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digm has dominated general purpose computing and human-computer and computing purpose general dominated has digm Point Mouse, Icons, Windows, on based (GUI) Interface User ical Abstract: City UniversityofHongKong School ofCreativeMedia Ł Visual interfaces inpersonal computing cultural impactthanin-house,corporate VR softwareorimmersi exposure. Consequently, its popularity based i.a. on low entry working environments.Consumer-oriented softwarewasselecteda spat computer-generated converting for strive that com applications on research study case on based is argument interfa The media projection. of type new a as considered be should it cue sensory real-time of range wide a to due that argues author Specifi s as status their reconceptualizes article the (VR/AR), content Keywords: perspectives. c by informed approaches, studies platform and software follows f level), and interaction the at (particularly environment tial o advantages taking in and hand, one on representation, content c faces applications, non-gaming in particularly medium, new ly of establishedGUIelementsand ba is environments working VR of aesthetics the media, and data of level certain a achieve to order In environment. the igating fo paradigms HCI as used methods interaction on and environment

ukasz Mirocha 5 5 0 Decades after it was introduced by Xerox PARC, Apple and Micros implemented principles design on particularly focuses study The WORKING ENVIRONMENTS FOR CONSUMER SKEUOMORPHS ANDREMEDIATIONS: WORKING ENVIRONMENTS... cally, drawing on work of i.a. Lev Manovich, Alexander Gallowa Alexander Manovich, Lev i.a. of work on drawing cally, Acknowledging the latest renaissance of spatial and immersive virtualreality, interface,interaction,softwarestudies,rem SKEUOMORPHS ANDREMEDIATIONS: PLATFORMS http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7723-6191 visual skeuomorphism. The analy www.ejournals.eu/Przeglad-Kulturoznawczy/ doi: 10.4467/20843860PK.18.028.10366 rom the other.the Theoretically,rom study the PRZEGL oftware media and cultural objects. cultural and media oftware barrier, leads to a greater social and familiarity and support for legacy for support and familiarity NR 4(38) 2018, s. 550–561 f the aff the f ial immersive environments into environments immersive ial s that a VR experience delivers, experience VR a that s ve newmediaartsprojectsdo. hallenges in the area of pre-VR of area the in hallenges ritical theory and media studies media and theory ritical sed i.a. on spatial remediations spatial on i.a. sed sis showsthat VR asarelative- ce, rather than a multisensory a than rather ce, s theobjectofstudyduetoits r managing the data and nav- and data the managing r Ą ecal aalbe software available mercially ediation to create a virtual working virtual a create to D KULTUROZNAWCZY ordances off ordances media technologies and y and Oliver Grau, the Grau, Oliver and y er (WIMP) para- (WIMP) er oft, the Graph- ered by a spa- a by ered interaction. 3 0 . 0 7 . 2 0 1 9

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Text and visual metaphor-based interface controlled by mouse and keyboard has only W KR recently begun to be challenged by new multi-touch interaction and new interface devices (e.g. voice and touch interfaces).1 Diff erent GUIs are today applied in various Ę desktop, mobile or wearable devices, and despite major diff erences in their form fac- GU IDEI tor and use cases, all of these devices present visual content to users using a framed, far-eye, fl at display surface. However, the latest revival of immersive media technol- ogies, like Virtual or (VR/AR) that use near-eye displays (e.g. Head Mounted Displays, semi-translucent smart glasses), which completely or par- tially block users ’ visual cues on physical world, pose a challenge to established con- ventions of GUI design and content display. VR in particular, considered as a medium off ering interactive and immersive computing experience that can become a working environment, requires a new approach to human-computer interface design. This ap- proach should take into account the aff ordances and limitations coming from spatial and real-time content representation and interaction that VR is based on. The paper aims to reconceptualize spatial and immersive media technologies— particularly virtual reality (VR). I argue that due to a wide range of real-time sensory cues that a VR experience delivers and its ability to present information and content spatially, it should be considered as a new type of software media interface, rather than a multisensory projection. The argument is based on a case study research of consumer-oriented applications and interfaces for visualizing and interacting with virtual reality spatial environments designed as working or productivity environ- ments. This particular type of VR software was chosen based on its social and cultur- al exposure. These commercially available products may have a more signifi cant and long-lasting infl uence on cultural and social impact of VR software, than in-house, corporate VR software or immersive media arts projects.

