
General Herkimer General

Frederick Coffay Yohn – Utica, NY Public Library MohawkValleyHistory.com

Sir John Johnson John Sir path through history. through path

of ’s Region’s Valley Mohawk of

device and discover more more discover and device

Scan with your mobile mobile your with Scan

August 1, 1783 1, August

--George --George

Marinus Willett Marinus

of this Revolution. this of Ralph Earl– Metropolitan Museum of Art County a distinguished place in the History History the in place distinguished a County

honor, and will give the Inhabitants of Tryon Tryon of Inhabitants the give will and honor, “America’s First Frontier” First “America’s

whole of the War have done them the highest highest the them done have War the of whole


Y LLE VA Joseph

...their very spirited conduct throughout the the throughout conduct spirited very ...their


Gilbert Stuart To the Inhabitants of Tryon County: Tryon of Inhabitants the To

first New Yorkers. New first

and uncover the hardships and glories of these these of glories and hardships the uncover and

and admission details. admission and

o settlers; Scot Highland and Dutch German,

Patriots, Loyalists, and the ; of Palatine Palatine of Iroquois; the and Loyalists, Patriots, to visiting to verify hours of operation operation of hours verify to visiting to

nation, and the world. Walk in the footsteps of of footsteps the in Walk world. the and nation, MVPTH suggests contacting sites prior prior sites contacting suggests MVPTH

people who helped to shape the course of a a of course the shape to helped who people seasonal or by appointment only. only. appointment by or seasonal

the legendary places, great events, and heroic heroic and events, great places, legendary the Destinations. Historic sites may be be may sites Historic Destinations.

serving as a reminder to current generations of of generations current to reminder a as serving

at MohawkValleyHistory.com/ at

heritage sites that abound in this Region, Region, this in abound that sites heritage

complete list of MVPTH Destinations Destinations MVPTH of list complete

Travel back through history and visit the the visit and history through back Travel

own path through history from the the from history through path own


has it all. You can also forge your your forge also can You all. it has

contests were fought on soil. soil. York New on fought were contests

Visit us online to learn more. learn to online us Visit that the Mohawk Valley Region Region Valley Mohawk the that

American Revolution, and almost 100 of these these of 100 almost and Revolution, American

culture or Colonial life, you’ll find find you’ll life, Colonial or culture

Nearly 300 battles were fought during the the during fought were battles 300 Nearly

history and changed the world. the changed and history learning about Native American American Native about learning

how they shaped early American American early shaped they how War battlefields or an extended stay stay extended an or battlefields War

streams of the Mohawk Valley Region. Valley Mohawk the of streams

York’s Mohawk Valley Region; Region; Valley Mohawk York’s For a day devoted to Revolutionary Revolutionary to devoted day a For

through the beautiful vistas, pasture land, and and land, pasture vistas, beautiful the through o

heroic people of Central New New Central of people heroic for Independence was heavily traversed traversed heavily was Independence for

Explore the great events and and events great the First Frontier. Frontier. First The path of America’s struggle struggle America’s of path The The Mohawk Valley Region, America’s America’s Region, Valley Mohawk The

Revolutionary War Mohawk Valley Region

Follow the Path Through History, PATH THROUGH and explore the Mohawk Valley Region HISTORY landmarks identified with the struggle DISCOVER for independence during the American MOHAWK Revolution. VALLEY REGION Travelers on the the Mohawk Valley Path Through History follow a route echoing names, places, and events that nourished PATH THROUGH our American heritage. Start your journey HISTORY on MohawkValleyHistory.com and choose a planned itinerary to explore or forge your “America’s First Frontier” own path to discover.

MOHAWK VALLEY REGION “America’s First Frontier”

Annual Events

JUN State Path Through History Weekend

JUL Honor America Days, , Rome

AUG Outdoor Drama, Mohawk

OCT Old Stone Fort Days, Stone Fort Museum MohawkValleyHistory.com Complex, Schoharie ©2014 / First Edition Designed by Brockett Creative Group, Inc. • www.BrockettCreative.com MohawkValleyHistory.com General Herkimer General

