Hospital, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai First ๝Ӯ৫ਔഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ࢲᆰ People's Hospital, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital and Shanghai Third People's܋๝ҕაđ܋೘ದ૶၄ჽֻބ૶၄ჽ ৯ਈđૄ࠱؇ Hospital, integrating multi-hospital technical advance to be a modern diagnoseބਔ۲ࡅ၄ჽ֥࠯ඌห೤ކӋδᆐᇍᇏྏbᇏྏᆜ and treatment center of colorectal cancer with advanced technical characteristics ࢲᆰӋຓ॓־ቆᆮᇏྏ࿐ඌ߶ၰđᆻᄝܿٓࢲᆰӋδ֥ᆐਏđԮ in Eastern China, which attracted more than 20 hospitals to participate in the ྍ৘ંđ๷ܼህ॓ྍ࠯ඌࠣ࿹࣮ӮݔbᆐᇍᇏྏՖᄓტ֞ؿᅚđ past 4 years. Based on the abundant clinical specimen of colorectal cancer, and ህ॓࠯ඌห೤֥གྷ solid foundation on CRC research, the national 863 program has funded and Theބ౵ࠞऎህြൌ৯ֹתൈࡗđၘӮູ޿୍֥  Shanghai Research Centre of Colorectal Tumor was founded in 2014. Relying ۂഝ౵თݤڕቔֆ໊  ࡅbᇏྏކսህ॓ᆐਏᇏྏđ་ବࡆૐ on the technical advance and clinical strength of each hospital, the center has , ປ೿֥ࢲᆰӋ established normalized diagnose and treatment, internationalized academicڶپᆄࡾaࡾ්aࡾ༆a਒ୡaྍࡿֹ֩bᇏྏၛ δਢԵѓЧၛࠣభ௹॓࿹ࠎԤູ၇ກđӮݔണ౨  ཛଢ၂ཛđ optimized resource sharing united clinical platform, aiming at a domestic first-rate .இӮ৫ਔഈݚࢲᆰӋᇖਿ࿹࣮ᇏྏbᇏྏ০Ⴈ۲ࡅ၄ and international leading diagnose and treatment centerܫ୍  ৯ਈđၘձࡹఏ၄ਏ࠯ඌܿٓ߄a࿐ඌඣ௜ݓ࠽ބჽ֥࠯ඌห೤ ᆐᇍ࿹࣮௜෻bႵຬࡹഡӮູݓଽ၂ކ৳ཚቋႪ߄֥܋߄aሧჷ ੀaݓ࠽ਵ༵֥ࢲᆰӋδህѨᆐᇍᇏྏb

  Neurosurgery 神经外科 Urology 泌尿外科

ᇶ಩ğ৙ൗ๕ ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐੔പࣜࠥѨᆐᇍᇏྏ ᇶ಩ğఊᵻ Director: Li Shiting NationalShanghai Jiaotong University Diagnosis and Treatment Center for Cranial Nerve Diseases Director: Qi Jun

ህ॓ᇾჽ၄ഽ Department of Urology is one of the key disciplines in Shanghai Jiaotong Universityބ၂۱ህ॓ *$6đሹԵ໊  The department of Neurosurgery now consists of two-ward areas plus an ICU ૟୕ຓ॓൞ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽᇗׄ࿐॓ބപࣜຓ॓ଢభႚႵਆ۱Ѩ౵ with 120 beds and 20 neurosurgeons. Among them, about half are senior School of Medicine. It is also one of standardized resident-training bases of the ᅦb  Ե໊  ᅦđൌ࠽ष٢קނᅦđᄝщ၄ള  ଀đఃᇏۚࠩᆯӫ  ದđණ֝  ದđѰ֝  ܿٓ߄஡࿞ࠎֹb॓൩གྷႵ attendings, including 3 doctorial tutors and 4 master student teachers. This year, school. The department contains 67 designated beds and the number canb extend ൭ඌ the department has served more than 12,000 outpatients, 3,400 inpatients and ၄ള  ದđఃᇏۚࠩᆯӫ  ଀đѰൖ࿐໊  ଀đѰൖ࿹࣮ up to 90 in some case. Among 18 staff members, 12 are senior doctors, 12 hold ԛჽѨದӑݖ  ದ ದb୍૊ᆐѨದӑݖ  ದ finished 3,100 operations. ෻b ള֝ഽ଀đණൖ࿹࣮ള֝ഽ  ଀bଢభ॓൩ഡႵ૟୕༢๤ᇖਿa PhD degrees, of whom one is doctoral mentor and six are master mentors. The  department subsets 5 divisions including Uroncology, Urinary Calculi, Benign సࣤັԷၛࠣଳ॓࿐໴۱࿰ህြᇍਏቆđڴࢲെaభਙཆᄹളa ቔູഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐੔പࣜࠥѨᆐᇍᇏྏቆӉֆ໊đࣂ୍੔ Prostatic Hyperplasia, Laparoscopic Surgery and Andrology, covering most of the As the leader of the Cranial Nerve Disease Center of Shanghai JiaoTong University, .ਔࠫެ෮Ⴕ֥૟୕aଳളᆲ༢๤ӈ࡮ࠥѨb urological deseasesۂᆐᇍٓຶݤ ਅ .7% ᇍਏ೘ҭ the department has performed 1,200 microvascular decompression processes onڿപࣜࠥѨ୍֥൭ඌਈູ  ෻bᄝҐႨ പࣜ๥a૫ࠔࣦੵ֩ٚ૫ၘԩႿݓ࠽༵ࣉaݓଽਵֹ໊༵b๝ those with cranial nerves disease in the year. In addition, a novel hypothesis on The whole staff have done a lot in medical services under the principle of “double ༀٚ૫đЌᆣ၄ਏᇉਈđ՜ڛthe mechanism of hemifacial spasm has been proposed based on serials of animal  ୍؇૟୕ຓ॓ᄝ၄ਏ drop and double control” of Shanghai Shen Kang Hospital Development Cenrter ਔ૫ࠔࣦ experiments. Nowadays, the department ranks as the leading position around theקൈߎิԛਔ૫ࠔࣦੵؿѨࠏᇅ֥ྍ৘ંđѩఠ๨ᇅ ࣉ࿐॓ؿᅚđ۴ऌണूေ౰đቓݺච॥චࢆđЌᆣ၄ਏᇉਈb in 2014 and got a great achievement in progress. Comparing by 2013, in-patients .؇ഈ world in the aspect of treatment of trigeminal neuralgia or hemifacial spasmږb๝ൈଷ࿓ܵѨህြቆ֥ြༀਈն്܋ੵᆐਏᇏݓህࡅ ࣂ୍ᇾჽ൭ඌѨದбಀ୍๝௹ᄹӉ Ġ೘aඹࠩ൭ඌбಀ increased by 26.3%, of which grade 3 or 4 surgery numbers increased up to ശđ୍ᄯ႕ਈӑݖ  ෻đ୍ᇍਏߑᆀӑݖ  ২đѩᄝ Meanwhile, the cerebrovascular subspecialty has developed quickly this year with 160.1%. Not only had the department provided an efficient and safe medical ᇉਈ֥భิ༯đູѨބ๝௹ᄹӉ ĠᄝಒЌ၄ਏνಆ୍ ᄖ׮ઝਿ൭ඌၛࠣऍնଷ࿓ 1,600 cases of DSA including 800 of interventional therapy. Besides, more than service for patients but also promoted the discipline construction and publicationگࣜ׮ઝ౼ඝa੔ଽຓ࿓ܵᇗࡹa ༀbࡆ఼࿐॓ؿᅚđ఼߄ህြ௖இ֥Ⴊ൝đ awareness by peer reviews. It undertook successfully 2 national continuousڛaႪᇉིۚ܂resections of brain tumors have been performed. With modified bilateral ದิ 400 ࣜဒb ୍൭ඌᇍਏ੔ଽᇖ subfrontal, zygomatic middle fossa and longitudinal fissure approaches, some֥ڶپࠐྙ֥ᇍਏᇏࠒ৆ਔܵ education projects which focus on BPH, PCNL and urinary reconstruction with giant neoplasms in the sellar turcica, petroclival and pineal gland areas were หљ൞భਙཆࠥѨᆐᇍa૟୕༢ࢲെ֥ᇍਏٚ૫౼֤ਅݺ֥ࣜ ೆਫ਼్Ԣऍնλ౵ᇖ good feedback. It extended micro-invasive surgery in most of urological treatmentָحਅ֥ࣜචڿਿ  Ⴥ২đႭః൞ҐႨ removed successfully. ߑᆀ֥ݺ௟Ġ ୍ईϷݓࡅ especially in laporoscopic procedure and urinary stones. Besides, we widely usedބഠ߶ིၭđ֤֞ਔ๝ྛބᇏ੔ָೆਫ਼్Ԣᇏ੔ָ࿻ོ౵ᇖਿၛࠣ ࠶܆ਅ֥ࣜಂڿਿaҐႨ ਅ֥ࣜުሺਚೆਫ਼ᇍਏ඾ݔุ౵ᇖਿ׻౼֤ਔડၩི֥ ࠩ࿐༝ϫ  Ցđࢺകభਙཆᄹളaభਙཆδ֥ᆐᇍࣉᅚa୕ਫ਼ flexible ureteroscope in the minimally-invasive treatment of upper ureteral andڿҐႨ renal pelvic stones, radiofrequency ablation and cryotherapy in renal and prostatic ݔb During this year, 3 National Natural Science Funding projects were granted, ᇗࡹ֥ࣉᅚa૟୕༢ࢲെ֥ັԷᇍਏđ֤֞۲ֹ࿐ჴ֥ಪॖb 26 SCI papers were published, 1 doctor went to YunNan for the assistance of cancers and laser prostatectomy treatment. సࣤັԷ࠯ඌđหљ൞૟୕༢ᇖਿࠣڴlocal practice, 1 returned back from USA after the further overseas medical  ୍ष൓௴ђषᅚ Ч୍؇ࠆݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁ  ཛđؿі 4$* ં໓  ௉b ଀ The GCP Projects started at the beginning of 2014 while totally 10 GCP projects education. In May and October, Drs. Li and Zhong went to Portugal and USA to ࢲെa were enrolled at the end of 2014, 5 of which were global multi-center clinical؍๷ܼđൌགྷਔൻ୕ܵഈބᇗࡹ൭ඌĠൻ୕ܵೈ֥ࣤ௴ࠣ ௮ attend the European and American Neurosurgical Conference. In June, a nationalګᄅ۲  ದՑ  ބݓ࿐༝݂টđ ଀ჱׂb ᄅૅګ၄ഽ ,གđิۚਔ trials (phase 3). More SCI papers published in 2014 than that of the previoes yearڄയჀയᅖࢲെ֥ັԷᇍਏđࡨഒਔ 1$/- ൭ඌ֥ ݓപࣜຓ୍॓߶b ᄅᄝ continuing medical education program regarding the surgical skill of microvascularૅބݓҕࡆਔ୸ᇝപࣜຓ॓ૅބฤ࿩ increasing by 20% compared with last year. Also, 3 patents were achieved by 2 aഝ௔ཨײdecompression process was held in Xinhua Hospital. In August, the Shanghai ૟୕༢ࢲെԩ৘ඣ௜Ġྍषᅚയδaభਙཆδ֥৏ .ྍ޿၄ჽईϷਔႵܱັ࿓ܵࡨ࿢൭ඌ࠯ඌ֥ݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტ࿐ Spine Neurosurgery Salon was established and the first meeting was held in doctors in 2014 ༝ϫb ᄅఠ๨Ӯ৫ਔഈݚࠬᇸപࣜຓ॓೬੃ѩᄝྍ޿၄ჽई the hospital. In September, a conference of conformation and launch of the ವᇍਏđܻࠗభਙཆᇍਏ֩ྍཛଢb Chinese experts’ consensus on diagnosis and treatment of hemifacial spasm and ܋Ϸਔ൮ࢽ࿐ඌษંb ᄅᇶӻᅺषਔ૫ࠔࣦੵᆐਏᇏݓህࡅ trigeminal neuralgia were organized. At present, the Chinese experts’ consensus ૟୕ຓ॓ਢԵ ($1 ሱ  ୍ఏ҄đࣂ୍༵ުҕა  ఓ׮߶đଢభ૫ࠔࣦ on diagnosis and treatment of hemifacial spasm has been published in Chinese്܋߶᳝೘ҭപࣜ๥ᆐਏᇏݓህࡅ۠ק് ᇏྏਢԵ࿹࣮b૟୕؟ཛ ($1 ཛଢđఃᇏႵ  ཛູն྘ݓ࠽ .षؿіb Journal of Minimal Invasive܄ࣜᄝᇏݓັ౓༛ᄖᆽၘ്܋ੵᆐਏᇏݓህࡅ ຓ॓ࣂ୍ؿі 4$* ໓ᅣࢠಀ୍ᄹӉ ĠႵ  ཛྍ࠯ඌህ০ ࠆ֤஻ሙb

  Plastic Surgery 整形外科 Orthopedics 骨科

ݓࡅᇗׄ࿐॓ቆӮֆ໊ תᇶ಩ğ୸ဝ฿བ ᇶ಩  ӧཫ Director: Ouyang Tianxiang Director:Chen Xiaodong Constituent Units of National Key Discipline

ຂ໊ᆐᇍᇏྏބഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ܱᷝࢫؿტ҂ਅ Shanghai Jiaotong University Diagnosis and Treatment Center for Hip Dysplasia and Dislocation

ᇶ಩֥ջਵ༯҂؎֥ປ೿ؿᅚሱ With the leadership of Prof. Chen Xiaodong, the department of Orthopedicתᄝӧཫ॓ܠ୍  ྍ޿၄ჽᆜྙຓ॓ႚႵ  ᅦԵ໊đ၄ളሹඔ  ଀đఃᇏ The Department of Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery in Xinhua Hospital possesses 21 beds with a medical faculty of 9 doctors, of which one holds senior professional continued to develop in 2014. The department continuously improves its clinical ᄹӉ֥భิ༯đ॓൩္҂؎֥๙ݖ level through work and communication with high level foreign doctors. Afterקቔνಆa໗۽ࠩᆯӫ  ໊đ ໊ႚႵѰൖ࿐໊đණൖള title, two hold vice senior professional titles and three holds doctor's degree. One ໡bᄝਢԵۚڬࠩᆯӫ  ໊đۚ ຓࢌੀิۚሱദ֥ඣ௜bᄝීᇜषᅚ֥ݓࡅࠩԷഄྍ finishing the national wide trauma courses in Suzhou, the department hosted theؓބഽ଀b professor is tutor of master degree. ॓࿹֝ 2014 International Summit of Hip Dysplasia in September. The Summit invited not Subspecialties of the department includes Repairing and Reconstructive Surgery, ႻႿ  ᄅӵϷਔ  ୍ only well-known domestic hip surgeons but also international famous hip surgery॓ܠࠎԤഈđ֥ۿ࠯ඌ࿐༝ϫჵડӮ .ᆜྙaૅಸຓ॓aܻࠗૅಸb Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery and Laser therapiesظᇗࡹຓ॓aཬگ࿰ህြЇওྩ ฆ҂ࣇဤ౨֞ਔݓ experts, Professor Millis and Siebenrock, to give theme lectures at the summit. TheંڂฆbЧࢽۚંڂݓ࠽ܱᷝࢫؿტ҂ਅۚ The features of the department are as follows: treatments in complex and difficult number of attending surgeons was nearly 600. Meanwhile, the hip preservation hemangioma & vascular malformations, congenital infant anomalies, unhealed ଽቋᆩ଀֥ܱᷝࢫህࡅđߎဤ౨֞ݓ࠽ᇷ଀֥ܱᷝࢫຓ॓ህ research group affiliated to the Chinese Medical Association was formally ظᆜྙຓ॓࿐॓ห೤ğ۲ᇕ଴ᇍྟ࿓ܵਿࠣ࿓ܵࠐྙaཬ wounds and trauma injuries, resection of soft-tissue tumors, endoscopic repairing established and Prof. Chen was elected the chair. In October, the top professor a ࡅ 4JFCFOSPDL ࢝൱ .JMMJT ࢝൱֩ࣉྛህีဆࢃđა߶၄ഽ࣍گaุіᇖਿ్Ԣྩگa۲ᇕ଴ᇍྟԷ૫ྩگࠐྙᆜྟ฿༵ and reconstructions of sexual organs and breasts, minimally-invasive facial cosmetic in hip reconstruction – Prof. Ganz from Switzerland visited the department and ᇶ಩ູቆӉ֥ᇏ provided the consultation to nearly 20 complex cases of the hip diseases. Inתฆb๝ൈđၛӧཫંڂಸ֩b surgeries and laser therapies, for example.  ದҕაਔЧՑۚૅކଽইࣤ༯ೄٜᆜྙᄜᄯa૫҆ັԷᆜྙܻࠣࠗሸ scientific research realm , 24 SCI papers were published in the year of 2014. At the ฆᆭંڂฆഈᆞൔӮ৫bᄝۚંڂStatistic shows that in 2014 the department had 6163 emergency and out-patient ޿၄࿐߶Ќᷝ࿐ቆႿЧՑۚ same time, the department obtained 2 projects newly supported by the National  ୍၄ਏປӮ૊ࠤᆐਈ  ದՑđԛჽ  ದՑđ visits, 829 cases were admitted in the ward and 885 operations undertaken. .Ⴛ႒টਔЌᷝࢸ֥Ԯఅ  ೋൖ֥ (BO[ ࢝൱đѩ Natural Science Foundation॓ܠđ ᄅު ࿓ܵਿӱ྽۱ The average day of hospitalization is 5.5. New techniques are being performedظ൭ඌ  ದՑđ௜नᇾჽರ  ฿bषᅚႉႼ گ໊  ࣉྛཌྷܱ֥࿐ඌࢌੀၛࠣ൭ඌൕ࢝đ๝ൈູ࣍॓ܠas the individual and sequential treatment of infantile hemangioma, repair and ᄝ -aઢሑ࿓ܵਿࢺೆაඝೖ႗ reconstruction of massive pediatric wounds and injuries, compound of emboloگऍնԷ૫Էഄྩظ߄ᇍਏaཬุ ਔཌྷႋ֥ᆐᇍbᄝ॓࿹ٚ૫đಆ୍॓܂sclerotherapy and intervention to treat arterial malformations, early-stage repairs ᄖ֥ܱᷝࢫѨэߑᆀิ ൭ࠐྙᄪ௹௃ྟ฿༵ظaཬگՀᦡਚྩظᇍਏaᄪ௹ႉކ߄ሸ of new-born lip and palate cleft, early-stage flap diorthosis of congenital hands ൩ؿі 4$* ં໓  ௉đࢠສ୍ႻႵਔࣉ၂֥҄ᄹӉb๝ൈ॓ ਥϘඣᇖ֥Ԏ་ᇍਏđܻࠗࢺೆᇍਏ malformations, liposuction for congenital lymphatic edema and interventional laserྟ฿༵ظ࢔ᆞaཬگϵྩ therapy of KT-syndrome, etc. ൩ߎࠆ֤ਔ  ཛݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁཛଢ֥ሧᇹb ᆡ֩ྍ࠯ඌbކሸ 5, The medical team has hosted the 1st Congress of the Foundation of the Committee ࿐߶ᆜྙაૅಸ၄࿐ህြ຾ of Plastic and Cosmetic Medicine, Combining Chinese Traditional and WesternކӵϷֻ၂ࢽഈݚ൧ᇏ༆၄ࢲ Medicine. It won one laboratorial research crosswise tasks foundation supported ཛଢ  by Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau. And the publications include 3 SCI treatisesܱ۾ކ৳ჴ߶Ӯ৫ն߶bҕაഈݚ൧໏ള༢๤ᇗေࠥѨ (total IF 5.0) and several in domestic core-citation journals. ྏ़໾ؿіંނđٳ࠹܋ཛbؿі4$*ં໓௉đ႕ཙၹሰ


  Anesthesiology & CriticalCare Medicine 麻醉与重症医学科 Otolaryngology Head&NeckSurgery 耳鼻咽喉 — 头颈外科

ᇶ಩ğെ࿐ၿčĎđ຦ႇ຿aӧ၇बčĎ ࿐॓ջ๨ದğ໱ᬯ ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽᇗׄ࿐॓ Director: Shi Xueyin(2015), Wang Yingwei(2014), Chen Yijun(2014) Academic Leader: Wu Hao National Key Clinical Specially Key speciality of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine ਢԵᇉਈ॥ᇅᇏྏ॓ޤа࿳عቔĎğဗफ ഈݚ൧oᇗᇏᆭᇗpਢԵᇗׄ࿐॓ ഈݚ൧۽ᇶ಩čᇶӻڬ Vice Director(Executive): Yang Jun Shanghai Top-Priority Clinical Key Discipline/ Shanghai Otolaryngology Clinical Quality Control Center Shanghai Priority Specialty

ۚࠩᆯӫᅝ The faculty of the department comprised of 63 doctors, among whom there are 2 ॓൩གྷູݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓aഈݚ൧oᇗᇏᆭᇗpਢԵᇗ Listed as National Key Clinical Specialty and Shanghai Priority Specialty, Key ઐቊაᇗᆡ၄࿐॓གྷႵਢԵ၄ഽ଀ tutors for Ph.D programme and 4 tutors for MA/MD programme. The department Speciality of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, it has became the аع࿐॓aഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽᇗׄ࿐॓đࣂ୍Ӯູഈݚ൧ׄ đఃᇏѰൖള֝ഽ  ଀aණൖള֝ഽ  ଀bᇶေषᅚਢ has performed around 45,000 anesthesia cases for all clinical departments. anchored unit of Shanghai Otolaryngology Clinical Quality Control Center. Shanghai .аࠥѨሇ߄၄࿐ key Medical Laboratory of ENT Disease has been approved to startعौֆ໊đഈݚ൧ܫਢԵᇉਈ॥ᇅᇏྏ॓ޤԵઐቊaᇗᆡࡓ޹ࠣฮ๥ᇍਏြༀb ୍؇ປӮਢԵ۲൭ The anesthetic spectrum has covered brain stem operations, liver transplant, ࿳ pediatric airway foreign object removal, complex congenital heart abnormality ᇗׄൌဒ൩ࠆ஻ఓ׮b .correction, pheochromocytoma, abdominal aortic aneurysm and joint replacement ۄඌ࿐॓ઐቊղ  Ⴥ২bԢൌീӈܿ൭ඌ֥ઐቊຓđଷ Clinically, the department has been listed the nation’s top level departments The surgical innovation include: microvascular decompression / neurotomy via ᄖྟ༵฿  ୍ྍषᅚਔ૙ਫ਼ުࣥਫ਼ັ࿓ܵࡨ࿢  പ్ࣜ؎ඌaگగ֡ၳ໾aظ၍ᆱ൭ඌ֥ઐቊaཬۉ൭ඌ֥ઐቊa of anesthesiology. There are 28 registered beds in surgical intensive care unit retrolabyrinthe approach, cochlear implantation with residual hearing preservation, က࿳ balloon dilation of eustachian tube for management of Intractable chronic otitisع૟ྟᇏٳતྟྟܥໞᆱೆඌaຘع۽ᇶ׮ઝਿ൭ඌ֥ઐቊa (SICU) among which 7 are dedicated for liver transplant and special cases. The Ќ਽җჅ๐৯֥ದڴྏᄣѨઐቊaൟ۰༥Іਿ൭ඌ֥ઐቊaྟ SICU received 1800 patients in 2014 and all the staff proficiently master all the media with effusion, minimally invasive surgery of subglottic hemangioma, a҆ޤല૊༯࿓ܵਿັԷ్֥་൭ඌđ࿳ظ౯ଵঔᅦඌaႉႼܵܝ ۲ᇕາᇗѨದ֥൭ඌઐቊनၘބظࢫᇂߐ൭ඌ֥ઐቊaྍളܱ up-to-date techniques with relevant facilities for monitoring and treatment. The treatment of multiple hemangiomas involving throat, oral, maxillofacial area, గܵ༮ᅎޤ๠ᇗ؇ظᇍਏaކؿྟ࿓ܵਿ֥ሸ؟१సaᯤ૫҆ ,߶֥ཬ pain clinic, which is run by the department, has administered peripheral and laryngotracheoplasty for the treatment of severe laryngotracheal stenosisٳղ֞ݓଽ༵ࣉඣ௜đ৵࿃ඔ୍Ӯູᇏ޿၄࿐߶ઐቊ࿐ ᮠကᆡࠣଵᇖ൭ඌđаଽࣤ༯ endoscopic frontal sinus surgery, endoscopic anterior skull base surgery, cosmeticحగܵӮྙඌaаଽࣤ༯  ޤ֥ neuraxial blockade, chronic pain mini-invasive interventional therapy(including षᅚ۲ᇕބઐቊ஡࿞ࠎֹb4*$6 ႚႵ  ᅦԵ໊đඃ਀ᅧ໤ظ ᮠࣉਫ਼֥భ੔ָଵᇖࠇᇖਿ్Ԣaࡊሑཆδ࣠ౢೡ surgery for thyroid cancer, comprehensive treatment of hypopharyngeal andלradiofrequency, nerve damage) and intervertebral disc herniation ozone treatment. ࣜೱᮠࠇ ࡓҩބఽࣷᇍਏđఃᇏ  ᅦԵູ໊၍ᆱaห൹ѨದႋႨđ୍൬ The successful treatment of acute/chronic pain has achieved satisfactory reputation laryngeal carcinoma, vestibular evoked myogenic potential test and treatment of ᇍਏaభ๖Ⴚؿྟࠔჷྟ׈໊ކ࿳δሸޤδޤಸ్१൭ඌaૅ and feedback from the public. The department newly won 1 National Natural benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. ᇍາᇗѨದ  Ⴥ২bฮ๥૊ᆐđषᅚຓᇛaᇏ൷പ֥ࣜപ Science Foundation grant, one Shanghai Science Committee Foundation grant, ҩ൫aTZOBQTF ሇၕᇍਏਅྟᆔؿྟ໊ᇂྟ࿌ᄑ֩b ࣜቅᇌ࠯ඌaતྟฮ๥ັԷࢺೆᇍਏčЇওഝ௔aപࣜ߮෥֥ one Shanghai Board of Education Foundation grant, one Shanghai Health Bureau Foundation grant and two Shanghai Jiaotong University Foundation grants in 2014. ࠆ֤  ཛݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁđഈݚ॓࠯ࣉ҄ࢂ၂֩ࢂ ཛđ Highlights in research are: 4 national natural science grants, 1 first prize of Shanghai ࢺೆᇍਏĎၛࠣԙသᇍਏሒࡗ஍๬ԛᆡđᇍਏࠤતྟฮ๥֩࠯ More than thirty papers have been published in academic journal including 18 Science and Technology Progress Award, 15 SCI papers with total IF of 41.35, newly ؿіႇ໓ંᇷ  ௉đ႕ཙၹሰ bྍᅱ൬Ѱൖ࿹࣮ള  ଀đ Ӯඃbࣂ୍षഡਔᇪຩଇ༯సગ٥Ьᆓ๥ᇍਏྍཛଢđ of them in the journals indexeded by SCI. National Anesthetic Youth Committee recruits 5 doctoral students and 3 master students while 8 doctors and 2 mastersޓඌၘ Meeting and National Pediatric Anesthetic Seminar were successfully held this year, ණൖള  ଀đປӮѰൖ࿹࣮ള஡အ  ଀đණൖ࿹࣮ള஡အ  ଀b graduated. .ࣂ୍ฮ๥Ѩದ֥൬ᇍੱӑ čӑಆჽ॓൩௜नᄹӉĎđଢభ too ߶ၰđটሱᇏರݢ֩  ۱ݓࡅ॓ع࿰תईϷֻඹࢽۿӮ  ഡႵ  ᅦฮ๥ѨԵb ୍؇॓൩ࠆ֤ݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁ The Fourth EASO was successfully held in which more than 400 experts from east תህࡅҕ߶đ߶ഈ໱ᬯ࢝൱֒࿊ູЧࢽ॓عֹࠣ౵֥  Ⴥ໊ ཛđഈݚ൧॓຾ज़ี  ཛđഈݚ൧࢝຾ज़ี  ཛđഈݚ൧໏ള Asian countries and regions attended. During the meeting, Prof. Hao WU who has ๨࣠ຓ॓ંฆđޤа࿳عٚתӵϷਔ൮ࢽۿ࿐߶ᇶ༜ĠӮ॓ع࿰ अज़ีཛđؿіં໓೘൅Ⴥ௉đఃᇏ 4$* ൬੣ ௉bईϷuಆ been elected as president of East Asian Otology society; organized the first Oriental ݓaၩն০֩  Ⴥ໊ݚຓህࡅҕ߶ဆࢃđა߶ Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Forum in which more than 720 delegatesمটሱૅݓa ઐቊ࿐༝ϫvbظݓઐቊౝ୍຾ჴ࿐ඌ࿹ษ߶vauಆݓཬ ๐৯ and 20 overseas experts have participated. Other instruction courses include: Theظսі  Ⴥದbࣂ୍ߎᇶϷਔ໏ളֻ҆  ࢽಆݓྍള Sixth National Newborn Hearing Screening Course, the 13nd Xinhua Otology Forum .ࢳ௩࿞਀ϫ֩ and Advanced Temporal Bone Dissection Courseܠฆaۚࠩᯪં॓عೱҰ࿐༝ϫaֻ  ࢽྍ޿ ࠿࿃࢝ტཛଢb

  Dermatology 皮肤科 Stomatology 口腔科

ᇶ಩ğိᇆ಴ ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ ᇶ಩ğࢀৡ௛ Director: Yao Zhirong National Key Clinical Specialty Director: Jiang Liping

Ѩᆐᇍᇏྏڑഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၌Ԯྟ௃ Shanghai Jiaotong University Diagnosis and Treatment Center for Genetic Skin Diseases

ӈഡԵ໊ ᅦđགྷႵ၄ഽ଀đۚࠩᆯӫᅝ The Department of Dermatology currently has 22 doctors with high grade specialist १స॓૊ᆐႚႵ  ᅦ࿩॓ၕ໊đ၄ള  ದbۚࠩᆯӫ The clinic of Stomatology with 27 dental chairs comprised of 19 doctors and among॓ڑ௃ over 40%, including 1 Ph.D. tutor, 2 master tutors, 11 Doctors and 6 Masters. The them, the number of senior titles accounted for 42% with 1 master tutor. ၛഈbఃᇏѰൖള֝ഽ  ଀đණൖള֝ഽ  ଀đѰൖ  outpatient and emergency encountered from the department exceeded 400,000 ᅝ đණ֝  ದb  ଀ၛࠣණൖ  ଀b ୍૊aࠤᆐਈӑݖ  ຣದՑđԛჽ in 2014. The total number of patients visiting VIP Clinic and its proportion of The systematic treatment is implemented from the dental pulp disease treatment to all outpatients always rank high in the hospital. Eighteen permanent beds are crown restoration; dentition defect restoration associated with occlusion ᇍਏᇅ؇ĠՖ࿩ุ࿩ෝѨᇍਏކ৳prepared for inpatient and over 700 patients were discharged in the current year. ၄ਏٚ૫ಆ૫ൌྛᆜุ Ѩ࿐Ѱൖ࿐໊൱ಃׄđ൞ and temporomandibular joint; periodontal sequence treatment integratedڑ๠௃ظႚႵ॓ڑದՑၛഈb௃  The department is the unit of the leader of Pediatric Dermatology Group and Ġ of implant treatment, which simplify the medical procedure of patients, meanwhileگྩ৳ࠣᯪ༯ᯤܱࢫ֥ܱކĠ࿩ਙಌ෥aီگྩܳ௹๠ Venereology Branch of Chinese Medical Association. It is also the discipline of ष൓֞ުظѨ࿐ቆቆӉֆ໊bᄝڑ๠௃ظ߶ٳѨ࿐ྟڑᇏ޿၄࿐߶௃ .၌Ԯ Dermatology authorized to offer Doctorate Degree. The department has shown make the treatment more personizedބᇍਏٚ૫Ⴊ൝ૼཁđႭఃၛหႋྟ௃ကބ؎Ѩ֥ᆐڑ௃ ྽ਙᇍਏ֩ࡥ߄ਔߑᆀ֥ࣼᆐߌࢫđگᇕᆱྩކobvious superiority in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric dermatology, ࿩ᇛѨᇍਏᆜ Ѩ֥༢๤߄ᆐᇍູఃห೤đᆐᇍਔնਈটሱಆݓ۲ֹ֥ especially on systemic diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis and genetic The visits of weekend pediatric clinic is increasing, which makes school-ageڑ௃ྟ dermatosis. It has made diagnosis and gave treatment to a large number of ๝ൈಞᇍਏ۷ऎᆌؓྟb children and adolescent dental deformity with orthodontic treatment more Ѩ৘ڑ௃ބѨڑಙྟ௃ۋ๠ၐ଴າࠤᇗѨ২đ࠿ӵѩؿᅚਔظ emergent, critical or severe pediatric cases from all over China. Meanwhile, it convenient to the patients. ๠ࠣౝഒ୍࿩ਙࠐྙ֥ᆞࠐᇍظ๠ህ॓૊ᆐaൡਭظਆնԮ๤Ⴊ൝ٚཟb carries forward two traditional dominant directions, infectious skin disease and skin ᇛଌ pathology. The Piezo surgery technique, which is newly carried out in surgical and planting ᄝ॓࿹ٚ૫࠿࿃ࠆ֤ᇗေӮࠛđቆᆮ In 2014, the Department of Dermatology continued to obtain important results ਏದඔनႵᄹӉb operation can effectively speed up the process of operation, minimize the॓ڑ؇đ௃୍  on atopic dermatitis, genetic dermatosis and medical mycology. A national operation wound as well as reduce the postoperative reaction. ҰĠႵ  epidemiological survey on atopic dermatitis has been completed. Six papers haveט๠หႋྟ௃က֥ੀྛѨ࿐ظषᅚѩඨ০ປӮਔᇏݓ đႋႨႿԂҢຓ॓ၛࠣᇕᆱ All-ceramic restorations and implant denture technology are currently the forefront֗ܠ१స॓ྍᄹӑല୍  ௉ 4$* ં໓ྍؿіࠇྩ߭đఃᇏЇওݓ࠽ັള໾ಃຯ௹़u+ been published in or revised from journals indexed by the SCI, including two papers published in “J Clin Microbiol” (IF 4.232). Prof. Yao Zhirong and associate ൭ඌᇏିႵֹིࡆॹ൭ඌࣉӱđࡨഒ൭ඌԷഄđࡨഒඌުّႋb technology. The department completed more than 400 all-ceramic restoration ᇶ chief physician Dr. Li Ming got one general project of National Nature Science procedures and more than 200 cases of implant denture in 2014, which made aڬMJO.JDSPCJPMv ௉č*'Ďbိᇆ಴ᇶ಩a৙ૼ$ Foundation, respectively. Dr. Guo Yifeng got financial support from Shanghai .၄ഽࠆ֤oഈݚ good social reputation and feedbackڂ಩۲ࠆ֤ݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁ૫ഈཛଢ  ཛĠݒ၂ ࠯ඌၛࠣᇕᆱၬԂ൞ଢభ१సቋభခ֥ਢԵ࠯گnatural science Fund. Dr. Cheng Ruhong was chosed as one of the Sailing Talents ಆՌྩ ದ of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. The department also got the In the research realm, the department newly won 1 item of Youth fund of nationalو၄ഽࠆ֤ഈݚ൧॓຾oဘޞ൧ሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁp၂ཛđӱಾ founds from Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine. the department Ⴥ২đᇕᆱၬ NSF, 1 item of Xinhua Hospital Fund and 1 item of Jiaotong University School of  گඌb॓൩ᄝ  ୍ᇏປӮಆՌၬԂྩ Ҍ࠹߃p၂ཛđഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽࠎࣁ  ཛb॓൩ҕაщཿ also involved in the preparation of a monograph named “Filaggrin Molecules in medceine Fund in 2014. ݓຓህᇷu'JMBHHSJO.PMFDVMFTJO)FBMUIBOE%JTFBTFv၂ Health and Disease”, which was published in 2014. Another teaching material for Ԃ  Ⴥ২đ౼֤ਔਅݺ֥ഠ߶ིႋb dermatologists of standandized medical residency training base has also been uᇾჽ၄ഽܿٓ߄஡࿞࢝ҋvb composed by the department on section of hereditary dermatology. Four doctors॓ڑ඀ԛϱؿྛđҕაለཿ௃ gave invited lectures at the Third East Asian dermatological Congress held in Korea. ᄝ࢝࿹ٚ૫đ१స॓  ୍ࠆ֤ݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁౝ୍ࠎࣁ ଀၄ഽ During the congress, Dr. Liang Jianying got the “Academic paper Awards” for her  ॓ڑն߶čݢݓĎഈđ௃॓ڑ࿰௃תՎຓđᄝֻ೘ࢽ ႋဤဆࢃĠఃᇏਃ࡯ႍ၄ഽࠆ֤ն߶o࿐ඌં໓ࢂpb excellent work. ၂ཛđྍ޿၄ჽჽࠩ॓࿹ཛଢ  ཛđࢌն၄࿐ჽჽࠎࣁཛଢ  ཛb In continuation education of dermatology, the discipline hosted the 14th training ѨਢԵაࣉᅚvݓࡅࠩ၄ class named “The Clinic and Progression of Children's Skin Disease” of the nationalڑ๠௃ظ࠿࿃࢝ტٚ૫đᇶϷu program for Continuous Medical Education with a good response. ࿐ࢸ౼֤ਅݺّ֥॓ڑ࿐࠿࿃࢝ტ࿐༝ϫֻ  ௹đᄝݓଽ௃ ཙb

