Please ask for: Nikki Stocks Telephone: 01482 613421 Fax: 01482 613110 Email: [email protected] Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Dear Councillor,

Park Area Committee

The next meeting of the Park Area Committee will be held at 09:30 on Wednesday, 26 February 2014 in Veterans' Pavilion, East Park, Holderness Road, Hull .

The Agenda for the meeting is attached and reports are enclosed where relevant.

Please Note: It is likely that the public, (including the Press) will be excluded from the meeting during discussions of exempt items since they involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as describe in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

Yours faithfully,

Democratic Services Officer for the Chief Executive

Legal and Democratic Services, , The Guildhall, AlfredPage Gelder 1 of 236Street, Hull, HU1 2AA DX: 11934 HULL 1 Tel: 01482 300300

Park Area Committee

To: Membership: Councillors S Brady, S Chaytor, D Gemmell, M Glew, J Hornby, G Kennett, T McVie, R. Pantelakis and C Sumpton

Officers: Mark McEgan, Area Director for East and Park Debbie Akester, Community Manager for Park (3) Nikki Stocks, Democratic Services Officer (5)

Public Set: Reference Library Inspector Ogden, Bransholme Police Station

Alerts: Councillor J Hewitt, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Neighbourhood Services Chief Executives Office, City Council Councillor M Ross, Leader of the Majority Opposition Guildhall Reception Press Office Group Secretariats Tom Clay, Political Assistant Viking Radio – [email protected] Yorkshire Post – [email protected] & [email protected] & [email protected] Radio Humberside – [email protected] Hull Daily Mail – [email protected] & [email protected] KCFM Radio – [email protected]

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Park Area Committee

09:30 on Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Veterans' Pavilion, East Park, Holderness Road, Hull


1 Apologies

To receive apologies for those Members who are unable to attend the meeting.

2 Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal and Discloseable Pecuniary interest in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct.

Members Code of Conduct - Part D1 of the Constitution)

3 Minutes of the Meeting Held on 22.1.14. 7 - 16 To approve the minutes as a true and correct record.

4 Public Questions There will be a period of no more than 15 minutes during which written questions may be submitted by members of the public. Unwritten questions will be taken only at the discretion of the Chair. Questions will be answered at the meeting if possible, otherwise written replies will be sent. If required, decisions will be taken under the relevant agenda item below. As the agenda is to be considered in accordance with the Council's formal committee procedures rather than a public forum, the public present will not be able to participate in the Committee's discussions on the following items. Matters may be raised further at Forums.

5 Adjournment For Policing Issues At this point the meeting will be adjourned to allow members of the public the opportunity to raise matters of concern relating to policing matters within the Area with the Police representative present in accordance with Section 96 of then Police Act 1996.

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6 Neighbourhood Network Monthly Policing and Community 17 - 34 Safety Update - Holderness - February 2014 To update Members on ward community safety issues and action taken by the Neighbourhood Policing Team and partners.

7 Area Team Review 35 - 38 To set out the implications of the review for the Area Team staffing structure and seek Members comments.

8 Park Area PE and School Sport 39 - 146 To update Members on PE and school sport activity.

9 Priority Schools Building Programme 147 - 150 To inform Members of issues in relation to Hull's successful bid to the Priority Schools Building Programme.

10 Total Capital & Assets Pathfinder Programme 151 - 158 To update Members on the current position in the Park area,

11 Hull Parking Strategy 159 - 166 To seek comments on the proposals prior to submission to Cabinet on 24th March 2014.

12 Public Health Update 167 - 170 To update Members on the latest performance measures for health and wellbeing in the Park area.

13 Area Director's Update 171 - 174 To update Members on recent activities and projects in ther Park Area.

14 Park Area Third Quarter Housing Performance 175 - 192 To update Members on performance in the Park area for the period 1st October to 31st December 2013.

15 Area Funds 193 - 216 To update members on applications that have been received seeking funding from the Ward budget and on the current budget position for the Park area for the 2013/14 financial year.

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16 Area Partnership Minutes 13th January 2014 217 - 222 To receive the minutes of the meeting.

17 East Park Steering Group Minutes 20th January 2014 223 - 226 To receive the minutes of the meeting.

18 Resolution List 227 - 230 To update Members on the progress of outstanding resolutions.

19 Park Forward Plan 231 - 236 To update Members on future agenda items and identify future items for discussion.



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Page 6 of 236 Park Area Committee – Published Record of Decisions 22nd January 2014

PRESENT:- Councillor D W Gemmell (Chair), Councillor R Pantelakis (Deputy Chair), Councillor S Brady, Councillor S Chaytor, Councillor M E Glew, Councillor J Hornby, Councillor G. Kennett, Councillor T. McVie, Councillor C A Sumpton.

IN ATTENDANCE:- M McEgan (Area Director, Park and East) , D Akester (Community Manager, Park Area Team), A. Jefferson (Neighbourhood Coordinator), and N. Stocks (Democratic Services Officer) Inspector Ogden (Humberside Police) – Minute 111-112, J, Campbell (SEO Primary and Secondary Phase Lead) and S. Shaw (SEO Primary Monitoring and Intervention) – Minute 113, P. Fincham (Cleansing Practice Standards Advisor) – Minute 114, G. Hall (Assistant Head of Service – Transport and Asset Management) – Minute 115.

Minute Description/Decision Action No. By/Deadline PROCEDURAL ITEMS 103 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST

No declarations were made in respect of the following items.


The Deputy Chair informed the Committee of the recent passing of Councillor Sheila Waudby and requested that the Committee and all parties present stood in silent tribute.

Members spoke of how proud Councillor Waudby had been of both the area and particularly the Ward, her straight talking attitude, how she fought tirelessly for women‟s rights, equal pay and equal opportunities and her strong affinity with children and young people. Members reiterated that the loss would be felt throughout the Authority and the City.

Agreed: That one minute silence is observed by Members of the Committee and all parties present in memory of Councillor Sheila Waudby.


Moved by Councillor Chaytor and seconded by Councillor Brady that Councillor Gemmell be appointed Chair of the Park Area Committee for the remainder of the 2013/14 municipal year.

Agreed - That Councillor GemmellPage be appointed 7 of 236 as Chair of the Park Members Area Committee for the remainder of the 2013/14 municipal year. Information


Moved by Councillor Chaytor and seconded by Councillor Brady that Councillor Pantelakis be appointed Deputy Chair of the Park Area Committee for the remainder of the 2013/14 municipal year.

Agreed: That Councillor Pantelakis be appointed as Deputy Chair of Members the Park Area Committee for the remainder of the 2013/14 municipal Information year.


Agreed: That Councillor Pantelakis be appointed to the Park Area Members Local Authority Governors Sub Committee for the forthcoming Information municipal year.


Members raised some concerns regarding appointments to Probe and referred the existence of a ruling that potentially precluded their right to speak or vote upon issues within their own Wards, should they be appointed to the PROBE Board of Directors whilst also associated to the Preston Road NDC Ltd. Members further stated that no such a had been applied in the case of the KWL Ltd Board of Directors. As such a ruling could adversely affect Members ability to represent their constituents, Members requested that a revised legal opinion be provided.


(a) that Councillor Chaytor be appointed to the East Park (a-c)Members Redevelopment Steering Group (Park Area) Information

(b) that Councillor Chaytor be appointed to the Park Area Strategic Partnership Group;

(c) that Councillors Chaytor be formally advanced to the PROBE (Hull) Ltd Board of Directors;

(d) That Members have some concerns upon the existence of a ruling that could preclude their right to speak or vote upon issues within their own Wards should they be appointed to the PROBE Board of Directors, whilst also associated to the Preston Road NDC Ltd. However such a ruling appears not to have been applied in the case of the KWL Ltd Board of Directors. As such a ruling could adversely affect Members ability to represent their constituents, Members request that a revised legal opinion be provided upon their capacity to participate and/vote and any additional constraints placedPage upon 8 ofthem 236;

(e) That the additional appointment to the PROBE (Hull) Ltd Board of Directors will be determined at the next meeting, upon clarification as to the revised legal position.


A written question was received from a member of the public; which asked had the Committee considered naming the East Park clock as the Sheila Waudby Memorial clock, in memory of the late Councillor Sheila Waudby.

Members discussed a number of memorial proposals that had been made and raised concerns that too many memorials could detract from their importance. As such, members requested that that this suggestion be considered alongside the proposals for a Youth Enterprise Award and renaming of the Issac Newton Sports Hall.


Members formally acknowledge receipt of the request to consider the renaming of the East Park clock as the Sheila Waudby Memorial Clock. In light of a number of proposals being received, Members ask that careful consideration be given to an appropriate memorial befitting the memory of Councillor Waudby and that this be considered along with additional proposals for a Youth Enterprise Award, renaming of the Issac Newton Sports Hall as the Waudby Centre or associated Children‟s Play and Recreational areas.


Agreed – That the minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 27th November 2013, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chair.


Agreed: That the meeting adjourned to allow members of the public the opportunity to raise matters of concern relating to policing issues within the area.


Inspector Ogden provided Members with an update on current policing issues in the Park Area, ward community safety priorities and action taken in the Park area by the Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Members were informed that: (i) statisticsPage 9 of had 236 increased by over 2% during 2013; (ii) burglaries had risen from 165 to 186 and shed/garage burglaries had risen from 405 to 453; (iii) two arrests had been made; (iv) one prolific offender had been released and the situation continued to be monitored; (v) PCSO Gregory had secured further employment and was scheduled to leave the service on 3rd February 2014.


(a) That the policing update be noted;

(b) that the Committee extends their gratitude to PCSO Gregory for her tireless efforts and contribution to the Park Area and wishes her well in her future endeavours.


J, Campbell (SEO Primary and Secondary Phase Lead) and S. Shaw (SEO Primary Monitoring and Intervention) provided a report which informed Members of the Ofsted Inspection outcomes of schools within the Park Area.

Members were informed that: (i) schools that „required improvement‟ were set challenges and continued to be monitored; (ii) HM Inspectors had reserved further judgement until the next results were published. In the meantime schools continued to be supported; (iii) the Authority had retained some consultants in literacy and mathematics to address quality issues; (iv) this had not applied to sponsored academies, however academies that had elected to work with the Authority continued to be supported; (v) Ofsted had adopted a stricter assessment regime which had resulted in some schools being downgraded from „excellent‟ to „good‟; (vi) schools graded as „satisfactory‟ had been subjected to earlier reassessment

Members discussed: (i) that the schools listed within the report and reiterated that Mountbatten Primary and Ashwell pupil referral Unit were not within the Park area boundary; (ii) that Oakfield Special School had been omitted from the report; (iii) that statistics for Andrew Marvel School would have been useful as it was a chosen school for many of the area‟s primary school pupils.

During their discussions, Member sought clarification upon the following:

(i). What was the role of the Authority under the new regime, in driving forward improvements. Members were advised that the Authority maintained a responsibility to drive, support and challenge school performance. A full review of teaching and learning had commenced and the Authority continued to work closely with schools and head teachers. (ii). What had the statement „enhance the links between the school, the community and other partners‟ inferred to, as detailed within the Westcott Primary SchoolPage statistics. 10 of 236 Members were advised that some issues had been identified around community links. The School had received some support from Highlands School which had an „excellent‟ rating. The National College of School leadership had contributed a further £25k. The Authority encouraged local schools to share their knowledge and good practice.


(a) That the report be noted;

(b) That the next update includes performance information for Andrew Marvel School.


G. Hall, Assistant Head of Service, provided a briefing paper which updated Members on schemes and projects being undertaken within the Park Area, along with anticipated costs and dates for completion.

Members were informed that a number of schemes that required line markings had been interrupted due to adverse weather conditions.

Members discussed: (i) ongoing issues raised by ring road users with regard to the Marfleet Lane/Preston Road junction. Members were informed that the traffic lights had been taken off “Scoot”, however this had exacerbated the problem. The volume of traffic through the junction remained key issue. Members reiterated that the matter required further monitoring; (ii) ongoing issues at the Maybury Road Junction.


(a) That Members maintain their concerns in relation to Holderness Road/Ings Road/ Maybury Road junction (Scheme 659/Minute 76b refers) and Marfleet Lane/Preston Road junction (Scheme 550/ Minute 10c refers) and request that these matters be closely monitored and addressed as a priority.

(b) That the Committee extends its appreciation to officers for their efforts.


P. Fincham (Cleansing Practice Standards Advisor), provided a report which updated Members on the quarterly performance of waste collection, recycling performance, street cleansing and grounds maintenance within the Park Area.

Members were advised that: (i) current litter levels had been significantly below the 6% target;Page (ii) levels 11 of of 236 graffiti were well below the 4% target; (iii) the blue bin sticker trial had produced a 50% reduction in visible contamination.

Members discussed; (i) the continued improvements made; (ii) the excellent service reviews over the New Year period; and (iii) that Members had received very few complaints and where any reports had been made, action had been taken within a matter of hours.

Agreed: That the Committee extends their appreciation to officers for their tireless efforts towards service improvements and commends the excellent service provided and maintained over the busy New Year period.


D. Akester, Community Manager submitted as report which updated Members on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget spend for the Park Area for 2013/14.


(a) That Members note the spend on each HRA budget allocation for 2013-14 as detailed in the report;

(b) that Members agree to the continued delegation of the budgets (a-c) to the Community Manager (Park) on decisions regarding the Community use of the 2013-14 Area Based Spend, Estate Management and Manager - DA Environmental Budgets in order to progress projects that benefit tenants and leaseholders in the area. This will be carried out in consultation with local ward Members in respect of the Area Based Spend and Environmental budgets; and

(c) that the Area Committee continues to receive quarterly HRA budget update reports.

Page 12 of 236 117 AREA FUNDS

D Akester, Community Manager submitted a report which updated Members on the budget position for the Park Area in respect of individual applications from the Community Budget and updated Members on the current budget position for the Park Area for the 2013/2014 financial year.

Members attention was drawn to (i) a request for funding from the Community Budget (Capital) – Holderness ward which requested an allocation of £35,724.99 towards the completion of a project on Rockford Fields, which included the construction of a new „aquagrid‟ footpath as detailed within section 5.2 of the report; and (ii) a request from West Members for £5009.75 from Section 106 budget to fund additional play equipment for the 0-5 age group, as detailed within section 5.5 of the report.


(a) That Members note the budget balance for each Ward for year 2013/14;

(b) That Members note the individual applications for CIB and CSF funds agreed under the delegated powers as highlighted on the ward tables;

(c) The Members support the expenditure of £35,724.99 towards completing a project on Rockford Fields which is located in the Holderness Ward which will include the construction of a new „aquagrid‟ footpath on the site priced at £28,730.87, as detailed within section 5.2 of the report; and

(d) That the Committee supports expenditure by Southcoates West Ward from application reference 21314D, legal reference 79585/50 in the sum of £5,009.75 from their s106 budget to fund additional play equipment for the 0-5 year age group, which is part of a larger project to improve the facilities on Rosmead fields.


S. Guy (Neighbourhood Coordinator), provided a briefing note which updated members on key activities undertaken within the Park Area.

The report updated Members on: (i) Community Safety Priority Meetings; (ii) environmental issues the around Lorraine street area; (iii) work undertaken by the Neighbourhood Nuisance team to tackle drug use issues; (iv) the Fair Share project which enabled residents in need to access free food; (v) Community First and Big Lottery funding.

Members discussed: (i) appointments to Community First; (ii) the Fair Share project and whether appropriatePage 13checks of 236 had been conducted to ensure that the system was not being abused. Members were advised that debt advisors conducted checks to ascertain eligibility.


(a) That Members commend the Area Team for their efforts within the Park area; and

(b) That, in the event that further Councillor representation is sought for the Marfleet Community First Panel, the Committee nominates Councillor R. Pantelakis to undertake this position.


D. Akester, Community Manager submitted for review, a list of the actions outstanding from previous meetings.

An issue was raised in relation to Minute 40 (c) (Highways Quarterly Update/Scheme 550 Marfleet Lane/Preston Road). Marfleet Ward Members stated that the item had been unresolved and as such, the original Minute should not have been deleted. Members suggested that the item be reverted back to the original Minute to further demonstrate the longstanding nature of the issue.


(a) That minutes 64 (c-d) be deleted from the resolution List; and Democratic Services Officer (b) that minutes 88 (a and c), 94 (a and c) 99, 76(b), 28 (b), 91 (b) - NS and 10 (c) remain on the list until further updates can provided.


D. Akester, Community Manager submitted for review, the Council‟s Forward Plan.

Members discussed (i) the review of polling districts; (ii) the Budget Proposals report and outstanding final settlement. Members requested that the Budget report be included in the February agenda, for review.

Agreed: That Members receive the Budget Proposal report to the February 2014 meeting, for review.


There were no Exempt items for consideration. Page 14 of 236

Published on 14th February 2014 Start Time: 9.30 a.m. End Time: 11.50 a.m.

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Neighbourhood Network - make a difference in your community

The Neighbourhood Network is a charitable trust made up of Hull based neighbourhood groups - residents groups, trader groups, neighbourhood and business watch, tenants groups, schools and any other groups - however big or small - which are interested in community safety.

We work with community safety partners to reduce crime, develop a good community spirit and create a safer environment to live in where people are neighbourly and look out for each other.

Below you will find updates telling you what has been happening in your area. Please share this Community Safety Update with your members.

Local ward priority one Issue: Environmental issues on Lorraine Street area The Neighbourhood Nuisance team will carry out patrols in the area re: flytipping; following the work of the Community Payback team and then look to identify residents to carry out enforcement action.

‘Bring out your rubbish day’s’ are also being planned for the spring time to enable local residents to get rid of any unwanted bulky items - local ward members are funding this project.

Local ward priority two Issue: To reduce Shed/Garage Burglaries across the Ward All partners to work together to promote target hardening and security of sheds and garages following an increase in burglaries across the Holderness Ward. All attacked premises have had a visit and been given crime prevention advice and have been referred onto an agency tasked with target hardening.

A male has been arrested and charged in regards to various burglaries in the Lambwath Road/Hathersage Road area.

Work is being undertaken to look into the possibility of a gating scheme for Lambwath Road, as point of entry for the burglaries seems to be from the back tenfoot, though there are various legal issues as the land is jointly owned by the council and property owners.

Local Ward Meetings The local community are encouraged to attend the following meetings in the area.

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Title: PCSO SURGERY Date: First Monday of every month Time: 1500 hours Venue: East Park Pavilion, Hull.

Offenders brought to Justice

Shop Theft A 21 year old female was charged with theft from B & Q, Stoneferry Road, Hull.

Parking Offences Three vehicles were given tickets for parking on the footpath on Lake Drive, Hull.

Local news Officers from Holderness Ward have attended on a dinner time at Malet Lambert school to promote to the children at the school. This will be an ongoing project at the school.

Job Opportunity Post: Eastern European Champion

Purpose of the Post The primary purpose of this post is to provide support to members of the Eastern European communities using community development tools, working in partnership with the Humberside Police and other agencies in the areas of community safety, social cohesion, health and welfare, housing and education.

The post is based primarily at HANA but the post holder will be required to work also from premises of the Humberside Police regularly.

The successful candidate will join an established team of experienced community development workers in a thriving and growing organisation. Team working skills are essential for this post. The deadline for applications is 12noon, 28 February 2014.

Please see the link below for an application pack.

Further Information For more information and application packs please contact HANA on 01482 491177 or visit us at The Community Enterprise Centre, Cottingham Road, Hull HU5 2DH.

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Help us, help you!

Anti social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance and crime reduction is quite rightly an integral part of policing and Hull City Council priorities; however this is not the responsibility of the police and Hull City Council alone. We can all contribute by minimising the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime and reporting information to Humberside Police and Hull City Council. Help us to help you by telling us what is happening in your area and following the crime reduction advice supplied. Working together we can improve your community and target criminals.

To report anti social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance and environmental issues telephone 01482 300300 or email [email protected]

Should you have any information or require any crime reduction advice please contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team on telephone ***101***

Telephone 999 in an emergency, where life is in danger or a crime is in progress.

For general enquiries or to request police assistance in a non-emergency telephone 101.

Alternatively you can report information about crimes or offenders anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

The Area Team delivers council services in your area including street care, housing services, parks and gardens. The team also works closely with partner organisations. You can get involved in making sure your Neighbourhood Coordinator, Su Guy knows what issues matter to you and your community, by attending public meetings, emailing, picking up the phone or texting your queries or comments. This can be done by Tel: 01482 331986 Email: [email protected] Get all the latest news from Park Area via our Facebook page:

Humberside Fire and Rescue Service Humberside Fire and Rescue Service provides a 24 hour emergency response to a wide range of incidents, from fires and road traffic collisions to chemical incidents. It is also committed to keeping people safe and preventing fires from starting in the first place.

The Fire Service offers fire risk awareness training to help identify those most vulnerable from fire. The training is free and should only last an hour to an hour and a half and will help identify those in most need of our help. For more information, please contact Ben Kelly on 01482 832914 or email [email protected] . You can visit the website for safety

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advice, daily news and latest incidents.

Want information for a different ward? You can contact Neighbourhood Network on (01482) 229666 or email [email protected] if you would like to get a Community Safety Update for a different ward.

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Neighbourhood Network - make a difference in your community

The Neighbourhood Network is a charitable trust made up of Hull based neighbourhood groups - residents groups, trader groups, neighbourhood and business watch, tenants groups, schools and any other groups - however big or small - which are interested in community safety.

We work with community safety partners to reduce crime, develop a good community spirit and create a safer environment to live in where people are neighbourly and look out for each other.

Below you will find updates telling you what has been happening in your area. Please share this Community Safety Update with your members.

Local ward priority one Issue: Crime/Environmental Issues on Delhi, Egypt, Ceylon and Frodsham Street Work is being undertaken by the Community Payback team to clear up tenfoots and alleys in the area. Partners are currently looking into the possibility of a gating scheme, though they may face difficulties due to the number of absent landlords.

A bring out your rubbish day has also been organised for May 2014.

Local ward priority two Issue: To reduce Drug use across the Marfleet Area The Anti Social Behaviour Team and Police are working together to encourage people within the Ward area to report drug dealing and drug abuse and tell us who is responsible. Once we take positive enforcement action we can refer people to relevant agencies for support.

Local ward meetings The local community are encouraged to attend the following meetings in the area.

Title: Business Watch Date: Ongoing Time: Ongoing Venue: Contact PC 2402 Emma Campbell to become a member, open to all business premises on the Marfleet Ward Area.

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Offenders brought to justice

Possession of a controlled drug A Misuse of Drugs warrant was executed at an address on Bothwell Grove. A man was found to be in possession of an amount of drugs and was charged with drugs offences.

Following reports from the public, a Misuse of Drugs warrant was executed at an address on Burdale Close.

Please continue to report such incidents so positive action can be taken.

Shop Theft and Burglary A local man has been identified as being responsible for 3 shop thefts and a burglary. Consequently he has been charged with the offences to attend at court.

Neighbourhood Nuisance Team

Demotion Notice of Demotion order served at address on Welbury Grove after cannabis plants were found, now awaiting court date.

Possession/Hate Crime Legal file submitted regarding cannabis cultivation, electricity abstraction, racial abuse and noise nuisance on Falkland Rd. Awaiting court date

Stolen property Legal file submitted regarding handling stolen property and drug use on Brandsby Grove, awaiting court date.

Local news

How to protect your Bike

The Police are continuing to urge the public to have their cycle property marked.

By marking the cycle and registering it online Police will be able to identify a recovered stolen cycle more effectively. This will ensure it can be returned to its owner and assist in the prosecution of those responsible for thefts or handling stolen goods.

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Once registered on you can and are encouraged to register other property like mobile phones, laptops and televisions which have unique serial numbers.

PCSO Wood will be arranging a cycle coding event. Dates to be arranged.

If you and your group members or group of friends wish to have your cycles marked please contact us and we will liaise with your local NPT and the Community Wardens in arranging this.

If anyone has any information regarding the whereabouts of the stolen cycles, please do not hesitate to contact Humberside Police on 101, or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

PCSO Gregory After 7 years, PCSO Samantha Gregory has left Park Neighbourhood Police Team for pastures new. We all wish her well with her new career.

You can still report incidents or provide information to the other Marfleet officers.

Job Opportunity Post: Eastern European Champion

Purpose of the Post The primary purpose of this post is to provide support to members of the Eastern European communities using community development tools, working in partnership with the Humberside Police and other agencies in the areas of community safety, social cohesion, health and welfare, housing and education.

The post is based primarily at HANA but the post holder will be required to work also from premises of the Humberside Police regularly.

The successful candidate will join an established team of experienced community development workers in a thriving and growing organisation. Team working skills are essential for this post. The deadline for applications is 12noon, 28 February 2014.

Please see the link below for an application pack.

Further Information For more information and application packs please contact HANA on 01482 491177 or visit us at The Community Enterprise Centre, Cottingham Road, Hull HU5 2DH.

Page 23 of 236

Help us, help you! Anti social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance and crime reduction is quite rightly an integral part of policing and Hull City Council priorities; however this is not the responsibility of the Police and Hull City Council alone. We can all contribute by minimising the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime and reporting information to Humberside Police and Hull City Council. Help us to help you by telling us what is happening in your area and following the crime reduction advice supplied. Working together we can improve your community and target criminals.

To report anti social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance and environmental issues telephone 01482 300300 or email [email protected]

Should you have any information or require any crime reduction advice please contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team on telephone 01482 630113 or e-mail [email protected]

Telephone 999 in an emergency, where life is in danger or a crime is in progress.

For general enquiries or to request police assistance in a non-emergency telephone 101.

Alternatively you can report information about crimes or offenders anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

The Area Team delivers council services in your area including street care, housing services, parks and gardens. The team also works closely with partner organisations. You can get involved in making sure your Neighbourhood Coordinator, Gabby Bradford knows what issues matter to you and your community, by attending public meetings, emailing, picking up the phone or texting your queries or comments. This can be done by Tel: 01482 331986 Email: [email protected] Get all the latest news from Park Area via our Facebook page: Humberside Fire and Rescue Service Humberside Fire and Rescue Service provides a 24 hour emergency response to a wide range of incidents, from fires and road traffic collisions to chemical incidents. It is also committed to keeping people safe and preventing fires from starting in the first place.

The Fire Service offers fire risk awareness training to help identify those most vulnerable from fire. The training is free and should only last an hour to an hour and a half and will help identify those in most need of our help. For more information, please contact Ben Kelly on 01482 832914 or email [email protected] . You can visit the website for safety advice, daily news and latest incidents.

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Want information for a different ward? You can contact Neighbourhood Network on (01482) 229666 or email [email protected] if you would like to get a Community Safety Update for a different ward.

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Neighbourhood Network - make a difference in your community

The Neighbourhood Network is a charitable trust made up of Hull based neighbourhood groups - residents groups, trader groups, neighbourhood and business watch, tenants groups, schools and any other groups - however big or small - which are interested in community safety.

We work with community safety partners to reduce crime, develop a good community spirit and create a safer environment to live in where people are neighbourly and look out for each other.

Below you will find updates telling you what has been happening in your area. Please share this Community Safety Update with your members.

Local ward priority one Issue: To reduce Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour on the Flinton Grove area Work is currently being undertaken by the Anti-Social Behaviour Team to identify the vandals causing damage to the Ark Building, with a view to secure an ASBO. The members which use the building have incurred the costs of the repairs undertaken.

Local ward priority two Issue: Flytipping and overgrown land behind St Johns Grove A maintenance plan has now being put into place for the Community Payback team to undertake inspections on the hotspots in the area and undertake any works required on a regular basis

Local ward priority three Issue: Criminal / Environmental issues on Exeter / Ganstead grove areas Letter drops have been undertaken in the area for residents to contact the Neighbourhood Nuisance Team/Police in regards to any issues continuing in the area.

Extra patch walks/patrols have taken place in the hot spot areas. The local Neighbourhood Policing Team have noticed a reduction in calls for service in the new build area.

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Local ward meetings The local community are encouraged to attend the following meetings in the area.

Title: Surgery Date: 18 February 2014 Time: 1000hrs – 1015hrs Venue: Freedom Centre, Preston Road Village Centre.

Title: Surgery Date: 21 February 2014 Time: 1100hrs -1115hrs Venue: Craven Lea

Offenders brought to justice

Robbery A local man, Dale McBride was sentenced to two and a half years imprisonment following the robbery and assault of a female who was withdrawing cash from a cash machine on Holderness Road,Hull.

Neighbourhood Nuisance Team

Demotion Notice of Demotion order served at address on Bilton Grove after cannabis plants were found, now awaiting court date.

ASBO ASBO application sent to Hull City Council Legal Department. Evidence and statements collated from police, social services and public facilities in the direct area. Discussed case with social worker and youth justice service. Awaiting further instructions from legal.

Tenancy Warnings Visits made to parents of youths on Ryehill Grove, Downing Grove, Preston Road and Summergangs Road after youths causing problems on building site Kilnsea Grove area. Information taken from CCTV footage passed to PCSO from security guard. Parents given tenancy warnings.

Local news

Protecting your valuables Residents are advised to not store valuable items in their sheds if possible. With houses becoming more difficult to break into, thieves are targeting sheds and garages. If you would like crime prevention advice, please contact the Southcoates East Neighbourhood Team at Preston Road on 630113.

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Job Opportunity Post: Eastern European Champion

Purpose of the Post The primary purpose of this post is to provide support to members of the Eastern European communities using community development tools, working in partnership with the Humberside Police and other agencies in the areas of community safety, social cohesion, health and welfare, housing and education.

The post is based primarily at HANA but the post holder will be required to work also from premises of the Humberside Police regularly.

The successful candidate will join an established team of experienced community development workers in a thriving and growing organisation. Team working skills are essential for this post. The deadline for applications is 12noon, 28 February 2014.

Please see the link below for an application pack.

Further Information For more information and application packs please contact HANA on 01482 491177 or visit us at The Community Enterprise Centre, Cottingham Road, Hull HU5 2DH.

Help us, help you! Anti social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance and crime reduction is quite rightly an integral part of policing and Hull City Council priorities; however this is not the responsibility of the police and Hull City Council alone. We can all contribute by minimising the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime and reporting information to Humberside Police and Hull City Council. Help us to help you by telling us what is happening in your area and following the crime reduction advice supplied. Working together we can improve your community and target criminals.

To report anti social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance and environmental issues telephone 01482 300300 or email [email protected]

Should you have any information or require any crime reduction advice please contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team on telephone ****101**** .

Telephone 999 in an emergency, where life is in danger or a crime is in progress.

For general enquiries or to request police assistance in a non-emergency telephone 101.

Alternatively you can report information about crimes or offenders anonymously via Crimestoppers on

Page 29 of 236

0800 555 111.

The Area Team delivers council services in your area including streetcare, housing services, parks and gardens. The team also works closely with partner organisations. You can get involved in making sure your Neighbourhood Coordinator, Tony Saxby knows what issues matter to you and your community, by attending public meetings, emailing, picking up the phone or texting your queries or comments. This can be done by Tel: 01482 331986 Email: [email protected] Get all the latest news from Park Area via our Facebook page:

Humberside Fire and Rescue Service Humberside Fire and Rescue Service provides a 24 hour emergency response to a wide range of incidents, from fires and road traffic collisions to chemical incidents. It is also committed to keeping people safe and preventing fires from starting in the first place.

The Fire Service offers fire risk awareness training to help identify those most vulnerable from fire. The training is free and should only last an hour to an hour and a half and will help identify those in most need of our help. For more information, please contact Ben Kelly on 01482 832914 or email [email protected] You can visit the website for safety advice, daily news and latest incidents.

Want information for a different ward? You can contact Neighbourhood Network on (01482) 229666 or email [email protected] if you would like to get a Community Safety Update for a different ward.

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Neighbourhood Network - make a difference in your community

The Neighbourhood Network is a charitable trust made up of Hull based neighbourhood groups - residents groups, trader groups, neighbourhood and business watch, tenants groups, schools and any other groups - however big or small - which are interested in community safety.

