
Terpenoids: Higher Advanced article

Timothy P Devarenne, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA Article Contents . Introduction Based in part on the previous version of this Encyclopedia of Life Sciences . Nomenclature and Biosynthesis of the Isoprenoid Unit (ELS) article, : Higher by W David Nes and Wenxu Zhou. .


. Tetraterpenoids

Online posting date: 15th September 2009

Terpenoids (or isoprenoids/isopentenoids) are a diverse by humans for many purposes such as flavourings in food, group of compounds that are found throughout nature scents in and drugs to fight diseases such as can- and are biosynthesized through the successive condensa- cer. This article examines the synthesis, distribution and tion of the five- compound . Higher function of higher terpenoids as well as the regulation of the genes responsible for the production of these molecules. terpenoids are complex structures that possess minimal- ly between 20 and 40 carbon atoms. Although higher terpenoids are found in all organisms, produce the largest array of higher terpenoids in terms of number, Nomenclature and Biosynthesis of the structure and function. These -derived higher terpe- noids can be utilized by humans for purposes such as drugs Isoprenoid Unit to fight diseases or as feedstocks for biofuel production. and terpenoids constitute a very large family of The genes responsible for producing these plant of higher natural products. Approximately 20 000 different terpenes terpenoids are just now beginning to be identified and and terpenoids have been identified, embracing a bewilder- these studies are showing that higher terpenoids are ing but fascinating array of skeletal types that contribute essential for plant growth, development and defence to the many varied functions of these molecules in nature. against pathogens. The term was originally used to describe C10H18 occurring in oil, a complex mixture of terpenes. The term has, over the , acquired a generic significance and is used almost interchangeably with isoprenoids (oid, meaning like) and isopentenoids, with no universal agreement on terminol- Introduction ogy in this area. An isoprenoid unit (or isoprene unit) is a five-carbon-atom structure with the isopentane carbon Living organisms, whether they are plants, or skeleton of isoprene, a product of the dry distillation microbes, are composed of similar compounds, derived (pyrolysis) of . A terpene unit is considered from a few basic biochemical pathways operating in to comprise 10 carbon atoms, from which all designations cells, including the terpenoid pathway. The unity of life, originate: hemi (C ), mono (C ), di (C ), sester (C ), tri apparent from the uniformity in structural constitution of 5 10 20 25 (C ), tetra (C ) and poly (4C )(Table 1). , indicates that phenotypic change and genetic 30 40 40 In the biological unit, the branched end of isoprene is evolution are coordinately regulated with the function known as the tail and the other end is known as the head played by natural products during ontogenetic and (Figure 1). During biosynthesis of terpenoids, the tail of the phylogenetic maturation. Terpenoids are that have isoprene intermediates is bound to a diphosphate group (or played a central role in growth and development of living ; Figure 1). The terms prenyl, for example a systems. Additionally, plant-derived terpenoids are used prenyl , and polyisoprenoid are both in common use to refer to linear (open-chain) isoprenoids. An example of a is , the C20 side-chain of . ELS subject area: Plant Science Some authors have used terpene to refer only to hydro- based on an integral number of C5 units as shown in How to cite: Table 1, and ‘isoprene’ (or more properly, isoprenoid) to Devarenne, Timothy P (September 2009) Terpenoids: Higher. In: designate the whole class of natural products derivable from Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. a(C)n structure. Terpenes have also been defined as DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0001916.pub2 5 compounds whose carbon skeleton can be dissected into

