SUMMER 2015 | Issue 19

Celebrating National Specials Weekend See Pages 8 - 21 communities and recognize that keeping our communities safe is not a monopoly for the paid professionals within policing. along with other forces has a strong history of volunteering and I am very much looking forward to developing our volunteers and Special , as well as recognizing and supporting the valuable role other volunteering agencies play in policing. We need to be part of encouraging and harnessing the energy of local communities to achieve a vibrant and safe society. My own brother was a special for 16 years with so I understand the challenges faced by colleagues but also know how rewarding and WELCOME beneficial volunteering can be. I am looking forward to I would like to start by saying bringing a wide range of skills working with you all and I am delighted to take over and abilities to the service. carrying on the excellent the national portfolio for With the challenging decrease work that has already been Citizens in Policing, especially in the Police budget, we need achieved. I would like to as the date I took over was to increase the potential of thank DCC Michael Banks for within National Volunteers’ what the the work that he and others Week and approaching the can offer. have achieved to date and it National Specials Weekend. is important that I continue to As we know Specials around Work is underway to drive the portfolio forward in the country put in many refresh and review the the changing world of policing. hours each week, around Special Constabulary 4.5 million hours of duty in National Strategy, as part 2014, so to have a dedicated of an overarching Citizen in weekend which highlights the Policing Strategy, which will commitment and support that aim to provide a consistent the Specials provide service approach across all police wide, there is no doubt that forces. It is important that you are an increasing valuable you feel involved and are resource which is firmly engaged within this change Dave Jones embedded within the police to, as we will enhance the North Yorkshire Police service. service that we provide to our The Special Constabulary is SAVINGS AND INVESTMENTS  INSURANCE  MORTGAGE ADVICE  HEALTHCARE  INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE  FINANCIAL EDUCATION Subscription Enquiries set to evolve and with the Follow us on Twitter If you would like to join ever-changing face of policing, Special Impacts e-subscription Around 200,000 people trust us with their finances, including over 26,000 who took out a can provide greater support to list please email the editor: @SCImpactMag Regular Savings plan with us in 2014. In fact, we paid out over £74m to our members last year help to manage the demand [email protected] when their plans matured – helping them towards a brighter financial future. on our services as well as Front Page: Lancashire Special Constabulary Call 0800 652 9107 or visit

2 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 19 Police Mutual Assurance Society Limited is an incorporated friendly society. Registered office: Alexandra House, Queen Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS13 6QS. For your security, all telephone calls are recorded and may be monitored.

378447_AWO00099_T2_Special_Impact_Advert_0515.indd 1 29/05/2015 10:25 Police boats are classified as commercial shipping In addition to these responsibilities, the unit and operate under the jurisdiction of the Maritime is involved in a large amount of collaborative work & Coastguard Agency (MCA) who regulate and with partner agencies on the water, including enforce the number and the qualifications of the the UK Border Force (formerly Immigration crew. All the Special currently in the and Customs departments), the Maritime and unit have worked hard to attain the necessary Coastguard Agency, the Marine Management certification to act as commercially endorsed crew, Organisation, harbourmasters, port authorities meaning that, amongst other duties, they can helm and the naval military police to name but a all the boats. few. Many of these bodies operate in areas of civil enforcement and the Marine Unit is often required to assist and, in some cases, intervene when matters become criminal. The Marine Unit regularly visits clubs, marinas and maritime community meetings to give talks and presentations to raise public awareness on issues surrounding crime and national security. In addition, throughout this summer, they have

