Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 40648-034 December 2019

Period: January 2019 – June 2019

IND: Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism - Tranche 3

Submitted by Program Management Unit, Tourism Development Board, IDIPT-,

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.




Loan Number: 3223–IND Reporting Period: Jan-June, 2019

Prepared by: Government of Himachal Pradesh Implementing Agency: Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Board, Shimla Executing Agency: Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh

Date: 30/06/2019

This report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management or staff and may be preliminary in nature.

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IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648


ADB – Asian Development Bank BOD – Biological Oxygen Demand CCMP – Comprehensive Conservation Master Plan DC – Deputy Commissioner DSC – Design & Supervision Consultants EA – Executing Agency EARF – Environmental Assessment Review Framework EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment EMP – Environmental Management Plan FCA – Forest Conservation Act GoI – Government of GoHP – Government of Himachal Pradesh HPIPH – Himachal Pradesh Irrigation & Public Health HPPCB – Himachal Pradesh Pollution Control Board HPSEB – Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board IDIPT – Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism IEE – Initial Environmental Examination MLD – Million Litres per day MOEFCC – Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change MSL – Mean Sea Level NGO – Non-Governmental Organization NHAI – National Highways Authority of India NOC – No Objection Certificate NTP – Notice to Proceed O & M – Operations & Management PFR – Periodic Financing Request PIU – Project Implementation Unit PMC – Project Management Consultants PMU – Project Management Unit REA – Rapid Environmental Assessment RH – Rest House RPM – Respirable Particulate Matter SADA – Special Area Development Authority SEAC – State Expert Appraisal Committee SEIAA – State Environment Impact Assessment Authority SPM – Suspended Particulate Matter SPS – Safeguards Policy Statement TCP– – Town & Country Planning TDS – Total Dissolved Solids TSS – Total Suspended Solids VFDS – Village Forest Development Society YSS – Youth Services & Sport

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IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648

TABLE OF CONTENTS Sr. Chapters Page Nos. Nos. 1 Introduction 6

2 Compliance status with National / State / Local statutory requirements 16

3 Compliance status with the environmental covenants as stipulated in the Loan Agreement 23

Compliance status with the environmental management and monitoring plans and 4 environmental assessment and review framework/ procedures, as stipulated in the 25 environmental documentation as agreed with ADB

5 Approach and methodology for environmental monitoring of the project 39 Monitoring of environmental receptors/ attributes (e.g. ambient air, surface water, ground 6 water, land, ecological aspects, noise, hazardous/toxic wastes, etc.) 40

Any other environmental aspects, impacts observed during implementation which were 7 not covered earlier 41 Any other environmental aspects, impacts observed during implementation which were 8 not covered earlier 41

9 Follow up actions & conclusions 41

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Annexures Annexure. Page Contents Nos. Nos. Annexure-1 NOC from the Municipal Corporation Shimla vide letter No. 315 (AP) 42 dated 18th September, 2015. Annexure-2 NOC from the Town & Country Planning Department, HP vide letter 45 No. TCP (Plg office) Manali-Case No. BP-62/2015-832-22 dated 21st January, 2016 Annexure-3 Undertaking form Asset Owner (MOU for Operation & Maintenance) 51 Annexure-4 Obtained NOC from the Municipal Council, Mandi vide letter No. 52 MC/MND)/2014/3056 dated 20th August, 2014 Annexure-5 NOC from the Youth Services & Sports, Mandi vide letter diary No. 60 388 dated 20th August, 2014. Annexure-6 NOC form district Temple Management Committee vide letter No. 61 1554 dated 25 August, 2014 Annexure-7 NOC from the Mata Bhimakali Sansthan, Mandi vide letter No. 1267 63 dated 8th January, 2014 Annexure-8 NOC from the Public Works Department, Mandi vide letter No. PW- 64 MD-II/WA-NOC/2014-12011 dated 20th August, 2014 Annexure-9 NOC from the Public Works Department, Mandi vide letter No. 70 PW/PNH/CB/WA/Road Side Adv/2014-4509-10 dated 3rd September, 2014 Annexure-10 NoC from higher Education fir Vijay High School Mandi vide letter 72 no. EDN-414-3/201 SDDHC-Mandi dated 1st June, 2015 Annexure-11 Statutory approval from Forest Department Mandi for cutting of 73 existing trees at TRC (near Visco) site. Annexure-12 MoU from Asset Owner (MC, Mandi) 74 Annexure-13 MoU from Asset Owner (District youth services & sports, Mandi) 75 Annexure-14 MoU from Asset Owner (Mata Bhimakali Mandir, Mandi) 76 Annexure-15 Obtained NOC from the Municipal Council, Jwalamukhi, Kangra vide 77 letter No 80/MCJ dated 16th August, 2014 Annexure-16 NoC from Temple Trust Jwalaji vide letter No. 1566 dated 4th 78 September, 2014 Annexure-17 Obtained NOC from the Vyapar Mandal Jwalamukhi, Kangra vide 79 letter No nil dated 4th September, 2014 Annexure-18 Obtained NOC from the pond owners for Jwalaji project. 80 Annexure-19 Obtained MOU from the asset owner for Jwalaji project. 82 Annexure-20 Obtained NOC from the Temple Trust, Dharamshala vide letter No 83 977/S.D.A. dated 18th September, 2015 Annexure-21 Obtained NOC from the Temple Trust, Dharamshala vide letter No 84 Bha.Na.Ma.Na.2014/183 dated 27th August, 2014 Annexure-22 Obtained NoC from SDM vide letter no. 1148/ U.Ma.Ka dated 2nd 85 September, 2014 Annexure-23 Obtained MOU from Temple Trust, Bhagsunag 86 Annexure-24 Obtained NOC from Markandeya Temple Management & 87 Development Committee Annexure-25 Obtained MOU from Markandeya Temple Management & 88 Development Committee Annexure-26 Obtained MOU from Managing Director, HPTDC for Naldehra 89 Annexure-26 (a) Documents related to permission for construction of Entrance gate 90 at Naldehra