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Table 1 Classification of terpenes and terpenoids Classification No. of carbon atoms No. of isoprene units Example Diterpenes 20 4 (Figure 2) Sesterterpenes 25 5 Ophiobolin Triterpenes 30 6 b-Amyrin (Figure 3) 27–30 6 (Figure 3) 40 8 b- (Figure 2) Polyterpenes 440 48 Rubber (Figure 2) isoprenoid units joined in a regular linkage (e.g. head-to- thus higher terpenoids and carbon from IPP to be tail), or in an irregular linkage (e.g. head-to-head). incorporated into amino acids. The basic C5 isoprene unit for terpenoid biosynthesis can originate from three different pathways: (1) the mevalonate (MVA) pathway, (2) the nonmevalonate pathway or Diterpenes methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway and (3) the shunt. The MVA pathway occurs in the Diterpenes are C20 compounds formed from C20 GGPP cytosol of animals and plants, whereas the MEP pathway mainly produced by plants. Plant diterpenes are used for occurs in and the of plants. It appears that defence against pathogens and herbivoures, for hormone green only contain the MEP pathway localized in the production, and by humans as drugs. For example, the . In plants, , diterpenes, , diterpene taxol, produced by the Pacific yew , Taxus ubiquinones and phytol are produced in the plastid via the brevifolia, is well known as an anticancer agent. GGPP MEP pathway. All other plant terpenoids (, itself can be covalently attached, posttranslationally, to triterpenes and polyterpenes) are produced using the MVA proteins and act as a membrane anchor. This is common pathway (Rohmer, 2003). See also: Terpenoids: Lower for nontransmembrane proteins involved in membrane- The MVA pathway utilizes three molecules of C2 acetyl– associated signalling such as Rab guanosine triphospha- CoA to form C6 HMG (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarate)– tase (GTPase) proteins. See also: Membrane Targeting: CoA, which is reduced to C6 MVA. MVA is then phos- Methods; Proteins: Postsynthetic Modification – Function phorylated twice to produce MVA diphosphate (MVAPP), and Physical Analysis; Taxol which undergoes decarboxylation to give rise to the secrete a in response to insects that C5 biological isoprene unit isopentenyl diphosphate create a hole in the tree. The resin is made up of equal (IPP). IPP is then isomerized to dimethylallyl diphosphate amounts of monoterpenes and diterpenes and small (DMAPP; Figure 1). amounts of sesquiterpenes that can bury the invading In the MEP pathway, IPP is produced by the condensa- insect. The diterpenes in the resin act to seal the hole as well tion of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and pyruvate to form as have a role in defence (Keeling and Bohlmann, 2006). 1-deoxyxylulose-5-phosphate, which is reduced and iso- Although the resin in is constitutively present in merized to MEP for which the pathway is named. MEP resin ducts, wounding or herbivory has been shown to form then undergoes a series of reactions, the last of which traumatic resin ducts as well as induce the expression of produces both IPP and its isomer DMAPP (Figure 1; diterpene synthesis genes, which is mediated by the wound- Rohdich et al., 2002). induced production of the signalling compound methyl In both the MVA and MEP pathways, IPP is combined jasmonate. Typical diterpenes in resin include abietic and with DMAPP in a head-to-tail condensation to form C10 isopimaric acids. Castor bean also produces the diterpene, geranyl diphosphate (GPP). Successive head-to-tail addi- casbene, that function as an antifungal agent. tions of IPP can then produce terpenoid intermediates such (GAs; Figure 2) are diterpene plant hor- as C15 farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) and C20 geranylgeranyl mones that were initially isolated from the diphosphate (GGPP) that are used to form diterpenoids, and were subsequently found to be triterpenoids and tetraterpenoids, respectively. Coupling widespread among higher plants. GAs are produced by the reactions that can lead to the biosynthesis of acyclic 30 cyclization of GGPP into the kaurene skeleton, which is carbon atom molecules, triterpenes (e.g. coupling of FPP, then further metabolized to over 50 different GAs with a to give ), and of acyclic 40 carbon molecules, C20 ent-gibberellane or C19 ent-20-nor gibberellane skele- tetraterpenes (e.g. coupling of GGPP to give ), ton. GAs regulate many growth aspects of plants including involve head-to-head condensations. Cyclization and shoot elongation, fruit set and the de novo synthesis of oxidation reactions follow coupling reactions to give the a-amylase. G. fujikuroi is a pathogen of rice and takes desired end product. See also: , and advantage of the growth-stimulating properties of GAs by Isoprenoid Biosynthesis secreting GAs into the rice host causing unnatural growth, The MVA shunt is a bidirectional pathway that allows which results in infertile flowers and plant death. See also: carbon from amino acids to be incorporated into IPP and Plant Growth Factors and Receptors

