A BY-LAW of the County of Vermilion River, in the Province of Alberta for the purpose to establish four Regional Recreation Boards.

WHEREAS Pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Being Revised St atutes of Alberta 2000 Chapter M-26, as amended or repelled and replaced from time to time, to provide services, facilities or things that, in the opinion of council, are necessary or desirable for all or a part of the municipality, and to deve lop and maintain safe and viable communities.

WHEREAS The Municipal Government Act provides that one municipality may agree with another municipality that a bylaw passed by one municipality ha s effect inside the boundaries of the other municipality and the council of each municipality passes a bylaw app roving the agreement.

WHEREAS The Council of the County of Vermilion River deems it advisable to establish four Regional Re creation Boards in cooperation with the Village of Dewberry, the Village of , the Village of Marwayne, and the Village of Pa rad ise Va lley.

NOW THEREFORE The Municipal Council of the County for Vermilion River duly assembled, ena cts as follows:

TITLE This By-Law be cited as the "Establishment of Village and Area Recreation Boards Byl aw" DEFINITIONS:

"Area" means the area or district covered by the Village and Area Recreation Board and is detailed on the attached map that ou tlines the area the Board represents;

"Board" means the Village and Area Recreation Board;

"Board Member" means the member that is appointed by the Village Council and County Council to the Board;

"Councilors" means the elected official of the County or of the respective Village;

"County" mean, the County of Vermilion River, in the Province of Alberta;

"Coullty Co uncil" means the Municipal Council of the County of Vermilion River in the Province of Alberta;

"County Ma'lager" means the Chief Administrative Officer for the County, regardless of the specific title that may be conferred on the Office by County Council from time to time;

"Ex-officio" means membership by vi rtue of one's office. Ex-officio members form part of the quorum on Iv when present at BOord meetings and when present, they shall vote.

"Member at. targer" means a member of the public appointed by County Councilor Village Council to the Vi! la ge and Area Recreation Board;

"Recreation" meilns that parks, open spaces, sport activities, leisure activities, and cultural activities 3re in cluded in the meaning of the word recreation;

"Recreation Area" means the district that is defined on the map of the County related to that respective Recreation Board including the Village within the district.

"Terms of P.eference" means those terms pertinent to the establishment and mandate of the Vil lage ard Area Recre ation Board and wh ich are in addition to or beyond the parameters ofthis Bylaw.

"Villcge (s)" meers the Village of Dewberry, the Village of Kitscoty, the Village of Marwayne, and the Vi ll age of Pa radise Valley;

"Village Council" means the councils of: the Village of Dewberry, the Village of Kitscoty, the Village of Marwayne, and the Village of Paradise Valley; ESTABLISHMENT

County Council does hereby establish the: Dewberry and Area Recreation Board, Kitscoty and Area Recreation Board, Marwayne and Area Recreation Board, and Paradise Valley Recreation Board as set out in the Te rm s of Reference attached to and forming part of this Bylaw.

Each Village and Area Rec reation Board shall be deemed as being responsible and accountable to the County Cou nci l and their respective Village Council.

The Boards' Te ·'ms of Referen ce shall be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that they reflect the (urrent mandate Of the Boa rds with respect to the responsibility conferred upon t he Boa rd bv COU:'1 t y Council.


The Board shail make recomm endations pertaining to recreation development and service provision wit hin the Recreatio n Area, an d where appropriate make recommendations to Coum\! Counci l on recreation matters that have a County-wide perspective.

The 80arCi shali coordinate recreation development within the Recreation Area including: planning, evaluation, managing change, and recommending the appropriate distribution of grant fu nding t o rhe community organizations involved in managing recreation facilities and ser\" (e, 'Ni~h 'l1 th2 Recreation Area.

The Board sha ll h~ve the power to recommend policies and guide the control of recreation develoP'nert. in their re spective areas of responsibility for the Board .

The Board shall have the power to ma ke rules and regulations as the Board may deem nece :S 3ry fr : r'l t 'me to time, provided such ru les are consistent with the mandate of the B'Ja rrl . Co ::o !es o f ali rules and regulations shall be filed with the respective Village and the County.

A Bo ard shall not have the power to pledge the credit of the County or the respective Village, t o P 2SS bylaws or to enter into any contractual agreements.

Ea ch Board sha ll have the authority to form ad hoc committees and task forces from among its members, t( assist it in carrying out its objectives and re sponsibilities under this By-Law.

