AUGUST 17, 1962 Functions the Guests Stand in a D-Va
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Temph Beth El 10----- _.,..~ ·~·- 70 Orchard Ave. IEMPLE BETH-EL LIBRAM: Providence, R. I. NEWS Israel Offers tBAiejA.. Asylum To Jews Of South America JOHANNESBURG - POLICE TEL AVIV-With the Israeli authorities assured the Jewish IN R. MASS . community this week they are THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY I. AND SOUTHEAST press calling upon harossed trying to apprehend persons Jewish communities of Argen tina and Uruguay to find escape who desecrated a synagogue 12 PAGES here. in Israel from anti-semitic vio lence, the Jewish Agency began Worshippers who came to the a study of a report which rec synagogue round the Ark dam German Government ommended consolidation of or aged a,nd various rellglous ap ganizations and agencies deal purtenances violated. The hooli Cool To Israel's Link ing with immigration from free gans had apparently gained western countries. entrance by forcing a window. With Common Market The report calls for the estab SANTIAGO, CHILE - THE lishment of a central authority recent outbreak of anti-Semitic BONN - The West German for "Western Aliya," which violence In Argentina and Uru Government Is cool to Israel's would Include representatives guay was condemned here Mon desire for the establishment or of the Government, the Agency day at the o~lng of the an a link with the European Com and the Council for Western nual convention of the Zionist mon Market, diplomatic sources Aliya. It would integrate the Federation of Chile. The protest here revealed recently. Germany many offices now dealing sep against the anti-Jewish inci Is one of the six members of the arately - often duplicating and dents was made by Israel Pol European Economic Communi even contradicting each other lak, president of the Federation, ty, parent of the Euromart. The with the housing <temporary who addressed the convention other members are France, Ita and permanent>. hostel em attended by more than 100 dele ly, and the Benelux countries, ployment. ulpan, customs, citi gates. Belgium, the Netherlands and zenship, military service. loan. ·Luxembourg. etc., problems of immigrants NEW YORK - A NEW SEV Instead of favoring an Israeli from the free countries·. en-story, $3,500,000 dormitory Press Comment building will be built by Yeshi Euromart link, diplomats said, Germany holds the view that Hatzofe. National Religious va University at its main cen party newspaper, referring to ter here, it was announced last Israel should Initiate bilateral negotiations concerning its trade the recent murder of a Jew in week by Dr. Samuel Belkin, Beryl Segal Gears Herald Columns Montevideo, writes: "The blunt president of the University. problems with the individual governments represented in the instrument that crushed the MONTEVIDEO - THE AN To Problems Concerning Readers EEC. On the other hand. it was head of the Jew is a threat to ti-Jewish acts or terrorism In noted here. West Germany is the entire J ewish community." Argentina and Uruguay - for Many or our subscribers have Pharmacy. With this fine edu conducting broad trade and for The Tel Aviv paper describes which no one has as yet been probably wondered, as they cation behind him, he became eign aid talks with Egypt and how the Jewish youth inseveral punished - have prompted the have enjoyed reading the week associated as a pharmacist with with at least one Arab country, Latin-American countries are South American executive of ly columns or Beryl Segal, the Miriam Hospital at Its old Jordan. Jordan's Foreign Minis alleged to favor Castroism and the World Jewish Congress to about the person who writes location on Parade Street near ter, Haslm Selba, arrived here Communism , while the prosper convoke a two-day conference them. A call on Mr. Bernard the Cranston Armory. He grew today for a brief official visit. ous members of the community of Jewish community leaders Segal, his legal name, at his with the hospital and moved Several Egyptian local govern are denounced by the anti-Sem from the entire South American home in Providence, reveals him with It to Its present location ment officials also arrived. ites as robbers of the poor. continent, It was announced to be a modest, congenial man on Summit Avenue. He Is now While the Bonn Government These tendencies. the paper here last week. of compact build, with clear head pharmacist at that hos Is not expected to rush Into a goes on, are exploited by Nazi The conference will open In skin. and dark hair briefty pital. During the early years In trade agreement with Egypt be refugees, led by actual war Buenos Aires on Saturday, Aug. touched with gray. He has a this country, two daughters fore