Environmental Monitoring Report

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Environmental Monitoring Report Environmental Monitoring Report Project Number: 40648-034 December 2019 Period: January 2019 – June 2019 IND: Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism - Tranche 3 Submitted by Program Management Unit, Tourism Development Board, IDIPT-Himachal Pradesh, Shimla This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. HIMACHALPRADESH –INFRASTRUCIDIPTTURE-HP/Loan DEVELO No 3223/PM ENTEMR (T3)//30INVES June,TME 2019NT ADB Project No.40648 PROGRAM FOR TOURISM ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REPORT (Semi-annual) Loan Number: 3223–IND Reporting Period: Jan-June, 2019 Prepared by: Government of Himachal Pradesh Implementing Agency: Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Board, Shimla Executing Agency: Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh Date: 30/06/2019 This report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management or staff and may be preliminary in nature. Page 1 of 150 IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank BOD – Biological Oxygen Demand CCMP – Comprehensive Conservation Master Plan DC – Deputy Commissioner DSC – Design & Supervision Consultants EA – Executing Agency EARF – Environmental Assessment Review Framework EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment EMP – Environmental Management Plan FCA – Forest Conservation Act GoI – Government of India GoHP – Government of Himachal Pradesh HPIPH – Himachal Pradesh Irrigation & Public Health HPPCB – Himachal Pradesh Pollution Control Board HPSEB – Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board IDIPT – Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism IEE – Initial Environmental Examination MLD – Million Litres per day MOEFCC – Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change MSL – Mean Sea Level NGO – Non-Governmental Organization NHAI – National Highways Authority of India NOC – No Objection Certificate NTP – Notice to Proceed O & M – Operations & Management PFR – Periodic Financing Request PIU – Project Implementation Unit PMC – Project Management Consultants PMU – Project Management Unit REA – Rapid Environmental Assessment RH – Rest House RPM – Respirable Particulate Matter SADA – Special Area Development Authority SEAC – State Expert Appraisal Committee SEIAA – State Environment Impact Assessment Authority SPM – Suspended Particulate Matter SPS – Safeguards Policy Statement TCP– – Town & Country Planning TDS – Total Dissolved Solids TSS – Total Suspended Solids VFDS – Village Forest Development Society YSS – Youth Services & Sport Page 2 of 150 IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sr. Chapters Page Nos. Nos. 1 Introduction 6 2 Compliance status with National / State / Local statutory requirements 16 3 Compliance status with the environmental covenants as stipulated in the Loan Agreement 23 Compliance status with the environmental management and monitoring plans and 4 environmental assessment and review framework/ procedures, as stipulated in the 25 environmental documentation as agreed with ADB 5 Approach and methodology for environmental monitoring of the project 39 Monitoring of environmental receptors/ attributes (e.g. ambient air, surface water, ground 6 water, land, ecological aspects, noise, hazardous/toxic wastes, etc.) 40 Any other environmental aspects, impacts observed during implementation which were 7 not covered earlier 41 Any other environmental aspects, impacts observed during implementation which were 8 not covered earlier 41 9 Follow up actions & conclusions 41 Page 3 of 150 IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Annexures Annexure. Page Contents Nos. Nos. Annexure-1 NOC from the Municipal Corporation Shimla vide letter No. 315 (AP) 42 dated 18th September, 2015. Annexure-2 NOC from the Town & Country Planning Department, HP vide letter 45 No. TCP (Plg office) Manali-Case No. BP-62/2015-832-22 dated 21st January, 2016 Annexure-3 Undertaking form Asset Owner (MOU for Operation & Maintenance) 51 Annexure-4 Obtained NOC from the Municipal Council, Mandi vide letter No. 52 MC/MND)/2014/3056 dated 20th August, 2014 Annexure-5 NOC from the Youth Services & Sports, Mandi vide letter diary No. 60 388 dated 20th August, 2014. Annexure-6 NOC form district Temple Management Committee vide letter No. 61 1554 dated 25 August, 2014 Annexure-7 NOC from the Mata Bhimakali Sansthan, Mandi vide letter No. 1267 63 dated 8th January, 2014 Annexure-8 NOC from the Public Works Department, Mandi vide