2018 no.8 £6.50 (free to members) Iran/USA Guatemala Liberal Democrat Conference Reports March for a People's Vote, 20th October London EVENTS CONTENTS 8th-11th November ALDE Congress, Madrid. Liberal Democrats Brighton Conference pages 3-19 LIBG Fringe: Iran and JCPOA; Jaw Jaw or War 23rd-25th November IFLRY 44th General Assembly, War? pages 3-7 Barcelona. The US justification for withdrawing from 28th-30th November LI Congress, Dakar, Senegal. the JCPOA (nuclear agreement), by Paul E M Reynolds pages 3-5 December LIHRC, Copenhagen Re-imposition of Nuclear-Related U.S. Sanctions Against Iran, by Bahram 7th February 2019 Scottish Group meeting with Ghiassee. pages 5-7 Baroness Alison Suttie. Details to be announced. Contact
[email protected] Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel Fringe: Donald Trump and the Middle East: potential 22nd-23rd February 2019 Scottish Liberal Democrat peace maker or dangerous loose cannon? Conference, Hamilton by Monroe Palmer. page 8 16th-17th March 2019 Liberal Democrat Conference, Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine Fringe York “What Hope for Palestine in the Era of Trump?” by Jonathan Fryer pages 9-10 24th June 2019 NLC Diplomatic Reception Liberal Democrat Friends of Pakistan. page 10 14th-17th September 2019 Liberal Democrat’s Conference. Bournemouth Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine Fringe: LDFP fringe meeting notes an IHRA elephant For bookings & other information please contact the in the room, by Jonathan Coulter pages 11-13 Treasurer below. Lib Dems For Seekers of Sanctuary pages 13-18 NLC= National Liberal Club, Whitehall Place, Policies adopted at the Federal Conference London SW1A 2HE relating to seekers of sanctuary page 13-14 Underground: Embankment LD4SoS Fringe: ‘How should the UK change its refugee family reunification policies?’ by Ruvi Ziegler.