The conditions behind the revival of immersive media— standardization and protocolization

Before focusing on the case study material, we should briefl y discuss the key terms referenced in the paper and then proceed to an overview of techno-cultural conditions behind the latest revival of immersive media. Jason Jerald defi nes virtual reality (VR) as “a computer-generated digital environment that can be experienced and interacted with as if that environment were real” and augmented reality (AR) as “[a technology that] adds cues onto the already existing real world, and ideally the human mind would not be able to distinguish between computer-generated stimuli

1 K. Akeley, A. van Dam, J.D. Foley, S.K. Feiner, J.F. Hughes, M.McGuire, D. Sklar, : Principles and Practice, Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 2013, p. 568.


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to deliver their products to millions of consumers. In response eas an as functioning developers, software and creators content devices. Standardizeddevicesprovideatechnologicalandbusin ket availabilityofrelativelyinexpensive,welldesignedande that the revival of interest in consumer-oriented VR has been p sized i.a. by Matthew Fuller. David M. Berry also writes that “ that writes also Berry M. David Fuller. Matthew by i.a. sized for mass-scale adoption of new computational devices and produc user interfacesforthiscontentemerged. for need the and established, been has content VR for pipeline and the real world”. real the and Ł 7 6 5 4 3 2 environment experiencedbyauser, thusfollowingthelogicof inf or elements certain (superimposes) puts only application AR cation aims to create a complete virtual environment aiming for involved, be it an application, a narrative or a game, is radic shared by both of them. Clearly, the end product of standards this or creati protocols certain models, 3D produce to used tools technologie these behind process development the as times few a sive media technologies (VR, AR, MR) in the reality- the in MR) (VR, AR, technologies media sive renai the behind lie that factors cultural and technological al VR has become a mainstream topic again. Obviously, there is a c after and industry IT the in events of series a triggered This Facebook bought Oculus—a small start-up working on HMD VR glass VR HMD on working start-up small Oculus—a bought Facebook early as in 2012 in as early Gear VR,WindowsRift, Mixe – Oculus Cardboard; Daydream, – SDK developers, introduced offi Engines, 3D content creation suites, that are used both by majo ware suites for creating 3D real-time experiences. For instance limitations ofnewhardware,softwarecompaniesstartedtooff

ukasz Mirocha 5 5 2 A. Heath, “Mark Zuckerberg reveals that Facebook paid more than more paid Facebook that reveals Zuckerberg “Mark Heath, A. The signifi alitypop.com/start-a-vr-demo-using-the-unreal-engine-63d31eeaf7 T. Andrade, “Creating a Basic VR Demo Using Unreal”, Virtual Re Proceedings ofTelemanipulator andTelepresence Technologies t on Reality: P.Displays “Augmented Aof al., Class et Milgram pp. 272-273. J.D. Bolter, R. Grusin, J. Jerald, pp. 9,29. lus-vr-2017-1. https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook2017, Insider Business The latest revival of consumer immersive media technologies beg readwrite.com/2015/06/10/unity-adds-vr-support-to-game-engine/. B.P. Rubin, “Unity Dives into the Rift with Virtual Reality Too SKEUOMORPHS ANDREMEDIATIONS: WORKING ENVIRONMENTS... The VRBook:Human-Centered DesignforVirtual Reality cance ofastandardizeddevicefornewdevelopments andpartic 6 and in 2015. in and 2 This paper focuses on VR; however, AR will be referenced be will AR however, VR; on focuses paper This Remediation: UnderstandingNewMedia cial VR support (OpenVR – HTC / SteamVR; Google VR 7 Consequently, a fairly straightforward development straightforward fairly Consequently,a ls for Games”, ReadWrite 2015, https:// , Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003, 1994,pp.2351-2334. he Reality-Virtualityhe Continuum”, 84. -actually-paid-3-billion-for-ocu- ality Pop 2016, https://virtualre- , New York: ACM Books, 2016, ally diff we thought for Oculus VR”, Oculus for thought we ve process and hardware ssance of all the immer-the all of ssance asy tousestandardized 20 years of stagnation, of years 20 er VR supportinsoft- ossible mainly by mar- to the aff , Unity 3D and Unreal r studios and by indie immediacy, while an hypermediacy. y-accessible channel y-accessible onvergence of sever- ess structurefor VR continuum. ormation into a real a into ormation digital technologies digital designing graphical designing ) is to some extent some to is ) ts has been empha- erent. A VR appli- s (for instance the instance (for s an in 2014 when ordances and d Reality) as Reality) d es in 2014. in es 5 I argue I 3 ularly, 3 4 0

