A Meeting of Womenswold Parish Council was held on Tuesday 9th January 2018 at 7.00pm at the Function Room, Two Sawyers,

Present: Cllr I HOBSON – Chairman Cllr M McKENZIE -Vice Chair Cllr A WICKEN Cllr J PERRINS Mrs V McWILLIAMS Clerk

There were no members of the public present.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1 Apologies for Absence

Michael Northey sent his apologies due to ill health. Cllr Brown sent his apologies due to being held up on the motorway following an accident.

2. Comments from the public.

There were no comments from the public

3. Declaration of interests by Councillors. There was no notification by members given of any pecuniary or personal interest in items on the Agenda.

4. Reports from County Cllr Northey & City Cllr Cook City Cllr Simon Cook attended the meeting and said there was not much to report as the City Council had been quiet over Christmas. He had received complaints about bins not being emptied on time and asked for any further complaints to be sent to him and he would sort them out.

Cllr McKenzie told him of the concerns regarding the unofficial pull-in place on the Road B2046. KCC has no money to be able to do anything about it but suggested that we might consider doing it ourselves. Putting bollards round the area was put forward. Cllr Cook said it was a KCC concern rather than CCC.

Cllr Hobson reported that CCC/SERCO does not appear to be using Country Eye to report fly-tipping. Cllr Cook said it would be better to use the CCC link on their web- site as it was better and quicker. Cllr Hobson also said that the councils would not remove fly-tipping from roads of over 40 miles per hour. Cllr Cook will look into it as he was not aware there was a speed restriction. He will also try and find out why CCC does not use Country Eye.

He said that with regard to the voluntary litter picking that councils were planning to do again fairly soon. The City Council was looking into ways of making things easier for council to get permission to do it without the problems that they faced last year.


5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the September meeting, were approved and signed; proposed by Cllr Perrins & seconded by Cllr Wicken.

6. Matters arising not otherwise on the agenda.

The white lines have still not been added to the crossroads to improve the Firs Road issues that Cllr Northey paid for. The Clerk will contact Highways again to let them know.

Cllr Wicken confirmed that the vehicle which appeared to be permanently parked in the lay-by on the B2046 has now been removed.

All action items had been executed

7. Finance Community Account £8,714.47 Business Saving Account £1,873.15

Expenses Clerks Salary SCP 20 £10.50 per hour 26 hours in Nov/December £273.0 plus £80.00 Office Management = £353.00 plus Refreshments Highways £8.60 Sub -Total £361.60 Elgars Ground Rent £14.00 RDR Pest Control Moles on Recreation Ground £124.00


These figures were approved by the Council; proposed by Cllr Wicken & seconded by Cllr Perrins. The Clerk has put in a request to CCC for Precept Budget for £6,000.00 for 2018/2019. There were no additional finance questions to the Clerk from Councillors

8. Planning/Trees

The Application for a Stopping Up Order, Highways Act 1980 Section 1 The application was discussed and the Council agreed that they would be objecting to the order. It is a Public Right of Way regularly used by pedestrians and horse riders. The Clerk has contacted Carissa Humphreys at Invicta Law the solicitor dealing with the case expressing the Councils views and is still waiting to hear back. The Clerk will try to find out more information as to who originally requested the Stopping Up Order.


17/02437/FUL Proposed two-storey rear and side extensions together with roof alterations and roof lantern to existing rear extension following demolition of garage. 5 Forstal Road, Womenswold CT4 6SP. Granted.


9. Environmental Issues

As regards the issue of the field on the right coming down from Woolage Green towards which has been fenced off by the farmer the Clerk has written to PROW informing them of the fence that has been put up to stop pedestrians using the footpath (CB209) with a request for the farmer to be approached to erect stiles at each end of the path to enable pedestrians to use the right of way. PROW does not use stiles anymore so they will request gates to be installed instead.

10. Highways

Cllr McKenzie reported that she along with the Clerk had met the engineer from KCC with regard to the unofficial lay-by near The Beacon on the B2046 that runs alongside Westmore House. They pointed out that there was no money for them to be help with the problem but suggested that we consider raising funds to do it ourselves. However, an approved council contractor will need to be used. They had kindly measured the area up with a view to putting reflecting bollards up. Cllr McKenzie had obtained two quotes amounting to about £6,000.00. The Clerk was asked to get another one from Andy Spink who did the work on Woolage Green. The Clerk will contact Viridor Waste to see if they might help with the funding

Cllr McKenzie reported that Dover District Council had stated that work on the new A2 roundabout on the B2046 would be started fairly soon

Cllr Brown was unable to attend the meeting so there was no news regarding Mr O’Shaughnessy request for a drop kerb to be installed. It will reported at the next meeting

11. Defibrillators & Sitings

Cllr Wicken gave a report on the funding for the defibrillators which amounted to £5,465.00. The Clerk reported that she had not received the £500.00 promised by First Response. She will chase William Deacon at First Response.

