VA Vol 6 No 7 July 1978

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VA Vol 6 No 7 July 1978 who made an error in judgement and to straighten out the problems. In discussing these matters with the chapter of­ ficers and fly-in chairmen it was agreed that the ideal situation would be for a chapter to designate its fly-in committee chairmen and committee volunteers a year ahead of time, and then encourage these indi­ viduals to volunteer their services at other fly-ins in advance of their own function so that when their time of responsibility arrived, they would be well trained and knowledgeable with reference to their assigned tasks. In keeping with this thought, your Oshkosh chairmen and co-chairmen welcome all those who hold regional or chapter fly-in responsi­ bilities and encourage them to work on the same committees at Oshkosh. They may not do everything EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC right at Oshkosh, but they certainly have a multitude THE RESTORER'S CORNER of opportunities to do it over and over and over until DIVISION they get it right. The end result is that an Oshkosh By }. R. Nielander, Jr. volunteer is an expert in his field when he goes home MEMBERSHIP DRIVE and accepts the chairmanship of a similar committee at his local fly-in. There is no better training available. The complete list of Antique/Classic Division con­ WIN vention committees with the names and addresses Over the past several months you r offrcers and of their chairmen and co-chairmen appeared on page A pai r of Antique Goggles directors have made a point of trying to provide Divi­ 24 of the May issue of The Vintage Airplane. Drop a by persuading 5 people to sion headquarters representation at the various note to the chairman of the committee which interests Division chapter fly-ins as well as the larger regional you, and let him know that you want to help. He'll *Jom. fly-ins which attract antique and classic aircraft. In appreciate hearing from you, and you'll become a attending these events and talking with the chapter fly-in expert on the committee of your choice. If you II A Leather Flying Helmet officers and flyein chairmen, one theme seemed to will not be sure until the last minute that you'll be permeate the conversations. Most of these officers able to attend, just show up and tell him, "here I am". when you get 10 people to and chairmen lamented the fact that, while they had He'll welcome you with open arms. sign up. wonderful dedicated people with which to work, Elsewhere in this issue you will find the Division many of these people were inexperienced in their convention activities schedule including the forums jobs, having assumed their duties for the first time schedule and the Division evening programs. This - then start over and win again ­ at the current fly-in. This inexperience resulted in service is provided to help you plan in advance those much wasted time and lost motion, as well as some activities in which you would like to participate. Please ~ A free five year member­ problems which should have been anticipated and note that the Division will sponsor a picnic dinner remedied before they occurred. There were numer­ on Tuesday evening, August first, and a social hour ship in the Antique/Classic ous discussions concerning how these situations on Friday evening, August fourth. The latter will be Division if you sponsor the could be alleviated. Of course all agreed that if a later in the evening following the awards program. volunteer is willing to serve in the same capacity for Division members are cordially invited to attend either most new members in a series of fly-ins or chapter activities, his knowledge or both of these fu r.ctions so that all may become 1978. and ability improves with each successive exposure, better acquainted with their officers, directors and and he soon becomes an expert at his job. This fact fellow members. is of course most evident at Oshkosh where some Don't forget the membership contest. Five new To Qualify: Write your name and member­ volunteers have been doing the same job for over members gets you a set of antique flying goggles. ship number on the back of the member­ twenty years. It is also evident at the Sun 'n Fun, Wat­ Five more gets you a leather flying helmet, and the ship blanks we've been providing in THE sonville, and other large regional fly-ins. This is not member recruiting the most new members by the end VINT ACE AIRPLANE. Headquarters will to say that there are no mistakes made in the opera­ of the year gets a five year free membership in the tion of these large fly-ins. There are, but there is also Division. Start your recruiting campaign now. keep score. more likely to be the expertise at hand to bailout those SEE YOU AT OSHKOSH! The VINTAGEAI!1PLANE Editorial OFFICIAL MAGAZINE Staff EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC. of THE EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Publisher P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130 Paul H. Poberezny Copyright" 1978 EAA Antique/Classic Division. Inc .. All Rights Reserved . Editor (Photo by Chris Sorensen) JULY 1978 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 7 A pair of Parakeets over Iowa . David Gustafson TABLE OF CONTENTS Associate Editors: H. Glenn Buffington, Robert G. Elliott, AI Kelch, (Cover Photo by Lee Fray: EAA Air Museums Lockheed 12 Electra.) Edward D. Williams, Byron (Fred) Fredericksen The Re storer's Corner by J. R. Nielander, Jr. ... .. ... , .. ........ ... .. 2 Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Associate Editorships are assigned On Converting a Tri-Pacer toa Taildragger by Bob Schumaker .. ,',...... 4 to those writers who submit five or more articles .which are published in THE VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIR­ Franklin Rose by Edward D. Williams ..... , ......................... ,.. 8 PLANE and a free one-year membership in the Division for their efforts. POLICY-Opinions Chino 78 by Claude Gray ..... .... .... .. .. .... ... ............. ... 12 expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting Vintage Album . .. , .......... , . .. .. .. ...... , .. .. ... .. , .... .. 14 rests entirely with the contributor. Judging Update by Claude Gray ... ........ , .. ..... ,., . ... ......... 16 Directors The Crouch-Bolas Dragonfly by David Gustafson " ........ , ... .... ..... ,. 17 ANTIQUE/CLASSIC Oshkosh Convention Schedule ........ .. , ......................... .. 22 William J. Ehlen AI Kelch DIVISION The Tiger and the Tempest by David Gustafson .. ,., .. ... ............... 24 OFFICERS Route 8 Box 506 7018 W. Bonniwell Road Tampa, Florida 33618 Mequon, Wisconsin 53092 PRESIDENT Claude l. Cray, Jr . Morton W. lester J. R. NIELANDER, JR. %35 Sylvia Avenue Box 3747 Northridge, California 91324 Martinsville, Virginia 24112 P.O. BOX 2464 FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33303 Dale A. Gustafson Art hur R, .,""organ 7724 Shady Hill Drive 3744 N. 51st Boulevdfd VICE-PRESIDENT Indianapolis, Indiana 46274 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 51216 EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP JACK WINTHROP Richard Wagner M. C. " Kelly" Viets o NON-EAA MEMBER - $20.00_ Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/ RT. 1, BOX 111 P.O. Box 181 RR 1 Box 151 Classic Division, 12 monthly iss ues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; one year mem­ ALLEN, TX 75002 Lyons, Wi sconsin 53148 Sti lwell, Kansas 66085 bership in the Experimental Aircraft Association and separate membership cards. SPORT AVIATION magazine not included. SECRETARY Advisors o EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA. Antique/Classic W. BRAD THOMAS, JR. Ron ald Fritz Stan Gomoll Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE AND MEMBERSHIP CARD. DODSON MILL ROAD 1989 Wilson, NW 1042 90th l ane, NE 301 (Applicant must be current EM member and must give EAA membership number.) PILOT MOUNTAIN, NC 27041 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504 Minneapolis, Minneso ta 55434 John R. Turgyan Robert E. Kessel TREASURER 1530 Kuser Road 445 Oakridge Drive E. E. " BUCK" HILBERT Trenton, New Jersey 08619 Rochester, New York 14617 8102 LEECH RD. Robert A. White UNION, IL 60180 Box 704 Zellwood, Florida 32798 THE VtNTAGE AIRPLANE is owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division, In c .• and is published monthly at Hales Corners. Wisconsin 53t30. Second ctass Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office. Hales Corners, Wi sconsin 53130, and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/ Classic Division, Inc., are $14.00 per 12 month period of which $10.00 is for the publication of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. Page 8 Page 17 ON CONVERTING A T TO A TAILDRAG By Bob Schumaker (EAA #60859) 403 Meadowview Dr., S.E. Huntsville, AL 35802 (Photos provided by Author) Easy does it! The highest 6" in th e world about to be consumed for that first landing - th e Darlin ' touched on all 3 points - the end of a perfect flight. gether when he added, "Oh yes Bob, the engine has an uncanny mechanical aptitude and a deep love for only 6 hours since a fresh major. That did it. We the Aeroplane. Between us, we started the job. The first changed $, wings, parts, etc., and "Away We Go." My move was to de-hide the wings. Then the true needs So you think a Tri-Pacer is a great little ole plane, wife's husband is off on another project. became painfully obvious : nine ribs, two outer leading but, it looks like a flying milkstool. I, too, thought this Then the problem was what to start on. The wings edges, drag wires, drag struts and a main spar. The and therein lies quite a story. looked like someone had landed on them (and in fact bad ribs were removed as well as the other parts. A jig It was November in Huntsville, Alabama and the they had) so we started on them.
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