S/Sgts Dave Collins & Steve Whitworth, S.Cs. James O’Kennedy & Jarrod Blakey A typical 8 to 10 hour shift starts with completing safety and mechanical checks on the boat before commencing counter terrorism visits and patrols of designated sites along the coast. Much of the Constabulary Special unit’s work in this area is completed as part of Project Kraken, information on this can be found at Constables in the Marine Unit advice-and-information/general/project-kraken. At the beginning of 2012, Hampshire Police Launch Commander, a 12m catamaran Once these checks have been completed, general Constabulary’s Special Branch Marine Unit, patrols of marinas and coastlines are undertaken advertised three six month trial postings for Police Launch Preventer, an 11m launch unless there is a specific tasking from the force Special Constables to supplement the nine control room. In addition, all the police vessels Police RIB Protector, a 7.8m tactical RIB regular Police Constables and one Sergeant that constantly monitor the marine VHF channels and, make up the Unit. Applicants were required Police RIB Pursuer, a 7.8m tactical RIB. although they are not a ‘rescue’ service, they do to be independent and, in addition, have a have both a police officer’s and a seafarer’s duty variety of marine based qualifications. The to attend and assist with any emergency or life trial period proved to be successful and one threatening incidents. further Special Constable was recruited. All four Special Constables are now fortunate enough to be permanently posted to the Marine Unit, contributing far in excess of the minimum duty been working alongside Ramora UK, Hampshire hours. Constabulary’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal partner, and collected, free of charge to the The Marine Unit is based at the Southern Support owners, approximately 14000 out of date marine and Training Headquarters at and its four flares for disposal. vessels are currently berthed at a marina on the River Hamble a few miles away. The patrolled area In addition to promoting the Immobilise web site encompasses Hampshire and the ’s (, the unit also monitors all coastline and navigable estuaries and up to 12 marine occurrences reported to the constabulary miles out to sea. At request, they also attend and, where appropriate, uses Project Kraken neighbouring counties coastlines. bulletins and the Stolen Boats website (www. to circulate stolen marine The new fleet, delivered and commissioned during property and crime trends, to the wider maritime 2012, consists of the following vessels: community.

4 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 19 Issue 19 SPECIAL IMPACT 5 Lancashire Specials in the Spotlight West Yorkshire Special Constables Royal Visit to Lancashire On Friday 29 May HM The Queen visited Live on BBC Lancaster and Myerscough. Crimewatch Seventeen Special Constables from Roadshow Lancashire West Division were involved with several duties, including a team of BBC Crimewatch Roadshow featured 10 who provided security and guided West Yorkshire Special Constables in guests in Lancaster Castle June, focusing on the Force’s current Volunteer and Special Constables recruitment campaign which also with Specials on what made them volunteer for front line policing duties, Pride Weekend involves city centre big screen animations along with a near-saturation along with filming at their place of work Lancashire specials supported the force coverage in local newspapers, other to show the contrast between their throughout the Pride weekend. publications and community websites. work life and Specials volunteer duty.

Assistant Chief Constable Russ Foster said; “The recent National Volunteers Week and the National Specials Weekend highlighted how valuable volunteers are across the country Photo Courtesy of Lancaster Guardian as well as to . Volunteering can be an excellent self- development opportunity, such as GMP Specials in the Spotlight learning new skills, getting out and ACC Mark Milsom with Special Section Officer about and meeting new people. Joining Rochdale Specials take the seas Rochdale Specials Charity Climb Al McFadyen(right) representing the West Specials Carmen Thomspon and Special Sergeant Carmen Thompson and Yorkshire Special Constables live on the can open up a world of opportunity Rachael Butler took part in a charity Special Constables Rebecca Fitton, Mark Crimewatch Roadshow for personal and professional Dragon Boat Race to raise money for Goulding, Dudu Miah, Mohammed Ali and development.” Kamran Bashir all took on the challenge of Springhill Hospice recently . Carmen The Crimewatch crew – who were also says “We had a fantastic time working climbing Mount Snowdon to raise money for the charity Retrak covering other operational topics during The Force has set a target of recruiting as a team with the regular officers and their focus on West Yorkshire Police - 1000 Volunteers and 1,500 Special PCSO’s from ‘Rochdale TEAM FIVE-0’ and Carmen says “We climbed up the PYG were interested in the fact that an arrest Constable’s by May 2016 The Force we actually won two races!” route in a record 2 hours 15 minutes, we operation they had filmed in May was currently has 570 Volunteers and 859 worked together as a team to achieve this, undertaken not by regulars - but largely Specials. and were determined to reach the top! by volunteer Special Constables They Mark carried on even with his cold knees were further impressed by the fact that and Mohammed kept everyone going with Special Constables were embedded in his flapjacks! We raised £798.35 between a large variety of operational initiatives us!” and have specialist officers in areas like roads policing, homicide & major enquiry team, mounted section and off road motorcyclists which compliments the assistance they can give to their regular colleagues.