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as such are based on a constellation of standards, canonical ways of passing around W KR discrete information and data.”8 According to Fuller, standard objects have become crucial to the generation of media and communications networks and the organiza- Ę tions that handle them. Standard objects should be understood as “isolated systems, GU IDEI separate entities within the universe [...] There are truths respecting this system which require reference only to the remainder of things by way of a uniform systematic scheme of relationships. Key examples of standard objects are the freight container and digital packet switching, compression algorithms, etc.”9 Another phenomenon that is correlated with standardization in the fi eld of computer and software engi- neering is the notion of protocol. Protocols can be characterized as technical stand- ards that govern the implementation of specifi c technologies.10 The TCP/IP model of Internet layering or e-mail IMAP protocol are one of the most well-known imple- mentation of protocols that allow to exchange data between various interconnected devices and software environments. However, despite the seemingly openness of the protocol, at the heart of it lies a contradiction—in fact protocols impose strict regu- lations on parties that are interested in using them as an underlying structure. Gallo- way claims that “[protocol] has to standardize in order to liberate.”11 Protocols use “politically reactionary tactic that enables radical openness”12 only through outlining clear requirements for a designed form for occurrences that are taking place within them. Linking this observation with the emerging VR industry, it seems that the main diff erence between today’s developments and achievements from the early 90s is the fact that nowadays it is striving towards standardization and protocolization—like the OpenXR initiative led by Khronos Group.13 By 2019 the standard is going to off er a framework for VR/AR applications development and delivery across a wide variety of hardware and software immersive media platforms.14 Even though, as of 2018 there are multiple (competing) hardware and software VR solutions, they are all based on fairly similar “building blocks” backed by certain standardized software and hardware components. From a consumer’s perspective, it seems that the emerging VR industry is trying to replicate the strategy that turned out to be successful in the mobile market, where thanks to standardized software ecosystems off ered by Apple and Google, developers have been able to create millions of applications off ering extremely diversifi ed use

8 D.M. Berry, Critical Theory and the Digital, London: Bloomsbury, 2014, p. 10. 9 M. Fuller, Media Ecologies: Materialist Energies in Art and Technoculture, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007, p. 93. 10 A.R. Galloway, Protocol, or, How Control Exists After Decentralization, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001, p. 7. 11 Ibid., p. 95. 12 Ibid., p. 145. 13 Khronos Group, “OpenXR Overview”, https://www.khronos.org/openxr. 14 N. Whiting, “Standardizing All the Realities: A Look at OpenXR”, GDC 2018, https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=U-CpA5d9MjI.


