Parasitic Nematodes
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Parasitic nematodes Physicochemical properties of nematodes present in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Snorri Karl Birgisson 2016 Supervisors: Sigurjón Arason & Magnea G. Karlsdóttir Thesis for the degree of Master of Science in food science Hringormar í sjávarútvegi Efna- og eðlisfræðilegir eiginleikar hringorma í Atlantshafsþorski Snorri Karl Birgisson Leiðbeinendur: Sigurjón Arason og Magnea G. Karlsdóttir Einingar 90 Febrúar 2017 Ritgerð til meistaragráðu í matvælafræði Ritgerð þessi er til meistaragráðu í matvælafræði og er óheimilt að afrita ritgerðina á nokkurn hátt nema með leyfi rétthafa. © Snorri Karl Birgisson 2017 Prentun: Prentsmiðja xxx Reykjavík, Ísland 2017 Ágrip Megin markmið verkefnisins var að rannsaka eðlis- og efnaeiginleika hringorma sem finnast í Atlantshafs þorski. Hringormar voru flokkaðir eftir lengd og staðsetningu í þorskflaki og rannsakaðir með myndbandsupptökum í fiskvinnslu. Efnaeiginleikar hringorma voru rannsakaðir með því að mæla efnasamsetningu þeirra. Ásamt efnasamsetningu voru ýmis stein- og snefilefni mæld. Að auki var amínósýrusamsetning hringorma mæld. Til að skoða heildarmyndina voru efnisþættir bornir saman við efnainnihald þorskflakahluta. Eðliseiginleikar hringorma voru rannsakaðir með því að skoða áhrif þeirra á vinnslu þar sem áhersla var lögð á vinnsluafköst og hringormafjölda í flakahlutum. Hringormar voru einnig tegundagreindir eftir flakahlutum. Þol hringorma gagnvart frystingu var rannsakað, með þvi að koma lifandi hringormum milli tveggja þorsksmarningslaga og fryst við mismunandi hitastig og tíma. Að lokum var þykkt hringormahams rannsakað með stærðargreiningu á þverskurðarsniði hringorms. Greining á hringormum leiddi í ljós að hringormar höfðu ekki mikil áhrif á vinnsluafköst en höfðu í stað áhrif á nýtingu. Hringormarhópar mældust með líka efnasamsetningu, en þegar kom að samanburði við þorskflakahluta þá höfðu hringormar hærra magn af kolvetnum og fitu. Hringormar voru einnig með hærri steinefnagildi í kopar(Cu), kalki(Ca) og járni(Pb) ef miðað var við þroskflökin. Hringormar mældust með minna af snefilefnum miðað við þorskflök. Hringormar og þorskflök voru með svipuð hlutföll í níu amínósýrum, og innhéldu báðir hópar töluvert magn af lífsnauðsynlegum amínósýrum. Frysting á lifandi hringormum sýndi fram á að þol hringorma lækki með lækkuðu hitastigi og auknum tíma við það hitastig. Það var ljóst í upphafi að þetta verkefni myndi ekki svara öllum spurningum er snúa að fiskvinnslunni í dag varðandi hringorma og kostnað samfara þeim. Heldur er vonast um að niðurstöður verkefnisins séu eitt nytsamlegt skref í þeirri vinnu sem liggur fyrir að vinna áfram með. 3 Abstract The main objective of this research was to study the physical and chemical properties of nematodes found in Atlantic cod. Nematodes were categorized by length and location in the cod fillet, by analyzing video footage from the industry. Chemical properties of nematodes were studied by measuring their chemical composition. Along with the chemical composition, several minerals and trace elements were also analyzed. In addition, the amino acid composition of nematodes was measured. To view the full picture, the components were compared to the chemical content of cod fillet portions. The physical characteristics of nematodes were studied by examining their effects on processing where the emphasis was on processing rate and the number of nematodes in muscle portions. Nematodes were also analyzed by their position in the fillet. Nematodes resistance to freezing was examined by freezing live nematodes in a fish mince medium using specific sub-zero temperatures and time intervals. Finally, the thickness of nematode´s protective wall was studied by analyzing cross- sectional cuts in a microscope. Analysis of nematodes revealed that nematodes had no major impact on the processing performance but instead affected the utilization of fillets. Nematode groups measured with similar chemical composition, but when compared to cod fillets, the nematodes had higher amounts of carbohydrates and fats. Nematodes included higher values of copper (Cu), calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) if compared to cod fillets. Nematodes had fewer contents of all measured micronutrients when compared to cod fillets. Nematodes and cod fillets had a similar proportion of nine individual amino acids. In addition, both groups included considerable amounts of essential amino acids. Freezing the live nematodes showed that the survival of nematodes is decreased by lowering temperatures and increasing time at that specific sub-zero temperature. It was clear at the beginning that this project would not answer all questions related to the fish processing and costs associated with them. But hopefully, the findings can be a useful step forward in the work related to nematodes. 4 Acknowledgment (and funding) This study was conducted at Matís ohf in Reykjavík. I would like to thank my supervisors, Sigurjón Arason and Magnea G. Karlsdóttir, and special adviser Erlingur Hauksson for their knowledge and guidance through this study. I will also like to send sincere thanks to Ína Björg Össurardóttir at Icelandic Nýfiskur, Kristján Guðmundur Jóakimsson at Hraðfristihúsið Gunnvör; Kristján Þórarinsson at SFS; Óðinn Gestsson at Íslandssaga and Lovísa Ásgeirsdóttir at Toppfiskur, for all help and assistances during my studies. I want to thank the sponsors of the project, Matís, AVS (Added Value of Seafood) fund of Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture in Iceland (project no. R030-15), HB Grandi, Icelandic Nýfiskur, Toppfiskur, Hraðfrystihúsið Gunnvör, Íslandssaga and other project´s processing companies. I want to send sincere thanks to the staff of the chemical lab of Matís laboratories for their help and understanding. I want to thank my girlfriend Ingibjörg Kristjánsdóttir and my family for all their support throughout my studies. 5 Table of contents Ágrip ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Table of contents .................................................................................................................................... 7 List of tables .........................................................................................................................................10 List of figures ........................................................................................................................................11 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................14 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................15 1.1 Nematode species .................................................................................................................... 15 1.1.1 Other nematode species ................................................................................................ 15 1.2 Challenges associated with nematodes ................................................................................... 15 1.3 Physical and chemical properties of nematodes ...................................................................... 16 1.4 Aim of the study ........................................................................................................................ 16 1.4.1 Research questions ........................................................................................................ 16 2 Literature review ..............................................................................................................................17 2.1 Parasites of Atlantic cod ........................................................................................................... 17 2.2 Anatomy and physiology of nematodes .................................................................................... 17 2.3 Distinction between nematode species .................................................................................... 18 2.4 Chemical composition of nematodes ........................................................................................ 20 2.5 The seal-worm .......................................................................................................................... 20 2.5.1 The life cycle of seal-worms ........................................................................................... 21 2.5.2 Seal hosts ....................................................................................................................... 21 2.5.3 Macroinvertebrate host ................................................................................................... 22 2.5.4 Fish hosts ....................................................................................................................... 22 2.6 The whale-worm ....................................................................................................................... 22 2.6.1 The life cycle of whale worms ........................................................................................ 23 2.6.2 Epidemiology of whale-worms ........................................................................................ 23 2.7 Human infection nematode diseases.......................................................................................