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Nal Ns Held Ourne Cover.qxd 6/01/2011 1:08 PM Page 1 22 2011 (2012) 2011 Major international Volume 22 numismatic auctions held Australia Association of Journal of the Numismatic in Sydney & Melbourne With three major numismatic auctions each year, consignments are wanted. Be a part of our success. Contact our Sydney offi ce (02) 9223 4578 or our Melbourne offi ce (03) 9600 0244 for a free, confi dential valuation. Journal of the NOBLE NUMISMATICS PTY LTD Numismatic Association of Australia ground fl oor 169 macquarie street sydney [email protected] level 7 / 350 collins street melbourne [email protected] The numismatics of brave animals John Pearn Figure 1. An electrum trite or third stater (4.66 grams) of Lydia or Milesia. Issued ca. 575 B.C., probably at Sardis. The roaring lion’s head was the dynastic badge of the Lydian royal house. Photograph courtesy of Mr Jim Noble, Noble Numismatics Sale 94 Catalogue of 29 July 2010. Abstract virtues in individual animals of a species – The cultural evolution of humankind has highlighting such virtues as courage, loyalty been characterised since earliest times by or service – takes several forms including the bestowal of human characteristics upon poetry, statuary and monumental memorials. animals. The symbols of virtue which humans One of the most enduring examples of the confer upon animals are found extensively in anthropomorphism of animal courage is that the numismatic record. Such anthropomorphic enshrined in the numismatic record which this associations take two separate and distinct paper seeks to document. It includes an account forms. The first comprises a two-way reflexive of some important medals bestowed upon attribution wherein an animal species is given animals for bravery, war service, metaphors a human quality – the courage, dominance and of virtue, and primacy in competition and conquering strength of the lion, for example – endurance. The numismatic record also includes and that animal’s virtue is then portrayed by a distinct class of medals awarded to humans a returned dynamic as a metaphor for a king, specifically for saving animal life. These awards ruler or nation. The second anthropomorphic comprise a heritage record of the close links dynamic is the bestowal of human qualities between the animal kingdom and humankind. upon individual animals. The species as a group They form a permanent witness that the virtues is not endowed with the virtue, but specific of duty, service and courage can transcend and exceptional individuals are identified and the barriers that otherwise partition the living apportioned esteem. Memorialisation of such world. 50 JNAA 22, 2011 (2012) The numismatics of brave animals Introduction recent British coins in a similar example Animals have been portrayed on of this metaphor of animal strength and coins since the invention of coinage courage. Second and distinct from this probably in the late seventh century B.C. process, is a different one-way dynamic by the Lydians, who featured lions on the wherein humankind both bestows and obverse of their coins. Often when early rewards perceived virtue not on a whole moneyers depicted selected species species, but on individual animals. of animals on the coinage of kings, This is the same process as rewarding it was because they were metaphors individual human subjects for gallantry, for human-endowed qualities such as courage or service beyond the call of courage, fighting prowess, physical duty. Both these processes constitute the strength and loyalty.1 (Fig. 1). The phenomenon of anthropomorphism. strength and courage of the warhorse, the eagle’s power and dominance of Anthropomorphism the skies, and the speed and graceful Anthropomorphism is the agility of the dolphin are examples of imparting of human moral, ethical and die-engravers’ metaphors which were behavioural qualities, both good and popular in the first two hundred years of bad, upon animals. The phenomenon the chronology of coinage. Especially is all-pervasive in human culture. It fine examples include the eagle on coins is enshrined in the creation beliefs of from the Akragas mint on Sicily (ca. many peoples, and no more so than 470-425 B.C.); the quadriga with Nike in the world’s longest continuous flying above her war chariot, struck in surviving cultures - the Aboriginal Syracuse also in Sicily (ca. 480 – 470 Peoples of Australia. One example is B.C.); and the depiction of Alexander the attribution of life-giving creativity the Great (336-323 B.C.) wearing an to the Rainbow Serpent. elephant headdress. In the process of anthropomorphism The attribution to animals of human both virtues and vices are bestowed virtues takes two separate and distinct upon whole species and on individuals forms. The first is a reflexive dynamic within a species. An ancient written in which