We work with community safety partners to reduce crime, develop a good community spirit and create a safer environment to live in where people are neighbourly and look out for each other.

Below you will find updates telling you what has been happening in your area. Please share this Community Safety Update with your members.

Local ward priority one Issue: Tenfoot Security All partners to work together to improve tenfoot security across the Ward including dealing with enforcement action on reports of flytipping and target hardening to help reduce shed and garden burglary.

Signs have been erected on the worst affected tenfoot gates and the rest will be put up in the following weeks to come. If you would like a sign please contact PCSO Steve Chapman on 01482 630113.

Local ward priority two Issue: Youth Engagement All partners are to work together to encourage young people to access activities available across the Ward.

Funding has been received to fund the youth bus to be run for 6 week periods in Feb, April and August.

Also boxing sessions have been arranged for young people in the area, this has had a great turn out, work is currently being undertaken to secure further funding for these sessions.

Local ward meetings The local community are encouraged to attend the following meetings in the area.

Title: Anti Social Behaviour Surgery Date: Every Tuesday Morning Time: 1000hrs -1200hrs

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Venue: St John’s Church, Rosmead Street, Hull. Unfortunately the Police will not be in attendance every Tuesday but Hull City Council will be and will pass on any information.

Offenders brought to justice

Cannabis Production Following reports from the members of the public a number of cannabis plants were seized from an address on Rensburg Street.

Please continue to come forward any information so positive action can be taken.

Tenant Eviction A resident on Steynburg Street has been evicted from their property due to noise nuisance and Anti- Social Behaviour. This was a result of Humberside Police working together with the landlord and Hull City Council.

Neighbourhood Nuisance Team

Noise Nuisance A property down a terrace on Rosmead Street is currently suffering with noise nuisance and it is currently working with the Council and Humberside Police to rectify their situation and improve their quality of life.

If you feel you are in a similar situation and feel vulnerable please call Hull City Council on 300300 or Humberside Police 101 and report it.

Local news

Bike Competition In the following weeks to come, Humberside Police will be inviting pupils from the primary schools in the Park area who are in years 4, 5 and 6 to compete in a competition to win a brand new BMX and Helmets. So make sure you keep an eye out for the posters and how to enter. It links in with cycle safety and encouraging the public to get your bikes marked, so we can ensure that stolen items can be returned to the owners.

Theft from Motor vehicles There has, unfortunately there has been a number of theft from vehicles in the area and valuable items taken. We urge the public to be vigilant and please make sure that your valuable items are removed when you leave your car or move them so they are out of sight. Also be certain that your vehicle is locked and secure when leaving it on the road side.

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Job Opportunity Post: Eastern European Champion

Purpose of the Post The primary purpose of this post is to provide support to members of the Eastern European communities using community development tools, working in partnership with the Humberside Police and other agencies in the areas of community safety, social cohesion, health and welfare, housing and education.

The post is based primarily at HANA but the post holder will be required to work also from premises of the Humberside Police regularly.

The successful candidate will join an established team of experienced community development workers in a thriving and growing organisation. Team working skills are essential for this post. The deadline for applications is 12noon, 28 February 2014.

Please see the link below for an application pack.

Further Information For more information and application packs please contact HANA on 01482 491177 or visit us at The Community Enterprise Centre, Cottingham Road, Hull HU5 2DH.

Help us, help you! Anti social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance and crime reduction is quite rightly an integral part of policing and Hull City Council priorities; however this is not the responsibility of the Police and Hull City Council alone. We can all contribute by minimising the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime and reporting information to Humberside Police and Hull City Council. Help us to help you by telling us what is happening in your area and following the crime reduction advice supplied. Working together we can improve your community and target criminals.

To report anti social behaviour, neighbourhood nuisance and environmental issues telephone 01482 300300 or email [email protected]

Should you have any information or require any crime reduction advice please contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team on telephone 01482 630113 or e-mail [email protected]

Telephone 999 in an emergency, where life is in danger or a crime is in progress.

For general enquiries or to request police assistance in a non-emergency telephone 101.

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Alternatively you can report information about crimes or offenders anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 The Area Team delivers council services in your area including streetcare, housing services, parks and gardens. The team also works closely with partner organisations. You can get involved in making sure your Neighbourhood Coordinator, James Moore knows what issues matter to you and your community, by attending public meetings, emailing, picking up the phone or texting your queries or comments. This can be done by Tel: 01482 331981 Email: [email protected] Humberside Fire and Rescue Service Humberside Fire and Rescue Service provides a 24 hour emergency response to a wide range of incidents, from fires and road traffic collisions to chemical incidents. It is also committed to keeping people safe and preventing fires from starting in the first place.

The Fire Service offers fire risk awareness training to help identify those most vulnerable from fire. The training is free and should only last an hour to an hour and a half and will help identify those in most need of our help. For more information, please contact Ben Kelly on 01482 832914 or email [email protected] . You can visit the website for safety advice, daily news and latest incidents.

Want information for a different ward? You can contact Neighbourhood Network on (01482) 229666 or email [email protected] if you would like to get a Community Safety Update for a different ward.

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Briefing note to the Area Committees

North Carr Area Committee – 19 February 2014 Wyke Area Committee – 19 February 2014 Park Area Committee – 26 February 2014 West Area Committee – 26 February 2014 Northern Area Committee – 28 February 2014 East Area Committee – 6 March 2014 Riverside Area Committee – 12 March 2014 Wards: All

Area Team Review

Briefing Note of the City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

1. Purpose of the Report and Summary

1.1 Cabinet of 27th January 2014 agreed to savings (minute 152 refers) from the Area Teams staffing budget of £267,000. This briefing note sets out the implications of this decision for the Area Teams staffing structure and seeks elected members views about the implementation of the new structure.

2. Background

2.1 In order to consider how Area Teams may operate in the future it is necessary to set the overall context for the Council over the next two years. Significant savings are required across the Council during 2014/15 to 2015/16. Overall design principles for the Future Council are being developed. These include: • The Council as less of a core deliverer of services • The Council as part of citywide partnership • Co-location is critical to success • The Customer Strategy is a key underpinning element • Services will be reviewed across a model of Universal, Targeted and Specialist • Avoiding cost-shunting across directorates and the City • The concept of service delivery hubs within localities should be strengthened and agreed • Working with other public sector partners to establish potential hubs (Council or other provider)

2.2 The Council will shrink as a result of these necessary savings and as different delivery models are developed - such as proposals to establish arms length companies to deliver some key services, including street scene services. Proposals have also been developed to streamline democratic processes, including the number of Area Committee meetings. Page 35 of 236 Author: Laura Carr Date: 11/02/2014 Page 1 of 4

3. Current Role of the Area Teams

3.1 The Area Teams currently deliver a service to all elected members and support local delivery priorities. They are organised across the seven area committee areas, with each area having a Community Manager and one neighbourhood co-ordinator for each ward (seven community managers and 23 neighbourhood co-ordinators). Overall management is from the three Area Directors. The Community Managers also manage the local delivery of the Council’s housing management in the areas, and 70% of their costs are picked up by the HRA for this purpose. The HRA also pays for 20% of the costs of the Area Directors. The total general fund cost of the staffing for the teams is £1.2m. A ward budget of £190k per annum is available citywide (distributed on a formula to each ward) in addition to an annual capital sum of £1m citywide.

3.2 The teams play a number of roles to facilitate local delivery. The key roles are:

Support for elected members on local issues – such as attending relevant meetings Support for Area Committee governance processes Project development and management – for example from ward funds, section 106 or external funding Bidding for funding for local priorities Support for local community groups Support for community centres Community engagement activities Development and delivery of ward plans Partnership working and ward co-ordination with police, anti-social behaviour and environmental nuisance teams A lead role in co-ordinating the local response to emergency incidents for the Council Engagement with strategic partners – eg health and police - at area level to deliver identified priorities

3.3 In addition the Riverside, West and Wyke team is responsible for the management of the Council’s gypsy and traveller sites and the Community Cohesion Team and the North Carr team for the running of the Bespoke Centre.

4. Issues for Consideration

4.1 Cabinet approved a move to three locality teams and to made a saving of £267,000 would be a reduction from 4 to 3 administrative support staff.

The proposal that was approved will see a reduction of five ward co-ordinators, (from 23 to 18) a reduction in one administrative officer and a reduction in the number of Area Directors by one post and Community Managers by one post and a change to their role.

It is proposed to reduce to two grade 14 Assistant Heads of Service - one entirely responsible for housing management (and funded by the HRA) and one for the delivery of local partnership and community engagement mechanisms. There will be six grade 12 managers (rather than the current seven). Three will provide management of the local housing management service (funded by the HRA) and three would be responsible for support to local elected members and the delivery of local priorities and projects (compared to 2.1 FTEs currently). Staff will remain co-located, within the developing local hubs, with management focusing on service improvement and development for each element of the service. Page 36 of 236 Author: Laura Carr Date: 11/02/2014 Page 2 of 4 4.2 The key roles will be:

Working with public sector partners and the developing hub model to ensure that local priorities are embedded. Working with elected members and the community to develop projects and access additional funding, including supporting community centres.

5.3 Whilst there will be less that one neighbourhood co-ordinator per ward, each ward will have an identified person for elected members to contact.

5.4 The work undertaken by Area Teams is valued enormously by local members and provides a firm basis for developing more integrated partnership working in the future. The teams have core strengths in working with local communities and partners which will be invaluable in the future. They have experience of multi agency and multi disciplinary working which is likely to be part of the core Future Council approach and in accessing external funding which is becoming an increasingly important mechanism for delivering local priorities.

5.5 As the shape of the Future Council develops it will be important to retain and develop the ability to influence the strategic priorities of the Council and its partners, bringing a local perspective. There will be a need to ensure that locality working, including working with other public sector partners, is able to respond rapidly and tactically to identified local issues and problems.

5.6 The Council is exploring local delivery hubs as the main vehicle to ensuring that local needs are met especially for the most vulnerable. The area teams have the ability to be a key driver within a locality working model and in the development of hubs. They can provide local intelligence, build on their links with local elected members and provide capacity to co-ordinate local service delivery.

5.7 Currently the managers in the teams are responsible for both the front line housing management service and the delivery of the neighbourhood agenda. The housing management service is undergoing significant strains due to the impact of the economic situation and welfare reforms. Responding to the changing context requires management focus to review service delivery and future opportunities for the service to improve its customer offer and reduce costs.

5.8 Formal consultation on these proposals with the Trade Unions started on 3rd February 2014, and this will progress in the coming weeks with a view to implementing the structure early in the new financial year.

5.9 Area Committee members were invited to give their views on the priorities for the service during 2013. This information will be used in shaping the service, alongside the formal consultation. If local members have any additional feedback on how the new structure is implemented these can be fed through to the Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager, who is also happy to meet members informally to discuss.

6. Conclusions

6.1 All of the evidence demonstrates the valuable role the Area Teams play in delivering local priorities and supports the importance of retaining local capacity for influencing strategic priorities and developing locally relevant, responsive and tailored services. There is clear support from local ward members for continuing the provision of a service which can promote and deliver on local priorities. As the Council seeks Page 37 of 236 Author: Laura Carr Date: 11/02/2014 Page 3 of 4 savings and changes how it delivers services, however, the way in which this is achieved will need to change. The Area Teams will be positioned within the changing Council, in order to maximise the delivery of local priorities, whilst achieving a saving commensurate with the Medium Term Financial Plan. Members’ views on the implementation of the new arrangements are welcomed.

Laura Carr City Neighbourhood and Housing Manager

Contact Officer: Laura Carr Telephone No. : Ex 2645

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: - Minute 152 – Cabinet 27 January 2014

Page 38 of 236 Author: Laura Carr Date: 11/02/2014 Page 4 of 4

Briefing Paper Area: Park

17 February 2014

Park Area PE and School Sport Briefing Paper

1. Purpose of Briefing

1.1 The purpose of this briefing document is to provide an update to the Park Area Community about PE and School sport as requested by members from the November 2013 committee meeting.

2. Background

2.1 School sport and Physical Education is a key priority to help realise the ambitions in the Active Hull Sport and Physical Activity Strategy, positive experiences of school sport can lay the foundations to life long participation.

2.2 The schools in the city are on the whole very proactive around PE and School Sport and see the additional benefits it brings not only the health of their pupils but to their education.

2.3 The national funding for school sports partnerships was removed in 2011. This funding provided additional resources to coordinate PE and sport. Hull schools decided they still wanted to collaborate and coordinate efforts so formed the ‘School Sports Strategy Group for Hull’. The group’s vision is to inspire as many young people through PE and School sport and provide opportunities for all.

2.4 The ‘School Sports Strategy Group for Hull’ is jointly supported by the Council and schools, whom pay at primary level 50p per pupil and secondary level £1.50 per pupil. This funding is used to facilitate various competitions, coaching and development of young sports leaders. The group has developed a comprehensive competition calendar of events for all ages and a variety of sports that all schools in Hull take part in (see appendix a).

2.5 All primary schools across the country have received funding as part of the ‘Primary PE, School Sport Premium’ for two academic years (13-14 and 14-15). This equates to £1.4m of investment to Hull and approximately £18k per school over the 2 years. With the funding we are encouraging schools to work collaboratively to use this opportunity to bring in Physical Educational specialists to teach pupils and work with teachers to up skill them and grow their confidence in delivering PE. This ‘up skilling’ of teachers is essential as often primary school Page 39 of 236 teachers have very minimal initial teacher training in PE, also this will provide long term outcomes after the 2 years of initial funding

2.6 Each school has been offered the opportunity to set up a Change4Life sports club. Change4Life Sports Clubs is an exciting programme that aims to harness the inspiration of the Olympic and Paralympic Games to engage less-active* primary school children in physical activity and school sport. Change4Life Sport Clubs take the principles and specific skills from a range of Olympic and Paralympic sports and place them in a fun, vibrant and exciting activity club, giving young people the confidence and competence to take part in lifelong physical activity. Uptake of these clubs in the Park area is outlined in appendix c).

2.6.1 Teachers from each school are given the opportunity to access a three hour training workshop to support them to deliver the clubs, and also receive an equipment bag.

2.7 Hull City Council (Hull CC) historically has supported schools financially, via the Assisted Community Use of Schools Funding (ACSF), to be able to open their doors for community use. This funding has supported ‘free’ use for groups that cater for young people and/or people with a disability. This has helped to build an extensive infrastructure of voluntary organisations that provide many positive activities for the residents of Hull. Benefits include:

• Educational • Health • Community links • Increasing participation and presence in the school and surrounding community • Safety of the school site as it is being used outside of school time

3.0 PE and School Sport - Park Area Overview

3.1 Please see appendix b) to see each school’s activity as below:

Approximate numbers of hours of PE delivered in curriculum Types of sports and activities delivered in the curriculum Competitions school is taking part in Use of Primary PE Premium (where applicable- primaries only) Community users of the school Club school links Change4Life Sports Club uptake Inter school competition engagement

4.0 Conclusion

4.1 PE and school sport in Hull schools is thriving. There is a varied offer to engage and inspire as many young people in activity as possible. Young people of all ages and abilities in schools across Hull have the opportunity to access many sporting activities, from informal after school clubs, to intra and inter school competitions, as well as up to 2 hours of curriculum PE and school sport.

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Mitch Upfold, City Manager Leisure, Sport and Heritage On behalf of Corporate Director of Regeneration and Partnerships

Contact Officer : Lisa Johnson Telephone No. : 01482 331637

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: -

(i) list of documents

- Appendix a) – Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group calendar of competitions 2013/14. - Appendix b) – Park Area schools’ Levels of Activity - Appendix c) – Park Area Primary Schools’ Change4Life Club and Competition Uptake.

Page 41 of 236 APPENDIX

Park Area- Community Users Number of Types of sport delivered in School sport and competition Community-Club SCHOOL hours of PE curriculum. offered School Links curriculum Use of Primary PE premium per week (primaries only) Malet Rockford Rangers FC Lambert Couragr Karate Barham Boys FC Skirlaugh Bulls Pelican United FC Malet Girls FC Kingston FC Sutton FC Malet YC FC Hessle Rangers FC East Hull Boys Child Dyanmix Victoria Lighting / Thunder FC Ideal Isberg Victoria Dock FC Pelican Athletics FC Archbishop Skirlaugh Bulls Sentamu East Hull Rugby Academy Hull Dockers Greatfield Vikings Priory Ath. Cottingham Road Netball

Page 42 of 236 Seagals Netball Child Dynamix Tigers Trust Hull Hawkes Hockey Lambwath Lions East Hull Rangers Skirlaugh Football Dantons Netball Flinton Flyers Hull Hockey No Strings Badminton Alderman East Hull Saints U9’s, Primary Premium £: working and Cogan U12’s, U16 with ASA East Park Baptist Brownies St Richards 6 East Hull Youth 2 Primary Premium £: working Intra Leagues: Mini Tennis and East Hull Rugby Rugby Teams (various with ASA. Dedicated staff Dodgeball. Chang 4 Life led and a League Clubs. age groups) and training day, specialised basketball club led by Y6 Sports Fenners Cricket Club. Batemans Football coaches leading some PE leaders. Competitions entered : Club (Und 15's) lessons with teacher Humber School Games – various involvement resulting in an sports, Hull City and Hull Schools increased teacher knowledge FA Football Competitions, Hi 5 and greater confidence to lead Netball League, East Riding Tag future sessions. Rugby League, Chance 2 Shine, Basketball coaching for Y6, Hymers students coaching fun sports sessions with various years. Catholic cluster competitions

Page 43 of 236 (various sports) in partnership with St. Mary's College. Cluster competitions through Sirius partnership. Westcott Karate Primary Premium £: working East Hull Saints with Victoria Dock Primary School / appointed a PE mentor Gillshill N/A

Cavendish N/A

Stoneferry N/A

Estcourt Many different 2 As part of the curriculum, There are a few sporting Estcourt Primary has a community users visit Estcourt Primary delivers a vast competitions that Estcourt offer to close link with St.Johns Estcourt Primary to range of sport. For KS1 pupils their pupils. One of which is table Church, who offers our deliver programmes to build on movement and tennis, which arose from the support pupils many clubs, our pupils. Hull FC has coordination and use this to we get outside of school. Children which they can join. worked with year 6 explore and learn about the take part in local competitions There is a proportion of pupils; a cricket coach world. This includes: dance; against other primary schools in the our pupils who like to has worked with year games and gymnastics. In KS2, area and then go forward for take part and extend 2 and we have outside pupils enjoy being active and competitions in the county. The their skills. Most table tennis support to use their creativity and other sporting competition is children enjoy coach our children. imagination. They look at ways football. This is for both boys and participating in the to succeed in activities and learn girls where again they have boxing club, which they how to evaluate their own competitions against local primary offer once a week. success. The sports delivered to schools. Other school links with KS2 include: dance; games; the community include gymnastics; table tennis; a secondary school, swimming; athletics and outdoor who allow pupils to go activities, which includes: on a Saturday to play football; rugby; tennis; table tennis. This

Page 44 of 236 badminton and basketball. stems from the interest The new primary sports funding that those pupils have has allowed a PE teacher to be shown at Estcourt. appointed. She has two main objectives: 1) to raise the standard of delivery of PE teaching by the classroom teacher; 2) to increase the percentage of pupils who are able to swim 25m

Foredyke N/A

Southcoates N/A

Marfleet N/A

Oldfleet Phoenix Football U10’s Mountbatten N/A

Stockwell N/A

Page 45 of 236

Page 46 of 236 Appendix b) - Park Area Committee meeting – Park Area Schools’ Levels of Activity

School Community users No. of hrs Use of primary School sport and competition Community – Club school links of PE premium offered curriculum per week Malet Rockford Rangers FC 2 PE Staff work Have paid into the school sport St. Pauls Boxing Academy Lambert Couragr Karate with Gillshill competition pot. Hull KR – rugby training Barham Boys FC Primary for 4 Skirlaugh Bulls hours per week Pelican United FC and Cavendish Malet Girls FC Primary for 3 hours per week Kingston FC Sutton FC Malet YC FC Hessle Rangers FC East Hull Boys Child Dyanmix Victoria Lighting / Thunder FC Ideal Isberg Victoria Dock FC Pelican Athletics FC Archbishop Skirlaugh Bulls 2 N/A Have paid into the school sport Information not provided Sentamu East Hull Rugby competition pot. Academy Hull Dockers Greatfield Vikings Priory Ath.

Page 47 of 236 Cottingham Road Netball Seagals Netball Child Dynamix Tigers Trust Hull Hawkes Hockey Lambwath Lions East Hull Rangers Skirlaugh Football Dantons Netball Flinton Flyers Hull Hockey No Strings Badminton Stoneferry None 2 hours PE funding Have paid into the school sport We have a dance and football after school club and (premium) is competition pot. we enter KS2 pupils into football competitions. being used to Offer games, dance, release 2 PE gymnastics and athletics specialists out of class to work alongside other teachers, it is paying for INSET, resources and after school clubs.

Cavendish None 2 Recruited a new Have paid into the school sport None teacher in competition pot.

Page 48 of 236 January as PE Offer dance, football, lead. Doing CPD gymnastics and cricket clubs, with teachers and wake n shake programme, looking to upskill sports CPD training from lunchtime sports coaches. supervisors to encourage the less active children. Receive input from Malet Lambert PE teacher for 3 hours per week Gillshill Information not provided Still to be Have paid into the school sport Information not provided decided competition pot. Receive input from Malet Lambert PE teacher for 4 hours per week Alderman East Hull Saints In a cluster Have paid into the school sport Information not provided Cogan Pelican United which competition pot. Hessle Rangers Jnrs contributes to Small scale competitions runs Lambwath Lions Julie Stone’s as part of the primary premium East Park Brownies post, hosted set up. East Hull Juniors through Archbishop Sentamu

Page 49 of 236 St Richards East Hull Rugby In a cluster Have paid into the school sport which competition pot. contributes to Small scale competitions runs Julie Stone’s as part of the primary premium post, hosted set up. through Archbishop Sentamu

Westcott Karate Still to be Information not provided Information not provided East Hull Saints decided Estcourt St. Johns Church, 2 Working in Have paid into the school sport Hull FC has worked with year 6 pupils; a cricket partnership with competition pot. coach has worked with year 2 and we have outside Victoria Dock & Dance; games; gymnastics; table tennis support to coach our children. Mersey Primary table tennis; swimming; to employ Jillian athletics and outdoor activities, Other school links with the community include a Blowman to which includes: football; secondary school, who allow pupils to go on a work directly rugby; tennis; badminton and Saturday to play table tennis. with teachers and basketball. upskill them (PE mentor programme) Foredyke None 1 with Working in Have paid into the school sport Information not provided additional partnership with competition pot. input at Mount Batten, various Thanet Griffin & intervals for Ings to employ fixed John Grindley to periods of work directly

Page 50 of 236 time with teachers and upskill them (PE mentor programme) Southcoates None 2 hours Working in Have paid into the school sport Hull KR – rugby training partnership with competition pot. Collette Dunn Dance Ainthorpe, St. First Step Sports – football and multi-skills Thomas More and griffin to employ James Dallywater to work directly with teachers and upskill them (PE mentor programme) Marfleet Information not provided In a cluster Have paid into the school sport Information not provided which competition pot. contributes to Small scale competitions runs Julie Stone’s as part of the primary premium post, hosted set up. through Archbishop Sentamu Mount None 1½ Working in Have paid into the school sport None Batten partnership with competition pot. Foredyke, Thanet Sports on offer include Tennis, Griffin & Ings to Netball, Rugby, Dance, employ John Gymnastics and Athletics

Page 51 of 236 Grindley to work directly with teachers and upskill them (PE mentor programme) Stockwell None Year 5/6 2 In a cluster Have paid into the school sport Information not provided hours which competition pot. contributes to Small scale competitions runs Julie Stone’s as part of the primary premium post, hosted set up. through Archbishop Sentamu Oldfleet Information not provided Information Information not Monday PM sports at Oldfleet, Information not provided not provided provided including after school Tuesday All day sports at Oldfleet, including after school and lunchtime Wednesday PM sports at Oldfleet, including after school Thursday PM sports at Oldfleet and Welton Waters, including after school at Oldfleet Friday AM sports at Oldfleet, PM at Ennerdale Leisure Centre and after school at Oldfleet

Page 52 of 236

Page 53 of 236

Page 54 of 236 APPENDIX A HHuullll PPEE aanndd SScchhooooll SSppoorrtt SSttrraatteeggyy GGrroouupp

Competition Calendar

School Games Levels 2 and 3


Page 55 of 236 Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Dates To Be Confirmed

Primary Football – 5 a-sides for Years 4 Boys , Year 5/6 Girls 13 dates at the Bonus Arena

Rugby League- Hull and East Riding Schools Rallies for Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11

Primary Gymnastics

Cricket- Primary and Secondary dates- various competitions

Special Schools Calendar- to be confirmed after Wednesday’s Humber SGO meeting.

Version 1.1/2013 Page 56 of 236 Page 2

Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 19th August 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 19th August 2013

Tuesday 20th August 2013

Wednesday 21st August 2013

Thursday 22nd August 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Scarborough Schools FA (Away)- FRIENDLY

Friday 23rd August 2013

Version 1.1/2013 Page 57 of 236 Page 3

Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 26th August 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 26th August 2013 AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY

Tuesday 27th August 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Sunderland Academy (Away)- FRIENDLY

Wednesday 28th August 2013

Thursday 29th August 2013

Friday 30th August 2013

Version 1.1/2013 Page 58 of 236 Page 4

Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 2nd September 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 2nd September 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Grimsby FA (Home)- FRIENDLY

Tuesday 3rd September 2013

Wednesday 4th September 2013

Thursday 5th September 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Trials Football Under 13 Hull Schools FA Trials at St Mary’s College 4G 4pm-6pm.

Friday 6th September 2013

Version 1.1/2013 Page 59 of 236 Page 5

Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Saturday 7th September 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 and Under 13 Hull Schools FA v Leeds Schools FA (Away)- FRIENDLY

Version 1.1/2013 Page 60 of 236 Page 6

Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 9th September 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 9th September 2013

Tuesday 10th September 2013

Wednesday 11th September 2013

Thursday 12th September 2013

Friday 13th September 2013

Version 1.1/2013 Page 61 of 236 Page 7

Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Saturday 14th September 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v East Riding Schools FA (Home)

Version 1.1/2013 Page 62 of 236 Page 8

Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 16th September 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 16th September 2013

Tuesday 17th September 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competitions Netball Year 9 Hull Schools Netball League 1 at Kelvin Hall; 4pm-6pm:

Wednesday 18th September 2013

Thursday 19th September 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competitions Netball Year 10/11 Hull Schools Netball League 1 at St Mary’s College; 4pm-6pm

Friday 20th September 2013

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Saturday 21st September 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11, 12, 13 and 15 Hull Schools FA v York Schools FA (Away)

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Week Beginning Monday 23rd September 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 23rd September 2013

Tuesday 24th September 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competitions Netball Year 9 Hull Schools Netball League 2 at Kelvin Hall; 4pm-6pm:

Wednesday 25th September 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competitions Netball Under 16 (Year 10 and 11) National Schools Netball-Hull Round at St Mary’s College MUGA; 4pm-6pm:

Thursday 26th September 2013

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Friday 27th September 2013

Saturday 28th September 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Leeds Schools FA B (Home)

Under 12 and 13 Hull Schools FA v Leeds School FA (Home)- FRIENDLY at St Mary’s College 10am

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Week Beginning Monday 30th September 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 30th September 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA Boys 7-a-side Tournament 1 at 4G St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Tuesday 1st October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competitions Netball Year 9 Hull Schools Netball League 3 at Kelvin Hall; 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 2nd October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competitions Netball Year 7 Hull Schools Netball Tournament at Thomas Ferens Academy; 4pm-6pm

Thursday 3rd October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competitions Netball Year 10/11 Hull Schools Netball League 2 at St Mary’s College; 4pm-6pm: CMU/SGI

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Friday 4th October 2013 Level 3 Inter-School Competitions Tag Rugby Years 7-11 Humber Schools Tag Rugby Grade 2 at Hull RUFC; 10pm-2pm:

Saturday 5th October 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 12, 13 and 15 Hull Schools FA v Barnsley Schools FA (Home)- WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE at St Mary’s College 10am

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Week Beginning Monday 7th October 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 7th October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools Boys 7-a-side Tournament 2 at 4G St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Tuesday 8th October 2013

Wednesday 9th October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Netball Under 14 National Schools Hull Round at Hymers College: SGI; 4pm-6pm

Thursday 10th October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Netball Year 10/11 Hull Schools Netball League 3 at St Mary’s College; 4pm-6pm

Friday 11th October 2013

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Saturday 12th October 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Derby Schools FA (Home) GREEN UN

Under 12 Hull Schools FA v Derby Schools FA (Home) EAST MIDLANDS LEAGUE at St Mary’s College 10am

Under 13 Hull Schools FA v Scarborough Schools FA (Home) ESFA NATIONAL CUP ROUND 1 at St Mary’s College 10am

Under 15 Hull Schools FA v LATE ENTRY (Home) ESFA NATIONAL CUP ROUND 1 at St Mary’s College 10am

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Week Beginning Monday 14th October 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 14th October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools Girls 7-a-side Tournament 1 at 4G St Mary’s College: MAR/Sports Leaders; 4pm-6pm

Tuesday 15th October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competitions Netball Year 9 Hull Schools Netball League 4 at Kelvin Hall; 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 16th October 2013

Thursday 17th October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Netball Year 10/11 Hull Schools Netball League 4 at St Mary’s College; 4pm-6pm: CMU/SGI

Friday 19th October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition World Marathon Challenge Year 8 World Marathon Challenge at Costello Stadium 10am-2pm

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Saturday 19th October 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Wirral Schools FA (Away) PENNINE LEAGUE

Under 13 AND 15 Hull Schools FA v Est Riding Schools FA (Away) FRIENDLY

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Week Beginning Monday 21st October 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 21st October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA Girls 7-a-side Tournament 2 at 4G St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Tuesday 22nd October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competitions Netball Year 9 Hull Schools Netball League 5 at Kelvin Hall; 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 23rd October 2013

Thursday 24th October 2013

Friday 25th October 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Cross Country Hull Schools Primary Cross Country Championships at St Mary’s College: 12.30pm-3.00pm

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Saturday 26th October 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v East Riding Schools FA (Away) CUP

Under 12, 13 and 15 Hull Schools FA v Bradford Schools FA (Away) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE

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Saturday 2nd November 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Barnsley Schools FA (Home) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE

Under 12 Hull Schools FA v Barnsley Schools FA (Home) MIDLAND CUP at St Mary’s College 10am

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Week Beginning Monday 4th November 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 4th November 2013

Tuesday 5th November 2013 Level 3 Inter-School Competitions Netball Under 14 and 16 National Schools Netball- County Round at Bonus Arena; 1pm-3pm:

Wednesday 6th November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Under 13 (Years 7 and 8) Girls Hull Schools Championships at Hull RUFC 4pm-6pm

Netball Year 7 Hull Schools Netball League 1 at Thomas Ferens Academy; 4pm-6pm

Thursday 7th November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union- Hull Schools Festival Years 7 and 8 (A) at Hull RUFC 4pm-6pm

Table Tennis ESTTA Team Championships- Hull Round Under 11, Under 13, Under 16 and Under 19 Boys and Girls St Mary’s College 1.00pm- 6.00pm

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Netball Year 8 Hull Schools Netball League 1 at Winifred Holtby; 4pm-6pm: HJO

Friday 8th November 2013

Saturday 9th November 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Scarborough Schools FA (Home) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE

Under 12, 13 and 15 Hull Schools FA v Sheffield Schools FA (Away) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE

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Week Beginning Monday 11th November 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 11th November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 7 Boys Hull Schools 5-a-side Championships at Bonus Arena: DWN; 4pm- 6pm