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IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Annexures Annexure. Page Contents Nos. Nos. Annexure-27 Obtained MOU from SDM, Rampur 92 Annexure-28 Obtained NOC from Sub Divisional Collector, Kangra 93 Annexure-29 Obtained NOC from Gram Panchayat, Rajihana, Kangra 94 Annexure-30 Obtained NOC from Temple Trust Bajreshwari & administration, 95 Kangra Annexure-31 Obtained MOU from Municipal Council, Nagrota Bhagwan 96 Annexure-32 Obtained MOU from Temple Officer, Bajreshwari Devi 97 Annexure-33 Obtained MOU from Temple Officer, Chamunda Devi 98 Annexure-34 Obtained NoC for Bantony Castle from Deptt. of Language Art and 99 Culture Deptt. Annexure-35 Obtained MoU for Bantony Castle 100 Annexure-36 Obtained MOU from Managing Director, HPTDC for Janjehli project 101 Annexure-37 Land transferred To Tourism Deptt from Panchayati Raj and 102 Horticulture Deptt. for Janjehli project Annexure-38 Forest diversion of 0.14 hac and tree cutting permission for Janjehli 104 project Annexure-39 Grievance Redressal Committee-PMU (IDIP-HP); PIU, Shimla (IDIP- 106 HP); PIU, Kangra (IDIP-HP) & PIU, Kullu (IDIP-HP) Annexure-40 Environmental Testing Results 110 Annexure-41 Public Consultation 120 Annexure-42 Capacity Building 141

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1. Overall Project Description: The Infrastructure Development Investment Program for Tourism (IDIPT) targets enhanced economic growth and provision of livelihood opportunities for local communities through tourism and infrastructure development with a focus on preservation and development of natural and cultural heritage and incidental services. The Project will support the States of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Uttarakhand, to develop the tourism sector as a key driver for economic growth.

2. Project Objectives: As part of the Investment Program, the Project aims to enhance the tourism environment of States of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Uttarakhand through subprojects under 5 different components of the Investment Program as below:

Component 1: Enhanced quality of natural and cultural attractions. Component 2: Greater participation by local communities in tourism-related economic and livelihood activities. Component 3: Improved basic urban infrastructure and incidental services at tourist destinations and gateways. Component 4: Improved connectivity to tourist attractions. Component 5: Strengthened capacity of sector agencies and local communities.

3. Environmental Category: The investment program uses a sector approach which requires preparation of an Environmental Assessment Review Framework (EARF) that sets out specific procedures to be followed for subprojects, and for implementation of the project as a whole. The EARF is in accordance with Government of India (the Government) rules and Asian Development Bank ADB) safeguards policies. The EARF reviews the types of subprojects anticipated under the project and summarizes potential environmental impacts. The EARF provides an overview of the regulations of the Government, as well as the states and ADB (as per its Safeguards Policy Statement, 2009 [SPS, 2009]) related to environmental assessment, specifically concerning project environmental classification, review and clearance requirements. In accordance to REA checklist, and IEE & updated IEE’s (wherever required) prepared for all the subprojects falls under “Category B”.

4. Environmental performance indicators, if any: Environmental Monitoring Results as per EMP.

5. Overall project progress, agreed milestones and implementation schedules: All eleven following subprojects have been awarded. The required NOCs have already been obtained prior to start of work and are part of IEE / updated IEE. The construction work is in progress under subprojects as per implementation schedule and requisite measures as per EMP is being monitored by Safeguard Specialists. Since HP-PCB is unable to conduct environmental testing at all subproject sites in accordance to the frame in environmental monitoring plan, private NABL laboratories are engaged for environmental monitoring. Details of the sub-projects progress are given in Table 1:

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Table 1: Project Progress Status

Sr. Name of project Scope of work REA Contract Project Work Status/ Remarks No. Categorization Signed/ NTP Progress / IEE Status Date/ (%) till (Approved Date) Completion June 2019 Date WORK AWARDED & ONGOING 1 Upgrading the  Community Hall. Environmental Contract signed 70% IEE and EMP is part of Historic Urban  Multipurpose Parking. Category B on 23 Sept, 15 contract agreement Precincts & Creating a Heritage Circuit,  Tourist Reception Centre. Approved on NTP Date- Jwalaji Town  Improvement of Gates, Paths. August, 2015 7 Oct, 2015 (Package No.  Restoration of ponds. HPTDB/13/1)  Improvement of roads. (Uploaded on Completion ADB Website) date- 17 Oct,  Illumination. 2018.  Provision of street furniture Extended date- Construction of multi level  Improvement & additional provision of toilet facilities. parking at Jwalaji under 18 April 2019  Drinking water facilities construction 31 Dec. 2019  Rest sheds/ pause points where required.  Landscaping area as to provide pleasant repose.  Provision of directional, informative and instructive signages 2 Conserving  Bhagsu Cultural Centre Environmental Contract signed 66.00% IEE and EMP is part of th Prominent Temple  Renovation of Bhagsu hotel Category B on 30 June, contract agreement Precincts & 2016. Upgrading Urban  Upgradation of Bhagsu Nag Temple precincts Approved on 29 Infrastructure for  DC Office parking. June, 2016 NTP Date- 1st Tourism in  Upgradation of Aghanjar Mahadev September, Dharamshala,  Chowks (Fuwara Chowk, Sheela Chowk and Secret (Uploaded on 2016 Mcleodganj ADB Website) (Package No. Heart Chowk near Hospital Dharamshala. Completion Parking constructed at DC HPTDB/13/2)  Urban Element (Rain Shelter, benches, railing, Updated IEE date- 10 Sept. office, Dharamshala compound wall, gate, signages, dustbins etc) submitted to ADB 2018.

 Dhauladhar Convention Centre. on 12 April, 2019

 M.C. Garden & 28 May, 2019 Extended date- and approved on 10 Sept. 2019  Dhauladhar Garden Page 7 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Scope of work REA Contract Project Work Status/ Remarks No. Categorization Signed/ NTP Progress / IEE Status Date/ (%) till (Approved Date) Completion June 2019 Date 3 June, 2019 31 Dec 2019

Dhauladhar Garden 3 Creation of Centre  Workshop for artisans. Environmental Contract signed 76.00% IEE and EMP is part of for Traditional Arts  Commercial outlets with shops, food stalls, Open Air Category B on 29 May, 15 contract agreement and Crafts at Theater etc. Badagran near  Residential facilities like dormitory for master Approved on NTP Date- 30 Manali (Contract craftsmen & others etc. September, 2014 June, 2015 Package No.:  Parking, Media interaction room, Big convention hall, HPTDB/14/1) Accommodation for artisans on the first floor & Small (Uploaded on Completion restaurant on the First floor, Health Club; Meditation ADB Website) date- 6 July, 2017. Centre; Children’s room and play area & Library, reading room, parking etc. Pedestrian Walkway at Extended date- Badagran 6 January, 2018 6 July, 2018 15 Mar. 2019 31 Dec. 2019