Their coverage also included interviews

6 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 19 Issue 19 SPECIAL IMPACT 7 NATIONAL SPECIALS WEEKEND National Specials “The core principle of the British Weekend, organised model of policing is that we are a service made up of members of to promote the the public who work to make our Special Constabulary communities safe on behalf of us all. This principle is no more evident in local communities, than in the huge contributions and saw thousands of achievements of our Specials last Specials take to the weekend. street to undertake policing activities “These fellow citizens, who volunteer their time, energy and incredibly relevant to local varied skills to work alongside the needs. constabulary’s regular officers and staff, have clearly shown the AVON & SOMERSET specials gave up police service at its best. On behalf almost 1,000 hours of their time to of the rest of our team and the help their communities feel safe. As communities we serve, I would like the weekend fell during the national to offer all our Special colleagues a summer campaign against drink and very well deserved and humble vote drug driving, Special Constables focused of thanks.” their activities on road safety. Many of Assistant Chief Constable these volunteer police officers took part in dedicated operations aimed at keeping Sarah Crew our roads safe. These included targeting More than drunk or speeding motorists and those 80 BRITISH endangering themselves and others by TRANSPORT taking an unsafe vehicle on the road or POLICE volunteer driving while using a mobile phone. officers took part in operations As well as the planned operations, other and events on Special Constables turned out as usual the rail network to help regular colleagues patrol around pubs and clubs in town and city centres. volunteering 894 hours. The officers patrolled 187 trains, made four arrests, reported six people for offences, issued one penalty notice for railway trespass and held two level crossing operations.

8 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 19 Issue 19 SPECIAL IMPACT 9 Over in DYFED-POWYS members of event was publicised via Twitter and the Special Constabulary once again the local media. Members of the assisted with the policing of Dragon Special Constabulary also utilised Fest, which can be best this opportunity to carry out described as community engagement by a ‘full on, providing community safety club night advice to members of the public. held within a large Other initiatives the specials marquee, were involved in over the attended by weekend were attending the over 2000 annual Young Farmers rallies, clubbers.’ receiving a training session As part of that covered criminal damage the policing before going out on patrol response, in Milford Haven to join in a night time economy based Specials operation and two Special conducted Constables were trained to various process detainees through licensing custody, in support of checks and the streamlined custody high visibility process during large scale foot patrols within anti-social operations, behaviour hot CAMBRIDGESHIRE saw the Chief Conduct Medals, which are presented spot areas across Carmarthen Section. including Constable Simon Parr, Lord Lieutenant to individuals when they have served prisoner Specials were also involved in Operation Mr Hugh Duberly and Police and for 9, 19 and 29 years. Special Chief handover, Crime Commissioner Sir Graham Gary Cowling was presented Riverside, the annual Specials led taking summer operation aimed at tackling Bright present the Police and Crime with the medal for 9 years’ service and DNA Commissioner Crystal Award for the Special Sergeant Roy Morris for 19 anti-social behaviour, alcohol related samples, disorder and criminal damage across first time, as part of the long service and years’ service. finger good conduct awards. parks and recreational facilities within and shoe Police and Crime Commissioner Sir the Ammanford and Rural Sections. printing. The Police and Crime Commissioner Graham Bright said: “I would like Operation Riverside resulted in a Crystal Award recognises the work of to thank all staff and officers who number of arrests being made and special constables and is awarded for have contributed so much to the police action taken around drug 15 years’ or more service. Constabulary and to the people of possession, use of mobile phones whilst Cambridgeshire and Peterborough driving and alcohol seizures from young Five individuals received the award at over the years. There is no substitute people. June’s presentation, including: for experience and those we recognise Special Inspector Clare Greaney tonight bring so much knowledge to the A recruitment campaign was launched force which they are able to share with across the Llanelli Town and Rural Special Superintendent Lee Turner others, whether they be staff, regulars Sections during Volunteers Week which or volunteers. included the use of a recruitment Special Chief Officer Phil Hill stand at the St Elli Shopping Centre in I am particularly pleased to be able to Llanelli. This proved to be extremely Special Sergeant Roy Morris formally recognise special constables successful and led to more than The awards evening also saw who have achieved 15 years’ service forty people signing up to receive the presentation of two Special with the new Crystal Award which is the additional application packs. The Constabulary Long Service and Good first award of its kind in England and Wales.”