Level 3 Inter-School Competition Football Under 11 Humberside Schools Boys 7-a-side Tournament at 4G St Mary’s College: 4pm- 6pm

Tuesday 12th November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Netball Year 7 Hull Schools Netball League 2 at Thomas Ferens Academy; 4pm-6pm

Football Year 6 Boys Hull Schools 5-a-side Competition at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 13th November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Under 15 (Years 9 and 10) Girls Hull Schools Championships at Hull RUFC 4pm-6pm

Thursday 14th November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 16 (Years 10 and 11) Girls 7-a-side League at 4G St Mary’s College: MAR; 4pm- 6pm

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Football Year 6 Boys Hull Schools 5-a-side Competition at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Rugby Union- Hull Schools Festival Year 9(A) at Hull RUFC 4pm-6pm

Badminton Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Boys and Girls Centreparcs National Schools Competition- Hull Round at St Mary’s College, Malet Lambert and Kelvin Hall: 4pm-6pm

Netball Year 8 Hull Schools Netball League 2 at Winifred Holtby; 4pm-6pm

Friday 15th November 2013 Level 3 Inter-School Competitions Netball Under 19 National Schools Netball-County Round at Bonus Arena; 1pm-3pm:

Level 2 Inter-School Competition Cross Country Hull Schools Secondary Cross Country Championships at St Mary’s College: 11.30am-3.00pm

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Week Beginning Monday 18th November 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 18th November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 9 Hull Schools 5-a-side Championships at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Level 3 Inter-School Competition Football Under 11 Humberside Schools Girls 7-a-side Tournament at 4G St Mary’s College: 4pm- 6pm

Tuesday 19th November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competitions Table Tennis ESTTA Individual Championships- Hull Round Under 11, Under 13, Under 16 and Under 19 Boys and Girls at the New Sports Hall; St Mary’s College: 2.30pm-6.00pm

Netball Year 7 Hull Schools Netball League 3 at Thomas Ferens Academy; 4pm-6pm

Football Year 6 Boys Hull Schools 5-a-side Competition at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 20th November 2013

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Thursday 21st November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 15 (Years 9 and 10) Girls 7-a-side League at 4G St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Netball Year 8 Hull Schools Netball League 2 at Winifred Holtby; 4pm-6pm

Badminton Year 5/6 Hull Schools Timed Team Cluster Competition at Sirius Academy: 1pm- 3.30pm

Football Year 5 Boys Hull Schools 5-a-side Competition at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Level 2 Inter-School Competitions Boccia Years 7-11 Hull Schools Boccia Championships Grade 1at St Mary’s College; 10am-12pm:

Friday 22nd November 2013

Saturday 23rd November 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football

Under 12 Hull Schools FA v Spen Valley Schools FA (Away) WEST YORKSHIRE

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Week Beginning Monday 25th November 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 25th November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 7 Girls Hull Schools 5-a-side Championships at Bonus Arena : 4pm-6pm

Tuesday 26th November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union- Hull Schools Festival Year 10 (A) at Hull RUFC 4pm-6pm

Netball Year 7 Hull Schools Netball League 4 at Thomas Ferens Academy; 4pm-6pm

Football Year 5 Boys Hull Schools 5-a-side Competition at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 27th November 2013 Badminton Year 5/6 Hull Schools Timed Team Cluster Competition at St Mary’s College: 1pm- 3.30pm

Thursday 28th November 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 16 (Years 10 and 11) Girls 7-a-side League at 4G St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Basketball Year 10 and 11 Boys and Girls (A) Hull Schools League at Andrew Marvell: 4pm- 6pm

Netball Year 8 Hull Schools Netball League 4 at

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Winifred Holtby; 4pm-6pm:

Football Year 5 Boys Hull Schools 5-a-side Competition at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Friday 29th November 2013 Level 3 Inter-School Competitions Table Tennis ESTTA Team Championships- Humberside Round Under 11, Under 13, Under 16 and Under 19 Boys and Girls at the New Sports Hall; St Mary’s College: 10.00am-4.00pm

Saturday 30th November 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v York Schools FA (Home) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE

Under 12, 13 and 15 Hull Schools FA v York Schools FA (Home) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE at St Mary’s College 10am

Sunday 1st December 2013 Badminton Hull and District Badminton League at the Hull Badminton Centre

Under 13 9.30am-1.30pm Under 16 1.30pm-4.30pm

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Week Beginning Monday 2nd December 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 2nd December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 16 Girls (Year 10 and 11) Hull Schools 5-a-side Championships at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Basketball Year 7, 8 and 9 Boys and Girls (A) Hull Schools League at Andrew Marvell: 4pm- 6pm

Tuesday 3rd December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union- Hull Schools Festival Year 11 (A) at Hull RUFC 4pm-6pm

Goalball Under 16 (Years 9, 10 and 11) Boys and Girls Grade 1 and 2 Hull Schools Goalball Championships at St Mary’s College: 10am- 12pm

Goalball Under 16 (Years 9, 10 and 11) Boys and Girls Hull Schools Goalball Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Netball Year 7 Hull Schools Netball League 5 at Thomas Ferens Academy; 4pm-6pm

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Wednesday 4th December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Dodgeball Under 13 (Years 7 and 8) Boys Hull Schools Competition at Sirius Academy: 4pm-6pm

Thursday 5th December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 15 (Years 10 and 11) Girls 7-a-side League at 4G St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Badminton Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Boys and Girls Centreparcs National Schools Competition- Hull Schools Final at Hull Badminton Centre: 9.30am-12.00pm and 1pm-3.30pm

Netball Year 8 Hull Schools Netball League 5 at Winifred Holtby; 4pm-6pm:

Friday 6th December 2013

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Week Beginning Monday 9th December 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 9th December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 14 (Years 8 and 9) Girls Hull Schools 5-a-side Championships at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Tuesday 10th December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Goalball Years 7 and 8 Boys and Girls Hull Schools Goalball Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

; Wednesday 11th December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Dodgeball Under 13 (Years 7 and 8) Girls Hull Schools Competition at Thomas Ferens Academy : 4pm-6pm

Thursday 12th December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 13 (Years 7 and 8) Girls 7-a-side League at 4G St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Basketball Year 10 and 11 Boys and Girls Hull Schools League at Andrew Marvell: 4pm-6pm

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Friday 13th December 2013

Saturday 14th December 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Nottingham Schools FA (Home) EAST MIDLANDS LEAGUE

Under 12 Hull Schools FA v Nottingham Schools FA (Home) EAST MIDLANDS LEAGUE at St Mary’s College 10am

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Week Beginning Monday 16th December 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 16th December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 10 Boys Hull Schools 5-a-side Championships at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Basketball Year 7, 8 and 9 Boys and Girls (A) Hull Schools League at Andrew Marvell:4pm- 6pm

Tuesday 17th December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 11 Boys Hull Schools Cup Final at St Mary’s College 4G: 4pm-6pm.

Wednesday 18th December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Dodgeball Under 15 Boys (Years 9 and 10) Boys Hull Schools Competition at Sirius Academy : 4pm-6pm

Thursday 19th December 2013 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 13 (Years 7 and 8) Girls 7-a-side League at 4G St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

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Friday 20th December 2013

Saturday 21st September 2013 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11, 12 and 13 Hull Schools FA v Leeds Schools FA (Away) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE

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Week Beginning Monday 6th January 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 6th January 2014

Tuesday 7th January 2014

Wednesday 8th January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Cricket Year 7 and 8 Girls Lady Taverner’s Indoor Cricket at St Mary’s College 1pm-4pm

Thursday 9th January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Dodgeball Under 15 (Years 9 and 10) Girls Hull Schools Competition at Thomas Ferens Academy: 4pm-6pm

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Friday 10th January 2014

Saturday 11th January 2014

Sunday 12th January 2014 Badminton Hull and District Badminton League at the Hull Badminton Centre

Under 12 9.30am-1.30pm Under 15 1.30pm-4.30pm

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Week Beginning Monday 13th January 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 13th January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 11 Hull Schools 5-a-side Championships at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Basketball Year 7, 8 and 9 Boys and Girls Hull Schools League at Andrew Marvell: 4pm-6pm

Tuesday 14th January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Indoor Athletics Years 7 and 8 Boys and Girls Hull Schools Indoor Athletics Championships at Sirius Academy 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 15th January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Dodgeball Under 13 and 15 Mixed Hull Schools Competition at Sirius Academy:4pm-6pm

Thursday 16th January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union- Hull Schools Festival Year 7 and 8 at Hull RUFC 4pm-6pm

Basketball Years 10 and 11 Boys and Girls Hull Schools League at Andrew Marvell: 4pm-6pm

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Friday 17th January 2014

Saturday 18th January 2014 Level 3/4 Table Tennis ESTTA Team Championships- Zonal Finals; Northfield School: Billingham

Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Leeds Schools FA (Home) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE

Under 13 and 15 Hull Schools FA v Derby Schools FA (Home) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE at St Mary’s College 10am

Sunday 19th January 2014 Level 3/4 Table Tennis ESTTA Team Championships- Zonal Finals ; Northfield School: Billingham

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Week Beginning Monday 20th January 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 20th January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 8 Hull Schools 5-a-side Championships at Bonus Arena: 4pm-6pm

Level 2 Inter-School Competition Cricket Years 9 and 10 Girls Lady Taverner’s Indoor Cricket at St Mary’s College 1pm-4pm

Tuesday 21st January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Indoor Athletics Years 3, 4 5 and 6 Boys and Girls Hull Schools Indoor Athletics Championships at Sirius Academy and St Mary’s College 1.00pm-3.30pm

Wednesday 22nd January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 10 Boys B Hull Schools 7-a-side Competition at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Thursday 23rd January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union- Hull Schools Festival Year 9 (A) at Hull RUFC 4pm-6pm

Swimming Year 7 Boys and Girls Hull Schools Championships at Winifred Holtby 3pm- 6pm

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Friday 24th January 2014

Saturday 25th January 2014 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v East Riding Schools FA (Home) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE

Under 15 Hull Schools FA v Hambleton Schools FA (Home) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE at St Mary’s College 10am

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Week Beginning Monday 27th January 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 27th January 2014

Tuesday 28th January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition New Age Kurling Under 16 (Years 7-11) Boys and Girls Hull Schools New Age Kurling Championships Grade 2 at Ganton School/Sirius: 10pm- 12pm

Wednesday 29th January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 9 Boys B Hull Schools 7-a-side Competition at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Thursday 30th January 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Swimming Years 10 Boys and Girls Hull Schools Championships at Winifred Holtby 3pm- 6pm

Level 3 Inter-School Competitions Badminton Primary Boys and Girls Timed Team Competition-Humber School Games Final at Hull Badminton Centre: 9.30am-3.30pm

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Friday 31st January 2014

Saturday 1st February 2014 Level 3 Inter-School Competition Cross Country Humberside Schools Cross Country Championships Years 7-13 at Baysgarth School, Barton: 9.15am-1.30pm

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Week Beginning Monday 3rd February 2014

Date Fixtures


Tuesday 4th February 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union- Hull Schools Festival Year 10 at Hull RUFC 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 5th February 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 8 Boys B Hull Schools 7-a-side Competition at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Thursday 6th February 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Swimming Years 9 Boys and Girls Hull Schools Championships at Winifred Holtby 4pm- 6pm

Level 3 Inter-School Competitions Badminton Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Boys and Girls Centreparcs National Schools Competition- Humber School Games Final at Hull Badminton Centre: 9.30am-12.00pm and 1pm-3.30pm

Friday 7th February 2014 Level 3 Inter-School Competitions Table Tennis Humber School Games ESTTA Individual Championships- Humberside Round Under

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11,Under 13, Under 16 and Under 19 Boys and Girls St Mary’s College 10.00am- 4.00pm

Saturday 8th February 2014 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Leeds Schools FA (Home) PENNINE LEAGUE

Sunday 9th February 2014 Badminton Grass Roots Badminton Tournament at the Hull Badminton Centre

Years 7 and 8 9.30am-1.30pm Years 9 and 10 1.30pm-4.30pm


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Week Beginning Monday 10th February 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 10th February 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Cricket Year 7 and 8 Boys Indoor Inter Cricket at St Mary’s College 1pm-4pm

Tuesday 11th February 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union- Hull Schools Festival Year 11 at Hull RUFC 4pm-6pm

Swimming Year 8 Boys and Girls Hull Schools Championships at Winifred Holtby 4pm- 6pm

Wednesday 12th February 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 7 Boys B Hull Schools 7-a-side Competition at St Mary’s College: 4pm- 6pm

Thursday 13th February 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Swimming Years 5/6 Boys and Girls Hull Schools Championships at Winifred Holtby 3pm- 6pm

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Friday 14th February 2014

Saturday 15th February 2014 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Wirral Schools FA (Home) PENNINE LEAGUE

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Week Beginning Monday 17th February 2014

Date Fixtures

Saturday 22nd February 2014 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 12, 13 and 15 Hull Schools FA v Spen Valley Schools FA (Home) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE at St Mary’s College 10am

Level 3/4 Table Tennis ESTTA Team Championships-Regional Finals St Bedes RC Sports College: Blackburn; 6.30am-6.00pm

Sunday 23rd February 2014 Level 3/4 Table Tennis ESTTA Team Championships-Regional Finals Under 13 Boys; Meres Leisure Centre: Grantham; 6.30am-6.00pm

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Week Beginning Monday 24th February 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 24th February 2014

Tuesday 25th February 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition New Age Kurling Years 7 and 8 Boys and Girls Hull Schools New Age Kurling Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 26th February 2014

Thursday 27th February 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition New Age Kurling Years 9, 10 and 11 Boys and Girls Hull Schools New Age Kurling Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Friday 28th February 2014

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Week Beginning Monday 3rd March 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 3rd March 2014

Tuesday 4th March 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Year 7 Hull Schools Championships at Hull RUFC: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 5th March 2014

Thursday 6th March 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Year 8 Hull Schools Championships at Hull RUFC: 4pm-6pm

Friday 7th March 2014

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Saturday 8th March 2014 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Sheffield Schools FA (Away) WEST YORKSHIRE LEAGUE

Sunday 9th March 2014 Badminton Hull and District Badminton League at the Hull Badminton Centre

Under 11 9.30am-1.30pm Under 14 1.30pm-4.30pm

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Week Beginning Monday 10th March 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 10th March 2014

Tuesday 11th March 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Year 9 Hull Schools Championships at Hull RUFC: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 12th March 2014 Level 3 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Girls East Yorkshire Schools Rugby Union Finals at Driffield RUFC 2pm-6pm

Thursday 13th March 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Year 10 Hull Schools Championships at Hull RUFC: 4pm-6pm

Friday 14th March 2014

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Saturday 15th March 2014 Level 3 Inter-District Representative Competition Football Under 11 Hull Schools FA v Leeds Schools FA (Away) PENNINE LEAGUE

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Week Beginning Monday 17th March 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 17th March 2014

Tuesday 18th March 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Year 11 Hull Schools Championships at Hull RUFC: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 19th March 2014 Level 3 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Years 7, 8 and 9 East Yorkshire Schools Rugby Union Finals at Driffield RUFC 2pm- 6pm

Level 3 Inclusion Football Under 16 (Years 9, 10 and 11) Humber School Games Boys and Girls- Grades 1 and 2 at Hull University: 10am-2pm

Thursday 20th March 2014

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Friday 21st March 2014

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Week Beginning Monday 24th March 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 24th March 2014

Tuesday 25th March 2014

Wednesday 26th March 2014 Level 3/4 Badminton Centerparcs Regional Final at the York Railway Institute 12pm-5pm

Level 3 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Years 10 and 11 East Yorkshire Schools Rugby Union Finals at Driffield RUFC 2pm- 6pm

Thursday 27th March 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Under 16 Girls (Years 9, 10 and 11) Hull Schools Cup 7-a-side Competition at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

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Friday 28th March 2014

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Week Beginning Monday 31st March 2014

Date Fixtures


Tuesday 1st April 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Year 11 Hull Schools 7’s Championships at Hull RUFC: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 2nd April 2014

Thursday 3rd April 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11Boys Hull Schools League Play Off Finals at William Gee Playing Fields: 4.15pm

Friday 4th April 2014

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Sunday 6th April 2014 Level 2 Festival Badminton Grassroots Badminton Tournament Under 13 (Year 7 and 8) and Under 16 (Years 9, 10 and 11) at the Hull Badminton Centre 9.30am-4.00pm

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Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 7th April 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 7th April 2014

Tuesday 8th April 2014

Wednesday 9th April 2014

Thursday 10th April 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Football Year 7 Boys, Year 8 Boys, Under 13 Girls and Under 15 Girls Hull Schools Cup Finals at William Gee Playing Fields: 4.15pm- 6.30pm

Friday 11th April 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Biathlon Years 5-11 Boys and Girls at Ennerdale Leisure Centre: 10.00am-3.00pm

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Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 28th April 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 28th April 2014

Tuesday 29th April 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Golf Years 5 and 6 Hull Schools Trigolf Championships: VENUE TO BE CONFIRMED 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 30th April 2014

Thursday 1st May 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rounders Year 11 Hull Schools Rounders Tournament at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Softball Year 11 Hull Schools Softball Tournament at Malet Lambert: 4pm-6pm

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Friday 2nd May 2014

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Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 5th May 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 5th May 2014 MAY DAY BANK HOLIDAY

Tuesday 6th May 2014

Wednesday 7th May 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tchoukball Under 13 Boys Hull Schools Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Thursday 8th May 2014 Level 3 Inclusion Football Under 13 (Years 7 and 8) Humber School Games Boys and Girls- Grades 1 and 2 at Hull University: 10am-2pm

Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Years 9 and 10 Hull Schools 7’s Championships at Hull RUFC: 4pm-6pm

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Friday 9th May 2014

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Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 12th May 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 12th May 2014

Tuesday 13th May 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Netball Years 5 and 6 Mixed Hull Schools Netball Championships (St Mary’s SGO) at St Mary’s College 3.30pm-5.30pm

Wednesday 14th May 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tchoukball Under 13 Girls Hull Schools Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Thursday 15th May 2014

Friday 16th May 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Netball Years 5 and 6 Mixed Hull Schools Netball Championships (Sirius SGO) at Archbishop Sentamu Academy 3.30pm-5.30pm

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Saturday 17th May 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Trampolining Years 4-13 Hull Schools Trampolining Championships at the New Sports Hall, St Mary’s College; 9am-3pm

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Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 19th May 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 19th May 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Orienteering Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 Boys/Girls Hull Schools Orienteering Championships at Hymers College 3pm-5.30pm

Tuesday 20th May 2014

Wednesday 21st May 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rugby Union Years 5 and 6 Hull Schools Primary Tag Festival (Tag 2 Twickenham) at Hull RUFC 1pm-3.30pm

Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tchoukball Under 15 Boys Hull Schools Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Thursday 22nd May 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tchoukball Under 15 Girls Hull Schools Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

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Friday 23rd May 2014

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Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 2nd June 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 2nd June 2014

Tuesday 3rd June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Athletics Year 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8 Boys and Girls Hull Schools Quadkids Championships at Costello Stadium 9.00pm-4.00pm

Wednesday 4th June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tennis Under 15 Boys Hull Schools Singles Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm- 6pm

Level 2 Inter-School Competition Cricket Year 6 Mixed and Year 6 Girls Asda Cup: Venue/Times to be arranged

Thursday 5th June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rounders Year 7 Hull Schools Rounders Tournament at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Softball Year 7 Hull Schools Softball Tournament at Malet Lambert: 4pm-6pm

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Friday 6th June 2014

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Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 9th June 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 9th June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tennis Under 15 Girls Hull Schools Singles Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm- 6pm

Tuesday 10th June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rounders Year 8 Hull Schools Rounders Tournament at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Softball Year 8 Hull Schools Softball Tournament at Malet Lambert: 4pm-6pm

Cricket Year 9 Boys Chance to Compete 20/20 Cricket : Venues/Times to be arranged

Wednesday 11th June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tennis Year 3/4 and 5/6 Hull Schools Tennis Tournament (Sirius SGO) at Nuffield Tennis Centre: 1pm-3pm

Year 3/4 and 5/6 Hull Schools Tennis Tournament (St Mary’s College SGO) at Hull YPI 1pm-3pm

Football Hull Schools FA AGM at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

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Thursday 12th June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rounders Year 9 Hull Schools Rounders Tournament at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Softball Year 9 Hull Schools Softball Tournament at Malet Lambert: 4pm-6pm

Friday 13th June 2014

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Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 16th June 2013

Date Fixtures

Monday 16th June 2014

Tuesday 17th June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Rounders Year 5/6 Hull Schools Rounders Tournament at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 18th June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tennis Under 13 Boys Hull Schools Singles Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm- 6pm

Thursday 19th June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Cricket Under 9 Mixed Drax Cup: Venue/Times to be arranged

Rounders Year 10 Hull Schools Rounders Tournament at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Softball Year 10 Hull Schools Softball Tournament at Malet Lambert: 4pm-6pm

Level 3 Inclusion Cricket Under 16 (Years 7-11) Humber School

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Games Boys and Girls- Grades 2 and 3 at Driffield CC: 10am-2pm

Friday 20th June 2014

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Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 23rd June 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 23rd June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tennis Under 13 Girls Hull Schools Singles Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm- 6pm

Tuesday 24th June 2014 Level 3 Volunteering Event Year 12 at Hull University 9pm-4pm

Level 2 Inter-School Competition Handball Under 15 Boys Hull Schools Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Wednesday 25th June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Handball Under 15 Girls Hull Schools Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Thursday 26th June 2014

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Friday 27th June 2014

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Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 30th June 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 30th June 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Handball Under 13 Boys Hull Schools Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Tuesday 1st July 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tennis Under 15 Boys Hull Schools Team Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm- 6pm

Wednesday 2nd July 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Athletics Hull Schools Athletics Championships at Costello Stadium: 9am-4pm

Thursday 3rd July 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tennis Under 15 Girls Hull Schools Team Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm- 6pm

Friday 4th July 2014

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Hull Schools Sport Competition Strategy Group Secondary Competition Calendar School Games Levels 2 and 3 2013-2014

Week Beginning Monday 7th July 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 7th July 2014

Tuesday 8th July 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tennis Under 13 Boys Hull Schools Team Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm- 6pm

Wednesday 9th July 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Handball Under 13 Girls Hull Schools Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm-6pm

Thursday 10th July 2014 Level 2 Inter-School Competition Tennis Under 13 Girls Hull Schools Team Championships at St Mary’s College: 4pm- 6pm

Friday 11th July 2014 Level 3 Inter-School Competition Humber School Games

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Week Beginning Monday 14th July 2014

Date Fixtures

Monday 14th July 2014

Tuesday 15th July 2014 Level 3 Inter-School Competition Humber School Games Swimming at the PODS, Scunthorpe

Wednesday 16th July 2014

Thursday 17th July 2014

Friday 18th July 2014


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Page 140 of 236 School Name Contact Name Contact Email Change4life club AthleticsYear 3/4 - QuadYear Kids 5/6 Athletics - Sportshall Badminton Cross Country Golf Netball Orienteering Rounders 3/4 5/6 5/6 5/6 3/4 G 3/4 B 5/6 G 5/6 B 5/6 5/6 5 6 5/6 5/6 Adelaide Dean Jennings [email protected] A A A A A A A A A A A A A Ainthorpe Jane Alston [email protected]/[email protected] Yes A B A B A A B 10 10 10 10 Alderman Cogan Rob Abrahamsen [email protected] Yes A Appleton Bellfield Paul Makin [email protected] Yes A A A A A Biggin Hill Yes Bricknell Jamie Kitching [email protected] Yes AB AB A AB A A A A AB 10 pairs 10 pairs AB Broadacre Buckingham Bude Yes Cavendish Yes Chiltern Justin Gittins [email protected] A A A A A Christopher Pickering Dean Jennings/Joy Sanford [email protected]/[email protected] Yes ABC ABC A ABC A A A A ABC AB A A AB Cleeve Yes Clifton Tom Darwood [email protected]/[email protected] A A A A A A A Collingwood Yes Craven James Phillips [email protected] A A A A A A A A A A A Dorchester Eastfield Jane Havercroft [email protected] Yes ABC ABC A A A A A AB AB AB Endike Jessica Fenton [email protected] Endsleigh Ian Gray [email protected] A A A Estcourt Jillian Blowman/Lyndsey Silby [email protected]'[email protected] A A A Foredyke John Grindley/Rebecca Mangan [email protected]/[email protected] Yes A A A A A A A A A A A A A Francis Askew Dean Jennings [email protected] Yes A A A A A A A A A A A A A gillshill Hannah Kirman [email protected] Yes A A AB AB Griffin John Grindley/Jo richardson [email protected]/[email protected] Yes A A A A A A A A A A A A A Hall Road Highlands mike rankin/Katie Markham [email protected]/[email protected] Yes Holy Name Nina Curran [email protected] ABC ABC A A A A A A A Ings John Grindley/Gillian Russell [email protected]/[email protected] Yes A A A A A A A A A Longhill Yes Marfleet James Rowse [email protected] Yes Maybury Emily Dines [email protected] A A A Mersey Jillian Blowman [email protected] Yes Mountbatten John Grindley/lisa Rhodes [email protected]/[email protected] Yes A A A A A A A A A A A A A Neasden Dean Jennings/Samanatha Davis [email protected]/[email protected] A A A A A A A A A A A Newington Yes Newland St John Tracey Marshall/Amy Hackett [email protected]/[email protected] Yes A A A A A A A A A A A A A Oldfleet Russell Page [email protected] Yes A A A A Paisley Kevin Hulland [email protected] Yes AB AB A A A A A A A A Parkstone Pearson Chris Knowles/Tom Darwood [email protected] Yes A A A A B A B A B C A B A B A B C A B C A B Priory Yes Rokeby Tracey Marshall/Karen Jackson [email protected]/[email protected] Yes Sidmouth Tracey Marshall/Karen Garnett [email protected]/[email protected] A AB AB AB AB AB AB A Southcoates Yes Spring Cottage Dek Luscombe/Gareth Troake [email protected]/[email protected] Yes A A AB A A A A AB A A St Andrews St Charles Rob Reid [email protected] Yes A A A A A A A A AB A A A St Georges Yes St James Yes St Marys QOM Matthew Evans [email protected] Yes A A A A A A A A A A A A St Nicholas Tracey Marshall [email protected] St Richards Scott goodison/Emma Cook [email protected]/[email protected] Yes A A A A A A A A St Thomas More Yes St Vincent's Yes Stepney Lucy Northen [email protected] Yes AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB Stockwell Yes Stoneferry Sutton Park Thanet John Grindley/Clare Mcglinchey [email protected]'[email protected] Yes A A A A A A A A A A A A A A The Green Way Yes The Parks Thorpe Park Yes A Throresby Yes A Victoria Dock Jillian Blowman/jamie mcdougall [email protected]/[email protected] Yes A A A A A A A A A A A A Wansbeck Westcott Chris Roe [email protected] Wheeler Wold

Page 141 of 236 Swimming Tag Rugby Table Tennis Individual Table Tennis Team Tennis Hockey Hull Schools Athletics Trampolining Cricket Biathlon New Age Curling Goal Ball 5/6 5/6 Under 11 B Under 11 G Under 11 B Under 11 G 3/4 5/6 U11 B U11 G Y3 B Y3 G Y4 B Y4 G Y5 B Y5 G Y6 B Y6 G U11 B U11 G Drax Y4 Y6 girls 5/6 mixed 5 B 5 G 6 B 6 G Y3-6 B Y3-6 G Y3-6 B Y3-6 G A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A











A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A all all A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A

A A B A B A B A B A B A B yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes novice A B C novice A B C A A A






A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Novice Novice A A A A A A A A A


Page 142 of 236 APPENDIX C) - PARK AREA PRIMARY SCHOOLS' CHANGE4LIFE CLUB AND COMPETITION UPTAKE Change4life Athletics - School Name club Athletics - Quad Kids Sportshall Badminton Cross Country Golf Netball Orienteering Rounders Swimming Tag Rugby 3/4 5/6 5/6 5/6 3/4 G 3/4 B 5/6 G 5/6 B 5/6 5/6 5 6 5/6 5/6 5/6 Alderman Cogan Yes A Cavendish Yes Estcourt A A Foredyke Yes A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Gillshill Yes A A AB AB A Marfleet Yes Southcoates Yes Stockwell Yes Stoneferry Westcott

School Name Table Tennis Individual Table Tennis Team Tennis Hockey Hull Schools Athletics Under 11 B Under 11 G Under 11 B Under 11 G 3/4 5/6 U11 B U11 G Y3 B Y3 G Y4 B Y4 G Y5 B Y5 B Y5 G Alderman Cogan Cavendish Estcourt A A Foredyke A A A A A A A A A A A A A Gillshill A A Marfleet Southcoates Stockwell Stoneferry Westcott

School Name Hull Schools Athletics Trampolining Cricket Biathlon New Age Goal Ball Y6 B Y6 G U11 B U11 G Drax Y4 Y6 girls 5/6 mixed 5 B 5 G 6 B 6 G Y3-6 B Y3-6 G Y3-6 B Y3-6 G Alderman Cogan Cavendish Estcourt A A Foredyke A A NOVICE NOVICE A A A A A A A A A Gillshill A A A A A A Marfleet Southcoates Stockwell Stoneferry Westcott

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Page 146 of 236

Briefing Paper to the Park Area Committee Wards: Boothferry 26 February 2014 Derringham Ings Newington Southcoates East

Priority Schools Building Programme

Report of the City Manager Learning and Skills and City Manager Property and Assets

1. Purpose of the Paper and Summary

1.1. To inform members of issues in relation to Hull’s successful bid to the Priority Schools Building Programme (PSPB) to rebuild or significantly remodel six primary schools, and a number of actions including entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Education Funding Agency (EFA).

2. Background

2.1. In July 2010, the Government launched the Capital Review, led by Sebastian James, to look into all capital investment funded by the Department. The review concluded that there is an urgent need to renew some school buildings that are in a poor state of repair. 2.2. In response, the Government set up the Priority School Building Programme (PSBP) through a privately financed public private partnership (PPP).

2.3. In October 2011, Children and Young People’s Services Senior Leadership Team approved a bid to the Department for Education (DfE) with respect to the PSBP which is aimed at replacing the schools which are in the worst condition.

2.4. To ensure that Hull maximised its opportunities in attracting funding, all primary schools were entered internally through the application process; as a result, twelve schools met the strict entry criteria, and were submitted as part of the bid.

Page 147 of 236 2.5. In May 2012, the DfE informed the Authority that its bid with respect to six primary schools had been successful

2.6. Only 580 applications nationally were eligible for entry, given the criteria set. Robust, recent and reliable asset management information was a key driver.

2.7. The PSBP nationally aims to deliver 261 new or significantly remodelled schools by 2017. Delays to notification of successful applications revealed a significant shift had occurred in national policy in regard to the delivery approach of the Programme.

2.8. Of the 261 new schools planned; only 46 will now be delivered through PFI, with the majority through traditional Design and Build, capital grant funding. All of Hull PSBP schools will be delivered through capital grant by September 2016.

2.9. The schools included are Ainthorpe, Eastfield and Wold (West Area), Foredyke (Park Area), Francis Askew (Riverside Area) and Neasden (East Area).

2.10. The PSBP will be centrally procured by the EFA. The EFA will however need the full co-operation of the schools and Local Authority as key stakeholders and providers of information.

2.11. Officers are currently in discussion with the EFA to identifying how the Local Authority can best support the delivery of the programme to ensure that schools are rebuilt as quickly as possible.

2.12. The role of the Local Authority will be:

(i) To supply relevant information relating to title, land issues;

(ii) To work closely with EFA and schools to ensure procurement timetable is adhered to;

(iii) To enter into a back to back agreement (to be negotiated and agreed with EFA during procurement) to deal with project specific issues including taking on liabilities where the LA owns the land and/or employs staff who are likely to transfer.

(iv) To grant consent for any construction works to be carried out.