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tail head head head

OPP OPP tail tail

(a) Isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) Farenesyl diphosphate (FPP)

MVA pathway MEP pathway

3 Acetyl-CoA O OH + OP O OH O O OH HMG-CoA Pyruvate Glyceraldehyde-3- HO S-CoA phosphate

O OH OH MVA HO OH OP O OH 1-Deoxyxylulose-5-phosphate

OPP OPP OH (b) IPP DMAPP OP OH OH Methylerythritol-4-phosphate

OPP OH Hydroxymethyl butenyl-PP


Figure 1 Head and tail positions of the basic isoprene unit and pathways for producing IPP. (a) Head and tail position for IPP and FPP. (b) The MVA pathway utilizing acetyl–CoA for production of IPP and DMAPP. (c) The MEP pathway utilizing pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate to produce IPP and DMAPP. Dashed lines indicate multiple steps.

Triterpenes derived triterpenoids are also currently investigated for activity against cancer and other human diseases. Triterpe- Triterpenoids constitute a large and diverse class of higher noids are classified as C30 terpenoids, but, sterols and terpenoids that can be cyclic or acyclic. Cyclic triterpenoids , which contain less than 30 carbons, are also usually contain four or five membered ring systems. There classified as triterpenoids since they originate from the same are over 1500 known triterpenoids, most of which are reaction mechanisms as C30 triterpenoids. produced by plants where they often function as defence com- Eukaryotic life on earth is intimately tied to the pounds against fungal and insect pathogens. These plant- production of from . The rise in

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Gibberllic acid Bacteriohopane





O HO O HO O HO O Antheridiol Oogoniol Brassinolide

nn = 500−5000 β-Carotene Rubber

Figure 2 Structures of some common higher terpenoids. oxygen levels of both the oceans and the atmosphere have and plants, sterols are methylated on the acyclic side-chain been suggested to have lead to the evolution of macroscopic to form C28 and C29 sterols such as ergosterol and multicellular organisms as well as the production of stigmasterol, respectively. In both plants and animals, triterpenes since production is oxygen intensive sterols are utilized for the production of steroid hormones. (Summons et al., 2006). For example, the production of Nonsterol oxygen-containing cyclic plant triterpenoids, one molecule of cholesterol requires 11 oxygen molecules. such as , are also produced by the cyclization of Thus, the presence of triterpenes in sediments can be used 2,3-oxidosqualene and are often found conjugated to sugar as a marker on oxygenated atmosphere. Additionally, since molecules. The biosynthesis of prokaryotic cyclic triter- sterols and steroids are limited to eukaryotic organisms, the penoids such as does not require oxygen and presence of sterols and steroids in the geologic record is thus they are formed by the direct cyclization of squalene being used to determine when the last common eukaryotic (Figure 3). Acyclic triterpenoids are produced by the modifi- ancestor was present. cation of the squalene backbone through oxidations, halo- Triterpenoids are derived from the head-to-head con- genations and additions of molecules such as acetate and densation of two molecules of C15 FPP which forms the amino acids. See also: Cholesterol, Steroid and Isoprenoid C30 compound squalene (Figure 3). In the biosynthesis of Biosynthesis eukaryotic cyclic triterpenoids, squalene is then oxidized to form 2,3-oxidosqualene. At this point, oxygen-contain- Sterols and steroid hormones ing cyclic triterpenoids diverge depending on the that carries out the cyclization reaction. For example, Sterols are the main terpenoid product of the isoprenoid synthase produces cycloartenol, the first pathway when cells are actively proliferating. The main cyclized product in plant biosynthesis, whereas function of sterols is to regulate membrane fluidity and synthase produces lanosterol, the first cyclized plasticity. Other functions of sterols include the production product in mammalian sterol biosynthesis. These sterol of steroid hormones. Sterols have been reported to occur in intermediates are then further processed by the loss of three animals, fungi, plants and bacteria. There are differences carbons to form C27 sterols such as cholesterol. In fungi between the sterols produced by animals and those of