10 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 19 Issue 19 SPECIAL IMPACT 11 CHESHIRE Specials clocked up an Children were also given the chance to have a network of Cyclists who amazing 1,644 hours of duty over win themselves a ‘Bobby Blue’ ice cream report incidents should they National Specials Weekend – and were by colouring in a picture of a Special see anything on their journeys rewarded by having a delicious ice Constable – an offer run via Social around Cheshire. In return cream named after them! Media. we marked 72 bikes using the SelectaDNA bike marking The weekend involved several different Fun was had by all – there was police product. initiatives across Cheshire and saw 65 uniform to try on, life-size cardboard houses marked with Operation Shield face cut-outs were available for children “We had our first trained forensic marking, 42 foot patrols, 73 to have their photograph taken and the specials out on their bikes, mobile patrols, 86 cyclists signed up to option to get ‘locked up’ in the back of a they gave 22 hours between Cycle Watch, 22 hours of cycle patrols, police sprinter van. them and recovered a stolen 24 licensing checks, 52 vehicles stopped motorbike along the river. We and 121 incidents attended. There was also will be expanding this scheme a recruitment across the teams of specials.“ The weekend saw events tweeted display at The out on the Specials’ newly launched Ice Cream Farm Twitter account - @CheshirePolSC with to encourage a bumper number of tweets going out members of Cheshire Special from events across the county. the public Constabulary’s Chief Officer to join the Community engagement and Celvyn Jones said: “We had policing a very successful National recruitment took place at The Ice Cream family plus Farm at Tattenhall where an ice cream Specials Weekend, which the weekend included the launch of the @ was named ‘Bobby Blue’ in honour of saw Special Cheshire Special Constabulary. CheshPolSC twitter account. Constables We have a group of SC’s getting trained to use Social Media. cyclists to sign up “We launched Cheshire to the new Cycle Watch and signed up scheme - Cycle Watch. 86 Cycle Watch Volunteers’ – many more to follow. Runcorn Cycling Club and cyclists from The purpose of this is to Chester Zoo’s Fundraising Team were among those successfully signed up for the scheme.

12 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 19 National Specials Weekend saw 221 GWENT specials undertook over 500 stage of Gwent’s’ new bespoke training Special Constables out on operational hours of duty throughout Specials program. These officers have now patrol in GREATER MANCHESTER with Weekend with high visibility vehicle started to complete their 120 hours of an additional 72 specials in training. crime operations running from operational training on the beat and will A total of 2811 volunteer hours were Blackwood and Brynmawr and from also receive a further four weekends of given with 72% of this time spent Abergavenny and Newport Central with specialist training. patrolling the streets of Manchester. 44 officers taking part. There was a host of initiatives and Blackwood officers patrolled operations undertaken including with Traffic Officers and with policing the night time economy, a Dog Handler, over 300 cars supporting the community and were checked, and one male recruitment events, youth engagement was arrested for being wanted evening initiatives, licensing visits, on warrant. In Blaina Gwent drug warrants, tackling anti-social one referral was made to social behaviour issues, patrolling with services and one male was specialist Child Sexual Exploitation arrested for drunk driving. In teams in order to minimise the risk Abergavenny officers undertook that vulnerable children may face both hi-visibility and plain and working alongside the GMP Road clothes patrols; over 400 cars Policing Unit helping were checked and10 persons to enforce legislation. stop-searched. In Newport 12 and educate Two Rochdale Specials officers patrolled in both hi- road users were seconded for a shift to work visibility and plain clothes. with regards with the Regional Air Support Unit Craig Guildford to a wide and patrolling with divisional dog Last month Gwent attested 15 new and Lady Diana Hayman-Joyce JP with range of handlers. specials that had completed the first Gwent’s latest special recruits.