(v) To facilitate discussions with planners.

(vi) To ensure that local authority and third party services are relocated prior to the building programme commencement

2.13. The six capital grant funded projects will be delivered off the national EFA Contractors' Framework of design and build contractors. The EFA will be the procuring body for PSPB and will run a ‘local competition’.

Page 148 of 236 2.14. The EFA’s offer under the PSBP is to rebuild or completely refurbish the schools by September 2016. The management and the funding for this programme will come from central government and is circa £23 million. There are, however, caveats to this.

3. Issues for Consideration

3.1. Certain costs associated with the PSBP will not be met by the EFA such as any works outside the school boundary, works to the Highway under Section 278 occupying the current buildings. Up to £200k in 2015/16 and £100k in 2016/17 could be required. However, this is a contingency and would only be used if the costs incurred are outside those funded by the EFA.

3.2. Council services currently operate from schools included in the PSBP, staff in these teams will need relocating and resources will need to be made available to facilitate this. Up to £100K in 2014/15 could be required; however, this is a contingency and would only be used if the costs incurred are outside those funded by the EFA.

3.3. Ongoing costs of supporting PSBP schools is difficult to quantify. It is anticipated that this support will predominantly be through officer support from the BSF/Schools Asset Management Team with support from Finance, Human Resources and Legal. Schools may decide to seek their own legal advice in relation to any procurement agreement

3.4. Schools within the PSBP will be reprovided at the same capacity, unless monies are contributed to the Programme.

3.5. New school facilities will make a significant contribution to improving outcomes for children and young people as set out in the Children and Young People's Plan

3.6. The construction of new schools under the PSBP will contribute to the Learning and Skills Service aims of improving the attainment of different groups of students, including boys and girls, different minority ethnic groups, transient students, Looked After Children, children living in poverty and students with Special Educational Needs. All schools proposed for rebuilding under the programme will be Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliant.

3.7. The DfE currently require all major new building and refurbishment projects valued at over £500,000 to achieve at least a 'very good' BREEAM rating (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method). Areas of measurement are management, energy use, health and wellbeing, pollution, transport, land use, ecology, materials and

Page 149 of 236 water.

3.8. In the linked West Area Pupil Place Basic Need Report, it is recommended that an increase at Ainthorpe Primary School from a 280 (40 Admission Number {AN}) to a 420 place primary school be funded through the Schools Capital Programme Basic Need Allocation, but delivered through the PSBP.

3.9. DRET, Academy Sponsor of Wold Primary intend to increase provision at Wold Primary School from a 560 (80 Admission Number) to a 630 (90 Admission Number) place school, through contributing to the PSBP.

3.10. There are areas within the City that require significant targeted investment to increase primary place provision which are discussed in the linked West Area Pupil Place Basic Need Report.

4. Next steps

A report is progressing through the Cabinet process for a March decision.

Vanessa Harvey-Samuel, City Manager Learning and Skills Nick Howbridge, City Manager Property and Assets

Contact Officer : Ally King Telephone No. : 318561

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: -

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Briefing Paper to Park Area Committee Wards: East

26th February 2014

Total Capital & Assets Pathfinder Programme - North Carr Update & Park Area (One Public Estate) Data

1. Projects within the TCAPP in North Carr, Hull

After a thorough analysis of all of the public sector properties in North Carr, the Project Team (this team is made up of representatives from HCC, PCT, Police as well as the private and voluntary sector) identified 4 initial projects that not only provided the opportunity for efficiency savings but also improved customer services and partnership working across the public sector:

North Point shopping arcade (including health centre, police station, CSC, library and other Council owned outlets) Various office accommodation across the area (used fully, partially or void) Roebank shopping arcade (only part used and in poor state) Soffham Farm depot (now empty) and Tiverton House

A brief summary of each project is given below:

North Point Links –

The co-location of the Council’s CSC with Hull PCT in the newly built Branshome Health Centre is now complete with the Council running the front of house service for the building and operating an improved CSC service from the atrium. This has involved a shift from handling cash transactions to encouraging customers to use the machine instead, which will, over time, reduce transaction costs for the Council. The layout of the customer ‘pods’ in the atrium will also encourage a different way of working and interacting with customers in a more informal, comfortable way than in the previous accommodation; private interview space is also provided for conversations that need to be more formal/private. The connection between Health and Council services has been heavily promoted by the staff allowing a shift in the way that the different teams interact. This collaboration has allowed the CSC to vacate its existing premises in North Point Shopping Centre which they shared with the Housing Team who have relocated to the Bespoke Centre in October 2012. Although this unit is held on a lease with 21 years left to run, negotiations are currently taking place to sub-let it to a third sector (possibly a pharmaceutical company) in order to recuperate costs.

Page 151 of 236 Date: 4/12/2013 Page 1 of 4 North Carr Public Sector Office Accommodation –

Adult Social Care staff were located in 3 separate buildings on North Carr, namely Salinger House, Bellfield House and Tiverton House. These staff have now been relocated to Netherhall enabling two of the three properties to be vacated. Plans are moving forward to convert Salinger House into 18 one and two bed flats with work starting on-site in October 2013. Bellfield House is still occupied by ACFS so cannot be leased/disposed of at this time. Tiverton House is dealt with below. In addition, two further properties were identified which have been empty since they were vacated by Council staff, namely the ex-Connexions building (this sits at one of the entrances to North Point Shopping Centre) and the Garths (located next to the Bespoke Centre). The ex- Connexions building is on the market To Let with NPS and The Garths has been leased to the NHS.

Roebank Arcade –

The Arcade is unlikely to be a viable asset in future years due to the design of the buildings, the current retail lettings and lack of opportunity for additional/alternative tenants, plus the fact that little or no investment has taken place in the past few years and so the current condition is poor. For this reason, NPS have been asked to negotiate with a developer who has shown interest in the Arcade for re-development purposes.

Soffham Farm Depot/Tiverton House –

Soffham Farm Depot and Tiverton house are unlikely to be viable assets in future years due to the location and condition of the buildings, current and anticipated future vacancies in the area and the lack of opportunity for additional/alternative tenants. It is therefore a good time to consider disposal. As any likely capital receipt would be low then these properties could be given to wider community benefit either by transferring the liability to another organisation or produce a community brief which could accompany a Community Asset Transfer (CAT). Choices and Rights have been offered a concessionary lease for Tiverton House and Soffham Farm Depot is For Sale.

Overall impact

The 4 projects currently being pursued could lead to the following outputs: 7 Council buildings may no longer be required Current estimates suggest that these buildings/sites cost the Council c£135,000 in annual net costs, but note that the CSC also urgently requires year 1 investment too if kept (estimate in the region of £150k-£180k minimum spend). Therefore Year 1 savings could be £211k -£241k. The disposal of the freehold properties in this list could also raise in the region of £300k-£400k in receipts for the Council subject to the aspirations for community benefit attached to each site. Specific improvements in service include: a) A new, high quality customer service facility on North Point at modest initial cost, net nil revenue impact to the City Council and to the NHS; b) Integrated health and community access and possible joint working (particularly giving opportunities for better primary and preventative interventions across Council , Police and NHS services);

Page 152 of 236 Date: 4/12/2013 Page 2 of 4 c) An opportunity to increase access to existing community facilities by reconfiguring the facilities and extending opening hours, potentially offset by other receipts in neighbouring property (at the Bespoke Centre); d) More efficient office space for staff that need to be located within North Carr; e) Centralisation of staff that do not need to be located within North Carr; f) An opportunity for community engagement and economic development in areas with limited interventions previously (Soffham Farm Depot); g) An increase in neighbourhood facilities, delivered by the private/third sector (at Roebank)

2. Spreadsheet – Properties in the Park Area (East)

The spreadsheet shows all buildings occupied by HCC or our Public Sector Partners in the Park Area. This information has been gathered as part of the One Public Estate programme (described below). Liz Clutterbrook (Strategic Development Manager) and the Regeneration operations team are supporting its delivery.

3. Background

One Public Estate

There have now been three waves of the TCAP programme and the intention behind them was that it would be pan public sector: central and local government working together and led by DCLG.

This wave will look at opportunities across Hull rather than in one specific geographical location which may give us greater opportunities to explore collaborative asset rationalisation across the public estate in Hull.

In 2012/13 Cabinet Office and the Government Property Unit (GPU) took over the initiative and spent some time last autumn successfully negotiating their engagement in a cross-government programme to better exploit public land and buildings. Given the obvious value of doing this with local bodies, they approached the LGA to run a central-local programme on a funded basis, aiming to aid local and central government asset holders to ‘unblock’ any barriers that may be preventing a more integrated approach to capital assets across a locality. The Council has once again been successful in its bid to become a pilot for this ‘One Public Estate’ programme. In its bid, the Council identified 5 major areas of work which demonstrated the ability to work with our other public sector partners to rationalise the estate and to regenerate parts of the City as a consequence:

Hull Central Fire Station Queens Gardens Police HQ and George Street Multi Storey Car Park East Hull Health Facility CLAC/CAB Building Optimisation and Disposals Programme Refit

The outcomes identified as a consequence of the above include:

land disposed;

Page 153 of 236 Date: 4/12/2013 Page 3 of 4 services reconfigured to include central government function; land cleared for housing or other growth uses; running costs saved; capital receipts raised.

There is a ministerial committee assigned to support this programme who are keen to work with us to identify and help un-block barriers.

Nick Howbridge - City Manager Property & Assets

Contact Officer : Nick Howbridge Telephone No. : 1038

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Post Code Post Location Name Location Hull East Ambulance Station Burma Drive HU9 5SD Sutton Fields Ambulance Station Copenhagen Road HU7 0XQ HMP Hedon Road HU9 5LS Custom House King George Dock East HU9 5PW Chemical Store King George Dock East HU9 5PW Dog Kennles Western Entrance HU9 5PR East Hull Fire Station 256 Southcoates Lane HU9 3TS East Family Resource Centre HU9 3RN Central Pavilion HU8 8JU East Hull City Learning Centre HU9 4HD John Havelot House HU9 4LQ Stockholme Road HU7 0XW Marfleet (SureStart) HU9 5AN Woodford HU8 8JU East Hull Wheels (EHW) HU9 5DF Partnership Learning Centre HU9 5LD Bilton Grange Community Association HU9 Preston Road Family Community Centre HU9 5UZ Nicolson House HU9 4QR Freedom Centre (Leased-in) HU9 3QB 220 Preston Rd (leased-in) HU9 5HF The Freedom Centre Salon Preston Road HU9 3QB East Hull Centre - Construction Nursery Grove HU9 5XT East Hull Centre - Horticulture Nursery Grove HU9 5XT New Bridges HU9 2BH Minor Treatment (Freedom Centre) 97 Preston Road HU9 3QB Expressive Arts (Freedom Centre) 97 Preston Road HU9 3QB Park Health Care Centre 700 Holderness Road HU9 3JR Marfleet Health Care Centre Preston Road HU9 5UZ Tower Grange Police Station Holderness Road HU8 9HP Preston Road Police Station Preston Road HU9 5AN

Page 155 of 236 Southcoates West Southcoates East Southcoates East Southcoates East Marfleet Southcoates East Marfleet Southcoates East Marfleet Marfleet Marfleet Holderness Marfleet Holderness Marfleet Marfleet Holderness Southcoates East Southcoates East Marfleet Marfleet Marfleet Marfleet Holderness Marfleet Marfleet Holderness Marfleet Southcoates East Southcoates East Southcoates East

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Owner 20 8 56 9 430 0 2 92 76 2 11 29 39 47 HCC staff Property Address Address Postcode Owned Service Ward Area 1 2 By Area/Org

IP Investmen Plot 10A HU7 0XD HCC Holdernes Park t Rotterdam s Properties Road

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Page 157 of 236 Tenure RAG Available Condition Whole Planned Opportun Space life cost Investme ity to public nt sector Blue









Page 158 of 236

Briefing Paper to Wards All East Area Committee 6 March 2014 North Carr Area Committee 19 March 2014 Northern Area Committee 28 February 2014 Park Area Committee 26 February 2014 West Area Committee 26 February 2014 Riverside Area Committee 12 March 2014 Wyke Area Committee 19 March 2014

Hull Parking Strategy

Briefing Paper of the City Streetscene Manager

1. Purpose of the Paper and Summary

1.1 To establish a parking strategy suitable for use throughout the City that will cover the provision of parking both on street and off street within the council owned car parks, along with its management and enforcement.

2. Background

2.1The strategy formalises all of the current practices and processes relating to parking and its enforcement that are in place, however it recommends a new minimum cost for permits applicable in residential parking zones that reflects the cost to the City Council in establishing such a zone, along with allowing for a discount to be applied to the charge where this can be accommodated. In addition the policy formalises the procedure to establish a new Controlled Parking Zone in order to ensure that creation of such zones accurately reflect the needs of the residents.

2.2 The Council does not have a formal parking strategy; instead matters relating to parking and how it is managed and enforced are governed by a number of cabinet and area committee decisions and good practice guidance issued by DfT. The proposed strategy formalises these arrangements and where appropriate sets out suggestions which will simplify current arrangements.

3. Issues for consideration

3.1 The City Council as the Local Transport Authority is responsible for the provision and management of parking both on street and off street in its surface and multi story car parks.

Author: Page 159 of 236 Status: Date: 18/02/2014 Page 1 of 7 This includes the enforcement of parking and adjudication of appeals against any penalty charge notices issued. The enforcement and appeals adjudication was previously undertaken by the police, however this responsibility was transferred to the City Council in May 2006.

3.2 The Traffic Management Act 2004 sets out the enforcement of parking within a local authority and dictates that such enforcement that covers both on and off street parking should be self financing from the issue and payment of Penalty Charge Notices and that any surplus funding from the on street charges and issue of Penalty Charge Notices be ring fenced to pay for the service and provision of such parking, with any surplus being used to help fund transport improvements, such as new bus lanes or traffic signal improvements.

3.3 The level of charges that are applicable to on street residents parking schemes have also recently been subject to court action, this determined that the charges set should not be used as a significant income generator but should cover the cost of establishing and running such schemes.

3.4 In addition to the Traffic Management Act, parking within the city is governed by Planning, a Car Parking Policy and Parking Standards report was Approved by the Planning Committee in April 2013 which sets standards for developments throughout the city, establishes a distinction between parking within the city centre and elsewhere in the city whilst allowing for flexibility to be applied to specific circumstances of a proposed development.

3.5 Car Parking Standards for developments outside the City Centre are also set in the Hull Local Plan, this states that ‘Developments outside the City Centre will be allowed if it provides off-street motor vehicle parking and servicing space. The Standards established have been based on those of the former Humberside County Council which have been further revised to take account of disabled parking and cycle parking, however flexibility on the standards is allowed where strong reasons exist such as the change of use of older properties where parking provision is constrained and where planning applications relate to houses in multiple occupation

3.6 Within the City Centre parking standards are further set out in the Hull Local Plan (2000) This seeks to restrict Long-stay off street parking to 4000 spaces, encourages short-stay parking in shopping centres and supports the development and use of park and ride.

3.7 The National Planning Policy Framework that came into affect in March 2012 replacing previous Planning Policy Guidance Notes and Planning Policy Statement also directs that in setting local parking standards for residential and non residential developments local authorites should take account of accessibility of a development, its type, mix and use, availability of public transport, car ownership levels and the need to reduce the use of high-emission vehicles

3.8 Government strategy continues to encourage a modal shift in transport from private vehicles to more sustainable methods of transport such as public transport and cycling, this in turn also supports the aim of carbon reduction. In order to promote this, policies have been detailed in the city councils 2011 – 2026 Local Transport Plan (LTP). This links the city centre car parking tariffs to the cost of bus travel and has established the price for a days parking, which is based on a return journey from the city boundary for two adults plus an overage. Furthermore the council currently operates a park and ride service from its Priory Park site and continues to progress the development of further park and ride sites to the East and North of the city which would support current strategy included the current LTP.

Author: Page 160 of 236 Status: Date: 18/02/2014 Page 2 of 7 3.9 Car ownership within the city based on the data gathered in the 2011 census remains lower than the national average, however ownership continues to grow placing a further strain on the available parking spaces, this is of particular concern in many residential areas where on street parking spaces are at a premium, places a further strain on the available city centre parking provision and is contrary to the desire to support alternative more sustainable modes of transport.

3.10 As a result of the increase in car ownership and conflicting demands between residents, businesses and shoppers, requests for new controlled parking zones (CPZ) continue to be seen as the most appropriate way to manage local parking issues and dissuade long term parking in residential areas by non residents, however a CPZ should not be established as a matter of course and appropriate consultation should first be undertaken in order to establish that such a zone would be beneficial and required by the majority of residents as the management and cost of operating a CPZ is not insignificant and currently the existing established CPZs are not self funding.

3.11 The cost of a residents parking permit outside of the city centre has been charged at £7.50 for a number of years but does not reflect the cost of administering the number of zones currently in existence or the cost of their enforcement. Research on the cost of a CPZ has identified the rates that different local and comparator authorities make is detailed in Table 1.

Table 1 Council/ City Cost of Resident Parking Permits per annum (£)

City Centre Outside the city centre City of York Council First permit: £46.50- First permit: £46.50- £125.00* £125.00* Second permit: £157.50 Second permit: £157.50 Preston City Council First permit: £29 First permit: £29 Second permit: £45 Second permit: £45 Stoke-on-Trent City First permit: £18 First permit: £18 Council Second permit: £18 Second permit: £18 Newcastle City Council First permit: £500 First permit: £25 Second permit: N/A Second permit: £75 Wirral Borough Council First permit: £0-10** First permit: £0-10** Second permit: N/A Second permit: N/A North East Lincolnshire First permit: £80 First permit: £80 Council Second permit: £100 Second permit: £100 East Riding of Yorkshire First permit: £25-35** First permit: £25-£35** Council Second permit: £25-105** Second permit: £25-105** North Lincolnshire Council First permit: £50 First permit: £50 Second permit: N/A Second permit: N/A Plymouth City Council First permit: £30 First permit: £30 Second permit: £30 Second permit: £30 Southampton City Council First permit: £30 First permit: £30 Second permit: £30 Second permit: £30 Sandwell Metropolitan First permit: £20 First permit: £20 Borough Council Second permit: N/A Second permit: N/A Bournemouth Borough First permit: £50-100** First permit: £50-100** Council Second permit: £50-100** Second permit: £50-100**

Author: Page 161 of 236 Status: Date: 18/02/2014 Page 3 of 7 *Price of permit is dependent on the type of vehicle a resident owns.

**Price of permits varies within authority depending on the site of the Residential Parking Scheme.

3.12 The average price for the first permit issued in a CPZ area, based on the cheapest option available in each case being £73.20 within a city centre and £33.62 outside the city centre. Currently charges in the city are £75 within the city centre and £7.50 outside the city centre with the exception of the stadium zones where no charge is made as these zones were only created as a result of the KC stadium being built in 2002.

3.13 Zone L is a good example of a Controlled Parking Zone in the city and ideal to be used as an example to identify the cost of administering any zone. It covers three streets off Holderness Road; Sherburn Street, Morrill Street and Holland Street. Like a number of the city’s housing stock the houses on these streets were built at a time when widespread vehicle ownership was never foreseen. Terraces on these streets that do not front onto the road add additional stress to already overburden carriageways. As a consequence parking is at a premium.

3.14 The purpose of this zone is to deter long term parking by shoppers and those who work in the shops along Holderness Road. The zone carries parking controls running from Monday to Friday and covering the hours 8.30am to 5.0pm. During this time non permit holders may park for a maximum of 2 hours but must then move on and not return within 3 hours.

3.15 The process of setting up a controlled parking zone involves consultation with all residents of the zone on two occasions and advertisements require to be placed within a local newspaper. The total cost of the work involved is often in excess of £5,000 and this does not include the cost of road markings or signs.

3.16 This Zone covers a total of 243 households and has 149 permits currently on issue at a total cost of £1,117.50p. It has a total street length of 887 metres. Parking places on both sides of the road cover a total of 1370 metres providing parking for approximately 210 vehicles. Double yellow lines are marked on the remaining 404 metres of carriageway. Maintenance of these road markings will cost £2,500 over a five year period.

3.17 Signs at the entrance to a CPZ and also for each parking place are an absolute requirement in this case as all three roads are one way the number of signs required is reduced. A total of 58 signs are needed for this parking zone. The cost of purchasing and fitting these signs is £3,200.

3.18 These signs can last for many years but are often subjected to vandalism. Approximately £250 is spent each year on replacing signs within this zone.

3.19 Enforcement of the regulations within this zone requires that a Civil Enforcement Officer walks the length of each street and records the details of any vehicle not displaying a resident’s permit. A return visit is made after two hours when any vehicle not displaying a permit that has remained in place is issued with a penalty charge notice.

3.20 Income derived from issuing permits in this zone is £1,117.50 pa. A total of 172 penalty charge notices have been issued in the last 12 months and they (on average) provide £30 to

Author: Page 162 of 236 Status: Date: 18/02/2014 Page 4 of 7 defray expenses. This gives a total of £5,093 by which this zone contributes to the cost of permits being issued and enforcement activities.

3.21 Staff and equipment necessary to issue permits costs £500.The cost of providing enforcement staff for this zone is £6,000. this is based upon one working day or 7.5 hours per week operating within this zone. The cost of administering the process of a penalty charge notice is £1,615. Maintenance of road markings and signs is £750pa.

3.22 The zone costs £8865 to administer and provides and income of £5,093. The zone is run at a net loss of £3,772 per year.

3.23 A recent High Court ruling has highlighted the fact that charges for on street permit parking should not be operated by a Local Authority to make a profit. Charges for permits should however cover operating costs. In order to do so permit charges should then be set at £33.00. Due to local circumstances and the way in which CPZs have been set up it may be appropriate for discounts to be applied to the charges. Discounts could vary from zone to zone.

The following table indicates the number of Controlled Parking Zones within the city excluding the city centre zone and the number of permits currently on issue.

CPZ name Number of permits in use 14/11/13 Barrington Avenue 118 Chanterlands Avenue 12 Cranbrook Avenue 34 Hurley Close 4 Inglemire Avenue 47 Jesmond Gardens 21 Queens Road 8 Reservoir Road 2 South Bridge Road 7 Stadium Zone 1 2,545 Stadium Zone 2 1,268 Stadium Zone 3 1,779 Stadium Zone 4 744 Stadium Zone 5 1,018 Stadium Zone 6 715 Zone A 139 Zone A1 16 Zone B 82 Zone D 38 Zone E 66 Zone G 54 Zone H 149 Zone J 68 Zone K 71 Zone L 149 Zone M 7 Zone N 104

Author: Page 163 of 236 Status: Date: 18/02/2014 Page 5 of 7 Zone Q 180 Zone S 210

Total 9,655

3.24 The cost of establishing and operating a CPZ should be covered by the charges made for permits along with the revenue generated from the issue of Penalty Charge Notices, in order to determine the average cost a review of a typical CPZ in the city has been undertaken and this identifies that a permit charge of £33 based on the current average take up of permits will allow for all costs to be covered, this ties in favourably with the average price determined from the research undertaken with other regional and comparator local authorities

3.25 In order to maximise the usage of the council owned car parks including the three multi story car parks the council has a scheme of discounts in place for bulk purchases by businesses who require in excess of 50 passes, however due to the number of commercial car parks operating in the city centre competition for these customers has increased. To ensure the City Council can continue to attract its share of the customer base it is essential it can attract customers who have the choice of other car park operators who are able to amend prices from one week to another and be able to offer similar discounts to businesses who only require a small number of passes. It is essential that there is an ability to react to market forces. This can be achieved through the Streetscene City Manager in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder being authorised to apply the current discounts to all businesses where it is deemed appropriate.

4. Next steps

4.1 Comments and suggestions for the parking strategy are now sought from the committee for inclusion in the final report that will be presented to cabinet on the 24 March 2014

Andy Burton City Streetscene Manager

Contact Officer : Richard Townend Safety, Transport & Network Co-ordination Hub Manager Telephone No. : 612043

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: - None.

Author: Page 164 of 236 Status: Date: 18/02/2014 Page 6 of 7 Implications Matrix This matrix provides a simple check list for the things you need to have considered within your report

If there are no implications please state

I have informed and sought advice from HR, Legal, Yes Finance, Overview and Scrutiny and the Climate Change Advisor and any other key stakeholders i.e. Portfolio Holder, Area Committee etc prior to submitting this report for official comments Is this report proposing an amendment to the budget no or policy framework?

Value for money considerations have been accounted N/A for within the report

The report is approved by the relevant Corporate Yes Director

I have included any procurement/commercial Yes issues/implications within the report

I have liaised with Communications and Marketing on N/A any communications issues

I have completed and Equalities Impact Assessment N/A and the outcomes are included within the report

I have included any equalities and diversity N/A implications within the report

Any Health and Safety implications are included within N/A the report Any human rights implications are included within the N/A report I have included any community safety implications and N/A paid regard to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act within the report I have liaised with the Climate Change Advisor and N/A any environmental and climate change issues/sustainability implications are included within the report I have included information about how this report N/A contributes to City/Council/ Area priorities within the report

Author: Page 165 of 236 Status: Date: 18/02/2014 Page 7 of 7

Page 166 of 236

Briefing Paper to the Park Area Committee Wards: Holderness, Marfleet, Southcoates 26 February 2014 East, Southcoates West

Park Area Committee - Public Health Update

Briefing Paper of the Director of Public Health

1. Purpose of the Paper and Summary

To update the Area Committee with the latest performance measures for health and wellbeing in the Park Area.

To update the Area Committee, on the change of approach in services being commissioned to improve the health and wellbeing of residents.

2. Issues for Consideration

Whether the latest performance information reflects the Area Team and member’s knowledge of the area and its residents.

How the change of approach will impact upon the Area.

2.1 Background

At a previous Area Committee meeting (September 2013) it was agreed that the Public Health Directorate would provide an update on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy performance measures, at a more local level, including actions being implemented to improve performance.

National technical guidance for some measures within the current Strategy have still to be finalised, therefore it is difficult to provide relevant updates. Furthermore, many indicators are refreshed only on an annual basis, and may not have information available at a sub-local authority level, therefore limiting the number of measures that can be reported on.

2.2 Health and Wellbeing Board Action Plan Performance Measures

A summary of performance measures from the Health and Wellbeing Strategy that are currently available at an Area Committee level is presented below.

Author: Page 167 of 236 Status: Date: 14/02/2014 Page 1 of 3

Health & Measure Area / Data Period Wellbeing Strategy Aim Overarching aim Life Expectancy at Park: 77.6 years 2010-2012 birth (men) Hull: 76.6 years Overarching aim Life Expectancy at Park: 80.8 years 2010-2012 birth (women) Hull: 80.5 years 1 & 4 Smoking prevalence Park: 35% 2011 (taken from Hull: 34% local health and lifestyle surveys) 1 % 10-11 year olds Park: 36% 2010/11 (Park) overweight or obese Hull: 36% 2012/13 (Hull) 2 % 4-5 year olds Park: 22% 2010/11 (Park) overweight or obese Hull: 23% 2012/13 (Hull) 7 Hip fractures in people Park: 609 2010-2011 (Park) aged over 65, rate per Hull: 590 2011-12 (Hull) 100,000 population

2.3 Other Health and Lifestyle Statistics

In addition, the following key health and lifestyle statistics are available. Lifestyle data on secondary school children is available at Park Area level; adult health and lifestyle data is available at Ward level.

2.31 Park Area – Children & Young People (Secondary School Years 7-11)

More children eating 5 a day than the Hull average More girls drinking in excess of the weekly recommended alcohol limits for adults, and smoking more than the Hull average, particularly in Year 11

2.32 Holderness Ward – Adult Health and Lifestyle Data

This is the 3rd least deprived ward in Hull (out of 23). It has a slightly older age profile than Hull with a higher proportion of its population aged 40 and over Life expectancy is 82.6 years for men and 85.3 years for women. Premature mortality in Holderness, for men and women, is lower than for Hull across all main disease types. There is a low smoking prevalence in Holderness, however there are high levels of binge drinking and drinking in excess of weekly recommended limits.

2.33 Marfleet Ward – Adult Health and Lifestyle Data

This is the 5th most deprived ward in Hull (out of 23). It has a slightly younger age profile than Hull. Life expectancy is 76.0 years for men and 80.0 years for women. Marfleet has high levels of premature mortality, in particular for coronary heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke and lung cancer. There is a high smoking and obesity prevalence in Marfleet, and low levels of binge drinking, excess alcohol consumption and good levels of exercise uptake. Author: Page 168 of 236 Status: Date: 14/02/2014 Page 2 of 3

2.34 Southcoates East Ward – Adult Health and Lifestyle Data

This is the 4th most deprived ward in Hull (out of 23). It has a similar age profile to Hull. Life expectancy is 78.2 years for men and 81.9 years for women. Southcoates East has high levels of premature mortality, in particular for lung cancer, coronary heart disease and respiratory disease. There are high smoking and obesity rates and low exercise uptake.

2.35 Southcoates West Ward – Adult Health and Lifestyle Data

Life expectancy is 75.1 years for men and 79.2 years for women. High levels of premature mortality for respiratory disease and stroke, but low levels of premature mortality for lung cancer and coronary heart disease. There are high excessive alcohol consumption rates and high obesity prevalence, but good levels of exercise uptake amongst its residents.

2.36 More information can be found at

3 Future Plans & Next Steps: A New Approach to Health and Wellbeing

3.1 As existing public health contracts come to an end, there is an opportunity to do things differently. The focus will remain on reducing health inequalities, but the new approach will be through Early Intervention, Prevention and Integration of Services across the Council, the Clinical Commissioning Group and partner organisations.

3.2 Services will address health and social care across the life-course, with different types of intervention at different stages. Services may be more holistic, tackling a range of issues rather than each individually. There will be an increased focus on community development; developing resilience within communities and assessing community assets. It is further proposed that performance will be monitored using Outcomes Based Accountability.

3.3 The Director of Public Health has met with the three Area Directors with a view to exploring how Public Health can work more closely with the Area Teams and Area Committees in developing the new approach.

Des Cooper, Analyst/Epidemiologist

Contact Officer : Des Cooper Telephone No. : 01482 616346

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: - None

Author: Page 169 of 236 Status: Date: 14/02/2014 Page 3 of 3

Page 170 of 236

Briefing Note to Park Area Committee 26th February 2014

Area Director’s Update

Briefing Note of City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

1. Purpose of the Briefing Note and Summary

1.1 To update the Area Committee on recent activities and projects in the Park Area.

1.2 The Area Director submits a quarterly report to the Area Committee to advise on progress on work undertaken by the Area Team.

1.3 Performance monitoring reports are currently submitted on a quarterly basis detailing performance relating to the Housing team. The third quarter performance report is included on this month’s agenda.

1.4 A report detailing the ongoing Neighbourhood Co-ordination activities undertaken in each ward is also submitted on a quarterly basis for members information.

2. Issues for Consideration

2.1. Area Partnership

2.1.1 The Area Partnership met 13th January 2014. A copy of the minutes from the meeting are included on the agenda. The main items on the agenda included an update on the Customer Profiling Information for the Park Area put together by the Customer Insight Team. The information has been circulated to all ward councillors which includes various priorities and statistical information around the make up of households within each ward. In addition to this, an update was provided on a number of projects delivered through the Community Based Grant budget, and an update on the delivery of the Active Gold programme for 2014. The next meeting is due to take place on 14th April 2014.

2.1.2 The Active Gold programme delivery for 2013/14 is almost complete which is currently being delivered by Fit4Fun. A celebration event took place in December Page 171 of 236 2013, which saw over 80 local residents, mostly from care homes in the area attending the event at Woodford Leisure Centre. The event was opened by the Lord Mayor. The event was organised by Fit4Fun, with assistance from the Park Area Team and Sports Development staff and we have received some very good feedback from those who attended who enjoyed the day.