Commercial block constructed at Badagran

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Upgradation of the building, Facade Restoration for Chauhata Bazaar, Category B on 19 Sept, 15 contract agreement Historic Urban Restoration and Development of Staircase to Tarna Precincts & IEE submitted on NTP Date- 23 Mata Mandir from Sunken Garden, Restoration and Buildings in Mandi 26 Sept., 2014 & Sept. , 2015 Town (Package No. development of Tarna Mata Mandi, Facelift of 5 Dec., 2014 HPTDB/15/1) Victoria Bridge, Restoration of Ghats (river banks) Completion adjoining the prominent temples, Conservation of Updated IEE date- 13 Nov, small stone temples along the river. submitted to ADB 2018.  Creating pedestrian walks which include on 22 May, 2019 & 27 May, 2019 Extended date- improvements to roads and public facilities including and approval is 31 Mar. 2019 Convention Centre at Visco parking at awaited from 31 Dec. 2019  Convention Centre near Visco resorts Resort ADB. 5 Restoration of  Upgrading the sixteen main core routes of the city Environmental Contract signed 86.00% IEE and EMP is part of Shimla Mall Road including street furniture, illumination and public Category B on 19 Nov, 15. contract agreement Extension (Package facilities No. HPTDB/16/2) Approved on NTP Date- 30  Development of Approach works to Hotel Holiday August, 2015 Nov, 2015 Home  Development of Tekka Bench Park (Uploaded on Completion  Illumination and façade improvement of Hotel ADB Website) date- 9 Dec., Peterhoff. 2017 Updated IEE

submitted to ADB Extended date- Illumination done at on 23 May, 2019, 31 Aug, 2018 Peterhoff 28 May, 2019 31 Mar. 2019 and approved on 30 Sept. 2019 24 June, 2019 6 Rejuvenation of the  Upgrading the entire temple precinct like surface Environmental Contract signed 83.00% IEE and EMP is part of Markandeya Temple improvement, provision of seating, provision of public Category B on 3 Nov, 16. contract agreement Precinct and amenities, street lighting, improvement of toilet Provision of Visitor Approved on 6th NTP Date- facilities and improvement / extension of bathing area, Facilities, Bilaspur September, 2016 7 Nov, 2016 (Package No. improvement of the existing shops HPTDB/11/1)  Improvement of lighting in temple campus, installation (Uploaded on Completion ADB Website) date- Markandeya Temple Page 9 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Scope of work REA Contract Project Work Status/ Remarks No. Categorization Signed/ NTP Progress / IEE Status Date/ (%) till (Approved Date) Completion June 2019 Date of signages, provision of railing and seating 16 March,  Provision of Parking for vehicles. Amphitheatre/ 2018. Wrestling ,Tourist Reception Centre, Waiting halls for Extended date- visitors and pilgrims, restaurant, toilet facilities and 16 Dec, 2018 souvenir shops. 15 Jun. 2019  Restoration of Gufa. 15 Aug. 2019 15 Oct, 2019 Shops constructed for APs

7 Eco-Tourism Park at  Development of Eco Tourism Park by provision of Environmental Contract signed 76.00% IEE and EMP is part of Naldehra (Package tourist and visitor facilities, Category B on 1 Sept, 16. contract agreement No. HPTDB/16/4)  Development of main entrance area, horse parking Approved on 29th NTP Date- 17 area, restaurant area, club house area, family cottage June, 2016 Nov, 2016 area, restoration of approach road to Golf Course, landscaping, signage, construction of amphitheater (Uploaded on Completion and restaurant building. ADB Website) date- 26 May, 2018. Extended date- 30 Oct. 2018 Tourist Cottages renovated 30 Mar. 2019 at Naldehra 30 June 2019 30 Sept, 2019 8 Restoration and  Upgradation of Environmental Contract signed 53.00% IEE and EMP is part of beautification of  Bhimakali Temple precincts. Category B on 21 Nov, contract agreement Ancient temples and  Raghunath Temple precincts 2016. Surrounding areas Approved on  Narsingh Temple precincts at Rampur Bushair, 28th February, NTP Date- 6 Shimla (Package  Ayodhyanath Temple precincts 2017 January, 2017 HPTDB/16/5)  Chuvacha Temple precincts  Janki Mai Gufa Temple precincts (Uploaded on Completion  Bouddha Temple precincts ADB Website) date- 15  Dattatreya Temple precincts. January, 2019 Extended date-  Signages, parking (Rampur & Sarhan), illumination 31 Dec. 2019 etc. Renovation of temples at Rampur Page 10 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Scope of work REA Contract Project Work Status/ Remarks No. Categorization Signed/ NTP Progress / IEE Status Date/ (%) till (Approved Date) Completion June 2019 Date 9 Restoration and  Upgradation of Chamunda Temple precincts which Environmental Contract signed 73.00% IEE and EMP is part of Improvement of includes, landscaping, toilet and bathing facilities, Category B on 13 Dec, contract agreement Chamunda Temple changing rooms near the sacred pond, drinking water 2016. and Bajreshwari Approved on 29th facilities, provision of seating for 150 persons, Temple Precinct and June, 2016 NTP Date- 4 Creation of Cultural Restoration of the sacred Temple pond and access Jan, 2016 Centre for improvement, provision of railing, signage, Street (Uploaded on Traditional Arts and lighting etc ADB Website) Completion Work under progress at Crafts at Nagrota  Upgradation of Bajreshwari Temple precincts which date- 12 Jan, Chamunda Bagwan, Kangra includes railing, signage, street lighting, landscaping of 2019 (Package No. the park etc. HPTDB/13/4) Extended date-  Chakrakund Temple: Restoration of existing kunds 12 Oct. 2019 (ponds), toilets and bathrooms, pathway, area lighting, benches and drainage  Mata ka bagh: proposed works are providing visitors facilities like toilet, parking, shops, amphitheatre, Mata Ka Bagh benches, lighting, compound wall, signage, dust bin and landscaping etc  Nagrota Bagwan: Commercial Outlets, Permanent Outlets, Temporary Outlets - showcasing and selling the products; Food Stalls, Convention Hall, Art & Craft Centre at Restaurant; & O.A.T; Construction of Parking at the Nagrota Bhagwan entrance etc. 10 Conservation A. Main Bantony Castle Building Environmental Contract signed 3.00% /Restoration and a) Structural restoration of the Structure Category B on 14 Nov, Rehabilitaion of b) Restoration of the facade damaged / demolished 2018. Bantony Castle in c) Relaying of entire roof with fascia & gutter Approved on 26th Heritage Zone, d) Relaying of rain water pipes February, 2018 NTP date: 22 Shimla (Package e) Restoration of all doors and windows in old/existing Nov. 2018 No. HPTDB/16/6) design and techniques f) Repairs to wooden flooring & ceiling where damaged Completion Construction work under g) Repairs to wooden Staircase date- 01 Aug. progress h) Repair of all damaged walls with exposed brick / lime 2020 plaster i) Repair of exposed/concealed structural wooden Page 11 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Scope of work REA Contract Project Work Status/ Remarks No. Categorization Signed/ NTP Progress / IEE Status Date/ (%) till (Approved Date) Completion June 2019 Date members in all walls wherever damaged j) Removal of any vegetation & other factors responsible for causing deterioration of structure k) Surface treatment of entire Building including cleaning & re-building of expose brick and interior & exterior repainting l) Repair of fire places inside the building. m) Repair/Replacement/Cleaning/restoration/polishing of the brass fixtures. n) Restoration of all chimney o) Repairs to rain water pipes p) Repairs of all mini-towers on roof.