Bishop Stortford Specials in Herts Specials in North Wales carry out speed enforcement supported the policing of the Elton John Concerts at Eirias Park, Colwyn Bay.

Specials in Cumbria policed Appleby Fair working over four days at the event volunteering 700 hours.

DURHAM specials were out in force and pictured below right are Acting Special Sergeant Fisher and Special Constable Simpson-Jones 14 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 19 Issue 19 SPECIAL IMPACT 15 launched National SC Sam Watson gave his time at Cadet camp over Volunteers Week, which included the Specials Weekend, under the theme ‘The Big Clean Specials Weekend Up’; a chance for volunteers to take the lead in addressing neighbourhood priorities. The theme had been decided after a number of local residents had experienced issues in their neighbourhood relating to graffiti or excessive litter. Throughout the week, a number of Specials were tasked to ‘clean up’ crime in Leicestershire by executing outstanding arrest warrants. Specials were also on hand to assist with a search for a high risk missing person together with their regular colleagues, Tactical Support Group SC Natalie Atchison officers and representatives from Leicestershire Lowland Search and Rescue. Specials proceeded to ‘clean up’ at Leicestershire Police’s first Forcewide Volunteers in Policing Awards and Recognition Over in LANCASHIRE Special Constables policed the Evening. night time economy in Blackpool and Poulton Town A number Centres, dealing effectively with numerous incidents of worthy and making several arrests during the weekend. volunteers Other Special officers were deployed in numerous were events across the County, including carnivals, commended open days, recruitment for their events, parades, road efforts checks and and their general high visibility contribution policing, promoting to policing. community This included engagement. The members of Lancashire Special the Special Constabulary Constabulary volunteered 1702 who were hours of policing highlighted throughout the for their weekend and the involvement Specials availability in policing the increased the capacity proceedings and resilience of the of King Special Sergeant Izabela Kos regular force to deal OPCC Community Richard III’s Engagement Award with demand and targeted operations. reinterment.

16 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 16 Issue 19 SPECIAL IMPACT 17 and transport them STAFFORDSHIRE had 66 Special Constables service of special officers, including those who to and from central volunteering to work alongside regular have died in service. London. It was a very Officers covering a wide range of duties in the Community, both during the day and evening. Mrs Arnold said: “It was a privilege to attend successful deployment The dedication and commitment of the such a poignant service. Day in day out, on Friday night which Officers involved a total of 430 hours. specials make a massive contribution to demonstrated the society and provide an important link between ‘can do’ attitude of the The roles varied from the policing of the the police and local communities. The service Metropolitan Special night life in town centres, a music festival was a powerful reminder that specials at Uttoxeter racecourse and a beer festival voluntarily go beyond the call of duty to serve Constabulary. We also at a local rugby club. Officers engaged with local people.” used the weekend to members of the public which ensured that raise the profile of the the events ran without incident building Specials through social community relations with the local media using the @ residents explaining what the role of a MPSSpecials Twitter Special Constable is, and offering advice account and the on how to join the police family.

hashtag #SpecialsWeekend.” Officers engaged in community events The METROPOLITAN Special such as Scout Carnivals assisting with Constabulary (MSC) conducted nearly During the day on Saturday 6 June traffic control and talking with residents a thousand duties over the National 2015 the penultimate rehearsal for The and joining in games with the children, Specials Weekend, On Friday night over Queen’s Birthday Parade – Trooping listening to any issues the local residents 74 Special Constables took part in a the Colour took place involving over were experiencing, giving suitable advice high visibility operation covering the 120 special constables lining The and these concerns back to the local iconic night spots of Leicester Square Mall in Westminster, London while policing teams. and Soho. Officers came from across the Colonel’s Review took place. This During the day, officers were in a mobile West and South London to support operation is one of the single largest police station in the town centres engaging their Westminster based colleagues. deployments of Metropolitan Special with members of the Community giving Constables in the annual policing crime prevention advice along with crime At the same time scores of other prevention items and literature in the calendar and gives officers the evening were committed completing Special Constables took part in two opportunity to practice in advance of simultaneous operations in the scene preservation at a serious traffic the big event the following Saturday. accident, and assisting our response teams Boroughs of Camden and Islington with incoming incidents. Several arrests, under the banner of Operation Omega Elsewhere over the weekend, hundreds drug seizures, licence checks and alcohol to tackle a wide range of crime types of duties also took place supporting seizures were successfully completed during prevalent to the night-time economy. local Borough policing priorities such as the evening. Officers were also deployed The operation was repeated on the Automatic Number Plate Recognition on Operation Tispol drink drive campaign Saturday evening with a smaller (ANPR) operations, executing warrants dealing with several vehicles and minor traffic number of officers. and community engagements. offences. Alongside National Specials weekend it was Assistant Chief Officer also Emergency Services Day which Special James Deller - who co- Constables got involved in operationally, some ordinated the officers of them volunteering to assist with experience for Operation Omega from their day roles. said: “We had very A rededication of the Special Constabulary short notice to make Recognition Stone was held to mark the the arrangements contribution Special Constables make to for this operation, communities. but due to the fact we had officers who Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Arnold joined specials for the rededication of already planned a memorial stone, which bears the crest of all on working, we four West Midlands regional forces, including needed to redirect Staffordshire. It has an inscription marking the

