THE HELMSMAN Publication of the Broward County Council—Navy League of the United States Glenn Wiltshire, President DECEMBER 2015 Marianne Giambrone, Editor Volume 26 Issue 10
[email protected] DECEMBER COUNCIL EVENTS BROWARD COUNTY COUNCIL Broward County Council FORT LAUDERDALE COUNCIL and and Fort Lauderdale Councils BROWARD NAVY DAYS INC Invite you to join us for a HONOR Holiday dinner social on THE U S COAST GUARD USCG STATION FORT LAUDERDALE Wednesday, December 16, 2015 USCG AIDS TO NAVIGATION 6:00—7:00 PM Cash Bar USCG AIR STATION MIAMI 7:00 PM—Dinner and Meeting USCG TACLET SOUTH USCGC GANNET WPB 87334 Guest Speaker: Lt Mark Ketchum USCGC ROBERT YERED WPC 1104 Commanding Officer USCGC RICHARD ETHERIDGE WPC Coast Guard Station Fort Lauderdale 1102 Coral Ridge Yacht Club WITH A HOLIDAY PARTY AT 2800 Yacht Club Blvd BRINY RIVERFRONT RESTAURANT Fort Lauderdale 305 SOUTH ANDREWS AVENUE FORT LAUDERDALE (Las Olas Riverfront on the New River) $40 per person Checks should be made payable to FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2015 Fort Lauderdale Council NLUS 6:00—8:00 pm Toys for Tots! TWO FREE DRINKS FOR COAST Please bring an unwrapped toy! GUARD PERSONNEL & THEIR SPOUSE/GUEST Please RSVP before 9AM on December 12 by calling 954-565-6778 No admittance without reservation! FREE BUFFET FOR ALL PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As we get closer to the end of another year, I hope Days planning team. Come on out to the planning everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Thanks to all meetings scheduled for January 13th, February who were able to attend our November Council din- 24th, and March 23rd at 9 AM in the Port Ever- ner meeting on Thursday, November 12th, at Tropi- glades Administration Building Auditorium if you cal Acres that featured LT Earl Potter, Commanding want to be involved as well.