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activity, than static objects or mere software layers. software mere or objects activity,static than eff that “processes as more considered be should ing notonlyacomputerplatform,butalsonewreal-timespat to users alike. users to real-time highly interactive experiences to players and virtual academic communities, but also a general purpose software platf tion isthat VR mayfi the pipeline, development a content the in and software hardware, these all With created. even experiences immersive compelling necessary visual form” visual necessary representational structures that allow to display and manipulat can be accessed with diff ventions is crucial in interface design, as technically speakin The representation. data and navigation for structure a i provide like patterns design rooted culturally certain use They time. cal, culturalfactorsthanbysoftwarelimitations. Osmose. just produce to order in platform software and hardware custom had team her and Davies Charlotte artist digital time, that at producing immersive media experiences radically diff of context general the producer), each by promoted is vendors (in particular at the stage of content distribution—ded PlayStation Store). Acknowledging the proprietary strategies in creation (Unity 3D, Unreal, Vuforia) and dominant distribution/access (S the as ecosystem software their position to trying are diversifi more is products VR today’s of layer software The Sony—are relatively similar and thus they off off headsets wise, hardware result, a As s units, processing miniaturized cheap, (fairly industry mobile the from draws industry, VR today’s level, hardware a At cases. Ł 19 18 17 16 15 VR as animmersive computing interface

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5 4 lxne Gloa cam ta itrae (specifi interfaces that claims Galloway Alexander Will ChangeEverything A. Galloway, L. Manovich, A.R. Galloway, Ch. Davies, See: S. Israel, R. Scoble, SKEUOMORPHS ANDREMEDIATIONS: WORKING ENVIRONMENTS... 15 Itisworthnotingthattheartworkstillconsideredtobe Osmose 16 The InterfaceE The LanguageofNewMedia With that in mind, we could start developing an idea for VR be for VR idea an developing start could we Withmind, in that The InterfaceE , http://www.immersence.com/osmose/. nally becomenotonlyanichetechnologyusedbymilitaryand , Austin: PatrickBrewsterPress,2016;J.Jerald,op.cit. 19 The FourthTransformation: How Augmented Reality& Arti erent types of media interfaces” , therefore the interface is constrained more by non-techni- by more constrained is interface the therefore , ff ect ff ect , p.82. , Cambridge,UK:Polity, 2012,pp. VII, 36. , Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2001,p.57. ered by any major vendor—HTC, Oculus, vendor—HTC, major any by ered ers from the reality of the early 90s. Back er a comparable immersive experience. ect a result”, autonomous zones of zones autonomous result”, a ect 17 Today’smulti- are GUIs media 18 cly otae interfaces) software cally and data as such “have no g “one (digital) database ed. Several key actors key Several ed. working environments icated digital store that e diff teamVR, VIVEPORT, to design and rely on rely and design to troduced by hardware ial mediainterface. role of cultural con- cultural of role os r idw to windows or cons ensors and display). and ensors orm that would off industry’sassump- means for content for means a single artwork— single a erent data in real- achievements of achievements n distributing and vneet in dvancements one ofthemost fi cial Intelligence com- er 3 0 . 0 7 . 2 0 1 9

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Following Galloway’s idea of interfaces as zones of activity, we could consider W KR immersive CGI-based environments, like VR, not as multi-sensory projections, but rather as interactive, real-time interfaces. In fact, the key characteristic behind VR Ę is that it is a real-time (dynamic) and multi-sensual (multi-media) medium, where GU IDEI thanks to a projection of convincing stimuli, a user can feel a sense of presence in- side a virtually created space. Bolter and Grusin explicitly say that “the responsive character of the environment, gives VR its sense of presence.”20 In contrast to pres- ence which is a subjective, internal psychological state, immersion is an objective degree. The level of immersion, which is in itself a technical characteristic, is de- termined by the aff ordances and capabilities of the hardware, software and interface layers of a reality system to project a convincing stimuli onto the users.21 According to Brenda Laurel, a compelling VR experience has to follow certain engineering and conceptual principles that should facilitate to create a complete subjective and nav- igable environment reacting to user input and behavior.22 The immersion and pres- ence are maintained not only by the representational function of the image but even more by the interactive potential of the real-time multi-sensory experience granted by the medium. This quality brings VR closer to an experience associated with in- teraction with a computer game or with a graphical interface, than with a passive spectatorship of non-interactive media like photography, fi lm or . In VR the user, by using her own visual sensorium as a dynamic “camera” or framing ap- paratus, is both a director and a cinematographer. This feature of VR brings us closer to the situation that Oliver Grau named a defi ning point in the media history of the image—“dynamic virtual spaces”.23 VR environments are in fact zones of activity that simulate ontologies, create horizons of possibility—defi ned by aff ordances of computational system that can deliver specifi c visual, auditory and haptic cues to us- ers. VR considered as a particular variation of software media experience makes use of advancements in software and hardware engineering that allow to create inter- active, immersive computational environments that turn users into “immersants.”24 The unique design aff ordances and constraints implemented in VR environments shape their status as cultural software that mediates people’s interaction with media and other people. Therefore, if we consider VR environments as media interfaces, we are getting access to yet another perspective for analyzing diff erent models of representing and accessing digital information in today’s media ecology.