18 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 19 Issue 19 SPECIAL IMPACT 19 SOUTH WALES Specials and Volunteers centre, signposting those in need of WEST YORKSHIRE Special supported community events assistance. Constabulary is celebrating after throughout the weekend, and their new winning a National Award. The recruits took part in their officer safety Specials, including South Wales Special competition, run by the British training. Constabulary Chief Officer Dale Medical Association (BMA) is for Cartwright, were also on the the “Doctors as Volunteers” poster Specials Constables ground campaign , recognising the BMA’s alongside Student commitment to recognising the and Police Support benefits of medical volunteering. Volunteers were The Force’s winning entry features deployed to two Dr Faraaz De Belder, who concerts in Cardiff city alongside his medical career, also centre – One Direction at the Millennium Stadium and Manic Street Preachers at Cardiff Castle. West Yorkshire Police Specials had a busy weekend with 580 The concerts hours of volunteer policing attracted an estimated 130,000 extra people to the capital, and gave the officers the opportunity to use their policing skills in a demanding environment, as well as giving Police Student and at the Emergency Services Support Volunteers an opportunity to Fun Day in Swansea on the engage with Saturday promoting our special constabulary and engaging with the public.

14 new recruits were put through their paces, completing their officer safety training at Waterton. This training volunteers as a Special Constable forms part of their initial for Kirklees District. training which consists of a distance learning Across National Volunteers Week package based over a five month and Specials Weekend , Special Constables were deployed to the public on a huge scale, assisting at period, followed by a period of tutoring within their local sector. a variety of duties, including various help points throughout the City recruitment events.

20 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 19 Issue 19 SPECIAL IMPACT 21 Special Constables in GIVE AND GAIN DAY Results Give & Gain is the UK’s only national day of 5 arrested for a variety of offences during the warrants employee volunteering. For one day, every ranging from Possession with intent to supply/Criminal Damage/Burglary year, thousands of people give up their day jobs and volunteer to support a local community £1,000 of cannabis & £300 cash seized , offender organisation during working hours. For the arrested Possession With Intent to Supply. 3rd year now, GMP Special Constabulary and their Employers participated with an employer Warrant executed with positive result, approx. £4,000 supported focus day. worth of Cannabis seized.