A1. Adaptive reuse of building as a Museum (including visual information), Tourist information centre & Souvenir shop

B. Annexe building of Bantony Castle a) Structural restoration of the Structure. b) Restoration of the facade damaged / demolished c) Relaying of entire roof with fascia & gutter d) Relaying of rain water pipes e) Restoration of all doors and windows in old/existing design and techniques. f) Repairs to wooden flooring & ceiling where damaged g) Repairs to wooden Staircase h) Repair of all damaged walls with exposed brick on exterior & lime plaster in interior i) Repair of exposed/ concealed structural wooden members in all walls wherever damaged j) Removal of any vegetation & other factors responsible for causing deterioration of structure k) Surface treatment of entire Building including cleaning & re-building of expose stone masonry and expose brick masonry l) Repair of fire places inside the building. m) Repair/Replacement/ Cleaning/ restoration/ polishing Page 12 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Scope of work REA Contract Project Work Status/ Remarks No. Categorization Signed/ NTP Progress / IEE Status Date/ (%) till (Approved Date) Completion June 2019 Date of the brass fixtures. n) Restoration of all chimney o) Repairs to rain water pipes p) Repairs of all mini-towers on roof.

B1 Adaptive reuse of building as a Cafe cum Restaurant & Club. a) Adaptive reuse of the space as light and sound show

C. Annexe II named as Bantony hospital* (servant quarters of Bantony Castle) in poor condition. a) Adaptive reuse of the space as light and sound show

D. Open area around in Bantony Estate a) Walking trails b) Open exhibition c) Landscaping of the area including repair of existing and new retaining walls wherever required. Also flower beds, paving etc. d) Illumination of entire building, benches, light poles etc. e) Restoration of Cast Iron railing which has symbol of coats of arms of Maharaja of Sirmur (Nahan) f) Replacing of outside flooring and maintaining the aesthetics of the site with proper sub-surface draining and MS grating and Proposal for outdoor benches, railing and site signages.

E. Site Investigations a) Soil investigation b) Structural investigation c) Geo-Technical Investigations (rear side of Bantony Castle)

F. Services a) Fire fighting system (Hydrants) Page 13 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Scope of work REA Contract Project Work Status/ Remarks No. Categorization Signed/ NTP Progress / IEE Status Date/ (%) till (Approved Date) Completion June 2019 Date b) CCTV c) Electrical d) Plumbing 11 Creation of Tourist A. Tourist Cultural Centre at Janjheli: Following Environmental Contract signed 5.00% Culture Centre at works are proposed to be undertaken under this Category B on 24 July, Janjehli Dist. Mandi component: 2018. (Package No. a) Visitor Blocks – 3 Nos Built up Area of each Block Approved on 14th HPTDB/15/2) 252 Sqm December, 2018 NTP date 04 b) Convention Centre Building Comprising of 12 Aug. 2018 Rooms , Convention Room, Elevator/ Lift, Dining Hall, Kitchen, Stores, Restaurant, Health Club, Completion Food Court under Toilets date- 31 Feb. construction at Janjehli site c) Restaurant-cum-Open Air Theatre including public 2020 toilets for day visitors. COTTAGE AT JANJHEL SITE d) Toilet Blocks - 2 No's Built up Area of each Block 61Sqm for day visitors. e) Open Parking, Approach Roads & Paths f) Gazebo, Bridge, Water Front Development & Check Dams g) Landscaping Works h) Rain Shelter 2 Nos i) Trekking Hostel Renovation Cottages under construction j) SWISS Tents 5 Nos at Janjehli

k) Water supply and sanitary installation

l) Electrical, Fire fighting, CCTV, EPBAX, DG Set and Transformer m) Rain Water Harvesting Tank, Fire fighting Tank, UGWT, Soak pit and Septic tank.

n) Outer Compound Wall/Fencing and Toe Walls/ Retaining Walls & Stream Front Development and Check dam o) Improvement of Area around Pandav Shila

B. Community Centre at Thunag: a) Construction of Block-1 (Dormitory) b) Construction of Block-2

c) Septic Tank for Thunag Hostel Page 14 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Scope of work REA Contract Project Work Status/ Remarks No. Categorization Signed/ NTP Progress / IEE Status Date/ (%) till (Approved Date) Completion June 2019 Date d) Path within the compound Community centre under construction at Thunag C. Works around surrounding areas of the project a) Improvement of Steps, Provision of Railings, Sitting Benches, Renovation of Trek existing Sarai

6. Any other information useful for assessing environmental performance of the project: Not yet

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7. The Compliance Status with National / State /Local Statutory Requirements are given in Table 2.

