Sweden facing climate change – threats and opportunities Final report from the Swedish Commission on Climate and Vulnerability Stockholm 2007 Swedish Government Official Reports SOU 2007:60 This report is on sale in Stockholm at Fritzes Bookshop. Address: Fritzes, Customer Service, SE-106 47 STOCKHOLM Sweden Fax: 08 690 91 91 (national) +46 8 690 91 91 (international) Tel: 08 690 91 90 (national) +46 8 690 91 91 E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: www.fritzes.se Printed by Edita Sverige AB Stockholm 2007 ISBN 978-91-38-22850-0 ISSN 0375-250X Preface The Commission on Climate and Vulnerability was appointed by the Swedish Government in June 2005 to assess regional and local impacts of global climate change on the Swedish society including costs. Bengt Holgersson Governor of the County Administrative Board in the region of Skåne was appointed head of the Com- mission. This report will be subject to a public review and will serve as one of the inputs to a forthcoming climate bill in 2008. The author have the sole responsibility for the content of the report and as such it can not be taken as the view of the Swedish Government. This report was originally produced in Swedish. It has been translated into English and the English version corresponds with the Swedish one. However, one chapter with specific proposals for changes in Swedish legislation was not translated, nor were the appendices translated. Hence, these are only available in the Swedish original version. Contents 1 Summary................................................................... 11 2 The assignment and background.................................. 35 2.1 The assignment, scope and approach.....................................