Personal Details • Address: Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (DPMMS) University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, UK • URL: • Born August 19th, 1978 in Paris,

Education • thesis, University Paris 6 (September 2010) • PhD, Ecole´ Normale Sup´erieurede Lyon (November 2004) • French “Agr´egationde Math´ematiques”(2001) • Student at Ecole´ Normale Sup´erieurede Lyon (B.Sc. 1999 and M.Sc. 2001)

Professional History • , University of Cambridge, since October 2013 • of King’s College, Cambridge, since January 2012 • , University of Cambridge, October 2010 to September 2013 • CNRS Researcher (permanent position), Ecole´ Normale Sup´erieurede Paris 2009-2010 • CNRS Researcher (permanent position), University Paris-Dauphine 2005-2009 • PhD student, Ecole´ Normale Sup´erieurede Lyon 2001-2004

Editorial work • 2016- : Associate editor of Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis • 2016- : Associate editor of Analysis & PDE • 2015- : Associate editor of Journal of Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu • 2014- : Associate editor of Communications in Mathematical Physics • 2012-2015: Co-Editor-in-chief of ESAIM Proceedings • 2011- : Associate editor of Journal of Statistical Physics • 2011- : Associate editor of Acta Applicandae Mathematicae

Awards • 2018: Invited speaker at the ICM (in both the PDEs and Mathematical Physics sections), Rio • 2017: ERC Consolidator Grant from the European Union (2017-2022) • 2016: Plenary speaker at the European Congress of Mathematics, Berlin • 2016: Adams prize of the University of Cambridge • 2014: Grand prix de Madame Victor Noury of the French of Sciences • 2014: Whitehead prize of the London Mathematical Society • 2013: Bourbaki seminar on my paper “Kac’s Program in Kinetic Theory” with S. Mischler • 2012: Invited speaker to the Abel Symposium, Oslo • 2011: ERC Starting Grant from the European Union (2011-2016) • 2011: Invited speaker to the Bourbaki seminar in Paris • 2011: Plenary speaker at the SIAM Conference on Analysis of PDEs, San Diego Students PhD supervisions. (1) Ongoing: Renato Velozo (Cambridge, 2019-. . . , co-supervised with M. Dafermos) (2) Ongoing: Angeliki Menegaki (Cambridge, 2018-. . . ) (3) Ongoing: Megan Griffin-Pickering (Cambridge, 2016-2019) Megan is the Willmore Fellow in Analysis of PDEs at Durham University starting Oct 2019 (4) Davide Piazzoli (Cambridge, co-supervised w/ F. Bolley, 2014-2018) Davide stopped the PhD and his research was awarded an MSc (5) Jo Evans (Cambridge, 2015-2018) Jo is a postdoctoral fellow of the FSMP at University Paris-Dauphine (6) Franca Hoffmann (Cambridge, co-supervised with J. Carrillo, 2014-2017) Franca is post-doc at Caltech (7) Ludovic Cesbron (Cambridge, co-supervised with A. Mellet, 2013-2017) Ludovic is post-doc Hadamard at Ecole´ Polytechnique (8) Helge Dietert (Cambridge, co-supervised with A. Iserles, 2013-2016) Helge is Charg´ede Recherche CNRS (tenured researcher) at University Paris 6 (9) Tom Holding (Cambridge, co-supervised with J. Carrillo, 2013-2016) Tom is a post-doctoral fellow at Imperial College (10) Sara Merino (Cambridge, co-supervised with J. Norris, 2011-2015) Sara is Lecturer at Sussex University (on leave) and at the University of Vienna (11) Marc Briant (Cambridge, 2011-2014) Marc is Maˆıtrede Conf´erences(Lecturer) at University Paris 5 (12) Kleber Carrapatoso (University Paris-Dauphine, co-supervised with S. Mischler, 2010-2013) Kleber is Maˆıtrede Conf´erences(Lecturer) at the University of Montpellier (13) Partial supervision: Daniel Marahrens (Cambridge 2009-2012, main advisors Markowich & Sparber) Daniel is Quantitative Analyst at G-Research (14) Thomas Rey (University Lyon 1, co-supervised with F. Filbet, 2009-2012) Thomas is Maˆıtrede Conf´erences(Lecturer) at the University of Lilles Postdoctoral mentoring. (1) Jessica Gu´erand(2018-. . . ) (2) Andrei Ichim (2017-. . . ) (3) Ivan Moyano (2017-. . . ) (4) Ariane Trescases (Cambridge, 2015-2017) Ariane is Charge de recherche CNRS (tenured researcher) at the University of Toulouse (5) Mikaela Iacobelli (Cambridge, 2015-2017) Mikaela is Lecturer at Durham University (6) Harsha Hutridurga (Cambridge, 2013-2016) Harsha is Assistant Professor at IIT Bombay (India) (7) Amit Einav (Cambridge, 2012-2016) Amit is Assistant Professor at the University of Graz (8) Jonathan Ben-Artzi (Cambridge, 2011-2014) Jonathan is Lecturer at the University of Cardiff (9) Chanwoo Kim (Cambridge, 2011-2014) Chanwoo is Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (10) Kung-Chien Wu (Cambridge, 2011-2013) Kung-Chien is at National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan) (11) Jos´eA. Ca˜nizo(Paris-Dauphine, co-supervised with S. Mischler, 2006-2008) Jos´eis tenured researcher at the University of Granada

Research I am interested in mathematical analysis motivated by, and applied to physics. Motivations come from statis- tical mechanics, fluid mechanics, plasma physics, astrophysics and quantum mechanics. The mathematics involve analysis of partial differential equations and probability. I have published about 60 papers in specialized mathe- matical journals, including three book-size long papers and several review papers, and I have published also a few popularisation papers in french.