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29 28

21 22 24 26 20 23 25 18 12 17 27 11 13 16 19 1 9 14 15 2 10 8

3 5 7 4 6 31 30 (a)

Anaerobic cyclization

Squalene Bacteria (hopanoids, bacteria) [O2] CHO O O O NHMe 2,3-Oxidosqualene OH HO β-D-glu(1 2) Isoarborinal O α β -L-ara(1 )O (plants, bacteria) -D-glu(1 4) HO Avenacin A-1 (saponins, plants) Nonphotosynthetic Photosynthetic

HO Lanosterol Cycloartenol

[O2][O2] [O2][O2]

HO HO HO HO Ergosterol Cholesterol Stigmasterol Poriferasterol (b) (fungi) (animals) (vascular plants) (algae)

Figure 3 Cyclic triterpenoid production beginning with squalene. (a) The sterol numbering system. (b) The tetracyclic-pentacyclic isopentenoid bifurcation to sterol and sterol-like molecules. plants, bacteria and fungi. and bacterial sterols are sequences of do not indicate sterol biosyn- C27 triterpenoids, whereas plant and fungal sterols have the thetic genes (Summons et al., 2006). addition of one or two methyl groups at the C24 position on In contrast to animals and fungi that predominantly the acyclic side-chain giving C28 or C29 sterols (Figure 3). produce cholesterol and ergosterol as the main sterol, The presence of sterols in cyanobacteria has been reported. respectively, plants produce a wide array of sterols However, this has been shown to be due to contaminating () with one or two methyl groups added to fungi in the cyanobacterial cultures. Additionally, the C24 position (Figure 3). In fact, there are over 200

