

______September—October 2017 Vol. MMXVII No. 5 ______

Upcoming Events & Exhibits the Revolutionary Army of 8,000 men encamped on their prop- erty for four days in September 1777, only to see the army re- turn in defeat, and spend another four days in October. To rec- — ognize this anniversary, Pennypacker Mills is holding an exhibit REE from September 15 through October 15, 2017. It will be in what later generations of the Pennypacker family referred to as the Craft Marketplace Bedroom. REE There are certain dates in regard to the Revolutionary War that everyone remembers, such as “ ” for the Battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, the Revolutionary War signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 and Encampment Talk Washington crossing the on Christmas night 1776. One of the dates most people do not recognize is that of REE September 26, 1777. Samuel W. Pennypacker in his historical address “ - All Hallow’s Eve Fall Festival ” wrote REE Exhibit: “Stitch to Learn, Learn to Stitch” - REE What’s Happening in November? - Holiday Tours - REE continues on Page 2

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Mark your calendars to attend the Craft Marketplace at historic Pennypacker Mills!


continued from page 1 P P P M M P P September 26, 1777 P High- iih i i h h ghi ihigihhi- ih Hi gi h iiiiii iHhiigh- P g ih i ig h ig h i ih i hihi h continues on page 4

Reach the site at 610-287-9349 or [email protected]

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Grave of Major Edward Sher- burne, Aide de Camp to Major General .

Website: www.montcopa.org/pennypackermills

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September 27, 1777 River to York the following day. At Pennypacker Mills, was busy dictating letters to a variety of his secretaries or aide-de-camps. Why here? Washington used 32 men throughout the war as aide -de-camps or secretaries to write out his orders. Of the orders written by Washington from Pennypacker Mills, some of them were in the handwriting of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Alexander , Lieutenant- Colonel Tench Tilghman, Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Hanson Harrison, and Captain Caleb Gibbs to name a few. Hamilton refers to their location as - . Tilghman served as Washington’s personal and military secretary, and referred to it as and . Har- rison was Washington’s lawyer prior to the war, served as his military secretary, and refers to it as . Gibbs was in charge of the Com- mander-in-Chief’s guard known as Washington’s Life Guard of 40 to 80 men, and he refers to it as . The armies were familiar with Family Prepares for Encampment the 1770 map of by William Scull, which in the area of Schwenksville shows two cop- per mines and Pennebecker’s Mill. September 28, 1777 Even with losing to the British, not eve- rything was going wrong for the Americans. The Lirst part of the Battle of Saratoga on September 19 th was an American success. It took a while for the news to travel, but on September 28, 1777 General Washington ordered a gill of rum to be issued per man and ordered 13 pieces of artillery to be Lired to celebrate. Reverend Muhlenberg over in Trappe rec- orded hearing 14 heavy cannons being Lired over this way, and the troops in the area did not know what was going on and prepared for an attack. Later they learned that this was a salute to the Saratoga campaign in New York. McMichael wrote that three huzzas followed the 13 gun salute. Council of War Samuel Pannebecker told his Continues on page 6

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Continued from Page 4 h h h h h

h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h Troops Depart h h h h h h Special Visitor h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h “ ” h h h h h h Army Leaves h h h h h Return of the Army h h h 6 h h h h h h h h h h P h h h h h h h h Aftermath h h h h h h h h h h hh h Major Sherburne’s Grave h h h h h h h h h h h h h Y h

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High-iihi h igh- ihiiiii ih iihi ih hiih- ig

Gun Wad Bibles hi hhiihihighh ihhhihihigh ig h gi h i h ig hiigi ihhighi hiighiihig- hihig h i hi h h gi i hihg- ihihig hhhiiHii igiigg ih h ih ig gi ihghih Hih i ii -i i hiiihhh ighhih hH gigh- h i ii - gg H h i hi h hhhhghhii- hi



Pennypacker Mills 5 Haldeman Road

Schwenksville, PA 19473

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