Table 2: Compliance Status with National / State /Local Statutory Requirements

C=Complied; PC=Partially Complied & NC=Not Complied

Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions No. C PC NC 1 Restoration of NoC from Municipal  Obtained NoC from the Municipal Shimla Mall Road Corporation Shimla. Corporation, Shimla vide order No. Extension 315 (AP) dated 18th September, (Package No. 2015. (copy attached as HPTDB/16/2) Annexure 1) Tree cutting permission - - - Not applicable The EIA notification, 2006 and - - - Not applicable its subsequent amendments Sourcing of construction  - It is procured by the contractor materials from authorized vendors (licensed vendor) The Wildlife Conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1972, amended in 2003 and 2006 The forest conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1980 and its subsequent amendments The Ancient Monuments and - - - Not applicable Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958 and the rules, 1959 2 Creation of Centre NOC from the Town & Country  Obtained NOC from the Town & for Traditional Arts Planning Department, HP Country Planning Department, HP and Crafts at vide letter No. TCP (Plg office) Badagran near Manali-Case No. BP-62/2015-832- Manali 33 dated 21st January, 2016 (copy (Contract Package attached as Annexure 2) No.: HPTDB/14/1) Undertaking (MOU) from  Obtained MOU from Tourism & Asset Owner Civil aviation (copy attached as Annexure 3) Tree cutting permission - - - Not applicable The EIA notification, 2006 and - - - Not applicable its subsequent amendments Sourcing of construction  It is procured by the contractor materials from authorized vendors (licensed vendor) The Wildlife Conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1972, amended in 2003 and 2006 The forest conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1980 and its subsequent amendments Page 16 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions No. C PC NC The Ancient Monuments and - - - Not applicable Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958 and the rules, 1959 3 Conservation and Statutory approval from  Obtained NOC from the Municipal Upgradation of the Municipal Council Mandi. Council, Mandi vide letter No. Historic Urban MC/MND)/2014/3056 dated 20th Precincts & August, 2014(copy attached as Buildings in Mandi Annexure 4). Town (Package No. NOC from district Youth  Obtained NOC from the Youth HPTDB/15/1) Services & Sports, Mandi Services & Sports, Mandi vide letter diary No. 388 dated 20th August, 2014 (copy attached as Annexure 5). NOC form district Temple  Obtained vide letter No. 1554 Management Committee dated 23 August, 2014 (copy attached as Annexure 6). NOC form Mata Bhimakali  Obtained NOC from the Mata Sansthan, Mandi / Mata Bhimakali Sansthan, Mandi vide Bhimakali Vikas Trust, Mandi letter No. 1267 dated 8th January, 2014 (copy attached as Annexure 7). NOC form Public Works  Obtained NOC from the Public Department, Mandi Works Department, Mandi vide letter No. PW-MD-II/WA- NOC/2014-12011 dated 20th August, 2014 and PW/PNH/CB/WA/Road Side Adv/2014-4509-10 dated 3rd September, 2014 (copy attached as Annexure 8 & 9). NoC from Higher Education  Obtained vide letter no. EDN-414- for Vijay High School 3/201 SDDHC-Mandi dated 1st June, 2015 (copy attached as Annexure 10) Statutory approval from Forest  Obtained NOC from the Forest Department Mandi for cutting Department, Mandi vide letter No. of existing trees at TRC (near 4435-36 dated 11th September, Visco) site. 2015 (copy attached as Annexure 11). Undertaking from Asset  Obtained MOU from the Asset Owner Owner (copy attached as Annexure 12-14). Tree cutting permission  Refer Annexure-11

The EIA notification, 2006 and - - - Not applicable its subsequent amendments Sourcing of construction  It is procured by the contractor materials from authorized vendors (licensed vendor) The Wildlife Conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1972, amended in 2003 and Page 17 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions No. C PC NC 2006

The forest conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1980 and its subsequent amendments The Ancient Monuments and - - - Not applicable Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958 and the rules, 1959 4 Upgrading the NOC from Municipal Council,  Obtained NOC from the Municipal Historic Urban Jwalamukhi, Kangra Council, Jwalamukhi, Kangra vide Precincts & letter No 80/MCJ dated 16th Creating a Heritage August, 2014 (copy attached as Circuit, Jwalaji Annexure 15). Town (Package No. NoC from Temple Trust  NoC from Temple Trust Jwalaji HPTDB/13/1) Jwalaji vide letter No. 1566 dated 4th September, 2014 (copy attached as Annexure 16). NOC form Vyapar Mandal  Obtained NOC from the Vyapar Jwalamukhi, Kangra Mandal Jwalamukhi, Kangra vide letter No nil dated 4th September, 2014 (copy attached as Annexure 17). NOC for Ponds  Obtained NOC from the owner (copy attached as Annexure 18). Undertaking (MOU) from  Obtained MOU from the asset Asset Owner owner (Temple Trust) (copy attached as Annexure 19). Tree cutting permission - - - Not applicable The EIA notification, 2006 and - - - Not applicable its subsequent amendments Sourcing of construction  It is procured by the contractor materials from authorized vendors (licensed vendor) The Wildlife Conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1972, amended in 2003 and 2006 The forest conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1980 and its subsequent amendments The Ancient Monuments and - - - Not applicable Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958 and the rules, 1959 5 Conserving NOC from Temple Trust for  Obtained NOC from the Temple Prominent Temple Tulip Garden works Trust, Dharamshala vide letter No Precincts & 977/S.D.A. dated 18th September, Upgrading Urban 2015 (copy attached as Annexure Infrastructure for 20). Tourism in NOC of Temple Trust  Obtained NOC from the Temple Dharamshala, Bhagsunath Trust, Dharamshala vide letter No Mcleodganj Bha.Na.Ma.Na.2014/183 dated Page 18 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions No. C PC NC (Package No. 27th August, 2014 (copy attached HPTDB/13/2) as Annexure 21). NOC from SDM  Obtained NoC from SDM vide letter no. 1148/ U.Ma.Ka dated 2nd September, 2014 (copy attached as Annexure 22). MOU with Asset Owner  Obtained MOU from Temple Trust, Bhagsunag (copy attached as Annexure 23). Tree cutting permission - - - Not applicable The EIA notification, 2006 and - - - Not applicable its subsequent amendments Sourcing of construction - - - It is procured by the contractor materials from authorized vendors (licensed vendor)