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known naturally occurring C24-methylated sterols pro- Achlya bisexualis, the C29 sterol fucosterol is converted to duced by plants. Phytosterols can exist in cells as either a the C29 steroid sex hormones antheridiol and oogoniol free sterol or esterified to a fatty acid at the C3 hydroxyl (Figure 2; Brunt et al., 1990; Brunt and Silver, 2004). In group. Phytosterols are thought to be esterified so as to mammals, cholesterol is converted to the sex hormones maintain proper membrane composition of free sterols testosterone and estradiol by removal of the acyclic sterol (Schaller, 2004). Alternatively, the esterification of phy- side-chain and replacement with a hydroxyl group giving tosterols may target them for transport out of the cell of C19 (testosterone) and C18 (estradiol) steroids (Figure 2). production and to the site of incorporation into the Although these hormones are typically referred to as male membrane, or for further . Recently, two genes (testosterone) and female (estradiol) sex hormones, testos- responsible for the esterification of phytosterols were terone is found in female ovaries and functions in sexual isolated from Arabidopsis. The AtSAT1 gene has been drive as well as red blood cell production. Estradiol can shown to preferentially esterify cycloartenol using 16 or 18 also be found in males and functions in both sexes for carbon saturated fatty acyl–CoA as a fatty acid donor sexual functioning as well as bone development. See also: (Chen et al., 2007). The AtPSAT gene produces Cholesterol, Steroid and Isoprenoid Biosynthesis; Hor- esters with unsaturated fatty acids utilizing 18:2 phospha- mones and Behaviour; Sex Hormones in Vertebrates tidylethanolamine as the acyl donor for esterification to a The presence of steroid hormones in plants was not broad range of phytosterols including intermediates and confirmed until 1979 when the structure of the plant growth end product phytosterols (Banas et al., 2005). promoting substance brassin was positively identified as a A role for phytosterols in plants beyond steroidal lactone and renamed brassinolide (BL; (Figure 2)). composition has been difficult to determine. But, with the Brassinolide was first isolated from Brassica napus but advancement of Arabidopsis as a model plant system for has been shown to be present in all plants that have been plant studies, the roles phytosterols play in plant develop- analysed to date including dicots, monocots, gymnos- ment are beginning to be identified. Arabidopsis mutant perms, algae and . Approximately 40 different BLs screens for developmental defects have revealed that loss of have been identified and as a group are termed brassinos- sterol biosynthetic gene function can have drastic effects on teroids (BRs). BRs have many effects on plant development plant development (Schaller, 2004). Mutations in the sterol including promotion of cell growth, elongation, division, biosynthetic genes AtFACKEL (sterol C14 reductase) tracheary cell differentiation, senescence advancement and and AtHYDRA (D8–D7sterol isomerase) have embryonic responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. The discovery of lethality. AtHYDRA also is defective in ethylene signal- the BR-deficient Arabidopsis mutant det2 De-etiolated 2 ling. Mutants in the two C24 sterol methyltransferase helps to confirm the role of BRs as a hormone and genes, SMT1 and SMT2, have reduced plant stature. determine the pathway for BR biosynthesis (Li et al., 1996). SMT1 mutants also have defects in embryonic patterning The DET2 gene encodes a sterol D4,5 reductase and carries and polar auxin transport. Additional SMT2 mutants, out the second step in the conversion of the C28 phytosterol cvp1 and frill1, show defects in leaf vascular patterning and to BRs. An intense area of BR research has sepal and petal formation, respectively. Mutations in the been BR perception and leading to Arabidopsis gene CAS1 are male gene expression (Gendron and Wang, 2007). These studies lethal, have cessation of meristem formation and defects in Arabidopsis have revealed a complex signalling mechan- in chloroplast development (Babiychuk et al., 2008). The ism initiated by the perception of BR by the transmem- explanations for these loss of phytosterol biosynthetic brane receptor kinase BRI1. On BR binding, BRI1 gene phenotypes vary. One school of thought says that heterodimerizes with another transmembrane receptor mutations in phytosterol biosynthetic genes alter the kinase, BAK1, and together they function to initiate BR composition of end product phytosterols and thus the signal transduction. Through a cascade of phosphoryla- make up of membrane sterols. This, in turn, modifies tion and dephosphorylation, the transcription factors membrane properties leading to altered function of mem- BZR1 (brassinazole resistant 1) and BZR2/BES1 (BRI1- brane proteins associated with the described functions. The EMS-suppressor 1) are activated and bind promoters of second school of thought suggests that a sterol(s) may BR-responsive genes to alter gene expression and bring actually act as a signalling molecule to regulate plant about BR responses. See also: Brassinosteroids developmental processes. In support of a sterol(s) acting as a signalling molecule are the Arabidopsis PHABULOSA Hopanoids (PHB) and PHAVOLUTA (PHV) genes which have a role in determining leaf polarity. Both PHB and PHV encode Hopanoids are a group of sterol-like pentacyclic triterpe- deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-binding proteins containing noids mainly produced by bacteria, but are found in lower sterol-binding domains. Mutations in the PHB and PHV plants including ferns, and mosses. Hopanoids sterol-binding domains have effects on abaxial and adaxial are produced through the direct cyclization of squalene and leaf cell fates suggesting a sterol(s) as a modulator of PHB/ the simplest hopanoid is the C30 diploptene. But, most PHV activity (McConnell et al., 2001). bacterial hopanoids are based on the C35 bacteriohopane Sterols are also metabolized to steroid hormones in (Figure 2) and can have many additions at the C35 position animals, plants and fungi. In the aquatic saprophytic fungi such as hexoses, amino acids and fatty acids (Rohmer,

