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Volume 46, Number 3 THE PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST MAY/JUNE 2009 A Publication of the American Institute of Professional Geologists Professionalism Is Our Purpose TTPGP G Volume 46, Number 3 THE PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST MAY/JUNE 2009 Inside This Issue AIPG 2009 Annual Meeting Edition Welcome Letter 3 Meeting Program 4 Field Trips 5-9 5 Short Courses 10-11 Social Events 12 Exhibitor Opportunities 13 Sponsorship Opportunities 14 Registration Form 15 FEATURES AIPG National Officers-Candidate Articles and Biographies 24 Applications for the Forms Challenged Lawrence (Larry) Austin, CPG-05181 52 7 PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE-Field Collecting in the Pikes Peak Batholith, Steve Maslansky, CPG-04481 55 Geologic Models as Teaching Aids; Some Personal Examples Paul Lindberg, CPG-06844 60 Groundwater Exploration and Development in Haiti James Adamson, MEM-1532 and Stuart Dykstra 62 AIPG Raft Trip on the Colorado River 7 Holly Walton-Buchanan, PhD 64 Anthropogenic Hillside-Erosion and Floodplain Inundation, Cul-de-Sac, Haiti Barney Popkin, CPG-06547 66 58 ON THE COVER - Blossoming Orchards in Grand Junction, Colorado. Photo courtesy of Grand Junction Convention and Visitors Bureau. 2009 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT - John L. Bognar, CPG Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. O: (314) 845-0535 / [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT - Michael D. Lawless, CPG DEPARTMENTS Draper Aden Associates O: (540) 552-0444 / [email protected] PAST-PRESIDENT - Daniel J. St. Germain, CPG 17 Editor’s Corner Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. O: (201) 398-4381 / [email protected] 18 Section News VICE PRESIDENT - Timothy L. Crumbie, CPG Geoscience Consultants, Inc. O: (502) 868-0975 / [email protected] 22 Members in the News SECRETARY - David P. Palmer, CPG ElPaso Natural Gas Company 23 Test Your Knowledge O: (602) 438-4203 / [email protected] TREASURER - David R. Rhode, CPG 33 President’s Message RBC Wealth Management O: (303) 488-3645 /[email protected] 34 Student Membership Application EDITOR - Robert A. Stewart, CPG LFR Inc. O: (860) 290-9300 / [email protected] 35 Executive Director’s Column ADVISORY BOARD REPRESENTATIVES Robert W. Gaddis, CPG 36 Professional Ethics and Practices Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent O: (918) 732-1651 / [email protected] 39 Professional Liability & Risk Management Adam W. Heft, CPG Parsons Brinckerhoff O: (517) 886-7400 / [email protected] 41 Marketing Mark W. Rogers, CPG Engineering/Remediation Resources, Inc. 43 Hydrothink O: (323) 224-8300 / [email protected] Ronald J. Wallace CPG 44 Test Your Knowledge Answers State of Georgia O: (404) 362-2589 / [email protected] 45 Student’s Voice NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 1400 W. 122nd Ave., Suite 250 46 In Memory Westminster, CO 80234 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM MDT; M-F (303) 412-6205 • Fax (303) 253-9220 47 Professional Services Directory [email protected] • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - William J. Siok, CPG - [email protected] 48 AIPG Membership Application ASSISTANT DIRECTOR - Wendy J. Davidson - [email protected] PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MGR - Cathy L. Duran - [email protected] MEMBERSHIP SERVICES MGR - Vickie L. Hill - [email protected] 50 New Applications and Members OFFICE ASSISTANT - Cristie J. Valero - [email protected] OFFICE CLERK - Emma M. Schlundt - [email protected] 69 AIPG Store LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE GeoCare Benefits Insurance Plan Phone: 800-337-3140 or 805-566-9191 E-mail: [email protected] AUTO AND HOME INSURANCE Liberty Mutual Phone: 800-524-9400 American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) is the only national organization that certifies the competence and ethical conduct of geological scientists in all branches of the science. It adheres to the principles of professional SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE responsibility and public service, and is the ombudsman for the geological profession. It AFLAC was founded in 1963 to promote the profession of geology and to provide certification for geologists to establish a standard of excellence for the profession. Since then, more Phone (303) 674-1808 than 10,000 individuals have demonstrated their commitment to the highest levels of competence and ethical conduct and been certified by AIPG. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE The Wright Group The mission of the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) is to be the Phone (800) 322-9773 (303) 863-7788 superior advocate for geology and geologists, to promote high standards of ethical conduct, and to support geologists in their continuing professional development. ALAMO RENTAL CAR - (800) 354-2322 - Member #BY-218167 AVIS RENTAL CAR - The Professional Geologist (USPS 590-810 and ISSN 0279-0521) is published bi-monthly by the American Institute of Professional (800) 222-2847 - Member AWD #L123443 Geologists, 1400 W. 122nd Ave., Suite 250, Westminster, CO 80234-3499. Periodicals Postage Paid at Denver, Colorado and additional mailing offices. BUDGET RENTAL CAR - (800) 455-2848 - Member BCD #Z663100 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Professional Geologist, AIPG, 1400 W. 122nd Ave., Suite 250, Westminster, CO 80234. AIPG FOUNDATION Subscriptions for all Members and Adjuncts in good standing are included in annual membership dues. Subscription prices Ray Talkington, CPG are $20.00 a year for Members’ additional subscriptions and $30.00 a year for non-members for 6 issues (for postage outside of the U.S. add $10.00). Single copy price is $4.00 for Members and $6.00 for non-members. Claims for nonreceipt or for Geosphere Environmental Management, Inc. damaged copies are honored for three months. 51 Portsmouth Avenue Entire contents copyright 2009 by The Professional Geologist. Original material may be reprinted with permission. Deadline Exeter, New Hampshire 03833 for articles and advertisements is six weeks preceding publication. Advertising rates available upon request. Opinions and (603) 773-0075/FAX (603) 773-0077 views expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the American Institute of Professional Geologists, its staff, or its advertisers. [email protected] Printed in U.S.A. by Modern Litho-Print Company in Jefferson City, Missouri. For AIPG news and activities go to AAIPG’sIPG’s 4466tthh AAnnualnnual MeetingMeeting GGrandrand Junction,Junction, ColoradoColorado AIPG’s 46th Annual Meeting will be held October 3-7, 2009 in Tuesday, October 6th (half-day trips) Grand Junction, Colorado, located at the boundary between the • Oil Rig Site Tour Rocky Mountains and the Colorado Plateau. The meeting is being • Water System Operations in the Grand Valley: co-sponsored by AIPG, the Colorado Section of AIPG, the Grand Dave Merritt leader Junction Geological Society, and Mesa State College. Given the • Colorado National Monument: Bill and Sandy Hood leaders incredibly diverse geology occurring within a half day’s drive of Grand Junction, the meeting’s schedule is designed to allow you to • Grand Valley Winery Tour: Robert Fakundiny leader take in this geological wonderland with a variety of field trips and technical sessions. We are also offering a variety of short courses. Wednesday, October 7th The following technical sessions, field trips, and short courses are • Origins of the Unaweep Canyon: Bill Hood, Andreas Aslan and being planned. Fuller descriptions of the field trips and short courses Red Cole leaders can be found on AIPG’s website, Actual registrations • Late Jurassic Dinosaur Localities of Rabbit Valley: will affect which field trips and short courses will actually occur, so John Foster leader please register as soon as possible. • Mass Movement and Landslides: Jon White leader Technical Sessions (specific sessions will depend on what abstracts are submitted) Thursday and Friday, October 8th & 9th • The challenges of mountain road building and maintenance • San-Juan Geology/Mining History: Rob Blair and • Oil & gas, coal, and uranium development in western Colorado: Bob Larson leaders technical and environmental challenges • Colorado River Headwaters and Trans-Mountain Diversions: • Uses, diversions, and water accounting in the Upper Colorado Peter Barkmann and David Merritt leaders River Basin • Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation NW Colorado: • Landslide problems created by western interior shales Jim Burnell leader • Acid waters, natural and man-caused: what is natural, what is not, and what can be done about it? • The impacts of resource development on local communities Short Courses • Permitting and regulations affecting development of all types Friday, October 2nd • Natural resources: geology, development issues, and trends • Subsurface Data Management, Analysis and Visualization using RockWorks (at Mesa State’s computer lab) presented by Jim Reed Field Trips and Allison Alcott. Saturday, October 3rd • Utah’s Arches/Canyonlands and Dead Horse Point: Tom Chidsey Saturday, October 3rd leader • GIS I-Intro To ArcGIS for the Earth Scientist (at Mesa State’s • Douglas Pass: Eocene Plant and Insect Fossil Collecting: computer lab) presented by Jim Russell and Verner Johnson John Foster leader • Two-Phase Extraction - Innovative Applications with Multiple • Underground West Elk Mine Tour: Wendell Koontz leader Remediation Technologies and Recirculation presented by Mehmet Pehlivan and Jim Jacobs Saturday, October 3rd and Sunday, October 4th • Mass-wasting Features Associated with the Lake City Caldera, Sunday, October 4th San Juan Mountains, Colorado: Joe Fandrich leader