  Ophthalmology 眼科 Obstetrics 产科

င॓ᆐᇍᇏྏ ౹ܻ൭ඌᆐᇍ҆ ᇶ಩ğဗቃᑈ ഈݚ൧Ӂభᆐ؎ᇏྏظ൪ຩଇѨэࠣཬظᇶ಩ğᅵ஡ಅ ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ᄪӁ Director: Zhao Peiquan Shanghai Jiaotong University Diagnosis and Treatment Center for Premature Children Department of Excimer Laser Treatment Director: Yang Zujing Shanghai Prenatal Diagnosis Center Retinopathy and Pediatric Eye Diseases ߶ᆐఽࣷᇏྏڹᇶ಩ğ৙ݚဉ ഈݚ൧າᇗᄓӁ Director: Li Haiyan Shanghai Maternaty Consulting and Rescue Center උྍ޿၄ჽӁ॓đ൞ഈݚ൧າᇗᄓ Obstetric Department is one of the Shanghai Maternaty and Newboin Criticalڸင॓ႚႵԵ໊  ᅦčЇও  ᅦหླԵ໊Ďđ၄ള  ದđ There are 72 out-patient beds (including 22 Class-A beds), 32 doctors and 1 full- ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ time PI, and 6 technicians in Department of Ophthalmology. 60% of the doctors Centers and Shanghai Prenatal Diagnosis Centers. In 2014, for the increaeing ഈݚ൧Ӂభᆐ؎ᇏྏᆭ၂đᄝ  ୍ႮႿ࿐ need disciplinary development and the rapid deliveries, the department addedބఽࣷᇏྏڹൌဒ൩ህᆯ࿹࣮ჴ  ದđ࠯ඌჴ  ದđۚࠩᆯӫᅝ đѰ hold senior professional titles. There are 2 doctoral mentors and 6 master mentors. Ӂ There are varieties of subspecialties of ophthalmology in the department. Its a maternity ward and medical beds expanded to 68. We had 72,570 out-patient ದđණ֝  ದbင॓࿰ህြఊಆđ၄ਏห೤ೂ༯ğบ୕Ѩ clinical characteristics are as follows: treatment of diabetic retinopathy, complex ॓ؿᅚླေđᄹࡆ၂۱Ӂ॓Ѩ౵đԵ໊ᄹࡆ֞  ᅦđၛડቀ  ֝ visits, 4,180 discharged patients and 3,654 deliveries in 2014. 112 cases of critically retinal detachment, and age-related macular disease; minimal incision for ࣼᆐ֥ླေb୍૊ࠤᆐ  ՑđԛჽѨದ  ದՑđ ill pregnant women were admitted in the department with 100% successful rate. Aڹᄖྟ൪ຩଇຂ৖đ঺୍ྟߛϪэྟ֥ᆐᇍĠ აӁگ൪ຩଇѨэđྟ macular surgery; screening and prevention for retinopathy of prematurity and series of tests such as Down's screening, cytogenetic testing, prenatal diagnosis and ২đఽࣷ  ڹЧჽ֥າᇗᄓӁބ૩  ২đࢤ൳ຓჽٳ ٝᇍุ genetic diagnosis of pediatric vitreoretinopathy; treatment and postoperativeކ൪ຩଇѨэೱҰࠣሸظߛϪࠥѨັԷ൭ඌᇍਏĠᄪӁ visual function reconstruction of complex strabismus and assessment and early assessment of genetic metabolic diseases and fetal structural abnormalities have đѩषᅚน൦ೱҰa༥І၌Ԯa၌Ԯս྆ࠥѨ֥Ӂ been carried out in recent years, providing good information for early intervention ۿᄖ rehabilitation of infant vision; congenital cataract surgery and postoperative visual ӮگѪৰุ൪ຩଇѨэᆐᇍࠣࠎၹᆐ؎Ġ۲ᇕظ۲ᇕႉႼބ༢ of malformations. the department successfully won one project of National Natural ყۄ௹đູࠐྙ֥ᄪܙ௟ބ؎ၳӈ֥Ӂభᆐܒࢲظ෸ބ؎Ġ function reconstruction and complex cataract surgery; comprehensive treatment భᆐگू௹ࠣᄪܙ൪৯֥௟ظႉႼބᇗࡹିۿ൪֥ᇍਏࠣඌު൪ོ of intraocular tumors; refractive surgery, and so on. The department completed Science Fund, 2 SCI papers have been published. At the same time, two national .ਔਅݺ֥ྐ༏bണ౨֞ݓሱಖཛଢ  ཛđؿі 4$* ં໓  continuing education courses wre successfully hosted by the department in 2014܂ิ ᄖϢଽᅰ൭ඌĠင over 3,000 retinopathy of prematurity screening, and maintain a leading positionگބᇗࡹିۿϢଽᅰ֥൭ඌࠣඌު൪ྟ฿༵ in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric vitreoretinal diseases last year. There ईϷ  ཛݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტ࿐༝ϫbۿᇍਏĠ౹ܻ࢔ᆞ൭ඌ֩b୍ປӮഈݚֹ౵ᄪ were nearly 200,000 out-patients and more than 5000 cases of surgeries in ௉bӮކଽᇖਿሸ Ophthalmology Department in 2014. گࠣӮದظ൪ຩଇѨэೱҰ  ჅದՑđ࠿࿃षᅚႉႼظӁ Ѫৰุ൪ຩଇࠥѨᆐᇍ֥ݓଽظᄖѪৰุ൪ຩଇ൭ඌđЌӻཬ In 2014, the department successfully held the “Summit of Advancement in Cataract ਵֹ໊༵b୍૊ᆐਈ  Ⴥຣ২đ୍൭ඌਈ࣍  ২b and Vitreoretinal Surgery” and the “5th Forum on Clinical Experience Exchange of Xinhua Hospital Department of Ophthalmology”. National continuous medical ईϷuϢଽᅰაѪৰุ൪ຩଇ൭ඌྍ࠯ඌۚ education courses were held for 5 times. Twenty-three academic papers wereۿӮ୍  published, including 9 SCI paper. The department also obtained 3 new grants from ฆvࠣuֻ໴ࢽྍ޿င॓ਢԵࣜဒࢌੀ߶vđईϷݓࡅࠩ NSFC and 2 grants from Shanghai Health Bureau in 2014. The project “Regulationંڂ for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Retinal Diseases in China and its ௉đఃᇏ Extension” led by Professor Zhao was awarded Top Ten Research Advances of  ܋࠿࿃၄࿐࢝ტ࿐༝ϫ  Ցb॓൩ؿі࿐ඌં໓ ൬੣  ௉b ୍ࠆ֤ݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁཛଢ  ཛđഈ Ophthalmology in China voted by the 11th Committee of the Ophthalmic Division *4$ of Chinese Medical Association. ߶ֻ  ࢽ຾ჴٳݚ൧໏ളअज़ี  ཛbࣜᇏ޿၄࿐߶င॓࿐ ظ߶ӈ຾߶๧ௐ௟࿊đᅵ஡ಅᇶ಩ੱਵ֥๶ؒປӮ֥o໡ݓཬ

൪ຩଇࠥѨᆐਏ֥ܿٓྖఏა๷ܼpᆃ၂Ӯݔ಴ࠆo໡ݓင॓ ࿐  ᇀ  ୍൅ն࿹࣮ࣉᅚӫݼpb

  Gynecology 妇科 Pediatric InternalMedicine 儿内科

་ህြĎޫظᇶ಩ğᅦ௛ ᇶ಩ğД၂ཱ ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓čཬ Director: Zhang Ping Director: Bao Yixiao National Key Clinical Specialty(Pediatric Respiratory Medicine)

ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ཥ԰ᆐᇍᇏྏ Shanghai Jiaotong University Diagnosis and Treatment Center for Asthma

ಙཨ߄ህြĎႚႵԵ Department of Pediatrics (including Nephrology, Neurology, Hematology andۋଽ॓čയᄣaപࣜa࿓၁ᇖਿaظ ༀଆൔđ In 2014, with the efforts of all the medical staff, the department focused on theڛಆุದჴఊྏླྀ৯đሢ৯ԷྍႪ߄॓ڹđ୍  service model of innovation and optimization, the improvements of medical service Oncology, Infectious and Digestive System disease) possesses 72 medical beds ௖இห೤b ໊  ᅦđ၄ള  ದđۚࠩᆯӫᅝ đѰ֝  ದđණ֝॓ڹༀඣ௜đิശ࿐॓ଽݤđյᄯڛ҂؎ิۚ၄ਏ level, and the promotion of the the academic connotation, in order to build the and 40 doctors among whom 47.5% are with senior titles including 2 master supervisors and 1 doctoral supervisors. The department is part of Shanghai Key קଽ॓൞ഈݚ൧ᆷظbٳቆӮ֥҆॓ظbrand of gynecological characteristics.  ದbഈݚ൧ᇗׄ࿐॓ ൩གྷႵԵ໊  ᅦđ၄ള  ದđۚࠩᆯӫᅝ đණ Subject Construction Program-Pediatrics. Pediatric Infectious Disease Department॓ ࿐॓؟ൌุᇖਿ֥ظThe department has 52 beds, and 18 doctors including senior titles accounted ֥ਆ۱າᇗᆡ൭ቀ१Ѩᆐᇍֆ໊ᆭ၂bཬ -૟a for 40% and one master supervisor. There are a well-elaborated series of is one of Shanghai Municipal Consultation and Rescue Centers for severe handٳனָaളᆲଽ॓ڹᇖਿa॓ڹԷaັ॓ڹದbഡႵ  ֝ ๠ّੀྟയѨ൞۲࿰ህြ foot-and-mouth disease. MDT pattern in care for pediatric solid tumor wasظ๠଴ᇍྟᮖ᭵ᆐਏaظᆐᇍaކ৳ characteristically gynecologic sub projects, including gynecologic laparoscopy ,࿰ህြb surgery, gynecologic oncology, female pelvisololgy, reproductive endocrinologyٳӑല႕ཞ࿐֩၂༢ਙห೤༥॓ڹ҂ᄓ҂ტa࠹߃ളტa ଽ॓૊ࠤᆐਈ๬௥  adopted in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology department. Diagnosis andظห೤b௜नᇾჽರູᇀ  ฿b֥ ᇖਿັԷ൭ඌᇍਏđѥӻܿٓ߄a infertility, family planning, gynecological ultrasound imaging, etc. In China, it took treatment of intractable epilepsy is one of the speciality of Pediatric neurologyྟذ॓ڹᄝݓଽੱ༵षᅚਔ ๠ ($1 ሧ۬ህြđ department. Hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration is performed regularly in AKIظthe lead in developing comprehensive treatments of laparoscopy surgery. Insists ຣđህ॓ห೤૊ᆐб২ղ Ġ ۱ࠆ֤ ࣚ༥߄a໭࿓൭ඌ৘୑đࡼ൭ඌѩؿᆡࢆ֞ቋ֮b on the concept of standardizing operation, elaborating anatomy and surging free of ݓ and CKD patient. The average length of in-hospital was less than 6.55 days. Greatګᇏྏ࿹࣮  ཛbࡆնದҌ஡အ৯؇đၘႵ  ದ؟ҕაݓଽ bleeding we try best to minimize the occurrence of surgical complications. effort was made in the consolidation of clinical sub-division and the development ༀ૊ᆐѨದղ  ຣದ ຓࣉྩb୍ྍࢤ൬ࣉྩ၄ള  ದb ୍ࠆ֤ݓࡅሱಖ॓ڛᇾჽѨದ  Ⴥದđၘ୍  In 2014, the department received more than 4,000 patients. The number of of specialist out-patient clinics. The accumulative number of out-patient and Ցđ૊ᆐ൭ඌਈղ  Ⴥ২đֆ॓૊ᆐਈ໊Ⴟഈݚ۲ն၄ჽ outpatient visits increased up to 90,000 and outpatient surgeries amounted to ࿐ࠎࣁ֩۲ࠩज़ี  ཛđଢభᄝ࿹Ⴕ  ཛݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁཛ emergency number reached the history record of 900,000 in 2014. Since 3 more than 5,000. The number of outpatient visits ranks the forefront of that of sub-disciplines got GCP certifications in children in 2013, the department had Ⴥຣჭb ୍ؿіં໓  ௉đః  ٮభਙđູ၄ჽሹଢѓ֥ൌགྷᄹเࡔൌ֥৯ਈb Shanghai hospitals. It has got positive benefits and has been given the vital power ଢđ৆࠹॓࿹ࣜ participated in 3 national multicenter drug clinical trials. International exchange to the hospital to achieve the overall goal. ईϷݓࡅ and communication was actively conducted and 3 doctors supported by theۿᇏ  Ⴥ௉ 4$* ં໓đ৆࠹႕ཙၹሰ bӮ ॓ڹቔđቆӮਔކ൩ა໡ჽః෰ཌྷܱ॓൩ህࡅ࢝൱ૡ్॓ The gynecological doctors cooperated closely with the other experts in the ࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტ  ཛb training program had already been trained abroad. More than 70 advanced in- ᇉਈaࣚሙ֥۱ hospital of General Surgery, Urology, and composed the gynecologic malignant service physicians were enrolled in 2014. It undertaken 2 projects which wereۚקᇖਿᇍਏᇏྏđູૄ၂໊ᇖਿߑᆀᇅྟذ tumor treatment center simultaneously, in order to build precisely individualized ߄ᇍਏٚσbࡹ৫Ⴎህದ۵ሶ֥ԛჽߑᆀෛ٠֖σđ׈߅ෛ٠đ supported by National Natural Science Foundation. Total 39 papers were publishedุ treatment plans with high quality. Files of patients after treatment are built follow with 18 indexed by SCI (total IF 54.536).One national medical further education their curative effects, condition and prognosis and professional services are .ༀྍٚൔaྍ౻֡b seminars was successfully hostedڛđყჿ૊ᆐđषтਔၛದູЧگᆷ֝Ⴈူaू offered to instruct these patients such as how to take medicine, take rehabilitation ཛਬ֥๬௥b༵ުࠆ֤ݓࡅࠩ exercises and appoint the date of follow-up , which means an new and better way؟൩ᄝ॓࿹a࢝࿐ൌགྷਔ॓ has been opened to our patients . ሧᇹज़ี  ཛa൧ࠩज़ี  ཛaअࠩज़ี  ཛđ ୍ؿі Besides the department has also made a breakthrough in the fields of research 4$* ໓ᅣ  ௉b and education, the department have won several funding including 2 national , 3 municipal, and 3 bureau level tasks. Two articles were published on SCI in 2014.

ࡅᇶ At the beginning of 2014, the department has published several articles on such؟đ໡॓ᄝuྍ૶ພБvauྍ໔ӤБv୍֩  p֥ັܲຩđ mainstream media as "Xinmin Evening News", "Morning News". The department॓ڹੀૂ़֨ህ॓॓௴໓ᅣbԷࡹਔoྍ޿၄ჽ has also created the mini official website to promote the section, the latest ಆ૫๷ܼ॓൩௖இaህࡅห೤b๙ݖ௜෻޺׮đᄹࣉ၄ߑ܎๙đ medical technology, the characteristic services, experts, etc. With interactive communication such as Q&A through this platform, the relationship between ༀᇉਈbڛༀੀӱa၂ੀ֥ڛༀߌ࣢a၂ੀ֥ڛൌགྷ၂ੀ֥ patients and doctors has been well improved, conductive to establishing top service with top environment, processes and quality.

  Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine 小儿呼吸内科 Pediatric CriticalCareMedicine 小儿重症医学科

תᇶ಩ğД၂ཱ ᇶ಩ğᇫཫ Director: Bao Yixiao Director: Zhu Xiaodong

ᇗᆡ၄࿐॓ሱ  ୍  ᄅӮ৫ၛটđႚႵਢԵࣜ Pediatric Critical Care Medicine was reestablished in Jan. 2014 with 13 physiciansظ྘ದҌđ Department of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine inculdes 20 doctors, among whom ཬކگ෍ᇉ֥ۚކ๠ޫ་॓ؒ໸ႚႵ၄a࢝a࿹ཌྷࢲظ 45% hold senior titles and 85% have the master or doctoral degrees, a high- (2 with doctor degrees and 8 with master degrees) and 52 nurses ( 3 head ህြ၄ഽ  ದčѰൖ ದđණൖ  ದĎđ޹ൖ  nurses, 16 nurse practitioners), who have rich clinical experience. All the staff֥ڶپЇও၄ഽ  ଀đݣۚࠩᆯӫ  ଀đѰൖණൖб২ۚղ b quality interdisciplinary team with the ability for the clinic, teaching and research ဒ work. Five backbone staff members have rich experience of training in the top ದčᇶܵ޹ൖ  ದđ޹ഽ  ದĎđಆุ၄޹ದჴࠤࣷඣ௜ݖ members possess quality emergency skills and cooperation spirits. They are all ބᄻ਽࿐ࣉྩႿૅݓaϏն০࿰֩ݓຓ၂ੀն࿐ۄܠ࿐ඌ໊  universityies and research institutes abroad, for example, America, Australia and good at the diagnosis and treatment of the critically ill children. 1633 pediatric តඃ֥֥າᇗᆡԩطڶپቔࣚപđႚႵކ႗aऎႵਅݺ֥๶ؒ ࿐߶຾ Canada. Prof. Bao Yixiao, leader of the department, serves as committee member patients were admitted in our unit last year. The patients were from all over॓ظb࿐॓ջ๨ದД၂ཱ࢝൱ք಩ᇏ޿၄࿐߶ܒ࿹࣮ࠏ ࿐߶ޫ་ of the Chinese Pediatric Society and Chinese Allergy Society and vice chairperson of ᇂࣜဒb୍൬ᇍѨದ  ದՑbؓಆჽཌྷܱਢԵ॓൩ࠣಆ൧ China and got quality care and treatment. PICU consists of 50 medical beds॓ظჴđᇏ޿၄࿐߶э෿ّႋ࿐߶຾ჴđᇏ޿၄࿐߶ Chinese Sub-society of Pediatric Pulmonology and the team leader of the Children's for the patients with MODS (congestive heart failure, respiratory failure, renal ఽބൌീ  ཬൈ҂ࡗ؎ಆ໊ٚࡓ޹ظ۲ֹሇᄎೆჽ֥າᇗߑ ,๠ཥ԰ླྀቔቆቆӉb Asthma Group of the Chinese Sub-society of Pediatric Pulmonology. failure) ,shock, CPR,DIC, ARDS and acute cardiac tamponade, cardiac arrhythmiasظቆӉđಆݓڬ࿐ቆ ஥С  ᅦԵ໊đ॓൩ᇶေ൬ᇍၛ༯ো྘֥ࠤາᇗᆡߑ hypertension crisis, acute intracranial hypertension, cerebral hernia, status܋ࣷđ The department possesses 36 medical beds, equipped with pediatric bronchoscopy epilepticus, and respiratory paralysis, convulsions, coma, severe asthma continued a්گğ۲ᇕᄣఖකࢰčྏකaޫකaയකĎაྨक़aྏ٫ظ room, pediatric lung function room. It built the first standarded nebulization ๠٫ظ๠ᆦగܵࣤaظགྷႵष٢Ե໊  ᅦđ஥С༵ࣉ֥ state, diabetic ketoacidosis, serious water electrolyte and acid-base balance treatment room for children in China, it’s also one of the base for drug clinical trials. ᆘaࠤྟྏЇแೖaྏੰ໘੹aۚ࿓࿢າ disorders, hemorrhage, acute poisoning, major surgery and postoperation care. Theކ൩aݖૹྟࠥѨຂૹᇍਏ൩đԷ৫ਔݓଽ൮ࡅѓሙ߄໼߄ %*$aޫ་࣬௧ሸିۿ Childhood asthma is the characteristic specialty of the department. It has promoted rescue successful ratio is more than 90%. The depaiment takes the domestic ᆘaଷ᭤aᮖ᭵ӻ࿃ሑ෿đၛࠣ۲ᇕჰކ๠ޫ་ህြူ໾ਢԵ൫ဒࠎֹĎbห೤ the standard treatment of childhood asthma and firstly launched the information འaࠤྟ੔ଽۚ࿢ሸظ་ೆᇍਏ൩čඋݓࡅ leading in medical technique and curative effects such as noninvasive and invasive management of asthma children in China. It has 50,000 clinic visits every year. It is ๠ཥ԰ྐ༏߄ܵ৘đ୍ህ ၹႄఏޫ་ઐнa҂ૼჰၹႄఏ֥ࣙኀa߽૙đ࿸ᇗཥ԰ӻ࿃ mechanical ventilation, invasive arterial monitoring a,central venous pressure mظ๠ཥ԰đੱ༵ᄝݓଽषᅚਔظህြ also the team leader hospital of Pediatric Asthma Group of the Chinese Sub-society onitoring, enteral and parenteral nutrition, CRRT. The depaiment is making great ໘੹aնԛޙ๠ཥ԰ླྀቔቆቆӉֆ໊aഈݚ of Pediatric Pulmonology, Asthma Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Shanghai ሑ෿aบ୕Ѩ๛ᆡූᇏ׽a࿸ᇗඣ׈ࢳᇉූࡡ௜ظ૊ᆐਈղ  ຣದՑđ൞ಆݓ॓ efforts to the talent cultivation work. So far, a number of staff members have Jiaotong University and the Pediatric Asthma Immune Treatment Center approved Ċၛഈb been trained at home and broad (in Ottawa, Canada Hospital Research Institute ੱۿ๠ཥ԰ ࿓aࠤྟᇏ׽ࠣຓ॓ᇗն൭ඌުࡓ޹֩đఽࣷӮظࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽཥ԰ᆐᇍᇏྏaࠆ֤ &""$* ಪᆣ֥ by European Academy of Allergy. ,ଢభၘषᅚਔ໭ԷaႵԷࠏྀ๙గđႵԷ׮ઝࡓҩࠣᇏྏ࣡ઝ and University of Ottawa in aspects of bronchoscopy, advanced life support ૧ၦᇍਏࠎֹሧ۬b The department is the fostering base of master and doctor in Pediatric respirology, hemopurification, pediatric nurses ability of competency, PICC professional nurses, ބ࿢ࡓҩđӋଽaӋຓႏအđӻ࿃࿓၁࣪߄ᇍਏ֩࠯ඌđ࠯ඌ the base for pediatric residency standarded training and pediatric respiratory advanced life support, ICU nursing, children colostomy care and so on). 18 papers specialist training, and the education base of American Academy Pediatrics as well. ਏིनंݓଽਵ༵ඣ௜b were published this year. Additionally, the department won awards for the Training ظ๠ޫ་Ѩ࿐ණൖaѰൖ࿐໊஡အֆ໊đഈݚظ൩္൞॓ ࿐߶஡࿞ࠎֹđၘ஡အಆ It has 2 master supervisors and 1 doctoral supervisor, and has fostered 22 master Base of Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine, successfully hosted national continuing॓ظ๠ޫ་ህ॓၄ള஡࿞ࠎֹđૅݓ .଀၄޹ದჴҕࡆݓଽຓ education classes and won the second prize of PBL and thesis competition؟ ༵ުஊయ or doctoral students already. Prof. Bao Yixiao was voted outstanding teacher of ॓൩ᇗ൪ದҌ஡အ .Ѱൖ࿹࣮ള  ໊b Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine in 2014ބݓණൖ ஡ ࿞č ࡆ ଦ ն 0UUBXBIPTQJUBMSFTFBSDIJOTUJUVUFBOE The department takes childhood asthma genetics and information management ޹ൖ॓ظVOJWFSTJUZPG0UUBXBđᆦగܵࣤđۚࠩളଁᆦӻđ ༏߄ܵ৘ູᇶေ॓࿹ٚཟđ for the main research directions, and carries on the extensive cooperation withྐބ๠ཥ԰ࠎၹ࿐࿹࣮ظ൩ၛ॓ აૅݓۢ੾б࿰ն࿐aૅݓ -PWFMBDF ޫ་Ѩ࿹࣮෮aᇏݓ Columbia University in the United states, Lovelace Respiratory Disease Research ି৯ൡ಩đ1*$$ ህြ޹ൖđۚࠩളଁᆦӻđ*$6 ޹৘đ޹৘ Center in the United states, National Center for Women and Children’s Health ๠ၩຓഄݝظ๠ᄯ१ഄ१ാ࣌޹৘ࣉᅚđظज़ีണ౨აൌീđ ഈݚ൧ᇗׄൌဒ and MOE-Shanghai Key Iaboratory of Children’s Environmental Health. During theބ๠ࡲू࢝ტ҆ظႼЌࡲᇏྏaߌ࣢აڹ $%$  ᇗᆡࡓ޹đ࿓၁࣪߄֩۲ཛ࠯ඌ֥஡࿞Ďđؿіં໓ظཬބ ቔb࣍  ୍ၘࠆЇওݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁaݓ recent 5 years, it has undertaken 11 projects supported by National Natural Scienceކ൩֩षᅚܼ֥ٗ Foundation and Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. More than 100 षϷݓࡅࠩۿ๠ᇗᆡ၄࿐ህ॓஡࿞ࠎֹӫݼđӮظ௉đѩࠆ֤ ཛđؿіં໓  papers including 21 SCI papers and 8 monographs were published and 4 national  ܋ࡅ࢝ტ҆ࠎࣁ֩ݓࡅസ҆ࠩၛഈࠎࣁ patents were obtained. Nine times of Shanghai Xinhua Pediatric Respiratory Forum ࠿࿃࢝ტ࿐༝ϫđࠆ 1#- ؽ֩ࢂaં໓ؽ֩ࢂ֩b ๠ޫ་Ѩ࿐vظ๠ཥ԰vuظჅ௉đݣ 4$* ં໓  ௉bԛϱu was successfully hosted by the department. ་ંฆbޫ॓ظᇶϷ  ࢽಆݓۿህᇷ҆đࠆݓࡅህ০  ཛđӮ֩

  Pediatric Orthopedics Pediatric Surgery 儿外科 儿骨科

ຂ໊ᆐᇍᇏྏބຓ॓ਢԵ၄࿐ᇏྏ ᇶ಩ğᅵ৓ ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ܱᷝࢫؿტ҂ਅظ࿐॓ջ๨ದğғຯ໱ᤜૼ ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ ഈݚ൧ཬ Academic Leader: Cai Wei Wu Yeming National Key Clinical Specialty Shanghai Clinical Center for Pediatric Surgery Director: Zhao Li Shanghai Jiaotong University Diagnosis and Treatment Center for Hip Dysplasia and Dislocation

๠ࢲെѨᆐਏᇏྏ ഈݚ൧ᇗᇏᆭᇗਢԵ၄࿐ᇏྏظᇶ಩ğ຦म ݓࡅ໏࠹຾ Director: Wang Jun State Health and Family Planning Commission Diagnosis Shanghai Top-Priority Clinical Center and Treament Center for Childien with Lithiasis

ঔᅚਔ The number of beds for pediatric orthopedics service has been increased by 50%طຓ॓նੌ֥ఓႨظԵ໊ඔਈđෛሢཬ֥॓ܠ๠ظ ຓ॓ਢԵ၄࿐ᇏྏੌᆞൔ๧ೆ൐Ⴈđ॓൩ᆜุ In 2014, the completion of the Building of Pediatric Surgery Clinical Medical Centerظཬ୍  significantly improved the health care environment, hardware and quality of with one and a half wards as the new building of pediatric surgery came into use at ശbิږ႗ࡱ֩׻նބༀڛ၄ਏߌ࣢a services. And it enhanced the capacity of inpatients as well. đ޹৘ֆჭঔᅚ֞၂۱϶Ѩ౵đૼཁิശਔ൬ᇍߑᆀ֥ି the beginning of this year. There are 13 surgeons in the department, of whom 70% have the senior titles, 40% of them have PhD degrees and 90% of them have the As part of the national educational 211-project and national prior funding subject, ৯bଢభᄝᆯ၄ള  ದđۚࠩᆯӫ࣍ đႚႵѰൖ࿐໊ᆀ ຓ॓ႚႵԵ໊ ᅦđ၄ളದđఃᇏۚࠩᆯӫᅝ Master degrees. Two surgeons are the supervisors for the master degree candidateظ the Department of Pediatric Surgery has a capacity of 102 inpatients, 21 staff ࣍ đණൖၛഈ࿐໊ᆃჇ đණ֝  ದđѰ֝  ದbࣂ aᇖਿa૟୕a doctors, 67% of whom own senior professional titles. The department possesses while one is the supervisor for PhD candidates. One surgeon has finished hisظຓaྍള௴ظ଀đ༯ഡཬ  ܋bѰ֝ණ֝ visiting fellowship training in Harvard Medical School, USA and just returned. One ۾ݓૅګݓࣉྩ࿐༝đ၂໊޹ൖࣜҪҪ࿊ϙૅګ๠ཨ߄აႏအaᇗᆡࡓ޹֩࿰ህြb varied fields of pediatric surgery including neonatal surgery, pediatric general ୍Ⴕ၂໊၄ളظ surgery, pediatric oncology, pediatric urology, pediatric GI nutritional support, nurse has been recruited to study for Master degree of Nursing in USA. The growth ,ቔਈ໗҄ᄹӉb୍૊ in clinic service was depicted by the annual number of over 60,000 emergencies۽Ѩٜބ޹৘࿐ණൖ࿐໊bࣂ୍૊ࠤᆐ؀ ,and pediatric surgical intensive care unit. The department contains vice chairman ظӱࡹഡᇗׄ࿐॓ࠣഈݚ൧ᇗׄ࿐॓۽  ຓ॓൞ݓࡅظ outpatients and inpatients and over 3000 surgical operations. The developmental director of pediatric oncology, deputy director, several member and youth ᆐჇ  ຣ২đປӮ۲ো൭ඌᇍਏჇ  ২đఃᇏܱᷝࢫؿტ đ൞ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ࡹഡֆ໊ᆭ၂đႚႵᇏ޿၄ members of Chinese Medical Association Pediatric Surgery (CSPS). The former dysplasia or dislocation of the hip DDH is one of the special disorders in the field ofٳቆӮ֥҆॓ .ຂ໊č%%)Ďቔູ၄ਏห೤ᆭ၂đປӮ൭ඌჇ  ২Ġ pediatric orthopedic. Over 300 operations were performed on the cases of DDHބᇶ಩຾ჴ  ଀a຾ჴ  ଀aౝ୍຾ჴ  ଀đ chairman, chairman contender and several committee members of Shanghai ҂ਅڬ߶ٳຓ॓ظ࿐߶ Medical Association Pediatric Surgery are also in the department. Congenital clubfoot is another special disorder commonly occurred in children. ቀቔູਸ਼၂ห೤đ૊ᆐᆐᇍ௾ϤჅ২đఃᇏྍيઔึଽྟ฿༵ ቆӉ۲  ଀đህြ຾ჴඔ଀b Over 700 patients, including 10% new patients, have been consulted and treatedڬຓ॓ህြظྍളބᇖਿህြቆӉ The department takes the leading position nationwide in the fields of early at the clubfoot clinic. Over 300 patients have been consulted at the scoliosis clinic. intervention of neonatal malformation, diagnosis and treatment of difficult ᄹѨ২ᅝ ĠࠬᇸࠐྙህѨ૊ᆐჇ  ২bࠬᇸࠐྙބᄎ ,ᄖࠐྙᆐᇍaൌุᇖ More efforts have also been made to develop the subspecialties, such as scoliosisگყaၐ଴ۄ௹ࠐྙᄪظຓ॓ᄝྍളظ and complex malformation, treatment of pediatric solid tumor, minimally ׮၄࿐ܱࢫࣤ࿰ህြٚཟ֤֞ࠒࠞ๷ࣉđ҂؎षᅚྍြༀbა ห೤đ invasive surgery in children, and pediatric surgical nutritional support, hence the sport medicine and arthroscopy. We have published the Chinese-translatedބਿᆐᇍaັԷຓ॓ࠣຓ॓ႏအᆦӻ֩ਵთྙӮህြႪ൝ textbook “Rockwood and Wilkins’ Fractures in Children” as the co-authors with ᇶၲԛϱཚუൗࢸ֥௖இህᇷކ৳ಆݓ  ۱സ൧ሱᇍ౵đ preponderance and special features of the center have been established. The ༆νֻඹफ၄ն࿐༆ࣘ၄ჽۂڭظЌӻݓଽਵֹ໊༵đটჽࣼᆐߑ specialty of pediatric oncology focuses on MDT, in order to improve the prognosis the peer experts from the Fourth Military Medical University. Great interest was ᅼvđ֤֞ြଽ֥௴ђᄡუbᄝܠ๠ظࣁථuغઌक़໸֣cຯ ,࿐॓ླྀቔđӁభ by individualized protocol to each patient. The approach of Delivery Room Surgery drawn from the Chinese community of pediatric orthopedists. Twelve papers؟၄࿐֥ظb෸ظ࣢ຓଠ଀౰၄ߑބϏ෻ֹ౵ۖ .ྏ࿐ඌ௹़ؿіં໓  ௉đఃᇏ 4$* ં໓  ௉bቔູྍ޿ including three SCI papers, have been published in the key academic journalsނ ᇕࠥѨđᇍ is the key point that links the neonatal surgery, neonatology, and obstetrics. And؟ۂڭӮປ೿֥ਢԵᆐᇍਫ਼ࣥđྙܙ௟ބᆐ؎ࠣᇍਏ this is the way on which the Specialty of Neonatal Surgery carries to improve the Being included into the hospital-conducted pilot project of “Pleasant Ward”, the ਢԵ॓࿹đބ࿐॓ླྀቔࠞնֹ๷׮ࠎԤ؟ჟੱཁᇷิۚbᇖਿຓ॓ ቔषᅚਔoࡅ department has successfully run a number of courses for patients’ family educationކ҆۽survival rate of the newborn malformations. As the only national medical center ၄ჽੱ༵षᅚoॹুѨٜp֥ൌ࡬ֹđაഠ ૟୕ຓ॓ႚႵ for pediatric urolithiasis, the department of pediatric urology has success in curing and set a WeChat-based platform for the nursing information in order to improveظࢲെѨᆐᇍᇏྏđཬظቔູಆݓື၂֥໏ള҆ཬ ޹॓ܠ๠ظᇙ௜෻oྍ޿܄Ӊज़ถp֩༢ਙࠃ׮đष๙ਔັྐ hundreds of children with urinary calculi. ඔϤ২b the quality of patient care, the relationship between surgeons and patients, andظᇍਏ۲ো૟୕༢ࢲെߑۿđӮ؍ಆ໊ٚᇍਏ൭ ༀaႪ߄၄ߑܱ༢ the cooperation between the staff personnel. In July 2014, it was a great successڛ৘ቆpđᄝඎ৫॓൩௖இྙའaቓݺ࿼ഥ In 2014, the department held the 1st Xinhua Hospital Pediatric Surgery Forum for the department to run the CME course on pediatric musculoskeletal disorders Ӈ൫đ౼֤ਔԚ֥҄ބᄹ఼ଽ҆ୠऊ৯ٚ૫ቓਔࠒ֥ࠞฐ෬ބ ຓ॓࿐ඌ߶ၰ᳝൮ࢽྍ as the academic conference of Shanghai Pediatric Surgery Association. At theظईϷਔഈݚ൧ཬۿ൩Ӯ୍॓  in Xi’an, Shanxi Province. A number of distinguished orthopedic experts from both Guangzhou National Pediatric Surgery Annual Meeting, several papers are ຓ॓࿐ඌظຓ॓ંฆb ୍ᄝܼᇜईྛ֥ಆݓཬظ޿၄ჽཬ .overseas and mainland of China were invited as the course faculties ॓ܠ๠ظईϷۿpublished and applied on lectures themes topics. Furthermore, The department Ӯݔb ୍  ᄅđᄝၳֹč೻༆༆νĎӮ ህࡅԛ༜đ໊؟౵ֹ֥ބ௉ં໓ೆ࿊ն߶ህีࢃቖؿ࿽b ୍ࠆ֤ݓࡅ undertook 1 research project granted by NSF and 3 projects granted by Shanghai ݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტ࿐༝ϫđটሱ௾۱ݓࡅ؟ն߶ഈؿі ሱಖࠎࣁౝ୍ཛଢ  ཛđഈݚ൧॓຾ཛଢ  ཛđؿіં໓ ௉đ Science and Technology Commission. 36 papers were published in the past year, 13 indexed in SCI. A training workshop for advanced pediatric laparoscopic techniques ࣉ၂҄ঔնྍ޿၄ჽᄝݓଽຓ֥႕ཙb in the past few years has made the department to be one of the top centers in ڴ๠ظຓ॓৵࿃ඔ୍ईϷݓࡅࠩಆݓظఃᇏ 4$* ં໓  ௉bཬ .Էຓ॓ඣ௜଀ਙಆݓభમb pediatric minimally-invasive surgery nationwideັظసࣤྍࣉᅚ࿐༝ϫđཬ

  Child & Adolescent Healthcare 儿童与青少年保健科 Medical Psychology 临床心理科

ᇶ಩ğᅦ࣑඾ ഈݚ൧ᇗᇏᆭᇗਢԵᇗׄ࿐॓ ᇶ಩ğᅦ࣑඾ Director: Zhang Jinsong Shanghai Top-Priority Clinical Key Discipline Director: Zhang Jinsong