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2008). Hopanoids are predicted to function in membranes allelopathic activity and as defence compounds against to modulate fluidity in a manner similar to sterols, but may pathogens and herbivoures. Saponins have been utilized by have other functions such as stress reduction and main- humans for many different applications such as drugs, tenance of an oxygen-free environment for some sweeteners and bittering agents just to name a few (Vincken (Poralla et al., 2000; Berry et al., 1993). Hopanoids do not et al., 2007). In this respect, yeast are currently being appear to be ubiquitous in bacteria since the Myxococcales engineered to express plant OSC genes to produce bacteria produce C27 sterols (Bode et al., 2003) and analysis b-amyrin, a precursor that can be converted to of sequence data from the Sorcerer II Global Ocean many different saponins (Kirby et al., 2008). See also: Sampling suggests that the presence of squalene hopene : Naturally Occurring; Secondary Metabolites: cyclase genes is not ubiquitous in marine bacteria (Pearson Killing Pathogens and Rusch, 2008). Phytoecdysteroids Saponins Ecdysteroids are steroid hormones found in arthropods Saponins comprise a large and diverse class of largely that regulate moulting cycles. Insects are incapable of pentacyclic triterpenoids produced mainly by dicot plants producing sterols and thus obtain sterols through their diet that have the basic C30 structure of the hopanoid skeleton. of plant material. These alkylated (C28 and C29) plant However, unlike hopanoids that utilize squalene for sterols are dealkylated to a C27 sterol core by the insect cyclization, saponins are produced by the cyclization of and converted to cholesterol which is then used for mem- 2,3-oxidosqualene by an (OSC) gene brane sterols and the production of ecdysteroids. The (Figure 3). Thus, saponins are oxygenated at C3, which is most common insect ecdysteroid is 20-hydroxyecdysone utilized for glycosylations. Saponins have been reported (Figure 4a). Ecdysteroids, including 20-hydroxyecdysone, to have many different activities within plants including are also found in plant species. They are termed



HO HOH HO (c) H O C34 botryococcene

20-Hydroxyecdysone (a) (phytoecdysteroid) Methyltransferase(s) 1 2 C30 botryococcene 3 2′ 1′ 3′

BS 3 1 OPP 2 1 OPP SS/BS 2 1′ 3′ 3′ 1′ 3 2′ 2′ OPP Presqualene diphosphate (PSPP) C15 FPP SS

1 2′ 1′ ′ 3 3 2 (b) C30 squalene

Figure 4 Phytoecdysteroid structure and biosynthesis of squalene and botryococcene. (a) 20-Hydroxyecdysone, a common phytoecdysteroid. (b) The reaction mechanism of the enzymes squalene synthase (SS) and botryococcene synthase (BS). (c) Botryococcene liquid expelled from a colony of B. braunii by pressure.