The Wildlife Conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1972, amended in 2003 and 2006 The forest conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1980 and its subsequent amendments The Ancient Monuments and - - - Not applicable Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958 and the rules, 1959 6 Rejuvenation of the NOC from Markandeya  Obtained NOC from Markandeya Markandeya Temple Management & Temple Management & Temple Precinct Development Committee Development Committee (copy and Provision of attached as Annexure 24). Visitor Facilities, MOU with Asset Owner  Obtained MOU from Markandeya Bilaspur (Package Temple Management & No. HPTDB/11/1) Development Committee (copy attached as Annexure 25). Tree cutting permission - - - Not applicable The EIA notification, 2006 and - - - Not applicable its subsequent amendments Sourcing of construction - - - It is procured by the contractor materials from authorized vendors (licensed vendor) The Wildlife Conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1972, amended in 2003 and 2006 The forest conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1980 and its subsequent amendments The Ancient Monuments and - - - Not applicable Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958 and the rules, 1959 7 Eco-Tourism Park MoU by the Managing  Obtained MOU from Managing at Naldehra Director, HPTDC Director, HPTDC (copy attached Page 19 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions No. C PC NC (Package No. as Annexure 26). HPTDB/16/4) Tree cutting permission - - - Not applicable The EIA notification, 2006 and - - - Not applicable its subsequent amendments Sourcing of construction - - - It is procured by the contractor materials from authorized vendors (licensed vendor) The Wildlife Conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1972, amended in 2003 and 2006 The forest conservation Act,  Application for permission from 1980 and its subsequent Forest Deptt. has been filed for amendments construction of entrance Gate at Naldehra (copies attached at Annexure 26 (a) The Ancient Monuments and - - - Not applicable Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958 and the rules, 1959 8 Restoration and MOU by SDM, Rampur  Obtained MOU from SDM, beautification of Rampur (copy attached as Ancient temples Annexure 27). and Surrounding Tree cutting permission - - - Not applicable areas at Rampur The EIA notification, 2006 and - - - Not applicable Bushair, Shimla its subsequent amendments (Package Sourcing of construction - - - It is procured by the contractor HPTDB/16/5) materials from authorized vendors (licensed vendor) The Wildlife Conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1972, amended in 2003 and 2006 The forest conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1980 and its subsequent amendments The Ancient Monuments and - - - Not applicable Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958 and the rules, 1959 9 Restoration and No Objection Certificate from  Obtained NOC from Sub Divisional Improvement of Sub Divisional Collector, Collector, Kangra (copy attached Chamunda Temple Kangra as Annexure 28). and Bajreshwari No Objection Certificate from  Obtained NOC from Gram Temple Precinct Gram Panchayat, Rajiana, Panchayat, Rajiana, Kangra (copy and Creation of Kangra attached as Annexure 29). Cultural Centre for No Objection Certificate from  Obtained NOC from Temple Trust Traditional Arts and Temple Trust Bajreshwari & Bajreshwari & administration, Crafts at Nagrota administration, Kangra Kangra (copy attached as Bagwan, Kangra Annexure 30). (Package No. MOU with Asset Owner,  Obtained MOU from Municipal HPTDB/13/4) Nagrota Bhagwan Council, Nagrota Bhagwan (copy attached as Annexure 31). MOU with Asset Owner,  Obtained MOU from Temple Page 20 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions No. C PC NC Temple Bajreshwari Devi Officer, Bajreshwari Devi (copy attached as Annexure 32). MOU with Asset Owner,  Obtained MOU from Temple Temple Chamunda Devi Officer, Chamunda Devi (copy attached as Annexure 33). Tree cutting permission - - - Not applicable The EIA notification, 2006 and - - - Not applicable its subsequent amendments Sourcing of construction - - - It is procured by the contractor materials from authorized vendors (licensed vendor) The Wildlife Conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1972, amended in 2003 and 2006 The forest conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1980 and its subsequent amendments The Ancient Monuments and - - - Not applicable Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958 and the rules, 1959 10 Conservation No Objection Certificate from  - - NOC from Language and Culture /Restoration and Language and Culture Department, Govt. of H.P.is taken Rehabilitaion of Department, Govt. of H.P. and attached as Annexure 34 Bantony Castle in MOU from Asset Owner.  - - MOU from Language and Culture Heritage Zone, Department, Govt. of H.P.is taken Shimla (Package and attached as Annexure 35 No. HPTDB/16/6) Tree cutting permission - - - Not Applicable The EIA notification, 2006 and - - - Not Applicable its subsequent amendments Sourcing of construction  It is procured by the contractor materials from authorized vendors (licensed vendor) The Wildlife Conservation Act, - - - Not Applicable 1972, amended in 2003 and 2006 The forest conservation Act, - - - Not Applicable 1980 and its subsequent amendments The Ancient Monuments and - - - Not Applicable Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958 and the rules, 1959 11 Creation of Tourist MOU for Operation and  Obtained MOU from Managing Culture Centre at Maintenance Director HPTDC Annexure 36 Janjehli Dist. Mandi Transfer of Land from  Obtained vide order no. (Package No. Horticulture Department MND/LRC/2018-214 dated HPTDB/15/2) And Panchayati Raj 20.04.2018 (copy attached as Department Annexure 37) The EIA notification, 2006 and - - - Not applicable its subsequent amendments Page 21 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Remark/Remedial Actions No. C PC NC Sourcing of construction  It is procured by the contractor materials from authorized vendors (licensed vendor) The Wildlife Conservation Act, - - - Not applicable 1972, amended in 2003 and 2006 The forest conservation Act,  - - Obtained approval for Forest 1980 and its subsequent diversion of forest land of 0.14 amendments has at Thunag from Nachan Forest Division, Nachan HP Annexure 38 Tree cutting permission  Refer Annexure 38 The Ancient Monuments and - - - Not applicable Archaeological sites and remains act, 1958 and the rules, 1959

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Loan Agreement Loan Covenants Compliance status Reference No. Schedule 5 The Borrower shall ensure or cause the Complied [2] Project Executing Agencies to ensure that the PMUs and the PIUs employ sufficient staff with adequate and relevant expertise in the field of project management, financial management, engineering, architectural design, eco-tourism, community tourism, heritage management, procurement, environmental and social safeguards implementation, and marketing.