,๠აౝഒ୍Ќࡲ॓၄ളದđۚࠩᆯӫದčᅝ There are seven doctors on the job in 2014 including three with senior professional ଢభႚႵࣚപ॓၄ള  ದđѰൖ࿐໊  ದđۚࠩᆯӫ  ದđණ There are five psychiatrists in the department, three of them have Ph. D degreesظ titles (42.9%), two are graduate student tutors and one is Ph.D supervisor. one has the senior professional title and one tutor of postgraduate. Ďđණ֝  ದđѰ֝  ದb ֝ದb Clinic: The department, the first department of child healthcare in general hospital Clinic work: The medical activities involve the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness both in child and adult from minor problems to severe disturbances. The ۲ᇕࣚപᅰθ֥ᆐਏđႭఃބӮದ֥ྏ৘ሦ࿘ބ๠ظ๠აౝഒ୍Ќࡲ॓Ⴎݒְ࢝൱൓ԷႿ  ୍đ in China, was set up in 1976 by Dr. Di Guo. Following our predecessors as domestic ၄ਏğࣉྛظ၄ਏğ leader, it continues to cultivate the culture that has quite an impact in terms of department especially focus on research and clinic in the field of development ႋႨྏ৘ᇍਏ disorders of children and adolescents as well as integrated psychological therapyྟކࣚപᅰθđᆜބౝഒ୍֥ྏ৘໙ีބ๠ظਔݓ academy, management, clinic, keeping pace with the times to promote scientific ೼Ӊ۲ᇕקЌ॓đᄝభЛ֥୭৯༯׍ظ၄ჽଽֻ֥၂۱ކ൞ݓଽሸ and medicine. The number of outpatient visits is 17663, which is about 21.1% ଽਵֹ໊༵đࡔӻၛ॓࿹՜ਢԵđაൈऒࣉa҂؎Էྍaຉᅚ research and clinical innovation. Now, the department still maintains the top ࠣူ໾ᇍਏb ୍૊ᆐਈ  ದՑđ๝бᄹӉ bປӮჽ position in China and is granted as the key discipline of Shanghai Health Bureau. increase than 2013.It undertook psychiatry liaison consultation for the 221 ᇕ admitted cases, increasing 39% more than that of last year. At the same time, It؟Ќ֥ଽݤđᇀࣂЌӻሢݓଽ๝ྛ֥ਵֹ໊༵b൞ഈݚ൧ᇗᇏ The clinic visits in 2014 was above forty seven thousands. ଽᇾჽѨದ֥ࣚപ॓৳઎߶ᆐ  ದՑđ๝бഈᅨ bषᅚظ can provide various psychological assessments and several kinds of psychotherapy, ඔᇕྏ৘ᇍਏđೂಪᆩྛູᇍਏaࡅ๖ᇍਏa&.%3 ᇍਏbބĎ֥ᇶ Research: In 2014,it was gained two research founds from Shanghai Science and ྏ৘ҩဒ॓ظ๠Ќࡲ࿐ࠣؿტაྛູظᆭᇗਢԵ၄࿐ᇗׄ࿐॓č such as CBT, family therapy and EMDR. It holds the parents’ education lectures for Technology Commission. One project, Expanded Growth and Development Health .ཬቆ࿞਀b children with ADHD and group training reguarlyބଛ࢝ტڳ๠֥ظ׮ᆡᅰθ؟ईϷᇿၩಌཊ௹ק ေӮჴb ୍૊ᆐਈ  ದՑb Card for Household granted by ShanghaiHealth and Family Planning Commission, was finished. Totally, 8500 families from 34 communities in 17 districts were Research: The department got a new research project supported by Shanghai ׮ᅰ؟๠ᇿၩಌཊظཛଢğ ୍ࠆ֤ഈݚ൧॓຾ཛଢ  ཛĠປӮ໏ ॓࿹ğࠆ֤ഈݚ൧॓຾ཛଢ  ཛđࣉྛ࿐భބ࿹॓ included in this project. 2 SCI papers were published. Science and Technology Committee in 2014, undertaking the research on preschool .࠹຾ཛଢuࡅ๖ႨളӉؿტЌࡲवঔն൫ׄvđധೆ  ۱౵ θ֥࿹࣮b ADHD Education: the department took part in the education assignments of the ”۱ഠ౵  ޼ࡅ๖đധ൳ݺ௟bؿі 4$* ໓ᅣ  ௉b undergraduate course “Pediatric”, “Clinical Children Psychology” and “Adolescent Education and training: The departmen takes on the teaching program “Psychiatry  ஡࿞ğӵքЧ॓ള֥ྏ৘࿐aࣚപѨ࿐࢝࿐ĠईϷݓࡅࠩ and “General Psychology” for the undergraduates. It held two workshops of theބHealth Care”. Dr. Lixiao Shen won the honor named “Excellent Teacher for Clinical ࢝ტ ๠ Students in Xinhua Hospital”. National Continued Medical Education “The Promotion of Mental Health andظ࿐va࿊ྩज़uਢԵ॓ظ࢝ტğӵքЧ॓ളсྩज़u ๠പࣜྏ৘௟ࡎ஡࿞ϫvau ෟႉႼظ࠿࿃၄࿐࢝ტཛଢuਢԵ Crisis Intervention Skills of Children Aged 0-6 years”.Also,we organized the first .ᇶ಩ࠆ֤ྍ޿ The department held three workshops of National Continued Medical Educationڬቔđഫ৘ཱ۽ྏ৘࿐vauౝԽ၄࿐v֥࢝࿐ ყ࠯ି࿐༝ϫvĠӵϷᇏݓྏ৘໏ളླྀ߶֥൮ࢽuԷ Trauma Psychological Therapy EMDR trainer’s training in China and the 4th EMDRۄބྏ৘ࡲू՜ࣉظ Several foreign experts from eight other countries were invited to give lectures .ਢԵ၄࿐ჽႪྮ࢝ഽӫݼb therapists’ training on behalf of Chinese Mental Health Association uֻඹࢽԷഄྏ৘ᇍਏ &.%3 ᇍބnamed “Development and Behavior” at the workshop. ഄྏ৘ᇍਏ &.%3 ࿞ഽ஡࿞ϫv Academic activities: Departmen director, Dr. Zhang Jinsong, takes on several Public activities: In the meantime, the department took an active part in a lot ਏഽ஡࿞ϫvb ๠ႏအ national and Shanghai board member positions in psychiatric and psychologicalظ๠പࣜྏ৘௟ࡎ஡࿞ϫvauਢԵظईϷuਢԵ of social work including free physical examination for children with disabilities, າࠏ professional board. She got the praise of “the 8th Excellent Mental Health Workerބ๠ྏ৘ࡲू՜ࣉظყᆷ֝࿐༝ϫvau ෟۄࠣܙ௟ some free lectures for the parents in communitis and some expert interviews in ۱ࣚപaྏ৘ህြ of Chinese Mental Health Association”. She gave a speech as distinguished guest؟ഈݚ൧֥ބ࿐ඌࠃ׮ğᅦ࣑඾ᇶ಩ӵքಆݓ ყ࠯ି࿐༝ϫv ۱ݓࡅ၄࿐࠿࿃࢝ტ࿐༝ϫĠӵϷᇏ޿၄ television and radio. Some clinic consultations were held free for the children andۄ ቔᆀpđ on the opening ceremony of 25nd EMDRIA conference. She also gave lectures and۽࿐߶֥຾ჴđࠆoᇏݓྏ৘໏ളླྀ߶ֻϖࢽႪྮྏ৘໏ള their parents on Children’s Day and Army Day. ህြ࿐ቆؿტྛູ࿐༝ϫđဤ౨টሱ  ۱ݓ workshops on 21th IFP World Congress of Psychology, 2nd EMDR Asia Conference॓ظ࿐߶ؿტྛູ .ᄝֻ  ࢽ &%.3 ݓ࠽ն߶षଞൔؿ࿽đѩᄝః෰ݓ࠽aݓଽᇗေྏ and some other national important conferences and got warmly responded ࡅ֥ຓࠡህࡅࢃቖb ቔ٘b Public activities: As chief editors, It published the cartoon book and DVD “No fear۽ބ৘࿐ඌ߶ၰഈࣉྛህีؿ࿽ ࡟đധೆഠ౵ࣉྛ॓௴ࢃ in dangers-the self-copying of psychological crisis for children” for public awareุٮ๠૧ظၭ൙ြğӵքҗࠥ܄ ,๠ྏ৘າࠏᆭሱ໡ႋؓv promotion. It provided lectures, consultation dosens of times for kindergartensظ  ၭğᇶщԛϱuਢາ҂औ܄ބ௴॓ ׈൪෻ࣉྛህ schools and special institutes. As specialist, we spoke on Radio and TV to public andބՑᄝ׈෻؟ߋ႒bބቖ  ӆđ൳֞ۚ؇ݺ௟ Ցᄝ׈෻؟ࢃቖaሦ࿘൅ჅՑđܒ׮߂ܻ஍Ġູ࿐཮aห࢝ࠏބ߂Ҩ .๠ࢫ၄ჽၬᆐა҆ؒႚफࠃ׮b published articles in journals and newspapers for increasing public’s knowledgeظࡅ٠ซđഠ౵ၬᆐaѩࠒࠞҕა ׈൪෻ቓህࡅ٠ซbބ

  Neonatology 新生儿科 Rehabilitation Medicine 康复医学科

߶ᆐఽࣷᇏྏ ᇶ಩ğ؄ౝظᇶ಩ğᇫࡹྜྷ ഈݚ൧າᇗྍള Director: Zhu Jianxing Shanghai Newborn Consulting and Rescue Center Director: Du Qing

၄࿐॓ᄝщದđ၄ളದčණ֝଀đۚࠩᆯӫ The department is comprised of 4 doctors and 13 rehabilitation therapists withگू ߶ᆐఽࣷᇏྏᆭ၂đ The Department of Neonatology, as one of the Shanghai Municipal Consultingظഈݚ൧າᇗྍളູ॓ظྍള and Rescue Centers for Critically Illed Newborns, has totally admitted more than 1 Master's tutor and 2 senior professional titles. The department has carried a໾৘a out children and adults rehabilitation, diagnosis and treatment items, likeק௟گ๠აӮದूظԛჽ  Ⴥ২đࢠ  ୍ᄹࡆ đ 2750 inpatients in 2014 with the increase of 12.5% compared to 2013. The pre-  ଀Ďđᇍਏഽ  ದđಆ૫षᅚ॓ظྍള୍ comprehensive evaluation, physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech čԛ tem babies accounted for about one fourth including more than 120 babies with ቔြa࿽ეᇍਏ֩ᆐਏཛଢbಆ୍षᅚਔࡶࣉൔࠔಽॆቅ࿞਀aظჿᅝ Ġఃᇏุ֮ࠞᇗظຓჽࠇຓസ൧ሇೆđᄪӁູ the birth weight less than 1500 g. Half of the total admitted cases were initially therapy, etc. Multiple new rehabilitation treatment techniques have been ,ၻaე࿽৘ࢳa܎๙ି৯௟ developed, such as progressive resistance training, drainage lymph techniqueܒ๠๽࿳aظႄੀ࠯ඌaم২Ġೆᇾ /*$6 ֥າᇗ entered into NICU and 460 were intervened by mechanical ventilation. One third of ਥϘ൭؟  ظ क़Ďາᇗྍള ളุᇗ evaluation and treatment of pediatric swallowing, articulation, language ᇉ॥Ӯࠛ଀ਙಆ൧ֻ၂bگཛྍ࠯ඌĠू؟ᇍਏ֩ބק ২đႋႨࠏྀ๙గѨ২  Ⴥ২đາᇗྍ the total inpatients was transferred and referred cases from different regions out؟  ູظྍള of Shanghai. The successful rescue rate was 98% and the death rate was 0.72% in comprehension, communication. The rehabilitation quality scores of the department ranked first in Shanghai. đᇾჽѨ২ሹѨඵੱູ bؓѨ total in 2014. The inpatient service was satisfied and proved by all the families of ູੱۿఽࣷӮظള the admitted newborns and there was no any complains to any neonatologists in ॓൩ଢభᄝ࿹ज़ี  ཛđസ҆ࠩज़ี  ཛđअࠩज़ี  ཛđ ,ࡅඋ֥௴ђݺ௟đղ֞ਔᇾჽѨದડ 9 research projects at different levels have been obtained by the departmentظࣷᇍ֤֞ߑބༀڛದ֥ ྏ௹़ؿіં໓  ௉đҕщህᇷ  ҆đ including 2 provincial projects, 3 bureau projects and 4 horizontal projects. 8ނཟज़ี  ཛbಆ୍ޘ OPD service in 2014. Besides the routine work of the daily care, the department ߶ᆐఽ coorperated with the Neonatal Surgery and the Obstetrics for the congenital core journal articles had been published, 5 books had been co-edited, with 2ظ૊ᆐ֥ਬ๧ුbᄝӻ࿃षᅚؓາᇗྍളބ  ၩ؇ ༀ࠯ඌӮݔ၂aؽ֩ࢂa foreign books had been translated throughout the year. The department had wonڛگdeformities such as congenital diaphragmatic hernia and the better outcomes ҕၲህᇷ  ҆bࠆഈݚ൧җࠥದू Ӂ༵॓ؓ฿ the First Prize and Second Prize of Shanghai Rehabilitation Service Techniquesބຓ॓ظކ֥ࣷӈܿ၄ਏ޹৘ࠎԤഈđ ୍஥ ބႪྮ࿐॓ջ๨ದ࠹߃aࢌն຦ॺӴࠎࣁཛଢگू৳of the diseases have been archived in about 50 cases and cooperating with the ഈݚ൧җ Pediatric Cardiovascular Dept applying early rescue procedures for 20 cases. In Achievements, Best Academic Leader Plan of Shanghai Disabled Persons Federation ކԛളᄪ௹ࠐྙ֥൭ඌభުࡓ޹  Ⴥ২đ஥ظᦥ᭤֩ྍളྟ ϖࢽ໓߄ၜඌࢫᇶีဆၶࠃ System “Cultivating Excellent Rehabilitation Individual Plan”, Kuan-cheng Wangֻ۽the department had undertaken 11 research projects including 4 NSFD grants ຓህႄᇆཛଢaഈݚ൧၄ༀᆯ 2014 ყđ and published 22 originals and reviews including 6 papers were indexed by SCI. In Fund and Foreign Experts Talent Introduction Program of Shanghai Jiao Tongۄ௹࿸ᇗᇁඵྟ༵฿ྟྏᄣѨᄪ֥௹ظྏ࿓ܵଽ॓ؓྍള ࠯Է University, the Third Prize of theme performance in the 8th Culture and Art Festival॓۽׮೘֩ࢂau၄ߑ౦ധvႪྮቔ௖ࢂaഈݚ൧၄ༀᆯ Ⴕ۲ࠩज़ 2014, the department were awarded as Excellent Care Unit for Woman and Child in܋൬ᇍඌభඌުࡓ޹Ѩ২  Ⴥ২bᄝ  ୍॓൩ Shanghai. ྍoྒܻ࠹߃pೆຶࢂb࿐॓ջ๨ದࠆ֤ᇏ޿၄࿐߶໾৘၄࿐ theme development activities of Shanghai medical staff, Excellent Works of “The ”Ġྍ৫ज़ี  ཛbؿ close attachment between doctors and patients”, the Merit Awards of “Star Plan ཛđఃᇏݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁཛଢཛ  ี ህࡅᆷ —Technological innovation Program of Shanghai medical staff. The leader of theگ߶ಆݓ຾ჴaᇏݓ࢝ഽؿᅚࠎࣁ߶࢝ტूٳ࿐گაू ႼЌࡲ department, Prof. Du Qing acquired many academic positions in 2014, like theڹіં໓  ௉đఃᇏ 4$* ൬ೆ  ௉đࠆ  ഈݚ൧ ᇶ຾֩ڬህ຾߶م၄࿐߶ᄎ׮ਏگᇶ຾aഈݚ൧ूڬ຾ჴ߶֝ Ⴊྮุࠢӫݼb National Member of physical medicine and rehabilitation medicine branch of ࿐ඌֹ໊b Chinese medical association, Vice-Chairman of Educational Rehabilitation Experts Steering Committee of Chinese Teacher Development Foundation, Vice-Chairman of Exercise Therapy branch of Shanghai Rehabilitation Medicine Association. گഈݚ၄ူۚ֩ህ॓࿐཮ूބӵքྍ޿ਢԵ၄࿐ჽ໴୍ᇅ The department has provided “Rehabilitation Medicine” courses for the ቔđಆ୍ջ࢝ࣉྩ၄ഽ  ದaಆ॓၄ഽ  ದa five-year undergraduate of Xinhua School of Clinical Medicine, as well as the۽၄࿐նज़࢝࿐ ईϷ Shanghai Institute of Health Sciences. Meanwhile, 4 refresher doctors, 9 generalۿණൖള  ದaջ࢝  ࡅۚ֩ህ॓ჽ཮ൌ༝ള  ದbӮ practitioners, 3 master graduate students, 50 interns from 6 general universities an ህࡅ d colleges been trained and taught during 2014. The department successfully heldگ۱ህีࢃቖđაૅa֣֩ݓू؟ބݓࡅ࠿࿃࢝ტ࿐༝ϫ several national continuing education classes and international academic seminars, ࣉྛਔ࿐ඌࢌੀđᄝֻϖࢽ *413. ൗࢸն߶ഈࣉྛն߶ؿ࿽ academic exchanges with the rehabilitation experts from America, Germany and ႕ཙ৯b other countries, gave the theme speech and poster communication in the 8th֥گ๠ूظуБࢌੀđࣉ၂҄ิശਔ॓൩ބ World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, which further promoted the academic influence on pediatric rehabilitation.

  Pediatric Cardiology 小儿心血管科 Pediatric Neurosurgery 儿神经外科

ӱ࿹࣮ᇏྏ ᇶ಩ğઔࢭ۽࿐॓ջ๨ದğ෤᫧ ഈݚۚ཮ Academic Leader: Sun Kun Engineering Research Center of Shanghai Colleges and Universities Director: Ma Jie

ቔĎğӧ෦۽ᇶ಩čᇶӻڬ Vice Director(Executive): Chen Sun

ྏ࿓ܵ॓ჰႵԵ໊  ᅦđ ୍  ᄅԵ໊ᄹࡆᇀ The Pediatric Cardiology Department consists of 28 beds which were expanded খљ  ୍ටࠧ႒ট  ୍đ߭൮ݖಀ֥၂ᆜ୍đ໡॓ Looking back over the past year in 2014, the department of Pediatric Neurosurgeryظཬ from 14 beds in December 2014. 8 doctors are included and 4 of them are with upheld pragmatic work attitude, carried on fruitfully. bپቔ෿؇đ၂ສᆰభ൬ࠆ௣۽പࣜຓ॓ѥӵ෷ൌ֥ظཬ .ᅦbଢభ၄ള  ದđۚࠩᆯӫ  ದđᅝ đѰ֝  ದđ senior professional titles. There is one doctoral tutor and two master instructors  Since it moved into the new building of pediatric surgery, the department has been Prof. Sun Kun, academic leader of the department, acts also as vice-chairman പࣜຓ॓ႚႵ׿৫॓൩đѨٜ independent running. Being the indispensable part of Shanghai Clinical Medicalظຓ॓ྍնੌđཬظ߶ಆݓ ሱϬೆཬٳ॓ظණ֝  ದb࿐॓ջ๨ದ෤᫧࢝൱ք಩ᇏ޿၄࿐߶ of Pediatric Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and chairman of the Center for Pediatric Surgical Malformation Rectification, the 46-bed department ߶༵฿ྟྏᄣѨህ຾߶ᇶ಩ Congenital Heart Disease Committee of Chinese Medical Doctor Association. Ե໊ঔᅚᇀ  ᅦđ14*$6 ᅦđ၄ള  ದđۚࠩᆯӫ  ದđᅝٳ॓ظᇶ಩຾ჴđᇏݓ၄ഽླྀ߶ڬ offers high-quality care and services in neurosurgery and surgical intensive care ӱࡹഡᇗׄ࿐॓ࠣഈݚ൧ᇗׄ࿐॓ for children. As part of the Key Subject Construction belonging to 211 Project۽  ຾ჴb đѰ֝  ದbඋ ഈݚ൧oᇗ supported by the Ministry for National Education, and also, the Shanghai Keyބٳຓ॓ࠐྙਢԵ၄࿐ᇏྏ֥ቆӮ҆ظഈݚ൧ཬބ॓ظ The department is leading the way in interventional therapy and prenatal diagnosis Subject Construction Program-Pediatrics, the department has 7 surgeons, within b൞ᇏ޿၄࿐߶പࣜٳ൩ᄝ༵ྏѨ֥ࢺೆᆐᇍၛࠣຶӁ௹༵฿ྟྏᄣѨᆐᇍ֩ of congenital heart disease.178 cases of interventional treatment were performed ᇏᆭᇗpਢԵ၄࿐ᇏྏ " োཛଢ֥ቆӮ҆॓ whom 50% with senior titles, and 1with tutorship for doctoral graduates. പࣜຓ॓࿐ቆቆӉֆ໊bظ߶ཬٳٚ૫ԩႿݓଽਵֹ໊༵b ୍؇ປӮ۲ো༵฿ྟྏᄣѨࢺ during the past year, including 16 cases of newborns. More than 650 pregnant ຓ॓ women were given fetus echocardiography annually. The professional specialties includs: the diagnosis and treatment of nervous ӑظྏѨࢺೆ൭ඌ  ২bྛ෸༵ظೆ൭ඌ  ২đఃᇏྍള ,ଷᇖਿ system congenital malformations, the multidisciplinary treatment of brain tumorsظപࣜ༢๤༵฿ࠐྙ֥ᆐᇍaཬظЧ॓൩࿰ህြğཬ interventional therapy of cerebrovascular disease and surgical treatment of ᮖ᭵֥൭ඌᇍਏظଷ࿓ܵѨ֥ࢺೆᇍਏaཬظ࿐॓ᆐᇍaཬ؟֥ ྏᄣѨೱྟ฿༵ظӑലྏ׮๭ࣉྛ෸ظലྏ׮๭  Ⴥ২b෸ Several programs including 973 project, National NSF, engineering center and pediatric epilepsy are still in the domestic leading position. It took care of 1000 Ұंಆݓਵ༵ඣ௜b projects of Shanghai Science Committee are in process. In 2014, six articles were नԩႿݓଽਵֹ໊༵b୍૊ࠤᆐದՑ  ದđ୍൭ඌਈ၂తჅ෻đ patients with nearly 800 cases of surgery anually. The annual outpatient and published in SCI. As the main participant unit, the department took charge of two ୍൭ඌದՑ  ದđᇾჽ൭ඌದՑ  ದđ൭ඌੱ b emergency visits are 5602. expert consensuses in 2014, including the interventional treatment of common ൩ӵքݓࡅ  ࠹߃ཛଢaݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁaഈݚ൧ A total of three SCI papers were published by the department and 1 postgraduate॓ congenital heart disease on Chinese children and the fetal congenital heart disease иြ  ଀࿹࣮ളđиြѰ graduated. During this year, The Sixth Chinese Pediatric Neurosurgery Forum܋؇ؿі 4$* ໓ᅣ  ௉đ୍  .ཛ࿹࣮ज़ีĠ ୍؇ diagnosis and management؟ӱᇏྏࠣഈݚ൧॓຾ࠎࣁᄝଽ֥۽ ൖള଀b (CPNF) , the course of International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN) and (๠ӈ࡮༵ Fifth Shanghai International Neuroendoscope Operation Workshop (SINEHOWظᇏݓ ്܋ਆཛህࡅקؿі 4$* ໓ᅣ  ௉Ġᇶӻᇅ were successfully held in Xinhua hospital. Periodical nationwide academic activities ۿईϷն྘ᮖ᭵ၬᆐࠃ׮đ ᄅӮۿb  ୍  ᄅᄝ໡ჽӮ ്܋ྏѨᆐ؎ࠣܵ৘ህࡅ༵ظa෸്܋ྏѨࢺೆᇍਏህࡅ organized by the department strongly pushed overall technical improvement in  പࣜຓ॓ંฆč$1/'Ďđ๝ൈӵϷظണϷֻੂࢽᇏݓཬ pediatric neurosurgery association. ໴ࢽഈֻބപࣜຓ॓࠿࿃࢝ტ࿐༝ϫč*41/DPVSTFĎظൗࢸཬ To provide good quality medical service to pediatric patients with CNS diseases,it ݚݓ࠽പࣜଽࣥҠቔ࿐༝ϫč4*/&)08Ďbᆃུ҂๝ྙൔ֥࿐ established a nationwide community platform: Shanghai-Xinhua pediatric പࣜຓ॓ᆜุඣ௜đؿߨਔ҂ॖูս֥ቔ neurosurgery official website and Wei-Chat. In addition, all kinds of publication forظඌࢌੀؓิۚ໡ݓཬ Ⴈb pediatric neurosurgery were forging ahead on its own. Two articles in Xinhua News and 16 official interviews were published. In November 2014, director Ma Jie was ௜෻đѥӵ invited to a feature program ‘discovery on pediatric brain tumor’, which broadcast܋܄പࣜຓ॓॓൩ܲٚຩᅟࠣັྐظ๝୍ࡹӮཬ in EastNet was got favorably noticed. ༀ৘୑ࠒֹࠞ۞ݺࢌੀ௜෻bჽБؿі໓ᅣڛ۷ݺ֥܂ߑᆀิູ പظ௉đჽຓྍ໔ૂุ࿆Ԯ  Ցb ୍  ᄅ  ರđཬ  ๠ଷᇖظٚࢃቖvণଢđ੣ᇅoתٚຩuתࣜຓ॓ઔࢭᇶ಩൳ဤ ਿ֥ؿགྷpህีࢫଢđࠆ֤ݺ௟b

  Nuclear Medicine 核医学科 Pharmacy 药学部

ᇶ಩ğ຦ߩ ᇶ಩ğᅦࡲ ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ Director: Wang Hui Director: Zhang Jian National Key Clinical Specialty

၄࿐॓ႚႵԵ໊ࣴᅦaหླԵ໊၂ᅦđ1&5$5 ၂ Nine medical beds, one VIP bed are available in Department of Nuclear Medicine. ူ࿐҆གྷႵူ࿐ህြ࠯ඌದჴ ଀đЇওਢԵူ࿐๶ؒ There are 138 pharmacists including 28 clinical pharmacists, 1 chief pharmacist, 5ނ The department is equipped with one PET / CT ,one accelerator and two ECTs. associate pharmacists, 22 PHDs or MDs and 1 master supervisor in the department. .ᇶ಩ူഽ  ଀đѰൖණൖ࿐৥  ଀đ Senior professional titles account for 20% in the totalڬ෻a&$5 ਆ෻aࡆ෎ఖ၂෻b၄ള  ದđ޹ൖ  ದđ࠯ഽ Medical staff includes 11 doctors (2 professors and 3 associate professors), 2  ದđᇶ಩ူഽ  ଀đ nurses, 8 technicians and 3 Radiopharmaceutical scientists. Two professors are the ದđ٢ഝူ໾ഽ  ದđఃᇏۚࠩᆯӫ  ದđᅝ၄ളሹದඔ ණൖള֝ഽ  ದbۚࠩᆯӫᅝ๶ؒ đ 7.49 million prescriptions were dispensed and 534,400 bags of infusions were  tutors for postgraduates.pg đđѰ֝Ѱ֝  ದđණ֝  ದb prepared in PIVAS in 2014 with total worth of RMB 6.08 million in 2014. Clinical ࠴đൻ၁  ຣտđᇅ pharmacists have provided 1,631 pharmacotherapy suggestions and 1,064 timesטປӮ  ຣᅦԩ୍֥ٚ  of pharmaceutical consulting and 9453 times of medication education. 821 Radionuclide therapy is one specialty ooff the medical characteristics ooff thethe ၄ਏğނ෍ᇍਏ൞ނ၄࿐॓၄ਏห೤đᇶေषᅚཛଢЇও၄ਏğނ෍ᇍਏ൞ނ၄࿐॓၄ਏห೤đᇶေषᅚཛଢЇও ࠴Ӂᆴ  ຣbҕაᇍਏူ໾थҦ  Ցđิ܂ူ࿐ሦ࿘ consultations were performed for patients with severe diseases. 389 Drug Adverse department,includingdepartment,including the 131-iodine treatment for differentiated thyroid cancancercer Reactions were reported. 1,289 cases of therapeutic drug concentration monitoring ᇍਏࡊ andand hhyperthyroidismyperthyroidism of Graves’ disease, 89Sr treatmetreatmentnt forfor boneboone metastases ooff  ՑđႨူ࿆࢝ Ցđषᅚၐ଴ᇗᆡߑᆀ߶ᆐ Ցđ׃ ሇ၍aܠሇ၍aᇍਏᇖਿܠᇍਏࡊሑཆδa4S ᇍਏᇖਿ׃  and 49 cases of drug sensitivity test for the chemotherapy to tumor cells have been malignantmalignant tumors. In particular, 131-iodine treatmenttreatment ffororrdi didifferentiatedfferentiated thythyroidyroid .ᇕᇍਏူ໾୩؇ࡓҩ  done؟đषᅚٺ  đႭః൞ࡊሑཆδ֥ᇍਏඣ௜ြࢸਵ༵b॓൩ႚႵಆݓೈ֩đႭః൞ࡊሑཆδ֥ᇍਏඣ௜ြࢸਵ༵b॓൩ႚႵಆݓೈ ണБူ௖҂ਅّႋ֩ेे cancer is taking a leading role in China. TheThe departdepartmentment is well equippedequippeedfod forfor ൫ဒ  ২b The department completed the assessment of “National Clinical Key Specialty” thisྟۋᇍਏࡊሑཆδߑߑ radionuclideradionuclide therapy.therapy. UpUp to now, a ttotalotal of 12,000 casescases havehave beenbeen wellwell treatedtretreated ২đᇖਿ༥І߄ਏူ໾ૹ܋ᇍਏࡊሑཆδ୍܋୍ ෍ᇍਏѨٜđđނ෍ᇍਏѨٜ႗ࡱഡീቋ༵ࣉ֥ނ႗ࡱഡീቋ༵ࣉ֥ ᇍਏߑᆀၘӑݖ  Ⴥ২b༆૊ሰჅ২b༆૊ሰ in our department. In 202014,14, 1136 casescases with didifferentiatedfferentiated tthyroidhyroid ccanceranceerrwe wewerere year. With the establishment of “State Key Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacy” and܋ᆀ  ২đᇀࣂሹ treated. The department was also equequippedipped with the sstate-of-the-arttate-of-the-art BioBiogBiographgraphrap 646 ူ࿐҆  ୍ປӮਔoݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ࡹഡཛଢpࡹ the development of clinical pharmacist information systems including the use of JPHSBQI1&5$5JPHSBQI1&5$5 ቔູಆ౯ቋۚ؊֥၄࿐႕ཞᆐ؎ഡСđቔູಆ౯ቋۚ؊֥၄࿐႕ཞᆐ؎ഡСđ PET / CT, whichwhich pperformederformed 40400000 ccasesases tottotallyally in 20142014.. MeMeanwhile,anwhile, SPESPECTPECT / CTC andnd pharmacist mobile equipment, the department plays an more and more important## .࡟ҰđෛሢਢԵူ࿐ݓࡅᇗׄൌဒ൩֥ࡹ৫aਢԵ role in the rationalܙcoincidence SPECTSPECECT / CT havehave performedperformed overover 1,0001,000 casescases thisthis year.year. ഡֆ໊௟ ᇖਿ֥ྟذᇖਿ֥đၘӮູਢԵྟذࢤ൳࡟Ұದඔ࣍࡟Ұದඔ࣍  ২đၘӮູਢԵ܋ࢤ൳୍܋୍  ၍׮ူഽഡС֥ႋႨđူ࿐҆ᄝ၄ჽؿ In 2014, Department of Pharmacy won the award of “Excellent Performanceބഽྐ༏༢๤֥षؿူ яੱੱٳяஆۚٳቋቋࡄᆐ؎ཛଢbՎࡄᆐ؎ཛଢbՎຓđ1)*-*14QSFDFEFODF ஆۚ in Hospital Clinical Pharmacy Administration” .Team of Emergency-pediatrics NinteenNinnteeneen paperspapp ers were publishedpubblislished inin 2014201144 inin well-knownweellll-knownnowwn internationalinteernarnanational magazines.magazag zinesinn . ߨሢᄀটᄀᇗေ֥ቔႨb ࡕ Pharmacy won the award of "Outstanding service model window". We got variousפࡕ֩၎ఖनູݓ࠽פཌਫ਼ &$5 ֩၎ఖनູݓ࠽ކཌਫ਼ކژژ $5$5a(&JOGJOJB1&$5$5a(&JOGJOJB&441 EightEight paperspapersers werewwere acceptedaccepted byby SCISCI journals,journrnnaals,, NineNinnee scientificssciientie fic projectsprojectss havehavave beenbeeen individual awards as well. ഡഡСđಆ୍ࢤ൳࡟Ұߑᆀ၂ຣჅ২bСđಆ୍ࢤ൳࡟Ұߑᆀ၂ຣჅ২b achievedachievedved inn recerecentnt years and stistillill onon gogoing,inngg, includinginincncludinngg threethree supportedsusupportrtedd bybyyN NationalNatiotionnal  ୍đူ࿐҆಴ࠆoഈݚ൧ਢԵူ൙ܵ৘Ⴊྮֆ໊ӫ NSF and twowo byy SShanghaihangan hai ScieSciencencee andd TecTechnologychhnolooologygy FFund.unund. The department mada a breakthrough in R&D in 2014. Team led by Prof. ༀൕٓԳ१pڛٜࠆഈݚ൧ူ࿐߶oႪྮူ॓ظݼpĠူ࿐҆ࠤᆐ Ⴟݓଽຓᇗေ௹़ഈؿі໓ᅣေ௹़ഈؿі໓ᅣ Zhang Jian, won the “Shanghai Science and Technology Award” and “Shanghai܋Ⴟݓଽຓᇗ୍܋୍  ၄࿐॓ނ࿹ğ॓ ଀Ⴊྮူഽࠆ֤൧ࠩ۲ཛ಴უb Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Award”. Department of Pharmacy won؟ӫݼĠ  ௉ ௉đఃᇏ4$*đః ᇏ 4$* ં໓  ௉ ௉ĠĠ ୍ނ၄࿐॓ᄝ୍ނ၄࿐॓ᄝ࿹ज़ี܋࿹ज़ี܋ཛđ  ཛđ 15 project funds from Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanghai Ministry of C<8  ቔࠆ֤ᇗն๬௥đᅦࡲᇶ಩ջਵ๶۽ఃఃᇏݓሱಖᇏݓሱಖ  ཛa൧॓຾  ཛaఃཛaః෰ज़ี෰ज़ีཛ  ཛbb  ୍ူ࿐҆॓࿹ papers were published. Meanwhile 3 national medical continuing education classes ࠆ֤ഈݚ൧ူ࿐॓࠯ࢂ೘֩ࢂaഈݚ൧၄࿐॓࠯ࢂ೘֩ࢂb were conducted and 2 national conferences were sponsored by Department ofؒ .Pharmacy in 2014 ނނ၄࿐vvࠣuuނ၄࿐uނљູљູuٳٳ ࢝ტğ࢝ტğ୍ҕაщཿ඀ࠡ ୍ҕაщཿ඀ࠡ  ௉đ ຣđྍࠆ֤ݓሱಖࠎࣁ຾ज़ีज़ีa  ٮྍᄹ॓࿹୍ࣜ  ၄࿐ൌ၄࿐ൌ࿞ა࿐༝ᆷ֝vb࿞ა࿐༝ᆷ֝vb ં *ഈݚ൧໏ളअज़ี֩  ཛbؿі๤࠹ჷંᇷ  ௉đ4$

໓  ௉đईϷݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃၄࿐࢝ტཛଢ࿐༝ϫ  ཛđᇶϷಆݓ ྟ߶ၰ  Ցb

  Clinical Laboratory 检验科 Blood Transfusion 临床输血科

ᇶ಩ğഫ৫඾ ݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ ᇶ಩ğณӔ᤟ Director: Shen Lisong National Key Clinical Specialty Director: Tang Zhaohui