2.1.3 The Active Gold programme for 2014 will be delivered by First Step Sports. Activities will be delivered from April onwards, and will include delivery in six care/sheltered homes across the Park Area, five community venues – spread across each of the four wards, and a Ping Pong Care Session project delivered at Isaac Newton Sports Centre. There will also be a Launch event this year, where local residents will be invited along to sample some of the activities available for them to get involved in. Further information will be circulated when available.

2.1.4 The Area Partnership has now awarded their allocation of Community Based Grant funding. This has resulted in £17,060 being allocated to three main projects this year. The funding has been awarded to voluntary organisations to deliver projects to improve health and employability for local residents living in the Park Area. The projects funded are:

Local Works JC Ready4Work Ltd Probe (Hull) Ltd

2.2. East Park

2.2.1 It has been another busy year for visitors in East Park. For the period Oct 2012 to 2013 the following people counter data has been collected:

Total Pedestrians 1.5million Vehicles 250,000 AEC 220,000 Café 270,000 Water Play 180,000 Playground 750,000

2.2.2 The Clock Tower installation is progressing well. Planning permission has now been granted and work is due to commence shortly to install the tower.

2.2.3 KC are continuing to work with students from Malet Lambert School to create designs for the Animal Education Centre, in East Park, following a corporate sponsorship agreement between HCC and the KC.

This includes window boards for the reception area, interpretation boards being designed by students for animal enclosures, activity packs for children visiting the site and brass rubbings and information boards which will be displayed around the centre.

Updates will continue to be provided at future East Park Steering group meetings on the progress of the work by the students. Page 172 of 236 2.3. Community First Funding

2.3.1 Community First Panel meetings are continuing in the Southcoates West and Marfleet wards to allocate funds from this years’ budget. Neighbourhood Co- ordinators for both wards continue to attend the meetings to take part in the decision making on applications received.

The full allocation has been awarded to local ward budgets in the Southcoates West Ward. Marfleet has approximately £9,000 left to allocate this financial year.

2014/15 is the last year for funding this project and all funding will need to be awarded by December 2014 in order to evaluate the projects by the end of the next financial year. Both panels will actively promote the funds in order to attract project applications to spend the monies available in the next financial year.

2.4 Area Team

2.4.1 The area team continue to work on projects within their wards which are included in the updates provided to the area committee on a quarterly basis. The team, along with partners continue to work on the Community Safety Priorities as detailed below until April 2014.

The Neighoburhood Co-ordinators will be engaging with local residents within their wards in a number of ways during March, to collate residents concerns and priorities in respect of Community Safety issues. These will include joint patrols with partner agencies, speaking to local residents at school entrances, shopping areas and any local events in their wards. This will replace the bus advice days held in September 2013. The current priorities are:

Marfleet Dealing with criminal/environmental issues – Delhi, Egypt, Ceylon and Frodsham Street area of the ward. Reducing drug use across the ward (this is a continuation of an existing priority)

Holderness Reducing shed/garage burglaries across the ward Dealing with environmental issues in the Lorraine Street area of the ward

Southcoates East Dealing with vandalism & ASB issues on Foredyke/Flinton areas of the ward Dealing with untidy, overgrown and flytipped land issues across the ward. Dealing with criminal/environmental issues around the new housing development on the Preston Road estate.

Southcoates West Improving tenfoot security across the ward Increasing youth inclusion on the ward

Page 173 of 236 2.4 Housing

2.4.1 The Housing Team are continuing to support residents through the Welfare Reform changes. They continue to work with local residents affected by Housing Benefit changes in respect of Bedroom Tax and Benefit Caps, to offer support and guidance in terms of options available to residents affected. This includes completing applications with local residents to apply for Discretionary Housing Payments for financial support in respect of rent payments. In addition to this, the service is planning to consider how we can support residents when Hull migrates across to Universal Credit. This includes working with the Credit Unit to offer local residents a Jam Jar Bank Account which will help residents budget for priority payments. Staff training will be delivered to the area housing teams in respect of Universal Credit throughout February and March this year with further training planned in the future.

2.4.2 Work is continuing to be delivered to build the first phase of new properties on the Preston Road estate. This includes 54 units on the Ganstead Grove area of the estate which will be managed by Sanctuary Housing Association.

2.4.3 Meetings will start to take place very shortly with local residents living on the Preston Road estate whose homes will be affected by demolition in the first phase of the programme. Home visits will be carried out by the Housing Renewal Team where the team will go through the options available to them in terms of a house move. The team will also explain the details of the relocation package available to them, and answer any queries they may have.

2.4.4 At the present time there are seven houses which have been secured in the demolition area which due to costs to bring them back into use, will remain empty until the properties are due to be demolished. The team will ensure the properties are checked on a regular basis to ensure any security issues are identified.

3. Conclusion

3.1 This briefing note summarises the activities and projects that are ongoing in the Park Area and a similar report will be submitted on a quarterly basis to ensure Members are informed and fully advised of the work undertaken by the Area Teams.

Laura Carr, City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

Contact Officer : Mark McEgan

Telephone No. :331975

Page 174 of 236

Report to the Park Area Committee Wards: Marfleet, Southcoates 26th February 2014 East, Southcoates West, Holderness

Park Area Third Quarter Performance Report (2013/14)

Report of the City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

1. Purpose of the Report and Summary

1.1 This report contains performance information with regard to Park Area Housing, for the period 1st Oct 2013 to 31st December 2013 performance, seeks Members’ comments on that performance.

2. Recommendations

2.1 That the report be noted.

2.2 That the Park Area Committee comments on performance and identifies any further actions required.

This is a non-key decision.

Page 175 of 236

1 3. Introduction

3.1 The Neighbourhood and Area Management agenda places responsibility for ensuring effective performance of Council Services at the local level with Area Committees. It is therefore critical that Members are in possession of appropriate, accurate and timely information to inform that process.

3.2 The appendix to this report contains relevant information to monitor the Housing Landlord service. In addition there is relevant information regarding anti-social behaviour in the Park Area contained within the Housing report for your information.

3.3 Page 10 of the Housing Performance appendix is an additional page which has been added recently to the report and details information regarding outputs from planned works which has been carried out in the area.

4. Issues for Consideration

4.1 Housing Landlord Services (appendix i)

The attached Housing Performance report is included to update members on the performance in respect of Housing priorities for the period October to December 2013. Any comments in respect of the layout of the report, and the information contained within, would be welcomed to feedback to the team and to be taken into consideration for future improvements.

The report now includes information regarding performance from 12 months ago, in order to compare performance following the impact of Welfare Reform changes both in respect of rent collection and average relet times. This information is included on pages six and eight of the report.

4.1.1 Responsive Repairs– Page 2 of the report shows the percentage of appointments made and kept by the Contractor. In the Park area for this period 131.3% of appointments made were kept, against a city wide average of 90% for the year so far. The performance has improved from the previous quarter, and overall the % of appointments that were made and kept in the Park Area this year equates to 102.6% which is the highest percentage when compared to other areas of the city.

The percentage of repairs completed within time, is detailed on the chart on page 2 of the report and covers emergency, urgent, and non-urgent percentage completed together with the average number of days to complete a non-urgent repair.

4.1.2 Repairs Completed Right First Time – In terms of the percentage of repairs completed right first time, the report details information for November and December on page 3 of the report. From the total of 763 returns for the year in the Park area, 89.7% Page 176 of 236

2 were completed right first time so far this financial year. The performance is slightly less than the previous quarter, and below the city wide performance of 91% of all repairs completed. However both achievements are over the target set of 85%.

4.1.3 Gas Repairs – Performance in respect of all three areas, emergency, urgent gas repairs and non-urgent repairs, are detailed on page 4 of the report, with the Park area performing at 100%, 96.7% and 100% respectively. This compares well to other areas of the city and the citywide average for all areas. Information is also detailed on the report on page 4 in respect of gas orders completed right first time. The orders completed within the Park area year to date is currently 89.2% against a city wide performance of 89.7%. The Park Area performance has improved since the last report.

In respect of Gas servicing, the Park area as at week ending 5th January 2014, had 99.22% of properties with a valid gas safety certificate in place. There are 0.8% of properties across the city in total not having a valid certificate, with 30 cases within the Park area outstanding in total. Only 5 of the 30 cases are outstanding which are with the responsibility of the area team to chase for completion. The contractor and the housing teams based in the area work very closely together to maximise the number of valid certificates across the area.

4.1.4 Empty Council Properties – As at the end of December 2013, the Park area had 40 empty properties within stock which equates to 1% of total stock as detailed on Page 5 of the report.

There are 20 properties going through the void process for reletting with the area team, and three properties receiving repairs including three receiving major repairs. In addition to this, seven properties are currently being managed by Housing Strategy and Renewal, which are planned for demolition.

In terms of the average time taken by the contractor to repair properties completed within the month, the average number of days taken up to the end of the third quarter of the year was 21.2 days. The target for the contractor to repair the properties and return them to the area team for reletting is currently 19 days across the city. Citywide performance for up to the end of the third quarter is 19.8 days. The situation is continuing to be monitored on a regular basis, to ensure performance improves in this area. There has been an increase in the number of voids when compared to the same period of time last year, and KWL have increased the number of resources completing this work in order to improve performance in this area of work.

Page 177 of 236

3 4.1.5 Average Relet Time - Information is included on page 6 of the report regarding the average number of days it takes from a set of keys being handed in, from a tenant moving out to the date a new tenancy is created. Up to the end of the third quarter of the year the average relet time for properties within the Park Area is 29 days compared to the citywide average of 31 days. When compared to performance from 12 months before, the performance at that time was 33 days and 36 days respectively; improvements were made in both targets of 4 days and 5 days respectively.

The Park area as at the end of the third quarter this year has 1.37% rent loss through empty properties, which equates to £158,999. The area performance in respect of % of rent loss has reduced since the last report was produced for the second quarter of the year. The city wide performance is currently 1.83% rent loss for the third quarter of the year.

4.1.6 Customer Satisfaction – New Homes – In terms of satisfaction figures taken from the new tenant survey, as detailed on page 7, overall 93.3% of customers within the Park area were satisfied with their new homes up to the end of the third quarter of the year against a city wide figure of 94%.

For the year in total there have been 8 new tenants dissatisfied with their new home, and the team have worked with those tenants on an individual basis to address any concerns that they had with their new home.

4.1.7 Rent Collection – On page 8 of the report, it shows that the Park Area has continued to perform well in respect of rent collection for the third quarter of the year with Decembers performance exceeding 107% in terms of rent collection figures. The area has collected 98.24% up to the end of the third quarter of the year, which is the highest percentage when compared to all other areas of the city. When compared to performance from 2012/13 there has been a slight decrease in performance.

In terms of Former Tenant Arrears which is managed by a central finance team, from 421 ceased tenancies, 230 of those tenancies which have ended had arrears outstanding. This equates to 54.6% of accounts and a monetary value of £68,837 with £24,540 being collected this financial year.

There have been 5 evictions carried out in the area up to the end of the third quarter this year which were as a result of rent arrears.

The team continue to work with tenants to sustain their tenancies, giving support and advice should they fall into financial difficulties.

Surgeries are currently in place in the Marfleet and Southcoates East wards available for all residents to access from across the Park area, with either CLAC or CAB holding surgeries to support Page 178 of 236

4 residents struggling with multiple debt problems and rent payments during the current economic climate. There is also outreach surgeries delivered by the ‘Quids In’ project, based at the Freedom Centre every Monday morning, where residents can received support and advice on financial capability. This is particularly important with the introduction of Universal Credit in the foreseeable future.

A new Money Advice Service is also now being offered in the Southcoates West ward at the St Johns Community Centre. This takes place on a Tuesday each week between 10am-3pm.

Links with Job Centre Plus advisors have also been developed to help support residents back into work, in conjunction with the promotion of projects funded through the Community Based Grant budget being delivered across the Park Area.

Staff are receiving regular updates in terms of the changes being brought in by the Welfare Reform Act to ensure they are kept up to date with the relevant changes. Staff will shortly receive training in respect of the introduction of Universal Credit. Information is also being sent out to residents on a regular basis and discussions are also taking place throughout the allocation process to advise applicants of possible implications as a result of the Welfare Reform Act for them on an individual basis.

4.1.8 Anti-Social Behaviour – In terms of the response to service requests within the published timescale target of 90%, all reports during the third quarter of the year were dealt with within target. There have been 424 requests in total made year to date for the Park Area against a city wide total of 2715.

The chart on page 9 of the housing performance report details the categories of those reports made with the highest reason for reports being either noise related or intimidation, harassment or verbal abuse reports which is in line with the City wide totals.

4.1.9 Capital and Other Completed Planned Outputs – Page ten of the report details all planned works carried out in the areas this financial year.

You will see from the report that work has been carried out in respect of all categories in the Park area.

5. Council Priorities

5.1 The Quarterly Performance report enables the area committee to undertake its monitoring role in the delivery of the Area Housing Service, linking in with key priorities of the City Plan.

Page 179 of 236


6. Monitoring Officer Assurance Statement

6.1 The report is noted but raises no legal issues.

7. Section 151 Officer Assurance Statement

7.1 The Section 151 officer notes the report and supports the recommendations. (DS)

8. Comments of the Head of Human Resources

8.1 There are no identified staffing or wider HR implications identified in the report.

9. Comments of Overview and Scrutiny

9.1 This report has not been subject to scrutiny. (Sc4065)

10. Conclusions

10.1 The Park Area Quarterly Performance Report provides Members with information that demonstrates how services are being delivered at an Area level. It is a key tool for Members in managing performance of services delivered, enabling them to identify both high performing services and to identify where action is required if performance has slipped. All performance remains positive with continuing upward trends. Performance management systems in all areas of the business are now more robust with delivery and quality monitored on a regular basis.

Laura Carr, City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

Contact Officer : Debbie Akester Telephone No. : (01482) 331982

Officer Interests: None

Background Documents: -

(i) Performance information produced by Area and Neighbourhood Management, Citysafe and Housing Services

Page 180 of 236


Author: Name: Debbie Akester Service Area: Customer Services Contact Details: 331982 Background Papers Performance information produced by Area and Neighbourhood Management, Citysafe and Housing Services Is this a Key Decision: No If yes, is it in the Forward Plan? N/A Will further decisions be required? No If yes please outline the timetable Is this report proposing an amendment to the No budget or policy framework? Have the financial (including capital N/A implications been agreed with the Head of Corporate Planning and Finance? Have value for money considerations been N.A accounted for? Has the report been approved by the relevant Yes CST/HoS? Has the relevant Cabinet Member been N/A consulted and any comments documented? Has Overview and Scrutiny been consulted? N/A Have Area Committees been consulted? Yes Have the legal implications been agreed with N/A the Head of Legal and Democratic Services? Are there any procurement/commercial N/A issues/implications? Have communication issues been cleared by N/A Communications and Marketing? Has an Equalities Impact Assessment been N/A carried out in relation to the subject of the report? Are there any equalities and diversity No implications? Are there any community safety implications? Yes Has regard been paid to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act? Are there any environmental and climate Yes change issues/sustainability implications? Are there any Health and Safety implications? No Are there any human rights implications? No How does this report contribute to The report contains performance Council/LAA/Area priorities information which demonstrates the work the Area Teams carry out to contribute towards the priorities in all documents.

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Page 182 of 236 Housing Performance Report Quarter Ending December 2013


% Appointments Made and Kept Performance Target 90%

Direction of Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013/14 Notes Travel East 93.3% 101.1% 113.9%  100.0% The appointments figures relate to the number of North Carr 96.9% 102.6% 104.8%  100.8% appointments kept of all those that should have been made (i.e. repairs that had an appointment plus repairs Northern 88.5% 97.3% 115.2%  100.4% which should have had an appointment but didn't). West 96.5% 96.2% 112.1%  100.9% Wyke 105.6% 79.1% 122.1%  99.2% Performance exceeds 100% when the number of Park 92.9% 90.2% 131.3%  102.6% appointments attended in the month is greater than the Riverside 102.4% 93.2% 112.0%  100.6% number made in the month. CITYWIDE 95.2% 95.8% 115.4%  100.8%

Repairs Completed In Time 2013/4 Performance Target 99% / 15 days

Emergency Urgent Non-Urgent Non-Urgent COMMENTARY % In Time % In Time % In Time Average Days East 100.0% 99.9% 99.9% 14.5 North Carr 100.0% 100.0% 99.8% 14.3 Northern 100.0% 100.0% 99.8% 15.0 West 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 14.5 Wyke 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 14.2 Park 100.0% 99.9% 99.8% 15.2 Riverside 100.0% 99.9% 100.0% 14.0 CITYWIDE 100.0% 99.9% 99.9% 14.6


Nov-13 Dec-13 D. o. T. 2013/14 Nov-13 Dec-13 D. o. T. 2013/14

EAST WYKE Number of Responses 150 83  1,224 Number of Responses 27 28  282 Did operatives attend as arranged? 98.0% 98.8%  97.0% Did operatives attend as arranged? 96.2% 100.0%  96.6% Was repair completed to your satisfaction? 91.0% 98.8%  95.5% Was repair completed to your satisfaction? 88.5% 96.4%  95.8% Did operatives solve the problem first time? 87.8% 97.6%  92.3% Did operatives solve the problem first time? 84.6% 96.4%  91.7% Repairs Completed Right First Time 89.4% 97.5%  92.5% Repairs Completed Right First Time 84.6% 96.4%  91.7%

NORTH CARR PARK Number of Responses 86 46  668 Number of Responses 98 59  763 Did operatives attend as arranged? 98.8% 93.5%  96.7% Did operatives attend as arranged? 95.9% 100.0%  96.5% Was repair completed to your satisfaction? 97.6% 95.7%  94.4% Was repair completed to your satisfaction? 89.5% 98.3%  92.2% Did operatives solve the problem first time? 97.5% 93.2%  90.9% Did operatives solve the problem first time? 88.3% 98.2%  90.3% Repairs Completed Right First Time 97.5% 90.9%  91.2% Repairs Completed Right First Time 87.2% 98.2%  89.7%

NORTHERN RIVERSIDE Number of Responses 73 60  677 Number of Responses 153 93  1,281 Did operatives attend as arranged? 95.8% 98.3%  96.5% Did operatives attend as arranged? 100.0% 97.8%  97.7% Was repair completed to your satisfaction? 91.5% 96.6%  93.6% Was repair completed to your satisfaction? 96.0% 91.2%  93.7% Did operatives solve the problem first time? 88.7% 89.7%  91.4% Did operatives solve the problem first time? 93.2% 91.0%  90.6% Repairs Completed Right First Time 87.1% 91.1%  90.7% Repairs Completed Right First Time 93.2% 90.9%  90.8%

WEST CITYWIDE Number of Returns 126 70  926 Number of Returns 713 439  5,821 Did operatives attend as arranged? 99.2% 92.9%  97.2% Did operatives attend as arranged? 98.2% 97.3%  97.0% Was repair completed to your satisfaction? 99.2% 97.1%  94.6% Was repair completed to your satisfaction? 94.1% 96.1%  94.2% Did operatives solve the problem first time? 95.1% 95.7%  91.8% Did operatives solve the problem first time? 91.4% 94.4%  91.3% Repairs Completed Right First Time 95.0% 88.4%  90.2% Repairs Completed Right First Time 91.5% 93.1%  91.0% 2013/14 Right First Time target = 85%

Notes "Right Fist Time" is analysed from repair receipt returns: Numerator - the number of tenants who answer “Yes” to ALL THREE of the following questions: “Did the operatives attend as arranged?”; “Was your repair completed to your satisfaction?”; and “Did the operative who attended solve the problem you reported first time?” Denominator - the number of tenants who gave valid answers to ALL THREE questions.

Page 185 of 236 Page 3 GAS REPAIRS

Repairs Completed In Time 2013/14 Completed Right First Time Notes

Emergency Urgent Non-Urgent Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 D. o. T. 2013/14 "Right Fist Time" is analysed from repair East 100.0% 97.0% 100.0% East 87.0% 85.2% 95.0%  90.0% receipt returns: Numerator - the number of tenants who answer “Yes” to ALL THREE of North Carr 100.0% 96.3% 100.0% North Carr 90.5% 90.6% 81.8%  90.0% the following questions: “Did the operatives Northern 100.0% 96.0% 100.0% Northern 94.1% 82.1% 95.8%  87.8% attend as arranged?”; “Was your repair West 100.0% 97.3% 96.5% West 93.9% 91.8% 91.7%  93.3% completed to your satisfaction?”; and “Did the Wyke 100.0% 97.6% 96.4% Wyke 94.1% 94.7% 78.6%  92.2% operative who attended solve the problem you Park 100.0% 96.7% 100.0% Park 92.6% 96.0% 93.1%  89.2% reported first time?” Denominator - the Riverside 100.0% 97.8% 99.3% Riverside 91.5% 92.1% 93.2%  87.5% number of tenants who gave valid answers to ALL THREE questions. CITYWIDE 100.0% 96.8% 99.4% CITYWIDE 91.5% 90.2% 91.4%  89.7%

GAS SERVICING Week Ending 5/1/14

Contractor Housing Management DL5 DL4 DL6 Total Failures Referred to Area Total with % with 1st DL1 DL2 DL3 Contractor Referred Injunction Properties Total in the Hsg Manager Housing AREA current Current % Overdue Abortive 1st 2nd Legal Access to procedure Requiring Overdue Managed - possible Access L.G.S.R. L.G.S.R. Card Letter Letter notified Total Housing taking L.G.S.R. Process injunction Total Area place procedure East 3,997 3,954 98.92% 43 1.1% 0 0 7 16 8 31 12 0 0 12 North Carr 2,695 2,676 99.29% 19 0.7% 0 0 2 3 7 12 7 0 0 7 Northern 3,804 3,766 99.00% 38 1.0% 0 0 6 13 6 25 11 2 0 13 West 2,549 2,538 99.57% 11 0.4% 0 0 0 5 2 7 4 0 0 4 Wyke 802 798 99.50% 4 0.5% 0 0 1 2 0 3 1 0 0 1 Park 3,858 3,828 99.22% 30 0.8% 0 0 5 15 5 25 5 0 0 5 Riverside 3,890 3,853 99.05% 37 1.0% 0 0 2 16 5 23 14 0 0 14 CITYWIDE 21,595 21,413 99.16% 182 0.8% 0 0 23 70 33 126 54 2 0 56


At the end of December 2013 99.16% (21,413) properties had a valid Landlords gas safety certificate. The remaining 182 properties are presently at various stages of the managed control measures for dealing with problematic Gas access. The coordinated partnership working between Housing Investment, KWL and the Area Housing teams ensures that properties with access issues are continually identified and actioned. It remains a priority to ensure that the Councils stated Gas Access Procedures are applied and that the Authority demonstrates that all REASONABLE STEPS have been taken to achieve access for Landlords Gas Safety Inspections. Page 186 of 236 Page 4 EMPTY COUNCIL PROPERTIES

Total Empty Properties

Direction % Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 COMMENTARY of Travel Empty East 161 157 145  3.0% North Carr 54 53 51  1.6% 230 properties are currently awaiting/undergoing repairs or awaiting relet - this has reduced from 300 at the end of September 2013; 4 are undergoing option appraisal by the Housing Strategy Team; 5 are in the Northern 266 266 265  6.2% process of transfer or sale; 4 are due for demolition; there are a further 246 scheduled for demolition in West 45 45 50  1.7% regeneration areas plus 92 empty flats in the Gorthorpe and Kinthorpe blocks due for refurbishment; and 86 Wyke 3 2 5  0.6% regeneration properties to be brought back into use. Park 38 37 40  1.0% Riverside 112 125 111  2.1% Citywide 679 685 667  2.6%

Area Management Housing Investment Services Housing Strategy and Renewal Properties Ready For Relet Properties For Repair Properties for Options Appraisal and Transfer/Disposal Grand Dec-13 Bringing Awaiting Agreed CLG Routine Sheltered Routine Major Option Planned Regen. Regen Total Total back into Financial Total transfer/ Total Decommis Voids Voids Voids Repairs Appraisal Demolition Improvem't Demolition use Allocation sale sioned East 21 3 24 11 1 1 0 13 3 0 0 15 90 108 145 3 North Carr 4 1 5 7 1 3 0 11 0 0 1 34 0 35 51 0 Northern 13 0 13 10 0 1 0 11 0 0 1 92 148 241 265 0 West 6 2 8 9 2 0 0 11 0 0 0 31 0 31 50 0 Wyke 4 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 Park 18 2 20 10 3 0 0 13 0 0 2 0 5 7 40 0 Riverside 65 2 67 21 5 3 0 29 1 5 0 6 3 15 111 0 Citywide 131 10 141 69 12 8 0 89 4 5 4 178 246 437 667 3

Average Time For Void Repairs Completed In Month COMMENTARY

Direction Target 2013/14 Since the introduction of the Welfare Reform Act 2012 (in April 2013) the volume of Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 of Travel Days Year empty properties received by KWL is 17% above the previous year's average. East 13.9 11.9 10.2  19 18.6 North Carr 16.3 13.2 10.3  19 22.5 Northern 12.8 11.8 11.7  19 15.1 West 12.9 12.9 11.9  19 16.0 Wyke 16.3 0.0 12.1  19 18.3 Park 16.0 12.0 14.2  19 21.2 Riverside 15.8 16.6 12.5  19 22.8 CITYWIDE 14.8 13.3 12.0  19 19.8 Page 5

Page 187 of 236 AVERAGE RELET TIME (calendar days)

Direction 2013/14 Position at Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Average Relet Time 2013-14 of Travel Year Dec 2012 50 East 27 22 22  28 36 40 North Carr 28 23 13  26 30 3031 Northern 22 21 23  22 29 2031 West 21 24 17  23 29 10 Wyke 22 18 10  28 38 0 Park 34 22 19  29 33 Riverside 45 51 46  47 48 31 CITYWIDE 30 29 27  31 36 31 31 Notes COMMENTARY Direction of Travel 1 No change BV212 definition: the time in calendar days  Improving from the date when the tenancy is  Worsening terminated up to and including the date when the new tenancy agreement starts. Major repair time is not included. Citywide Target 2013/14 23 days

Rent Loss

Direction 2013/14 2013/14 Notes Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Target of Travel Year TO DATE £ CITYWIDE 1.81% 1.72% 1.68%  1.83% £1,319,957 < 1.95% Rent loss calculates the amount of rent lost through properties being empty as a percentage of the total rent East 2.17% 2.06% 2.02%  2.25% £305,909 roll (the total amount of potential rent collectable for the North Carr 2.35% 1.99% 1.83%  2.16% £192,389 period if all dwellings had been occupied). This includes Northern 1.40% 1.34% 1.21%  1.27% £152,403 all empty dwellings except those that are not expected to West 1.46% 1.43% 1.34%  1.49% £128,298 be let as dwellings again - these properties are excluded Wyke 1.74% 1.17% 1.79%  1.75% £45,619 from both the numerator and denominator of the calculation. Park 1.13% 1.00% 0.96%  1.37% £158,999 Riverside 2.21% 2.35% 2.38%  2.26% £336,340 Page 188 of 236 Page 6 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION - NEW HOMES

Direction Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2013/14 of Travel Satisfaction - Property Condition East 100.0% 95.7% 100.0%  98.0% 100% North Carr 100.0% 96.2% 100.0%  95.4% 95% Northern 100.0% 85.7% 100.0%  88.7% West 100.0% 91.7% 100.0%  93.1% 90% Wyke 100.0% 93.3% 100.0%  91.7% Park 93.5% 96.3% 78.9%  93.3% 85% Riverside 100.0% - - 1 81.0% 80% CITYWIDE 97.2% 94.5% 93.3%  94.0% 75% Citywide Target Notes 70% 2013/14 90.0% Satisfaction figures are taken from the new 65% tenant survey. Only those "very satisfied" or Direction of Travel 41244412754130641334413654139541426414564148741518415484157941609 "satisfied" are classed as satisfied. 1 No change  Improving  Worsening

Overall, how satisfied were you with the condition of your new home when you moved in?

East North Carr Northern West Wyke Park Riverside CITYWIDE 2013/14 No % No % No % No % No % No % No % No % Very Satisfied (A) 195 79.3% 112 73.7% 46 40.0% 46 63.9% 17 47.2% 158 59.0% 6 28.6% 580 63.7%

Fairly Satisfied (B) 46 18.7% 33 21.7% 56 48.7% 21 29.2% 16 44.4% 92 34.3% 11 52.4% 275 30.2% Neither Satisfied nor 4 1.6% 5 3.3% 7 6.1% 3 4.2% 1 2.8% 10 3.7% 2 9.5% 32 3.5% dissatisfied (C ) Fairly Dissatisfied (D) 1 0.4% 2 1.3% 5 4.3% 1 1.4% 1 2.8% 6 2.2% 1 4.8% 17 1.9%

Very Dissatisfied (E) 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.9% 1 1.4% 1 2.8% 2 0.7% 1 4.8% 6 0.7%

TOTAL 246 100% 152 100% 115 100% 72 100% 36 100% 268 100% 21 100% 910 100%

% Satisfied (A+B) 241 98.0% 145 95.4% 102 88.7% 67 93.1% 33 91.7% 250 93.3% 17 81.0% 855 94.0%

% Dissatisfied (D+E) 1 0.4% 2 1.3% 6 5.2% 2 2.8% 2 5.6% 8 3.0% 2 9.5% 23 2.5% Page 189 of 236 Page 7 RENT COLLECTION

Direction of 2013/14 Position at Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Rent Collection 2013-14 Travel Dec 2012 Year 100% East 95.60% 97.56% 105.40%  97.99% 98.36% 98.22%99% North Carr 94.58% 97.47% 106.01%  97.27% 97.69% 98.22%98% City Target Northern 95.96% 97.11% 107.12%  97.43% 97.42% 98.22%97% West 93.78% 98.09% 106.43%  98.08% 98.53% 98.22%96% Wyke 96.47% 95.72% 108.14%  98.11% 98.75% 98.22%95% Park 96.48% 97.61% 107.59%  98.24% 98.63% 98.22% Riverside 93.35% 96.75% 107.26%  96.97% 97.61% 98.22% CITYWIDE 95.03% 97.31% 106.72%  97.65% 98.04% 98.22%

Notes COMMENTARY Direction of Travel 1 No change BV 66a definition: the numerator for the Rent collection usually exceeds 100% in December due to arrears  Improving collected during the "rent-free" weeks. Monthly performance in calculation is made up of the total rent  Worsening collected (including arrears) from current December 2012 was 104.6% tenants. The denominator is the total rent available. This is made up of the rent Citywide Target available to be collected on all occupied 2013/14 97.50%

Former Tenant Arrears Created 2013/14 Evictions For Rent Arrears

Tenancies No. in % in Arrears FTA Dec-13 2013/14 % evicted Ceased Arrears Arrears Created (£) Payments East 496 258 52.0% £107,843 £28,195 East 0 14 0.40% North Carr 298 172 57.7% £79,928 £18,108 North Carr 0 16 0.70% Northern 431 210 48.7% £77,109 £27,218 Northern 1 8 0.26% West 277 133 48.0% £47,896 £10,030 West 0 6 0.27% Wyke 71 36 50.7% £7,729 £3,927 Wyke 0 0 0.00% Park 421 230 54.6% £68,837 £24,540 Park 0 5 0.17% Riverside 616 387 62.8% £170,811 £35,610 Riverside 2 17 0.44% Citywide 2,610 1,426 54.6% £560,153 £147,629 Citywide 3 66 0.35% Page 190 of 236 Page 8 NEIGHBOURHOOD NUISANCE - ASB

This performance information has been generated by the Neighbourhood Nuisance Team database, it is a summary of the Neighbourhood Nuisance team's activity and the information is cross tenure.