The Borrower shall ensure or cause the Project Executing Agencies to ensure that the PMUs and the PIUs are equipped with the necessary office space, facilities, equipment, support staff and management information systems for the entire duration of the Project. The Borrower shall ensure or cause the Project Executing Agencies to ensure that best efforts are undertaken that the same persons will continue to be assigned to key positions in the PMUs and the PIUs for the entire duration of the Project, including, without limitation, the heads of the PMUs and the PIUs. Schedule 5 The States and the Project Executing  Grievance Redress Mechanism is in [2 (a)] Agencies shall ensure that towards smooth place at PMU and all three PIUs level. implementation of the Project, grievances if (Copy attached as Annexure 39). any from stakeholders relating to any Subproject implementation or use of funds are addressed effectively and efficiently. Schedule 5 all Subprojects are selected and approved in  Complied [5 (i)] accordance with the selection criteria and approval process stipulated in Schedule 4 to the FFA, Schedule 5 The Borrower shall ensure or cause the [6] Project Executing Agencies to ensure that Environment the preparation, design, construction, implementation, operation and decommissioning of each Subproject and all Project facilities comply with (a) all applicable laws and regulations of the  All subprojects IEEs have been Borrower and the relevant State relating to prepared in compliance of ADB/ environment, health, and safety; national/ state applicable laws & regulations (b) the Environmental Safeguards;  EMP is part of IEE (c) the EARF; and  All subprojects IEEs have been Page 23 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Loan Agreement Loan Covenants Compliance status Reference No. prepared in accordance of EARF. (d) all measures and requirements set forth in  All measures and requirements set the respective IEE and EMP, and any forth in the respective IEE and EMP, corrective or preventative actions set forth in and any corrective or preventative a Safeguards Monitoring Report actions set forth in a Safeguards Monitoring Report Schedule 5 (a) comply with the measures and IEE/ EMP is part of bid documents and [11] requirements relevant to the contractor set contract agreements Safeguards – forth in the IEE, the EMP, any RP and any Related IPP (to the extent they concern impacts on Provisions in affected people during construction), and any Bidding corrective or preventative actions set out in a Documents and Safeguards Monitoring Report; Works (b) make available a budget for all such It’s part of IEE/ Contract Agreement Contracts environmental and social measures; (c) provide the States with a written notice of -Do- any unanticipated environmental, resettlement or indigenous peoples risks or impacts that arise during construction, implementation or operation of the Project that were not considered in the IEE, the EMP, the RP or the IPP (if any); (d) adequately record the condition of roads -Do- and other infrastructure prior to starting to transport materials and construction; and (e) fully reinstate pathways, other local -Do- infrastructure, and agricultural land to at least their pre-Project condition upon the completion of construction. Schedule 5 (a) semi-annual Safeguards Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Report (EMR) [16] Reports are submitted to ADB and relevant and Social Monitoring Report (SMR) being information from such reports is disclosed to submitted to ADB on semi-annual basis. No Safeguards affected persons such cases of affected persons have been Monitoring and promptly upon submission; highlighted so far. Reporting (b) if any unanticipated environmental and/or No any unanticipated environmental, social risks and impacts arise during resettlement or indigenous people’s risks or construction, implementation or operation of impacts arises so far. the Project that were not considered in the IEE, the EMP, any RP or any IPP, ADB is promptly informed of the occurrence of such risks or impacts, with detailed description of the event and proposed corrective action plan; and (c) any breach of compliance with the Shall be followed measures and requirements set forth in the relevant EMP, any RP or any IPP is disclosed promptly after it becomes aware of the breach. Schedule 5 (a) all consents and approvals required for All relevant consents and NOCs and [16] implementation of the Subprojects are clearances being obtained prior to Specific obtained in accordance with applicable laws commencement of work. Page 24 of 150

IDIPT-HP/Loan No 3223/ EMR (T3)//30 June, 2019 ADB Project No.40648 Loan Agreement Loan Covenants Compliance status Reference No. Actions and regulations of the Borrower and the relevant State, including, without limitation, (i) any consents or approvals from the Archaeological Survey of India or its branches within the relevant State, where applicable, for works on or around archaeological or heritage sites, and (ii) any consents or approvals from any other agencies or third parties that have any claim or authority over the site of a Subproject; (b) the relevant ULB or other agencies MoU with Asset owner is signed. concerned provide and maintain adequate basic infrastructure and services such as electricity, water supply, sewage and solid waste management at each tourist destination for which investments will be financed under the Project; (d) any construction or civil works at At present no other works funded by some Subproject sites financed by other sources, other sources is being undertaken near including the Borrower or the State, will be project sites. conducted in compliance with management plans and conservation norms so as not to disturb the historic values of the sites.



8. Compliance status with the environment management plan & monitoring plans and environmental assessment and review framework/ procedures, as stipulated in the environmental documentation as agreed with ADB for each subprojects are given in Table 3.

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Table 3: Compliance status with the environment management plan & monitoring plans

Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied 1 Package No. HPTDB/16/2: EMP provisions by  - - Work in  EMP is part of Contract agreement and Restoration of Shimla Mall contractors progress Contractor is following the same during Road Extension (86.00%) construction stage Ambient Air/ Ambient Noise  - -  Environmental monitoring has been done Monitoring by HPPCB at Shimla Bus Stand location and monitoring results are being considered for this project, which is within permissible limits (refer Annexure-40) Machinery Noise Monitoring - - -  Not applicable as manual work underway Erosion control and re- - - -  No major earthwork involved vegetation plan covering construction phase List and maps showing - - -  No utility shifted so far utilities to be shifted Checking of chance find - - -  Being followed protocol Permits issued to quarries/   Purchase Challan from registered sources of materials vendors being submitted by the contractor Traffic management plan   Being followed in consultation with traffic police on routine basis Health and safety (H&S) plan   Safety Plan is in place and being followed Public consultation   The public consultation is being done on regular field visits during construction stage and the contractor has been advised to do the same on regular intervals. (refer Annexure-41)

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied Information Disclosure   IEE is at ADB Website and executive summaries are displayed at the office of the asset owner and at Tourism website Grievance Redress   GRC in place at PMU/PIU level. Mechanism  No complaints received so far Training for capacity Building   Site orientation training is part of each visit. Refer Annexure 42 2 Creation of Centre for EMP provisions by  Work in  EMP is part of Contract agreement and Traditional Arts and Crafts contractors progress Contractor is following the same during at Badagran near Manali (76.00%) construction stage. (Contract Package No.: Ambient Air/ Ambient Noise   Environmental monitoring has been HPTDB/14/1) Monitoring conducted during the reporting period as per approved monitoring plan of EMP. (refer Annexure-40). Machinery Noise Monitoring - - -  Not applicable as manual work underway Erosion control and re- - - -  No major earthwork involved vegetation plan covering construction phase List and maps showing - - -  No utility shifted so far utilities to be shifted Checking of chance find - - -  Being followed protocol Permits issued to   Purchase Challan from registered quarries/sources of materials vendors being submitted by the contractor Traffic management plan   Being followed in consultation with traffic police on routine basis Health and safety (H&S) plan   Safety Plan is in place and being followed Public Consultation   The public consultation is being done on regular field visits during construction stage and the contractor has been

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied advised to do the same on regular intervals. (refer Annexure-41) Information Disclosure   IEE is uploaded on ADB Website and executive summaries are displayed at the office of the asset owner and at Tourism website Grievance Redress   GRC in place at PMU/PIU level. Mechanism  No complaints received so far Training for capacity Building   Site orientation training is part of each visit. Refer Annexure 42 3 Conservation and EMP provisions by  Work in  EMP is part of Contract agreement and Upgradation of the Historic contractors progress Contractor is following the same during Urban Precincts & (57.00%) construction stage. Buildings in Mandi Town Ambient Air/ Ambient Noise   Environmental monitoring has been (Package No. Monitoring conducted as per approved monitoring HPTDB/15/1) plan of EMP. Monitoring results are within permissible limits. (Refer Annexure-40). Machinery Noise Monitoring - - -  Not applicable as manual work underway Erosion control and re- - - -  No major earthwork involved vegetation plan covering construction phase List and maps showing - - -  No utility shifted so far utilities to be shifted Checking of chance find - - -  Being followed protocol Permits issued to quarries/   Purchase Challan from registered sources of materials vendors being submitted by the contractor Traffic management plan   Being followed in consultation with traffic police on routine basis