ᇶ಩၄ഽ  ದđᇶܵ Blood Transfusion Department currently has eight staff members including oneڬቔದჴ  ଀đఃᇏ۽The Department of Clinical Laboratory is composed of 108 staff members ൻ࿓॓ଢభႵ ڬ൩གྷႵህြ࠯ඌದჴ  ದđఃᇏᆞۚᆯӫ  ଀a॓ including two senior and six deputy professionals, which accounts for 7.4% of all physician with senior title, four supervising technicians, two test- technicians and .đऎႵѰൖ࿐໊  ದbଢభ faculties. Ten staffs hold PhD degrees. The department has two supervisors for ࠯ഽದđ࡟ဒ࠯ഽದđ࠯ൖದb one technician ۽ᆯӫ  ଀đᅝಆ॓ჴۚ master candidates and one for PhD candidates. It kept stable growth in 2014 by ႚႵණൖള֝ഽ  ದđѰൖള֝ഽ  ದb ୍࡟ဒ॓ಆ୍ The department has well met the demands of blood using of the hospital from accomplishing 20 million clinical tests and issuing over 1 million reports. ൻ࿓॓ӵքਔಆჽ෮Ⴕᇾჽࠣ૊ࠤᆐѨದ֥Ⴈ࿓ླ౰đ ᄹӉđಆ୍ປӮਢԵѓЧ࡟ҩӑݖ  ຣՑđ both the inpatients and the outpatients. In the past year, the consuming data ofקӁᆴЌӻ໗ Being awarded the honor of National Key Clinical Specialty, the department enjoys ಆ୍Ⴈ࿓ğಆ࿓ֆ໊đޣ༥Іֆ໊đ࿓ࡽ blood products was as follows : 108 units whole blood, 14928 units RBC (red blood b high reputation on domestic and international academic arena.It has twenty- cells), 18705 units plasma, 1646 units platelet, which ranked top 5 among all theٺؿԛБۡӑݖ  ຣ .two major divisions including Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Immunology, Clinical  ݸശđ࿓ཬϰ  ֆ໊đ໊ंഈݚ൧೘ࠩ၄ჽႨ tertiary hospitals in Shanghai Microbiology and Molecular Biology, ect. Providing over 500 test items, the ൌ৯ԩႿݓ࠽༵ࣉa ࿓ਈ֥భ  ଀đູЌᆣνಆႨ࿓đᄝ၄ჽਵ֥֝ᆦӻ༯đಆุ In order to guarantee the safe use, with the support of the hospital, all the staffކቔູݓࡅਢԵᇗׄህ॓ᆭ၂đ॓൩ሸ department ranks among those clinical laboratories that have most complete sub- spared no effort to do the routine daily work of the hospital. Annual safety of blood ቔದჴఊྏླྀ৯đ಩স಩ჼđহ࠺ളଁᇀഈđνಆֻ၂֥ჰᄵđ۽ ݓଽਵ༵ඣ௜bଢభ࡟ဒ॓༯ഡਢ࡟aള߄a૧ၦaັള໾a disciplines and test items. The newly-imported mass spectrometry, joined by many without accident in blood use. In spite of many difficulties, It always bears in mind other latest and advanced automated platforms equipped in the laboratories, . ”ቔ֥ᆞӈࣉྛđಆ୍νಆႨ the principle of “life is supreme and satety first۽ᇕᇕ঒଴đЌᅰਔ၄ჽ၄ਏڛჅཛ࡟ҩཛଢđ൞ݓ क़  ܂ሰ֩  ۱ህြቆ൩đิٳބ࿓၁ enhance the technological edge, and meet the needs of routine clinical analysis ,b The department is now carrying out the projects of ABO blood group identificationܣଽ࡟ဒህြഡᇂቋಆ֥࡟ဒ॓ᆭ၂b॓൩஥Сնਈ༵ࣉ၎ఖഡ and research programs. It works on translating advanced research achievements ࿓໭൙ ,СđႭః൞ᇉ௶࠯ඌ֥ႄࣉđࣉ၂҄ࡆ఼ਔ॓൩֥࠯ඌ৯ਈđ to clinical use and constructing the platform for molecular diagnosis. High-tech gynecology and obstetrics blood typing, antibody screening, anti globulin test đॆ three hemolysis test, the resistance of A, B, D titer determination of resistanceקӁ॓࿓྘࡫ڹđקdetecting technologies as Flow Cytometry, Luminex, DNA sequencing and FISH are ൻ࿓॓ଢభषᅚႵ "#0 ࿓྘࡫ ቔླ౰b॓൩ applied to clinical gene diagnosis, so as to achieve personalized medicine. and so on, and will still perform the rapid detection of neonatal direct resistance۽࿹॓ބ۷ݺ֥ડቀਢԵ၄ༀದჴ֥ӈܿ၄ਏି ॆ%ི globulin test hemolysis test, the beforehand blood matching of elective surgery ॆ# ೱ࿊đॆದ౯֑Ϣ൫ဒđಷ࿓೘ཛ൫ဒđॆ"ุ ၂ᆰᇁ৯Ⴟ՜ࣉݓଽຓਵ༵֥ࠎԤ࿹࣮ӮݔཟਢԵႋႨ֥ሇ߄đ In December, It participated in 2014 Oriental Congress of Laboratory Medicine. The patients. Meanwhile, it will pay more attention to the safety of clinical blood use ಷ࿓೘ཛ֥ބᆰࢤॆದ౯ظཛଢđໃটߎࡼषᅚྍള֩קstaff members of the department won distinguished awards in the competition, ࡎҩ .ࡹb॓൩ၛ managementܒሰᆐ؎௜෻֥ٳᇗ൪ۚྍ࡟ဒཛଢ֥षؿႭః൞ ቔđѩࡼ۷ࡆᇿᇗႿਢԵ۽which showed the achievements of the development as National Key Clinical ॹ෎࡟ҩđᄴ௹൭ඌѨದ֥ყ஥࿓ ᇕۚྍ Specialty in these years. In 2014 the department actively paiticipated in international exchange with the؟ੀൔ༥Іඌa၁෿ྉோa%/" ҩ྽a႐ܻჰ໊ᄖࢌ֩ ቔb University of Zurich, the United States Association of AABB, and Johns Hopkins۽νಆႨ࿓ܵ৘֥ ࠥѨ֥ࠎၹᆐ؎đൌགྷߑᆀ֥۱ In 2014, It harvested three research grants funded by National Natural Science܂ൌဒ࠯ඌູห೤đູਢԵิ School of Medicine. Through it, It is aiming to establish the first leading group of Foundation of China (No. 81472244 No. 81402332 No. 81401946), five research .(߄၄ਏb ൻ࿓॓ᄝ  ୍ࠒࠞषᅚݓ࠽ࢌੀđა୸ᇝೋൖ්৓ൗ the national patient blood management (PBM) of multidisciplinary team (MDTุ grants funded by Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipal Government, with total research funds added up to four million. Two papers were ն࿐aૅݓ ""## ླྀ߶aૅݓჿݩࠉ௴ࣁථ၄࿐ჽࢌੀ܎๙đ .ٚ࡟ဒ၄࿐࿐ඌ߶ၰpഈđ published in SCI-cited journals, four papers were published in domestic journalsת ᄅđᄝo  ୍  ࿐॓๶ؒč.%5Ď؟ѩӮ৫ਔಆݓ൮ࡅߑᆀ࿓၁ܵ৘č1#.Ď֥ ൩ᄝ۲ཛࢂཛ௟࿊ᇏ౼֤ႪၳӮࠛđཟݓଽຓ๝ྛᅚൕਔ࣍॓ ၄ჽҪ૫֥ਵ֝ཬቆb টਢԵᇗׄህ֥॓ࡹഡӮݔb୍

࡟ဒ॓ࠆ֤ݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁ  ཛđఃᇏ૫ഈཛ୍  ଢ  ཛđౝ୍ཛଢ  ཛ /Pa/Pa

đࠆ֤ഈݚ൧॓຾Ӂ࿐࿹ህཛࠎࣁ  ཛđଢ P/ ࣍  ຣჭb ୍॓൩ؿі 4$* ં໓  ௉đٮభ॓࿹ࣜ ݓଽ௹़ჷᄖᆽؿіંᇷ  ௉b

  Interventional Radiology Radiology 放射科 放射介入科

ᇶ಩ğລ֨ќ ᇶ಩ğ୸ဝ఼ Director: Wang Dengbin Director: Ouyang Qiang

ದđఃᇏ၄ള  ದđЇওۚ The Radiology Department has a total staff of 73, including 27 radiologists, 39 ॓൩ႚႵष٢Ե໊  ᅦđ၄ള  ದđۚࠩᆯӫᅝ đ The department has 10 medical beds. There are 5 doctors and 1 technician, 4  ܋ቔದჴ۽٢ഝ॓གྷႵ technologists. Among them 10 are chief and vice radiologists, 22 have doctorate of whom with senior professional titles, 1 is Master’s degree tutor. Various ࠩᆯӫ  ದđѰൖණൖ࿐໊  ದđఃᇏѰ֝ණ֝  ದb or master degrees, 2 are mentors of doctoral candidates, and 2 are tutors of ණൖള֝ഽ  ದđ࠯ഽ  ದb॓൩ଢభᇶေህြห೤ູ۲োԛ hemorrhagic diseases, solid tumors and the diagnosis and treatment ๠ਅྟൊܵ༮ᅎ֥ᆐᇍb ୍ಆ of benign esophageal stenosis for children are currently the main professionalظބದ֒࿊ᇏ޿٢ഝ࿐߶ౝ୍຾ჴ߶຾ჴa ದ֒࿊ᇏ޿٢ഝ࿐߶ master degree students. Prof. Wang Dengbin is member of the Youth Committee ࿓ྟࠥѨđൌุᇖਿ of Chinese Society of Radiology. Profs. Wang and Li Yuhua are members of Breast characteristics of the department. In 2014, the department provided diagnosis ๠ൊ and treatment of the whole hospital more than 4800 cases in digital subtractionظ࿐ቆ຾ჴa ದք಩ഈݚ၄࿐߶٢ഝህ॓຾ჴ߶຾ჴbଢభႚ Imaging Group and members of Pediatric Group of Chinese Society of Radiology, ୍ %4" षࠏղ  Ⴥ෻đఃᇏЧ॓൩  Ⴥ෻đ ,චჷ $5 ۲  ෻đః෰༵ࣉഡСඔ෻b respectively. Also, Prof. Wang is member of Radiology Committee of Shanghai ֡༮ᅎࢺೆѨ২ඔ໊ंಆݓభਙb angiography (DSA), of which the department contributed more than 1000 casesބ ഝ J$5ڕႵ  Ҫັ Medical Association. and the number of children in esophageal stenosis interventional ranked the forefront of the country. aனసa Top notch equipments are engaged to ensure the most precise results, including ॓൩ᇶ಩୸ဝ఼࢝൱ք಩ᇏ޿ࢺೆ٢ഝ࿐຾ჴđᇏݓ၄ഽ҆ڴaപࣜaྣ҆aೄཆa॓ظ٢ഝ॓ଢభഡႵ one 256-slice low dose iCT, one dual-source CT, two other multi-detector spiral CT Department director, Prof. Ou Yangqiang, is member of Chinese Interventional ਵთ࿐ඌඣ௜ᴮദಆݓֻ၂ᆔႏb and two MRI scanners. ླྀ߶ࢺೆ຾ჴ߶ӈ຾a໏࠹຾ࢺೆᆐᇍ࠯ඌህࡅቆ຾ჴaഈݚ Radiology Committee, member of Standing Committee of Intervention of theٳࢫ֩௾۱ህြđܱ҆ܠ Chinese Medical Doctor Association, member of Interventional Expert Group of ᇶ಩຾ჴđӈ୍ᄝಆݓህြ߶ၰഈࣉྛ൭ڬᆐ؎಩ༀb The departments has a group of first-class national subspecialities, including ൧ᇖਿࢺೆᇍਏ߶ބ؇ປӮ  ჅຣದՑ֥႕ཞ࿐࡟Ұ୍  the National Health and Family Planning Commission, as well as vice chairman of Pediatric Imaging, Neuroimaging, Chest Imaging, Breast Imaging, Abdominal ᄳದ the Shanghai Society of Tumor Interventional Therapy. He is frequently be invited toڵ߶ӆׄ௟bӵքݓࡅo ࠹߃ཛଢpሰज़ีބࠃ࡟đླྀ ඌဆൕބ໊קषᅚਔඔཛྍ࠯ඌđЇও႕ཞ࿐ႄ֝༯Ѩᄱ୍ Imaging, Gynecologic Imaging and Musculoskeletal Radiology. Breast and pediatric give the operative presentations and comments in the national professional conf ྏ௹़ંᇷ  ௉bނቔ imaging are leading subspecialties across the country.  ཛđ۽აԬՏ֩b॓൩ಆ૫षᅚ໊קᇹຓ॓ࣉྛഝ௔ᇍਏభѨᄱ erences. In academic field, he is responsible for one of sub topics for the national .The Radiology Department performed over half a million examinations and "973 Project". Two papers were published on domestic core journal in 2014 ކ၄ਏνಆሸބb၄ਏᇉਈקༀඣ௜ࠆ֤ߑᆀड़ڛੀӱႪ߄đ diagnoses in 2014. Emerging new techniques were also applied in clinical ॉ௟ູಆჽ୍؇ֻ၂଀b procedures, such as imaging guided localization and biopsy.

ྏ௹़ં໓  ௉đؿі 4$* ௉Ġ SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) has been introduced and integrated in dailyނಆ॓ؿіᇏ໓ work to ensure the medical security and quality control. The Radiology Department ۲োᄝ࿹॓࿹ཛଢղ  ཛbЇও  ཛoݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁp ranked first in both healthcare quality and medical security inside hospital in the୍ .૫ഈཛଢaཛoഈݚ൧໏ള༢๤Ⴊྮ࿐॓ջ๨ದp֩ᇗׄཛଢb year of 2014 ႕ 32 papers were published and 4 were indexed by SCI in 2014. Eight research grants॓ظईϷਔೂoೄཆ႕ཞ࿐ܿٓაࣉᅚpao൮ࢽഈݚۿӮ were in progress, including 2 from national NSF, one of them is from Shanghai ࠿࿃࢝ტ࿐༝ϫ  ཛb Health System Outstanding Academic Leaders Program and from Shanghai Scienceބฆp۲োݓࡅࠩ࿹ษ߶ંڂཞ࿐ۚ and Technology Committee of Shanghai Municipality, respectively.

ದࠆ֤ಆݓౝ୍٢ഝ၄ഽંฆႇ໓ં໓ࣩ೗೘֩ࢂa 5 Seminars of National Level CME Programs including such as“Advances and  Standardization of Breast Imaging”, “Advances in Pediatric and Gynecology and ύֹ০ҕࡆਔ୸ᇝ٢ګದࠆ֤ഈݚ൧Ⴊྮᇾჽ၄ഽӫݼa ದ Obstetrics Imaging” were successfully organized. ഝ୍߶č&$3Ďđѩቓն߶ؿ࿽b ୍࠿࿃ູഈݚ൧ᇾჽ Dr. Wang LiJun, was awarded “Shanghai Excellent Resident”, who was also invited ٢ഝ॓Ф to do oral presentation at ECR in Austria. Dr. Li Fangzhen, a senior fellow, won୍ ಆ൧ॉׄᆭ၂bނ၄ഽܿٓ߄஡࿞ԛࠎֹॉ ஻ሙູഈݚ൧٢ഝህြህ॓၄ഽ஡࿞ࠎֹb the second prize of National Breast Imaging Diagnostic Skill Evaluation. Xinhua Radiology Department is still one of the Assessment Centers for Residents from Shanghai Standardized Residency Training Program, and was certificated as one of the Training Bases of Shanghai Radiologic Specialists in 2014.

  Pathology 病理科 Ultrasound Diagnosis 超声诊断科

ᇶ಩ğӧ࿰ౝ ڂᇶ಩ğ຦৫ Director: Wang Lifeng Director: Chen Yaqing

, In 2014, there are 26 dedicated employees in the Department of Ultrasound Ѩ৘॓གྷႵ၄ള  ದđఃᇏۚࠩᆯӫ  ದđႚႵѰൖ࿐ The faculty of Pathology Department comprises of 12 doctors. Among them, 4 hold  ୍؇ӑലᆐ؎॓ᄝᆯ၄ༀದჴ  ଀đۚࠩᆯӫ  ଀ senior professional academic titles, 4 hold doctoral degrees, 8 hold master degree, including 7 chief physicians and 12 attending physicians. Moreover, 61.5% of Ѱൖ࿹࣮ള֝ഽ  ದbѨ৘॓ၛӮ as well as 1 doctoral supervisor. The routine work is mainly composed of adult and ᇏࠩᆯӫ  ଀bऎႵණൖࠣၛഈ࿐໊ᆀᅝ bѰ֝  ଀đ employees have master degrees or above. The department now has 1 doctoral ದđණൖ࿐໊  ದ  ໊ .ෝѨ৘aയᄣࠃ࡟Ѩ৘a pediatric surgical pathology, containing bone marrow and renal biopsy pathology, ණ֝  ଀đᄝ஡࿹࣮ള  ଀b tutor and 1 graduate student tutor, with 8 students under graduate trainingܠຓ॓Ѩ৘ູᇶุđၛظཬބದຓ॓Ѩ৘ cytology pathology, immunopathology, molecular pathology and surgical pathology The department of Ultrasound has four divisions: abdominal and superficial organs ෮ቆӮ diagnosis. In 2014, 57,000 cases of surgical pathology cases and 16,000 cases ofڣᆦѨ৘ູٳᇕ؟ሰѨ৘֩ٳ༥І࿐Ѩ৘a૧ၦѨ৘a /ӑല ultrasound, intervention ultrasound, pediatric ultrasound and vascular ultrasound॓ظరіఖܲӑലaࢺೆӑലaބ҆ڴ໡॓ଢభഡႵ cytology pathology were done. The department owned distinguished achievements  echocardiography. In 2014, the number of patients underwent ultrasound exam in  ਢԵѨ৘॓൩đ ୍Ѩ৘॓ຓ࡟ਈྟކ၂۱ሸ֥ on the diagnosis of Hirschsprung’s disease from biopsy of colon and pediatric solid ྏ࿓ᄣӑല  ۱࿰ህြb ୍؇॓၄ਏြༀਈࢠഈ၂୍ the department increased by 9%. Especially, the application of new technologiesބ ऍࢲӋᅔଇࠃ࡟ࠣ tumor which maintained the group the national leading status. Closely cooperatedྟ฿༵ظ ২bᄝཬ  ২đ༥І࿐Ѩ৘ such as intervention ultrasound, contrast-enhanced ultrasound and three- ೘ົӑല֩ӑലྍބwith Department of Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment, the early diagnosis rate ؇ᄹӉჿ đఃᇏࢺೆӑലaӑലᄯ႕ ๠ൌุᇖਿᆐ؎ٚ૫Ќӻݓଽਵ༵Ġᄝაཨ߄॓໇Ӌࣤ൩֥ dimensional ultrasound gained an increase of 12%, which contributed significantlyظ of gastric and colorectal carcinoma has been significantly increased in recent years. .ᇍਏ۷ູࣚሙbଢభđ to the quality improvement of clinical diagnosis and minimal-invasive treatmentބ؎࠯ඌ֥ြༀਈᄹӉ đ൐ਢԵᆐ ቔ༯đ୍࣍ট໇Ӌࣤࠃ࡟֥ᄪ௹ᆐ؎ੱཁᇷ֥ิۚĠა Under the guide of ultrasound,the early diagnosis rate of prostate carcinoma breastކૡ్ Currently, the practice of fetal echocardiography, pediatric echocardiography ྏᄣӑലᆐ؎a૟୕༢ࠣభਙཆᇖਿӑലᆐᇍظ෸ބظcarcinoma and thyroid carcinoma based on the multi-point biopsy specimen have ໡॓ཬ ԬՏࠃ࡟ᆐ؎đ and ultrasound diagnosis/treatment of urological and prostate disease wereׄ؟ቔषᅚభਙཆaೄཆaࡊሑཆ֩ކӑ൩ # also been increasing. For the better cancer diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, ೄཆӑലᆐᇍᄝݓଽԩႿ༵ࣉඣ௜b in leading place domestically. Furthermore, the practice of thyroid and breastބղݓଽਵ༵ඣ௜Ġࡊሑཆ ሰѨ৘đᄝඔਈࠣ emphasis of the department in 2014 is molecular pathology and got a majorٳննิۚਔᇖਿ֥࡟ԛੱĠࣂ୍ሢ৯षᅚ ultrasound were in national advanced level . breakthrough in specimen numbers and desease variety. Seven academic papers ᇕোഈࢠສ୍Ⴕࢠն๬௥đູᇖਿ֥ᆐ؎aᇍਏࠣყު஑؎ิ were published, of which one was indexed by SCI. ࣂ୍॓൩ᇶϷݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტཛଢ  ཛđఃᇏuభਙཆδ Two national continuing education courses were hosted successfully by the ௉đఃᇏ 4$* ં ႕ཞྍ࠯ඌᆐ؎v࿐༝ϫູ൮ՑईϷѩ֤֞ਔݓଽ๝ྛ֥ݺ௟b department this year. The "New improvements in prostate cancer diagnostic  ܋ਔ۷ݺ֥၇ऌb ୍॓൩ؿіં໓܂ imaging technology", which was held for the first time, has obtained acclaim ᇷ௉b Վຓđ ୍໡॓ണ౨ࠆ֤uӑല၄࿐॓ህ॓၄ഽܿٓ߄஡࿞v from the peers nationwide. In addition, the department has been qualified for ሧ۬đѩႵ  ໊ᇾჽ၄ഽࣉೆ॓൩ࣉྛӑലህြ஡࿞bᄝ࿹࢝ “specialist training program of ultrasound in medicine” this year. Three residents were accepted for specialist training in the department. Moreover, one educational ࿐ज़ี  ཛđؿі࢝࿐ં໓  ௉b project was in progress and one paper concerning education was published in 2014. ཛđఃᇏྍᄹज़ี  ཛđປӮ  ܋Ч୍؇॓൩֥॓࿹ज़ี There were nine research projects in the department in 2014, comprised of six ज़ีࢲี  ཛĠ॓൩ؿіંᇷ  ௉đఃᇏ 4$* ൬੣  ௉Ġࠆ new research projects and two accomplished projects. Ten research articles have published, four articles was indexed by SCI. One patent and one software ೈࡱᇷቔಃ۲  ཛĠࠆഈݚ၄࿐॓࠯ࢂ೘֩ࢂaഈݚࢌ copyright were authorized this year. Furthermore, three awards were awarded toބህ০ ྍ޿၄ჽࠢ๶၄ਏӮݔࢂ۲  ཛb thedepartment this year, which were “Shanghai Medical Science and Technologyބ๙ն࿐॓࠯ࢂ Award Third Prize”, “Shanghai Jiaotong University Science and Technology Award” and “Shanghai Xinhua Hospital Medical Achievement Award”

  Clinical Nutrition 临床营养科 Day ward 日间病房

໏ളᇗׄ࿐॓ ᇶ಩ğઔॏ܋܄ᇶ಩ğณ౩ច ഈݚ൧ Director: Tang Qingya Shanghai Public Health Key Discipline Director: Ma Ke

ྍ޿၄ჽਢԵႏအ॓ଢభᄝщದჴ  ໊đఃᇏ၄ള ໊đ With the support of all levels of administrative leaders, Department of Clinical ರࡗ൭ඌ൞ଢభݓ࠽ഈ๙ྛ֥൭ඌଆൔđ໡ჽ֥ರࡗ൭ඌ Day surgery is an internationally adapted surgical model. The day surgical practice Nutrition has grown up to a clinical department covering clinical nutrition in our hospital is characterized by its high safety, low cost, high efficiency and ೾ൊႏအܵ৘ support and dietary management. There are currently 17 staff members in the ଆൔऎႵνಆaࣜ࠶aིۚaьࢮ֥Ⴊ൝đ్ൌߏࢳਔoुѨ଴a convenience, which has effectively alleviated “the difficulty and high cost to receiveބቔଽಸᇶေЇওਢԵႏအᆦӻ۽ႏအഽ  ໊đ b ୍đ॓൩щཿѩ૫ཟಆჽؿ٢ਔ೾ൊႏအ൭Ҩđ department, including six clinical doctors and 9 dieticians. It wrote and published ुѨ݌poᇾჽ଴a൭ඌӾp֥଴ีb໡ჽರࡗѨູٜ׿৫Դ medical care” and has greatly shortened the hospitalization and surgery waitingٳਆն҆ dietary nutrition handbook this year, and made these books available to all the time. The day ward in the hospital is a separate two-floor building with 62 beds ؽҪੌđགྷႵԵ໊  ᅦčರࡗѨٜ  ᅦđ؋ӱѨٜ  ᅦĎđ ,කࢰ֥ಆݓሇᆐᇏྏđሱ departments in the hospital. Being a well-known referral center for pediatric (32 beds for day ward, 30 beds for short stay ward), independent operating roomsିۿӋظༀႿਢԵbቔູཬڛ۷ݺ֥ .intestinal failure, the department has actively participated in the medical work of ऎС׿৫֥൭ඌ൩aઐቊ්ྜ൩aԛaೆჽࢤր൩đ൞ଢభಆ post anesthesia care unit and reception room for hospital admission and discharge ބཨ߄აႏအѨٜظӮჴҕაਔྍӮ৫֥ཬٳࣂ୍ఏđ॓൩҆ the newly established Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. And it is the biggest day surgical ward in Shanghai that integrates diagnosis, aࡲू࢝ტູ၂ุ֥oರگ൧ܿଆቋն֥ࠢᆐ؎a൭ඌaᇍਏaू ቔਵთb surgery, treatment, rehabilitation and health education. A total 12 clinical surgical۽ቔđषຉਔྍ֥۽૊ᆐ As important part of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Pediatric Gastroenterology and ࡗ൭ඌѨٜpbട֥ࠣ൭ඌ॓൩Їওင॓a૟୕ຓ॓a௴ຓ॓a departments are involved in providing various surgical operations, including Nutrition, the department has been taking great importance to the scientific Ophthalmology, Urology, General Surgery, Anorectal Surgery, Gynecology, Pediatric aฮ๥ህ॓aଽࣤᇏྏa॓ܠظa॓ܠຓ॓aظa॓ڹӋຓ॓aۓ đ॓൩၂ research work. It had two doctors appointed as master tutor this year, with twoٳཨ߄აႏအᇗׄൌဒ൩֥ᇗေቆӮ҆ظቔູཬ Surgery, Orthopedics, Pediatric Orthopedics, Pain Management, Endoscopy, research projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation in progress. .๨࣠ຓ॓aᆜྙຓ॓֩൅Ⴥ۱൭ඌ॓൩b Otolaryngology-HNS,Plastic Surgery and so onޤа࿳ع ቔb॓൩ࣂ୍ྍᄹණൖള֝ഽ  ໊đᄝ࿹ਆ۽ཟᇿᇗषᅚ॓࿹ The third round of Three-year Action Plan for Public Health System Construction .ཛݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ౝ୍ࠎࣁཛଢđႮ॓ᇶ಩  ณ౩ច࢝൱ਵ༻֥ in Shanghai, led by Prof. Tang Qingya, was completed successfully. In the year of Day Ward is open for surgical operation “all year round” from Monday to Sunday ቔರp൭ඌଆൔđ൭ඌൈࡗঔᅚ۽฿ರࡗѨູູٜoಆ ໏ളุ༢ࡹഡ೘୍ྛ׮࠹߃ࣂ୍ඨ০ປӮb 2014, it published 10 academic articles including 5 SCI papers. It held one national Surgeries at weekends bring great convenience to patients. Short stay ward܋܄೘੽ഈݚ൧ֻ conference with more than 2,000 participants from across the country. ູᇛ၂ᇀᇛರđ์ྏ֥ᇛଌ൭ඌđಞь૶۷࣍၂҄Ġ؋ӱѨٜ provides a platform for a series of medium size surgeries and helps to expand the ൩Ч୍؇ؿіં໓  ௉đఃᇏ 4$* ൬੣  ௉bࣂ୍ईϷಆ disease coverage for all surgical departments. For now, about 100 diseases were॓ षᅚਔ၂༢ਙᇏ྘൭ඌđঔᅚਔ൬ᇍٓۿ۷ູ۲൭ඌ॓൩Ӯ treated, and a total of 10768 surgeries were conducted in the year of 2014, which ݓྟ࿐ඌ߶ၰ  Ցđა߶ᆀটሱಆݓ۲ֹჇ  ದb षᅚ۲োᇏཬ྘൭ඌ significantly reduced the average hospital stays and medical care cost compared܋୍ bଢభ൬ᇍѨᇕ࣍ϤჅᇕđຶ Ⴈაၛສ๝ with that of before. Postoperative follow-up was conducted to supplement theٮ෻đ൐֤၄ჽ௜नᇾჽ฿ඔa௜न၄ਏሹ  hospital service and guarantee patients’ safety, which also greatly improved the ༀॺ efficiency and power of hospital control and management, bringing a win-winڛбࢠႵ٤ӈཁᇷ༯ࢆbರࡗѨٜ๙ݖඌުෛ٠ট࿼ഥ௹ ৘৯؇đЌ situation for both patients and hospital, eventually sustainable social benefit. Theܵބ؇đ๝ൈෛ٠ࠏᇅ္ննᄹࡆਔ၄ჽႵིࡓ॥ department took active meatures to the overcome the inconvenience brought ,ᅰߑᆀνಆđղ֞o၄ߑpච႓֥अ૫đഠ߶ིၭཁᇷb॓൩ by decoration and moving twice this year, managed to guarantee medical safety ࣂ୍ࠒࠞႋؓؽՑϬథ็ᅞđᄝԵ໊෪ࡨđြࠛ҂ࡨ֥࿢৯༯ promote the specific characteristic development, improve the blind spots in work and optimize the workflow even under the pressure of bed shortage and same ቔ઩ׄđႪ workload. It won a hospital-level programme this year and was mainly about the۽ࣉڿ၄ਏνಆਬಌཊđࡆ఼ᇗׄห೤ؿᅚđܤ࡙ ᄳ clinical study of the effects of shifted nursing for alleviation of post-operative painڵቔੀӱĠࠆ֤  ୍ྍ޿၄ჽჽࠩज़ี၂ཛđᇶေ۽߄ among pediatric patients. Thanks to the excellent performance and the sound ߑᆀඌުฮ๥֥ਢԵ࿹࣮Ġࣂ୍ႮႿԛ೤॓ظሇ၍ྟ޹৘ࢆ֮ reputation, Xinhua Hospital was chosen as one of the four hospitals in Shanghai to ቔြࠛࠣਅݺ֥१ЗđФണू࿊ᇏഈݚඹࡅ၄ჽᆭ၂đླྀ assist Shanghai Shenkang Hospital Development Center to establish and standardize۽֥ the day surgery center convention, which further demonstrated the profession, ᅚൕԛ໡ჽರࡗٳѩܿٓರࡗ൭ඌᇏྏӈܿđ۷ԉקᇹണूᇅ sincerity and innovation of our day ward department. Ґbڄ൭ඌ֥ህြaࣚӴaषຉ֥

  Department Medical Examination &VIP Service 体检特诊部

ᇶ಩ğ຦ᆒม Director: Wang Zhentao

ༀ௜෻đ The Medical Examination & VIP Service Department is a platform that concentratesڛႪ൝ሧჷđౠ৯յᄯ֥ކ࡟หᆐ҆൞၄ჽᆜุ superior resources and utmost devotion of Xinhua Hospital. Insists on the principle i ෟ֥ࡲूݾ޹b of human-oriented service, it provides the health care for people aged from 0 to ܂ༀ৘୑đູնᇙิڛѥӵၛದູЧ֥ 100. ൞ഈݚ൧ุ࡟ᇉਈ॥ᇅᇏྏ຾ჴ߶຾ ุ࡟ ࡟หᆐุ҆ The Medical Examination Center is a member of Medical Quality Control Center ༀଽಸႵğࡲूุ࡟aᆯြࡲूุ࡟a࡟ު၄ਏa Committee. Its main service includes: healthy physical examination, vocationalڛჴbᇶေ health check, medical after examination, health management and promotion, etc. ࡲूܵ৘ࠣ՜ࣉ֩bఃᇏđᇾჽࠣۚ؊ 7*1 ุ࡟aᆯြѨ ࡲ Among these hospital physical examination ,the high-end VIP examination, and ࡟൞ਆնห೤ြༀb ୍ุ࡟ਈղ֞  ຣ  తჅದՑđ occupational diseases accompanied with health checkup are two characteristicุू services. Through the consistent endeavor in 2014, the number of people taking ࣜ࠶ིၭb health examination was over 88,000 and the annual income reached tens ofބ౼֤ਔਅݺ֥ഠ߶ིႋ millions Yuan. It gained both favorable social and economic. หླ૊ᆐଢభषഡ࣍۱ህ॓đႵሧധህࡅ࢝൱  Ⴥ The VIP Clinic opens nearly 40 specialized clinics and there are over 220 senior ದቕᆐđ၄ഽ҂ࣇႚႵۚඣሙ֥ህြਵთᆩ്đؓग़ದ္ܱ߈ experts and professors for patients to consult, providing high-level professional knowledge and care for clients. It insists to offer high-quality and one-stop-type ༀđࢤ൳׈߅ࠣຩ઎ყჿđ service. Moreover, it accepts appointments by phone and internet. There are greenڛႪᇉ֥၂ᅟൔ܂Ⴕࡁbหླ૊ᆐิ . channel for clients ॓ڑ௃ބଽ॓ظༀbڛष٢ੳ೤ࣼᆐ๙֡đ޹ൖಆӱத๝֝ᆐ ੀቔႨb ୍؇ห Pediatrics Internal Medicine and Dermatology Departments provide therapy serviceٳༀđປ೿ڛቔರᆐਏ۽षഡ၀ࡗࠣ٤ during nighttime and non-work days. In 2014, the number of people visiting the ླ૊ᆐࣼᆐದඔ ຣದՑđაಀ୍๝бᄹӉb special procurement outpatient service department reached 36million, a 7.48% year - on - year increase. ഡ೘۱Ѩ౵đሹԵ໊ ᅦbࠢᇍਏaྨအa܋หླѨٜଢభ The VIP Ward has three sections in total and 58 beds. It is a blend of treatment, ༀđᇾჽ recovery and convalesces. Guests have the priority to hospitalization andڛ၂ุbೆᇾग़ದཚႵႪ༵ᇾჽaႪ༵൭ඌູ֩گू operation service, etc. The treatment and operation are all done by the experts ᇍਏa൭ඌनႮህࡅ࢝൱ᇶӻđၐ଴Ѩᆡቆᆮჽଽຓህࡅ߶ᆐb and professors. For perplexing diseases, consultation of experts inside and outside Ⴕປ೿֥੽ሇᇅ؇aֆѨᇕ޹৘ӈܿaԵшྏ׈๭aಆӱ the hospital will be held. It established perfect rotation system, nursing routineקᇅ for single disease and etiquette norm training plan. The characteristic service also .ಆ॓aಆӱaಆ includes electrocardiograms at bedsides and health checkup accompanied by staff܂ༀbູૄ໊ೆᇾᆀิڛத๝ࡲू࡟Ұ֩ห೤

൬ᇍߑᆀ࣍  In 2014, there were nearly 4044 patients admitted in VIP ward and over 3500܋໊֥ٚ۱ྟ߄޹৘b ୍؇หླѨٜ ჅದđປӮ൭ඌ  Ⴥ෻đაಀ୍๝бᄹӉ b operations were undertaken, a 2.78% year - on - year increase.