Ad h ~ c cor.l fY'i tt r, es and ta sk forces established by a Board shall report to the Board in a manner determined by the Bo ard. In each succ eed in g year, Count y CO llncil and Vi ll age Council shall appoint for a two (2) year t erm e,10ug 1 me mbers to fil l t he vacancies created by the expiration of the terms of the Members a': Large in that year.


At the first meeting of the year, each Board shall elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman from am ong its m , rr.bers.

Th e Chairma,' ,",all hold office for a term of one (1) year from the date of appointment.

The Chairman sh all pre sid e over all meetings of t he Committee and decide all points of order that may arise.

In t he absence of the Chairma n, t he Vice-Chairman shall preside over meetings and shall exe rr.:s,: all the same powers, dutie, and resp onsibilities that the Chairman would be entit!ed to ':'"erci se if present.

Annuall\,. th f! '.,ocr eation Are a B'Ja ,d Chairmen shall meet to discu ss regional iss ues, region al Irli~iilt.'·2 s and ma ke recornrnendations to Co unty Council pertaining the regional O~1Dor'lJn itH::~~ 0"1:] co ncern s.


The 80a rd 5(,ali have the disc retion to ap point a Secretary from outside of the Board rn em o2 ,shiJ.! .

The re,oecl 'Ie Jillage shall act as the Treasurer for t he Board in re spect to the recreation funds.


Each Boa rd shall give at lea st 24 hours notice of a Bo ard meeting or a change in the location or time Jt 5 8)2rd meeting. Notice shall be give n to members of the Board and to the public.

Not ic~ or tl" ,m .neetings shal: be d"emed to have bee n properly given if posted for public 'J i2W:lij ::> r, 'J." 1:'.. blic notice bu lletin board s located in the County and Village offices.

PI r:1aior ity of Board members shall constitute a quorum at a Board meeting. All Board members including the Chairman shall be required to vote on any motion before the Board and in the event of a tie, the motion shall be lost. County and Village Councilors shall be cons'dered ex-officio and hold no vote

A minute book shall be kept, and min utes of regular and special meetings shall be record ed by the Secre·ccry . Copies of the meeting minutes shall be filed with the County and respective Village, and copies provided for each member of the Board.

ROLE OF 'lOA 110

The Board sh;;11 provide leadership and direction pertaining to recreation development within the [,,,,cre ation Area.

The Board Sh,lil be concerned with all matters pertaining to the equipping, maintaining and staffing of rec reation centres, cultural and recreation facilities, public playgrounds, athletic fields, and parks and open spaces within the Recreation Area.

Th f'- ~ (';mj ' h ~l ! cooperate with and encourage all organizations (private sector, not for profit, religIOns and educational groups) to work in collaboration in the provision of r,=cre ~t ion, P" rl'.. sport and cUitur3 1f aci litie,., programs and services.

The Board shall faci litate and support the voluntary sector within the Recreation Area t hrough orgu';'ational developmen\' and b03rd development opportunities.


Th" ["j,-, rd "fd! coordinate the pl ann ing and application process with the community organizations within the Recreation Area maintaining a fair and eq uitable distribution of flHlds ,eceiv«" 'rrom the Cou my, Viliage and other sources.

The rerms of Re ference shall clearly articuiate the planning requirements, funding criteria, priorities, decision maKin g process, evaluation methods, accounting procedures;requirements, and disbursement schedules. (Appendix 1)


ReceatirJn bclurldaries are set 'Jut as per Schedule 2 (Recreation Boundaries Map)


E'/ -LeV] No. b :; '~, being a BY- LJW to establish the Re gional Parks and Recreational Council (Sepr2:r::,,?r lS6B). This l3y-law p'ecedes the Recreation and Culture Agreement of November 20, 2006 b etwf'~n the ':'-" mty of Vermilion River and the Vi llage of Dewberry, the Village of Kitscoty, t he Vill age c' I\Ilarwayne, and the Village of Paradise Valley,


This By-Law shall come into effect on AWl" ! :;H , 2011

READ a First T i m , ~ in Council the _.l~ day of 1!.(,~ 2011 READ a j;';fst'fifblV' I, Co uncil the 03 dal' o f~t, 2011 ~(,O I \C.~ ~ Appendix 1


The County of 'J21" ll1 ilion River shall establish four Recreation Boards identified within the By­ La w to be: • Dew berry and Area Recre ation Board • Kitscoty and Area Recreation Board • M arw aynp. and Area Re creation Board • Paradise V2 11ey and Area Recreation Board

The R i ! ~ r 2 ; l t i[ , 1 3;): .I 'C' rn ,mbership for the four Recreation Areas shall be:

Dewberry and Area Recreation Board • One (1) member from Village of Dewberry Cou ncil • On e (J) member from County of Verm ilion River Council • Three (3) members to represent t he area ge nera lly served by the Village of Dewberry • Th re e (3) rn'.' ll1bers to rep resent the area ge nerally served by the Hamlet of Clandonald.