Frederick Coffay Yohn – Utica, NY Public Library MohawkValleyHistory.com

Sir John Johnson John Sir path through history. through path

of Mohawk Valley Region’s Region’s Valley Mohawk of

device and discover more more discover and device

Scan with your mobile mobile your with Scan

August 1, 1783 1, August

-- --George

Marinus Willett Marinus

of this Revolution. this of Ralph Earl– Metropolitan Museum of Art County a distinguished place in the History History the in place distinguished a County

honor, and will give the Inhabitants of Tryon Tryon of Inhabitants the give will and honor, “America’s First Frontier” First “America’s

whole of the War have done them the highest highest the them done have War the of whole


Y LLE VA Joseph Brant Joseph

...their very spirited conduct throughout the the throughout conduct spirited very ...their


Gilbert Stuart To the Inhabitants of Tryon County: Tryon of Inhabitants the To

first New Yorkers. New first

and uncover the hardships and glories of these these of glories and hardships the uncover and

and admission details. admission and

o settlers; Scot Highland and Dutch German,

Patriots, Loyalists, and the Iroquois; of Palatine Palatine of Iroquois; the and Loyalists, Patriots, to visiting to verify hours of operation operation of hours verify to visiting to

nation, and the world. Walk in the footsteps of of footsteps the in Walk world. the and nation, MVPTH suggests contacting sites prior prior sites contacting suggests MVPTH

people who helped to shape the course of a a of course the shape to helped who people seasonal or by appointment only. only. appointment by or seasonal

the legendary places, great events, and heroic heroic and events, great places, legendary the Destinations. Historic sites may be be may sites Historic Destinations.

serving as a reminder to current generations of of generations current to reminder a as serving

at MohawkValleyHistory.com/ at

heritage sites that abound in this Region, Region, this in abound that sites heritage

complete list of MVPTH Destinations Destinations MVPTH of list complete

Travel back through history and visit the the visit and history through back Travel

own path through history from the the from history through path own


has it all. You can also forge your your forge also can You all. it has

contests were fought on New York soil. soil. York New on fought were contests

Visit us online to learn more. learn to online us Visit that the Mohawk Valley Region Region Valley Mohawk the that

American Revolution, and almost 100 of these these of 100 almost and Revolution, American

culture or Colonial life, you’ll find find you’ll life, Colonial or culture

Nearly 300 battles were fought during the the during fought were battles 300 Nearly

history and changed the world. the changed and history learning about Native American American Native about learning

how they shaped early American American early shaped they how War battlefields or an extended stay stay extended an or battlefields War

streams of the Mohawk Valley Region. Valley Mohawk the of streams

York’s Mohawk Valley Region; Region; Valley Mohawk York’s For a day devoted to Revolutionary Revolutionary to devoted day a For

through the beautiful vistas, pasture land, and and land, pasture vistas, beautiful the through o

heroic people of Central New New Central of people heroic for Independence was heavily traversed traversed heavily was Independence for

Explore the great events and and events great the First Frontier. Frontier. First The path of America’s struggle struggle America’s of path The The Mohawk Valley Region, America’s America’s Region, Valley Mohawk The

Revolutionary War Mohawk Valley Region

Follow the Path Through History, PATH THROUGH and explore the Mohawk Valley Region HISTORY landmarks identified with the struggle DISCOVER for independence during the American MOHAWK Revolution. VALLEY REGION Travelers on the the Mohawk Valley Path Through History follow a route echoing names, places, and events that nourished PATH THROUGH our American heritage. Start your journey HISTORY on MohawkValleyHistory.com and choose a planned itinerary to explore or forge your “America’s First Frontier” own path to discover.

MOHAWK VALLEY REGION “America’s First Frontier”

Annual Events

JUN State Path Through History Weekend

JUL Honor America Days, Fort Stanwix, Rome

AUG Drums Along the Mohawk Outdoor Drama, Mohawk

OCT Old Stone Fort Days, Stone Fort Museum MohawkValleyHistory.com Complex, Schoharie ©2014 / First Edition Designed by Brockett Creative Group, Inc. • www.BrockettCreative.com MohawkValleyHistory.com General Herkimer General

Frederick Coffay Yohn – Utica, NY Public Library MohawkValleyHistory.com

Sir John Johnson John Sir path through history. through path

of Mohawk Valley Region’s Region’s Valley Mohawk of

device and discover more more discover and device

Scan with your mobile mobile your with Scan

August 1, 1783 1, August

--George Washington --George

Marinus Willett Marinus

of this Revolution. this of Ralph Earl– Metropolitan Museum of Art County a distinguished place in the History History the in place distinguished a County

honor, and will give the Inhabitants of Tryon Tryon of Inhabitants the give will and honor, “America’s First Frontier” First “America’s

whole of the War have done them the highest highest the them done have War the of whole