Table 1: Respond To Service Requests Within Published Timescale (Target 90%)

Total D.o.T. Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Year Requests Number of ASB Incidents Reported East 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1 100.0% 489 600 North Carr 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1 99.7% 306 500 Northern 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1 100.0% 384 400 West 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1 100.0% 285 Wyke 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1 100.0% 144 300

Park 100.0% 94.1% 100.0%  99.3% 424 200 Riverside 97.0% 98.2% 100.0%  99.4% 683 100 CITYWIDE 99.2% 98.6% 100.0%  99.7% 2,715 0 41244412754130641334413654139541426414564148741518415484157941609 Table 2: ASB Incidents Reported - Year to date by area and type

East North Carr Northern West Wyke Park Riverside Total COMMENTARY Street Drinking/Drunken Behaviour 9 5 3 11 9 10 33 80 Intimidation/Harassment/ Table 1 shows the total number of ASB 117 69 94 90 47 106 203 726 Verbal Abuse incidents reported and the % responded to Begging & Vagrancy 1 0 0 0 2 0 12 15 within the agreed targets for each month of Criminal Behaviour 44 16 25 15 5 28 37 170 the last quarter. The target for responding to incidents reported is 2 working days. This Drugs - Not Alcohol 25 21 12 14 5 19 47 143 response will usually be a telephone call to Environmental Nuisance 3 0 0 2 2 0 2 9 the customer and if this is not successful a Throwing missiles 38 34 49 30 11 43 54 259 letter and information pack is automatically Neighbour Dispute 21 15 13 10 13 26 14 112 sent within the 2 day target. Noise 156 101 116 70 32 109 184 768 Nuisance From Pets / Animals 31 14 30 13 3 31 37 159 Nuisance from Property 36 22 30 29 12 46 45 220 Prostitution & Soliciting 0 0 3 0 1 1 5 10 Vehicle Related Nuisance 5 8 7 0 1 2 10 33 Domestic Violence & Abuse 3 1 2 1 1 3 0 11 Total 489 306 384 285 Page144 191 of 236424 683 2,715 Total Last Year (2012/13) 561 363 488 331 154 636 912 3,445 Page 9 CAPITAL AND OTHER COMPLETED PLANNED OUTPUTS Investment Period - April to December 2013 Cumulative Revised Original Ref. Work Element Outputs Delivered East North Carr Northern West Wyke Park Riverside to 31 Forecast to Annual December 31 Forecast Planned 155 76 282 92 46 179 285 1,115 December1,152 1,818 1 Heating Void/Responsive 15 14 6 5 1 7 27 75 80 125 Total 170 90 288 97 47 186 312 1,190 1,232 1,943 Planned 30 53 36 32 17 7 49 224 168 200 2 Rewires Void/Responsive 33 28 14 11 10 11 38 145 216 300 Total 63 81 50 43 27 18 87 369 384 500 Planned 10 1 6 6 6 1 30 60 63 90 3 Kitchen Void/Responsive 86 43 77 53 23 121 84 487 487 660 Total 96 44 83 59 29 122 114 547 550 750 Planned 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Bathroom Void/Responsive 14 11 24 6 2 33 9 99 128 200 Total 14 11 24 6 2 33 9 99 128 200 Planned 112 0 1 0 1 19 1 134 135 330 5 Roof Void/Responsive 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 112 0 1 0 1 19 1 134 135 330

6 Insulation Planned 150 88 130 91 11 61 124 655 928 1,400 Planned 13 16 8 9 32 73 361 512 495 966 7 Door Void/Responsive 179 191 227 105 27 124 104 957 951 1,098 Total 192 207 235 114 59 197 465 1,469 1,446 2,064 8 Window Planned 3 0 3 2 0 1 3 12 10 40 9 Electrical Inspection Planned 106 223 265 97 83 59 379 1,212 1,475 2,000 10 Painting Planned 635 512 615 506 0 132 741 3,141 3,027 5,150 11 Pre-paint Repairs Planned 557 505 649 526 0 410 748 3,395 3,723 4,900 12 CSDPA Reactive Adaptations 329 205 217 220 53 228 277 1,529 1,517 2,100 Total Outputs/Area 2,427 1,966 2,560 1,761 312 1,466 3,260 13,752 14,555 21,377

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Report to the Park Area Committee Wards: Marfleet, Southcoates East, 26th February 2014 Southcoates West, Holderness


Report of the City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

1. Purpose of the Report

1.1 The report details applications that have been received seeking funding from the Ward Budget (formally known as Community Budget).

1.2 To update Members on the current budget position for the Park Area for the 2013/2014 financial year.

2. Recommendations

2.1 That the budget balance for each Ward for year 2013/14 be noted;

2.2 That Members note the individual applications for funding under the devolved powers as highlighted on the ward tables;

3 Risk Assessment and Options

3.1 In terms of risk, the amounts set out for information are within the total available balances for each of the wards. Each application is considered on its own merit and funding allocated in accordance with the specified criteria for the budgets and the Council’s powers to ensure appropriate use of Council funds. Projects should demonstrate value for money and have a positive impact for the community.

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3.2 The options available are:

3.2.1 To refuse the application; 3.2.2 To approve the application in full (that is approve the amount requested), or 3.2.3 To approve the application in part (if this is the case, members would have to determine the level of support for each of the applications).

3.3 These options are relevant to each ward. If an application to more than one ward is not supported by all of those it is made to, then the supporting wards should consider to what level they wish to support an application.

3.4 The applications should be considered with regard to the guidance given to applicants and Members should also have regard to the set criteria when evaluating an application, which is appended to this report.

3.5 Applications that are approved require applicants to sign an acceptance of grant and conditions form. If applicants do not sign up to the conditions by which they will be monitored the grant will be withdrawn. Grants may be clawed back from applicants that do not use the grant for the purposes set out in the original applications and in the acceptance of the grant and conditions form.

3.6 Members must give reasons for refusing any applications so that this can be given to applicants to assist them with any future funding applications.

This is non-key decision.

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4. Background

4.1 The process for considering applications was determined by this Committee on 6 November 2003 (minute 60 refers) in respect of CIB and CSF funding, which the Ward Budget (WB) replaces.

4.2 The procedure requires that the Area Director be authorised to approve or reject applications for funding from the budgets for this and future years, up to a maximum of £10,000 in each ward after consultation with Ward Members.

4.3 Any applications over £10,000 must be approved by the Area Committee.

4.4 All applications have been considered with regard to the guidance given to applicants and Members have considered the set criteria when evaluating and agreeing to fund the schemes and projects.

4.5 Applications from external groups and organisations that are approved require applicants to sign an acceptance of grant and conditions form. If applicants do not sign up to the conditions by which they will be monitored the grant will be withdrawn. Grants may be clawed back from applicants that do not use the grant for the purposes set out in the original applications and in the acceptance of grant and conditions form.

4.6 Tables listing the schemes and projects approved to date are also attached to the report for information.

5. Issues for Consideration

5.1 Ward Budget Allocation 2013/14

The agreed amounts for the WB budget 2013/14 for each ward, are now shown on the tables attached to the report. The tables attached include the committed spend carried forward from 2012/13.

The tables below detail the balance unallocated so far for 2013/14 for each ward.

Note: the balance below takes account of applications already approved by delegated powers include din the tables attached to this report and committed funds for projects discussed with Ward Members and currently being investigated by the Area Team.

Page 195 of 236 4

The ward allocation for the Park Area is shown below.

Ward allocation for Capital Revenue 2013/14 Holderness Ward £0 £0 £8165 revenue £42976 capital Marfleet Ward £0 £316 £10485 revenue £55185 capital Southcoates East Ward £246 £0 £6269 revenue £32993 capital Southcoates West £0 £0 £5898 revenue £31040 capital

5.3 Community Safety Fund Capital Budgets 2012/13

There is no allocation in respect of the Community Safety Fund Budget allocation for 2013/14. The tables attached include committed spend carried forward from previous years.

5.4 Section 106 Monies

A table detailing s106 monies for each ward is attached to the report with details of any monies to be spent. This will update Members in respect of allocations with the deadline date for each amount to be spent.

6. Monitoring Officer Assurance Statement

6.1 The allocation of Community Budget is a discretionary power available to the Council under s1 of the localism Act 2011.

7. Section 151 Officer Assurance Statement

7.1 This Section 151 officer notes the progress achieved in the year in allocating and monitoring the Park Area Ward Budget, but has no specific comments on the content of the report. (DS).

8. Comments of the Head of Human Resources

8.1 There are no staffing or wider HR implications identified in the report.

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9. Comments of Overview and Scrutiny

9.1 This report has not been subject to scrutiny (ScSc4057).

10. Conclusions

10.1 That the budget balance for each Ward for year 2013/14 should be noted;

10.2 That Members note the individual applications for WB funds under the devolved powers on the ward tables.

Laura Carr, City Neighbourhoods and Housing Manager

Officer contact: Debbie Akester – telephone 331982

Officer interests: None

Background Documents:

The following background documents are held on office files:

- Minutes of meetings with Ward Councillors - Approval forms - Project and scheme information - Consultation documents - Ward Budget Application Forms - Community Safety Fund Application Forms Author: Name: Debbie Akester Service Area: Neighbourhood and Housing Management Contact Details: 331982 Background Papers Minutes of meetings with Ward Councillors/Approval forms/Project and scheme information/Consultation documents/Ward Budget Application Forms/Community Safety Fund Application Forms Is this a Key Decision: No If yes, is it in the Forward Plan? N/A Will further decisions be required? On receipt of additional applications If yes please outline the timetable for funding requests Is this report proposing an amendment to the No budget or policy framework? Have the financial (including capital Yes implications been agreed with the Head of Page 197 of 236 6

Corporate Planning and Finance? Have value for money considerations been Yes and will be for each application accounted for? received Has the report been approved by the relevant Yes CST/HoS? Has the relevant Cabinet Member been N/A consulted and any comments documented? Has Overview and Scrutiny been consulted? N/A Have Area Committees been consulted? Yes Have the legal implications been agreed with Yes the Head of Legal and Democratic Services? Are there any procurement/commercial Yes – VFM needs to be considered issues/implications? for each application received Have communication issues been cleared by N/A Communications and Marketing? Has an Equalities Impact Assessment been N/A carried out in relation to the subject of the report? Are there any equalities and diversity No implications? Are there any community safety implications? Yes Has regard been paid to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act? Are there any environmental and climate Yes change issues/sustainability implications? Are there any Health and Safety implications? No Are there any human rights implications? No How does this report contribute to The report supports work to contribute Council/LAA/Area priorities to priorities within each of the plans and strategies to improve the quality of life for residents at an area level.

Appendix 1

Ward Budgets



1. Ward Budgets are an annual citywide sum, which are made available from Hull City Council’s core funds.

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1.1 The rules which allow Hull City Council to make funding available for the Ward Budgets are contained within Section 1 of the Localism Act 2011 under the General Power of Competence provision.

1.2 The annual budget (£1.19 million for 2013/14 - £190k revenue, £1 million capital) is sub- divided into allocations for each ward based upon a centrally agreed formula.

1.3 Decisions regarding the use of the Ward Budgets are made by the Area Committee based upon the submission of formal applications. The application process is administered on behalf of the Area Committee by the relevant Area Team. Area Committees may establish a scheme of delegation for the Ward Budgets to be agreed by the Area Director in consultation with Ward Members for small projects within individual wards if all ward Members agree. Where it is not possible to secure local agreement of Ward Members as outlined above, the application should be referred to Area Committee for formal consideration.

1.4 Applications for financial support from Ward Budgets can be made from internal Council Departments and from external public, voluntary or community bodies and not for profit social enterprises provided they are properly constituted and are able to satisfy the appropriate rules of grant.

Eligibility Criteria

2. The Ward Budgets (WB) have been specifically established to enable Area Committees to support local projects for the benefit of their local communities. The criteria aim to provide Elected Members with flexibility in the deployment of their allocated WB within the powers available to them under the Localism Act.

2.1 Each Area Committee can identify its priorities for local action annually. Applications for Ward Budget funding should be able to demonstrate that they contribute to the agreed priorities for the area for that year. Agreed priorities may, therefore, differ from area to area. Elected Members have the power to approve projects if, in their opinion, they address an issue of local need.

2.2 It is acknowledged that local initiatives may not always be confined to the geography of a single Area Committee and may, accordingly, involve communities from adjoining Area Committee areas.

2.3 Once a project proposal extends beyond three Area Committee boundaries it ceases to be regarded as a “local initiative” and, accordingly, ceases to be eligible for consideration for Ward Budget support.

2.4 Notwithstanding this, initiatives that do span two or three Area Committees will need to make two / three separate applications and each Area Committee is empowered to Page 199 of 236 8

make an independent decision on support (or otherwise) based upon its agreed priorities. Support from one Area Committee does not automatically imply support or commitment from another.

2.5 Applications are not eligible for political or religious purposes nor if received from individuals or from profit making enterprises and neither are applications eligible that are demonstrably for the benefit of an individual or private enterprise. An exception to this rule may be made, at the discretion of the Area Committee, where the project is in specific response to an issue of Community Safety subject to advice from the Council’s Legal Services and a specific supporting report from Humberside Police, the Fire and Rescue Service or the Council’s Community Safety officers.

2.6 Ward Budgets can be utilised for either Capital or Revenue expenditure up to the allocation limits for each, but should not be used to create a reliance on year-on-year support. Accordingly, WB funding support is normally only eligible for individual projects for a maximum of one financial year.

2.7 Wards have the capacity, with the agreement of the relevant Area Committee(s), to exchange capital funding for revenue funding or vice-versa with another ward or wards (either with the same Area, or within a different Area) as long as formal agreement is received from all parties in the form of an Area Committee(s) minute(s) approving the exchange of allocations.

2.8 As outlined earlier in this policy statement, the Ward Budgets are provided from Council core resources. Approved projects, therefore, must not be contrary to agreed Council policy and must not be used to fund the active opposition to (or campaigning against) agreed Council policy. Any proposals which aim to do this will be ineligible for funding support.

2.9 All initiatives supported by the Ward Budgets must publicise this fact and prominently display Hull City Council’s logo in recognition of this support.

2.10 The Ward Budgets are a finite resource. Area Committees have the right, therefore, to refuse applications on the grounds of insufficient available resources or on the grounds that more pressing agreed priorities exist for action within the area (as evidenced by published priorities).

2.11 Area Committee (or local Ward Elected Members in the case of delegated decisions) have the right to refuse applications if they feel that there is insufficient evidence of consultation and / or support from the relevant community / beneficiary group.

2.12 Applicants who are in receipt of a refusal for funding have the right to submit their application for reconsideration if they feel that additional relevant information can be made available.

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Page 202 of 236 Holderness - CAPITAL CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments Error suspense correction £-300.00 M13-12 0.00 0.00 A9998 9324 0000 PAHO Reallocated £300 to Payback equipment Carried forward from 2007/2009 underspends plus leftover small amounts from 2010/11 finance items. Req 701135 £176 Inv 13385720. Req 701135 £176 Inv 13445897. Req 701135 £176 Inv 13480524. Req 675314 £176 Inv 13516287. Req 675314 £176 Inv 13549283. M01-14 M03- Req 675314 £176 Inv 13584756. Req 682780 14 M04-14 M05- £176 Inv 13618328. Req 682780 £176 Inv 14 M06-14 M07- 13652320. Req 682780 £176 Inv 13686196. 14 M08-14 M10- Req 687919 £176 Inv 13718532. Req 687919 HO004-Cap Pelican Park Refurbishment Elliott Hire 10/02/2009 6,104.31 1,760.00 4,344.31 A9998 9221 0000 PAHO 14 £176 Inv. Req 687919 £176 Inv. HO005/050-Cap Park Area Team Equipment for Halloween Event 10/2009 28/09/2010 4,444.84 4,444.84 A9998 9220 0000 PAHO Commitment left from original Planting, equipment and improvements to Youth HO006-Cap Park Area Team Zone 30/10/2009 3,451.50 3,451.50 Ongoing project

Ongoing project when equipment required. Req M09-14 M10- 683796 to Arco for £247.70 (litter pickers). Req HO010-Cap Community Payback Equipment 15/12/2009 763.14 763.14 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PAHO 14 Yes 686784 for £515.44 see also HO120-Cap HO019-Cap Lamorna Allotments Security 15/03/2010 0.00 0.00 £1754 rellocated to Rockford Fields. NPS to journal as codes provided. To be reallocated. £8 reallocated to payback HO055-Cap NPS Humber Land registry fees 08/03/2011 0.00 0.00 A9998 9064 0000 PAHO equipment HO058-Cap Park Area Team Pelican Park 28/06/2011 4,986.20 4,986.20 Ongoing scheme Under investigation re management plan, HO062/67-Cap East Park Restocking the lake 13/09/2011 10,000.00 10,000.00 awaiting report. Commitment left from £2500 orignal. CAA30776 for £110 (£210 totally with HO075- Cap) to Streetlighting for dog signs. Req 650563 then sent to KWL due to service HO066-Cap East Park Park run markers 21/11/2011 110.00 110.00 0.00 A9998 9109 0000 PAHO M08-14 Yes change. £1384 reallocated. M02-14 M09- HO072-Cap East Park Bat Boxes 21/02/2013 1,438.00 1,437.94 0.06 A9998 9220 0000 PAHO 14 Req 662754 £1875.46 to come back into budget as HO073-Cap Community Wardens Junior Warden Project -1,875.46 -1,875.46 A9998 9601 0000 PAHO underspend as the schme did not go ahead. HO073-Cap To be rellocated 655.46 655.46 To be reallocated CAA30776 for £100 (£210 total from HO066- Cap). Req 650563 sent to KWL due to service HO075-Cap Streetlighting/KWL Signage for Thamesbrook 31/07/2012 100.00 100.00 0.00 A9998 9109 0000 PAHO M08-14 Yes change. To be reallocated. HO076-Cap Misbeck Nursery Planting to Thamesbrook 0.00 0.00 £100 reallocated. HO079-Cap Youth Development East Park Twilight Football 17/07/2012 0.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PAHO £700 reallocated to Child Dynamix HO080-Cap Arthur Wesobys Paint to Pelican Park toilets 142.60 142.60 A9998 9220 0000 PAHO Codes given to NPS. £8 reallocated to Payback HO087-Cap NPS Land Search 20/07/2012 0.00 0.00 A9998 9059 0000 PAHO equipment. HO088-Cap Westcott School Summer Fair 500.00 500.00 HO089-Cap Highways Ullswater 3,750.00 3,750.00 HO090-Cap Streetcare Grit bins 18/01/2013 1,475.00 350.00 1,125.00 A9998 9503 0000 PAHO M04-14 CAA30815 for £350. CAA30840 for £160. HO091-Cap Conservation Department Commemorative Blue Plaque 240.00 240.00 A9998 9503 0000 PAHO John Barry plaque Astoria HO093-Cap Minerva Project Gating scheme Glebe Road 29/01/2013 819.00 819.00 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PAHO M03-14 Yes Req 657861 HO095-Cap Waste Management BOYRD 12/07/2013 5,730.00 5,730.00 0.00 A9998 9103 0000 PAHO M04-14 Yes CAA30842 for £5730 Original £2000. CEPK00100 £100 to Child Dynamix for half term sports 05/06/2013. M03-14 M04- CEPK00102 to Child Dynamix £1,000 Cullen HO096-Cap Child Dynamix Youth sport and play 26/03/2013 1,950.00 1,100.00 850.00 A9998 9601 0000 PAHO 14 Park and East Park. HO097-Cap Park Area Schools projects 2,500.00 2,500.00 Ongoing HO098-Cap Highways Internal Trading Bollards 127 Summergangs Road 24/04/2013 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 A9998 9324 0000 PAHO M03-14 Yes CAA30829 HO099-Cap Highways Internal Trading Bollards 311 James Reckitt Avenue 24/04/2013 400.00 400.00 0.00 A9998 9324 0000 PAHO M03-14 Yes CAA30830 HO100-Cap Highways Internal Trading Bollards 269/271 James Reckitt Avenue 24/04/2013 1,600.00 1,600.00 0.00 A9998 9324 0000 PAHO M03-14 Yes CAA30831 HO101-Cap Highways Internal Trading Bollard 1-11 and 2-12 Marlowe Street 24/04/2013 200.00 200.00 0.00 A9998 9324 0000 PAHO M03-14 Yes CAA30832 HO102-Cap Rockford Field path 7,754.99 7,754.99 Ongoing CAA30838 for £760 to Streetcare. Req 671138 to Glasdon UK Ltd for £1,179.26. Req 677120 to Ron Cook for £486.30. (See also SW098- HO103-Cap East Park Benches 14/06/2013 2,425.56 2,425.56 0.00 A9998 9103/9324 0000 PAHO M05-14 Yes Cap) HO104-Cap East Park Adaptive Cycles Parts and equipment 17/07/2013 5,079.76 276.00 4,803.76 A9998 9220 0000 PAHO M05-14 Req 673483 for £276 Discount Mobility Plus HO105-Cap Rockford Field Nature Reserve 12,970.00 12,970.00 Ongoing HO106-Cap Highways Internal Trading Bollards 576/578 James Reckitt Avenue 24/04/2013 1,400.00 1,400.00 0.00 A9998 9324 0000 PAHO M03-14 Yes CAA30834 HO116-Cap Cullen Close play park 1,598.10 1,598.10 HO122-Cap Humberside Police Bike competition with schools 04/02/2014 100.00 100.00 A9998 9601 0000 PAHO CEPK HO123-Cap Child Dynamix Sporting activities for February Half Term 04/02/2014 350.00 350.00 A9998 9601 0000 PAHO CEPK HO124-Cap Child Dynamix Sporting activities for Easter Holidays 04/02/2014 620.00 620.00 A9998 9601 0000 PAHO CEPK HO125-Cap Child Dynamix Sporting activities for May half term 04/02/2014 150.00 150.00 A9998 9601 0000 PAHO CEPK

Total Commitments from prev financial year 82,933.00

Projects 2013/14 - Holderness Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 82,933.00

Budget to allocate 2013/14 42,976.00

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments HO107-Cap Woodcraft Ltd 1 x wooden york bench 07/05/2013 606.00 572.00 34.00 A9998 9324 0000 PAHO M06-14 Req 668099 HO108-Cap S & S Fabrication and Fencing Ltd Gating scheme 67-71 Summergangs Road 14/05/2013 125.00 125.00 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PAHO M06-14 Yes Req 675314 HO109-Cap Ron Cook Engineering Ltd 3 x notice boards manufacture and installation 2,250.00 2,250.00 HO110-Cap Park Area Team Youth Zone 5,000.00 5,000.00 HO111-Cap Park Area Team Animal Education Centre animals 5,000.00 5,000.00

HO112-Cap Friends of Pelican Park Summer Holiday Activities coaching equipment 18/06/2013 3,100.00 3,100.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PAHO M03-14 Yes CEPK00101 Toys R Us/Newitt & Co Req 672825 £25.77 Toys r us, £241.82 HO113-Cap Ltd/Maudesport ltd Match Funding for sports equipment 13/07/2013 821.29 821.29 0.00 A9998 9503 0000 PAHO M04-14 Yes Maudesport, £553.70 Newitt HO114-Cap Ron Cook Engineering Ltd 3 x notice boards manufacture and installation 17/09/2013 2,250.00 2,250.00 0.00 A9998 9503 0000 PAHO M10-14 Yes Req 678107 HO115-Cap Friends of East Park Clock Tower 25/09/2013 1,050.00 170.00 880.00 A9998 9503 0000 PAHO M08-14 CAA30854 to planning for £170. HO117-Cap Highways Rockfold Fields path 15,000.00 15,000.00 HO118-Cap Ron Cook Engineering Ltd Notice board Veterans 27/01/2014 750.00 750.00 A9998 9220 0000 PAHO Req HO119-Cap Waste Management BOYRD 6,375.90 6,375.90

HO120-Cap F G Adamsons Community payback equipment 20/12/2013 567.81 567.81 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PAHO M10-14 Yes Req 686784 for £567.80 see also HO010-Cap HO121-Cap Streetcare Hire of skip 09/01/2014 80.00 80.00 A9998 9220 0000 PAHO CAA30863 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 13/14 0.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 0.00 Actual Oracle Spend 27,077.74 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 98,831.26

Page 203 of 236 Marfleet - CAPITAL CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments MA001-Cap Parking bay schemes 9,012.65 9,012.65 Scheme under investigation MA008-Cap Parking bay schemes 1,532.68 1,532.68 Scheme under investigation

CAA30606. To be reallocated from Falkland Road to Kneeshaw. Journal to be done by MA011-Cap East Area Team Alderman Kneeshaw playground 16/01/2014 9,999.99 9,999.99 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 EAMA M10-14 Yes Corporate finance into T9498 raised 17/01/2014 Reallocated from Sutton Way. Scheme under MA060-Cap Parking bay schemes 11,880.65 11,880.65 investiation Orders raised when stores required. Req to Arco for £247.70 for Litter Pickers (£85.50 order MA027-Cap Community Taskforce/Payback Equipment 26/01/2011 85.50 85.50 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 EAMA M09-14 Yes also on line MA075-Cap £162.20). Painting lamp columns Church Lane MV CAA30714. Req 650563 sent to KWL for full MA037-Cap Street Lighting/KWL 16/09/2011 420.00 420.00 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 EAMA M01-14 Yes amount due to service change M02-14 M09- MA040-Cap East Park Bat Boxes 11/01/2012 1,618.53 1,573.32 45.21 A9998 9220 0000 EAMA 14 Req 662754 Codes given to NPS. £2400 S106 monies to MA043-Cap NPS Footpath and streetlighting Annandale to Isaac 10,610.56 10,610.56 A9998 9103/9220 0000 EAMA come back into budget.

CAA30791 to Streetcare for £1850.00 (£1560 M03-14 M04- claimed M11-13). CAA30822 to Streetcare for MA048-Cap Streetcare Litter bins/grit bins 26/04/2012 5,748.13 370.00 5,378.13 A9998 9503 0000 EAMA 14 £370.00. Orders raised when required M04-14 M07- MA052-Cap Bransby Lingdale play area 6,818.26 6,818.26 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 EAMA 14 Yes MA053-Cap NPS Footpath and streetlighting Annandale to Isaac 13/09/2012 629.08 629.08 A9998 9103 0000 EAMA Codes given to NPS

MA055-Cap Parks & Gardens Fell conifers Isaac Newton site Annandale Road 09/10/2012 1,720.00 1,720.00 A9998 9390 0000 EAMA CAA30786

MA058-Cap NPS Reinstate kerbs around Annandale Road link road 11/10/2012 2,450.00 2,450.00 A9998 9103 0000 EAMA £2450 journalled from S106 M07-14 M08- Codes given to NPS and again 22/04/2013 via MA052-Cap Bransby Lingdale play area 22,111.27 3,399.83 18,711.44 A9998 9220 0000 EAMA 14 GB. MA061-Cap Traffic Services Speed survey Home Zone Sutton Trust 552.00 552.00 Scheme under investigation. CAA30862 MA064-Cap Traffic Services Intersection opposite Aldi car park one way 08/02/2013 4,300.00 4,300.00 0.00 A9998 9503 0000 EAMA M03-14 Yes CAA30811

MA065-Cap Traffic Services Falkland Road one way system sign and lighting 08/02/2013 2,670.70 2,670.70 0.00 A9998 9109 0000 EAMA M03-14 Yes CAA30810 CAA30821 to Streetcare for £1050. CAA30837 MA066-Cap Streetcare Grit Bins 15/03/2013 1,400.00 1,400.00 0.00 A9998 9503 0000 EAMA M04-14 Yes to Streetcare for £350.

Total Commitments from prev financial year 93,560.00

Projects 2013/14 - Marfleet Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 93,560.00

Budget to allocate 2013/14 55,185.00

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments MA067-Cap St Richards Primary School Commemorative mugs for 50th anniversary 03/05/2013 500.00 500.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 EAMA M02-14 Yes CEPK00101 MA068-Cap Property & Assets Isaac Newton Library CCTV 22/07/2013 18,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 EAMA M06-14 Yes Journal 0080 MA069-Cap Street Lighting Street sign Strathcona Villas Ceylon Street 22/07/2013 126.00 126.00 0.00 A9998 9109 0000 EAMA M09-14 Yes CAA30849 MA070-Cap NPS Bransby/Lingdale play area 23/07/2013 4,561.00 4,561.00 A9998 9220 0000 EAMA Codes givent to NPS. MA071-Cap Streetcare Skip for community litter pick on Stonebridge 08/08/2013 120.00 120.00 0.00 A9998 9221 0000 EAMA M05-14 Yes CAA30846 MA072-Cap Friends of East Park Clock Tower 08/10/2013 900.00 900.00 A9998 9503 0000 EAMA MA073-Cap Oldfleet School Planning and building works 18/11/2013 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 EAMA M08-14 Yes CEPK00105 MA074-Cap Marfleet Primary School Rock Challenge 18/11/2013 500.00 500.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 EAMA M08-14 Yes CEPK00105 Req to Arco for £247.70 for litter pickers MA075-Cap Park Area Team Tools, litter pickers etc 18/11/2013 500.00 162.21 337.79 A9998 9220 0000 EAMA M09-14 (£162.20 also line MA027-Cap £85.50). MA076-Cap Traffic Services Hardstanding for bus stop in Marfleet Village 18/11/2013 500.00 500.00 A9998 9103 0000 EAMA CAA MA077-Cap Animal Education Centre New and replacement stock 09/12/2013 750.00 750.00 A9998 9601 0000 EAMA H Bar markings access between 19A and 21 MA078-Cap Traffic Services Marfleet Lane 05/12/2013 72.00 72.00 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 EAMA M10-14 Yes CAA30861 MA079-Cap Traffic calming measures Preston Road 9,998.00 9,998.00 MA080-Cap Traffic calming measures Hopewell Road 9,998.00 9,998.00 MA081-Cap PA system 3,000.00 3,000.00 MA082-Cap Sports Development Banners 200.00 200.00 MA083-Cap Child Dynamics Sporting activities 733.80 733.80 MA083-Cap Camera 40.00 40.00 East Hull Rugby U14 -313.80 -313.80 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 EAMA M01-14 Cheque returned. To be reallocated. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 13/14 0.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 0.00 Actual Oracle Spend 55,204.01 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 93,540.99

Page 204 of 236 Southcoates East - CAPITAL CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per Project brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments 2009/2010 Southocates Community Parents Dance Equipment 0.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASE reallocated to payback equipment CAA30733 new order superseeds previous order. Now only £30,955.20 of capital CIB currently required due to total order needed £125000 across the budgets. CAA30670 from 2010/2008/9. Codes given to Richard Mainprize for final payment of £1,555.00. To be journalled SE018-Cap Streetscene Traffic Lorenzo Way Car Park Various 1,555.00 1,555.00 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASE M08-14 Yes as taken from incorrect codes.

SE025-Cap Community Tasking/Payback Equipment 26/01/2011 120.07 120.07 A9998 9220 0000 PASE Ongoing scheme orders as and when required M02-14 M09- SE034-Cap East Park Bat Boxes 18/01/2012 359.70 358.69 1.01 A9998 9220 0000 PASE 14 Req 662754 Orders raised as and when required for works SE035-Cap Environmental improvements Redevelop BMX track 5,000.00 5,000.00 to be carried out in the Ward

SE037-Cap NPS CCTV mast relocation Holmpton Grove 06/02/2013 3,250.00 3,250.00 A9998 9020 0000 PASE Codes given to Dave Breckon at NPS for £3250 Orders raised as and when works required to be carried out in the Ward. £1100 Hilston Grove fencing. £1316 Foston Grove fencing. £1015 M01-14 M02- Brigham Grove. £452 PrestonRoad. £492 SE045-Cap Thompsons Fencing Fencing for vulnerable residents 31/10/2012 4,739.00 4,375.00 364.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASE 14 M03-14 Mappleton Grove. Orders raised as and when materials are required for works to be carried out in the Ward. Req 650563 for £257.09 to Tarmac. CAA30806 to Streetcare for £480. Req 659604 to Tarmac for £520.18. Req 668099 to Ron M04-14 M06- Cook for £240. Req 677599 to Screwfix for SE047-Cap Community Tasking/Payback Materials, tools and equipment 31/10/2012 1,677.18 1,622.25 54.93 A9998 9220 0000 PASE 14 M07-14 £124.98.