KitS(;(Jty ",nJ h .. "cl Recreation !Boar d • One (1) member from Village of Kitscoty Council • O"e (1) ~l~ ll1ber from County of V8rm ilion River Council • Two (2) members to represent the area generally se rved by the Village of Kitscoty o One (:.) rnember to represent the area generally server by the Hamlet of Blackfoot • One (1) 1l1 P' l'Y)h er t o represe nt the ilrea generally served by the Hamlet of Islay

Marwayne and Area Recreation Board

• On ' « .) .) f " I' :er from V ill 2~ e (If ~Il arw a y ne Co uncil • One (1.) m E.' mber from County of Ve rmilion River Council • Th ree (3 ) nH~m bers to represent the area ge nerally served by the Village of Marwayne o 1'wo (Z) members to rep re s en~ t ~ e area south of the North River o () ~ e i '.) ,W"tn'Jer t o represellt the area north of Marwayne including the area generally SO (',-e r 'w t he d amlet of Tullihy Lake

Paradise Valle\, '1lJ d Area Recreation Board • One 11.) rn em'J er from Village of Darad ise Valley Council • One (:'.\ m E' moer from County 0'" Vermilion Ri ver Council • T WO (2 ) r,lembers to represent the area ge nerally se rved by the Village of Paradise \lai ie'! e ::::~ , i': ::_: 'r '" '" .:; e' -,0 represent t ~ e area generally server by the Hamlet of McLaughlin CDfflln Unit\1 e One (1) membe r to represent the area generally served by the Mount Joy and Golden Val ley Cnl11nl unities o One (1) me'llber to repre sent the area generally server by the Earlie, Va nesti, Clare and \AJa-Jedey Com munities _ " One (1) rne ·nber to represent the area generally served by the Hamlet of Rivercourse C::-,nlli1Ufli t' , County of Verm ilion River \ Recreation A reas \ ~, \", " '~" ~ ,:4- ~ .~.. ,... ;;"'if ,<.t: .) , ' '''"' J A ~ ·' ',\ , , €, .J 1"/' 'il-I ' " ; .I( , ' l • • ' , • • ~ t!,' I ' . ~ /"";'h, \ , ...... ) ~ \<. . -,.--;> :"? \ -. ~ . .,' '>:-:. ,\' . , J.;;;, ,. D ewberry Recrea ti on "' ''-. '--~ , '" Marwayne "'<"'" r Oi strict I\, ~ , "' ~,~ . RecreC!J ,on 17

'.' . " ."> " , District " ..•. ~, I '. " ,;,

" '-

17 4 1 .- . .J /'

.:.",r> ".~ . ~\ ...... =-, ~~. '" -~ , ~--·~" ;' i\~~,.-; .\ ..,. ,- r ' . 'I';' ....- ~===~1=~g= U ===~,,;JL,' ~-""~' LI ..' ,'. i .~ \ :~ 'I ' ...... t ye ~ rh i l i 9 n "W; Kltscci ty...... : ) ,., -. Recrea ti qn I R ec r e~:Ji O r1 ~~ ~'~'" .;' ,- Dl stn,ct " 'W' Distr.Ict':,' ,\~ ~' > . .. \.'. ' '" \~....' ," ~./. , .' , " .;::.::.)' - , , , . ' .. v'

" ~ r , ;-: . "'.' -. (. o I, i' I " Paradi se Valley "... .-. \ " 1 " P ~9 r ea ti on \.,1" Di stri ct 'r~ ~~ ) .~


= Provincial Hig llway -' c::::IRecreation Dist ri ct

o 10 20 _-==_-==______·~l lc m etE: r s

A(Jpl lW ~ .J MJ u li ] 0, 2010 - M01ioJ n N" 69-03 - 10