20 J.D. Bolter, R. Grusin, op. cit., p. 163; J. Jerald, op. cit., p. 45. 21 J. Jerald, op. cit., pp. 45-46. 22 B. Laurel, “What Is Virtual Reality?”, Medium, https://medium.com/@blaurel/what-is-virtual-real- ity-77b876d829ba. 23 O. Grau, Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003, p. 345. 24 Ch. Davies, “Virtual Space”, in: Space: In Science, Art and Society, ed. by R. Howell, G. Radick, F. Penz, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 69-104.


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in early 2016. early in PC-depend high-end of launch the of consequence a as market the are often characterized as virtual desktop utility apps. Severa materializ to idea that for overcome be to have will that tions technological the exposing is that time, same the at and idea, tha products software of category particular there’sa However, ente towards oriented heavily still is it landscape, content VR look we if but valid, seems environments virtual spatial ating VR as consumer-ready, immersive working environments? Ł 25 (documents, media fi co to access provide to is rationale design Their environments. Explo or Finders as regarded are Desktop Virtualor VR.se Multi tions are designed to be working environments. Apps like VR Too co multiplayer a in or game narrative, a in immersed be to user s operating an of layer visual another as mode screen full a in mental and niche category. In contrast to VR games or simulatio fi visual off all which solutions VR respective their diff create and experiment to developers compani other and Sony HTC, Oculus, decade. last the in cations off be successful on a mobile market, where thanks to standardized content. The emerging VR industry is trying to replicate the st atively standardized hardware and software solutions for access consumer-friendlya for foundations the laid Store Oculus or VR a desktop wallpaper, a list of possible choices includes: an offi a fact in is which environment, virtual the customize can user browser, a PC system’s folder, or even real-time a “full screen” in content change may (frame) windows their within displayed sy operating desktop to Similarly environment. 3D a dynamical in anywhere then and down and up scaled be can which windows) ple virtua 2D a is metaphor main its and UI their of element tional The models. interaction / aesthetics implemented and principles editor interface. spati a least at or environment working VR consumer-ready a for for a VR experience. As of 2018 they are the most sophisticated

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5 ered by Apple and Google, developers have been able to create to able been have developers Google, by and ered Apple 6 Conceptually, the idea to consider VR environments as media int media as environments VR consider to idea Conceptually,the Space, Bigscreen. ToolVR VR, DreamDesk study: case as used applications Software Despite minor diff minor Despite SKEUOMORPHS ANDREMEDIATIONS: WORKING ENVIRONMENTS... delity. Utility apps are often regarded, even by their creator their by even regarded, often are apps Utility delity. 25 HTC Vive and combined with content stores like Ste like stores content with HTC Vivecombined Rift Oculus and les) or accessed through PC (i.a. WWW) in a way that is suitab erences, all analyzed apps share similarities in terms of desi of terms in similarities share apps analyzed all erences, erent types of VR experiences targeted at targeted experiences VR of types erent er fairly similar interaction models and models interaction similar fairly er box: 360, MultiVR.se, VirtualMultiVR.se, 360, box: l such apps appeared on ce, outer space, forest, rategy that turned out to like game or video. The and conceptual limita- conceptual and realization of an idea e. These applications These e. ing immersive media ntent stored on a PC a on stored ntent ntest, utility applica- utility ntest, ystem and allow the allow and ystem ns which usually run rtainment use cases. use rtainment spatial equivalent of equivalent spatial software ecosystems at today’s consumer today’s at t resonates with this with resonates t l window (or multi- (or window l VR ecology of rel- of ecology VR central representa- central lbox: 360 Desktop, es are encouraging are es stems, the content the stems, rers of immersive of rers millions of appli- of millions al media viewer/ media al to display a web a display to ent VR headsets VR ent s, as an experi- an as s, erface remedi- erface ly positioned ly am gn le 3 0 . 0 7 . 2 0 1 9

