t.P. ST!:;JH:n DAVIS, )r. AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND ASSESSMENT OF THE PROPOSED GREAT ALAMANCE CREEK SEWER LINE ROUTE, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA by I. Randolph Daniel, Jr. Technical Report No. 22 Research Laboratories of Anthropology University of North Carolina Chapel Hill September, 1995 AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND ASSESSMENT OF THE PROPOSED GREAT ALAMANCE CREEK SEWER LINE ROUTE, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA by I. Randolph Daniel, Jr. Technical Report No. 22 Research Laboratories of Anthropology University of North Carolina Chapel Hill September, 1995 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY An archaeological survey and cultural resource assessment was carried out along the proposed Big Alamance Creek Sewer Line route in Alamance County, North Carolina. The proposed corridor will run about 11 miles along the north side of Big Alamance and Back creeks with two additional corridor segments that will run northward for about one mile each along two tributaries of Big Alamance Creek. Field survey consisted of a combination of surface reconnaissance and shovel testing. As a result of this investigation, four new archaeological sites (designated 31Am364 to 31Am367) were located and assessed. One of these (31Am364) is a prehistoric site located just outside the proposed corridor. This site consists solely of a light surface scatter of stone flaking debris, probably dating to the Archaic period, and does not meet the minimum stand ards to be considered significant by National Register of Historic Places criteria. Therefore, no further archaeological work is recommended. The other three sites contain historic remains. Two of these sites, a dam (31Am366) and a mill race (31Am367), are nineteenth-century facilities, while the third site (31Am365) represents the remains of an early twentieth-century structure.
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