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.els.net 7 Terpenoids: Higher phytoecdysteroids and are structurally identical to insect molecules are connected by the 1’ and 3 carbons, whereas in ecdysteroids. Phytoecdysteroids have been identified in 29 squalene the two FPP molecules are connected by the 1’ and families of nonflowering plants (ferns, club mosses and 1 carbons (Figure 4b; Okada et al., 2004). The enzyme gymnosperms) and in 78 families of flowering plants. But, producing C30 botryococcene has been termed botryococ- it appears that the ability to synthesize phytoecdysteroids cenes synthase (BS). However, the gene encoding BS, as is not highly conserved within these families as varying well as the methyltransferase gene(s) responsible for species in each family contain ecdysteroids. However, producing C34 botryococcene, have yet to be characterized this analysis in not complete and more conservation of from B. braunii. phytoecdysteroids among families may become evident as more species are analysed. Unlike in insects, phytoecdys- Regulation and organization of triterpenoid teroids biosynthesis in spinach does not utilize cholesterol genes as a precursor, but rather has been shown to proceed through the sterol intermediate lanosterol (Grebenok and The production of squalene has been one of the most Adler, 1993). This also appears to hold true for phytoec- studied triterpenoid reaction mechanisms due to the dysteroids found in corn (Devarenne et al., 1995). association of squalene with cholesterol biosynthesis in The role of ecdysteroids in plants appears to be defensive as humans. This reaction is catalysed by the enzyme squalene they do not appear to have a hormonal role. In feeding assays, synthase (SS) and represents the first enzymatic step phytoecdysteroids can have effects ranging from antifeeding committing carbon exclusively to triterpene production. activity to mortality depending on the phytoecdysteroids The SS reaction is a two-step reaction that requires level and larval growth stage. Evidence has been obtained in –adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduced spinach to support a defensive role for phytoecdysteroids. form (NADPH). In the first step, the two FPP molecules Wounding and jasmonic acid treatments have been shown to are condensed, head-to-head, to form the reaction inter- rapidly increase spinach 20-hydroxyecdysone levels. Root mediate PSPP, which contains a cyclopropane ring herbivory by both the dark-winged fungus gnat Bradysia between carbon 1 of one FPP molecule and carbons 2 impatiens and weevil larvae of Otiorhynchus sulcatus has been and 3 of the second FPP molecule. The second step shown to induce production of spinach 20-hydroxyecdysone converts PSPP to squalene by cleaving the cyclopropane (Schmelz et al., 2002). ring, creating a connection of the two FPP mole- cules through the 1–1’ carbons. This is followed by bond Botryococcenes rearrangement and reduction utilizing NADPH (Figure 4b). See also: Cholesterol, Steroid and Isoprenoid Biosynthesis The liquid hydrocarbon triterpene known as botryococ- The regulation of mammalian SS has been well-studied cene (Figure 4b) is produced by the B race of the green fresh in relation to cholesterol biosynthesis. SS gene transcript and brackish water colony forming microalga Botryococ- levels have been shown to be coordinated with the amount cus bruanii, which has been found on all continents. The of cellular sterol in a feedback regulation mechanism. In cells of a B. braunii colony are held together by an the presence of high sterol levels, SS messenger ribonucleic extracellular matrix that is made up of a crosslinked acid (mRNA) levels are decreased up to 95% while in low- hydrocarbon core. The liquid botryococcenes are sterol conditions, SS mRNA levels are increased. This found within the extracellular matrix and can be expelled regulation mechanism ensures that additional sterols are using pressure (Figure 4c). B. braunii has gained particular not produced when total sterol levels are high. Given the attention since botryococcenes can accumulate up to 86% negative implications of high cholesterol levels in humans, of their dry weight (usually approximately 40%), caustic this type of regulation will help to minimize the effects of hydrolysis and distillation of botryococcenes results in the high cholesterol levels. See also: Cholesterol Metabolism generation of hydrocarbon fuels suitable for internal Regulation combustion engines with a yield comparable to petroleum, In plant systems, SS has been studied in the context of and botryococcenes have been shown to occur in large pathogen interactions as well as during normal cellular amounts in currently used petroleum deposits. development. Unlike mammalian SS, plant SS does not Botryococcenes are produced by the head-to-head appear to be regulated by a feedback mechanism in condensation of two FPP molecules to produce C30 response to high sterol levels. However, these studies are botryococcene, which is then methylated four times to not complete and lack the in-depth analysis of the form the final product C34 botryococcene (Figure 4b). The mammalian studies. Plant SS is highly regulated in reaction forming C30 botryococcene is predicted to follow a response to pathogen. Treatment of Solanaceous plants reaction mechanism similar to that of squalene production such as and tobacco with fungal pathogens causes a using FPP and proceeding through the presqualene suppression of sterol biosynthesis and accumulation. diphosphate (PSPP) intermediate (see the section on Regu- Coordinately, a rapid and dramatic decrease in SS enzyme lation and organization of triterpenoid genes; Figure 4b). activity is observed in response to pathogen. Additionally, The difference between the C30 botryococcene reaction in tobacco this rapid drop in SS enzyme activity is and the squalene reaction is the breakage of the PSPP accompanied by an equally rapid decline in SS mRNA cyclopropane ring; in C30 botryococcene, the two FPP levels. However, the SS protein levels are maintained for

