WorshiP F I R S T U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H Sunday Worship at 10:00 am Lent 2012: Show Me the Way SENTINEL vol. cxxxvii, no. 3 March 2012 March 4 • Holy Communion March 18 • Fourth Sunday in Lent Sermon by Rev. Patricia Farris Sermon by Rev. Robert English March 11 • Third Sunday in Lent March 25 • Lessons & Anthems (Daylight Saving Time Begins) This annual Lenten service includes the “Passion” story from scripture, interspersed with special music reflecting the season. Sermon by Rev. Patricia Farris NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID 1008 Eleventh Street, Santa Monica, CA 90403 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 90401 www.santamonicaumc.org PERMIT NO. 100 Standing Together Update 310-393-8258
[email protected] “Standing Together” is a project that brings together Muslims and Christians to engage in dialogue about our faith, beliefs, customs Senior Minister Business Administrator and everyday life - to help foster knowledge, understanding and even friendship. Noel and I have been part of the Christian Rev. Patricia Farris Christina Eddy contingent and have felt truly blessed to be in the midst of this experience.
[email protected] [email protected] It has been very rewarding not to mention interesting and eye-opening. We have learned a lot and have made lasting relationships with folks with Youth & Intergenerational FUMC Preschool whom we may not have otherwise struck up conversations on our own. Rev. Robert English -Rachel Eaton
[email protected] Charleen Smith, Director
[email protected] Children & Family Life Rev.