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied Health and safety (H&S) plan   Safety Plan is in place and being followed Public Consultation   Done prior to IEE preparation  The public consultation is being done on regular field visits during construction stage and the contractor has been advised to do the same on regular intervals. (refer Annexure-41) Information Disclosure   IEE is at ADB Website and executive summaries are displayed at the office of the asset owner and at Tourism website Grievance Redress   GRC in place at PMU/PIU level. Mechanism  No complaints received so far Training for capacity Building   Site orientation training is part of each visit. Refer Annexure 42 4 Upgrading the Historic EMP provisions by  Work is in  EMP is part of Contract agreement and Urban Precincts & contractors progress Contractor is following the same during Creating a Heritage (70.00%) construction stage. Circuit, Jwalaji Town Ambient Air/ Ambient Noise   Environmental monitoring has been (Package No. Monitoring conducted during the reporting period as HPTDB/13/1) per approved monitoring plan of EMP. (refer Annexure-40). Machinery Noise Monitoring - - -  Not applicable as manual work underway Erosion control and re- - - -  No major earthwork involved vegetation plan covering construction phase List and maps showing - - -  Utility shifting done satisfactorily in pre- utilities to be shifted construction phase Checking of chance find - - -  Being followed protocol Permits issued to quarries/   Purchase Challan from registered sources of materials vendors being submitted by the

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied contractor Traffic management plan   Being followed in consultation with traffic police on routine basis Health and safety (H&S) plan   Safety Plan is in place and being followed Public Consultation   The public consultation is being done on regular field visits during construction stage and the contractor has been advised to do the same on regular intervals. (Refer Annexure-41). Information Disclosure   IEE is at ADB Website and executive summaries are displayed at the office of the asset owner and at Tourism website Grievance Redress   GRC in place at PMU/PIU level. Mechanism  No complaints received so far Training for capacity Building   Site orientation training is part of each visit. (Refer Annexure 42) 5 Conserving Prominent EMP provisions by  Work is in  EMP is part of Contract agreement and Temple Precincts & contractors progress Contractor is following the same during Upgrading Urban (66.00%) construction stage. Infrastructure for Tourism Ambient Air/ Ambient Noise   Environmental monitoring has been in Dharamshala, Monitoring conducted during the reporting period as Mcleodganj (Package No. per approved monitoring plan of EMP. HPTDB/13/2) Monitoring results are within permissible limits. (refer Annexure-40) Machinery Noise Monitoring - - -  Not applicable as manual work underway Erosion control and re- - - -  No major earthwork involved vegetation plan covering construction phase List and maps showing - - -  Utility shifting done for MC Parking site in utilities to be shifted pre-construction phase as per plan

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied Checking of chance find - - -  Being followed protocol Permits issued to quarries/  - -  Purchase Challan from registered sources of materials vendors being submitted by the contractor Traffic management plan  - -  Being followed in consultation with traffic police on routine basis Health and safety (H&S) plan  - -  Safety Plan is in place and being followed Public Consultation  - -  Done prior to IEE preparation and is being done on regular field visits.  The public consultation is being done on regular field visits during construction stage and the contractor has been advised to do the same on regular intervals. (refer Annexure-41) Information Disclosure  - -  IEE is at ADB Website and executive summaries are displayed at the office of the asset owner and at Tourism website Grievance Redress - - -  GRC in place at PMU/PIU level. Mechanism  No complaints received so far Training for capacity Building  - -  Site orientation training is part of each visit. Refer Annexure 42 6 Rejuvenation of the EMP provisions by  Work is in  EMP is part of Contract agreement and Markandeya Temple contractors progress Contractor is following the same during Precinct and Provision of (83.00%) construction stage. Visitor Facilities, Bilaspur Ambient Air/ Ambient Noise   Environmental monitoring has been (Package No. Monitoring conducted during the reporting period as HPTDB/11/1) per approved monitoring plan of EMP. Monitoring results are within permissible limits. (refer Annexure-40) Machinery Noise Monitoring - - -  Not applicable as manual work underway

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied Erosion control and re- - - -  No major earthwork involved vegetation plan covering construction phase List and maps showing - - -  No utility shifted so far utilities to be shifted

Checking of chance find - - -  Being followed protocol Permits issued to quarries/   Purchase Challan from registered sources of materials vendors being submitted by the contractor Traffic management plan   Being followed in consultation with traffic police on routine basis Health and safety (H&S) plan   Safety Plan is in place and being followed Public Consultation   Done prior to IEE preparation  The public consultation is being done on regular field visits during construction stage and the contractor has been advised to do the same on regular intervals. (refer Annexure-41) Information Disclosure   IEE is at ADB Website and executive summaries are displayed at the office of the asset owner and at Tourism website Grievance Redress   GRC in place at PMU/PIU level. Mechanism  No complaints received so far Training for capacity Building   Site orientation training is part of each visit. Refer Annexure 42 7 Eco-Tourism Park at EMP provisions by  Work is in  EMP is part of Contract agreement and Naldehra (Package No. contractors progress Contractor is following the same during HPTDB/16/4) (76.00%) construction stage.

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied Ambient Air/ Ambient Noise   Environmental monitoring has been Monitoring conducted during the reporting period as per approved monitoring plan of EMP. Monitoring results are within permissible limits. (refer Annexure-40) Machinery Noise Monitoring - - -  Not applicable as manual work underway Erosion control and re- - - -  No major earthwork involved vegetation plan covering construction phase List and maps showing - - -  No utility shifting required so far utilities to be shifted Checking of chance find - - -  Being followed protocol Permits issued to   Purchase Challan from registered quarries/sources of materials vendors being submitted by the contractor Traffic management plan   Being followed in consultation with traffic police on routine basis Health and safety (H&S) plan   Safety Plan is in place and being followed Public Consultation   Done prior to IEE preparation and is being done on regular field visits.  The public consultation is being done on regular field visits during construction stage and the contractor has been advised to do the same on regular intervals. (Refer Annexure-41). Information Disclosure   IEE is at ADB Website and executive summaries are displayed at the office of the asset owner and at Tourism website Grievance Redress   GRC in place at PMU/PIU level. Mechanism  No complaints received so far

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied