May 11, 2007 The free-content news source that you can write! Page 1

Top Stories Wikipedia Current Events began and Wilson enlisted for a third time but was not accepted British Prime Minister Tony •The Grand National Assembly of due to age limits. Blair to resign on June 27 Turkey votes on a proposal to British Prime Minister Tony Blair have the President of Turkey From 1919 on to his retirement in has announced the date when he directly elected by Turkish voters. 1966 he worked for Bell Canada, he will stand down from office. •Syrian dissident Kamal Labwani is studied music and vocals at jailed for 12 years for allegedly Toronto's Royal Conservatory of Subtropical storm brews off undermining national security by Music and the London, Ontario's eastern Florida, USA visiting the United States. University of Western Ontario The first storm the the 2007 where he met his wife Eleanor Hurricane Season brews near •The Prime Minister of the United Dean, who married in 1927 and eastern Florida. Kingdom Tony Blair announces he later died at 94. will step down on June 27, once the Labour Party has elected a Featured story His death leaves John Babcock, successor. who currently resides in Spokane, Exclusive interview with Washington, USA, also 106 years prominent blogger, David Only one World War I veteran old, as the sole living Canadian who Farrar left in Canada once served in the First World War. New Zealand-based blogger David Just yesterday the second-last Farrar, most known for his "fairly Canadian World War I veteran died, Wilson is servived by his two sons popular" blog, Kiwiblog, talks leaving just one remaining alive in Dean and Paul, four grandchildren, about blogging, web 2.0, and the Canada. The 106 year old Percy and seven great-grandchildren. Internet in general. Dwight Wilson died in Toronto's Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Tamil Nadu 'Sivaji: The Wikipedia Current Events veterans residence, being there Boss' nearing release •East Timorese presidential from June 2006. The much awaited film of Tamil election, 2007: Prime Minister Nadu is nearing release. After Jose Ramos Horta is elected as Born, February 26, 1901, one of several postponements from April the next President of East Timor nine children in Elgin County, 12 to May 8 then to May 17 and winning a runoff election against Ontario, Wilson enlisted in the finally postponed to the release Francisco Guterres of Fretilin by Army in 1915 as a Bulgier. After his date of May 26. The last three 73% to 27%. Basic Training, he was sent to dates are all add up to the magic England via a ship across the number of Shankar's, 8. This •Military officers from North Korea Atlantic. As he was a minor, he was release date was confirmed by and South Korea agree on the first never sent to the front lines, and Ayngaran International (the cross-border rail link over their helped to dig trenches until being international distributer) and AVM heavily fortified border since the sent back to Canada. (the producer). The reason for the Korean War. latest postponing of the film was •President Bashar al-Assad states However, he was still determined to due to the background score of the that Syria will not cooperate with be a soldier, and re-enlisted upon film being incomplete, A. R. a United Nations tribunal to try arriving home, and was then Rahman (music director) is suspects in the suspected discharged from the service in currently working on this. assassination of former Prime 1918. He joined the forces once Minister of Lebanon Rafiq al- more, as a reserve Officer in the This will be 's 100th Hariri. 1st regiment reserve. World War II Tamil language film. The film has

If you would like to write, publish or edit articles, visit en Friday, May 11, 2007 Wikinews Page 2 big names Shankar (director of the who was a police informant. Hayal called this a mistake, so the show 8 Filmfare Award winning ), also reported that an officer-in- might still be aired on Friday. AVM (the largest producer of charge who was working at the in Tamil Nadu), A. R. Rahman Trabzon Security Services visited At the beginning of the video Farfur (word recognized due to his work in Hayal and Tuncel prior to the killing (Butterfly), an actor in a mouse the Bombay Dreams musical) and and told them that "the Turkish flag suit, calls for Islamic world the "Superstar" of had fallen to the ground and people leadership, starting in Palestine. He Rajinikanth. like Erhan and Yasin would raise pleads for the restoration of the the flag". In his statement to the glory of Palestine, the liberation of Pyramid is expecting over Rs. 120 Prosecutors, Tuncel reported the Jerusalem, Iraq, and "the Muslim million in the Nizam area of Andra same incident and also stated that countries, invaded by murderers." Pradesh from the films ticket sales. he had informed the authorities "We will resist and protect against So far it has been estimated that about the assassination plan but the Zionist occupation," co-host over Rs. 1 billion has been invested the authorities failed to take an Saraa predicts. Saraa is only a in the film. action to prevent the killing of young girl. A report by Fox News Hrant Dink. claims that children have been used New developments in Hrant before for Palestinian propaganda. Dink case The Turkish Public Prosecutors Several Turkish daily newpapers believe that Erhan Tuncel planned The children's program is filmed in have reported new developments in the killing of Hrant Dink together a studio with fuzzy dice and the case of Hrant Dink, who was with Yasin Hayal and knowingly colourful letters and numbers on the editor-in-chief of the bilingual misled the authorities. the wall. In this setting the shows Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos. hosts proclaim things like: "We will Hirant Dink was gunned down in Milliyet, a turkish daily newspaper win, Bush. We will win, Sharon. Ah, front of his office on February 19 in reported that Erhan Tuncel in his Sharon is dead..." Istanbul by Ogün Samast, a 17 statement to the Public prosecutors year old ultra-nationalist Turk. stated that he had informed the Another fragment shows how an authorities 16-17 times prior to the 11-year-old girl calls the show and According to the Turkish daily killing. Moreover, Milliyet reported a sings "Rafah sings 'oh oh', its newspaper Radikal, Bahattin Hayal 48 page report about Erhan Tuncel, answer is an AK47," which is a told to the public prosecutor that prepared by the Security services Kalshnikov assault rifle. The fake following the killing of Hrant Dink gone missing. Mickey Mouse gestures holding a and subsequent arrest of Hayal's firearm. son Yasin, as the mastermind Children's program on behind the killing, he was taken to Palestinian TV propagates Meanwhile the footage has been the Trabzon Security Services. Here Islamic world leadership watched over 100,000 times on he was told by a Turkish police The children's show 'Tomorrow's YouTube. The images were edited chief that " His son (Yasin Hayal) pioneers' on Al-Aqsa TV, which is by the Israeli organisation would now live better. We would controlled by Hamas, is hosted by a Palestinian Media Watch, which write our report accordingly. The character resembling Mickey studies and brings to attention the flag could be taken from the ground Mouse, who tells young viewers to role of the Palestinian authority on by people like Yasin. He would not drink milk, study hard and fight for the media and schoolbooks. The receive an heavy punishment with Islamic world leadership and Middle East Media Research our report. God permits he would commit violence against Israel and Institute was also involved in be given a light sentence." the United States. bringing the show under the attention. On the hand other, Yasin Hayal The images date from April but forwarded five petitions to the have made the press earlier this Walt Disneys only living daughter, public prosecutors' Selim Berna week. Meanwhile the show was Diane Disney Miller, has already Altay and Fikret Seçen, in February reported to have been put on hold, reacted to the news. She was and March of this year and pending a "full revision", according shocked by the show, and called it informed them that he was to the Palestinian Minister of "pure evil". encouraged to kill Hrant Dink and Information Mustafa Barghouti. But given directions by Erhan Tuncel, a representative from Al Aqsa TV According to the Palestinian

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Minister of Information Mustafa National Party, working with the spend far too long blogging when I Barghouti (who is independent likes of former PM Jim Bolger and should be working on more from both Hamas and Fatah), the former PM Jenny Shipley in the business. However it is doing well show is an illustration of the Media Services Unit of Ministerial enough that I can divide my time struggle of the Palestinian people Services. up between my business, against the Israeli occupation. "It's InternetNZ and blogging and not a situation of imprisonment for Until Farrar landed himself a job in starve." years. And that oppression, this parliament, he had been using apartheid system, of course drives mainly Apple computers, "[I] finally Farrar has a few tips for those people crazy and creates certain converted to Microsoft in 1997 after politicians who have started a blog, reactions as the one you have being the only person in Parliament or are looking at starting one up, seen," Barghouti explained. He also to have a Mac!" "Very few are successful because called the shows content "very [they] treat it as a one way unfortunate," and a "mistaken Farrar was involved with communication tool where they just approach" to the Israeli-Palestinian introducing public e-mail for post press releases or travel conflict. ministers, and the first Prime diaries. Rodney Hide is the best Minister website. example of doing it the right way. Exclusive interview with John Key is video blogging and prominent blogger, David In 2004, after leaving politics, responding to comments through Farrar Farrar set up his polling and future videos, which is a different Freelance journalist writing for research company. way to interact." But still warns Wikinews, Gabriel Pollard, with help that most readers of blog prefer from Brian Anderton, has Kiwiblog, sparked by now defunct "honest opinion" instead of reading interviewed New Zealand-based blog NZ Pundit by Gordon King, what the politicians want them to blogger, David Farrar on blogging, currently receives over 300,000 read. web 2.0, and the Internet in visitors a month. He suspects that general. Russell Brown, and the Spareroom Farrar is a huge supporter of blogs get well over 100,000 Wikipedia and says that he uses it David Farrar is most known for his visitors. "There’s then probably a multiples times a day. He says that "fairly popular" blog, Kiwiblog, dozen or so other bloggers who get he was "very proud" when the where he posts on various topics, into the tens of thousands." Wikipedia community regarded him including politics and technology. as notable enough to have his own He is the vice-president of the "Gordon [King] would post entry. Internet Society of New Zealand, wonderful polemics challenging the and has been involved in helping to conventional thinking and "I wish I had more time to edit split Telecom New Zealand up and reporting, and after a few months Wikipedia. There’s lots more NZ in anti-spam legislation. of reading him I realized that I also content to get onto there." had views and could try sharing David Farrar first started using the them with the world. So in July Sites like YouTube, which Farrar "best invention ever," Internet, in 2003 I made my first post, and uses daily, show that they can February 1996 after having owned enjoyed it ever since." leave this big brand names like a BBC Micro microcomputer since Google Video for dead if they show 1982. On the Internet he debated Farrar admits to not having a strong innovation, Farrar says. various issues using Usenet deliberate strategy for promoting newsgroups. Kiwiblog now serves himself and his blog, he just found Farrar says the success to websites for this purpose. He then got his that doing more posts in a day and such as Wikipedia and YouTube is own personal Internet account with posting what he was interested in because of multiple user generated ihug in August of that year. got the visitors that were interested content, "...rather than tightly in the same things. "Oh and most controlled content from one Farrar also has political ties, which important of all is to have a sense source." The focus on the can be seen in some of his blog of humour and enjoy doing it." community at large is also a major posts. For eight years, Farrar factor of their success. worked for various Prime Ministers If Farrar wasn't blogging, he says (PM) and Opposition leaders for the he would be "Earning money! I When asked where he sees the