letter No. PW- 64 MD-II/WA-NOC/2014-12011 dated 20th August, 2014 Annexure-9 NOC from the Public Works Department, Mandi vide letter No. 70 PW/PNH/CB/WA/Road Side Adv/2014-4509-10 dated 3rd September, 2014 Annexure-10 NoC from higher Education fir Vijay High School Mandi vide letter 72 no. EDN-414-3/201 SDDHC-Mandi dated 1st June, 2015 Annexure-11 Statutory approval from Forest Department Mandi for cutting of 73 existing trees at TRC (near Visco) site. Annexure-12 MoU from Asset Owner (MC, Mandi) 74 Annexure-13 MoU from Asset Owner (District youth services & sports, Mandi) 75 Annexure-14 MoU from Asset Owner (Mata Bhimakali Mandir, Mandi) 76 Annexure-15 Obtained NOC from the Municipal Council, Jwalamukhi, Kangra vide 77 letter No 80/MCJ dated 16th August, 2014 Annexure-16 NoC from Temple Trust Jwalaji vide letter No. 1566 dated 4th 78 September, 2014 Annexure-17 Obtained NOC from the Vyapar Mandal Jwalamukhi, Kangra vide 79 letter No nil dated 4th September, 2014 Annexure-18 Obtained NOC from the pond owners for Jwalaji project. 80 Annexure-19 Obtained MOU from the asset owner for Jwalaji project. 82 Annexure-20 Obtained NOC from the Temple Trust, Dharamshala vide letter No 83 977/S.D.A. dated 18th September, 2015 Annexure-21 Obtained NOC from the Temple Trust, Dharamshala vide letter No 84 Bha.Na.Ma.Na.2014/183 dated 27th August, 2014 Annexure-22 Obtained NoC from SDM vide letter no. 1148/ U.Ma.Ka dated 2nd 85 September, 2014 Annexure-23 Obtained MOU from Temple Trust, Bhagsunag 86 Annexure-24 Obtained NOC from Markandeya Temple Management & 87 Development Committee Annexure-25 Obtained MOU from Markandeya Temple Management & 88 Development Committee Annexure-26 Obtained MOU from Managing Director, HPTDC for Naldehra 89 Annexure-26 (a) Documents related to permission for construction of Entrance gate 90 at Naldehra Page 4 of 150 IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Annexures Annexure. Page Contents Nos. Nos. Annexure-27 Obtained MOU from SDM, Rampur 92 Annexure-28 Obtained NOC from Sub Divisional Collector, Kangra 93 Annexure-29 Obtained NOC from Gram Panchayat, Rajihana, Kangra 94 Annexure-30 Obtained NOC from Temple Trust Bajreshwari & administration, 95 Kangra Annexure-31 Obtained MOU from Municipal Council, Nagrota Bhagwan 96 Annexure-32 Obtained MOU from Temple Officer, Bajreshwari Devi 97 Annexure-33 Obtained MOU from Temple Officer, Chamunda Devi 98 Annexure-34 Obtained NoC for Bantony Castle from Deptt. of Language Art and 99 Culture Deptt. Annexure-35 Obtained MoU for Bantony Castle 100 Annexure-36 Obtained MOU from Managing Director, HPTDC for Janjehli project 101 Annexure-37 Land transferred To Tourism Deptt from Panchayati Raj and 102 Horticulture Deptt. for Janjehli project Annexure-38 Forest diversion of 0.14 hac and tree cutting permission for Janjehli 104 project Annexure-39 Grievance Redressal Committee-PMU (IDIP-HP); PIU, Shimla (IDIP- 106 HP); PIU, Kangra (IDIP-HP) & PIU, Kullu (IDIP-HP) Annexure-40 Environmental Testing Results 110 Annexure-41 Public Consultation 120 Annexure-42 Capacity Building 141 Page 5 of 150 IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1. Overall Project Description: The Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism (IDIPT) targets enhanced economic growth and provision of livelihood opportunities for local communities through tourism and infrastructure development with a focus on preservation and development of natural and cultural heritage and incidental services. The Project will support the States of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Uttarakhand, to develop the tourism sector as a key driver for economic growth. 2. Project Objectives: As part of the Investment Program, the Project aims to enhance the tourism environment of States of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Uttarakhand through subprojects under 5 different components of the Investment Program as below: Component 1: Enhanced quality of natural and cultural attractions. Component 2: Greater participation by local communities in tourism-related economic and livelihood activities. Component 3: Improved basic urban infrastructure and incidental services at tourist destinations and gateways. Component 4: Improved connectivity to tourist attractions. Component 5: Strengthened capacity of sector agencies and local communities. 3. Environmental Category: The investment program uses a sector approach which requires preparation of an Environmental Assessment Review Framework (EARF) that sets out specific
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