Y LLE VA Joseph Brant Joseph

...their very spirited conduct throughout the the throughout conduct spirited very ...their


Gilbert Stuart To the Inhabitants of Tryon County: Tryon of Inhabitants the To

first New Yorkers. New first

and uncover the hardships and glories of these these of glories and hardships the uncover and

and admission details. admission and

o settlers; Scot Highland and Dutch German,

Patriots, Loyalists, and the Iroquois; of Palatine Palatine of Iroquois; the and Loyalists, Patriots, to visiting to verify hours of operation operation of hours verify to visiting to

nation, and the world. Walk in the footsteps of of footsteps the in Walk world. the and nation, MVPTH suggests contacting sites prior prior sites contacting suggests MVPTH

people who helped to shape the course of a a of course the shape to helped who people seasonal or by appointment only. only. appointment by or seasonal

the legendary places, great events, and heroic heroic and events, great places, legendary the Destinations. Historic sites may be be may sites Historic Destinations.

serving as a reminder to current generations of of generations current to reminder a as serving

at MohawkValleyHistory.com/ at

heritage sites that abound in this Region, Region, this in abound that sites heritage

complete list of MVPTH Destinations Destinations MVPTH of list complete

Travel back through history and visit the the visit and history through back Travel

own path through history from the the from history through path own


has it all. You can also forge your your forge also can You all. it has

contests were fought on New York soil. soil. York New on fought were contests

Visit us online to learn more. learn to online us Visit that the Mohawk Valley Region Region Valley Mohawk the that

American Revolution, and almost 100 of these these of 100 almost and Revolution, American

culture or Colonial life, you’ll find find you’ll life, Colonial or culture

Nearly 300 battles were fought during the the during fought were battles 300 Nearly

history and changed the world. the changed and history learning about Native American American Native about learning

how they shaped early American American early shaped they how War battlefields or an extended stay stay extended an or battlefields War

streams of the Mohawk Valley Region. Valley Mohawk the of streams

York’s Mohawk Valley Region; Region; Valley Mohawk York’s For a day devoted to Revolutionary Revolutionary to devoted day a For

through the beautiful vistas, pasture land, and and land, pasture vistas, beautiful the through o

heroic people of Central New New Central of people heroic for Independence was heavily traversed traversed heavily was Independence for

Explore the great events and and events great the First Frontier. Frontier. First The path of America’s struggle struggle America’s of path The The Mohawk Valley Region, America’s America’s Region, Valley Mohawk The

Revolutionary War Mohawk Valley Region

Follow the Path Through History, PATH THROUGH and explore the Mohawk Valley Region HISTORY landmarks identified with the struggle DISCOVER for independence during the American MOHAWK Revolution. VALLEY REGION Travelers on the the Mohawk Valley Path Through History follow a route echoing names, places, and events that nourished PATH THROUGH our American heritage. Start your journey HISTORY on MohawkValleyHistory.com and choose a planned itinerary to explore or forge your “America’s First Frontier” own path to discover.

MOHAWK VALLEY REGION “America’s First Frontier”

Annual Events

JUN State Path Through History Weekend

JUL Honor America Days, Fort Stanwix, Rome

AUG Drums Along the Mohawk Outdoor Drama, Mohawk

OCT Old Stone Fort Days, Stone Fort Museum MohawkValleyHistory.com Complex, Schoharie ©2014 / First Edition Designed by Brockett Creative Group, Inc. • www.BrockettCreative.com MohawkValleyHistory.com General Herkimer General

Frederick Coffay Yohn – Utica, NY Public Library MohawkValleyHistory.com

Sir John Johnson John Sir path through history. through path

of Mohawk Valley Region’s Region’s Valley Mohawk of

device and discover more more discover and device

Scan with your mobile mobile your with Scan

August 1, 1783 1, August

--George Washington --George

Marinus Willett Marinus

of this Revolution. this of Ralph Earl– Metropolitan Museum of Art County a distinguished place in the History History the in place distinguished a County

honor, and will give the Inhabitants of Tryon Tryon of Inhabitants the give will and honor, “America’s First Frontier” First “America’s

whole of the War have done them the highest highest the them done have War the of whole