  研究基地 Research Bases ◎儿科医学研究所 Institute for Pediatric Research

◎环境与儿童健康教育部和上海市重点实验室 ᇶ಩ğғຯ Director Cai Wei The MOE-Shanghai Key Laboratory of : Children’s Environmental Health

ᇶ಩ğᅦफ DirectorZhang Jun

ቔऊ The Ministry of Education (MOE)-Shanghai Key Laboratory of Children’s۽ഈݚ൧ᇗׄൌဒ൩֥࿹࣮ބ๠ࡲू࢝ტ҆ظߌ࣢ა Environmental Health focuses on examining the impacts of environmental physical, ࠥѨؿള֥႕ཙđൌဒބ๠ളӉؿტظഠ߶ߌ࣢ؓބࢊႿ৘߄ ᇍ Integrating medical treatment, education and prevention, Shanghai Institute forٓܿބ؎၄࿐࿹࣮෮൞ၛԛളಌཊ֥ᄪ௹ᆐ॓ظchemical and social factors on children’s growth and development, and childhood ഈݚ൧ ൩ႿЧ୍؇ඨ০๙ݖ࢝ტ҆ᇗׄൌဒ൩ࡹഡཛଢဒ൬b diseases. In 2014, the lab successfully passed the evaluation of MOE-Key Laboratory Pediatric Research (SIFPR) is the first medical research institute that focuses on đ early diagnosis and standard treatment of birth defect. At present, it consists ofܒყٝ಩ༀ֥ႋႨ၄࿐࿹࣮ࠏބConstruction Program. ਏູ࿹࣮ᇗׄđ࡙Ⴕ၄ਏa࢝࿐ ,ਢԵ departments of Pediatric Endocrinology/Genetics, Gastroenterology and Nutritionބ૟  ၌ԮaຶӁ၄࿐aཨ߄ႏအ֩࿹࣮൩ٳଽظൌဒ൩གྷႵ॓࿹ದჴ  ದđఃᇏۚࠩᆯӫ  ದđѰൖ ༯ഡཬ Perinatal medicine and Editorial department of Journal of Clinical Pediatrics as well ದb  ܋࿹࣮ള؀ള֝ഽ  ದđණൖള֝ഽ  ದđѰൖުაᄝ .as platforms for scientific research and clinical detection. Current director is Prof ބ૟  ၌Ԯս྆Ѩٳଽظᄖᆽщࠠ҆đᄝྍ޿၄ჽषഡཬ॓ظ The Key Lab has 12 researchers. Among them, 10 are professors or associate .ຣჭđЇওݓ professors, 7 are tutors of doctoral students, and 2 are tutors of master students  ٮྍ৫॓࿹ཛଢ  ཛđཛଢሹ୍ࣜ  .ਢԵ࡟ҩ௜෻bགྷ಩෮ Cai Weiބ၌Ԯሦ࿘૊ᆐđႚႵປ೿֥॓࿹௜෻ ,ࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁཛଢཛbᄝݓଽຓ࿐ඌ௹़ഈؿіં໓௉đ There are 28 post doc and graduate students. In 2014, 11 new research projects including four grants from National Natural Science Foundation got funded, with a Ӊູғຯ࢝൱b ఃᇏ 4$* ં໓  ௉bൌဒ൩ᇶ಩ᅦफೆ࿊  ୍؇ഈݚ൧ total of 7.76 million RMB. It also have 42 research papers published, including 41 SIFPR is the only lab capable of carrying out the prenatal gene diagnosis for Ⴊྮ࿐ඌջ๨ದ࠹߃b SCI papers this year. In addition, Professor Zhang Jun, director of the lab is in 2014 ࿹෮൞ଢభഈݚ൧ື၂षᅚֆࠎၹ၌ԮѨӁభࠎၹᆐ monogenic disorder in Shanghai. SIFPR has been enlisted as one of the clinicalظ awarded by Shanghai Outstanding Academic Leaders Program. pilot units of the application of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), granted by the .აᆐ؎ Menternal and child health services departmentބༀඳ஻ሙ֥ӁభೱҰڛႼЌࡲڹቔაࢌੀđࠒࠞؿᅚაૅݓaࡆଦ ؎֥ֆ໊đѩФਙೆކൌဒ൩ᇿᇗषᅚ࿐ඌ ቔ֥ࠄކקӉ௹໗ܒ౵॓࿹ࠏֹބ۱ݓࡅ؟նaօચaႇݓ֩ ਢԵ൫ׄֆ໊b The Key Lab is committed to international cooperation and communication. It č/*15 ,ყ֩ਢԵ໙ี֥࿹࣮đ has established long-term research cooperation with research institutes in U.S.Aۄބ๠ࠥѨ֥Ѩၹaყٝظϴܱ༢bູࡆ఼ The platforms of clinical genetics were optimized and reorganized this year and ᇗቆđӮ৫ބ࿹෮ؓਢԵ၌Ԯ௜෻ࣉྛਔႪ߄ظ୍  Canada, Denmark and U.K, etc. In order to promote our research in finding the ቔਵთЇওԛളؒਙ࿹࣮aᇗࣁඋ are divided into 3 branches including biochemistry, cytogenetics and molecularކഡ৫ਔ  ཛष٢ज़ีđ causes, prevention and intervention of childhood diseases, 12 open projects are diagnosis. SIFPR made great improvement in the quality and quantity in service. ۱࡟ҩ௜෻bਢԵ၌  ܋؎ሰᆐٳބprovided in the areas of birth cohort study, heavy metals exposure and childhood ਔള໾߄࿐a༥І၌Ԯ ۿ๠ࡲू႕ཙ֥࿹࣮aള໾ဢЧ९ࡹഡ֩bൌဒ൩ӮظВ੝ა The annual outpatient treatments has amounted to 35,170 cases. Meanwhile, ෛ diseases, bio-bank, etc. The platform of ‘Shanghai Birth Cohort’ led by our lab hasބ๠ؒਙp௜෻đࡹ৫ቋႪ֥ؒਙೆቆظձࡹਔoഈݚႪള ༀᇉਈఊശđಆ୍૊ᆐਈղ֞  ದՑđປӮ 111,000 cases of neonatal screen, 16,829 cases of Down’s syndrome, 888 casesڛԮѨᆐᇍ ٠ੀӱđࢩᆸ  ୍  ᄅ  ರđཛଢၘᄝ ࡅ࿹࣮ᇏྏ been successfully established using the most optimal processes of recruitment and ᆘ࿓ౢ࿐ೱҰ  of NIPT and 1004 cases of karyotype analysis of amniotic fluid cells, 3660 cases ofކࠥѨೱҰ  ຣ২đน൦ሸظfollow-up. By the end of 2014, six research centers had involved in this project, ྍള षᅚđᅱଟ ২ᆽ჻ᆀҕࡆ࿹࣮b ୍đӵϷݓ࠽ߌ and 2497 participants had enrolled. In addition, it hosted the 2014 Conference of blood tandem mass spectrometry, 3384 case of urine gas chromatography - mass ༅ٳ྘ނ২đ໭ԷӁభࠎၹ࡟ҩ  ২đӁభရඣ༥Іಙ೤ุ ౵֥  ଀ International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Asia Chapter. There were 306 spectrometry , 2792 cases of peripheral blood karyotype analysis were treated inֹބ߶୍߶đটሱ  ۱ݓࡅٳ࣢ੀྛѨ࿐߶࿰ᇝ attendees from 15 countries and regions. We opened 3 training courses (at national 2014. 116 varies genetic diseases were diagnosised in 1701 cases, and 28 kinds of ህࡅ࿐ᆀҕࡆ߶ၰĠᇶϷݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტ࿐༝ϫ  ௹đ࿐ჴದ  ২bՎຓđປӮ࿓Ա৳ᇉ௶ս྆Ѩ࡟ҩ  ২đ୕గ level) this year, and more than 200 students took the courses. genetic diseases have been prenatal diagnosised via detecting amniotic fluid cells ༅࡟ҩ DNA in 366 cases. Genomic microarrays was performed in 377 cases to evaluateٳ྘ނඔӑݖ  ದb ཌྷ೤௶  ᇉ௶࡟ҩ  ২bປӮຓᇛ࿓ಙ೤ุ the copy number variants and this technology was also used in prenatal diagnosis ২đषᅚֆࠎၹ၌ԮѨᆐ؎  ཛ  ২đရඣӁభ  in 68 cases. ༀࡅ༢  ২đӁڛࠎၹᆐ؎  ᇕࠥѨ  ২Ġࠎၹྉோ SIFPR was been granted with 18 newly-established longitudinal research programs భᆐ؎  ২b at bureau-level or above in 2014. 24 academic papers indexed by SCI were ◎小儿消化与营养重点实验室 published this year. ࿹෮ྍᄹअࠩၛഈሺཟ॓࿹ཛଢ  ཛĠၛظ؇୍  Shanghai Key Laboratory of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition ֻ၂ቔᆀࠇ๙࿟ቔᆀؿі 4$* ൬੣ં໓  ௉b

ᇶ಩ğғຯ Director: Cai Wei

.ཨ߄აႏအᇗׄൌဒ൩p Shanghai Key Laboratory of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition led by ProfظႮғຯ࢝൱ਵ༻֥oഈݚ൧ཬ Cai Wei passed the evaluation of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission in bᇶေ࿹ 2013, and stepped into the formal stage of operation. The Lab has such highlighted؍Ⴟ  ୍๙ݖഈݚ൧॓຾ဒ൬đࣉೆᆞൔᄎྛࢨ fields of research as children congenital digestive tract malformation, inflammatory ྟିۿကᆡྟӋѨაظཨ߄֡ࠐྙaཬྟ฿༵ظ࣮ٚཟЇওཬ bowel diseases and functional bowel diseases in children, intestinal dysfunction in .๠ັਈႏအ෍აࡲूb children, children obesity, and children micronutrient and healthظބ๠٧஗ظᅰθaିۿӋظ໇ӋѨaཬ

  ઐေ᮳᧔ NNursing ◆ ◎护理人才培养 Nursing Personnel Training ◎深化优质护理细节服务 Nursing Department Annual Report (2014)

ᄅݓࡅ໏࠹຾ϯ҃u࣡ઝᇍਏ޹৘࠯ඌҠ In Nov. 2013, National Health Development Planning Commission enacted  ୍ ³ “Operation Specification of Nursing Techniques on Intravenous Therapy” and ࠩѓሙvđѩေ౰  ୍  ᄅ  ರᆳྛb “Grading Nursing Care Standard”, which are to be carried out on May 1. For betterٳu޹৘ބቔܿٓv ۷ॹ۷ݺֹᆳྛြѓሙđ޹৘҆ቓಆჽ׮ჴđဤ౨ჽଽຓᆩ implementation of industry standards, Nursing Department activates the wholeູ staff in hospital, invite nursing experts who are famous in hospital both inside and đѩࡆၛ outside Shanghai to respectively analyze the two items of industry standards in؀љؓਆཛྛြѓሙቓབྷ༥ࢳٳ଀֥ഈݚ൧޹৘ህࡅ ൌീb detail and then to enact them. According to the principle of enriching working spirit and the connotation of ,ༀଽ nursing services proposed by National Health Development Planning Commissionڛቔࣚപđ࠿࿃ധ߄۽ༀڛ³ຶಡ໏࠹຾Ⴊᇉ޹৘ each nursing unit is supposed to innovate service features based on the case ݤđ۲޹৘ֆჭ۴ऌѨᇕ౦ঃ๙ݖoࣁׄሰpao௖ܵಁp֩ ࿊ෂ  Promoted the development of nursing disciplinary construction and developed܋୍ ؿᅚದҌbބagainst disease through such platforms as “Golden Ideas” and “Quality Control ³ԥС޹৘࿐֥॓ࡹഡ ༀห೤Ġ Circle”. nursing talents. In 2014, 231 nurses of backbone were sent out for study andڛ௜෻Էྍ ຓԛҕࡆ࿐༝đఃᇏ  ଀޹৘ದჴᄝૅݓҰෳଚ one of them is attaining one-year study in Chatham University in America for theۄܠದՑ޹৘ Boosted by informational promotion, each unit will be equipped with electronic .޹৘ණൖ࿐໊b degree of Master in nursing؀۾³ᄝྐ༏߄๷ࣉ༯đ۲ֆჭಆཌൌീ޹৘׈ሰѨ৥඀ཿđ ն࿐ࣉྛູ௹၂୍֥࿐༝đ medical record ranging from the entry of vital signs to disease observation, It has shouldered six clinical practical training tasks in Shanghai nursing practical Ֆളଁุᆘ੣ೆ֞Ѩ౦ܴҳđᄹࡆֻ໴նളଁุᆘiiฮ๥௟ increase the fifth vital sign—pain assessment, and carry out pain-relieving, which ӵք  ۱ഈݚ൧ࠩ޹৘ൌ࿞ࠎֹ֥ਢԵൌ࡬஡࿞಩ༀđಆ will improve the patients’ living standard. training basement. 82 students were trained in the whole year, and nursing experts .ყđิۚѨದളࠃᇉਈĠ and students were spoken highly of their nursing qualityۄđൌീฮ๥ܙ ࿐ჴ֥ݺ௟bބ஡࿞࿐ჴ  ದđ࢝࿐ᇉਈ൳֞޹৘ህࡅ܋୍ Extending services will be developed. Each unit will call back the discharged It has accomplished the teaching task of Chengjiao College and Xinhua ,ༀđ۲޹৘ֆჭԛჽѨದ׈߅߭٠đ patients, asking about their health education, diet guide, guide for medicineڛ³ࠒࠞषᅚ࿼ഥ .wound management, or reminding out-patient follow-up time. And they will take ³ಆ୍ჵડປӮࢌնӮ࢝࿐ჽྍ޿၀նЧ॓޹৘ϫ֥࢝ undergraduate nursing class, 657 credit hours of 17 core nursing classes included ߭٠ଽಸЇওࡲू࢝ტaႂൊᆷ֝aႨူᆷ֝aഄ१ܵ৘a૊ And 48 clinical nursing teachers participated in teaching. 69 of the first students ࠹  ࿐ൈ֥൱ज़಩ༀđ܋ྏज़ӱނinitiative to carry out nursing intervention at different stages of the patients’ ࿐಩ༀđЇও  ૊޹৘ graduated and among them 7 were qualified for applying for the degree. The rate .ყb recoveryۄᇶ׮ൌീ޹৘؍҂๝ࢨ֥گᆐෛ٠ൈࡗิྜ֩đᄝѨߑू ৆࠹ቆᆮ  ଀ਢԵ޹৘࢝ഽҕა࢝࿐b൮ࢽиြള܋  ଀ of the degree application reached 10 percent. “Starred Nurse Campaign” will be developed. This year the evaluation scheme for ³ࠒࠞषᅚྒࠩ޹ൖ௟࿊ࠃ׮bࣂ୍ؓྒࠩ޹ൖ௟࿊ٚ starred nurse was` comprehensively adjusted so that the campaign would be more ඨ০иြđఃᇏ  ໊࿐ളႵሧ۬ണ౨࿐ൖ࿐໊đ࿐໊ണ౨ੱჇ Nursing internship and teaching task were completed. This year 307 intern students from four nursing undergraduate colleges and 5 junior colleges were easily carried out. What’s more, we will increase OA notices and advertisement of b ܄ "ᆜđ൐ྒࠩ޹ൖ֥௟࿊۷ऎॖҠቔྟđᄹࡆ 0טσቓಆ૫ wall newspaper in endemic area and improve the reward in order to encourage accepted, among them 48 were undergraduates, 259 were junior college students. ਢԵ၂ཌ޹ൖ్ൌ And 401 students learned on the job, among them 13 were undergraduates, 388ৣܝđၛحѨ౵఺Б࿆Ԯđิۚࢂৣࣁބൕ clinical nurses to provide the patients with careful and high-quality nursing ³ඨ০ປӮ޹৘ൌ༝ջ࢝಩ༀbࣂ୍ࢤ൳  ෮޹৘Ч॓ services. In return, It is aiming to single out practical nursing talents. were junior college students. ྘޹৘ದҌbۄༀđؿडൌڛ༥ᇁaႪᇉ֥޹৘܂Ѩದิູ ದđఃᇏЧ॓ള  ದđ Further developed multi-level training and online nursing teaching platform. In  ܋෮նህჽ཮֥ൌ༝ള  ބჽ཮ նህള  ದĠটჽ࡮༝࿐ളղ  ದđఃᇏЧ॓ള  ದđ the whole year, 17437 persons got credits through online study; ward rounds and discussion on complicated and severe diseases summed to 4 times and ◎展现“白衣天使”风采 նህള  ದb participation persons amounted to 821. In the end, the nurses’ capacity of tackling Show the charming style of “Angles in white” out clinical practical problems were improved. ࠹܋Ҫ஡࿞đյᄯཌഈ޹৘࢝࿐௜෻bಆ୍ٳ³ധೆ๷ࣉ Ġᆌؓၐ଴aາᇗѨ২षٳದՑ๙ݖཌഈ࿐༝ࠆ֤࿐ ശ޹৘ؒ໸෍ᇉđࠒࠞ๧ദ  ޹ൖࢫ༢ਙࠃ׮ğ Enhanced the quality of nurses and actively participate in the series ofิ Ցđ৆࠹ҕࡆದՑູ đิ  ܋޹৘Ұٜࠣษંކ৳activities to May 12 nurses Day: ᅚಆჽ

ࣉĠ ȝ Held “Nursing Quality Control Circle Competition” to improve clinical ۚ޹ൖࢳथਢԵൌ࠽໙ี֥ି৯bڿईϷo޹৘௖ܵಁն೗pđ՜ࣉਢԵ޹৘ᇉਈӻ࿃® nursing quality. ®ईϷo॓࿹ં໓б೗pđဤ౨ਔჽଽຓ॓࿹ህࡅࣉྛ ȝ Held “Research Paper Competition”. Experts in scientific research were .ህြׄ௟đ௟࿊ԛႪྮં໓  ௉đ޹৘॓࿹ඣሙ֤֞ࣉ၂҄ invited to demonstrate professional reviews. 10 outstanding papers were selected ิശĠ And nursing scientific research level has been further improved.. ȝ Selected outstanding nurses and excellent head nurses to promote and .ࣚപđࠗ develop Nightingale spirit, and inspire the dedication and sacrificeغ۬נဘଲޢ௟࿊Ⴊྮ޹ൖaႪྮ޹ൖӉđ® ངbڋႧႿބࣣြەιৣ

  ◎护理科研 Nursing research

ؿіં໓  ௉đఃᇏંᇷ  In 2014, 198 papers were published in core journals, including 21 theses, 121܋ྏ௹़ഈނᄝ୍  papers and 36 reviews. “The Construction of Standardized Courses for Cultivating $$*௉đં໓  ௉đሸඍ  ௉b޹৘҆ӧݚဉᇶ಩ᇶӻu1 ◎护理内涵提升 Core Capacity of PICC Professional Nurses’” by Chen Haiyan, director of nursing ৫ཛ൧໏࠹຾ज़ department, gained the program of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health andۿࡹvӮܒྏି৯஡အѓሙ߄ज़ӱނImprovement of nursing ህြ޹ൖ connotation Family Planning, which was a breakthrough in Xinhua Hospital. This year we had 1 đൌགྷ໡ჽ൧໏࠹຾޹৘ज़ีਬ֥๬௥Ġ൧޹৘࿐߶ज़ี ཛa project of Shanghai Nursing Association, 3 at the university level and 15 at hospitalี ཮ࠩज़ี  ཛaჽࠩज़ี  ཛĠ ཛ཮ࠩज़ีބ  ཛჽࠩ level. 2 university level projects and 10 hospital level projects were finished. State Continuous Medical Educational Programs: ज़ีඨ০ࢲีb Chen Haiyan “Application of Minimally Invasive Technique in General Surgery and ”ݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტཛଢğ New Advances in Nursing

Chen Haiyan “Standardized Management and Quality Monitoring of Anesthesia ӧݚဉuັԷ࠯ඌᄝ௴ຓ॓ႋႨࠣ޹৘ྍࣉᅚv Nursing”

”ӧݚဉuઐቊ޹৘ܿٓ߄ܵ৘აᇉਈࡓ॥v Zhao Huili “New Techniques and Advances in Pediatric Critical Diseases

Wang Hongping “Exploration on Emergency Triage” PBL າᇗѨྍ࠯ඌაྍࣉᅚv॓ظᅵ߰ঢ়u

Xinhua nursing brand has stood in international nursing forum: in September, 2014, ᆐଆൔฐษv1#-ٳ௛uࠤᆐყ࡟ޣ³ݓ࠽޹৘ંฆඎྍ޿޹৘௖இğ ୍Ğᄅđྍ޿ ຦ Xinhua Hospital held the intravenous infusion forum with the theme of consulting ၄ჽӵϷᇶีູo٢ငݓ࠽࠯ඌđሔ౰ህြؿᅚđԷྍܵ৘৘ international techniques and pursuing professional development and innovating ୑đิശ࣡ਏ௖ᇉp֥࣡ઝൻ၁ંฆđ޹৘҆ᇶ಩ӧݚဉቔູ management schemes and improving the quality of intravenous treatment. Chen Haiyan, director of Nursing Department, chairwoman of Shanghai Professional ഈݚ൧޹৘࿐߶࣡ઝൻ၁ህြ຾ჴ߶ᇶ಩຾ჴ൳ն߶ဤ౨ք಩ Committee of Intravenous Infusion, was invited to hold the postion of chairwoman ࣡ઝൻ၁ંฆᇶ༜đѩቓਔoഈݚ࣡ઝൻ၁ህြؿᅚა็ᅞp of the Intravenous Infusion Forum and to give a speech on the development and challenge of Shanghai intravenous infusion. Professor Cai Wei, a famous pediatric ◎获奖及荣誉称号 ຓ॓ਢԵ၄࿐ᇏྏᇶ specialist and director of Xinhua Hospital Clinical Medical Center of Pediatric Rewards and honorsظህࡅa໡ჽཬ॓ظᇶีؿ࿽b໡ݓᇷ଀ Surgery and Nancy Mortlock, former chairman of American INS attended the ݓ */4 ჰᇶ༜ /BODZ.PSUMPDL ୯ൖ౔ਢંฆૅބ಩ғຯ࢝൱ forum, sharing and discussing with the participants the strategy and developing situation of the advanced intravenous infusion at home and abroad. Among 18 ܋གྷӆđࡼݓଽຓቋభခ֥࣡ઝൻ၁Ҧ੻აؿᅚ౦ঃაҕ߶ᆀ forums in the Second Shanghai International Clinical Meeting, intravenous infusion ཚაฐษbᄝֻؽࢽഈݚݓ࠽޹৘ն߶ഈ֥  ۱ંฆᇏđٳ๝ forum was judged as “the most popular forum” by Shanghai Nursing Association. It ࣡ઝൻ၁ંฆФഈݚ൧޹৘࿐߶௟ູoದగቋຫંฆpđऌ༑ was said that the participants in this session amounted to 552, breaking the history records of international nursing meeting. ߶ӆ֥ದۚղ  ໊đԷ৥ࢽݓ࠽޹৘ն߶֥ದٳФ་ႄ֞Վ The special outpatient nursing service was improved steadily: in 2014 PICC గ࠺੣ᆭቋb puncture and maintenance training was held by Venous Monitoring Center for clinical nurses to improve the quality of clinical PICC nursing. 716 PICC cases ,³ህ॓޹৘૊ᆐਈ໗҄ഈശğ ୍࣡ઝࡓ॥ᇏྏؓ and 5464 outpatient maintenance cases were performed this year, respectively ਢԵ޹ൖ֥ 1*$$ ԬՏᆰܵࠣົ޹ࣉྛ஡࿞đิۚਢԵ 1*$$ growing by 6.9 percent and 21.42 percent. Special stomy outpatient nursing service provided the patients with normalized nursing service, health guidance, regular ,follow-up and so on. 2988 stomy patients received such nursing service this year ބљ  ২ٳ૊ᆐົ޹ބህ॓޹৘ᇉਈđಆ୍৆࠹ 1*$$ ᇂܵ .Ġᄯ१ህ॓޹৘૊ increased by 13.48 percent ބ  ২đ๝б۲ᄹӉਔ  Cultivation of the nurse specialist’s capacity: pediatric nursing, oncologic nursing ෛ٠֩đಆ୍ປӮ௹קࡲूᆷ֝aބᆐ۳Ⴭߑᆀܿٓ߄֥޹৘ and PICC nursing were held according to key work. And on teacher staff, we ޹৘  ২ᄯ१ߑᆀđ๝бᄹࡆ b specially invite clinical medical experts to give special lecture on top of hiring ◆ Chen Haiyan, “Strategic Research on Improving the Quality of Intravenous Infusion nursing teachers with senior titles to give lessons. In the whole year, special ӧݚဉᇶӻ֥uഈݚֹ౵ิശ࣡ઝൻ၁௖ᇉࠣνಆܵ৘ and Safety Management in Shanghai”, the Eleventh Shanghai Nursing Technology ቔᇗ lectures were held 19 times with a total number of 1971 persons who took part in۽ྏି৯஡အğ ୍ຶಡ၄ჽ֥ނ³ህ॓޹ൖ ”Ҧ੻࿹࣮v಴ࠆoഈݚ൧ֻ൅၂ࢽ޹৘॓࠯ࢂp Award֥ training. As a result, nurse specialists’ comprehensive clinical nursing capacity was ޹৘paoᇖਿ޹৘pao1*$$ ޹৘p೘۱ህ॓ظषᅚoׄ ”improved. ◆຦ૹ಴ࠆഈݚ൧o޹৘࠯ିѓѡpӫݼ Wang Min, “Shanghai Pacesetter of Nursing Skills ཛ஡࿞đഽሧٚ૫Ԣௗ౨ᇏۚࠩᆯӫ޹ഽࣉྛ൱ज़ຓđหဤਢ Li Weining, first prize of Shanghai Jiaotong University PBL case ৙໏ୡ಴ࠆഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ 1#- σ২ն೗၂֩ࢂ◆ Ե၄࿐ህࡅቓህีࢃቖbಆ୍ईϷህ॓ࢃቖ  Ցđ܋࠹  Wang Min, third prize of Shanghai Jiaotong University PBL case

৯b ◆຦ૹ಴ࠆഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ 1#- σ২ն೗೘֩ࢂ Xu Xiao and Wang Jiayi, third prize of international nursing skills competition ofିކದՑҕࡆ஡࿞đิۚਔህ॓޹ൖ֥ਢԵሸ Shanghai Institute of Health Sciences ཫaߛࡅᏠ಴ࠆ၄ۚህݓ࠽޹৘࠯ିն೗೘֩ࢂྷ◆

  研究生教育 Ӟߦஔᐲ Postgraduate Education Medical Education ◆ ◎ 2014 年度在院研究生 ◎ 2014 年度毕业研究生 Postgraduates at school in 2014 Graduated Postgraduates in 2014 本科教育 Undergraduate Education · Ѱൖ࿹࣮ള 94名 · Ѱൖ࿹࣮ള 46名 Doctoral students Doctors ◎ 2014 年度在校本科及长学制学生 Undergraduate and long-term education students at school in 2014 · ණൖ࿹࣮ള 147名 · ණൖ࿹࣮ള 75名 Graduate students 39% Masters 38% 53 · ਢԵ၄࿐ϖ୍ᇅ 名 ކ࠹ 241名 61% ކ࠹ 121名 62% Eight-year program students Total Total

· ਢԵo p 4名 26.6% 21.0% “4 plus 4”program students · ਢԵ၄࿐໴୍ᇅ 103名 1.6% Five-year program students

· ႏအህြ 25名 9.9% Medical nutrition students 40.9% ◎ 2014 年度招收研究生 ◎ 2014 年度学位授予情况 · ޹৘ሇശЧ 67଀ Postgraduates enrolled in 2014 Degree conferral in 2014 Nursing top-up program students ކ࠹ 252଀ Total · Ѱൖ࿹࣮ള 48名 · Ѱൖ࿐໊ 68名 Doctorate students Students 22.1% · ॓࿐࿐໊ණൖ࿹࣮ള 57名 30.4% · ණൖ࿐໊ 94名 ◎ 2014 届毕业生 Science degree postgraduates Doctorate degree 42% Graduated students in 2014 · ህြ࿐໊ණൖ࿹࣮ള 18名 11.4% ކ࠹ 162名 58% Professional degree postgraduates Total · ࠩਢԵo pѰൖ 8名 4.8% 2010-grade “4 plus 4”program students · ਢᇾཛଢ 35名 36.1% Science degree residents 11.9% · ࠩਢԵϖ୍ᇅ 20名 2006-grade eight-year program students ކ࠹ 158名 Total 40.5% · ࠩਢԵ໴୍ᇅ 55名 32.7% 2009-grade five-year program students · ࠩႏအህြ 17名 Medical nutrition students ◎ 2014 年度导师情况 · ޹৘ህശЧ 68名 Tutors in 2014 10.1% Nursing top-up program students ކ࠹ 168名 Total · Ѱൖള֝ഽ 62名 Doctorate tutors

ණൖള֝ഽ 129名 32% · 毕业后医学教育 Master's tutors After Graduation Medical Education ކ࠹ 217名 Total ◎住院医师规范化培训工作: 68% Standardized residency training

In Oct 2014, our hospital was graded as “national resident standardized training ᄅđ໡ჽࠆ஻ູoݓࡅࠩᇾჽ၄ഽܿٓ߄஡  ୍  hospital”. At present, 236 residents were brought into standardized training, among ࿞၄ჽpb໡ჽᄝ஡ᇾჽ၄ഽܿٓ߄஡࿞ದඔ  ଀đఃᇏoਢ  whom 110 were included in clinical master’s degree (connection program of residency and professional master’s degree). ᇾpཛଢčᇾჽ၄ഽაණൖህြ࿐໊༻ࢤĎ࿐ჴ  ଀b

◎专科医师规范化培训工作: Standardized specialist training

ᄅđ൧໏࠹຾஻ሙ໡ჽ  ۱࿐ູ॓ഈݚ൧ֻ In July 2014, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning  ୍  approved 22 disciplines as the second batch of standardized specialist training ,ؽ஻ህ॓၄ഽܿٓ߄஡࿞ࠎֹb໡ჽགྷႵഈݚ൧ህ॓၄ഽܿٓ bases in Shanghai. Now we have 37 Shanghai standardized specialist training bases ߄஡࿞ࠎֹ  ۱đᄝ஡ህ॓၄ഽ  ଀đఃᇏoਢ  ህpཛ 114 trainees, three of whom were included in clinical doctorate degree program (connection specialist and professional doctorate degree). ଢčህ॓၄ഽაѰൖህြ࿐໊༻ࢤĎ࿐ჴ  ଀b

  ◎主题活动 继续医学教育 Various theme activities Continuous Medical Education

31 programs of state continuous medicine education were carried out, including ظԌૼ౦ࡲूྛືιཌྷϴpն྘ၬᆐࠃ׮ğ ईϷݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტཛଢ  ཛđݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃၄࿐࢝ტڄoྍ޿ 9 pediatric base programs.66 programs of continuous medicine education were ࿐ࠎֹཛଢ  ཛbಆ୍ईϷ࠿࿃၄࿐࢝ტཛଢ  ཛčఃᇏ carried out(including 9 pediatric base programs).A total of 5946 students were॓ ࢝࿹൩ህࡅaᇾჽ၄ഽa࿹࣮ളa၄࿐ളቆӮ၂ᆦᆽ჻ᆀ .ᅱ൬࿐ჴ଀đຓസ൧࿐ enrolled, among whom 3859(64.9%) were from other provinces or cities܋ࠎֹཛଢ  ཛĎb࿐༝ϫ॓ظ ໸đభສԌૼཅྍݚཔᆓֹ౵षᅚၬᆐࠃ׮bᆽ჻ᆀૌູ֒ؒ ჴ଀đᅝb ૶षᅚࡲू࿆࢝đ֞ॢӗ঺ದࡅᇏࣉྛၬᆐbࠃ׮ࡆധਔंֹ

౞၄ഽૌؓ၄࿐ଽݤ֥৘ࢳđ஡အਔܱιഠ߶a߭Б 2014 ୍ݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტཛଢ୍ބ࿐ള 2014 State Continuous Medical Education Programs ᄳದڵ ഠ߶֥৘୑b ྽ݼ ཛଢ଀ӫ Number Program Leader ېྏჷྟᘉඵ ৙ၪބLarge-scale free clinic ൩ྟྏੰാӈ 1 Ventricular Arrhythmia and Sudden Cardiac Death Li Yigang A volunteer team made up of experts, resident doctor, postgraduates and ห൹ো྘ကᆡྟӋѨᆐᇍྍࣉᅚ ໱ࡹྍ medical students went to Xinhai town of Chongming county and held free 2 Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Special inflammatory bowel disease Wu Jianxin clinic. The volunteers carried out health education for local people and went ࿓၁ܹੀ࠯ඌਢԵႋႨࠣࣉᅚ ࢀ۷ೂ 3 to elder people living alone for free diagnostic. The activity strengthened the Clinical Application and Progress of Hemoperfusion Jiang Gengru ౝ ් ؀༢๤ࢳ്֥܋ބ૟ս྆ࠥѨᆷଲٳunderstanding of medicine for students and young doctors, and cultivated their ӈ࡮ଽ 4 System Analysis of the Guideline and Consensus in General Endocrinology Metabolic Disease Su Qing concept of caring for society and contributing to the community. ᄎ׮ᅰθࠥѨᆐᇍྍࣉᅚ ਾᆒݓ 5 Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of movement disorders Liu Zhenguo ৫ྟٜӃ ઼ ईܛӑັԷຓ॓ഝ௔ཨವᇍਏ 6 Micro invasive surgical ablation of lone atrial fibrillation Mei Ju ᆡᆐ؎აᇍਏ֥ቋྍࣉᅚ ৙ൗ๕ކ੔പࣜሸ 7 Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of cranial nerve syndrome Li Shiting ؿ֥ٝᇍࣉᅚ ఊ ᵻگ༅ࠣ PCNL ඌުࢲെٳࢲെ 8 oྍc၄c૓pᇶีພ߶ğ Progress in stone recurrence in Calculi analysis and after PCNL Prevention and Treatment Qi Jun ᄜᄯ֥ਢԵႋႨࣉᅚ ఊ ᵻބ૟୕֡ᇗࡹ 9 ᇶี൞oྍpࠅཌྷԮa޿༱o၄p૓đߋෂࠧࡼиြ֥࿐ളđ Clincal Application and Progress in Urinary Tract Reconstruction Qi Jun ࡚ܱࢫຓ॓ࠎԤ࿐༝ϫ ຦ࡹ޿ 10 ӏaۣ໷a Shoulder joint surgical basic courses Wang Jianhuaކ႒ࢤྍളbພ߶Ⴎಆุ࿐ളሱщaሱ֝aሱဆđն ࠬᇸࠐྙᆐਏ࠯ඌྍࣉᅚ࿐༝ϫ ᅵ ৓ބ๠ඹᆪظ ᇕіဆྙൔđᅚൕਔ࿐ളૌυဘཟഈ֥ࣚപ 11 New Technology and Progress of Child Limb Deformity Treatment Zhao Li؟ཌྷലa౦ࣟख֩ ᇍਏ࿐༝ϫ ᆢ৅ᆋކ૫ષb ྍ޿ᇖਿ۱ุ߄ሸ 12 Xin Hua Neoplastic Disease individual combined treatment courses Zheng Leizhen ఽࣷᆐᇍྍࣉᅚ ဗቃᑈڹXinhua, Medicine, Dream” theme party າᇗᄓӁ“ 13 Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Critical Maternal Rescue Yang Zujing With the theme as “carry on Xinhua’s spirit, share the dream of medicine”, ᇖਿ֥ਢԵ࿹࣮ಣׄࠣ଴ׄ ჯཫफྟذ๠ظ the party is to farewell graduating students and welcome new students. It was 14 Hotspots and difficulties of Clinical research of child malignant Neoplastic disease Yuan Xiaojun ࿐ٓܤ ૟ & ၌Ԯս྆ྟࠥѨᆐᇍࣉᅚٳଽظcompiled, directed and performed by all students, included chorus, singing and ཬ 15 dancing, cross-talk, sitcom and so on, which showed Xinhua students’ high-spirited Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Endocrinology and Inherited Metabolic Diseases Gu Xuefan ࿐ਢԵᆐਏྍࣉᅚ࿐༝ϫ ᇫࡹྜྷظmental attitude. ྍള 16 Progress in Newborn Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Zhu Jianxin ਢԵႏအᆦӻཬቆᄎቔაܵ৘ ғ ຯ॓ظ 17 Operation and Management of Pediatric Clinical Nutrition Support team courses Cai Wei ᆐᇍྍࣉᅚ ໱ ૹކ๠ӈ࡮പࣜࠣྏ৘ྛູၳӈᇏ༆၄ࢲظ 18 Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Combination of Chinese traditional and Western medicine in general child Wu Min neuropsychological behavior disorders ყ࿐༝ϫ ߛᇍ໾ۄಆݓ๐৯ᆐ؎ࠣ 19 National Hearing Diagnosis and Intervention Courses Huang Zhiwu Ϣଽᅰӑലೄ߄აငଽཁັ൭ඌྍࣉᅚ ࣁݚႊ oᅡ٢ྞਟґpྍ޿ุဒರࠃ׮ğ 20 Advances in Cataract sugery and Intraocular microsurgery Jin Haiying གྷս౹ܻ൭ඌྍࣉᅚ ৙ݚဉ 21 ၄࿐ളࠧࡼࣉೆਢԵൌ༝đಞ෰ૌദԬϢն၉đሼࣉਢԵ Advances in Modern Intraocular Refractive Li Haiyan ᇏ൷പࣜ༢๤ࠥѨ႕ཞ࿐࿹࣮ࣉᅚ ৙ზ޿ظཬ ൳၄࿐֥ᷠ৯b 22 Progress in Imaging of Pediatric Central Nervous System Disease Li Yuhuaۋቔđ۽၂ཌđ౔ദุဒਢԵֻ ೄཆ႕ཞ࿐ᆐ؎ܿٓაࣉᅚ ລ֨ќ Xinhua Experiential Day 23 Standardization Diagnosis and Progress in Breast Imaging Wang Dengbin భਙཆδ႕ཞྍ࠯ඌᆐ؎ࢃ༝ϫ ӧ࿰ౝ The medical students were about to undertake clinical practice at front line. This 24 Courses of New Imaging Diagnosis Technologies in Prostatic cancer Chen Yaqing activity enabled them to experience clinical work firsthand and feel the charm of ݓ࠽Էഄളଁᆦӻ࿐༝ϫ ஌ආૼ medicine in white garments. 25 International trauma life support courses Pan Shuming ๠ളӉؿტ֥႕ཙ ྷ ࡲظ҂ਅ֥ߌ࣢ၹ෍ؓ௹ظ෸ 26 Influence on Child Growth and Development of Adverse environmental factors in Fetal period Xu Jian ห൹ದಕކ৘Ⴈူྍࣉᅚ ᅦ ࡲ 27 Progress in rational drug use of specific population Zhang Jian

  ࠎֹ࠿࿃࢝ტཛଢ॓ظݓࡅࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტཛଢ 2014 ୍ݓࡅ୍ࠩ 2014 2014 State Continuous Medical Education Programs 2014 State Continuous Medical Education Programs of Pediatric Base ᄳದڵ ྽ݼ ཛଢ଀ӫ ᄳದڵ ྽ݼ ཛଢ଀ӫ Number Program Leader Number Program Leader ௛ޣᆐଆൔฐษ ຦ٳࠤᆐყ࡟ 29 Exploration of Preview emergency triage mode Wang Hongping ઐቊ࿐ࣉᅚ ຦ႇ຿ظཬ 1 Progress in Pediatric Clinical Care Skill Wang Yingwei აᇍਏྍ࠯ඌ࿐༝ϫ ؄ ౝܙ௟گू 30 New technology in Rehabilitation Assessment and Treatment courses Du Qing Ѩ࿐ਢԵაࣉᅚ ိᇆ಴ڑ๠௃ظ 2 ཚ ӧ඀ဇ Clinical and Progress in Child Dermatology Yao Zhirongٳ঺୍၄࿐ൌ࡬ —— ྍࣉᅚაѨ২ 31 Practice in Geriatrics--New Advance and Case Review Chen Shuyan ་ંฆ Д၂ཱޫ॓ظഈݚྍ޿ 3 Ѩᆐਏྍࣉᅚ ٓࡹۚ Shanghai Xin Hua Child Respiratory Forum Bao Yixiaoۉᆫٛྟ 32 Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Fatty liver disease Fan Jiangao ࠥѨӑലᆐ؎ ӧ࿰ౝ॓ظ 4 ࿓၁Ѩᇍਏࣉᅚࠣఃܿٓ߄ᇍਏ ݹනݓ Exploration of Preview emergency triage mode Chen Yaqingྟذ 33 Treatment of Hematologic Malignancies and its Standardized Treatment Hao Siguo ࿐ٓܤ ࠥѨೱҰᆐᇍࣉᅚظྍള 5 ყ࠯ି஡࿞ ᅦ࣑඾ Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Neonatal Screening Gu Xuefanۄބྏ৘ࡲू՜ࣉظෟႉႼ 0-6 34 Mental health promotion and crisis intervention skills for 0-6 years old children Zhang Jinsong

