Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility 2009 Annual Report SSRF Overview Organization chart Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), a third- bound to become an important innovation base of science and generation medium- energy synchrotron light source, is technology in China. constructed as a national large scientific project with the joint The SSRF project was approved in 2004 by the National efforts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Development and Reform Commission. The construction Shanghai Municipal Government. Aimed at building a facility started with a ground-breaking ceremony on December 25, outperforming most existing synchrotron light sources, the 2004. The civil work and the utilities were completed at the end project was ranked by the Shanghai Municipal Government as of 2006. On December 24, 2007, the first electron beam at 3 the major scientific project and one of the first-priority scientific GeV was stored and accumulated in the storage ring and the and technological projects for promoting the city through first synchrotron light was observed at SSRF. On September 30, science and education. 2008, 200
[email protected] GeV beams in lifetime of over 13 hours were Located at 239 Zhangheng Road in Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park obtained in the storage ring, thus fulfilling the major design of Pudong New District, and occupying an area of 20 hectares, specifications. In March 2009, commissioning of the Phase I SSRF consists of a 150-MeV linac, a 3.5-GeV booster, a 3.5-GeV beamlines was completed, marking a successful on-schedule storage ring, and seven beamlines and experimental stations completion of the SSRF project.