The final decision of where the defibrillators should be placed was discussed. The Clerk has contacted the PCC at Womenswold who in principle agree to one being installed in the Church Porch they are just waiting to get final clearing from the diocese. They have had to get the church architect involved before granting permission because of the age of the porch.

The one in Woolage Green will be placed in the telephone kiosk. It was agreed not to wait until the box had been painted before putting up the defibrillator.

Woolage Village: Cllr Brown has arranged with a local resident for one to be placed on his property

Ropersole Park: Cllr Wicken has spoken to the residents of the Park who are under the impression that one will be placed inside the gated enclosure which is only open for about 38% of the time. Councillors felt that this would not be accessible to 24

people outside the gated area. Cllr Wicken had spoken to the owner of the Kent Motor cycles who would be happy for it to be placed on the outside wall of the bike shop. A vote was taken to establish where the defibrillator should be placed. There was a unanimous decision for it to be placed outside the motor bike shop. This is only about 50 yards away from the residents of the park which allows time to respond before the eight minutes safety time is up.

Cllr Wicken will contact the residents of Ropersole Park and let them know the result.

12. Councillors’ Portfolios

• Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC): Cllr Brown was unable to attend the meeting.

• Amenities and Welfare: The Pest Control has now removed the moles from the Recreation Ground on Woolage Village. Cllr Perrins has now put up the “no kite flying” signs. The meeting agreed that the “no horse riding” sign should be displayed at the bottom of the recreation ground. Cllr Perrins & the Clerk have still to contact to ask to inspect their playground equipment before applying for a grant from the Lottery for new swings and goal posts. Cllr Perrins has obtained three quotations for the replacing swings. She was asked to get three quotes for the cost of ¾ size goal posts.

The Clerk will fix up a meeting with the Clerk at to look at play equipment. Once the Wickhambreaux playground inspection has been carried out the Clerk will put the process of applying for funding for the swings and goal posts into action

• Jamie Cole has still to do the repairs to the multiplay and remove the old roundabout spindle from the play area. The Clerk will chase.

• Roads & Services: Cllr McKenzie had heard from a local resident new to the area how disgusted they were with amount of litter all over the village, particularly around the unofficial pull- in area by the Beacon. She will contact the resident

• There are numerous pot holes around the villages. The Clerk will report them.

• Communication – Website Cllr Hobson reported that the website was up to date. He would like copy of any articles for the next newsletter in by 15th January 2018.

• Police Liaison: PCSO Gavin Dodwell reported thefts in Barham and Woolage Village. There had been poaching in Womenswold and Adisham Police is appealing to all residents, to ensure that they keep their homes safe .Amy Burningham has joined in the rural community policing team alongside PCSO Gavin Dodwell.


13. Correspondence

Clerks & Council Direct - January 2018 Emails to All RAMP Meeting Monday 22nd January 2018 The Guild Hall The Provisional 2018-19 Local Government Finance Settlement Consultation Paper Community Policing Volunteer Kent County Council Mineral Site Plan NALC Chief Executive's Bulletin 1 - 5 January 2018

14 Any Other Business. Cllr Hobson asked the Clerk to chase the Rural Area Member Panel to determine whether we will be provided with cameras/signage relating to litter and fly tipping issues as advised in their email dated 6 October 2017. The Clerk reported that she had already put in a bid for them but would find out when the results might be announced.

It was agreed to hold the Litter Picking date to take place on Sunday 25th March 2018. Cllr Perrins will make the necessary arrangements.

The Lighting of the Beacon to commemorate the “Battle is Over” will take place on November 11th 7.00pm. The Council will light it. Further details will be announced at a later meeting nearer the time.

It was agreed to put Data Protection Officer Appointment as an agenda at the next meeting

14. Date of Next Meeting

Will take place on Tuesday 13th March 2018 at 7.00pm in The Learning Opportunities Centre, Womenswold.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.