The day started at 0630 hours when Special 4x Cannabis farms discovered and destroyed. One of Constables from GMP, North Wales, Merseyside, the farms estimated value of £40K Cheshire, and Employers from across the region met at North Manchester Police Traffic stops - by officers tackling inconsiderate driving station and were given their health and safety and cycling resulted in- • 2 x red light Fixed penalty notice Constables and amazed at how the community • 40 x mobile phones seized suspected stolen reacted to the large number of police officers. • 11 Out of area Taxis stopped of which 6 were This was a very successful day, supported and immediately taken off the road observed by employers, with really positive results. • 33 Manchester Taxis of which NONE were defaulted Bernie Auguste, Head of Security at Openreach BT • 2 x DVLA seizures no tax said, “We see the ESP programme as an effective partnership between us as an employer, our • 2 x VDRS notices issues ( bald tyres etc) people and the Police service to increase public • 5 x cyclists for red lights safety and confidence. This brings benefits not • 1 x cyclist riding on pavement just to the employer, but also the individual and the community that we serve. I wholeheartedly • 1 x M/A arrested Sec 5A DRUG DRIVING encourage our employees to consider becoming Head of Security Openreach BT special constables. They are not just special ANPR team - VOSA seized 10 x vehicles for dangerous constables, they are special people.” condition including 2 x Light Goods Vehicles with 3 of his employees UKBA arrested 2 for immigration offences following an ANPR stop briefing and hi-visibility jackets, and were then A number of males arrested for outstanding fines they From there the employers were taken to another thought they had got away with. transported in convoy of 20+ police vehicles to the location and viewed a smaller cannabis farm that Court bailiffs recovered £3000.00 in unpaid fines, 16 briefing site at Manchester again was discovered by executing a warrant from vehicles seized by police, 16 traffic offence reports Metropolitan University. intelligence supplied by the community. issued Here they were welcomed by Deputy PCC Jim Battle and ACC The Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Environment agency completed the following: Rebekah Sutcliffe who praised Operation and they were fascinated by the coming 54 vehicles examined and 10 warned VOSA - 20 the great work the Special together of so many partner agencies, such as prohibitions (removed dangerous condition) Constabulary undertakes. They DVLA, VOSA, UKBA, HMRC. 2 persons arrested immigration offences also sent out a big thank you to Court enforcement recovered £6000 the employers who had turned HMRC examined 14 vehicles 5 persons summoned for RTA offences out for this unique operation. The majority of the employers were already signed up to Employer Supported Policing, which means that they support Employers Who Supported their volunteers by allowing them time off to Give & Gain Day do their volunteering with GMP. This is a real Wardle Academy, Willmott Dixon, proactive way of demonstrating true community Guy Ogden, Halifax Bank Local Director said “Thank responsibility. The briefing was then delivered by you for your hospitality today and making me feel Halifax Bank, Openreach BT, Superintendent Arif Nawaz. so very welcome. I had a fantastic day and met Convergys, Tycoint, Co-operative so many really good officers with great character Group, GMP, DWP, RBS, Lex Autolease, At approximately 0800 hours the convoy of police who are clearly working hard together to get the RRG Group, Royal Mail, Bury Council, vehicles filtered out into the streets of Manchester job done. It was particularly special for me to and went to work. The employers with police hear such kind words about Bart (employee) and Debt Free Direct, Zen Internet, crept up on the first warrant, the premises were his contribution from his GMP colleagues. I will University of Manchester, Manchester entered and after a short search a large cannabis do all I can in my role to help support the Special Airport, Tesco East Didsbury, farm was discovered. The employers were very Constabulary in GMP, so good luck in all that you’re impressed with the professionalism of the Special doing to serve your local communities.” Morrisons, Priestley College

22 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 19 Issue 19 SPECIAL IMPACT 23 Suffolk Specials team up WITH the Broads Authority

Lancashire Police Specials Suffolk Special Constabulary has teamed up Authority in readiness for going out on with the Broads Authority to patrol waterways patrol on the water, covering areas such involved in National Give & Gain day in the north east of the county over the as bylaws, water safety and crime linked to summer months. properties and businesses associated with the waterways.” Special Constabulary Chief Officer Paul Airlie The joint patrols were formally launched says: “Specials are a valuable resource to recently and will see officers from the Special Head Ranger, Adrian Vernon at the Broads . Our Specials are Constabulary working in partnership with the Authority, said; At the Broads Authority we integrated into everyday policing and are Rangers from the Broads Authority to tackle work to conserve the Broads to keep them an essential resource in keeping Lancashire issues such as breaches of bylaws, anti-social special for people who live, work and visit the safe. The day is also a great opportunity for behaviour and theft on the Suffolk Broads. area. employers to see first-hand what the specials The Special officers and Rangers will be Working in partnership with the Special do.” carrying out proactive patrols on the water, Constabulary means that we can deal with and during the closed season the officers will issues affecting the area and those responsible Specials who work for ESP (Employer Supported be carrying out land-based patrols working so that we can continue to preserve the Policing) companies invited their employees to closely with marinas and boatyards to Broads and the special qualities of the area.” observe Give & Gain day activities to witness promote crime prevention on the waterways and deal with first-hand how their support benefits the local associated rural crime. communities. Activities included everything from immediate response, sex offender visits Special Superintendent, and immigration investigations to alcohol Richard Bryanton, said: “This is a perfect example of how related licensing inquiries. the Special Constabulary works in partnership with other authorities and the local community to prevent crime - keeping the scenic county that we live in safe, and an enjoyable place for everyone. Officers from the Special Constabulary have undergone training with the Broads