SE048-Cap Traffic Services Preston Road speed restrictions additional works 06/11/2012 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 A9998 9103 0000 PASE M07-14 Yes CAA30792 Small works projects Schools and Community SE049-Cap Environmental improvements Centre 2,000.00 2,000.00

Req 665676 for £3,180 to Titan Containers. Req 673483 for £2,936.54 to Adamsons. Req 673910 to F.G Adamsons for £309.68. Req 673910 to Glasdon for £303.60. Req 673910 to Westobys for £1,039.05 (£775.26). Req 673910 to LBS for £1,020.75 (£1016.25). Req 673910 to Screw Fix for £164.36. Email to Terry M03-14 M04- Sullivan (Elliott) with cost codes for stores order Community Payback environmental 14 M05-14 for £247.00. Req 675314 to Adamsons for SE050-Cap improvements Power tools 17/04/2013 9,500.00 8,862.27 637.73 A9998 9220 0000 PASE M06-14 £27.30. Screwfix £66.64. St Johns Grove playing fields bulb and tree SE051-Cap Environmental improvements planting 15/08/2013 3,000.00 2,700.00 300.00 A9998 9390 0000 PASE M08-14 CAA30850 for £2,700 to Parks & Gardens. SE052-Cap Environmental improvements St Johns Grove path resurfacing 9,500.00 9,500.00 Commitment to scheme under investigation Landscape improvements to hotspot areas within SE053-Cap Environmental improvements the ward 4,182.50 4,182.50 Commitment to scheme under investigation SE054-Cap Environmental improvements Marfleet Lane-Flinton Grove grasscrete 9,500.00 9,500.00 Commitment to scheme under investigation CAA30804 for £1050 to Streetcare. CAA30809 for £1050 to Streetcare. CAA30819 to Highways Internal Trading for £3750 (£2650). CAA30820 for £1,085 to Streetcare. CAA30826 M03-14 M04- for £1200 to Highways. CAA30827 for £635 Landscape improvements to hotspot areas within A9998 9503/9324/9601 0000 14 M05-14 (£294.21) to Streetcare (also on line SE059- SE055-Cap Environmental improvements the ward 08/02/2013 8,429.21 7,329.21 1,100.00 PASE M06-14 Cap) SE056-Cap Environmental improvements Maybury Road traffic light scheme 08/02/2013 4,592.71 4,592.71 A9998 9323 0000 PASE CAA30807. Feasability study Andy F. SE057-Cap Environmental improvements Holmpton Grove reinstatement footpath 785.41 785.41 Commitment to scheme under investigation SE058-Cap Environmental improvements Reinstatement of Flinton Grove footpath 3,327.22 3,327.22 Commitment to scheme under investigation CAA30827 for £340.79 to Streetcare (also line SE055-Cap). Req 678107 to Minerva for £222.13. Req 686784 to Minerva for £276. Req 685283 to Minerva for £111.20. Req 685283 to Thompsons Fencing for £1868. Journal 0083 M04-14 M10- for £550 to Hull Training. CAA30864 to SE059-Cap Environmental improvements Hotspot areas in the ward 18/04/2013 5,000.00 2,758.79 2,241.21 A9998 9220/9503 0000 PASE 14 Highways for £400. Codes given to Dave Breckon at NPS for £5290. Codes given to Dave Breckon at NPS SE061-Cap NPS Holmpton Grove CCTV 06/02/2013 9,665.00 9,665.00 A9998 9020 0000 PASE for additional £850. 0.00

Total Commitments from prev financial year 95,183.00 Projects 2013/14 - Southcoates East Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 95,183.00

Budget to allocate 2013/14 32,993.00

Actual Spend per Project Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments SE060-Cap St Aidans Community Group Photocopying/printing equipment 14/06/2013 1,918.00 1,918.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASE M03-14 Yes CEPK00101 SE062-Cap Child Dynamix Toy library 18/07/2013 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASE M04-14 Yes CEPK00102 SE063-Cap Friends of East Park Clock Tower 26/09/2013 600.00 600.00 A9998 9503 0000 PASE SE064-Cap North Carr Team Transfer from North Carr of funding -5,000.00 -5,000.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASE SE065-Cap Alderman Cogan School Play Games Project 5,000.00 5,000.00 SE066-Cap Southcoates Primary School Play Games Project 5,000.00 5,000.00 SE067-Cap Foredyke Primary School Pre School nursery equipment 19/12/2013 4,275.00 4,275.00 A9998 9503 0000 PASE Req 686798 Preston Road Family Community SE068-Cap Association Kitchen equipment 7,000.00 7,000.00 SE069-Cap Eden Preston Road Project Equipment for youth project 22/01/2014 1,163.00 1,163.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASE CEPK SE070-Cap Environmental improvements Hotspot areas in the ward 9,500.00 9,500.00 SE071-Cap Community Payback tools and equipment 1,500.00 1,500.00 SE072-Cap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 East Hull Rugby U14s -209.20 -209.20 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASE M01-14 Cheque returned. To be reallocated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 13/14 246.20 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 246.20 Actual Oracle Spend 42,270.01 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 85,659.79

Page 205 of 236 Southcoates West - CAPITAL CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments SW056-Cap Parks & Gardens Planting of trees in Brindley Street 26/10/2011 401.32 401.32 A9998 9601 0000 PASW CAA30719 Bat Boxes M02-14 M09- SW058-Cap East Park 11/01/2012 359.70 359.68 0.02 A9998 9220 0000 PASW 14 Req 662754 SW074-Cap Sports forum 275.00 275.00 Scheme under investigation SW085-Cap Charlton FC Football project 12/02/2013 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW M01-14 Yes CEPK00099 SW086-Cap Minerva Project Gating scheme Middleburg 12/02/2013 106.43 106.43 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M02-14 Yes Req 659604

SW087-Cap Minerva Project Gating scheme Middleburg Street/Argyle Avenue 12/02/2013 371.23 371.23 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M06-14 Yes Req 659604 SW088-Cap Minerva Project Security Fencing Beechwood Court 13/03/2013 693.30 693.30 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M03-14 Yes Req 662609 SW089-Cap Parks & Gardens Trees Cundall Close 12/02/2013 450.00 450.00 A9998 9390 0000 PASW CAA30812 SW090-Cap Highways Internal Trading Flashing speed sign 12/01/2013 3,750.00 2,650.00 1,100.00 A9998 9103 0000 PASW M06-14 CAA30819 SW091-Cap Streetcare 2 x Victoriana bins 13/03/2013 900.00 900.00 0.00 A9998 9503 0000 PASW M04-14 Yes CAA30816 SW092-Cap Arthur Westobys Paint for notice boards 13/03/2013 13.30 13.30 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M01-14 Req 662609 Req 664318. £2,000 cheque from Sacred Heart as contribution to works received 04/04/2013 to SW093-Cap Colfax Sacred Heart Church windows 05/04/2013 1,370.68 1,370.68 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M04-14 Yes be put into this budget line. SW094-Cap Colfax Sacred Heart Church windows 05/04/2013 3,536.99 3,536.99 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M04-14 Yes Req 664318 M01-14 M03- SW095-Cap Streetlighting No ball game sign Lodge Street 13/03/2013 37.00 37.00 0.00 A9998 9103 0000 PASW 14 Yes CAA30818 SW096-Cap Streetcare Scarab and cabac use on BOYRDs 12/08/2013 1,164.50 1,164.50 0.00 A9998 9221 0000 PASW M05-14 Yes Journal 0079 SW098-Cap Glasdon UK Ltd Benches for East Park 24/04/2013 99.85 99.85 0.00 A9998 9324 0000 PASW M05-14 Yes Req 671138 to Glasdons for £786.15 Req 683796 to Arco for £247.70 for litter M09-14 M10- pickers (£21.70 also line SW056-CSF £226). SW106-Cap Community Payback Paint/equipment 18/11/2013 21.70 21.70 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW 14 Yes Journal 0083 for £226.01

Total Commitments from prev financial year 14,551.00

Projects 2013/14 - Southcoates West Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 14,551.00

Budget to allocate 2013/14 31,040.00

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments SW097-Cap Society of Local Entertainers Show Gift vouchers 04/06/2013 265.00 265.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW M03-14 Yes CEK00101 Req 671138 to Glasdons for £786.15 (See M05-14 M07- SW098-Cap + HO103-Cap). Req 677120 to SW098-Cap Glasdon UK Ltd Benches for East Park 24/04/2013 1,000.02 1,000.02 0.00 A9998 9103/9324 0000 PASW 14 Yes Ron Cooks for £313.70 SW099-Cap Streetcare 3 x Post mounted bins 04/07/2013 555.00 555.00 0.00 A9998 9503 0000 PASW M08-14 Yes CAA30841 SW100-Cap St Johns Church tools and equipment 27/11/2013 250.00 250.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW Req Estcourt/Southcoates and Alderman SW101-Cap Coogan Schools School poster project 02/09/2013 240.00 240.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW M06-14 Yes CEPK00103 £80 cheque each school SW102-Cap Thompsons Fencing Rothersay Close gating scheme 04/07/2013 340.00 340.00 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M06-14 Yes Req 672521 SW103-Cap AB Rooms 3 x locks Telford and Estcourt 04/07/2013 105.00 105.00 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M06-14 Yes Req 672521 SW104-Cap Estcourt School Playground improvements 27/07/2013 2,185.00 2,185.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW M04-14 Yes CEPK00102 SW105-Cap Sandridge Blinds and Curtains Ltd Privacy equipment (blinds) 27/07/2013 1,452.09 1,452.09 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M07-14 Yes Req 674357 SW107-Cap AB Rooms 2 x locks for Telford Street 04/09/2013 70.00 70.00 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M07-14 Yes Req 677120 SW108-Cap AB Rooms 3 x keys Rosmead Street car park 11/09/2013 13.50 13.50 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M07-14 Yes Req 677599 SW109-Cap AB Rooms 1 x lock for Savery Street tenfoot 16/09/2013 35.00 35.00 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M07-14 Yes Req 678107 SW110-Cap Printing 3 x school dog foul posters PVC schools 16/09/2013 97.00 97.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW CAA SW111-Cap Streetlighting Street sign for Coronation Avenue 18/11/2013 120.00 120.00 A9998 9324 0000 PASW CAA30858 SW112-Cap AB Rooms 1 x lock for Brindley Street gating scheme 16/09/2013 35.00 35.00 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M07-14 Yes Req 678107 East Hull Rugby U14's cheque returned. SW113-Cap -209.20 -209.20 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW Reallocated. SW114-Cap Friends of East Park Clock tower 1,050.00 1,050.00 SW115-Cap AB Rooms 1 x lock for Rosmead Street 26/09/2013 35.00 35.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW Req 679181 for the Ward SW116-Cap Printing & Copying Services HCC 20 x A3 Crime Reduction and security signs 30/10/2013 309.00 309.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW M09-14 Yes Green printing order number SW117-Cap Printing & Copying Services HCC 40 x A4 Crime Reduction and security signs 30/10/2013 322.00 322.00 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW M09-14 Yes Green printing order number SW118-Cap Thompsons Fencing Fencing scheme Ermiston Villas Middleburg 12/11/2013 492.05 492.05 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M09-14 Yes Req 683067 SW119-Cap Minerva Project Estcourt Street Matlock Villas 11/12/2013 288.00 288.00 0.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW M10-14 Yes Req 685634 SW120-Cap Southcoates Primary School 5,000.00 5,000.00 Provisional SW121-Cap Alderman Coogan School 5,000.00 5,000.00 Provisional Req 685634 for £44. Req for £18. Req 686784 SW122-Cap AB Rooms 1 x lock plus 12 keys Rosmead Street 13/12/2013 62.00 62.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW for £62 SW123-Cap Estcourt Primary School Stationery 19/12/2013 237.07 237.07 0.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW M10-14 Yes CEPK00107 SW124-Cap Waste Management BOYRD 8,000.00 8,000.00 Provisional Req 687487 to Minerva cancelled. Req to Ron SW125-Cap Ron Cook Engineering Welding padlock to gating scheme Southocates 08/01/2014 35.00 35.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW Cooks.

SW126-Cap AB Rooms Padlock and keys for Southcoates gating scheme 08/01/2014 35.00 35.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW Req 687487 SW127-Cap Events Team Veterans Weekend 2014 27/01/2014 2,000.00 2,000.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW Journal SW128-Cap East Park Animals for AEC 27/01/2014 1,000.00 1,000.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW Awaiting information from RS SW129-Cap Park Area Team Camera 27/01/2014 39.00 39.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW Req SW130-Cap Humberside Police Schools project 27/01/2014 100.00 100.00 A9998 9601 0000 PASW CEPK SW131-Cap Steetcare 6 x skips 27/01/2014 480.00 480.00 A9998 9321 0000 PASW CAA SW132-Cap Ron Cook Engineering Rustenburg gating scheme repair 2.47 2.47 A9998 9220 0000 PASW Req 0.00 Balance unallocated 13/14 0.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 0.00 Actual Oracle Spend 20,059.19 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 25,531.81

Page 206 of 236 Holderness - REVENUE CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments Ongoing project until new build pavilion 2008/2009 Elliot Hire Pelican Park portakabins change facilities 10/02/2009 5,134.45 5,134.45 complete HO003-Rev NPS 501 Holderness Road 15/09/2009 0.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PAHO CAA30593. £525 reallocated to bins. HO004/6-Rev Pelican Park Refurbishment 15/03/2010 69,089.74 69,089.74 A0521 0972 0000 PAHO Ongoing scheme Newsletters, fliers, letters, leaflets. Codes given to Printing for Jan 13 newsletter. Req 672521 for £132.50 and £15.50 for Browns. Req 675314 to force 7 for £621. £58 copy M04-14 M05- charges printing. Copying charges July 2013 HO010/15-Rev Park Area Team Publicity 28/09/2010 3,693.81 1,082.00 2,611.81 A0521 5020 0000 PAHO 14 M06-14 £255.

HO017-Rev NPS Land search fees 14/08/2012 0.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PAHO Codes given to NPS. £14 reallocated to bins. Commemerative plaque ceremony Westcott HO019-Rev Street 1,206.00 1,206.00 To be reallocated. HO020-Rev Woodford Sports for primary schools 13/07/2013 1,022.40 1,022.40 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PAHO M04-14 Yes Journal 0078 HO021-Rev EMS Park Area in Bloom 14/03/2013 500.00 500.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PAHO M01-14 Yes CEPK HO022-Rev Park Area Team Publicity 2,462.00 2,462.00 HO023-Rev Bins 3,554.60 3,554.60 Orders to be raised as and when required

Total Commitments from prev financial year 86,663.00

Projects 2013/14 - Holderness Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 86,663.00

Budget to allocate 2013/14 8,165.00

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments HO024-Rev Hull Events Team Veterans Weekend 2013 Red Devils 14/05/2013 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PAHO M03-14 Yes Journal 0076

HO025-Rev Traffic Management Feasability Study Ings Road/Savoy Road junction 14/05/2013 1,000.00 1,000.00 East Area to raise order, ongoing. HO026-Rev Clearance of Lorraine Street 600.00 600.00 HO027-Rev Hull Environment Forum Hire of bus 200.00 200.00 Summer holiday activites on Cullen Close and HO028-Rev First Step Sports East Park Youth Zone 18/06/2013 930.00 930.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PAHO M03-14 Yes CEPK00101 HO029-Rev Streetcare Clean up after BOYRD 12/07/2013 960.00 960.00 0.00 A0521 1390 0000 PAHO M04-14 Yes Journal 0078 HO030-Rev Friends of Pelican Park Development of Youth engagement officer 28/10/2013 1,170.00 1,170.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PAHO M08-14 Yes CEPK00105 HO031-Rev Waste Management BOYRD March/April 2014 2,305.00 2,305.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 13/14 0.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 0.00 Actual Oracle Spend 6,664.40 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 88,163.60

Page 207 of 236 Marfleet - REVENUE CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments 2003/4 Marfleet Residents Fencing 0.00 0.00 £17877 reallocated to MA038-rev-MA040-rev 2004/5 Marfleet Residents Community Building 0.00 0.00 £7123 reallocated to MA038-rev-MA040-rev 2008/9 NPS CCTV Stonebridge Fields 06/11/2012 293.82 293.82 A0521 4900 0000 EAMA Codes given to Dave Breckon at NPS 2009 Highways Internal Trading Bothwell car parking bay scheme 17/01/2013 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 A0521 3000 0000 EAMA M03-14 Yes CAA30801 Journal MA005-Rev Streetscene Lighting Elmbridge Parade 15/12/2009 1,920.00 1,920.00 A0521 4900 0000 EAMA Ongoing scheme Commitment left from £1212.74 original. MA007-Rev Highways Bexhill Avenue parking bay scheme 24/02/2010 641.74 641.74 A0521 4900 0000 EAMA Ongoing scheme MA013-Rev Streetcare Spring Planting 11/10/2010 1,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 A0521 4900 0000 EAMA M02-14 CAA30677. Codes given to SP 16.01.2013 Parking surveys both Match and None match Scheme under investigation MA018-Rev Traffic Services days at HKR 11/01/2012 2,594.00 2,594.00 M03-14 M05- Req to St Giles for £10. Journal 75 £100 14 M07-14 printing. Journal 79 £100. Req 679181 to St M08-14 M10- Giles for £10. Printing costs £122 Jounral 81. MA023-Rev Park Area Team Publicity 11/10/2012 3,531.44 242.00 3,289.44 A0521 5020 0000 EAMA 14 Journal 83 correction (Bexhill -£100). MA024-Rev EMS Park Area in Bloom 15/03/2013 500.00 500.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 EAMA M01-14 Yes CEPK MA026-Rev Child Dynamix Multi sports sessions 700.00 700.00 MA027-Rev Traffic Services Pedestrian and vehicle survey Hopewell Road 20/12/2012 166.67 166.67 0.00 A0521 3000 0000 EAMA M02-14 Yes CAA30798 MA036-Rev Homezone Sutton Trust 2,594.00 2,594.00 MA038-Rev Marfleet residents 5,233.33 5,233.33 MA039-Rev Highways and parking 8,000.00 8,000.00 MA040-Rev Brandsby/Lingdale park phase 2 10,000.00 10,000.00 £950.00 for planting MA045-Rev Payback equipment 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00

Total Commitments from prev financial year 44,675.00

Projects 2013/14 - Marfleet Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 44,675.00

Budget to allocate 2013/14 10,485.00

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments MA029-Rev Highways Internal Trading Feasibility study on Annandale Road 26/04/2013 1,000.00 1,000.00 A0521 2750 0000 EAMA CAA30833 CAA30835. Journal 0083 for £55, wrong cost MA030-Rev Highways Internal Trading Feasibility study on Hemswell and Ashwell 26/04/2013 1,500.00 55.00 1,445.00 A0521 2750 0000 EAMA M10-14 codes used to claim.

MA031-Rev Highways Internal Trading Advisory disabled bay Bideford parking scheme 30/04/2013 150.00 150.00 A0521 3000 0000 EAMA CAA30836 MA032-Rev Events Team Veterans Weekend 2013 Vintage funfair rides 03/05/2013 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 EAMA M02-14 Yes Journal 0074 MA033-Rev Hull Youth Enterprise Room hire 03/05/2013 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 A0521 1100 0000 EAMA M02-14 Yes Journal 0074 MA034-Rev Oldfleet Primary School Rock challenge regional final transport 03/05/2013 500.00 500.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 EAMA M02-14 Yes CEPK00101 MA035-Rev Streetcare Removal of railings 08/10/2013 312.00 312.00 0.00 A0521 3000 0000 EAMA M08-14 Yes CAA30856 MA037-Rev Marfleet Primary School Rock challenge transport 18/11/2013 500.00 500.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 EAMA M08-14 Yes CEPK00105 MA041-Rev Waste Management BOYRD Sutton Trust 1,650.00 1,650.00 MA042-Rev Waste Management BOYRD Marfleet Village 1,650.00 1,650.00 MA043-Rev Streetscene Scarab for after BOYRD's 640.00 640.00 MA044-Rev Humberside Police School project 100.00 100.00 MA045-Rev Sports Development Pitch markings 100.00 100.00 MA046-Rev Child Dynamix Sports activities 66.20 66.20 MA047-Rev 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 13/14 316.80 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 316.80 Actual Oracle Spend 9,775.67 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 45,067.53

Page 208 of 236 Southcoates East - REVENUE CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments A0521 5020 0000 PASE Newsletters, leaflets, fliers. Codes given to Jen in Comms. Req 672521 to Force 7 for £345. Printing charges £106. Req to Force 7 for M04-14 M05- £350. Printing charges Oct £153. Printing SE008/14-Rev Park Area Team Publicity Various 2,367.21 733.00 1,634.21 14 M09-14 charges Nov £129. M01-14 M03- SE023-Rev Traffic Services No 3 St Johns Grove TRO scheme 14/01/2013 5,000.00 627.96 4,372.04 A0521 4153 0000 PASE 14 M04-14 CAA30799 for £4,000 sent to Highways Environmental Improvements SE024-Rev Highways Maybury Road traffic light scheme 08/02/2013 2,724.79 2,724.79 A0521 2750 0000 PASE CAA30807 Orders raised as and when works required within the Ward. Holmpton Grove £295.50. SE018-Rev Thompsons Fencing Fencing for vulnerable residents 31/10/2012 1,000.00 1,000.00 A0521 3000 0000 PASE Holmpton Grove £311.50 SE020-Rev Highways Internal Trading Speed restrictions on Preston Road 06/11/2012 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 A0521 3000 0000 PASE M07-14 Yes CAA30792 SE022-Rev EMS Park Area in Bloom 14/03/2013 400.00 400.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PASE M01-14 Yes CEPK 0.00

Total Commitments from prev financial year 12,492.00

Projects 2013/14 - Southcoates East Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 12,492.00

Budget to allocate 2013/14 6,269.00

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments Preston Road Community SE026-Rev Association Boxercise at Craven Lea 18/09/2013 600.00 600.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PASE M06-14 Yes CEPK00103 SE027-Rev Child Dynamix 10th Anniversary event John Hadland Park 26/09/2013 669.00 669.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PASE M07-14 Yes CEPK00103 SE028-Rev Bransholme East Capital Transfer of funds 5,000.00 5,000.00 A0521 4900 0000 PASE Journal to be done by North Carr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 13/14 0.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 0.00 Actual Oracle Spend 4,029.96 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 14,731.04

Page 209 of 236 Southcoates West - REVENUE CIB

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments 2010/11 Park Area Team Publicity A0521 1100 0000 PASW Yes newsletters, fliers, leaflets, letters. Req for M01-14 M04- Browns £87.50. Req Bus hire £200. Printing 05/10/2010 423.50 423.50 0.00 14 M05-14 charges £136 (£144 charges). SW010/19-Rev Sports Forum Sports Forum 02/03/2011 845.47 845.47 Under investigation SW021-Rev Colfax Sacred Heart Church windows 05/04/2013 2,000.50 2,000.50 0.00 A0521 3000 0000 PASW M04-14 Yes Req SW022-Rev Colfax Sacred Heart Church windows 05/04/2013 4,008.50 4,008.50 0.00 A0521 3000 0000 PASW M04-14 Yes Req SW026-Rev EMS Park Area in bloom 13/03/2013 500.00 500.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PASW M01-14 Yes CEPK SW027-Rev Streetcare Hire of 1 skip Estcourt Street 13/03/2013 80.00 80.00 0.00 A0521 3000 0000 PASW M02-14 Yes CAA30817 SW028-Rev Streetcare Use of cabac and scarab on BOYRD 12/08/2013 755.50 755.50 0.00 A0521 3000 0000 PASW M05-14 Yes Journal 0079 SW043-Rev Ron Cook Engineering Rustenburg gating scheme repair 24/01/2014 7.53 7.53 A0521 3000 0000 PASW Req SW044-Rev East Park Monkey/Meerkat project 4,000.00 4,000.00 A0521 4900 0000 PASW Awaiting order

Total Commitments from prev financial year 12,621.00

Projects 2013/14 - Southcoates West Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 12,621.00

Budget to allocate 2013/14 5,898.00

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments SW029-Rev Minerva Project Garden work at 111 Southcoates Avenue 08/05/2013 0.00 0.00 A0521 1481 0000 PASW Req 668099. £33 reallocated.

SW030-Rev Hull Events Team Veterans Weekend 2013 Marquees dance floor 24/04/2013 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 A0521 4900 0000 PASW M03-14 Yes Journal 0076 Newsletters, fliers, leaflets, letters. Printing charges (from £144) £8. Req 677599 for bus M05-14 M06- hire for surgery Sept 2013 £200. Req to force SW031-Rev Park Area Team Publicity 04/07/2013 1,858.83 610.50 1,248.33 A0521 5250 0000 PASW 14 M09-14 7 for £402.50. SW032-Rev Minerva Project Kelvin Street clearance 27/07/2013 100.00 100.00 0.00 A0521 3000 0000 PASW M05-14 Yes Req 674357

SW033-Rev Minerva Project Padlocks welded to Telford Street 27/07/2013 0.00 0.00 A0521 1481 0000 PASW Req 674357. £105 reallocated to SW042-Rev M04-14 M08- SW034-Rev Highways Henley Drive TRO advert 12/08/2013 630.00 607.62 22.38 A0521 3000 0000 PASW 14 CAA30847 SW035-Rev Minerva Project Weld padlock Estcourt Street 02/09/2013 29.17 29.17 0.00 A0521 1481 0000 PASW M06-14 Yes Req 676334 SW036-Rev Minerva Project Weld 2 x padlocks Telford Street 04/09/2013 0.00 0.00 A0521 1481 0000 PASW Req 677120. £70 reallocated to SW042-Rev SW037-Rev Minerva Project Weld lock to Savery Street tenfoot 16/09/2013 35.00 35.00 0.00 A0521 1481 0000 PASW M09-14 Yes Req 678107 SW038-Rev Streetcare Skip hire for Belmont Street 16/09/2013 80.00 80.00 0.00 A0521 1481 0000 PASW M08-14 Yes CAA30852 SW039-Rev Minerva Project Weld lock to Brindley Street tenfoot 16/09/2013 35.00 35.00 A0521 1481 0000 PASW Req 678107 Weld lock to Rosmead Street Mersey Req 685634 to Minerva cancelled. Req to Ron SW040-Rev Ron Cook Engineering Villas/Severn Villas 11/12/2013 35.00 35.00 A0521 1481 0000 PASW Cook SW041-Rev Streetcare BOYRD scarab 1,920.00 1,920.00 SW042-Rev Streetcare 2 x skips 160.00 160.00 A0521 3000 0000 PASW CAA SW043-Rev Ron Cook Engineering Rustenburg gating scheme repair 24/01/2014 15.00 15.00 A0521 3000 0000 PASW Req 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 13/14 0.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 0.00 Actual Oracle Spend 10,230.29 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 8,288.71

Page 210 of 236 Holderness - CAPITAL CSF

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments Ongoing project for various schemes in the 2010/11 Verge Protection 07/03/2011 4,150.03 4,150.03 ward HO006-CSF Streetscene Speed survey Tweendykes Road 03/07/2009 0.00 0.00 A9022 9200 0000 PAHO CAA30586. £400 reallocated. HO007-CSF Streetscene Solar flashing speed signage various 03/07/2009 0.00 0.00 A9022 9200 0000 PAHO CAA30591. £5440 reallocated. HO012-CSF Streetscene Solar flashing speed x 2 15/09/2009 0.00 0.00 A9022 9200 0000 PAHO CAA30592. £50 reallocated. HO014-CSF NPS Specialist removal of Youth Zone 30/10/2009 0.00 0.00 A9022 9200 0000 PAHO CAA30601. £1684.22 reallocated. Codes sent to NPS commitment of £7647.16. HO015-CSF NPS Demolition of Pavilion 30/10/2009 0.00 0.00 A9022 9200 0000 PAHO £5880.93 reallocated. HO034-CSF Pelican Park Improvements 07/03/2011 38,646.43 38,646.43 A9022 9220 0000 PAHO Ongoing scheme Commitment left from £20,000. Ongoing HO037-CSF Traffic Services Chamberlain Road layby 28/06/2011 0.00 0.00 A9022 9220 0000 PAHO scheme. £8000 reallocated. Req 614094 KWL order for £674.96 but only £451.90 to be taken from this amount, the extra is from HO030-CSF. Req 669353 for £770.98 to KWL. CAA to Parks & Gardens for £9,857.75. CAA to Parks & Gardens for £4,836.42. CAA to Parks & Gardens for HO042-CSF East Park Youth Zone 21/11/2011 19,258.30 770.98 18,487.32 A9022 9220 0000 PAHO M06-14 £855.03 HO047-CSF Street Lighting Guard lamppost 72 Lindengate Avenue 10/01/2012 0.00 0.00 A9022 9503 0000 PAHO CAA30734. £200 reallocated. 03rd September HO048-CSF Highways Internal Trading Gillshill/Cavendish Road guard rails 2013 2,540.00 720.00 1,820.00 A9022 9220 0000 PAHO M08-14 CAA30851 to Highways Int Trade for £720.00

Ordered as and when required. Ongoing scheme. CAA30814 for £1560 (£1487 + £63.74 + £820 - £1487 - £63.74) to Streetcare. M03-14 M04- CAA30825 for £185 to Streecare. CAA30828 14 M05-14 for £185 to Streetcare. CAA30839 for £185 to HO050-CSF Streetcare Litter bins 04/07/2012 2,640.00 1,375.00 1,265.00 A9022 9503 0000 PAHO M08-14 Streetcare. HO051-CSF Feral pigeon cage 0.00 0.00 Ongoing scheme. £300 reallocated. HO052-CSF Rockford Field Nature Reserve 7,835.32 7,835.32 Under investigation/ongoing HO055-CSF Woodford Fencing 3,152.00 3,152.00 Under investigation/ongoing HO057-CSF Fencing Fordyke Avenue 7,574.22 7,574.22 HO057-CSF Fencing Cycle Track (Foredyke Avenue) 7,425.78 7,425.78 HO058-CSF Cullen Close play park 6,955.15 6,955.15 0.00

Total Commitments from prev financial year 100,177.23

Projects 2013/14 - Holderness Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 100,177.23

Budget to allocate 2013/14

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments HO059-CSF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 13/14 0.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 0.00 Actual Oracle Spend 2,865.98 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 97,311.25

Page 211 of 236 Marfleet - CAPITAL CSF

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments MA010-CSF Streetscene Grit bins/post mounted bins 12/01/2010 0.00 0.00 A9022 9200 0000 EAMA CAA30611. £700 reallocated to CCTV MA016/017/23-CSF Highways Bexhill Grove parking bay scheme 27/10/2010 2,838.65 2,838.65 A9022 9103 0000 EAMA CAA30793 Journal 0079 Jouranl 0083 to correct for Bexhill Printing charges (incorrect) -100.00 -100.00 A9022 9601 0000 EAMA fro £100 MA029-CSF Streetscene Grit bins/post mounted bins 11/01/2012 755.00 755.00 ordered on an as and when required basis MA031-CSF Traffic Services Double yellow lines Falkland Road 11/01/2012 5,000.00 5,000.00 Ongoing scheme MA032-CSF NPS Martin Plumtree Footpath and lighting Annandale to Isaac 11/01/2012 25,000.00 25,000.00 Ongoing scheme MA034-CSF Outdoor Leisure Replacement sign on Adizone 25/02/2013 178.00 178.00 A9022 9220 0000 EAMA Req 662609 MA035-CSF Highways Design path and lighting Isaac 446.00 446.00 Ongoing scheme MA037-CSF CCTV repair and Maint Elmbridge Parade 2,518.97 2,518.97 A9022 9210 0000 EAMA Ongoing scheme Bothwell Parking scheme CAA30801 for £12355 to Highways. Journal 71 for £5000 from DA budget to make the amount £13266.10. £701 for footpath across grassed MA038-CSF Highways Internal Trading 17/01/2013 13,266.10 12,355.00 911.10 A9022 9103 0000 EAMA M03-14 area CAA Incorrect codes uded by printing, to be M03-14 M05- journalled Journal 0075. Journal 0079. Journal Printing 0.00 0.00 0.00 A9022 9601 0000 EAMA 14 M10-14 0083 correction for Bexhill £100.