๨࣠ຓ॓ྍࣉᅚ ໱ ᬯޤа࿳عظགྷսཬ 6 บ୕ѨᇛຶപࣜѨэᄪ௹ᆐ؎ࠣཁັຓ֥॓ᇍਏ ᅦ໓ԫ Progress in Modern Pediatric Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Wu Hao 35 Early diagnosis and microsurgery treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy Zhang Wenchuan ๠ӈ࡮ၩຓഄݝყٝაࣷ޹ ӧૹᙛظ 7 ကᆡྟӋѨຓ॓࿹ษ߶ ա ੃ Prevention and Rescue of Child General accidental injury Chen Minyi 36 Symposium on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Surgery Cui Long າᇗѨ࿖ߌܵ৘࿐༝ϫ ӧඎЏ॓ظ ಆݓӋຓӋଽႏအ࿐ն߶ ғ ຯ 8 37 National Congress of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Cai Wei Cycle Management of Pediatric Crital Illness courses Chen Shubao ਢԵ޹৘࠯ඌྍࣉᅚ ᅵ߰ঢ়॓ظ ၄࿐ࣉᅚ࿐༝ϫ ဗቃᑈ 9ظ෸ 38 Progress in Fetal Medicine Yang Zujing Progress in Pediatric Clinical Care Skills Zhao Huili సࣤࣤ༯࠯ඌ࿐༝ϫ ໱ᤜૼڴ๠ྣaظ 39 Surgical Technique of Child Thoracoscopy and Laparoscopy Wu Yeming ၄࿐࢝࿐࿹࣮ཛଢࠣӮݔބ۲ࠩज़ӱࡹഡ୍ 2014 ყᆷ֝ ഹཫဝ 2014 Programs of Course Construction and Medical Teaching and Researchۄࠣܙ๠ႏအ௟ظਢԵ 40 Clinical Assessment and Intervention Guidance of Child Nutrition Sheng Xiaoyang ྽ݼ ཛଢ଀ӫ Ӯݔ

പࣜຓ॓࿐ࠣҧ੔ָຓ॓࿐ྍࣉᅚ࿐༝ϫ ໱ ᬯ Number Program Awardsع࿐a॓ع 41 Progress in Otology,Neuro-otology and Latera Skull Base Surgery Wu Hao 2014 ࿐v॓ظཚज़ ෤᫧u܋؇ݓࡅࠩࣚ௖ሧჷ୍ 1 ๠൪ܻ࿐ა൪ି࢔ᆞ ेཫৡ 2104 State Excellent Resource Sharing Course Sun Kun, Pediatricsظ 42 Children Optometry and Vision Correction Kang Xiaoli ჭ߄ႇე࢝࿐؟॓ظದҌ஡အ — ࠎႿྍ྘࢝࿐ଆൔ֥॓ظ؇ۚ֩࢝ტഈݚ൧ࠩ࢝࿐Ӯݔؽ֩ࢂ ෤᫧uۚ෍ᇉ୍ 2014 Ѫৰุ൪ຩଇࠥѨᆐᇍྍࣉᅚ ᅵ஡ಅ Second Prize of 2014 Shanghai Higher Education Achievement Award 43 2 ௜෻ܒࡹބൌ࡬v Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Vitreoretinal Disease Zhao Peiquan Sun Kun, High-quality pediatric personnel training—building and practice of ൪ຩଇࠥѨᆐᇍྍࣉᅚ ᅵ஡ಅ diversified pediatric English teaching platform based on new teaching modeظ൪ຩଇѨэࠣႉႼظᄪӁ 44 Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Premature Baby Retinopathy and Infant Retinal Disease Zhao Peiquan 2014 ຓ॓࿐vظ؇ഈݚ൧ࣚ௖ज़ӱ ໱ᤜૼuཬ୍ 3 2014 Shanghai Excellent Course Wu Yeming, Pediatric Surgery ൪೐൪ܿٓ߄ᆐᇍა൭ඌҦ੻ ेཫৡོ 45 2014 ຓ॓࿐vظStandardization treatment and surgical strategy of strabismus amblyopia Kang Xiaoli 4 ୍؇ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽࣚ௖ज़ӱ ໱ᤜૼuཬ 2014 Excellent Course of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Wu Yeming, Pediatric Surgery ഝ႕ཞ࿐࠯ඌਢԵႋႨྍࣉᅚ ລ֨ќڕ໭ބഝڕັ 46 2014 ࿐࢝࿐ᇏ֥ᄎႨv॓ޤа࿳عᄝمProgress in clinical application of micro radiation and non-radiation imaging techniques Wang Dengbin 5 ୍ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽज़ӱࡹഡཛଢ ཟૼਊu౦ࣟଆ୅࢝࿐ 2014 Course Construction Program of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Xiang Mingliang, Application of scene simulation method in otolaryngology teaching ฆ ຦ඎᄉ 2014ંڂ৵࿃࿓၁࣪߄ۚ ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ࢝ҋࡹഡཛଢ ဗቃᑈuຶӁ၄࿐v୍ 6 47 Continuous Blood Purification Forum Wang Shuyun 2014 Textbook Construction Program of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Yang Zujing, Perinatology ๠ࡲू࿹࣮ྍࣉᅚ࿐༝ϫ Ⴥཫօ 2014ظਈႏအ෍აັ ฐษvބཛଢ ഔྍ޿uϖ୍ᇅਢԵ၄࿐࢝࿐׼ุ֝༢ࡹഡ۪ڿഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽЧ॓ᇗׄਢԵ࢝࿐୍ 48 Progress in micronutrients and child health Yu Xiaodan 8 2014 Key Undergraduate Clinical Teaching Reform Program of Shanghai Jiao Shao Xinhua, Construction and discussion of teaching supervision system of ๠പࣜྏ৘௟ࡎ஡࿞ϫ ᅦ࣑඾ Tong University School of Medicine clinical medicine eight-year programظਢԵ 49 Clinical neuropsychological assessment of children Zhang Jinsong 2014 PBL ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ࢝ഽؿᅚཛଢ ഔྍ޿u ࢝࿐֥࢝ഽ஡࿞v୍ 9 2014 Teacher Development Program of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Shao Xinhua, PBL teacher training ࿐ྍࣉᅚ ഫཫૼ॓ظߌ࣢ 50 2014 PBL Progress in Environmental Pediatrics Shen Xiaoming 10 ୍ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ࢝࿐Ӯݔ೘֩ࢂ ਾᆒݓu ଆൔᄝപࣜѨ࿐࢝࿐ᇏ֥ႋႨv Third Prize of Teaching Achievements of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Liu Zhenguo, Application of PBL in neurology teaching ๠ణᇏ׽ٝᇍྍࣉᅚ࿐༝ϫ ࿾Ԍ߉ظ a෤ ᫧č๙࿟ቔᆀĎޞ၄࿐࢝ტܵ৘Ϥ௉Ⴊྮં໓ؽ֩ࢂ ࿏ݚބProgress in Child Lead Poisoning Prevention and Treatment Yan Chonghuai ᇏ޿၄࿐߶၄࿐࢝ტ 51 11 Second Prize of Excellent Papers of Medical Education and Medical Education Xue Haihong,Sun Kun (Corresponding Author) ๠ူ໾ਢԵ൫ဒ࿹ษა஡࿞ ໱ᤜૼ Management of Chinese Medical Associationظ 52 Seminal and training of clinical trials in children Wu Yeming ќ ޅ ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ PBL ࢝σն೗ห֩ࢂ ਢԵူഽᇅࡹഡ֥৘ંაൌ࡬ ᅦ ࡲ ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ PBL ࢝σն೗ؽ֩ࢂ He Bin 53 a۫౗ૹޞTheories and Practice of Clinical Pharmacist Construction Zhang Jian ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ PBL ࢝σն೗೘֩ࢂ ࿏ݚ PBL Xue Haihong, Ge Qinmin Է࠯ඌᄝຓ॓ਵთ֥ႋႨა޹৘ྍࣉᅚ ӧݚဉ ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ ࢝σն೗Ⴊ഻ࢂັ 54 PBL Minimally Invasive Techniques in General Surgery and Nursing Progress Chen Haiyan 12 ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐޹৘࿐ჽֻ೘ࢽ σ২ն೗၂֩ࢂ ཟૼਊaࢊ დ Grand Prize of PBL lesson plan of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Xiang Mingliang,Jiao Yu ઐቊ޹৘ܿٓ߄ܵ৘აᇉਈࡓ॥ ӧݚဉ 55 Second Prize of PBL lesson plan of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine ᇛ 䯁aဗቃᑈ Standardized management and quality control of anesthesia care Chen Haiyan Third Prize of PBL lesson plan of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Zhou Yun,Yang Zujing ৫၄ჽ֥Էྍܵ৘ ྷ໏ݓ Winning prize of PBL lesson plan of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine ৙໏ୡ܄Мࣟ༯ڿྍ၄ 56 Innovation managment of public hospitals under new health care reform Xu Weiguo First Prize of PBL lesson plan of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Nursing Li Weining ࣩ೗ؽ֩ࢂ ྦྷ ᠰۿഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽౝ୍࢝ഽࠎЧ ࣩ೗೘֩ࢂ Xiong Yingۿഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽౝ୍࢝ഽࠎЧ ࣩ೗Ⴊ഻ࢂ ஌຿޿ۿഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽౝ୍࢝ഽࠎЧ Second Prize of young teachers basic skills competition of Shanghai Jiao Tong Pan Weihua 2014 ୍൧ࠩ࠿࿃࢝ტཛଢ University School ۫ ྋaᅵ ࢱ 13 2014 Municipal Continuous Medical Education Programs Third Prize of young teachers basic skills competition of Shanghai Jiao Tong Ge Xin, Zhao Jie ᄳದ University Schoolڵ ྽ݼ ཛଢ଀ӫ Number Program Leader Winning prize of young teachers basic skills competition of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School ڌࢺೆ࠯ඌᄝྏ࿓ܵଽ֥॓ᄎႨࠣ޹৘ࣉᅚ ਾ߰ܵ֝ 1 Application and Nursing Progress of Catheter interventional technology in Cardiovascular Medicinewww Liu Huifeng ࢽසೀဲᆜྙຓ॓ౝ୍၄ഽંฆႪྮં໓ࢂ ઔཫ಴ੂֻ 14 Excellent Paper Prize of 6th Song Yaoru Plastic Surgery Young Doctors Forum Ma Xiaorong

  ሙߦᆑቃ ྍ৫॓࿹ཛଢ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH New Research Programs Developed ߄֥ቔႨࠣࠏᇅ ိᇆ಴ٳࢫྟ T ༥Іטवၹ՜ࣉหႋྟ௃က؟S ◆ ০ Effect and mechanism of lidocaine promotion on the differentiation of regulatory T cells in atopic dermatitis Yao Zhirong ሰࠏᇅ ჯཟਊٳ॥ PKR-p38 ྐݼ๙ਫ਼ၝᇅ໇δ౓༛ሇ၍֥ט ୠಷࢋ֑Ϣ GSN The molecular mechnism of GSN-inhibited gastric cancer cell invasion and metastasis via PKR-p38 signaling pathway Yuan Xiangliang э֝ᇁ٫ࠔӮ༸ົ༥Іࠞྟ௥ߊᄝ BPD ؿѨᇏ֥ቔႨაࠏᇅ ᅦႚफڿ科研项目 Csk / Src ࠃྟ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PROGRAMS Csk / Src signaling regulates alveolar myofibroblasts polarity: involvement of pathogenesis of BPD Zhang Yongjun ଽᇉຩႋࠗࢺ֝ሱൠᄝᅦ৯Ⴚ֝ሒࡗ஍๼эᇏ֥ቔႨࠣఃࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ᅦᄁߩ The mechanism of endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated autophagy in intervertebral disc degeneration induced by tension Zhang Yuehui ྍ৫॓࿹ཛଢ ܱ࡯ࠎၹᄝభ๖പࣜేଇਿଵྟэᇏ֥ؿགྷࠣఃቔႨࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ᅦᇍ޿ New Research Programs Developed Discovery of key genes and study of their effect mechanism on cystic formation of vestibular schwannoma Zhang Zhihua

॥ࠣఃཌྷܱࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ᅵ஡ಅט൪ຩଇѨэؿളؿᅚᇏ֥ظ࠹ 4386 ຣჭ ༥Іຓ࿖ߌ microRNAs ᄝᄪӁ܋حሹٮྍ৫ݓࡅࠩ॓࿹ཛଢ 58 ཛđࣜ The study on circulating microRNAs in the regulation and mechanism of retinopathy of prematurity Zhao Peiquan ॓࠯҆ 863 ࠹߃ज़ี 1 ཛ /977 ຣ ሰࠏᇅ ᆢႥ޿ٳބࢫቔႨט༥Іᇍਏࠤྟ٫෥ഄᇏ֥ۄෝࡗԉᇉܠކ৳National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program) Rbp1 ᄝห઎༥І The regulative effects and molecular mechanism of Rbp1 on the therapy of acute lung injury by telocytes combined with mesenchymal stem Zhen Yonghua

ყ࿹࣮ ա ੃ cellsۄࢲᆰӋδਏིაყު஑؎ཌྷܱ૧ၦ༥І࿰ಕࠣ૧ၦၹሰ֥ೱ࿊ა Cui Long NE ᯒ৳ၳӈіղ Nav1.8 ᄝ૫പࣜၳ໊׮ቔ׈໊Ӂളᇏ֥ቔႨ ᇘ ल 1 /517 ቔህཛཛଢ ཛ ຣ Mechanisms underlying norepinephrinergic modulation of Nav1.8 and ectopic spike generation in facial nerve Zhong Junކ࠯҆ݓ࠽॓ International cooperation program of Ministry of Science and Technology ݓࡅሱಖ॓࿐ࠎࣁčౝ୍ཛଢĎ 28 ཛ /642 ຣ (ቔ࿹ؿ ຦຿ြ National Nature Science Fund(Youth Programކཚ௜෻֥ᇏࡆ܋ᇏྏਢԵ࿹࣮ྐ༏؟ Establishing a Platform for Clinical Research Data Sharing to Facilitate Multi-center Collaboration by China-Canada Joint Effort Wang Weiye ളӉࠣᄪӁ֥ቔႨࠣࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ӧ օظಠ໾֥ࢌ޺ቔႨؓ෸ۄ૟ٳࠎၹ MICA ၌Ԯэၳࠣఃაߌ࣢ଽظ෸ 1 / ཛ The role of genetic variation in MICA and its interaction with environmental endocrine disruptors in fetal growth and preterm birh and relative Chen Dan ݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁཛଢčᇗն࿹࣮࠹߃  ᇗׄᆦӻཛଢ National Nature Science Fund(major research program/key supporting program ) biological mechanism ࿹࣮ ਾ႖ќିۿLncRNA-LINC01133 ቔႨࠏᇅၛࠣᄝ։ଵδᇏ ພ௹บ߄ᇔଌӁ໾ AGEs ՜ࣉ༥Іᄹᆲ֥ࠏ৘࿹࣮ ӧݥᑹ The mechanism and biological role of LncRNA-LINC01133 in gallbladder cancer Liu Yinbin Study on the mechanism of advanced glycation end productsčAGEsĎpromoting cell proliferation Chen Hanbei 27 ཛ /1950 ຣ ݓࡅሱಖࠎࣁཛଢč૫ഈཛଢ ሇ၍ᇏ֥ቔႨࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ӧ ߲ބ॥ SEMA3E ᄝ໇δ༥ІളӉטቆ֑Ϣၙ᳿߄ / ಀၙ᳿߄ሇ੣ National Nature Science Fund(General Program) The role and mechanism of histone cetylation/deacetylation Cheng Hui ࿰ದ၌ԮྟྏࠔѨᇏ֥ᇁѨቔႨࠣఃࠏ৘ ӧ ࢱ transcriptionally regulating SEMA3E on gastric cancer cell growth and metastasisתDelta-Sarcoglycan ࠎၹ֥ਆ۱ྍ๬эᄝ Effects and Underlying Mechanism of Two Novel Mutation/Polymorphism in delta-Sarcoglycan Gene in Inherited Cardiomyopathy Chen Jie ݓׯנ ๠പࣜྛູؿტ֥႕ཙظႵࠏਠ୪ူВ੝ؓ௹ظ෸ ᅰθᇏ֥ቔႨࠣࠏᇅ ӧ඀ဇ Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides on Children's Neurobehavioral Development Ding Guohuiିۿ MeCP2 ᄝᄹਭྟ EPCs Role and mechanisms of MeCP2 for dysfunction of ageing EPCs Chen Shuyan ᵣᡀנ Ѩ SREBPs ྐݼ๙ਫ਼ᇏቔႨࠏᇅ֥࿹࣮ۉNotch3 ᄝ٤ࣵࣚྟᆫٛྟ ᄜളࠣఃࠏᇅ֥࿹࣮ ؄ᆽႧ The effect of Notch3 on SREBPs signal pathway in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Ding Wenjingۉෝଽ௃భุ༥І՜ࣉཬุࠒ၍ᆱܠބ༥Іۄෝࡗԉᇉܠݖіղ CXCR4 ࠎၹ֥ކ৳ Study the mechanism of small-for-size liver graft regeneration after combination mesenchymal stem cells overexpressing CXCR4 and bone Du Zhiyong ٚ ڈ ߄֥႕ཙࠏᇅ࿹࣮ٳ߄྘ࡊሑཆδാٳTSHR ྐݼ๙ਫ਼ؓ marrow endothelial precursor cells infusion Research of the effect mechanism of TSHR signaling pathway in the dedifferentiation of differentiated thyroid carcinoma Feng Fang က֥ٝᇍ࿹࣮ ٓࡹۚۉ๙ݖ “ Ӌ֡ऩಕ၍ᆱ ” ᇗࡹᅔଇ૧ၦ໗෿ؓ٤ࣵࣚྟᆫٛྟ ࣡ ۄ ໾ᄝၳ׮ᆡնඊ D1R/ERK/mTORC1 ๙ਫ਼ᇏ֥ቔႨ The role of D1R/Shp-2 complex in D1R/ERK/mTORC1 signal pathway ofކگ D1R/Shp-2 Experiment of reconstruction of mucous immunity homestasis by fecal microbiota transplantation in the preventation and treatment of Fan Jiangao dyskinesia rats Gan Jing nonalcoholic steatohepatitis ᅰθྟࠥѨ֥ൌဒ࿹࣮ ޽ཫਞିۿelastin ࠎၹྩ൥֥ BMSCs ᄝ bFGF ବ૜ߏ൤༢๤Ⴚ֝༯ᇿഝᇍਏனָ Notch MSCs COPD ॥ቔႨ ݒ࿒ब The study of minimal invasive treatment on pelvic floor dysfunction using elastin gene modified BMSCs induced by controlled release bFGF Hua Xiaolinטᇏ֥گݼ๙ਫ਼ᄝ ؓ ഈ௃༥Іྩྐ Mensenchymal stem cells repair epithelial cells in COPD through Notch signaling pathway Guo Xuejun nano-microspheres ࠎၹྩ൥Ϣ࿓Ѩ༥ІІຓุ֥ള໾หྟࠣఃॆϢ࿓Ѩ૧ၦིႋ֥࿹࣮ ݹනݓ ളଁᄪ௹ PFOS ูս௖В੝ᇁപࣜؿტ׽ྟ֥႕ཙࠣఃࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ߛৡ෍ Study on the biological properties and anti-leukemia immunities of gene-modified leukemia cell-derived exosoems Hao Siguo The effects of PFOS alternative on developmental neurotoxicity Huang lisu ќ ޅ චϛཟବ૜߄ miRNA-204 ᇍਏྏࠔಌ࿓ᄜܹᇿ෥ഄ֥ࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ڂ ॥֥ྐݼࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ࡻטPI3K-Akt-mTOR ྐݼ๙ਫ਼׮෿ҕაδ๥ Mechanistic studies of therapeutic effects of a novel dual-target nanolized miRNA-204 on myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury He Bin The study of the mechanisms underlying cancer pain dynamically mediated by PI3K-Akt-mTOR cascades Jiang Feng ሱദ૧ၦॆุ֥Ⴚ֝ቔႨ ৙޿ќބ ๙ਫ਼֥ࠃ߄ Th17 ༥Іؓа༏ಽቆᆮᇏ సຩଇሇ၍֥ቔႨࠣࠏᇅ ࢀ ৞ڴᆫٛූս྆๙ਫ਼ FASN/FABP4 ՜ࣉ੸ӗδ # Li Huabin The role and mechanism of omental metastases of ovarian cancer mediated by the fatty acid metabolism pathway FASN/FABP4 Jiang Li ሰࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ৙ ૼٳPOFUT1 ࠎၹ๬э֝ᇁ೤෍ၳӈ ༢ࠣఃᇁѨࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ৙ ৅ܱ֥ྟۋ෿ྟაэႋྟаက၌Ԯၞ؟CRTH2 ࠎၹ Research on the molecular mechanism of pigmentation anomalies caused by POFUT1 Lin Min Study of single nucleotide polymorphisms of CRTH2 with allergic rhinitis and the mechanism of pathogenic Li Lei mGluR5 ๙ݖ PKC/ERK/c-Rel ྐݼ๙ਫ਼ҕაஂࣁ೦Ѩၳ׮ᆡؿളࠣᇍਏࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ਾᆒݓ ॥։ଵδഈ௃ࡗᇉሇ߄čEMTĎ֥ࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ৙઴ᖴט NLK mGluR5 is involved in the progressing and therapy of Parkinson's disease with dyskinesia via PKC/ERK/c-Rel signal pathway Liu Zhenguo The mechanism of NLK regulating epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMT) in gallbladder cancer Li Maolan ყ࿹࣮ Modification of HSC-derived ஌ ౗ۄ༸ົ߄֥ۉؓ " ሑ༥Іჷྟ exosome ၛᇗෑ " ༥Іࡗ๙࿟ຩ઎ྒۉ൥ྩކ৳ ෍amiR-122ކᆜ ᆫٛූؓ၏֛ ༥І֥Ќ޹ቔႨࠣఃࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ਟ ୡބ҂Ў 6$<1@ Pan Qin Lin Ning ࠎႿ SPR ࠯ඌ࿹࣮ٜඣᇏϛၹሰᄝྍള࿓ܵྟ AMD ࠥѨᇏ֥ᇁѨࠏ৘ ம ౢ ੢ۿCHOP ᄝᮖ᭵ଽᇉຩႋࠗଷ෥ഄᇏ֥ቔႨࠣఃྐݼࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ਾ Investigate the machenism of neovascular AMD by checking the target factors in the aqueous humor based on SPR technique Peng Qing The role of CHOP on endoplasmic reticulum stress mediated epileptic brain injury and its possible signal mechanism Liu Gonglu ࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ఫਟ༗֥گ։࿷၇ঠᆫٛઽ๙ݖ Wnt ྐݼ๙ਫ਼՜ࣉӋᬪଇഈ௃༥І෥ഄྩ ༥ІຓࠎᇉӦࠒ࿹࣮ದҕᄰᓸ Rg1 ؓ COPD ؿളؿᅚ֥ቔႨࠣࠏᇅ ਾ ఩ބࠎႿഈ௃ࡗԉᇉሇ߄ The effect of bile salt dependent lipase on the recovery of intestinal epithelium through Wnt signaling pathway after intestinal failure Qian Linxi Mechanism study of the chemopreventive effects of Ginsenoside Rg1 in COPD from the stand points of pithelial mesenchymal transition and Liu Qian ࢫ϶ᄅϰ༥Іሱൠࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ഫ ӑ deposition of extracellular matrixטบߌ࣢ۚ The research focused on the mechanism of high glucose-regulated autophagy in meniscal cells Shen Chao ૜୶ߌ෍ؓ௃Ҫ༯ಌ࿓ྟ࿓ܵྟӺշ֥Ќ޹ቔႨࠣࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ઔ ប ྍࠏᇅ ഫӮྖ The effect of minocycline on oligodendrocyte in the subcorticalischemic vascular dementia Ma Jing֥گඵྏࠔྩۼ૟ຓ૟ุؓࠤྟྏࠔٳऍൠ༥І - ނວ MSCs Տࠗֆד New mechanisms of macrophages' exosomes stimulated by apoptotic MSCs on myocardial repairation after acute myocardial infarction Shen Chengxing ༸ົ߄ྙӮᇏ֥ቔႨ࿹࣮ െէէۉሑ༥Іࠃ߄і྘ົӻࠣྒۉCTGF ࠎၹ֮ࡊࠎ߄ᄝ RGD ᥴྩ൥ਈሰׄᄝ၏ཆδܻ׮৯ᇍਏᇏ֥ቔႨࠣࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ྷূ૾ Stduy of the role of CTGF gene hypomethylation in maintenance of hepatic stellate cell activation phenotype and liver fibrogenesis Shi Cuicui Effects and mechanisms of quantum dots-RGD on photodynamic therapy of pancreatic cancer Xu Leimin ০Ⴈຓཁቆҩ྽ؓ҂ૼჰၹᇆᅰࡅ༢၌ԮМ֥ࣟ࿹࣮ ෤ ᤗ В੝෮ᇁնଷ௃Ҫപࣜ༥Іథ၍ᅰθ֥႕ཙ ࿾Ԍ߉ The study on the genetic background of intellectual disability families with unknown disease-causing mutations by exome sequencing Sun Hao܈DHA ؓؿტ௹ࡊࠎ The effects of DHA on disruption of migration of cortical by developmental exposure of methylmercury Yan Chonghuai э֥ཌ৬ุ֑Ϣᇉቆ࿐࿹࣮ ໏ ពذყ१సϢϪۄ օٰූ B ॥ቔႨ ဗ फ Mitochondrial proteomic study of salvianolic acid B on oral leukoplakia carcinogenesis Wei Jieטֆ໊ؓ๐तؿტ֥ିۿ༣৵ࢤ֑Ϣ -P2 ᕷᔒ൳ุډ -ATP The regulatory role of ATP-gap junction protein-P2 purinoceptor as a function unit in the auditory development Yang Jun

  ྍ৫॓࿹ཛଢ SCI论文 New Research Programs Developed SCI Published ࿹࣮ ཯ Ѣିۿ॥྽ਙ֥טཌྷܱקSOX9 ࠎၹഈႳ 67-kb ౵თଽაྟљथ Function study of the regulatory elements in a 67-kb region upstream of SOX9 associated with sex determination Xiao Bing ◎共发表 S C I论文 277 篇,其中影响因子 3 分以上的文章为 102 篇 ෥ݝࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ཯Ⴅศ A total of 227 papaers have been published and indexed by SCI. 102 papers were indexed by journals with 3ۉ॥  ྐݼ๙ਫ਼ؓӋຓႏအཌྷܱט miR-200a ]<$$ $$1 Xiao Yongtao or above IF. ႕ཙࠣཌྷܱࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ྸ დ֥ିۿ൪ຩଇѨэଆ྘ඊ൪ຩଇࢋᇉ༥ІظEPO/EPOR ؓᄪӁ Xu Yu The role and mechanism research of erythropoietin and its receptor in the retinal astrocytes of oxygen induced retinopathy model mice ໓଀ӫ ௹़଀ӫ ႕ཙၹሰ ֻ၂ቔᆀ ๙࿟ቔᆀં ࢫቔႨࠣఃა೐ࣚᆡؿളࠏᇅ֥ܱ༢ ᅦ ᬯ Topic Journal Impact Factor First Author Corresponding AuthorטcAMP- ֑Ϣࠗઽ A ྐݼ๙ਫ਼ؓࣚሰିਈս֥྆ ഫཫૼ و The cAMP – protein kinase A pathway regulates energy production in spermatozoa and its role in asthenospermia Zhang Hao Towards evidence-based public health policy in China LANCET 39.207 ࡾ Jiang Fan Shen Xiaoming ְ ሇ߄ᇏ֥ቔႨࠏᇅ࿹࣮ `#<L_{ ᇛྟذऩႺؿ։֡ഈ௃ۆL_ ᄝႩ૊઄># malignant transformation of biliary epithelium Zhou Di Mutations in POFUT1, Encoding Protein O-fucosyltransferase 1, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN 10.987 ৙ ૼ ိᇆ಴ Cause Generalized Dowling-Degos Disease GENETICS Li Ming Yao Zhirong ႋࠗሑ෿༯໇δ༥Іۚіղଽᇉຩ྘ AGR2 ֑Ϣ՜ࣉᇖਿࣉᅚ֥ࠏᇅ࿹࣮ ᇛᄒᧃ Endoplasmic reticulum-resident AGR2 promotes gastric cancer progression by protecting cancer cell from endoplasmic reticulum stress Zhou Yunxian ATF3 Suppresses Metastasis of Bladder Cancer by Regulating CANCER RESEARCH 9.284 ჯཟਊ ഫ৫඾ Gelsolin-Mediated Remodeling of the Actin Cytoskeleton Yuan Xiangliang Shen Lisong ҕაၳӈࠔّႋྙӮ ᇫ ࣋ܒപࣜᇗۋ૫പࣜၳӈԮ֝๙ਫ਼ྙӮ֥ࠏᇅ࿹࣮ : ࢌ תThe mechanism research of abnormal pathway between facial nerve fiber: relationship of sympathetic nerve remodeling and abnormal muscle Zhu Jing Nitric oxide inhibits autophagy in human chondrocytes: Comment ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM 7.871 ഫ ӑ ӧཫ response on the article by Sasaki et al Shen Chao Chen Xiaodong A 3-Year-Old Girl with Frequent Nose Bleeds CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 7.768 ࣁ஦஦ ഫ৫඾ Jin Peipei Shen Lisong Childhood Lead Poisoning in China: Challenges and Opportunities ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 7.029 ࿾Ԍ߉ ࿾Ԍ߉ PERSPECTIVES Yan Chonghuai Yan Chonghuai Prevalent and Rare Mutations in IL-36RN Gene in Chinese Patients JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE 6.372 ৙ ૼ ိᇆ಴ with Generalized Pustular Psoriasis and Psoriasis Vulgaris DERMATOLOGY Li Ming Yao Zhirong Low- or High-Dose Radioiodine Remnant Ablation for JOURNAL OF CLINICAL 6.31 ӱົົ ຦ߩ 科研获奖 Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma: A Meta-Analysis ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM Cheng Weiwei Wang Hui Scientific Research Awards Exposure to supernatants of macrophages that phagocytized INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF 6.175 ੤໓ћ ഫӮྖ dead mesenchymal stem cells improves hypoxic cardiomyocytes CARDIOLOGY Lu Wenbin Shen Chengxing survival Preexposure to PM2.5 exacerbates acute viral myocarditis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF 6.175 ࢳზಅ ࢳზಅ ࢂཛ଀ӫ ஆ଀ ࢂཛ଀ӫ ࢂཛ଀ӫ associated with Th17 cell CARDIOLOGY Xie Yuquan Xie Yuquan Award Ranking Program Name Award Regional Anesthesia for Cataract Surgery reply OPHTHALMOLOGY 6.17 ᅵ৫ಆ ᇫߢ ႏအᆦӻࠎԤ࿹࣮აਢԵႋႨ ғ ຯ Zhao Liquan Zhu Huangظ࢝ტ҆ۚ֩࿐཮॓࿐࿹࣮ႪྮӮݔࢂč๷ܼĎ ؽ֩ࢂ າᇗྍള College Scientific Research Excellent Results Award Second Prize Basic research and clinical application of nutrition Cai Wei miR-200b inhibits TGF-beta 1-induced epithelial-mesenchymal CELL DEATH & DISEASE 5.177 ӧ႖຿a཯Ⴅศ ғຯ support for critically ill neonates transition and promotes growth of intestinal epithelial cells Chen Yingwei, Cai Wei ࠯ࣉ҄ࢂ ၂֩ࢂ ๐പࣜਿᇍਏҦ੻֥ࠎԤ࿹࣮აਢԵႋႨ ໱ ᬯ Xiao Yongtao॓ބഈݚ൧࠯ඌؿૼ Shanghai technical invention and science technology Progress First Prize Basic research and clinical application of therapeutic Wu Hao Activation of TLR4 signaling promotes gastric cancer progression CELL DEATH & DISEASE 5.177 ჯཟਊaᇛᄒᧃ ഫ৫඾ Award strategies for acoustic neuroma by inducing mitochondrial ROS production Yuan Xiangliang , Shen Lisong ഈݚ၄࿐॓࠯ࢂ ೘֩ࢂ భਙཆδႪ߄ԬՏٚσࠣ౓༛ྟყҩ֥ਢԵ๷ܼႋ ӧ࿰ౝ Zhou Yunlan Shanghai Medical Technology Prize Third Prize Ⴈ Chen Yaqing ᅦफ ྮڌRecurrence of adverse perinatal outcomes in developing countries BULLETIN OF THE WORLD HEALTH 5.112 ୸ဝ Clinical application of puncturing scheme optimization ORGANIZATION Ouyang Fengxiu Zhang Jun and invasive prediction in prostate cancer Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome: Report of 2 cases and a JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN 5.004 ᅦ ߱ ိᇆ಴ novel LMNA mutation of HGPS in China ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY Zhang Hui Yao Zhirong Invited Commentary: The Incremental Value of Customization in AMERICAN JOURNAL OF 4.975 ᅦ फ ᅦफ Defining Abnormal Fetal Growth Status EPIDEMIOLOGY Zhang Jun Zhang Jun Neonatal Bilirubin Levels and Childhood Asthma in the US AMERICAN JOURNAL OF 4.975 ߛৡ෍aД၂ཱ ᅦफ Collaborative Perinatal Project, 1959-1965 EPIDEMIOLOGY Huang Lisu, Bao Yixiao Zhang Jun ڂ൱ಃህ০ ERCP with retrieval balloon-assisted enterography using traditional GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY 4.9 ሌ ૼ ຦࿒ Authorized Patents duodenoscope in post-GI surgery patients Zhuang Ming Wang Xuefeng ݓህ০ 1ཛ Chronic Constriction Injury Induced Long-Term Changes in PAIN PHYSICIAN 4.766 ୡ ৡ ຦ႇ຿ૅ Authorized American Patents Spontaneous Membrane-Potential Oscillations in Anterior Ning Li Wang Yingwei ᇏݓؿૼህ০ 18ཛ Cingulate Cortical Neurons in Vivo Authorized Chinese Patents Efficacy of Pulsed Radiofrequency in the Treatment of Thoracic PAIN PHYSICIAN 4.766 ઔ ॏ ຦ႇ຿ Postherpetic Neuralgia from the Angulus Costae: A Randomized, Ma Ke Wang Yingwei ᇏݓൌႨྍ྘ህ০ 8ཛ Authorized Chinese New Practice Patents Double-Blinded, Controlled Trial ၂ ғຯ ڈ Alteration in methylation pattern of GATA-4 promoter region in JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL 4.592 vitamin A-deficient offspring's heart BIOCHEMISTRY Feng Yi Cai Wei ת࠿ြ ӧཫޅ Sympathetic neuron can promote osteoblast differentiation CELLULAR SIGNALLING 4.471 through BMP signaling pathway He Jiye Chen Xiaodong Relationships between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and BONE 4.461 Ⴥཫօ Ⴥཫօ quantitative ultrasound bone mineral density in 0-6 year old Yu Xiaodan Yu Xiaodan children ྮڌ୸ဝ ྮڌPlacental Weight Mediates the Effects of Prenatal Factors on Fetal OBESITY 4.389 ୸ဝ Growth: The Extent Differs by Preterm Status Ouyang Fengxiu Ouyang Fengxiu BlyS: a potential hallmark of multiple myeloma FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE- 4.249 ລ ௛ ഫ৫඾ LANDMARK Wang Ping Shen Lisong ཫѰ ိᇆ಴ڈ Rapid Differentiation of Cryptic Species within Cryptococcus gattii JOURNAL OF CLINICAL 4.232 by a Duplex PCR Assay MICROBIOLOGY Feng Xiaobo Yao Zhirong

