(Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-07-24
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r On the Inside ~ The Weather DorIa Popple Wina SlnQI.. ... Paq. 2 Partly cloudy and warmer tod-ry with 'What'll They Do with the Hole?" acattered IIbowere. Generally f.:dr and ••. Paqe 4 owan WaiDler tomorrow. Today'. high, 93, G-StrineJars Laud Usa of Furs al low 68. Y&1lterday'. biQh, 90, low 66 . ... Pa9. 5 tst. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirepholo, UP Leased Wire -' five Canlll Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, July 24, 1949 - Vol. 83, No. 200 Beardsley to Speak Warns of Senate .Fig t At Dam Ceremony Gov. William S. Beardsley will be one of the three main Epe8kers at tomorrow's public dedication cel'emony of th oral- Against Atom .Sharing vill flood eontl'ol project four miles north of Iowa ity. The program, to be held at 2 p.m. atop th e east bluFf of the dam·site, will be opened by Roland 'M. Smilh, presidcnt of Rub-a-Dub-Dub, One in a Tub Ihp Iowa Oi tv cha mber of commerct.'. Knowland Says other Dl&lD. s\)eakers will be ------------ CARLSTADT, N.J . (A')-A 61-year-old former tpeedboat bulld lep. TbolllU E. Martin, Iowa r chugs happily along the Hackensack river these hot days - In e.b , and Col. Clark KIUrell, dl Truman Course Vandenberg Urges a bathtub. 'filion Irm' enlineer 01 the uil Emil Meyer, its owner, driver and designer, said the tub is one .... villey division, St. Louis, whi~h Sears, lIoebuck and Co. gave away 50 years ago to anyone 110. President to Seek Skirts AE C Act l.R. Hicklin, Wapello attorney, who sold ~10 worlh of the firm'L soap. The galvanized tin bathtub Is mounted on two boards supported WASHINGTON (IP)-Sen. Wil tormer chairman of the Iowa flood liam Knowland (R-Cali!) threat E------__ I control usoclption, is chairman of Weapon Reductions by two blilsa pontoons. It Is powered by a 2~ horsepower outboard ened yest erday to carry to th~ the dedication committee. motor. The board supporting the outboard supplants the usual senll te floor a fight to tie Pres! WASHINGTON (lfI - Sen. Ar Pellons attending the ceremony faucets. dEnt Truman's hands againsl giv thur Vandenberg (R-Mich), "re Ihould drive on North Dodge The "Special" gces no laster than a rowed boat. The pontoons ing atomic bomb Information to spectfully" urged President Tru Itreet to the intersection of Sum keep the tub st.eady and steerable. The. navigator-bather must sort Great Britain or any other for mit an(\ Dodge streets with the man last night to begin a new of squat in the tub or elte use a slanting board as a seat. eign nation. Prairie du Chien road, then drive eUort to reach an agreement with Knowland, a member of lhe north on the Prairie du Cheln road Russia to reduce arms and senate-house atoml!'! committee, txadly four miles. stren.gthen the United Nations. said in a statement it is his "firm Iowa City Boy Scouts wilt Vandenber, envisaged an belief" that under the 1946 atomic direct traffic to the site aDd anns reduction prOlrram under Senate Told Communist!:Energy act "the executive r:;ranch I • luptrvlte parkin, of car. there. "dependable" guarantees and a of this government and the atom Cleaning and grubbing work on eurb on the UN veto power. ic energy commission have no the first phase of the dam began At the same time, the &enate Terrorize UN Employes legal or moral right to disclose July II, aftllr E.M. Duesenberg Republican foreign policy leader information regarding our atomic Inc., Clear ~ke, was awardecl the said that Mr. Truman's arms-for WASHINGTON (AP ) - A mystery witnl'Sll has told congress weapons to any other nation with contract. The first phase is ex Europe oprogram, to be submitted that the United ations secretariat under Trygvt.' Lie is terrorized out the approval of the congress pected to be completed about Jan to congress tomorrow should be by ommuni t agent who force employes to becomr their t.ools. of the United States." uary,1960. confined to a "relatively short in A senatt.' judiciary Ru bcommittee yes~t.'rdav mRrl r Pllhlic the The CaUfornla. seMtor thus The entire Sl5-million project is terim" period. testimony of "witn S9 No. 8," not otherwise idmtified. His story broul'ht Into the op ~n the h,"e ICheduled fOr completion by late members of c!)ngre s said 'Ii liS He said any long-term military WII .. Qi,'pn bphind closed doors, in broken English. 