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cinema room etc. Adding or customizing 3D objects (simple meshes with textures) W KR within the selected environment is also possible. A user can add an armchair, a desk or a lamp to make the space more personal. Due to hardware limitations (GPU process- Ę ing power and display resolution) the image quality is by no means photorealistic. In GU IDEI immersive games or interactive experiences the image quality is not a crucial factor behind the feeling of presence as other cues (auditory, haptics, narrative etc.) make it more compelling. However, in the case of utility apps, factors such as low pixel density and resolution prevent the software from rendering text and image details with the fi delity known from traditional mobile or desktop devices. The condition of transparency that makes the desktop or mobile interface a working environment, is not well addressed in this case.26 However, this limitation can be overcome once the next generation of rendering software and displays with greater PPI (pixel per inch) ratio becomes available, for instance Vive Pro and Samsung Odyssey that debuted in 2018 address this issue.27

VR working environments as a mediation layer for legacy, non-spatial media

Conceptually, the utility apps could be characterized as yet another mediation layer between user and the environment of a PC operating system. Current iteration of this software is limited not only by technical aff ordances of the VR system (low resolution and pixel density, narrow fi eld of view), but also by the “legacy” require- ment it has to address. The fact that the main element of its interface is a virtual frame displaying content on a skeuomorphic representation, or a remediation of a fl at screen, is hardly a coincidence or mere a designer’s preference. In the fi eld of software design skeuomorphs are often used as digital metaphors (elements of the graphical user interface) based on realistic representation techniques (of tex- tures, fabrics, tools) in order to better visualize software functions and processes. They can be considered as material metaphors that “do not just signify and rep- resent […] but are also able to evoke acts in the material world with their mobi- lization of particular physical-material attributes”28, as they are more familiar to users than abstract elements. Consequently, skeuomorphs help users to navigate and use a computational device through its symbolic interface “which make(s) software accessible to users.”29 Skeuomorphs are important components of the process of

26 J.D. Bolter, R. Grusin, op. cit., pp. 32, 23-24. 27 See: https://www.vive.com/eu/product/vive-pro/ and https://www.samsung.com/us/computing/hmd/ windows-mixed-reality/xe800zaa-hc1us-xe800zaa-hc1us/. 28 M. van den Boomen, Transcoding the Digital: How Metaphors Matter in New Media, Amsterdam: The Institute of Network Cultures, 2014, p. 55. 29 F. Cramer, M. Fuller, “Interface”, in: Software Studies: A Lexicon, ed. by M. Fuller, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008, p. 149.


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and keyboard) and skeuomorphic virtual keyboards and laser poin laser and keyboards virtual skeuomorphic and keyboard) and as gamepad, hand-held (custom controllers physical of bination order to navigate within the utility apps’ virtual space a user as characterized be can which interfaces physical of level the analyz was that GUI of level the at only not visible clearly is of maintaining support for digital/digitalized cultural content paradigms interaction and representational innovative for need fi with algorithms resentation, just as fi “the contents move but the frame stays still” stays frame the but move contents “the The screen. the of surface the beyond environment an to access origins of the framed aesthetics in the 15 computer monitors in offi living rooms or movie theaters. That is the case not only of th h itrae itoue a “nooia cut” “ontological an introduces interface, the and computational processes in a unifi a in processes computational and graphical into embedded remediation Ł 34 33 32 31 30 and interface elements with a “gateway” a with elements interface and that tradition long a is window.There virtual screen—a the of of content in a spatial virtual environment is to create a skeu native for an immersive environment. Consequently, the only way im pages, today’sweb for model representational The system. VR fl a content, all other types of digital media and information are d (fl (spatial) env 3D VR a between layer translation a becomes which environment, with all its media content, to a single virtual fr eff Consequently,they environment. VR a in interfaces GUI of elements the replicating aesthetics, skeuomorphic following Toolbox:3 VR or VR DreamDesk like apps utility Today,analyzed mobile in interface touch-based a with users familiarize helped principle design the of one as iOS to skeuomorphism applied ple continuity—not onlyatatechnical accommod to has it days early its In it. before media as lenges that depictedself-containeddimensionalspacesthankstopersp