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Internet in decades from now, his large international media presence. Environment Minister John Baird simple response was, "I wish I At midday he made a speech where was forced to reveal details of the knew." But he does predict every he named 27 June 2007 as the government's climate change plan house in New Zealand will be date he will officially step down as on April 24, in an opinion piece connected to the Internet via fibre prime minister. published in the media. The move optics. came after a copy of a speech It is widely reported that the describing the plan was faxed by One scenario Farrar drew was, current Chancellor, Gordon Brown, mistake, a day earlier, to an "...being able to see a map of your will replace Blair. In this morning's opposition Liberal party member local area on your phone, and not fifteen-minute-long Cabinet and environment critic, David just get told where the nearest meeting Brown is said to have McGuinty. It is not clear whether toilets or bookstore is, but also if described Blair's premiership as a the police action Wednesday was any of your friends are nearby." "unique leadership". related to that incident.

David Farrar would just like to say Canadian government The RCMP stated that the matter thanks for the opportunity of being employee faces criminal remains under investigation and, as interviewed on Wikinews. charges in leak of environment such, no further details would be plan released at this time. British Prime Minister Tony A Canadian government employee Blair to resign on June 27 of Environment Canada was Today in History British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrested Wednesday for criminal 1792 - Merchant sea-captain has told the Cabinet of the UK breach of trust with respect to a Robert Gray first entered the government the date when he will leak of the Conservative Columbia River, the largest river stand down from office and allow government's green plan days flowing into the Pacific Ocean from his successor to take over as leader before it was due to be made North America. of the Labour party, and thus Prime public. 1812 - British Prime Minister Minister, in a private meeting. Spencer Perceval was assassinated The Royal Canadian Mounted Police by John Bellingham in the lobby of "The prime minister started cabinet (RCMP) arrested the unidentified the House of Commons. by acknowledging that it wasn't male employee following a 1918 - The Mountainous Republic of quite a normal day. He confirmed complaint from Environment the Northern Caucasus was that he would be going to his Canada's security department. The established, with Tapa Tchermoeff constituency. He confirmed that he department alleges that a secret as the first prime minister. would make an announcement. He draft copy of the government's 1949 - Siam was officially renamed also confirmed that announcement regulatory framework, Climate Thailand. would be about his intentions and Change Section of the Eco-Action 1960 - Mossad agents captured that those intentions had not Plan, had been leaked to the media Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi leader and changed," said the official prior to being released officially to fugitive war criminal hiding in spokesman for Blair. the public. Argentina.

Just before 11:00 a.m. local time "An employee who violates the Quote of the Day he arrived at Teeside Airport, terms of their workplace security Life is a tragedy for those who feel, England, on his way to his clearance, including the release of and a comedy for those who think. parliamentary constituency of secret documents, may be ~ Jean de La Bruyère Sedgefield, where he is due to subjected to legal consequences, publicly announce his resignation to including criminal charges," said Word of the Day fulfill a promise to his constituents Superintendent Stan Burke, officer kaleidoscopic; adj that they would be the first to know in charge of the RCMP's financial 1. Brightly coloured and news of his departure. integrity division. There was also continuously changing in concern that if the details were pattern, as if in a Blair arrived at the Trimdon Village leaked, securities laws could be kleidoscope. Labour Club in Sedgefield at 11:25 compromised if stock trades were a.m. where he was greeted by made based on privileged supporters with banners and a information.

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