1953 or early 1954, according to raised at a hush. bush Blair aid plan under the Atlantic ,pact The commltter ~ave no indica- -------------; Col. R.L. Dean, engineer of the should not be submitted to con tlon as to the identity 01 th2 wit bOUle conterenee 01 16 10' vov eroment oWclal! wl1h PresidEnt Rock Island district. gress until next year, and should ness, but his testimony indicated The dam, which will be from await develvpment of a self-help Residents to Spray Truman rrcently. that he had, at least in the past, The question of wheth r the 106 10 110 teet hi,h, wlJ\ hold defense program under the tres ty. worked for the UN. back a permanent storage pool Vandenberg's statement, made President, by his own action JI:me, Thl! wltness prollOSl'd tbat tbe of 1,7" aores, Dean IBid. The In an Interview, came as a sur Property in City's could give Great Britain the fi senators seek ouster 01 Lie, Nor entire Coralville reservoir, how prise on the eve 01 a presl nal know-how on the making CIt welrlan-bom secretary - .'tenenl ever, will edend all far as the dentia). message to urge early atomic weapons was said to hJve of UN, and url'e apllolntment Anti-FI.y Campaign caused exploslv argument at the AllllnlB, he said. action on a $1,450,000,000 Inl or a "capable" successor. Lt. ,Col. H.K. Howell, resident 'Ial ~rms aid program, conference. At Lake Success, N.Y., Acting Iowa Qity residents and busi ~here were IndlcatioDs that engineer for the dam, said one of It was made only 48 hours after SecretarY General Byron Price df nessmen wlll be asked to spray while Knowland spoke onl ·or the toughe~t engineeri ng prob the senale gave overwhelming ap scribed the witness' testimony as their property in a city-wide cam himself, he had the 8Ymnathv. lems 01 the entire project is the Pfoval to tihe north Atlantic de "fantastically untrue." paign to rid the community o( \I not open backing of most of pumping operation in the soggy lense pact. The appro-val was ac "This is the nuttiest story J disease-spreading flies. the Rrpubllcan members of the area where a deep "cut oU" companied .by indications of ser The campaign was launched have heard yet," Price said in lenate-bouse committee .1S well trench for the dam Is being dug. ious trouble ahead lor the pacts A Spectator Attr-acts the Spectators an official statemfDt issued at yesterday at a pubJic meeting or as lome 01 the DeJI)!)Cra's of implementation through arms A THREE-VEAR-OLD colleen from Dublin, Irelan d, a.Ucltele Clynch, Is so engrossrd In the sentry at UN headquarters. He added: ganized by Russell Mann, senior that grou•• Shipments. the gates of London's Buckingham p lace and the g nests arriving tor Thursday's royal garden p;Jrty "I am in a POSition h know chamber of commerce representa Apprised of Knowlalld's state that sbe Is una.ware she's Ihe center of attracUon for other spectalors Ind photographers covering the that the char,es relaUng to thll tive, and Charl ~s Schindler, city m&nt, . Sen. Artlrur Vandenberg administrative poUch:s 01 Src health inspector. Klan Leader,'" event, c " • ... • ."'\,,":, - (R-Mich) declined comment. Maan l&id Ute IiPra.ylng will Says Dollar. Value re"'~ll lI'rygve Ue an4 Thete were tlgns, however, that he • personnel poliCies 01 tile United be coaeenirated InAo a U -hllur shares Knowland's view that the period next If possible, Climbs Two Cents Na.tions are fantastlcaU,. un week atomic act bars any exchange of with the objpctlve of kUUn, all Free on Bond fi' " true," Information until an international WASHINCTON (lfI - The labor In Norway, where Lir now Is Ill" lD Iowa Cit) aDd destro,. r agreement has been madt for (Pr •• u.. WI •• hOY.... ) department said yesterday that vacationing, he said through his lu, tllelr . breedl~ plae", . W ASIDNGTON (A')-Sen. Iioey ----~------ atomic control. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. - AJa- falling prices have increased the personal representative, Q'lyde Ni- A committee Will Beek to fmd barna's top klansman, WllliaTT\ purchasing power of the dollar al (D-NC) said yesterday a secret V. HUllt, a former army officer relers to Washington agents who chols, that he did not want to Ithe most ellective .spray . which Hugh Morris, last night was re- most ' two cents since lasl Sep- diary in the "five percenter" in and wllr assets administration hire out to help gel government make any comment on the witness' can ~e used and .wtll nobly the leased from jail on $500 bond. tcmber. quiry mentions some congress employe. A I'lflSsachusetts man contracts, usually for five per t4:'stlmony. publ.1C of Jls chotce as soon as China Protests U.S. The heavy-set director of the The department's rnTYlp"I,t"'" members, but "doesn't necess04rily ufacturer has asserted he paid cent ot the gross proceeds.