APBA JOURNAL ARCHIVE: ISSUE 10, NOVEMBER 1980 If you enjoy this material and want more, you can get the complete digital APBA Journal collection—all 363 issues and 8686 pages—for $100 either by searching ebay for “APBA Journal” or by dropping me an email at
[email protected]. Other digital offerings include the APBA Journal Reference Packs (an archive of the very best articles to appear in the Journal) and the Complete APBA Innings (a competing publication of the late 60s/early 70s). These two offerings are available for $40 each on ebay or by contacting me directly. Happy reading! Bob Tassinari The APBA Journal Legal Notices: The APBA Journal Archive is Copyright 1967-2013 Robert Tassinari. All rights reserved. This issue of the APBA Journal Archive is provided as a free download for personal use, but copyright rules still apply: you may not duplicate, modify, or distribute this material in any form without the express written consent of Robert Tassinari. The term “APBA” is property of the APBA Game Company, Alpharetta, GA, and is used with permission. I The APIA JOURNAL~ D DeL•oted exclusively to the APBA fan. with /he permisswn of /he APBA Game Company. Lancaster. Penns~·/r·ania ~ NINETY-FIVE CENTS NOVEMBER 1980 Guessin_g Fielding Ratings for New Bosox by Ron Mura Perez: 1B-2. Progressed from Hoffman: 3B-4 SS-6 2B-5. Shaky terrible to merely bad as the season in April but has progressed to do a Fielding ratings are one of the went on. Occasionally makes a nice fine job at third.