Y LLE VA Joseph Brant Joseph

...their very spirited conduct throughout the the throughout conduct spirited very ...their


Gilbert Stuart To the Inhabitants of Tryon County: Tryon of Inhabitants the To

first New Yorkers. New first

and uncover the hardships and glories of these these of glories and hardships the uncover and

and admission details. admission and

o settlers; Scot Highland and Dutch German,

Patriots, Loyalists, and the Iroquois; of Palatine Palatine of Iroquois; the and Loyalists, Patriots, to visiting to verify hours of operation operation of hours verify to visiting to

nation, and the world. Walk in the footsteps of of footsteps the in Walk world. the and nation, MVPTH suggests contacting sites prior prior sites contacting suggests MVPTH

people who helped to shape the course of a a of course the shape to helped who people seasonal or by appointment only. only. appointment by or seasonal

the legendary places, great events, and heroic heroic and events, great places, legendary the Destinations. Historic sites may be be may sites Historic Destinations.

serving as a reminder to current generations of of generations current to reminder a as serving

at MohawkValleyHistory.com/ at

heritage sites that abound in this Region, Region, this in abound that sites heritage

complete list of MVPTH Destinations Destinations MVPTH of list complete

Travel back through history and visit the the visit and history through back Travel

own path through history from the the from history through path own


has it all. You can also forge your your forge also can You all. it has

contests were fought on New York soil. soil. York New on fought were contests

Visit us online to learn more. learn to online us Visit that the Mohawk Valley Region Region Valley Mohawk the that

American Revolution, and almost 100 of these these of 100 almost and Revolution, American

culture or Colonial life, you’ll find find you’ll life, Colonial or culture

Nearly 300 battles were fought during the the during fought were battles 300 Nearly

history and changed the world. the changed and history learning about Native American American Native about learning

how they shaped early American American early shaped they how War battlefields or an extended stay stay extended an or battlefields War

streams of the Mohawk Valley Region. Valley Mohawk the of streams

York’s Mohawk Valley Region; Region; Valley Mohawk York’s For a day devoted to Revolutionary Revolutionary to devoted day a For

through the beautiful vistas, pasture land, and and land, pasture vistas, beautiful the through o

heroic people of Central New New Central of people heroic for Independence was heavily traversed traversed heavily was Independence for

Explore the great events and and events great the First Frontier. Frontier. First The path of America’s struggle struggle America’s of path The The Mohawk Valley Region, America’s America’s Region, Valley Mohawk The

Revolutionary War Mohawk Valley Region

Follow the Path Through History, PATH THROUGH and explore the Mohawk Valley Region HISTORY landmarks identified with the struggle DISCOVER for independence during the American MOHAWK Revolution. VALLEY REGION Travelers on the the Mohawk Valley Path Through History follow a route echoing names, places, and events that nourished PATH THROUGH our American heritage. Start your journey HISTORY on MohawkValleyHistory.com and choose a planned itinerary to explore or forge your “America’s First Frontier” own path to discover.

MOHAWK VALLEY REGION “America’s First Frontier”

Annual Events

JUN State Path Through History Weekend

JUL Honor America Days, Fort Stanwix, Rome

AUG Drums Along the Mohawk Outdoor Drama, Mohawk

OCT Old Stone Fort Days, Stone Fort Museum MohawkValleyHistory.com Complex, Schoharie ©2014 / First Edition Designed by Brockett Creative Group, Inc. • www.BrockettCreative.com MohawkValleyHistory.com OLD LOWVILLE FORGE

Central New York’s WARRENSBURG Revolutionary War Attractions Mohawk Valley Region 1 Fort Stanwix National Monument 11 Johnson Hall State Historic Site 2 Oneida County Historical Society 12 Historic Restoration 3 Oriskany Battlefield State Historic Site 13 Fort Plain Museum & Historical Park 4 Rome Historical Society 14 Montgomery County Dept. of History and BOONVILLE NORTHVILLE 5 Steuben Memorial State Historic Site Archives 6 Shako:wi Cultural Center 15