  ໓଀ӫ ௹़଀ӫ ႕ཙၹሰ ֻ၂ቔᆀ ๙࿟ቔᆀ ં໓଀ӫ ௹़଀ӫ ႕ཙၹሰ ֻ၂ቔᆀ ๙࿟ቔᆀં Topic Journal Impact Factor First Author Corresponding Author Topic Journal Impact Factor First Author Corresponding Author ཫѰ ိᇆ಴ Epidemiology of alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 3.627 ٓࡹۚڈ Development of a Singleplex PCR Assay for Rapid Identification JOURNAL OF CLINICAL 4.232 and Differentiation of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii, MICROBIOLOGY Feng Xiaobo Yao Zhirong China AND HEPATOLOGY Fan Jiangao Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans, Cryptococcus gattii, Role of diet and nutritional management in non-alcoholic fatty JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 3.627 ٓࡹۚ and Hybrids liver disease AND HEPATOLOGY Fan Jiangao ཫᏭ ਾᆒݓޠ Novel preparation method for sustained-release PLGA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF 4.195 microspheres using water-in-oil-in-hydrophilic-oil-in-water NANOMEDICINE Hong Xiaoyun Liu Zhenguo Estradiol inhibits osteoblast apoptosis via promotion of autophagy APOPTOSIS 3.614 ဗᄀ޿ ࢀূള emulsion through the ER-ERK-mTOR pathway Yang Yuehua Jiang Leisheng Porous microsphere and its applications INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF 4.195 ғᄉவ ਾᆒݓ Genetic Variants in 2q31 and 5p15 Are Associated With Aggressive PROSTATE 3.566 ఊᵻ ఊᵻ NANOMEDICINE Cai Yunpeng Liu Zhenguo Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in a Chinese Population Qi Jun Qi Junw ໱ᤜૼ ڃ࿐ٓ The Combined Effect of Retinoic Acid and LSD1 siRNA Inhibition CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND 3.55 ྷݓܤDemographics, diagnosis and treatment of 256 patients with JOURNAL OF INHERITED 4.138 ွ फa tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency in mainland China: results of a METABOLIC DISEASE Ye Jun, Gu Xuefan on Cell Death in the Human Neuroblastoma Cell Line SH-SY5Y BIOCHEMISTRY Xu Guofeng Wu Yeming ٙЏנ retrospective, multicentre study The Role of Aquaporin 1 Activated by cGMP in Myocardial Edema CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND 3.55 IL36RN gene mutations are not associated with sporadic BRITISH JOURNAL OF 4.1 ৙ ૼ ိᇆ಴ Caused by Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Sheep BIOCHEMISTRY Ding Fangbao generalized pustular psoriasis in Chinese patients DERMATOLOGY Li Ming Yao Zhirong A Potential Relationship among Beta-Defensins Haplotype, SOX7 PLOS ONE 3.534 ੃٦aລ༐᠞ ྷಞaӧ෦ Analyses of FLG mutation frequency and filaggrin expression in BRITISH JOURNAL OF 4.1 ৙ ૼ ိᇆ಴ Duplication and Cardiac Defects Long Fei, Wang Xike Xu Rang, isolated ichthyosis vulgaris (IV) and atopic dermatitis-associated IV DERMATOLOGY Li Ming Yao Zhirong Chen Sun ޞဇۚ ޞLoss-of-function mutation in AAGAB in Chinese families with BRITISH JOURNAL OF 4.1 ৙ ૼ ိᇆ಴ Crosstalk between Wnt/beta-Catenin and Estrogen Receptor PLOS ONE 3.534 ۚဇ punctuate palmoplantar keratoderma DERMATOLOGY Li Ming Yao Zhirong Signaling Synergistically Promotes Osteogenic Differentiation of Gao Yanhong Gao Yanhong Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells Elevated serum IL-22 levels correlate with chemoresistant CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 3.992 ໱๖ზaա ੃ ৙ࣁૼ condition of colorectal cancer Wu Tingyu, Cui Long Li Jinming Efficacy and Safety Profile of Combining Vandetanib with PLOS ONE 3.534 โ᠚ ӧනდ Chemotherapy in Patients with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Tian Wei Chen Siyu Roles of histone hypoacetylation in LAT expression on T cells and JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL 3.991 ৙Ӯြaம ङ ݒ࿒ब Cancer: A Meta-Analysis Th2 polarization in allergic asthma MEDICINE Li Chengye, Guo Xuejun No Association between TGFB1 Polymorphisms and Late PLOS ONE 3.534 ᇫૅਪ ᆢ৅ᆋ Peng Juan Radiotherapy Toxicity: A Meta-Analysis Zhu Meiling Zheng Leizhen ઔ ࢭ ڂMiR-92b inhibitor promoted glioma cell apoptosis via targeting JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL 3.991 ৙అ ෤᫧ ޞDKK3 and blocking the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway MEDICINE Li Qifeng Ma Jie 3C3R Modified PBL Pediatric Teaching of Chinese Medical PLOS ONE 3.534 ࿏ݚ Students Xue Haihong Sun Kun A role for p21-activated kinase 7 in the development of gastric FEBS JOURNAL 3.986 ܤ प ਾ႖ќ cancer Gu Jun Liu Yingbin Sleep, School Performance, and a School-Based Intervention PLOS ONE 3.534 ৙ള߰ ഫཫૼ among School-Aged Children: A Sleep Series Study in China Li Shenghui Shen Xiaoming Genetic etiology study of the non-syndromic deafness in Chinese ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE 3.958 ဗ ม ໱ ᬯ Hans by targeted next-generation sequencing DISEASES Yang Tao Wu Hao The Apgar Score and Infant Mortality PLOS ONE 3.534 ৙ᧁ ᅦफ Li Fei Zhang Jun ࿐ٓܤ Identification of a distinct mutation spectrum in the SMPD1 ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE 3.958 ᅦ߲໓ ࿐ٓaᅦ߲໓ܤ gene of Chinese patients with acid sphingomyelinase-deficient DISEASES Zhang Huiwen Gu Xuefan Impaired Glucose Tolerance in a Mouse Model of Sidt2 Deficiency PLOS ONE 3.534 ۚࡁਟ Niemann-Pick disease Gao Jialin Gu Xuefan, Zhang Huiwen Elevated cord serum manganese level is associated with a ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 3.951 Ⴥཫօ Ⴥཫօ neonatal high ponderal index Yu Xiaodan Yu Xiaodan Inhibition of STAT3 Reduces Astrocytoma Cell Invasion and PLOS ONE 3.534 ਃౕԫ ઔࢭ Constitutive Activation of STAT3 Predicts Poor Prognosis in Human Liang Qinchuan Ma Jie Study of Astragalus mongholicus polysaccharides on endothelial CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS 3.916 ᆢᄎࡾ Astrocytoma cells permeability induced by HMGB1 Zheng Yunjiang Direct Transformation of Lung Microenvironment by Interferon- PLOS ONE 3.534 ሌவჹ Levels of prenatal mercury exposure and their relationships to ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 3.902 ݒЌ఼aғൗᇑ ࿾Ԍ߉ a Treatment Counteracts Growth of Lung Metastasis of Zhuang Pengyuan neonatal anthropometry in Wujiang City, China Guo Baoqiang, Yan Chonghuai Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cai Shizhong Delivery of Therapeutic AGT shRNA by PEG-Bu for Hypertension PLOS ONE 3.534 ຦ზ఼ ӧ඀ဇ ݓׯ ᅦ फ Therapy Wang Yuqiang Chen Shuyanנ Application of A global reference for fetal-weight and birthweight BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL 3.862 percentiles in predicting infant mortality JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND Ding Guodong Zhang Jun High-Maintenance-Dose Clopidogrel in Patients Undergoing PLOS ONE 3.534 ӧᤗ ᅦ࿰ӡ GYNAECOLOGY Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Systematic Review and Chen Yu Zhang Yachen Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing C-X-C Chemokine LIVER TRANSPLANTATION 3.793 ਾ႖ќ Meta-Analysis Receptor Type 4 Improve Early Liver Regeneration of Small-for- Liu Yingbin Diabetes and Perinatal Mortality in Twin Pregnancies PLOS ONE 3.534 ઍᇑӴ ઍᇑӴ Size Liver Grafts Luo Zhongcheng Luo Zhongcheng Local antitumor effects of intratumoral delivery of rlL-2 loaded INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF 3.785 ᅵݚ௜ ਾᆒݓ ༩᤟ ݒ࿒बۥ sustained-release dextran/PLGA-PLA core/shell microspheres PHARMACEUTICS Zhao Haiping Liu Zhenguo Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Associated with Cardiovascular and PLOS ONE 3.534 All-Cause Mortality? Ge Xiahui Guo Xuejun Effect of Different Depths of Anesthesia on Perioperative CNS NEUROSCIENCE & 3.784 ဗ৘ె ຦ႇ຿ תStress Response in Children Undergoing Adenoidectomy and THERAPEUTICS Yang Liqiao Wang Yingwei A Comparative Study of Clinicopathological Features between PLOS ONE 3.534 ᇛְ ຦ࡲ Tonsillectomy Chronic Cholecystitis Patients with and without Helicobacter Zhou Di Wang Jiandong pylori Infection in Gallbladder Mucosa SRD5A1 and SRD5A2 are Associated with Treatment for Benign JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 3.753 ܤ ྋ ఊ ᵻ Prostatic Hyperplasia with the Combination of 5 alpha-Reductase Gu Xin Gu Xin Association of GRM7 Variants with Different Phenotype Patterns PLOS ONE 3.534 ઍ޿ࢭ ߛᇍ໾ Inhibitors and alpha-Adrenergic Receptor Antagonists of Age-Related Hearing Impairment in an Elderly Male Han Luo Huajie Huang Zhiwu Chinese Population ಆޣۻ Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy is Effective in Treating JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 3.753 ࡉࡹြ Single Melamine Induced Urolithiasis in Infants and Young Jia Jianye Gen Hongquan Common Genetic Variations in Patched1 (PTCH1) Gene and Risk of PLOS ONE 3.534 ຦ဝ ຦म Children Hirschsprung Disease in the Han Chinese Population Wang Yang Wang Jun Low level prenatal exposure to methylmercury disrupts neuronal TOXICOLOGY 3.745 ݒЌ఼ ࿾Ԍ߉ Imbalanced Frequencies of Th17 and Treg Cells in Acute Coronary PLOS ONE 3.534 ઔ᝷߰aჯཟਊ ഫ৫඾ migration in the developing rat cerebral cortex Guo Baoqiang Yan Chonghuai Syndromes Are Mediated by IL-6-STAT3 Signaling Ma Yanhui, Shen Lisong Yuan Xiangliang ېOverexpression of sema3a in myocardial infarction border zone JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND 3.698 ӧಥ޿ ৙ၪ ېdecreases vulnerability of ventricular tachycardia post-myocardial MOLECULAR MEDICINE Chen Renhua Li Yigang Serum Lipoprotein(a) Positively Correlates with Coronary Artery PLOS ONE 3.534 ࢀၭѯ ᅦ඾a৙ၪ infarction in rats Calcification in Low-Risk Chinese Han Patients: A Study from a Jiang Yibo Zhang Song, Single Center Li Yigang Screening for Retinopathy of Prematurity in China: A Neonatal INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY 3.661 ྸ დ ᅵ஡ಅ Units-Based Prospective Study & VISUAL SCIENCE Xu Yu Zhao Peiquang Downregulation of MicroRNA-130a Contributes to Endothelial PLOS ONE 3.534 ૔ൽ ૔ൽ Progenitor Cell Dysfunction in Diabetic Patients via Its Target Meng Shu Meng Shu Novel missense mutations of WNK1 in patients with hypokalemic CLINICAL GENETICS 3.652 ᅦ 䐴 ᅦ 䐴 Runx3 salt-losing tubulopathies Zhang Chong Zhang Chong Prognostic Roles of Cross-Talk between Peritumoral Hepatocytes PLOS ONE 3.534 ሌவჹ Double heterozygous mutations of MITF and PAX3 result in CLINICAL GENETICS 3.652 ဗม ໱ᬯ and Stromal Cells in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Involving Zhuang Pengyuan Waardenburg syndrome with increased penetrance in pigmentary Yang Tao Wu Hao Peritumoral VEGF-C, VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-3 defects Astaxanthin Attenuates the Apoptosis of Retinal Ganglion Cells in MARINE DRUGS 3.512 ׬਱ဉ ेཫৡ Minimally Invasive Edge-to-Edge Mitral Repair With or Without ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY 3.631 ӧ࿂फ ઼ई db/db Mice by Inhibition of Oxidative Stress Dong Lingyan Kang Xiaoli Artificial Chordae Zhang Xujun Mei Ju ݓׯ โႇנ Prenatal low-level mercury exposure and neonatal anthropometry CHEMOSPHERE 3.499 ٙЏ in rural northern China Ding Guodong Tian Yingנ Interventricular Septal Hematoma After Congenital Cardiac ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY 3.631 ᇫࡅಆ Surgery Zhu Jiaquan Ding Fangbao

  ໓଀ӫ ௹़଀ӫ ႕ཙၹሰ ֻ၂ቔᆀ ๙࿟ቔᆀં Topic Journal Impact Factor First Author Corresponding Author ̡੦थ᝺ ◆ Mesenchymal stem cells protect cigarette smoke-damaged lung JOURNAL OF CELLULAR 3.368 ܵཬमaසਞ ݒ࿒बaྷ໏ݓ alent Cultivation and pulmonary function partly via VEGF-VEGF receptors BIOCHEMISTRY Guan Xiaojun, Guo Xuejun, T Song Lin Xu Weiguo Disruption of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha/brain- BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 3.342 Ⴥཫօ Ⴥཫօ derived neurotrophic factor (alpha-CaMKII/BDNF) signalling is Yu Xiaodan Yu Xiaodan associated with zinc deficiency-induced impairments in cognitive 人才项目 and synaptic plasticity Talent Programs ᪂נ ᪂נ HIF1-regulated ATRIP expression is required for hypoxia induced FEBS LETTERS 3.341 ATR activation Ding Gang Ding Gang ઔࢭ ڂMicroRNA-222 promotes tumorigenesis via targeting DKK2 and FEBS LETTERS 3.341 ৙అ activating the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway Li Qifeng Ma Jie ཛଢ଀ӫ ྠ଀ 1SPHSBN -FBEFS Candidate microRNA biomarkers of pancreatic ductal JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & 3.271 ઔૼᅽ ಆᆽ຿đ܁຿ ห൹ࣃ์ ໱ᬯکadenocarcinoma: meta-analysis, experimental validation and CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH Ma Mingzhe Quan Zhiwei, ݓༀჽᆟ clinical significance Gong Wei Special Goverment Allowances of the State Council Wu Hao Incidence of high-frequency hearing loss after microvascular JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY 3.227 ႋឝឝ ངᇏౝ୍ህࡅp ਾ႖ќ܊ӱoႵ๬ԛ۽decompression for hemifacial spasm Ying Tingting ݓࡅϤతຣದҌ Immediate Corneal Vitrectomy for Posteriorly Dislocated Lens RETINA-THE JOURNAL OF RETINAL 3.177 ລӔဝ ᅵ஡ಅ "Young and Middle Aged Expert with Outstanding Contribution" of National Talents Project Liu Yinbin Fragments During Cataract Surgery AND VITREOUS DISEASES Wang Zhaoyang Zhao Peiquang ഈݚ൧ਵफದҌ ӱૼ Mutations analysis in filaggrin gene in northern China patients JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN 3.105 ৙ૼ ိᇆ಴ with atopic dermatitis ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND Li Ming Yao Zhirong Shanghai Leading Talent Chen Ming VENEREOLOGY ഈݚ൧Ⴊྮ࿐ඌջ๨ದ࠹߃ ຦ႇ຿aᅦफ IL-13 R110Q, a Naturally Occurring IL-13 Polymorphism, Confers ALLERGY ASTHMA & IMMUNOLOGY 3.084 ࿰ٙ Д၂ཱ Shanghai Outstanding Academic Leader Wang Yingwei, Zhang Junޅ Enhanced Functional Activity in Cultured Human Bronchial RESEARCH He Yafang Bao Yixiao Smooth Muscle Cells ഈݚ൧ౝ୍॓࠯ఓૼྒ࠹߃ ਾԮ࿂ Different levels of prenatal zinc and selenium had different effects NEUROTOXICOLOGY 3.054 ဗᶈ Ⴥཫօ Youth Science and Technology Venus Plan of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission Liu Chuanxu on neonatal neurobehavioral development Yang Xin Yu Xiaodan a໱໓ܼڞ࠹߃ ྷಆوഈݚ൧ౝ୍॓࠯ႇҌဘ Weight loss and resting energy expenditure in male patients with NUTRITION 3.046 ໱ࡾ ғຯ newly diagnosed esophageal cancer Wu Jiang Cai Wei Shanghai sailing program of youth science and technology talents Xu Quanfu, Wu Wenguang Effects of maternal mild zinc deficiency and zinc supplementation NUTRITION 3.046 Ⴥཫօ Ⴥཫօ ഈݚ൧ᇏ၄ူህ૊ದҌ࠹߃ ᇛ࿰ѡ in offspring on spatial memory and hippocampal neuronal Yu Xiaodan Yu Xiaodan Shanghai TCM specialized personnel plan Zhou Yabin ultrastructural changes ཫᏭ ਾᆒݓޠ Dissolving and biodegradable microneedle technologies for DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND 3.026 transdermal sustained delivery of drug and vaccine THERAPY Hong Xiaoyun Liu Zhenguo Advances with microRNAs in Parkinson's disease research DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND 3.026 ઔੁౝ ਾᆒݓ THERAPY Ma Liuqing Liu Zhenguo Hepatocyte-targeting gene transfer mediated by galactosylated DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND 3.026 ຦ზ఼ ӧ඀ဇ poly(ethylene glycol)-graft-polyethylenimine derivative THERAPY Wang Yuqiang Liu Shuyan Effect of Tianqi antitremor granules on behavioral manifestations DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND 3.026 ໱ଫ ਾᆒݓ and expression of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6 and beta- THERAPY Wu Na Liu Zhenguo arrestin 1 in levodopa-induced dyskinesia in a rat model of Parkinson's disease Advances with RNA interference in Alzheimer's disease research DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND 3.026 ӧඨ ਾᆒݓ THERAPY Chen Shun Liu Zhenguo Long-acting preparations of exenatide DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND 3.026 ғᄉவ ਾᆒݓ THERAPY Cai Yunpeng Liu Zhenguo

  ᭨ ᭨௛eߵൣ ௢ӧሖࠃὋࡦతຌุ ຝఋཁໞὋຆܪဢᘨ ʶᄠॶ༤Ὃཱ̜డፂ֖᣾ज़྆ ᝴ʶ͊ॶਜὋ઴ઔల౎ˀ࣎భ ჽӉջਵ֥ჱࡿ๶֥ؒౠ৯ླྀᇹ༯đ In the future work in Xinjiang, in addition to build Kashi Second People's Hospitalڬđᄝ໱ᡐ୍  into a "medical highland", they will, through the establishment of medical ੧ࠄଭथ ळ൉ֻؽದ૶၄ჽඨ০๙ݖਔሱᇍ౵೘ࠩࡊ֩၄ჽ௟ബđሱᇍ EDICAL SUPPORT ◆ combination, radiate Kashi Second People's Hospital’s medical resource the ԛ֥ counties of Kashi and then cover the southern Xinjiang region for the benefit of theڱቔᇏ۽ᄝळ൉ؽჽԷࡹ೘ࡊ҆ۄM ౵௟ബህࡅؓഈݚჱࡿ people of border area. ቔ۳Ⴭਔۚ؇֥௟ࡎb۽ሜႵӮི֥ބ୭৯

ቔᇏđԢਔࡼळ൉ؽჽࡹഡӮູo၄ਏֹۚp۽ࣂު֥ჱࡿ ◎ 援疆 ഝڕđಞळ൉ؽჽ֥၄ਏሧჷุކ৳Medical aid to Xingjiang ᆭຓđߎေ๙ݖࡹ৫၄ਏ шࡿದ૶bڞଲࡿֹ౵đᄯۂڭطԛಀđ߲ࠣळ൉۲ཅđࣉ

◎ 援滇 Medical aid to Yunnan

ჽӉđགྷ಩໡ჽ֔຾඀࠺֥໱ In July 2012, entrusted by Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Shanghaiڬᄅđൈ಩໡ჽ  ୍  C}5??77 a၄ then of our hospital, as one of the cadres the seventh batch to aid Xinjiang, medical҆ۄ຾ກđቔֻູ௾஻ჱࡿکᬯ࢝൱đ൳ഈݚ൧຾a൧ᆟ and management expert, served as the head of the “Key Discipline Construction ቔ֥ᆷൕđ ୍ఏ According to the state and Shanghai government’s instruction related to the۽ഈݚ൧Ⴕܱؓ१ᆦჱބᄳದđ ۴ऌݓࡅڵ৘ህࡅđք಩oळ൉ֹ౵ؽჽᇗׄ࿐॓ࡹഡཛଢpܵބਏ Project of Kashi No. 2 Hospital” and took the responsibility for the overall targeted counterpart aid, our hospital’s targeted aid hospital in Yunnan province ࡅ೘ࡊ၄ჽؓ१ᆦჱळ൉ֹ౵ֻؽದ૶၄ჽᇗ coordination of the targeted aid provided by Shanghai’s five first-class of grade؟ഈݚט๤Ԕླྀ Ќ೶൧ದ૶၄ჽb has been changed from Longling County People's Hospital to Baoshan People'sູڿ໡ჽؓ१ᆦჱᄉଲസ၄ჽՖ੃ਲ਼ཅದ૶၄ჽ three hospitals including Huashan Hospital, Zhongshan Hospital, Renji Hospital, ࿐॓ಕࡹഡđ൐ळ൉ֹ౵ֻؽದ૶၄ჽӮູଲࡿֹ౵ቋݺ֥ Hospital since 2014ׄ ቔࠧࡼࢲඏᆭ࠽đ၄ჽਵ֝ট֞੃ਲ਼ཅದ૶۽Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital as well as Tumor Hospital to help Kashi Second ᄝᆦჱ੃ਲ਼ ၄ჽᆭ၂b People's Hospital construct such a group of five key disciplines as nervous system On the occasion of when our work in Longling was drawing to a close, our hospital ࿊ leaders came to Longling County People's Hospital and reviewed the past 4܋b ୍টđ໡ჽܤቔࣉྛਔ߭۽diseases, cardiovascular diseases, digestive system diseases gynecological diseases ၄ჽđؓݖಀ  ୍֥ᆦჱ ৘ years of the work to support the hospital. Over the past 4 years, my hospitalܵބ۱ਢԵ॓൩  ۂڭđ৯ᆚࡼळ൉ֹ and tumor diseases in an attempt to make Kashi Second People's Hospital one of ϙஊԛ  ஻  ଀၄ਏؒჴđህြګ໱ᬯ࢝൱ջਵഈݚ൧၄ਏ๶ؒđಆ৯ၛ the best hospitals in southern Xinjiang. has selected and sent there 8 batches of 40 medical workers altogether with a .৘۲ٚ૫ professional coverage of 20 clinical departments and management departmentsܵބ౵ֻؽದ૶၄ჽյᄯӮଲࡿ֥၄࿐ᇏྏbਆ୍টđ໡ჽჱࡹ֥ ҆૊bᄝྍ޿֥ᆦӻ༯đ੃ਲ਼ཅದ૶၄ჽ၄࢝࿹ In the face of the heavy burden, Professor Wu Hao has not lived up to Shanghai pᆞൔӮ With the support of Xinhua Hospital, Longling County People's Hospital has madeܒ๐৯ೱҰᇏྏࠣ๐৯ᅰθᆐᇍࠏظoळ൉ֹ౵ྍള ၄ჽ௟ബđӮູਔؽࠩྟކMunicipal Party Committee and Shanghai Municipal Government and led the ൌ৯֤֞Ӊቀࣉᅚđ๙ݖਔֹ֒ሸ considerable progress in the strength of all aspects of medical, education, research Shanghai medical team to go all out to build Kashi Second People's Hospital into a ၄ჽb໡ჽႮႿؓ१ᆦჱӮࠛ๬ԛđФ௟ູಆݓӬ and management work. There fore it has passed through the evaluation for theྟކ৫đӮູଲࡿֹ౵ື၂၂ࡅ๐৯ᅰθᆐᇍᇏྏbഈݚ൧຾ӈ຾a ࡊ֩ሸ medical center in southern Xinjiang after two years of assistance. in a short period local general hospitals and become a first-class grade two general hospital. Our ࠣཅ၄ჽა໡کቔ༵ࣉุࠢb੃ਲ਼ཅ຾ཅᆟ۽࿹ൈđህӱ൪ҳਔ໡ჽؓ of time of 5 months before the end of 2012, "Kashi Neonatal Hearing Screening པ၄ჽؓ१ᆦჱט၂ྛభສྍࡿळ൉ޢ൧຾૝඀Ӊႃ hospital has been honored advanced collective access to the national urban and Center and Institution for of Hearing Impairment" aided by our hospital had ๝ᇕ༯ਔ၂ॐࣁ݉đଁ଀ູoྍ޿ඎpđ rural hospital counterpart aid work since it has made outstanding achievements܋ჽᄝ੃ਲ਼ཅದ૶၄ჽ ބӱđؓ໡ჽ۳Ⴭਔۚ؇௟ࡎ۽گूظ१ᆦჱྍࡿळ൉ֹ౵੄ been formally established in southern Xinjiang and become the only one hearing in the counterpart aid to Longling. As a symbol of ever lasting friendship between b disorders diagnosis and treatment center. Yin Hong, member and secretary-generalקड़ٳԉ འᆘሢྍ޿ა੃ਲ਼aഈݚაᄉଲ֥ႶၱӉթĆ Xinhua and Longling as well as Shanghai and Yunnan, Longling County Party of Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, and his parties Committee and Government and the county hospital together with our hospital -ႮႿ໱ᬯ࢝൱ᄝؓ१ᆦჱᇏ֥ԛ೤іགྷđ෰಴ࠆਔഈݚ൧ made a special trip to inspect our hospital’s counterpart aid project of hearing ᄅ  ರđࣜݖ၄ჽҪҪೱ࿊֥໴଀Ⴊྮ၄ਏ planted a Osmanthus fragrans tree , which is named "Xinhua tree", in the  ୍  impaired children’s rehabilitation in Kashi, Xinjiang when they had an investigation !compound of Longling County People's Hospital ބቔ༵ࣉ۱ದpӫݼ۽ቔࢌੀކϯؿ֥oഈݚؓ१ᆦჱაکᆟ ቆӮֻ၂஻၄ਏؒ֞ղਔЌ೶൧ದ૶၄ჽđቔູ၄ჽაᄉۄܠ tour of Kashi and gave high evaluation and full affirmation of our hospital’s aiding ቔđ၄ਏؒჴૌԛ೤ປӮđࡼ൭ᇏ On July 24, 2014, through many rounds of screening and selecting, our hospital’sކwork. ଲЌ೶൧ದ૶၄ჽֻ၂Ց ۄሱᇍ౵຾ჴ߶ϯؿ֥oֻ௾஻സ൧Ⴊྮჱࡿغྍࡿົ໰܋ᇏ first batch of medical team composed of five excellent medical backbones arrived b Having successfully completed the targeted aid mission, Professor Wu Hao and the݂طದҌpӫݼđᄛუ҆ ࢤ৯Ͽࢌ۳ਔֻؽ஻၄ਏؒჴđ࠿࿃ᆦჱЌ೶b at the Baoshan People's Hospital. The medical team members have acquitted֥ Xinjiang-aiding team of our hospital has returned home by the themselves of various duties splendidly on the cooperation with Baoshan People's ჽӉ໱ᡐࢤݖਔჱࡿ֥ࢤ৯ϿđӮູڬđ໡ჽ୍ָ  In 2014, with utmost aid from the team of Xinjiang mission led by vice president Hospital of Yunnan for the first time and handed down their relay baton to the .඀࠺a൧Ӊ Wu Tao, Kashi Second People's Hospital has smoothly passed through the second batch of medical team that will continue to support Baoshanڬđਢྛభ֤֞൧຾඀࠺ݢᆞ൧຾҆ۄϖ஻ჱࡿֻ evaluation of the autonomous region’s first-class grade three hospitals and the  ࡿᆭګ༯෷ഈڻဗྦ֩൧ਵ֥֝߶࡮đᄝഈݚ൧ਵ֥֝ၺ్ᇵ evaluation experts spoken highly of the efforts Shanghai cadres have made to aid ਫ਼b Xinjiang and their fruitful work on the establishment of the first-class grade three  hospital in Kashi.


പࣜຓ॓ ຦ྼߩ %FQBSUNFOUPG/FVSPTVSHFSZ 8BOH9VIVJ 大事记 Important Events ྏ࿓ܵଽ॓ ྸᆭ૶ %FQBSUNFOUPG$BSEJPMPHZ 9V;IJNJO ᄅರ January 8 Ӌຓ॓ ߛൖႧۓ %FQBSUNFOUPG"OVT*OUFTUJOF4VSHFSZ )VBOH4IJZPOH ᇶ಩࠱ࡹૼၛࠣ၄ჽᆳྛჽڬቔbԌૼཅ໏ള࠹ള຾ᇶ಩ғᆽӄa۽ࡹഡุކ৳࿹ྍ޿iԌૼ౵თ၄ਏטཅӉ຦ᑈটჽڬԌૼཅ င॓ ׬਱ဉ ჽӉࣁє֩ਵ֝த๝bڬFQBSUNFOUPG0QIUIBMNPMPHZ %POH-JOHZBO Ӊྷ຿௜a% Accompanied by Cai Zhichang, director, Ji Jianming, deputy director of Chongming Health and Family Planning Commission and Xinhua Hospital (Chongming)’s executive ؽ஻ᆦჱЌ೶၄ਏؒ଀ֆč ୍  ᄅi୍ᄅĎ director Xu Weiping, vice director Jin Biao and other leaders. Wang Jinglai, deputy head of Chongming County, came to our hospital for the investigation of the constructionֻ /BNFMJTUPGUIFTFDPOENFEJDBMUFBNUPBJE#BPTIBO .BSDI"VHVTU  work of Xinhua-Chongming Regional Medical Treatment Combination. ڂཨ߄ଽ॓ ഫ %FQBSUNFOUPG%JHFTUJWF%JTFBTFT 4IFO'FOH ᄅರ January 26 ઐቊაᇗᆡ၄࿐॓ ؄ၮ %FQBSUNFOU"OFTUIFTJBBOE$SJUJDBM$BSF.FEJDJOF %V:J Ԍૼཅದնᇶ಩ᇛ໏ࢭ၂ྛটჽ໎໙၄޹ದჴbཅ໏࠹຾ᇶ಩ғᆽӄa֔຾඀࠺ྚࡲ

૟॓ ؄ൗԽ ၛࠣ၄ჽᆳྛჽӉྷ຿௜֩த๝bٳଽ %FQBSUNFOUPG&OEPDSJOPMPHZ %V4IJDIVO Accompanied by Cai Zhichang, director, and Xing Jian, Party secretary of Chongming Health and Family Planning ૟୕ຓ॓ ஌Խ໳ Commission and Xinhua Hospital (Chongming)’s executive director Xu Weiping, Zhou Weijie, chairman of %FQBSUNFOUPG6SPMPHZ 1BO$IVOXV Chongming County People's Congress came to our hospital to extend his regards to the medical workers


ᄅರ February 28


With a total of 184 delegates and observer-representatives attending the meeting, the First Session of the Sixth Workers Conference was held in the auditorium of the Science and Education Building.

ᄅರ March 13

ቔđԌૼཅ໏ള࠹ള຾ᇶ಩ғᆽӄa֔຾඀࠺۽൫ุׄކ৳अӉ཯౒၂ྛট໡ჽॉҳྍ޿iԌૼ౵თ၄ਏڬᇜ൧ݚᇨ౵໏ളअܼ ᇶ಩࠱ࡹૼđ၄ჽᆳྛჽӉྷ຿௜ࠣ֔ᆟϫሰਵ֝த๝bڬࡲaྚ

Accompanied by Cai Zhichang, director, and Xing Jian, Party secretary of Chongming Health and Family Planning Commission and Xinhua Hospital (Chongming)’s executive director Xu Weiping, Xiao Qin, deputy director of Guangzhou’s Haizhuqu District Health Bureau, and his companions visited our hospital for the inspection of the pilot work of Xinhua-Chongming Regional Medical Treatment Combination.

ᄅರ March 14

൧ᇾჽ၄ഽܿ஡൙ༀᇏྏหௗህࡅ֩টԌđؓ໡ჽᇾჽ၄ഽܿੱޣ૝඀ӉโڬԩӉᇛಳa൧၄ഽླྀ߶ڬഈݚ൧໏ള࠹ള຾॓࢝ԩ ᪂aࣁє֩த๝bנჽӉڬቔࣉྛ׼֝b၄ჽᆳྛჽӉྷ຿௜đ۽߄஡࿞ಆ॓ਢԵࠎֹ࢝࿐ٓ

Led by Zhou Rong deputy director of Science and Education Department, Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission, Tian Hong, deputy secretary General of Shanghai Association of Doctors, a group of invited experts Standardized Residents Training Center training came to came to Chongming and had a supervision tour of our hospital in supervising and guiding of the work on the training of general practitioners at the clinical bas in our hospital. Xu Weiping, hospital executive director and Ding Gang and Jin Biao, deputy directors fully - escorted tour the tour..

  ᄅರ March 25 ᄅರ June 4

ԩӉ৙ܻਞ֩টڬ၄ჽᅺष֥֔ಕᇙਫ਼ཌ࢝ტൌ࡬ࠃ׮֔ჴն߶đѓᆽሢ໡ჽ࢝ტൌ࡬ࠃ׮֥ಆ૫ఓ׮b ݓࡅ໏ള࠹ള຾ࠥ॥अࡓҳህჴӈ࠿ুaࠥ॥अԩӉਾ༩aࠥ॥अ

࿹bטThe hospital held an mobilization meeting on the Party's mass line education practice activities, marking the ჽॉҳ start of he comprehensive education practice in our hospital. Chang Jile, commissioner of the Disease Control Bureau of the State Health and Family Planning Commission, Liu Xia and Li Guanglin, director and deputy director of the bureau had an inspection and investigation tour of our hospital.

ᄅರ April 3 ᄅರ June 18

ᄳڵ஡࿞ϫb၄ჽ֔ᆟਵ֝aਢԵ၄࠯॓൩ᇶ಩aᆯି॓൩҆ۄ၄ჽईྛ୍ bޏჽྏᄣࢺೆᆐਏषᆐ၎ൔᄝ॓࢝ੌईྛb۫नѯჽൖ֞߶ሀٳྍ޿၄ჽԌૼ ದa֔ᆦ҆඀࠺a޹ൖӉ֩Ⴥದҕࡆਔ஡࿞b The Opening Ceremony on the Start of Cardiac Interventions in Xinhua Hospital (Chongming) was held in the The hospital held the cadres training course 2014 . More than 170 people including the hospital Party Science and Education Building. Academician Ge Junbo attended the meeting and offered his congratulation on and Administration leaders, directors of clinical and medical technology departments, heads of functional it. departments, Party branch secretaries and head nurses participated in the course.

ᄅರ April 24 ᄅರ June 28 ࠎႿᇆ߰၄ਏ֥તѨܵ৘௜෻ࡹഡაൕٓႋႨཛଢඨ০ఓ׮b ࿹bטᄳದটჽڵ඀࠺นݓဧੱ၄࿐ჽཌྷܱڬThe construction of the Chronic Disease Management Platform and the demonstration project of the platform ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ֔຾ was smoothly started. Tang Guoyao, vice secretary of Party committee of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, led relevant leaders of the School of Medicine to have an investigation of our hospital.

ᄅರ April 30 ᄅರ July 10 ࿹đ၄ჽ֔ᆟਵ֝த๝bטӉീၞটჽ҆ڬԌૼཅ຾࿆Ԯ҆҆Ӊݹѧಃa

In the morning accompanied by the hospital Party and administration heads, Hao Bingquan and Shi Yilai, director ڛࠃ׮ᄝӧࡅᆓഠ౵໏ളړༀᇏྏ֔ᆦ֥҆ࢲؓϺڛྍ޿၄ჽ֔຾აӧࡅᆓഠ౵໏ള and vice director of Propaganda Department of Chongming County Party Committee, had an investigation tour of our hospital. ༀᇏྏࣉྛb

The activities on the work-in-pairs to Help and support each other carried out by Xinhua Hospital Party committee and Party branch of Chenjiazheng Township Community Health Service Center in Chenjiazheng Township Community Health Service Center.

ᄅರ April 30

ჽ௴ຓ॓ईϷ֥oീᅸؿᇶ಩ྛ၄ᇛ୍᳝௴ຓ॓նഽંฆpᄝٳႮྍ޿၄ჽԌૼ ᄅರ July 17 ࢝ੌնড়ถੈᇗईྛbݓଽᇷ଀၄࿐ህࡅғຯaਾ႖ќaᅦ၂ԣaീົࣆ֩টԌሀ॓

ޏѩቔਔࣚґဆࢃb ቔཛଢఓ׮߶ၰᄝ໡ჽᅺषbކჽؒਙ࿹࣮ٳ໏ള࿐ჽྍ޿၄ჽԌૼ܋܄ഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐ The Department of General Surgery of Xinhua Hospital (Chongming) held a celebration on the “Sixtieth The meeting on the start of the cooperation project of cohort study between Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Public Health and Xinhua Hospital (Chongming) was Anniversary of Practice Medicine of director Shi Zhaofa and General Surgery Masters Forum" in the auditorium of held in our hospital. Science and Education Building. Cai Wei, Liu Yingbin, Zhang Yichu, Shi Weijin and other Domestic famous medical experts came to Chongming to offer their congratulations and made wonderful lectures.

  ᄅರ July 22 ᄅರ September 23

࿹ॉҳb ݓࡅ໏ള࠹ള຾ህࡅᄝ൧aཅ໏ള࠹ള຾ਵ֝த๝༯đটჽ࡟Ұ၄ჽતѨٝ॥ൕٓ౵ט೶၂ྛᐼਢ໡ჽޠ߶Ӊ࡙૝඀Ӊ৙ڬᇏݓ၄ჽླྀ߶ӈༀ

ቔb۽Li Hongshan, executive vice president and secretary general of China Association for Doctors, and his parties Էࡹ came and made an investigation in our hospital. Accompanied by the leaders of Chongming County Health and Family Planning Commission, the experts from the National Health and Family Planning Commission Planning Commission came to our hospital to inspect the demonstration zone on the creation work on the the prevention and control of the chronic diseases.

ᄅರ August 1 ᄅರ September 25

ቔ۽अӉູቆӉ֥௟ബህࡅቆ၂ྛඹದđট֞໡ཅࣉྛಆݓࠎҪᇏ၄ူڬඋྍ޿၄ჽଽ॓ંฆᄝ໡ჽ॓࢝ড়ถඨ০ईྛb Ⴎݓࡅᇏ၄ူܵ৘अቆᆮđ޵ଲസᇏ၄ူܵ৘अ৙ݓᇑڸഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄࿐ჽ

The Forum on Internal Medicine organized by Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Affiliated Xinhua Hospital\was held successfully in our our hospital’s Stadium ༵ࣉֆ໊ݓࡅࠩ௟ബb of Science and Education Building. Organized by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a group of four expert with Li Guozhon, deputy director of Hunan Province Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as its leader came to Chongming County to carried out the national level evaluation of the “Advanced Units” of the national grassroots work on the traditional Chinese medicine. ᄅರ August 5

October 29 ჽ໎໙bཅ໏ള࠹ ᄅರٳᇶ༜ഫ໏ݓ၂ྛ֞ྍ޿၄ჽԌૼڬ඀࠺ਟࢭaཅᆟླྀڬԌૼཅ຾

ള຾ᇶ಩ғᆽӄa֔຾඀࠺ྚࡲࠣ၄ჽᆳྛჽӉྷ຿௜֩த๝b ྍ޿၄ჽჽӉ෤᫧a֔຾඀࠺໱ᬯၛࠣഈݚࢌ๙ն࿐၄ჽᅞ੻ܵ৘࿹࣮෮෮Ӊྷ໏ݓটჽđა၄ჽ֔ᆟϫሰਵ֝ࣼ၄ჽॖӻ࿃ؿ

ࢌੀbބቔࡹഡࣉྛਔധೆฐษކࣉ၂֥҄ބAccompanied by Cai Zhichang, director, and Xing Jian, Party secretary of Chongming Health and Family Planning ᅚ Commission and Xinhua Hospital (Chongming)’s executive director Xu Weiping, Lin Jie, deputy secretary of Chongming County Party committee, Shen Weiguo, vice chairman of the county’s CPPCC and his parties came to Xinhua Hospital president Sun Kun, Xinhua Hospital Party secretary Wu Hao, Xu Weiguo, director of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Hospital Strategic Management Research our hospital to extend their regards to the medical workers. Institute and the other members of hospital Party and administration leading bodies came to the hospital and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the sustainable development, further cooperation and construction of the hospital.