consulting Its allies, es criminals. Thus. as In Europe, 18. s tr a lg h tr o rw ard simpllclty were born to Mr. and pecially the United States, ser the Jews become "a scapegoat which Is often the mark or the Mrs. Segal. There are now six for all social and economic ills." RIO DE JANEIRO - "HER ious consideration Is being given philosopher. He Is relaxed and grandchildren whom Mr. Segal here to the possibility of start While the paper does not ex Zi Square" named in honor of proudly calls his only hobby. pect recent events to lead to Dr. Theodor Herzl. founder of Ing formal trade negotiations ~~~-;!Ji':ke~im~:r ~~ena h;hl~ Subject matter tor his col between Germany and Egypt In mass immigration, it believes political Zionism, was dedicated osophlcal vein, he becomes ani umns, Mr. Segal !eels, should that they will certainly "turn last week at Porto Alegre, a view of what they see as mated. his dark eyes twinkle, be geared to local problems, "Egypt's predominant position the thoughts of many Jews to Brazilian city containing a po and he smiles as though faintly since the Herald Is a local pa- wards the State of Israel. Their pulation of 15,000 Jews. In the Arab world and In the amused at himself. It Is this ( Continued on Pare 12) near East." (Continued on Page 10) Mayor Loureiro de Silva, of manner which must endear him Porto Alel)'re, participated in the to the children he teaches each ceremonies on behalf or the week In Sunday School. municipality, and leaders of The name, Beryl, Is a pen Tasks Jewish Community Faces the Jewish community took part name, adopted when he began in the dedication. Porto Ale writing for the Herald fifteen NEW YORK - The tasks made In numbers, we have not ties of organization and plan gre's Jewish community is the years ago, and has an associa raced by the Jewish communi made equal progress In the ning because, unlike any other third largest in the country, af tion with his childhood In Rus ties in the United States-In ad quality or Jewish education," community responsibility, 90% ter this city and Sao Paulo. sia. He was born In the dition to raising funds for va he stressed. "At the root are the of the school children are in LONDON - AMID GROW Ukraine and spent his early rious Jewish causes-were out serious shortages or trained tea independent synagogue schools ing anxiety throughout Great years there. In 1922, due to lined by Philip Bernstein, exe chers-the heart or any edu which are not part of the Fede Britain over the wave of provo the extreme unrest In that part cutive director or the Council of cational system; shortages of ration structure. "We must find cative anti-Semitic meetings of the world, he came to this Jewish Federations and Welfare supervisors; shortages of ad the means, cooperatively, to ap held recently by various fascist country with his parents and Funds, In a report on current ministrators or the highest lea ply the same principles of com groups, a delegation of the his wife, Irene. He was twenty. developments in Jewish social dership ability, indispensable if munity planning which are Board of Deputies of British His high school education In service. we are to turn this corner; and proving so effective in other Jews met last week with Home Russia had been interrupted by Pointing out that the Jewish shortages or lay leadership of fields," he said. Secretary Henry Brooke to dis World War I, nevertheless, he communities are now being the foremost rank. Institutions for the Sick cuss "the meetings and activi was able to compensate, and called upon to give new forms Bernstein pointed out that "Our institutions," he report ties of neo-fascist groups in this entered Brown University in and expressions to fit the needs these problems cannot be solved ed, " were formerly for the well country and the working · of the 1924. He graduated with a B.S. of a native-born American Jew aged; they are now for the sick, In Biology. He received his by Individual schools acting Public Order Act." ish generation In an American alone. They require community, with two-thirds of their beds Master's Degree In Bacteriology environment-and to fit that now devoted to infirmary use. The members of the delega from the University of Roches regional and national action, he tion expressed their anxiety environment itself-Bernstein said. They pose special difficul- A generation ago we welcomed ter and graduated from the said that the primary ertorts retirement at 65, and concen about the disorders which oc R h o d e Island College or curred at recent meetings of must be those that build up trated heavily on filling the lei fascist groups and urged that forces and services which sure hours. That still remains steps be taken either under the Child Care Studied strengthen Judaism.