5 d 7 Oriskany Village Museum 16 Old Stone Fort Museum Complex 4 SARATOGA SPRINGS 17 8 Herkimer County Historical Society 17 Saratoga National Historical Park/Saratoga 1 18 a ROME 9 Herkimer Home State Historic Site Monument 3 10 Cherry Valley Museum 18 General House B b 7 GLOVERSVILLE LITTLE n ORISKANY 11 2 8 FALLS JOHNSTOWN l 9 15 AMSTERDAM D C 14 UTICA 12 Related Attractions h E National Kateri Tekakwitha Shrine and Mohawk 6 E SHERRILL HERKIMER k 13 A Roland B. Hill Memorial Indian Museum Caughnawaga Indian Museum F B Fulton County Museum F Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs FORT RICHFIELD PLAIN i SCHENECTADY C Johnstown Historical Society G Iroquois Indian Museum SPRINGS TROY – Drumm House H Palatine House – Fulton County Courthouse I Yager Museum, Hartwick College 16 10 m ALBANY – Fulton County Jail J The Farmers’ Museum H D 1747 Nellis Tavern / Palatine Settlement Society K Fenimore Art Museum G J K g e COBLESKILL COOPERSTOWN j Battlefields and Raids g Raid on Fort Alden & – Nov. 11, 1778 a Siege at Fort Stanwix – Aug. 3-23, 1777 h Raid on Caughnawaga – 1780 c ONEONTA b – August 6, 1777 i Raid on Canajohary District – 1780 c Battle of the Flockey – Aug 13, 1777 j Raid on Middle and Lower Forts – Oct 17, 1780 NORWICH I A d Battles at Saratoga – Sept 19 & Oct 7, 1777 k Battle of Stone Arabia – October 19, 1780 e Battle of Cobleskill – May 30, 1778 l Battle of Klock’s Field – October 20, 1780 HUDSON f Raid on Unadilla and – Oct. 1778 m Battle of Sharon Springs – July 10, 1781 UNADILLA ROXBURY n – October 25, 1781 f Onaquaga (Former Iroquois Village) SIDNEY Sites may be seasonal, limited access, or historical markers only. MVPTH suggests contacting sites prior to arrival to verify accessibility, hours, and admission. Revolutionary War– Timeline

NATIONAL Mar 25th–British close the Apr 19th–First shots of Jul 4th–Independence Day Sep-Oct– Spring–General von Steuben Jul 16th–Americans capture May & Aug–American losses Jan 17th–American victory at Apr 1st–Washington moves Jul 15th–Aug 3th-George Port of in response to the Revolution are fired at trains Army at & Stony Point, NY at Charleston & Camden, SC , SC HQ to Newburgh, NY Washington tours upper Sep 15th–British occupy NYC Sep 26th–General Washington the the Battles of Lexington & Oneida Warriors arrive to join Hudson and Champlain loses Aug 29th–Sullivan-Clinton Sep– betrays Oct 19th–American victory at Jun 28th–July 1st-George Concord Dec 26th–Washington crosses the American Cause Jul 11th–Death of Sir William defeat Loyalist Indians at the American Cause at West Battle of Yorktown, VA Washington inspects Albany, Nov 25th–NY Celebrates to Trenton Oct 17th–British General Johnson Feb 6th–French-U.S. alliance Point Schenectady & Saratoga Evacuation Day as last British Burgoyne surrenders at Saratoga signed in Paris troops leave NYC

1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 REGIONAL

Aug 27th–Tryon County Jul 27th–First Tryon County May 19th–Sir John Johnson Aug 3rd–Siege of Ft. Schuyler May-Sep–British raids on Jun 16th–Clinton portage, Frontier Raids Continue Apr 15th–Marinus Willett to Jan 19th–2nd New Jul 28th–Washington arrives Committee of Safety issues shots fired as rioters ex- flees to (Ft. Stanwix) Mohawk & Schoharie –Otsego Lake command in Mohawk Valley, Hampshire Regt. arrives in at Ft. Rensselaer to review Oct 17th-20th–John Johnson the “Stone Arabia Resolves” change gunfire at Johnstown wins battle at Sharon Springs Mohawk Valley to aid in troops and tours Ft. Johnson, Jul-Aug–Ft. Stanwix rebuilt Aug 6th–Battle of Oriskany Oct 6th–Continental troops Aug 9th–Clinton moves attacks the Schoharie & in support of the people of with Loyalist Sheriff White defense Currytown, Ft. Herkimer, Ft. as Ft. Schuyler by 3rd NJ burn Unadilla & Onaquaga Army from Otsego Lake down Mohawk Valleys. Battles at Jul 10th & Johnstown Oct25th Boston and the Rebellion while attempting to free Rebel Aug 13th–Battle of the Dayton, Ft. Schuyler, Cherry Regt. which helps fortify the Stone Arabia, Klock’s Field, Oct 30th– Regt. against Great Britain Patriot John Fonda Flockey Nov 11th–Cherry Valley Jul 9th–Burning of Valley, and Otsego Lake Mohawk Valley Middle & Lower Forts assigned to the Mohawk Massacre Currytown General Herkimer General

Frederick Coffay Yohn – Utica, NY Public Library MohawkValleyHistory.com

Sir John Johnson John Sir path through history. through path

of Mohawk Valley Region’s Region’s Valley Mohawk of

device and discover more more discover and device

Scan with your mobile mobile your with Scan

August 1, 1783 1, August

--George Washington --George

Marinus Willett Marinus

of this Revolution. this of Ralph Earl– Metropolitan Museum of Art County a distinguished place in the History History the in place distinguished a County

honor, and will give the Inhabitants of Tryon Tryon of Inhabitants the give will and honor, “America’s First Frontier” First “America’s

whole of the War have done them the highest highest the them done have War the of whole


Y LLE VA Joseph Brant Joseph

...their very spirited conduct throughout the the throughout conduct spirited very ...their


Gilbert Stuart To the Inhabitants of Tryon County: Tryon of Inhabitants the To

first New Yorkers. New first

and uncover the hardships and glories of these these of glories and hardships the uncover and

and admission details. admission and

o settlers; Scot Highland and Dutch German,

Patriots, Loyalists, and the Iroquois; of Palatine Palatine of Iroquois; the and Loyalists, Patriots, to visiting to verify hours of operation operation of hours verify to visiting to

nation, and the world. Walk in the footsteps of of footsteps the in Walk world. the and nation, MVPTH suggests contacting sites prior prior sites contacting suggests MVPTH

people who helped to shape the course of a a of course the shape to helped who people seasonal or by appointment only. only. appointment by or seasonal

the legendary places, great events, and heroic heroic and events, great places, legendary the Destinations. Historic sites may be be may sites Historic Destinations.

serving as a reminder to current generations of of generations current to reminder a as serving

at MohawkValleyHistory.com/ at

heritage sites that abound in this Region, Region, this in abound that sites heritage

complete list of MVPTH Destinations Destinations MVPTH of list complete

Travel back through history and visit the the visit and history through back Travel

own path through history from the the from history through path own


has it all. You can also forge your your forge also can You all. it has

contests were fought on New York soil. soil. York New on fought were contests

Visit us online to learn more. learn to online us Visit that the Mohawk Valley Region Region Valley Mohawk the that

American Revolution, and almost 100 of these these of 100 almost and Revolution, American

culture or Colonial life, you’ll find find you’ll life, Colonial or culture

Nearly 300 battles were fought during the the during fought were battles 300 Nearly

history and changed the world. the changed and history learning about Native American American Native about learning

how they shaped early American American early shaped they how War battlefields or an extended stay stay extended an or battlefields War

streams of the Mohawk Valley Region. Valley Mohawk the of streams

York’s Mohawk Valley Region; Region; Valley Mohawk York’s For a day devoted to Revolutionary Revolutionary to devoted day a For

through the beautiful vistas, pasture land, and and land, pasture vistas, beautiful the through o

heroic people of Central New New Central of people heroic for Independence was heavily traversed traversed heavily was Independence for

Explore the great events and and events great the First Frontier. Frontier. First The path of America’s struggle struggle America’s of path The The Mohawk Valley Region, America’s America’s Region, Valley Mohawk The

Revolutionary War Mohawk Valley Region

Follow the Path Through History, PATH THROUGH and explore the Mohawk Valley Region HISTORY landmarks identified with the struggle DISCOVER for independence during the American MOHAWK Revolution. VALLEY REGION Travelers on the the Mohawk Valley Path Through History follow a route echoing names, places, and events that nourished PATH THROUGH our American heritage. Start your journey HISTORY on MohawkValleyHistory.com and choose a planned itinerary to explore or forge your “America’s First Frontier” own path to discover.