humans attribute a virtue to an reference to such anthropomorphism entire animal species, and then uses the was the Persian custom of imparting metaphor of the generic animal virtue an immoral quality to certain birds, to identify specific human individuals a practice described by Herodotus or kings with the attributed virtue. The (1.138) in the fifth century B.C. He lion’s head on the first Lydian coins is wrote that many Persians drove away an example of this process. Two and white pigeons which they believed had a half thousand years later, the lion contracted leprosy as a result of sinning accompanied Britannia on the reverse of against the god. Herodotus (1.23-4) also JNAA 22, 2011 (2012) 51 John Pearn recorded the alleged rescue of a famous made a strong case that we need musician from drowning by dolphins. animals in our lives and that there are Snakes play a role in the Old Testament, deep-rooted reasons why this is so.7 The most famously the serpent in the Garden evolutionary process of selection has of Eden which was attributed with resulted in the selection of personalities deviousness and evil (Genesis 3.1; 3.4- in both humans and animals, just as it 5; 3.22). Similar examples abound in does in the selection of phenotypes.8 virtually all ancient cultures. It is well known that a large percent Anthropomorphism is an idea which of owners of cats and dogs acknowledge endured to modern times. The website celebrating their pet’s birthday, or describes the include them in celebratory affirmations eagle “as a symbol of power, action, of love such as the giving of presents at speed and perception, and has powers of Christmas.9 The Queensland veterinary intuition and creativity and can balance surgeon, Dr David Paxton in his book, power with grace”; and the lion as “a Why It’s Okay to Talk to your Dog, symbol for deathless courage, strength, noted: fearlessness, bravery and royalty, the I think it is okay to talk to your lord of the land”.2 In his book, Animals dog. I talk to Toby all the time. as Social Beings, Adolf Portmann wrote I do not talk to Toby about the that: meaning of life. He would not From the 1930s, biologists be interested, having abrogated became unwilling to call all the cerebral side of things to animal behaviour [simply] his human partner… Toby instinctive. It was recognised communicates by body language that all behaviour was made up and trusts implicitly that I will of many different components, respond.10 some fixed and automatic, others highly adaptable and more or less Altruism and Anthropomorphism modifiable by experience…3 Of the many virtues which humans This dynamic was given a certain bestow on individual animals, that of cachet following the demonstration courage takes the highest ethical form. that 98.4 percent of human DNA was In this context there are three grades of shared with that of chimpanzees;4 and service to others – duty, supererogation 90 percent with that of mice.5 A wake and altruism. Duty is the phenomenon was held in Edinburgh in February 2003 of response to a perceived or imposed to celebrate the life of Dolly the sheep, “ought” or “should”. Supererogation the world’s first cloned mammal. Dolly is going beyond that call or duty was “the world’s first ovine megastar”.6 – “going the extra mile”. Altruism Scientists and anthropologists have is supererogation in which there 52 JNAA 22, 2011 (2012) The numismatics of brave animals Medals for Animal Courage Dickin Medal (Instituted 1943) (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals Silver Medal (1943-1969) People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals Gold Medal (from 1969) National [UK] Canine Defence League Bronze Medal Dogs Trust [UK] Gallant Canine Medal Purple Cross. RSPCA Australia (Instituted 1993) National [Australia] Animal Valour Award (Instituted 1998) Royal New Zealand SPCA Bravery Award Medal (1953-1957) Royal New Zealand SPCA Silver Medal of Merit (from 1958) Royal New Zealand SPCA Bronze Medal of Merit (from 1958) Stillman Award Medal (American Humane Society) Single (opportunistic) Issue Medals. e.g. New York State Poultry Society (1869) The Sun’s Hero Dog Award Medallion (UK Dogs Trust and The Sun newspaper) The VITA Wireless Samaritan Medal – National Hero Dog Award War Service Medals to Animals Dogs enlisted, promoted and decorated for war service through the ranks of the US Army, the US Marine Corps and the US Coast Guard. The Australian Defence Force Trackers and War Dogs Association Medal (from March, 2009). Coins and Medals Depicting Animals as Metaphors of Virtue Coins of all nations depicting lions, bulls, dolphins etc. as metaphors of strength, courage, elegance. Silver Greyhounds Medallion – icons of the Queen’s Messengers. The Dogged Devotion Award (UK Dogs Trust Award to dogs which provide exceptional emotional support).
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