Total Commitments from prev financial year 49,902.72

Projects 2013/14 - Marfleet Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 49,902.72

Budget to allocate 2013/14

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments MA039-CSF 0.00 0.00 Printing charges 122.00 -122.00 A9022 9601 0000 EAMA M06-14 Printing charges to be journalled to Revenue Printing charges -122.00 122.00 A9022 9601 0000 EAMA M08-14 Journal 0081 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 13/14 0.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 0.00 Actual Oracle Spend 12,255.00 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 37,647.72

Page 212 of 236 Southcoates East - CAPITAL CSF

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments SE015-CSF Highways Speed survey Bilsdale Grove 10/05/2010 0.00 0.00 A9022 9200 0000 PASE CAA30633. £300 reallocated to tools. SE036-CSF Community Payback Tools and equipment 16/03/2012 581.63 581.63 A9022 9220 0000 PASE Ordered as and when required. Codes given to Dave Breckon at NPS for SE037-CSF NPS CCTV mast relocation to Holmpton Grove 06/02/2013 6,750.00 6,750.00 A9022 9020 0000 PASE £6750 SE038-CSF Environmental improvements Holmpton Grove footpath reinstatement 7,364.59 7,364.59 A9022 9220 0000 PASE CAA for £210 to Streetcare SE050-CSF Environmental improvements Reinstatements of footpath Flinton Grove 3,415.07 3,415.07 SE051-CSF Highways Maybury Road traffic light feasibility study 08/02/2013 682.50 682.50 A9022 9323 0000 PASE CAA30807 0.00

Total Commitments from prev financial year 18,793.79

Projects 2013/14 - Southcoates East Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 18,793.79

Budget to allocate 2013/14

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments SE052-CSF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 13/14 0.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 0.00 Actual Oracle Spend 0.00 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 18,793.79

Page 213 of 236 Southcoates West - CAPITAL CSF

Projects still current from previous years

Actual Commitment Spend per brought forward Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date from prev year 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments SW051-CSF Sports Forum Sports Forum 02/03/2011 1,099.36 1,099.36 Scheme under investigation

Orders raised as as when required. Commitment left from £600 original. Req 683796 to Arco for £247.70 (£226.01 with line SW056-CSF Community Payback/Taskforce Equipment 25/05/2011 2,053.89 226.01 1,827.88 A9022 9220 0000 PASW M10-14 SW106-Cap £21.70) Journal 0083 for £226.01. SW069-CSF Sports Forum 11/01/2012 8,074.04 8,074.04 Scheme under investigation M04-14 M06- Req to Screwfix for £106.95. Req 654194 to SW076-CSF Citysafe CCTV equipment 14/05/2012 815.72 815.72 0.00 A9022 9200 0000 PASW 14 Yes John Moore £688.00. SW089-CSF Street Lighting No dogs allowed signs Rosmead football pitch 04/07/2012 0.00 0.00 A9022 9324 0000 PASW CAA30770. Reallocated to sports forum. CAA30780. Req 650563 sent to KWL due to SW093-CSF Street Lighting/KWL Mayfield Villas streetsign post mounted 14/08/2012 170.00 170.00 0.00 A9022 9108 0000 PASW M06-14 Yes service change SW095-CSF Traffic Services HB markings 05/02/2014 100.00 100.00 A9998 9220 0000 PASW CAA30871

Total Commitments from prev financial year 12,313.01

Projects 2013/14 - Southcoates West Transfer of underspend budget 2012/13 12,313.01

Budget to allocate 2013/14

Actual Spend per Amount Awarded Oracle Outstanding Reconciled Project Number Name of organisation Project Details Approval Date £ (Commitment) 13/14 Commitment Coding Details with Oracle Project Complete Comments SW096-CSF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Balance unallocated 12/13 0.00 Total balance unallocated / uncommitted 0.00 Actual Oracle Spend 1,211.73 Outstanding Commitments (allocated) 11,101.28

Page 214 of 236 Section 106 Money

Park Area Committee

Holderness Marfleet Southcoates East and West


Application Number Legal File Reference Address Money Available Date to be used by Ward To be used for (as specified in the s.106 Notes agreement) 9659U 79585/137 Parthian Road (former Corporation Yard) £3,288.00 27/04/2019 Marfleet Open space and'or playspace in the vicinity 21314D 79585/50 78-92 Southcoates Lane £5,009.75 01/06/2014 Southcoates West Open space and'or playspace in the vicinity Balance remaining following allocation to Estcourt Climbing wall and playground games- 26884B 79585/105A Ellerby Grove £35,607.65 13/05/2020 Southcoates East Full amount for public open space only. 59R 79585/113 146 Maybury Road £18,016.60 15/07/2015 Southcoates East Provision or enahancement of public open space and play space 13100M 79585/156 Tower Grange, 711 Holderness Road £7,766.00 07/03/2021 Holderness Provision or enhancement of open space and / or play space in East Park 12814J 79585/197A 371 Southcoates Lane (former Southcoates Lane £5,939 14/08/2022 Southcoates East £3,971.20 open space; £1,967.46 play space Church) 9955K 78585 506 Holderness Road £4,500 29/11/2018 Southcoates West Provision or enhancement of openspace and/or Payment accepted given statutory play space in the vicinity of the premises on the barring in preventing court action within south side of Holderness Road 6 years. 3155M 79585/163 Southcoates Lane £7,221 21/01/2019 Southcoates West First payment received 21/1/2014 Three remaining payments 31211 79585/220 Cambridge Grove / College Grove £92,571 28/09/2017 Southcoates East Open space and/or playspace in the vicinity

Total available money Holderness £7,766.00 Marfleet £3,288.00 Southcoates East £152,134.25 Southcoates West £16,731.21 ALLOCATED TO PROJECT / PROJECT MONITORING

Application Number Legal File Reference Area Committee Record Ward Project Target Date to Spend Notes 16444J 77120 18th November 2011. Minute no. 88. Holderness Pelican Park pavilion 20/03/2017 £102,765.15 28309 79585/72 18th November 2011. Minute no. 88. Holderness Pelican Park pavilion 11/02/2014 £1,353.97 27984 79585/21 18th November 2011. Minute no. 88. Holderness Pelican Park pavilion 09/12/2014 £3,196 29451C 18th November 2011. Minute no. 88. Holderness Pelican Park pavilion 24/07/2013 £2,458 13317Q 79585/45 Park Area Committee 27/4/11 Minute 174 Marfleet Adizone at Isaac Newton 06/09/2012 £135,000 towards Adizone and £2449.88 towards Sports Centre Annandale Rd approach lighting. Project completed.


Date of Agreement Legal File No. App No Address For Payment due Date Receipt use by Ward Amount £ Notes 30/12/2005 79585/85 9452J 106 - 108 Marfleet Provision/enhancement of 12mths following commencement of development Within 10yrs or longer if agreed Marfleet 9,203.60 Work not started at SV 23/10/13. Avenue open/play space in the or no later than occupation of the fourth dwelling vicinity of land situated at 106-108 Marfleet Avenue 21/09/2007 79585/102A 16761L 62 - 64 New Bridge 62-64 Newbridge Road 12 Months following commencement or no later Within 5 years of receipt Southcoates 2,400.40 Built. Money requested. Original company Road (Estcourt Street) then occupation of the first West went into liquidation but chasing current ownership as liability has changed.

01/03/2009 79585/163 3155L Anchor Inn, Open space within the Prior to occupation 5 years Southcoates £25,208 4 equal instalments over 2014 agreed with Southcoates Lane vicinity West owner beginning Jan 2014 (28/10/13 email confirmation) 15/06/2010 79585/156A 30940 East of 709 Open space and/or 12 Months following commencement or no later 10 years Holderness £2,458 No development started at SV 23/10/13. Holderness Road playspace in the vicinity then occupation of the first 04/10/2010 79585/178 30887 9 Park Grove, Open space and play Southcoates No development at SV 23/10/13 Wynburg Street space in the vicinity West 26/04/2011 79585/245 10004B Brickyard Cottage, Open space and play 12 Months following commencement or no later 10 years Marfleet £1,473 open space plus £30 bins No development at SV 23/10/13 Church Lane, space in the vicinity then occupation of the dwelling Marfleet 06/07/2011 79585/233 9452L/M Marfleet Lane, Open space and play 12 Months following commencement or no later 10 years Marfleet £11,793 plus 270 for bins No development at SV 23/10/13 between 104 and provision then commencement of the penultimate dwelling 110 15/07/2011 79585/236 14749J Marfleet Avenue, Open space and play 12 Months following commencement or no later 10 years Marfleet £985 per dwelling plus 244 per child No development at SV 23/10/13 north side space in the vicinity then occupation of the 12th dwelling bed space 28/11/2011 ? 28431A (allowed on appeal) Chamberlain Road, Club house contribution Club house contribution to be paid prior to 10 years of receipt for club house and 5 but focus Pelican Park club house contribution former Brooklands and new recreation occupation of the 25th dwelling and new recreation years for POS contribution of expenditure is of £130K on occupation of the 25th Sports facilities inluding playing facilities to be provided prior to occupation of 30th within Holderness house and on/off site contribution of fields, 2 adult pitches and 2 dwelling. Maintenance contribution is to Hull FC £15K. New recreation facilities to be mini pitches, changing once pitches are transferred. constructed prior to 30th dwelling room and parking and being occupied and these being on/off site open space offered to transfer to Hull FC to improvements include £50K maintenence payment. 05/10/2012 79585/283 6810G 7 - 15 Aberdeen Open space and/or 6 months from commencement or no later than 10 years Southcoates East £4,419 Development not commenced at SV Street playspace in the completion of the development, whichever the 23/10/13 vicinitywithin the vicinity earlier 09/11/2012 79585/272 31388 east of 23 Open space and/or 12 Months following commencement or no later 5 years Holderness £1,473 Development not commenced at SV Cavendish Road playspace in the then occupation of the first dwelling 23/10/13 vicinitywithin the vicinity 30/01/2013 79585/278 31798 north of Glebe Open space and play 2 yrs following commencement or no later than 10 years Holderness £4,925 POS; £2,440 play space No development at SV 4/09/13 Road space in the vicinity occupation of the first dwelling 29809B Marfleet Avenue, Open space and play 10 years Marfleet Details of S106 awaited. West and East side space in the vicinity (former Fenners)

Updated 25/10/13 KG Updated 28/10/13 KG Updated 27/01/2014 KG

Page 215 of 236

Page 216 of 236 Park Area Partnership Meeting 10.00am Monday 13th January 2014 Central Pavilion, East Park

Present Councillor McVie, Southcoates East Ward (Chair) Councillor Glew, Southcoates West Ward Councillor Kennett, Holderness Ward Debbie Akester, Park Area Team Mark McEgan, Park Area Team Inspector Ogden, Park Area Policing Team Sergeant Whittle, Park Area Policing Team Steve Altoft, Probe Jeff Groom, Freedom Centre Richard Morfitt, Partnership Working Beverley Murray, Partnership Working Janet Adamson, Cavendish Primary School Pauline Beach, Sports Development Andy Brown, Fire Service Zoe Hodder, Park Area Team (Minutes)

Apologies Des Cooper, Ian Atkinson.

Councillor McVie informed Partners that Councillor Waudby, a valued member of this Partnership had passed away on Christmas Eve. She would be greatly missed by her colleagues and friends.

1. Welcome and Apologies

Councillor McVie welcomed partners.

Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

Declarations of Interest

No declarations of interest were received.

2. Update on Customer Profiling Information for the Park Area

Richard Morfitt handed out the Customer Profiling Tool to Partners and informed them about the 13 different segments that the population of Hull was profiled into. Data and statistics including crime were used from the Census, Peoples Panel, Health and the Anti Social Behaviour Team. The group looked at the differences between Segments H and C which were the two largest in the Park Area.

Page 217 of 236 Richard asked Partners if there was any other information they would like adding to the document to let him or his team know and the information can be updated quickly. The Peoples Panel are contacted every 3 months and any additional information requests can be sent through.

Mark McEgan stated that the document was very good and shows valuable information. He asked if it could be future proofed and to show what services residents want in each area and ward.

Richard was asked to attend the next meeting to allow partners to go away and read the document and then for the item to be discussed at the next meeting. Richard informed the Partnership that if they had any additional data requests he would try to have it added to the document before the next meeting if they let him or Debbie Akester know what was requested.

3. Update on Community Based Spend Programmes

Debbie Akester informed Partners that funding from the Community Based Grants programme this year have been awarded to three projects, JC Ready for Work, Local Works and Probe and representatives from these projects where in attendance to update Partners on their individual projects, and to take any questions from the attendees.

Julie and Cynthia from JC Ready for Work advised they are over achieving their target from the original tender application which identified they would engage with 30 local residents in the Park area. They have found that they are engaging with a lot of people in the area through outreach and more and more people are being referred by word of mouth and the Job Centre. They have also found, that through the delivery there has been a need to look at job searches, cv and other activities along with their project scope of practical activities and training. They mainly engage with residents who are long term unemployed. They deliver a number of outreach surgeries including Craven Lea on S/East ward. They also were looking at utilising a room at St Catherine’s, but had not had any response from them on their enquiry. They have recently been offered a room in the new community centre on Greatfield which they will be offering their service from.

Wayne from Local Works stated they were based at Soccer sensations at Craven Park and were engaging with around 70 young people. They were looking to get additional external funding to be able to engage with more young people in the area and hoped this would help to tackle ASB in some hotspot areas if they were able to engage with the young people causing some of the issues. In the next few weeks they are also looking to attend the Youth Development bus outreach activities to target some of the more hard to reach young people. Wayne advised when they originally applied for funding it was to deliver their project for a further 3 months, however, they are able to extend the project until 31.3.14 due to the way they are currently delivering the project.

Mark McEgan asked if anything else was done after someone got into work? Page 218 of 236 Wayne stated that they monitor them for around 2 weeks to make sure that they are doing well and dealing the change but this is something they will consider if additional funding is identified to take the project forward any further in the future. Wayne also advised that they work with the connexions team to engage with young people who are on the NEET lists.

Steve Altoft from Probe stated that they were available to support people from all ages across the Park Area. They were designed to work with families and currently were working with around 30 people. Over half of these were long term unemployed. Some attendees have been given the chance to work on the empty homes project which helped them to show what skills they had which attendees enjoyed. Probe currently have helped 10 get back into employment, but only 8 remain still in employment.

Councillor McVie stated that the quality of work being done was excellent and thanked the project leads for their updates.

4. Update on Active Gold Programme funding

Debbie Akester handed out the Summary of Active Gold Programme for 2014 delivery. Debbie informed that this year the programme was aimed at delivering activities in 6 closed sites and 5 community based sites across the area. in addition to this there would be a Ping Pong Care Project to be delivered at Isaac Newton Sports Centre with an aim for residents to use the library at the site along with taking part in table tennis activities. A Launch event and Celebration event would be included on the project. Full details were included on the handout.

Debbie asked partners if consideration could be given to hold the Launch event in April 2014 at the Isaac Newton Sports Centre. The Partnership agreed.

Councillor Kennet stated that the celebration event held at Woodford to celebrate the success of the project in 2013 was brilliant and all of the staff worked really hard. Debbie advised the group that we had received some really good feedback from the residents who attended. The children’s choir from Stoneferry Primary attended to entertain the elderly residents during the lunch period. Thanks had been passed to the school for attending on the day.

Pauline Beach stated that the children were really good. Intergenerational works could be a way forward in the future as the children and elderly residents engaged very well at the event.

Councillor Glew informed that there would be some First World War Commemorations taking place this year and it might be worth linking in with Jack Harrison from the Rugby world at the events.

Leisure Service currently have some free tonic cards for people of the Active Gold Age group which could also be included as part of the project – Pauline will lead on this. Page 219 of 236 5. Updates from Partners

Safe Inspector Ogden informed Partners that in 2013 crime was up 3.1% for the Park Area which was the lowest rise across the whole city. 2012 had been an exceptionally low year for crime. In the Holderness Ward shed, garage and dwelling burglaries had been really high recently but the team were working to pro-actively working in the area to increase security and also in investigating cases.

Sergeant Whittle stated that the NPT had been dealing with the local residents on Kilnsea Grove after the incident involving a 15 year old boy and explosives which were found at the property. The family have been asked not to return to the property due to the impact on the local community. The police will continue to work with the family and outcome of their investigations.

Mark McEgan asked why this was not called as a major incident as the Council were not involved directly and any emergency plans were therefore were not put into place as with other major incidents.

Jeff Groom stated that the Freedom Centre was opened but they had not been contacted through the normal chain of command and residents were moved across to PRFCA halfway through the day.

Councillor Kennet asked if any remedial work was being carried out with the family?

Sergeant Whittle informed that they were hoping this would be the case.

Andy Brown would ask the fire department who attended if there was a debrief scheduled to take place in order for all partners to look at any learning outcomes.

Health & Wellbeing No update received.

Citywide Partnership No update received.

Learning Janet Adamson talked about a project called Talk of the Town which was being delivered by the Communication Trust. It was a 2 year project which would run until 2015 and cost each school £1,200 and included speech and language tests and sessions with a speech therapist. This is a very useful project being delivered to help children with their speech problems on an individual basis.

Mind the Gap is a national scheme trying to get all children online. This is to be launched on 14th January 2014. The website address is – there is an issue with residents in the park area Page 220 of 236 having access to the internet – the schools are currently working with KC to se if a low cost deal could be offered.

A four week programme called FRED, Fathers Reading Every Day was being delivered by schools as it had been identified that a lot of children just wanted to read books with their dads – particularly those families where mum and dad have separated.

Jeff Groom asked if there were any links with adult education to aid parents who might struggle with reading at home. Janet informed no – she is not aware that there is.

Janet stated that a lot of the primary schools were in desperate need of Governors and asked the Partnership if they or anyone they know wanted to become a school governor to please contact a local school.

Earning Steve Altoft informed that on the Empty Homes scheme they had been unable to purchase the Cornmill Hotel as the agents were asking over £500,000 for it when it had been valued at less than half.

7. Dates of Future Meetings

Dates agreed by partners attending the meeting. 14th April – 10am 14th July – 10am

8. Forward Plan

Rich Morfitt to be invited to the next meeting Liz Jamil will provide an update on the Priority Neighbourhoods Programme

Any further proposals to be sent to Debbie Akester

Page 221 of 236

Page 222 of 236 East Park Steering Group meeting Monday 20 January 2014 – 12.30 – Room 57 – Guildhall

Present: Councillor Brady, Councillor Kennett, Councillor McVie, M McEgan, S Simms, S Race and S Guy

1. Notes of the previous meeting


2. Matters arising

Animal Education Centre

Members were advised that A Miller from Kingston Communications had left the company, new personnel were now in post . The artwork has been completed for the reception and will be installed as soon as possible.

Arrangements had been made for new washing facilities

3. Waterplay area

Members were advised that we were still waiting fro the report from Public Health England. Dependant on the results of the report and the actions recommended, it is hoped that the area can be opened to the public by May.

Members raised concerns over the delay in receiving the report and asked that Public Health England be contacted to request the report as soon as possible.

4. Splashboat

Members were advised towards the end of summer 2013, the splashboat had had problems with its rear bearings. KWL will be tasked with carrying out a survey and it may be that the rear bearings and rear shaft will require upgrading.

Members queried why this problem had not been identified during the regular maintenance checks and asked that the issue be raised with the maintenance company.

Page 223 of 236 Members were advised that the engine may need to be upgraded. Upgrading the engine would accommodate increased usage during the summer months.

5. Dog Walkers Policy

Members asked for an update on the dog walkers policy. They were advised that the policy was at the moment only advisory and no enforcement had taken place due to staff resources.

6. Events

An events application list was distributed to Members for their consideration. The list included fairs, a fake festival and a provisional enquiry to hold a duathlon. Members raised concerns over the large number of fairs applying to hold events in the Park and stated that this was not the type of event the park should be looking to attract. They were concerned that the park was not been utilised to its full potential and the lack of usage on the bandstand. The bandstand should be attracting regular Sunday concerts.

The Park was not been adequately marketed and suggestions were made to investigate working with the events and possibly the new sports and leisure company.

Members rejected the applications to hold fairs but approved the application from Fake Festivals and supported the idea of a duathlon. However, they stated that any costs charged to organisers should include Park staffing costs.

Members referred to Hull’s 2017 City of Culture status and stated events within the park should contribute towards the City of Culture.

7. Any Other business

a) Pavilion Ponds

Members were advised that a leak had been identified in the liner, weather permitting the liner will be repair and ponds refilled.

b) Clock Tower

Members were advised of a request that the Clock Tower be dedicated to the late Councillor Waudby. Members felt that it may be appropriate, that a dedication be made in the ward that she represented. However the request would be submitted to the Park Area Committee and forwarded to the Friends of East Park for their consideration.

Page 224 of 236

8. Date and time of next meeting

To be advised.

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Page 226 of 236

Park Area Committee Resolution List – as at January 2014

Minute/Date Resolution Officer Action/Response Outcome

Actions from meeting held 22nd January 2014

Appointment to Outside Organisations

(d) That Members have some concerns upon Legal Services Legal Services are unable Recommended for the existence of a ruling that could preclude to identify any ruling and deletion their right to speak or vote upon issues therefore see no problem within their own Wards should they be with Members being on appointed to the PROBE Board of different organisations. The Directors, whilst also associated to the same rules would apply to Preston Road NDC Ltd. However such a declaring interests in the ruling appears not to have been applied in event that a matter the case of the KWL Ltd Board of Directors. pertaining to their As such a ruling could adversely affect organisation came up at Members ability to represent their Area Committee If the constituents, Members request that a interest is pecuniary then it revised legal opinion be provided upon their must be registered capacity to participate and/vote and any members would be required additional constraints placed upon them. to leave the room if any business affecting the (e) That the additional appointment to the organisation was being PROBE (Hull) Ltd Board of Directors will be discussed. If not then they determined at the next meeting, upon would have to declare the clarification as to the revised legal position interest when the item was discussed as they would do generally within Council meetings. (PD) 120 a. that Members receive the Budget Proposal City Treasurer On agenda. report to the February 2014 meeting, for Recommended for review. deletion

Page 227 of 236 Outstanding Actions from previous meetings (88) Public Questions 27.11.13 a.That the Committee receives an update in City Streetscene Deferred to March 2014 January 2013 on the outcomes of the Dog Walking Manager Pilot Scheme

c. That the Committee receives a further update in City Streetscene Head of Streetscene to relation to the cryptosporidium contamination at Manager chase up a response the East Park water play area; upon receipt of the formal response and recommendations from Healthwatch England.

(94) Active Hull 27.11.13 a.That the Committee fully supports the Active Hull Assistant Head of Scheduled for Feb 2014 On agenda. Strategy and recognises the importance physical Service (Universal Recommended for activity in increasing health and wellbeing. The Offer CYPS) deletion Committee has concerns as to whether schools are sufficiently committed to providing there is sufficient all year round activities. As such, the Area Committee requests that a report is sought from each school in order to demonstrate (i) what action has been taken by the school and the Board of Governors; (ii) what is the charging structure and what is being done in order to ensure that this remains affordable to everyone; and

c.That the Committee receives a further report to Assistant Head of Scheduled for Feb 2014 On agenda. outline the work currently being undertaken in Service (Universal Recommended for schools. Offer CYPS) deletion

76(b) That the Park Area Committee receives a report to City Streetscene b. meeting taking place See Minute 114 below 23.10.13 a future meeting on the full design and costing in Manager within the next week relation to Scheme 659 in order that further to discuss a way consideration can be given to potential Page 228 of 236 forward. contributions from Ward Budgets, towards major Pending response scheme improvements at the Holderness Road/Ings Road/ Maybury Road junction.

( 64 ) Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 25.9.13. b .that further breakdowns of local statistics by b. Public Science b. a full report has been On Agenda – move to area are provided as and when the information Team – D. Cooper requested to be submitted delete becomes available; to the February 2014 meeting with a focus on the Park Area in terms of actions required to improve the current stats for each of the categories.

(28) Friends or Pelican Park 26.6.13. b. that Members receive feedback from Sport b. Mark McEgan b. Still awaiting feedback Superseded by Minute 99 England on the likelihood of any future funding from Sport England, bids being successful. however the group has confirmed no further application will be made for funding in the imminent future.

99) That Councillor Hornby provides a further funding Councillor Hornby Deferred to February 14 27.11.13 update to the January 2014 meeting, in relation to Pelican Park and green spaces, following her meeting with Sports England

(91 ) Forward Plan 23.1.13. b. Nick Howbridge b. The citywide project is On Agenda – move to b. that a Total Capital Assets briefing note be now been lead by Nick delete submitted to a future meeting of Park Area Howbridge – further Committee. Page 229 of 236 information to follow when available – no further update available.

(10) Highways Quarterly Update 25.05.11 c. that the Development Design Manager reviews c. Richard c. Response received from c. Monitor Scheme 550 regarding the restrictions undertaken Mainprize/ Tim Highways Officer – at the Marfleet Preston Road junction and whether Binnington forwarded to ward members these have been completed satisfactorily. (Related for consideration. Minutes (40) 24.07.13, and 78 (c) 28.11.12 refer)

(83) c. That Members request a further review in (c )City c. currently liaising with 23.10.13 relation to Minute 10 (c) in order to assess the Streetscene Ward Members regarding timing of the traffic lights and the potential need for Manager the outstanding resolution sensor lights to address the issues at the Marfleet item in order to determine Lane/Preston Road junction and that the findings the appropriate way forward be detailed within a report to a future meeting of the Committee.

(114) a.That Members maintain their concerns in relation (c) City 22.1.14 to Holderness Road/Ings Road/ Maybury Road Streetscene junction (Scheme 659/Minute 76b refers) and Manager Marfleet Lane/Preston Road junction (Scheme 550/ Minute 10c refers) and request that these matters be closely monitored and addressed as a priority. Members request a formal response for the February 2014 meeting

Page 230 of 236 February 2014 Park Area Committee Forward Report Programme 2013/14 Meeting Date Item By List of Supporting Documents

Monthly Minutes of Previous Meeting Democratic Services Minutes Monthly Forward Report Programme Democratic Services Plan Monthly Resolution List Democratic Services List Monthly Area Funds Community Manager Report Monthly Neighbourhood Forum Minutes Community Manager Minutes Monthly Neighbourhood Policing Updates Inspector Ogden Briefing Note Quarterly Area Director’s Update ( Jun, Oct, Feb) Area Director Briefing Note Quarterly Neighbourhood Co-ordinator Update (May, Sept, Jan) Neighbourhood Co-ordinator Briefing Note Quarterly Park Area Housing Performance Update (Jul, Oct, Community Manager Report Feb, May) Quarterly Update on Highways Schemes in the Park Area (Jul, Gary Horth/Andy Driver Report Oct, Jan, Apr) Quarterly Waste and Open Spaces Performance Update (Jul, Doug Sharp/Adam McArthur Report Oct, Jan, Apr) Quarterly HRA budgets update (May, Sept, Jan) Debbie Akester Report Annual Agree schedule of meetings for forthcoming year Park Area Committee None When required Updates on the progress of and any issues relating to Debbie Akester Briefing Note schools in the area. When required Appointment of Authority Governors to Hull Schools David Beilsten Report 2013


March Community Safety Update Update on Dog Walking Pilot - deferred from Jan 14 Steve Simms Area Funds Resolutions list Forward Plan

Page 231 of 236 April Housing Revenue Business Plan-deferred from Nov Laura Carr

February 2014 May Future Council – Community Safety Review Tracey Harsley Hull Local Plan 2013 - 2030 Issues and Options Neville Brown Consultation Stage

Page 232 of 236



Key Decisions

March, 2014 onward

Page 233 of 236 1


Subject of Decision Decision Internal Deadline Expected Date of Maker for Draft Reports Decision to Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder: City Plan Enabler – Key Partnerships

Annual Pay Policy Council 20 March 2014

Leisure and Heritage Services Cabinet Not before 24 Report February 2014

Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder: City Plan Enabler – Finance, Land and Property

Claims Made by Private Search Leader Not before 3 March Companies Who Undertook 2014 Personal Searches of the Local Land Charges Register

Acquisition of the Pacific Cabinet 5 February 2014 24 March 2014 Exchange, High Street, Hull

Hull Business Centre Cabinet Not before 24 March 2014 Strategic Property Disposals Cabinet Not before 24 March 2014 Portfolio Holder: Visitor Destination

City Centre Public Realm Cabinet 25 March 2014 19 May 2014 Strategy Lead Developer Partner Fruit Cabinet 4 March 2014 28 April 2014 Market Portfolio Holder: Prevention and Safeguarding of Children, Young People and Adults

Procurement of Domiciliary Care Cabinet 29 April 2014 23 June 2014 Services

Hull Extra Care Private Finance Cabinet 5 February 2014 24 March 2014 Initiative Project

Portfolio Holder: City Enabler – Culture, Leisure, Events and Public Well-being

None. Page 234 of 236 2 Subject of Decision Decision Internal Deadline Expected Date of Maker for Draft Reports Decision to Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer Portfolio Holder: City Plan Enabler – Council Infrastructure

Orchard Park MSF Cabinet 4 March 2014 28 April 2014 refurbishment – Contract Award

Gypsy and Traveller Permanent Cabinet 5 February 2014 24 March 2014 Sites - Licence Holder

Portfolio Holder: Neighbourhoods and Communities

None. Portfolio Holder: Energy City

Hull Local Plan 2013 - 2030 Cabinet 5 February 2014 24 March 2014 Issues and Options Consultation Stage

Kingswood Area Action Plan – Cabinet 4 March 2014 28 April 2014 Publication stage

Hull Bus Strategy Review Cabinet 4 March 2014 28 April 2014

Hull Parking Strategy Cabinet 5 February 2014 24 March 2014

Joint Waste Plan Document - Cabinet 4 March 2014 28 April 2014 Preferred Options Consultation

Former National Picture Theatre Cabinet 5 February 2014 24 March 2014

Portfolio Holder: City Plan Enabler – Business Support and Change Programme

Procuring Framework Contracts Cabinet 5 February 2014 24 March 2014 and Approval of Adoption of a Social Value Policy Statement

Approval to award a contract Cabinet 25 March 2014 19 May 2014 following completion of a further competition exercise against an existing government framework agreement for External Postal Services Page 235 of 236 3 Subject of Decision Decision Internal Deadline Expected Date of Maker for Draft Reports Decision to Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer Portfolio Holder: City Plan Enabler – Learning and Skills

Home to College Post 16 Cabinet 5 February 2014 March 2014 Transport Policy Review

Priority Schools Building Cabinet 5 February 2014 March 2014 Programme (PSBP): six new build or completely refurbished Hull primary schools to be delivered by 2016; improving schools throughout the City and increasing primary school places in the West Area of the City

Schools Capital Programme Cabinet 5 February 2014 March 2014 2014/15

The Gateway Refugee Contract Cabinet 5 February 2014 March 2014

Health and Well-Being Board

Hull Healthy Weight Strategy – a Health and 22 July 2014 community wide, multi Well Being agency approach to address Board obesity prevention and management, including future commissioning intentions.

Agreement of the Better Care Health and 25 March 2014 Plan Well Being Board Hull’s Joint Health and Health and July 2014 Wellbeing Strategy Well Being Board Public Health Ring-Fenced Health and 25 March, 2014 Grant 2014/15 Well Being Board

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