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at) computer environment. Apart from spherical video and CGI-b and video spherical from Apart environment. computer at) 5 at 2D screen, not a near-eye display device which is now a sta a now is which device near-eyedisplay a not screen, 2D at 8 The case study analysis has revealed that VR as a medium faces medium a as VR that revealed has analysis study case The O. Grau,op.cit.,p.37. Ibid., p.14. p. 227. Friedberg, A. A. Galloway, J.D. Bolter, R.Grusin,op.cit.,p.45. SKEUOMORPHS ANDREMEDIATIONS: WORKING ENVIRONMENTS... The InterfaceE The Virtual Window: From Alberti toMicrosoft lm. At this point, VR is a hybrid medium spanned between the between spanned medium hybrid a is VR point, this At lm. lm had to be compatible with still photography and digital vid ces or television sets in living rooms. Oliver Grau traces th ff ect , p.30. but particularlyattheleve ed, windowed structure. windowed ed, user interfaces user th century Renaissance paintings and frescos 31 or “window”, a point that grants users grants that point a “window”, or 32 , being a material form that embodies that form material a being , 33 n pyia sae n u offi our in space physical a in , Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006, Press, MIT MA: Cambridge, , that repres that is required to use a com- ame (or a set of frames), omorphic representation created in the past. This esigned to be viewed on ectively reduce the PC the reduce ectively e last few decades with l ofaestheticsandrep- inconsistent at best. In best. at inconsistent ate the requirement of requirement the ate ed above, but also at also but above, ed ective. 30 associates interfaces associates and the requirement the and desktop and mobile and desktop screen itself, where itself, screen ent diff ent A decade ago Ap- ago decade A to display this type operating system. operating ironment and a 2D a and ironment ndard in consumer in ndard well as PC mouse PC as well ages, icons is not is icons ages, ters displayed by displayed ters s. This approach This s. 60 Desktop are Desktop 60 ased VR-ready ased 34 similar chal- similar erent media erent ces, eo 3 e 0 . 0 7 . 2 0 1 9

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the HMD. As a result, there is little possibility to work with typical PC software that W KR requires high precision or long-text input, the alternative is to constantly switch be- tween virtual and physical controllers, which degrades the immersion and user expe- Ę rience as a whole. The next iterations of such applications should therefore put more GU IDEI attention into enabling kinaesthetic action considered as input method—deepen the degree of physical involvement while working in a virtual environment.35 However, the interaction models implemented in general utility applications will be always constrained by the aff ordances of hardware—accuracy of body (head, hands) track- ing and precision of controllers.

