Trypanoxyuris (Trypanoxyuris) minutus associated with the death of wild southern brown howler monkey,SCIENTIFIC Alouatta guariba COMMUNICATION clamitans, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 99 TRYPANOXYURIS (TRYPANOXYURIS) MINUTUS ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEATH OF A WILD SOUTHERN BROWN HOWLER MONKEY, ALOUATTA GUARIBA CLAMITANS, IN RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL* J.F.R. Amato1, S.B. Amato1, C.Calegaro-Marques1, J.C. Bicca-Marques2 1Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, CP 700, CEP 90001-970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. E-mails:
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[email protected] ABSTRACT This paper reports the death of a wild, subadult male of a southern brown howler monkey (bugio-ruivo), Alouatta guariba clamitans. The animal was found dead by the owner of a 60 ha. farm (Fazenda São Maximiano), located along the interstate road BR-116, km 308, Guaíba, State of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, 30º10'46,74"S, 51º23'30,78"W, in August 2000. The paper also describes the specimens of Trypanoxyuris (Trypanoxyuris) minutus found in the cecum. All organs were examined for helminths but were negative, except the cecum, which was full of macerated leaf litter and nematodes. The cecum wall was hyperemic, very thin, and distended, possibly by the large volume of material present. All the cecum contents were suspended in 5 liters of 0.85% saline physiological solution, from which a sample of 10% was taken and thoroughly examined. Six thousand one hundred and eighty-seven nematodes were counted in the sample (males + females). A total of 61,870 helminths were estimated in the entire cecal infrapopulation.