MEIKO Network Japan Co., Ltd
(September 1, 2012, through February 28, 2013) MEIKO Network Japan Co., Ltd. April 10, 2013 Hirotake Watanabe, President Highlights of 2Q of the year ending August 2013 (consolidated) (Unit:million yen) 2Q of FY 2013 YoY Against plan Net sales 7,680 +494 (+6.9%) △218 (△2.8%) Ordinary income 2,189 +187 (()+9.4%) +185 (+9.2%) 2Q Net Income 1,331 +208 (+18.6%) +140 (+11.8%) (Cumulative) Growth in sales and earnings and record high performance [Meiko Gijuku] [as of February 2013] 2,097 schools (up 47 on a year-on-year basis) and 140,688 registered students (down 1,814 on a year-on-year basis) YouDEC has been consolidated from this period. 2 Net sales / Ordinary income (2Q) (Million yen) (Million yen) Net sales Ordinary income 10,000 2,500 ■ 2,091 2,189 Summary 9,000 20022,002 Recorded all-time high 8,000 1,839 2,000 sales. Ordinary income 7,000 1,594 60006,000 15001,500 ■ Profitability 5,000 Achieved net sales and 4,000 1,000 ordinary income of 7, 186 7,680 6,480 7, 056 28. 5% (up 0. 6 points 3,000 5,930 from the same period 2,000 500 the previous year). 10001,000 0 0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 (2Q) (2Q) (2Q) (2Q) (2Q) Ordinary income ratio 26.9 % 28.4 % 29.6 % 27.9% 28.5% Non- Consolidated consolidated 3 Financial summary of 2Q of FY 2013 (consolidated P/L) (m illion yen ) Sales YoY 2Q FY 2012 2Q FY 2013 ・Sales from You DEC Co., Ltd.: Change Percentage change Net sales 71867,186 76807,680 +494 +6.9% 302 million yen Cost of sales 4,011 4,351 +340 +8.5% ・Increase in sales from new businesses: 89 Cost of sales per sales (%) 55.8% 56.7% +0.9pt million yen Gross profit 3,174 3,328 154 +4.9% YoY:(1765%): (176.5%) Gross profit ratio (%) 44.2% 43.3% △ 0.9pt Selling, general and ・Increase in sales from teaching materials administrative expenses 1,256 1,240 -16 △1.3% SGA per sales (%) 17.5% 16.1% △1.4pt Selling Cost Operating income 1,918 2,088 170 +8.9% ・Purchase/personnel expenses of You DEC Operating income ratio (%) 26.7% 27.2% +0.5pt Ordinary income 2,002 2,189 187 +9.4% Co., Ltd.
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