The “Holodeck” has not arrived yet

At this point (late 2018) consumer-level VR solutions are not ready to off er a compelling working environment due to technological (visual fi delity, lack of high precision tracking and controllers) but also conceptual constraints (representation- al paradigm based on skeuomorphic representation of a pre-VR computer environ- ment). At the same time the applications for VR as an entertainment platform appear to be more feasible. The study has revealed that it would be extremely challenging to convert virtual spaces into working environments without a compelling strategy for “translating” or “porting” pre-VR media content and software in a way so it can take advantage of the immersive space. This strategy may involve using voice interfaces, whole body tracking, procedural environment generation in real time. All these solu- tions are at least a few years away from realization. VR as a new type of immersive 3D medium that can be experienced in a volumetric physical space, requires a radical technological, conceptual and cultural shift in the paradigms for visual representation of information and ideas. This shift does not necessary involve modifying aesthetic practices that prevailed for centuries and have been grounded in perspective-based images displayed within a physical, yet fl at framed surface. Therefore, future immer- sive environment can lay foundation to new models of data and content and design. The popularity of creative applications like Tilt Brush (a room-scale 3D painting application by Google) or SketchUp VR (a tool for editing and visualizing architectural models from SketchUP in VR), already trigger the emergence of new art genres and design practices that make use of the spatial and real-time aff ordances of virtual reality. These aff ordances eff ectively make possible to manipulate the virtual environment, its objects and consider a whole virtual scene as an interface. There- fore, perhaps a more feasible solution would be not to remediate interfaces and visual metaphors designed for far eye displays and computational devices based on WIMP paradigms in a spatial environment, but to completely change the concept of a user interface. Experiments conducted by industry leaders and computer scientists proved that spatial virtual environments can actually become approximate and simplifi ed

35 J. Woletz, “Interfaces of Immersive Media”, Interface Critique Journal 2018, vol. 1, p. 108.


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man-robot interaction. for as well as vehicles autonomous and robots train to ronments NVidiause instance, For development. their of stage later a at phy in perform better to algorithms and agents autonomous train Social and cultural impact of VRworking environments environments. physical actual of Ł 37 36 Re Virtual Unreal”, Using Demo VR Basic a “Creating T.,Andrade Bibliography examples forfurtherstudiescanbeprovided. to thescopeof not ignore some risks and challenges that go beyond the technol offi arrangement workspace new for demand will environment immersive aff o infancy,point its Todaythis in however,at still even is VR necessar (not workers of team a within information—particularly other challenge would be to rethink the very practice of intell in turned be can data, behavioural and biometric other and us gaze of actions the only not where panopticon of version ultimate can environment virtual software-based users. Aproprietary VR consider these spatial environments spatial these consider environments using visual metaphors and established design / in interfaces designing on focus only not should we Consequently, thi start already should we however future, near very the in es remote or home working job types may emerge. Clearly, we won’t cation ofworkingindividualsmay adap and mobility for allow that spaces open truly of favour in and human-humaninteraction. machine-machin for cues haptic and auditory visual, of spectrum

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ordances for data visualization, management and cooperation-ba and management visualization, data for ordances 6 ce of the future may have to resign from typical furniture an furniture typical from resign to have may future the of ce 0 virtualrealitypop.com/start-a-vr-demo-using-the-unreal-engine-6 o isac, e ol ak bu te sus f aa wesi a ownership data of issues the about ask could we instance, For environme virtual of potential creative the acknowledging While 2018, https://bit.ly/2A7N44wand Nvidia Website, https://bit.ly K. Bye, “Training AI & Robots in VR with Nvidia’s project Holod J. Gregory, SKEUOMORPHS ANDREMEDIATIONS: WORKING ENVIRONMENTS... Architecture article theseissueshave 37 , BocaRaton: Taylor &Francis,CRCPress,2018,p.9. become even a lesserconcern become even as ultimate interfaces and make use of the full the of use make and interfaces ultimate not beenfullyar 36 uh niomns a b ue to used be can environments Such /2pJv8r9. eck”, ticulated, howeverafew ectual work with digital ne can predict that new that predict can ne Voices ofVR nking about solutions. about nking s real-time CGI envi- CGI real-time s ality Pop 2016, Pop ality teraction models, but ogical spectrum, due tability. Physical lo- tability.Physical d computer screens, computer d 3d31eeaf784 to commodity.An- to easily turn into the into turn easily sical environments sical than itisnow, new e, human-machine e, face this challeng- ers, but also their also but ers, experimental hu- experimental for virtual spatial virtual for ily human-only). ily sed work in an in work sed nts, we should we nts, s. Namely,s. the d rvc of privacy nd , episode #623, . https:// 3 0 . 0 7 . 2 0 1 9

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