8 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.els.net Terpenoids: Higher almost 24 h after SS enzyme activity and mRNA levels have Thus, different SQE and OSC genes would be expressed in decreased, after which the SS protein levels decrease to response to specific stresses and in distinct tissues. This is undetectable levels (Devarenne et al., 2002). This would supported by the fact that many of the upstream terpenoid suggest that in response to pathogen, SS activity is pathway genes, such as FPP synthase and 3-hydroxy- regulated through a combination of transcriptional and 3-methylglutrayl–CoA reductase (HMGR) are repre- posttranslational mechanisms in response to pathogen. sented by multiple gene copies that are expressed in specific Suppression of plant sterol biosynthesis in response to tissues, developmental phases or in response to biotic fungal elicitor appears to be a conserved event to divert stresses. carbon from general metabolism and towards defence compound production. Other, non-Solanaceous, plant species decrease sterol biosynthesis through the suppres- Tetraterpenoids sion of different sterol biosynthetic enzymes such as cycloartenol synthase (Tabernaemontana divaricata)or Tetraterpenoids consist of only the C40 carotenoids, which the C4 demethylation step (Ammi majus). are produced by the head-to-head condensation of two It is well known that in prokaryotic , genes molecules of C20 GGPP forming phytoene. This reaction is with related functions are organized to operons so that carried out by the enzyme phytoene synthase (PS) and expression of all genes in the operon can be regulated as proceeds in a two-step reaction nearly identical to that of one. In eukaryotic genomes, genes with related functions, SS. The PS reaction intermediate, prephytoene dipho- such as genes involved in a biosynthetic pathway, are sphate, contains a cyclopropane ring identical to PSPP. conventionally thought to be randomly dispersed through- Phytoene is then further metabolized to produce acyclic or out the genome. However, two triterpene operon-like gene cyclic end products. Oxygenated cyclic carote- clusters have recently been discovered in plants. In oat, noids are referred to as and hydrocarbon there is an operon-like gene cluster for the biosynthesis of carotenoids are known as . Carotenoids are the triterpenoid saponin avenacin (Figure 3); and in found in plants where they function against photodynamic Arabidopsis thaliana, there is an operon-like gene cluster damage as well as the pigments giving colour to carrots for the biosynthesis of the triterpenoid thalianol (Qi et al., (b-carotene; Figure 2) and tomatoes (). Carote- 2004, 2006; Field and Osbourn, 2008). Both of these plant noids are also found in other nonphotosynthetic organisms ‘operons’ contain the necessary OSC gene and genes such as bacteria and fungi. required for the subsequent processing of the cyclized Carotenoids are also used a base for the production of product to end product triterpenoid. Unlike in bacteria other compounds. In humans, the ingested b-carotene is where operons are thought to be obtained by different converted to . In fungi, the hormone trisporic species through , the oat acid is produced from b-carotene. In plants, violaxanthin is and Arabidopsis triterpene ‘operons’ are predicted to have cleaved and converted to the . independently evolved and originated by gene duplication Seeds of parasitic plants have been shown to germinate events, gene specialization and genome reorganization. only when exposed to isoprenoid strigolactones produced The great diversity of plant triterpenoids appears to be a by the host plant. Strigolactones have long been thought to consequence of the large number of OSC genes present in be sesquiterpenes. However, recently, strigolactones were plants. For example, the genome of Arabidopsis appears to shown to be produced from carotenoids and also function contain 13 OSC genes whereas rice contains 9 (Phillips to inhibit plant shoot branching (Matusova et al., 2005; et al., 2006). Presumably, individual OSC genes are utilized Umehara et al., 2008). Based on these data, strigolactones for the production of different triterpenoids such as sterols have been suggested as a new class of plant hormones. and the many different saponins found in plants. Interest- ingly, Arabidopsis contains an OSC for the production of lanosterol, the sterol precursor in animals and fungi References (Kolesnikova et al., 2006). Other plants have been identified with a functional suggesting Babiychuk E, Bouvier-Nave P, Compagnon V et al. (2008) Allelic that, while cycloartenol has been shown to be the mutant series reveal distinct functions for Arabidopsis cycloar- tenol synthase 1 in cell viability and plastid biogenesis. predominant precursor for plant sterols, some sterol Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA metabolites can only be produced through lanosterol. 105: 3163–3168. The gene responsible for producing 2,3-oxidosqualene, Banas A, Carlsson AS, Huang B et al. (2005) Cellular sterol ester squalene epoxidase (SQE), also has multiple copies in synthesis in plants is performed by an enzyme (phospholipid:- plants; Arabidopsis contains 3 SQEs, Medicago 2 SQEs sterol acyltransferase) different from the yeast and mammalian and Populus 4 SQEs. This suggests that a single SQE may acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferases. Journal of Biological Chem- feed 2,3-oxidosqualene to multiple OSC enzymes for istry 280: 34626–34634. triterpene production. 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