24 SPECIAL IMPACT Issue 19 Issue 19 SPECIAL IMPACT 25 REWARD & RECOGNITION Her Majesty The Queen Birthday Honours Congratulations to Debi Potter SC Chief Officer, Dorset MBE

Linden Riley Special Constable, GMP British Empire medal Kevin Lee Special Constable, Staffordshire British Empire Medal

British Association for Women in Policing Awards 2015

GMP Special Constable Maureen GMP Special Invited Conwell collected her Guinness World Record Attempt Volunteer award to The Royal Garden by Special Constable Pipeathon Party Special Constable Rikki Evans will attempt to and played with Oldmeldrum R.B.L Pipe Band Special Constable Jared Simpson was invited to become the first piper in the world to achieve then Pipe Band until 2013 The Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace for his work for the Special Constabulary and winning a 24 hour solo Pipeathon Guinness World when he joined Portlethen & District Pipe the GMP SC of the Year 2014. Record. The record attempt will take place Band who he currently competes for today. during Piping Live, which is the largest piping Rikki also plays at weddings and functions Jared tells us about his day. “I arrived at the Palace festival in the world in Glasgow. for Alba Bagpipes which is one of the leading at 3pm, entering through the State Entrance of professional bagpipe hire company’s in the the Palace and then into the garden met by a To coincide with a Guinness World Record North East of Scotland. swarm of footmen, Beefeaters, Palace Staff and attempt Rikki is fundraising for 5 different hundreds of people who had also received an charities, which he feels very passionate about. Please see: invite for the voluntary work they had done to if you wish to support Rikki. Also making a difference in the community. Food was Sheffield Special Constable Nicola Wall based in • Clan Cancer Support – Aberdeen served in a huge marquee and consisted of cakes, Ecclesfield, was at the scene of a domestic incident when she discovered two firearms; a shotgun and sandwiches, ice creams and tea. At 4pm, Her • Northsound’s Cash For Kids Majesty The Queen arrived to greet the attendees, a revolver. accompanied by her husband HRH The Duke of Nicola, who was • The Gordon Duncan Memorial Trust Edinburgh and son HRH The Duke of York. We in the house alone while were then able to take a stroll through the grounds • Portlethen & District Pipe Band her colleague of the Palace Garden at our leisure whilst the was outside, band played. Speaking with other people, there • The National Piping Centre secured the were people there for various commitments, weapons and from charity work abroad assisting in natural McCallum Bagpipes, the world’s leading immediately disasters to members of the Armed Services and informed other bagpipe supplier, are sponsoring Rikki and local charity workers who work so hard to support officers and have donated 2 sets of bagpipes in order for vulnerable members of their community.” departments. him to attempt this record. The pipes are Vital evidence hopefully going to be auctioned off after the “Volunteering my time with GMP has involved was secured event to raise money. dealing with an array of incidents, some of which which enabled will have a lasting effect on me and I’ve been able further enquires Rikki has been a Special Constable since 2009, to form partnerships with several organisations at another currently stationed at Kittybrewster; his day to better the service we deliver, yet to be able to property where meet like-minded and even more dedicated people another firearm job is working in the police control room. Rikki and cannabis has been been playing bagpipes for 20 years who give their time to the community at such a wonderful location was a real honour.” was located.



Police Mutual Assurance Society Limited is an incorporated friendly society. Registered offce: Alexandra House, Queen Street, Lichfeld, Staffordshire WS13 6QS.

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