MOHAWK VALLEY REGION “America’s First Frontier”

Annual Events

JUN State Path Through History Weekend

JUL Honor America Days, Fort Stanwix, Rome

AUG Drums Along the Mohawk Outdoor Drama, Mohawk

OCT Old Stone Fort Days, Stone Fort Museum MohawkValleyHistory.com Complex, Schoharie ©2014 / First Edition Designed by Brockett Creative Group, Inc. • www.BrockettCreative.com MohawkValleyHistory.com General Herkimer General

Frederick Coffay Yohn – Utica, NY Public Library MohawkValleyHistory.com

Sir John Johnson John Sir path through history. through path

of Mohawk Valley Region’s Region’s Valley Mohawk of

device and discover more more discover and device

Scan with your mobile mobile your with Scan

August 1, 1783 1, August

--George Washington --George

Marinus Willett Marinus

of this Revolution. this of Ralph Earl– Metropolitan Museum of Art County a distinguished place in the History History the in place distinguished a County

honor, and will give the Inhabitants of Tryon Tryon of Inhabitants the give will and honor, “America’s First Frontier” First “America’s

whole of the War have done them the highest highest the them done have War the of whole


Y LLE VA Joseph Brant Joseph

...their very spirited conduct throughout the the throughout conduct spirited very ...their


Gilbert Stuart To the Inhabitants of Tryon County: Tryon of Inhabitants the To

first New Yorkers. New first

and uncover the hardships and glories of these these of glories and hardships the uncover and

and admission details. admission and

o settlers; Scot Highland and Dutch German,

Patriots, Loyalists, and the Iroquois; of Palatine Palatine of Iroquois; the and Loyalists, Patriots, to visiting to verify hours of operation operation of hours verify to visiting to

nation, and the world. Walk in the footsteps of of footsteps the in Walk world. the and nation, MVPTH suggests contacting sites prior prior sites contacting suggests MVPTH

people who helped to shape the course of a a of course the shape to helped who people seasonal or by appointment only. only. appointment by or seasonal

the legendary places, great events, and heroic heroic and events, great places, legendary the Destinations. Historic sites may be be may sites Historic Destinations.

serving as a reminder to current generations of of generations current to reminder a as serving

at MohawkValleyHistory.com/ at

heritage sites that abound in this Region, Region, this in abound that sites heritage

complete list of MVPTH Destinations Destinations MVPTH of list complete

Travel back through history and visit the the visit and history through back Travel

own path through history from the the from history through path own


has it all. You can also forge your your forge also can You all. it has

contests were fought on New York soil. soil. York New on fought were contests

Visit us online to learn more. learn to online us Visit that the Mohawk Valley Region Region Valley Mohawk the that

American Revolution, and almost 100 of these these of 100 almost and Revolution, American

culture or Colonial life, you’ll find find you’ll life, Colonial or culture

Nearly 300 battles were fought during the the during fought were battles 300 Nearly

history and changed the world. the changed and history learning about Native American American Native about learning

how they shaped early American American early shaped they how War battlefields or an extended stay stay extended an or battlefields War

streams of the Mohawk Valley Region. Valley Mohawk the of streams

York’s Mohawk Valley Region; Region; Valley Mohawk York’s For a day devoted to Revolutionary Revolutionary to devoted day a For

through the beautiful vistas, pasture land, and and land, pasture vistas, beautiful the through o

heroic people of Central New New Central of people heroic for Independence was heavily traversed traversed heavily was Independence for

Explore the great events and and events great the First Frontier. Frontier. First The path of America’s struggle struggle America’s of path The The Mohawk Valley Region, America’s America’s Region, Valley Mohawk The

Revolutionary War Mohawk Valley Region

Follow the Path Through History, PATH THROUGH and explore the Mohawk Valley Region HISTORY landmarks identified with the struggle DISCOVER for independence during the American MOHAWK Revolution. VALLEY REGION Travelers on the the Mohawk Valley Path Through History follow a route echoing names, places, and events that nourished PATH THROUGH our American heritage. Start your journey HISTORY on MohawkValleyHistory.com and choose a planned itinerary to explore or forge your “America’s First Frontier” own path to discover.

MOHAWK VALLEY REGION “America’s First Frontier”

Annual Events

JUN State Path Through History Weekend

JUL Honor America Days, Fort Stanwix, Rome

AUG Drums Along the Mohawk Outdoor Drama, Mohawk

OCT Old Stone Fort Days, Stone Fort Museum MohawkValleyHistory.com Complex, Schoharie ©2014 / First Edition Designed by Brockett Creative Group, Inc. • www.BrockettCreative.com MohawkValleyHistory.com