ᄅರ October 29 ᄅರ August 8

ᆭࡅpࢣஇ၎ൔb၄ჽ֔຾඀࠺ྚࡲᇶӻࢣஇ၎ൔđ۽ჽईྛoᆯٳྍ޿၄ჽԌૼ ၄ჽቆᆮईྛԌૼཅ໏࠹຾ਢԵᇗׄህ॓ണБ᝜࿊௟ബ߶bྍ޿၄ჽ֔຾඀࠺໱ᬯք bޏᆭࡅ֥Ӯ৫іൕሀ۽ᆭࡅpࢣஇđѩؓᆯ۽๝ູoᆯ܋໏ݓ෮Ӊྷބ෤᫧ჽӉ ಩௟຾ቆቆӉቔࣚґׄ௟b Xinhua Hospital(Chongming)held a unveiling ceremony of the "Staffs Home". Xing Jian, Party secretary of The hospital organized a selection and examination meeting on the clinical key specialties of Chongming County the hospital presided over the ceremony, Xinhua Hospital president Sun Kun together with Shanghai Jiao Tong Chongming Health and Family Planning Commission. Wu Hao, secretary of Xinhua Hospital Party committee, University Hospital Strategic Management Research Institute director Xu Weiguo inaugurated for the building for served as the head of the examination group and made glowing reviews on the projects. the home and expressed their congratulations on the establishment.

ᄅರ October 30 ᄅರ August 22

඀࠺፫ࣙূa ݓࡅ໏ള࠹ള຾ࠎҪඳඳӉဗౝ၂ྛᐼਢ໡ჽđ׼Ұ໏ള࠹ളᇗնᆟҦઋൌ౦ঃbڬඳӉྷߏ֩၂ྛđᄝഈݚ൧໏ള࠹ള຾֔຾ڬݓࡅ໏ള࠹ള຾ದ൙ඳ

࿹b Yang Qing, head of the Department of Grassroots Health of the National Health and Family Planning Commissionטத๝༯ট໡ჽ֩ڃದ൙ԩԩӉྸํ҆ۄ and her parties visited our hospital and supervised the implementation of primary policy on health and family Accompanied by Wu Jinglei, deputy secretary of Party Committee of Shanghai Health and Family Planning planning work. Commission, and Xu Tiefeng, director of the Department of Personnel of Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission, Xu Huan, deputy director of the Department of Personnel of the National Health and Family Planning Commission and his parties had an investigation tour of our hospital.

  ᄅರ November 4 ӞҬᇫࢺӞҬᇫࢺ ◆ ໡ჽ֥֔ಕᇙਫ਼ཌ࢝ტൌ࡬ࠃ׮ሹࢲն߶ᄝ॓࢝ড়ถᅺषb MEDICALEDICAL SOCIALSOCIAL WORKWORK The summarization meeting on our hospital’s Party’s Mass Line Education Practice Activities was held in the auditorium of the Science and Education.

ᄅರ November 14


ջਵᆽ჻ᆀྍ୍భฐ۽ջਵᆽ჻ᆀྍ୍భฐ၄ༀഠ۽Paper Competition for the Trainees of Chongming Tutor Training Course " organized by Xinhua Hospital was held successfully in our hospital. ၄ༀഠ" ᄝູᄝູҕࡆູҕҕࡆoࡅӉ࿐oࡅӉ ཮཮p۽ᄝູҕࡆoࡅӉ࿐཮p၄ༀഠ۽၄ༀഠ ظᇾჽߑ॓ܠظཬظᇾჽߑ॓ܠظຬຬཬ ࡅࡅӉഈഈज़ظࡅӉഈज़ظࡅ֥ߑ֥֥ߑظߑ֥ NewNew YYear'sear's vvisitisit to lilittlettle ppatientsatients iinn Pediatric OOrthopedicsrthopedics DeDept.pt. ParentParenPareent ScSchSchoolhool SSetet upp by ssocialocialocial worworkeworkersorkers ᄅರ November 20


The evaluation experts Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission came to our hospital to conduct an overall evaluation of the new round creation of civilized units. oதϡએ၂ఏഈϫpֻؽ࠱oதϡએதϡએ၂ఏഈϫ၂ఏഈఏഈϫpֻֻؽ࠱ֻؽ SecondSeconec d SeaSeSSeasonson ooff "A""Accompanyccomommmpany ᄅರ November 26 ParenPParentsts to WorkWWork"k"


The Township charity medical mission (the second round) for medical experts from Xinhua-Chongming Regional Medical Treatment Combination was officially launched.

ιpᆽ჻ᆀ჻ᆀॹ־ιԮ־൳ιcԮۋ൳ιۋιpᆽ჻ᆀॹo־൳ιcԮۋൗࢸᆽ჻ൗࢸᆽ჻ᆀರഠ౵ၬᆐ჻ᆀರഠ౵ഠ౵ၬᆐၬ o ೺ࠃ೺ࠃ׮ࠃ׮׮ ᄅರ December 17 FreeFree CliniClCliniclin c onn InteInternationalteernatioationall VVolunVolunteerolunteereer DayDa "Enjoy"Enjooy lovlolove,ove, pappasssss on lovelove"e" fflashlashh momobobo

ᇶ಩৙࣡ੱህࡅ௟ബ๶đؓ໡ڬ૓ౄaӈༀޅ௟ࡎč௟ബĎᇏྏᇶ಩ކഈݚ൧၄ჽሸ ჽࣉྛ೘ࠩሸކ၄ჽሔሶ௟ബđ൧໏ള࠹ള຾၄ܵԩᇶ಩॓ჴޱफቔູܴҳჴಆӱҕაb ն࿐ FoundedFounded justt forf over a yearyear,, DDeDepartmentpartmentme of MediMedicalccal SocialSSocial WorkWoork has developed֊گđၘ৵࿃ࢤ൳ਆࢽ؟Ӯ৫ၘ၂୍҆۽ն࿐໡ჽ၄ༀഠ֊گđၘ৵࿃ࢤ൳ਆࢽ؟Ӯ৫ၘ၂୍҆۽໡ჽ၄ༀഠ internshipinteernship pprogramrogrog amam fforor two ssessionsessiss ons of uundergraduatendergraduaatea stustudentsdentts mamajoringjoring in social Led by He Mengqiao, director of Shanghai City Hospital Comprehensive Evaluation (Review) Center, and Li ൌ༝ࠎֹӫݼb wowworkork fromfroom FuFudandanan UnivUniversity,ersity, andand hass wonwwo theth titltitlee oof ““FudanFudaan UnivUniversityniviversie ty SSocialocial۽ն࿐ഠ֊گൌ༝ࠎֹӫݼb಴ࠆ۽ն࿐ഠ֊گ༢ණൖ࿹࣮ളটჽൌ༝đ಴ࠆ۽༢ණൖ࿹࣮ളটჽൌ༝đ۽ഠഠ Jing, executive deputy director of the center, the evaluation team of experts came and conducted the tracking PPracPracticeticee Base”.Base”e”. Since 2013, thehe departmentdepartmentenn apappliedpplp ieded foforor pilotpilot medicalmedical socialsoociaal workwork ൫ׄཛଢđ۽൫ׄཛଢđ୍ఏđണБҕࡆഈݚ൧໏࠹຾၄ༀഠ۽assessment of the grade three general hospital for our hospital. As an observer, Hu Jun, director of Medical ሱ  ୍ఏđണБҕࡆഈݚ൧໏࠹຾၄ༀഠ pprojectsrojectss ofo ShanghaiShanh ghai Health Commission.CommC ission.. InI 2014,20144, itt is the firstfirsr t in ShanghaiShaanghai to Management Department of Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission, was fully involved in the acceacceptpt on-siteon-sitee assessmentassessment byby expertexpe ert panelpanel andannd receivereceeive favorablefavoraablelel comments.commcom ents. The ނቔູಆ൧ֻ၂ࡅࢤ൳Ⴎ൧໏ള࠹ള຾ህࡅቆགྷӆॉ୍ ނቔູಆ൧ֻ၂ࡅࢤ൳Ⴎ൧໏ള࠹ള຾ህࡅቆགྷӆॉ୍ evaluation. đӮູഈݚ൧ ddepartmentepartment hashasa alsoalso passedpassed thetheh appraisalappraisasala off ShanghaiSShanghai VolVolunteersuntteerse AssociationAssociation anddܙđ֤֞ݺ௟bߎ๙ݖഈݚ൧ᆽ჻ᆀླྀ߶௟ܙđӮູഈݚ൧ܙđ֤֞ݺ௟bߎ๙ݖഈݚ൧ᆽ჻ᆀླྀ߶௟ܙ௟௟ bbecomeecome ShanghaiShanghai VolunteerVolunteer ServiceSeervice BaseBase.. ༀࠎֹbڛༀࠎֹb჻ڛᆽᆽ჻ PPatientatient grougroupp activitiesactivities

ᄅರ December 10 ߑᆀཬቆࠃ׮ PPatientsatients withwith thethe samesame diseasesdiseasesse are encouragedencouuraggeed toto setseet uupp grogroupsups sucsuchs ch as “bra“brassss bband”and” or “hemodialysis“hemodim alysis club”.club”. ThroughThroughh groupgrouprou interaction,inti eractiion, thosethhosse patientspatpatiatit entse s who willwill ߑႵཌྷ๝ࠥѨ֥ߑᆀૌቆᆮఏটӮ৫২ೂoܵু oorr just have PICCPICCC catheter iinsertednsererted andd thosthosee whwhoo jujustust uundertakendertaketakt perperitonealititontoo eale dialdidialysisysiysisৣܝߑႵཌྷ๝ࠥѨ֥ߑᆀૌቆᆮఏটӮ৫২ೂoܵু໡ૌৣܝ໡ૌ ჽჽༀ߶đؓ၄ჽໃট໴୍֥ؿᅚิԛਔᆷ֝ྟၩ࡮đေ౰ wilwill beb more aawaawarere of thethe phphysiologicalysioy logicall anda psypsycpspsychologicalhooloo ggical problemspprooblems encounteredencoucouc unteredٳ෤᫧ჽӉᇶӻᅺषԌૼ pao๩Ⴖ߶pᆃဢ֥ཬቆđಞࡼઘᇂࠇԚઘᇂ 1*$$ ֝ܵ֝ܵaaؒ ሇэܴ୑đଔ߃ໃটđԷྍؿᅚb in tthehee rrehabilitationehabilittation prprocessocesess of chronicchcchronic disdiseaseseases andand geggett pprofessionalroofessional hhelp.elp.p. TheTheirir .ଇ๩༅֥ߑᆀࠣఃࡅඋૌ๙ݖཬቆ޺׮֥ྙൔđ۷ࡅඋૌ๙ݖཬቆ޺׮֥ྙൔđ۷ anxianxietyetyty and worrworryo y is relieved.relieved. TheTTh treatment processprocesss is smoother.smootheott rڴଇ๩༅֥ߑᆀࠣఃྍ࣍ࣉྛڴྍ࣍ࣉྛ Hospital president Sun Kun called on a hospital affairs meeting Xinhua Hospital Chongming put forward the ݖӱᇏॖି߶მ֥֞ള৘aྏ৘֩ٚ૫֥ SettSetSettledleed cclinicallinical socialsocial worworkkگݖӱᇏॖି߶მ֥֞ള৘aྏ৘֩ٚ૫֥ૼϢતྟѨᄝूگࡆࡆૼϢતྟѨᄝू ( ) direction to the five year development of the hospital in the future and his suggestions are to change ideas, plan ੮đ൐၄޹ದჴ In 2014,20014, thethe ddepdepartmentartment cooperated withwith NepNephrologyhroology ddepartmentepparp tment and PePediatricdiatd ricܤބ੮đ൐၄޹ದჴѩ֤֞ህြ֥ϺᇹđཨԢ෰ૌ֥҂νܤބfor the future, innovate and develop. ໙ี໙ีѩ֤֞ህြ֥ϺᇹđཨԢ෰ૌ֥҂ν OrthOrthopedicshopedics department,depae rtment, launching a pilot programprogram of settledsetettled clinical social work.worw k. ߑᆀ֥ᇍਏ֥ݖӱ۷ࡆඨӎbߑᆀ֥ᇍਏ֥ݖӱ۷ࡆඨӎb A “Happy“Haappy Ward”Warrd”d waswas set up in Pediatric OrthopediOrthopedicsccs ddepartmenteepartment to crecreateate a warmwarmmؓؓ and healhealthythy atmosphere,atmoatm sphere, provide more humane envenvironmentvironmnmentent forfor sick kids andand theirtheir pareparents,ents,n improveimprove the worworkingking environment forfor medicalmeedicala staffstaff andand helphelp to reducereducedd e ۽ሁׄਢԵഠ

  .đ൮༵აയᄣଽ॓aཬ their work pressure۽đ൮༵აയᄣଽ॓aཬ ୍໡ૌྍ๷ԛሁׄਢԵഠ۽໡ૌྍ๷ԛሁׄਢԵഠ୍ 

Էࡹ Social Volunteers ঃਝ఩Ҭކ৳Ѩ౵॓ܠظቔb໡ૌაཬ۽ቔषᅚ൫ׄކԷࡹ॓Ѩ౵ކ৳Ѩ౵॓ܠظቔb໡ૌაཬ۽ቔषᅚ൫ׄކѨ౵॓ܠظܠظ OLUNTEERING SERVICE ◆ đູߑ In 2014, several permanent volunteer service programs were set up, including Vຶٲༀཛଢđႏᄯ໑Ꮮaࡲू֥Ѩٜڛđູߑٜp֥ຶٲༀཛଢđႏᄯ໑Ꮮaࡲू֥ѨٜڛoॹুѨoॹুѨٜp֥ emergency medical help, preoperative accompanying and reception assistant, etc. ቔߌ According to incomplete statistics, the annual volunteering hours of these positions۽೿၄޹ದჴ֥ڿቔߌ࣢đ๝ൈ္۽೿၄޹ದჴ֥ڿ۷ದྟ߄֥ߌ࣢đ๝ൈ္܂ࡅӉิބظ۷ದྟ߄֥ߌ܂ࡅӉิބظ .ቔ࿢৯b has reached 5100, with hundreds of thousands of patients served۽ቔ࿢৯bđႵᇹႿࡨ౞෰ૌ֥۽࣢࣢đႵᇹႿࡨ౞෰ૌ֥ With more than 280 person-times involved, six sessions of volunteer ቔቖซ߶᳝Ⴊྮᆽ۽Ґpii๶຾ᅺष  ୍؇ڄഠ߶ᆽ჻ᆀ trainingwere held. Topics included “Self protection of hospital volunteer service”, o߸ऊౝԽ৯ਈaᅡ٢၄ༀ “Cardiopulmonary resuscitation skill”, etc. ᇶ༜཯ќԛ༜ਔ߶ၰđჽ๶຾຾ჴa۲๶ᆦڬ߶۽ᠱ࣡aܤ඀࠺ڬ໡ૌྍഡᇂਔ૊ࠤᆐᇹ၄aඌభதϴa୍໡ૌྍഡᇂਔ૊ࠤᆐᇹ၄aඌభதϴaࢤրᇹࢤրᇹ ჻ᆀіᅤ߶đ֔຾୍  Focusing on different themes, the department held various activities, such as ᇕ࿊ᄴbऌ҂ “accompany parents to work”, “”feel love, pass on love” flash mob, and “ode to ҆඀࠺ࠣႪྮᆽ჻ᆀ࣍  ದսіҕࡆਔ߶ၰb؟ਔ܂ᇕ࿊ᄴbऌ҂đູᆽ჻ᆀิ؟ਔ܂ༀཛଢđູᆽ჻ᆀิڛༀཛଢ৘֩ӈഡྟᆽ჻ᆀڛ৘֩ӈഡྟᆽ჻ᆀ health and happiness”, which were well received by the public. The 2013 work meeting of Communist Youth League (CYL) and commendation meeting of outstanding volunteers ༀൈࡗၘղڛđಆ୍ᆽ჻໊ەༀൈࡗၘղđၛഈӈഡྟᆽ჻ᆀڛđಆ୍ᆽ჻໊ەປಆ๤࠹ປಆ๤࠹đၛഈӈഡྟᆽ჻ᆀ was held, attended by more than 40 people including Deputy Party Secretary Gu Qijing, Deputy Chairman of .ༀߑᆀඔ൅ຣದՑb Labor Union Xiao Bin, committee members of CYL, League branch secretaries and outstanding volunteersڛༀߑᆀඔ൅ຣದՑbđڛཬൈཬൈđ 



षᅚ஡࿞  Ցđҕࡆ஡࿞֥ᆽ჻ᆀӑݖ  ದՑದՑbb܋षᅚ஡࿞୍܋ಆಆ୍

ᆽ჻ᆀ֥࿊ஊ၂ᆰ൞໡ჽᆽ჻ᆀ֥Ԯ๤ཛଢb ᄅđഈݚ൧ࣚപ໓ૼϷa๶൧຾ᄜՑؿԛݼᅺđቆᆮֻ  ஻ഈݚౝ୍ׂګ ᆽ჻ᆀđđषᅚoதϡએ၂ఏഈϫpaބᆽ჻ᆀ໡ૌߎຶಡ҂๝֥ᇶีބ໡ૌߎຶಡ҂๝֥ᇶี

৯ਈđބངሱ֥࠭ᆩ്ڋ଀ౝ୍၄ളБ଀đ჻ၩູ௕঒ֹ౵؟ༀb໡ჽࠒࠞཙႋݼᅺđڛᄉଲ௕঒ֹ౵षᅚ၄ਏ໏ളᆽ჻ګιpᆽ჻ᆀॹ೺ࠃ׮aoࡲूߋুmශnpᆽ ᆽ჻ᆀ־ιpᆽ჻ᆀॹ೺ࠃ׮aoࡲूߋুmශnpᆽԮ־൳ιcԮۋ൳ιcoۋo

ᆘӱbׂګౝ୍ᆽ჻ᆀđ ᄅԚ෷ഈׂګ໡ჽູק჻ᆀࠃ׮჻ᆀࠃ׮֩ཛଢđ൳ܼ֞ٗݺ௟b֩ཛଢđ൳ܼ֞ٗݺ௟b ቋᇔ૟୕ຓ॓ഹྼम๝ᆽФܻ಴࿊

Sending Yunnan-aiding volunteers is a tradition of our hospital. In June, Shanghai Spiritual Civilization Office and Shanghai CYL called for the 17th batch of youth volunteers to undertake medical service in poverty-stricken areas in Yunnan Province. Actively responding to the call, many young doctors signed up to dedicate their knowledge and energy. Dr. Sheng Xujun from Urology Department was appointed as our hospital’s volunteer and sent to the province early in August.

۽၄ჽᇛшҔႂaਬ ູਔ۷ݺ֥ಞഠ߶ਔࢳ၄ༀഠۂႮᆽ჻ᆀૌሱᇶഡ࠹aᇅቔਔ၂ᅦݤ p۽ቔა׮෿đ၄ჽഡ৫oྍ޿ഠ۽֥ ൲aࢌ๙aᇾී֩ଽಸ֥uྍ޿ളࠃ֝ݴvֹ๭đູຓ౵Ⴍః ᇶϷ֥oྍކ৳߶۽ഈݚ൧၄ༀބౝ๶ഈݚ൧຾ჴ߶܋ഈݚ൧࣡ν౵຾ჴ߶a܋ᄅರđႮഈݚ൧໏ളა࠹߃ളტ຾ჴ߶aᇏ ᇙݼđॖೡ૭ؽົ઒ܱᇿ໡ૌb܄ྐັ ਔࠞն֥ь০b܂൞ຓֹߑᆀটჽࣼᆐൈิ ༀࠃ׮ᄝ࣡νᄆղ  ܼӆईྛb໡ჽڛᆽ჻ڃࣉഠ౵đ৳׮՜ࡲूpiiֻ  ࢽഈݚ൧၄ჺྍྒն྘ၬᆐ᳝ࡲू࣡ν࿐ূྒ In order to popularize the work and updates of Volunteers designed and made a map of "Xinhua life navigation", covering catering, ༀࠃ׮b၄ჺྍྒၬᆐࠃ׮ᇀࣂၘईϷ  ୍đၘࣜӮູഈݚ൧֥၂ڛຓ॓ഫִ޿ؽ໊ౝ୍ህࡅҕაགྷӆᆽ჻ظ༩aޣଽ້॓ظ medical social work, the department opened a retail, transportation, accommodation and other aspects around the hospital, which WeChat account named "Xinhua hospital social ۱ቋऎႵ१З֥ၬᆐࠃ׮b ྐັ۽is of great convenience for patients from other districts and outside Shanghai. ྍ޿ഠ work". People can scan the QR Code to learn about us. On March 2, the 21st large-sale free clinic of Shanghai new medical stars and Learn-from-Lei Feng volunteer activity was held in 889 Plaza of Jingan, which was co-organized by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning, Party Committee of Jingan District, Shanghai CYL and Shanghai Medical Union. Dr. Wei Hongxia of Pediatric Internal Medicine and Dr. Shen Dihua of Pediatric Surgery participated in the activity. With 21 years’ history, this free clinic activity has won public praise in Shanghai.

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ކ৳ༀ෻đڛ౵ຓձࡹٮༀؒđᄝֹํϖݼཌࡾ௵ਫ਼ᅟ๏ڛༀེؒ൭oࡾ௵ᆭྒpౝ୍ᆽ჻ᆀڛᄅ  ರഈ໶đ໡ჽᆽ჻ᆀ     61 ~ ~ 1 ™š œ 95568 4Ÿ-]¡¢C£P%/¦Y 6 ™š¨9 95595 9^00Z17^00 9^00Z16^00 / 22 ©K 95588 9^00Z17^00 9^00Z17^00 / 25 D« 95528 8^45Z17^30 8^45Z17^30 10^00Z15^00 ࢀ৞၄ഽa१స॓໏ព॓ڹༀࠃ׮bࠃ׮གྷӆಣହ٤ُđ໡ჽڛ00Z17^00 9^00Z16^30 / षᅚၛoܱι୯ྟğଢ଼֥ࡲूđ໡টܱྏpູᇶี֥ห೤ᆽ჻ᆀ^9 95511 ­ 34 35 G= 95533 9^00Z17^00 N]±]j / 44 YZ 95594 8^00Z16^30 8^00Z16^00 / 45 YZ*K 4006-962-999 8^45Z16^45 µ]j]± O·5 61 * 021-6562022 8^30~17^00 9^30~16^00 / 4   !"#$%&'

࡟Ұđಣྏࢤրૄ၂໊భটࣉྛࠥѨሦ࿘֥Ӱग़đ༥ྏ࿘໙Ѩ౦đରྏࢳճิԛ֥۲োࡲू໙ีbਢԵٮ૧܂၄ഽູ୯ྟӰग़ิ 138 021-65126798 '¹1. 2 3 #+D' 021-65147146 80 G1' 5 021-6504587124( 108 [½¾¿Z\ 42 !D' 021-55962312 60~108 55 @1' / 108 ҩਈ࿓࿢đ๝ൈᄼෂࡲू࿆Ԯሧਘbٮ1' 021-55955929 118 ၄࿐ჽ֥ᆽ჻ᆀૌູӰग़૧ T 58 ()   26 Ë.^R¨Ï 8^00Z20^00 8‹Ï¢Ðrs 30 TËI 8^00Z20^00 s 30 Ë.^R^0rs.Ï 8^00Z20^00 s 46 YZ I 24( Ùs *+   On March 8, cooperated with “Jiangpu Star” young volunteers, our hospital set up a service platform at the station hall of Metro Line 8 Jiangpu Road and held a volunteer 2%%# ''$ $$ë ^^ 21 "£ëA / ì 38 ·9 24( / ..  # 41 ?ð 9^00Z21^00 Zñ]ò]B service activity themed as “caring for women’s health”. Dr. Jiang Li of Gynecology Department and Dr. Wei Jie of Stomatology Department provided free exam for female           4 .c / 50 eY 7^00Z22^30 c  18717894822 ^ ^  passengers, making careful disease consultation and patient response to all kinds of health problems. Volunteers from School of Clinical Medicine provided free blood 15 7 00-24 00 9 f; 13601685101 50 8^00Z20^00 Wf 021-65028070 8^30Z23^00 X(X3J 1 12 @j[ // 10^00Z21^30 c[ B 021-65135044 50 9^00Z22^00 O>X8> 13 n6= // / =rs õË(ö^2014÷12ø26j 4008-123-123 $%&  24( +L 14 ZHu\ // 8^00Z19^00 v ,-. measurement and health brochures. + /// / 15 YZ {- 9^00Z22^30 NXjX@j 9^00Z21^00 7n@ 9@ [Y€ @ eYù ),A](öX@ìX 400-882-3823 $%&  24( +L 16 / 9^00Z21^00 \1c c ,AA±'K6)Y 4006-927-927 $%&  24( +L 17 // / "IR "I ^Hb©Ï K6Ÿ K- Y 4000-979-797 $%&  24( +L 18 // / : ; // / / //7^00Z22^00  X@A 20 X43KX8%W80b "IR // / "I 021-65050466 // CVL 23 ©?E<ð ’L5Y 27 _>‰ // / VŠX‹ //6^00Z21^00 & 32 QK 021-6501588 / 7^00~21^00 c //6^00Z19^00 IKXNM 40 "IR // / "I /(01234 15026415391 20 6^00Z24^00 :X 43 ++ // 24( c : 56789:;< /// 48 ‘’ // 24( c 15221583988 15 8^00Z22^30 ?(@ABC YZ / / 6^00Z20^00 54 Q; 18930549403 10Z15 8^00Z21^00 Q DE 601705683 15 7 30 22 00 _4 F ; ++ ˜

  ࡹֆ໊໴࢘ӆࢧ֡ࡹྍं຾đູഠ౵ं૶௴ࠣતྟയѨٝᇍ֥ཌྷܱ໏ളӈ്bՎՑoࡲ܋ᄅ  ರđჽ๶຾oࡲूॹӚpট֞  ᇶ಩၄ഽᇶࢃđࠃ׮གྷӆ་ႄਔ࣍  ໊ं૶భট๐ࢃb ਞؓ߱ЩڬॹӚpႮയᄣଽ॓৙߰ਦू inhua Hospice ◆ On March 19, the “Health Express” came to Jianxin Neighbourhood of Wujiaochang Community and popularized knowledge for prevention and treatment of chronic kidney X diseases. Dr. Li Huilin of Nephrology department delivered a lecture which attracted nearly 70 residents.

ྍ޿ୡအჽ൞৙ࡁӴࠎࣁ߶गሧࡹ৫֥ഈݚ൮ࡅୡအჽđ Xinhua Hospice was the first hospice in Shanghai sponsored by Li Ka Shing Foundation with the main aim of providing poor terminal cancer patients ഈ with free charitable medical service. Its services cover home visit, analgesicۂༀݤڛༀđڛՋ೿၄ਏ܂ิٮༀᇏ ᇶေູδᆡພ௹௕঒ߑᆀ૧ڛᄅ  ರđ໡ჽࠒࠞཙႋݓࡅࠣഈݚ൧໏ള࠹ള຾֥ݼᅺđႿ໡ჽь૶  therapy, disease control and psychological/spiritual guidance. Xinhua hospice’s bྍ޿ୡအჽ֝ڣༀϤྠࡲूྛ׮nն྘ၬᆐࠃ׮pb ૊࿛ᆐaᆓ๥ᇍਏaᆡሑ॥ᇅaྏ৘ࠣਲྟڛྏषᅚoྍ޿၄ჽ  ୍m service principle is to improve the living standards of tumor patients of late period, ༀሷᆻ൞ิۚພ௹ᇖਿߑᆀ֥ളࠃᇉਈđົ޹ߑᆀ֥ቍ࿸aڛ֥ On Sept 14, our hospital actively responded to the call of National and Shanghai Health and Family Planning protect patients’ self-esteem, relieve the pain, alleviate worrisome symptoms, oಆದaಆࡅaಆӱaಆؒa provide care for the “whole person, whole family, whole period, whole team and܂Commission, and held a large-scale free clinic activity at Convenience Service Center. ࡨ౞๥७aߏࢳ҂ൡᆡሑđิ whole community”, and provide family members with psychological support. Up to now, more than 5590 terminal cancer patients have received professional service ބༀbιྏaᆇྏڛྏ৘ᆦӻ܂pđѩؓࡅದิܤಆഠ౵֥ᅶ from hospice. Its service with love, ingenuity and patience was spoken highly by the ਔୡအህ܂ༀđఘࣂၘູ  Ⴥ଀ພ௹ᇖਿߑᆀิڛରྏ֥ patients, their family and the society, and was strongly recommended by Shanghai ؇ᄡဘđ۷֤֞ Health and Family Planning Commission. Xinhua hospice was awarded the title ofۚބഠ߶֥ಪॖބༀđ֤֞ਔߑᆀaࡅದڛြ national advanced collective of caring life and contributing love in 2014. ഈݚ൧໏ള࠹ള຾֥ն৯๷ࡩđ಴ࠆ  ୍ಆݓoܱιളଁa To better popularize the idea of benefiting the patients and the society, Xinhua ངιྏp֥༵ࣉุࠢbڋ hospice provides service mainly in the form of home-based services, with outpatient service and telephone consultation conducted at the same time in order ᇏٳ௵ཌྷ࠿ট֞ഈݚ൧࿓၁ᇏྏဗ۽ᄅ  ರđ໡ჽ  Ⴥ୍໊౞֥၄ༀᆯ  ഠ߶p֥৘୑đྍ޿ୡအჽ that more terminal cancer patients can feel the warmth and comfort at the lastڞߑᆀđᄯڞဘoᄯޢ۷ݺູ ׈߅ሦ࿘đ൐ period of their life. In 2014 the hospice have provided free service for more thanބༀູᇶđ๝ൈषᅚ૊ᆐ၄ਏڛྏiiྍ޿၄ჽང࿓໬ҕࡆoളଁᆭ޽ၹ୆ᅡ٢p໭ӊང࿓ࠃ׮bູࠒࠞ๷׮໭ӊང ၛ׿หंࡅ၄ਏ 440 tumor patients of late period, and offered home service, outpatient service Ⴕ  Ⴥ໊၄܋ང֥ۚഉ౦߈đ၄ჽࣂ୍ڋቔᆀང࿓ࣷದ໭඲۽ဘ၄ༀޢቔđ۽࿓ .൳֞ದࡗ֥໑୰đಞ෰ૌᄝളଁ֥ቋު and consulting service for more than 4700 personsۋພ௹δᆡߑᆀି؟۷

ༀພ௹ᇖਿߑᆀ Apart from serving the patients, the hospice also provides caregivers withڛٮྏਲ֥໎ࢶb ୍ୡအჽ૧֤֞؍ༀದჴᓅྯग࿓đႨሱ֥࠭ൌ࠽ྛ׮ᆣૼ॓࿐ང࿓໭෥ࡲू֥৘୑đູਢԵഈ֥Ѩߑ ࢨ ༀ  ჅದՑb psychological and technological support, which is an important part of hospice’sڛሦ࿘ބࡅa૊ᆐं܂ངιྏb  Ⴥ໊đิڋ work. In 2014 we organized 8 activities in which 146 family members of patients On Sept 25, more than 30 young medical staff went to Shanghai Blood Center Yangpu Branch to donate their .࠯ెഈ participated, 32 family members got individual psychological guidance and supportބྏ৘܂ᆀิܤༀ҂ࣇࣇ൞ߑᆀđؓᅶڛୡအჽ֥ blood. To promote blood donation and carry forward selfless dedication of medical staff, over 140 hospital At the same time, medical service publicity was held 3 times in community, in .ༀ֥ᇗေଽಸđ ୍໡ૌቆᆮਔ  which more than 80 citizens took partڛstaff donated blood to show their caring for patients and to prove the concept that scientific blood donation is ֥ᆦӻ๝ဢ൞ୡအჽ harmless to health. ਔ۱ุ Xinhua hospice aims at popularizing its service idea and techniques to community܂Ⴕ  ໊ߑᆀࡅඋҕაđູ  ູࡅඋิ܋Ցࠃ׮đ so that patients and their family members get benefited. As the first teacher ܋ༀ࿆Ԯ  Ցđڛᆦӻđ๝ൈᄝഠ౵षᅚୡအ၄ਏބ֝ڣྏ৘ training base of home soothing palliative care in Shanghai, the hospice trained Ⴕ  Ⴥ໊܄ᇙҕࡆb staffs of soothing palliative care from 32 pilot community hospitals in May. After passing the examinations, more than 300 medical personnel obtained soothing ࠯ඌ๷ܼ֞ഠ౵đ palliative care certification issued by Shanghai Health and Family Planningބༀ֥৘୑ڛ๝ဗ௵౵җ৳ࠏܱ֔ᆦ҆aၺྛഠ ྍ޿ୡအჽᇁ৯Ⴟࡼୡအ҆۽ഠކ৳ᄅ  ರݓ࠽ᆽ჻ᆀರđჽ๶຾  Commission. ߑᆀࠣఃࡅඋ൳ၭb ୍  ᄅđྍ޿ୡအჽቔູ֥؟୪೘ըđູഠ౵ं૶ҩਈ ൐۷۽๝षᅚഠ౵ၬᆐࠃ׮đቆᆮህࡅૌট֞܋୪ྍը֔຾۽౵  ဘਔࣣ঺aι঺֥໓ૼ ഈݚ൧໏ള࠹ള຾൮ࡅंࡅൽߏਏ޹ഽሧ஡࿞ࠎֹđؓഈݚޢ၄ਏሦ࿘đ႓֤ਔ঺ದૌ֥ಣਛߋ႒đ܂ૡ؇a࿓࿢ѩิܠ ஡࿞đႵ  Ⴥ໊၄޹ەቔᆀ֥Ⴊਅ၄֣b ࡅഠ౵၄ჽൽߏਏ޹၄޹ದჴࣉྛഈ۽đุགྷਔ၄ༀڄᆭ

ᆣەѩࠆ֤ਔႮഈݚ൧໏࠹຾ϯؿ֥ൽߏਏ޹ഈނOn Dec 5, the International Volunteer Day, hospital CYL and department of medical social work, together ದၘࣜݖॉ with party branch of Federation of the Disabled and party committee of Yinhang community ඀b Gongnongnxincun Neighbourhood, held a community free clinic activity. Experts went to Gongnongsancun Neighbourhood, provided medical consultation, measured bone density and blood pressure. They were warmly welcomed by elderly people. This activity carried forward the spirit of respecting and caring the old people and reflected the good ethics of medical workers.

   ࣲ࡙మ L ook to 2015 ◆

风物长宜放眼量 Range far Your Eyes over Long Vistas








Ԯ๤Ⴊ൝࿐֥॓๝ൈđᇗׄ஡ტྍྖႪ൝࿐॓đܥ܇࿐॓ಕઋđᄝ llކശਢԵၐ଴໙ีࢳथି৯ĠӐ֝ਢԵა॓࿹֥ۚ؇ವิ


Spring is coming and a thousand boats set sail to a new splendid goal. With great confidence and courage boosted in the year of deepening the reform, we are striding into the Year of 2015.

The hospital has come into a new normalcy of development. It means that the new consideration must be embarked upon and a new power hastened. With a lot of longing, we, during the critical period of the ending of the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" and drawing of "Thirteenth Five Year Plan" blueprint, we will have a positive change of the hospital development mode, take clinic work as a leader and improve the medical service centered with the patients. In the development of disciplines, we will be making discipline groups bigger and stronger, subdivide the disciplines to add prominent features, plan to establish high synergetic science coenosium, and at the same time consolidate the traditional advantage disciplines, focus on the cultivation of the newly emerged and preponderant subjects, improve ability of solving the difficult clinical problems and advocate the high integration of clinical work and scientific research….

At the time, since clouds are sailing. Xinhua is starting off upon its journey again in 2015.

ƣ˵ȟϚ  ˆǤ ƣÏ˗ȟFµ˔ r F͉ͦr ΉʒF˄ˆ<Ș<͌BBBHȘ¬˄ˆ΅ISό})°Ή ANNUAL REPORT 2014

ѱ㕌φᆏ䭕੪ⳉ ᢝ㺂ѱ㕌φ亴⩜䶏 㕌ညφ㛌ᯂ亴ᯂ哺ᕰ 䍙Ա㕌䗇φ䛯ѳ㩃᯳ᮅᗆѯᕖ⌷䱼䖬䬌 㤧ᮽ㕌䗇਀㘱䈇φ傢伔ᆏ䴥⠋⅝ࢇ䭁䵃Ᲊၒᶄཝឝ 㔕ㆯφᶞⅼᆷ䇮⫆㛨 䇴䇗φ䐥⫆ ᩺ᖧφᡪ㦙ᵧঐ঄ ᢵ࡬φᝅ܅૷⢂ᵰᶺ


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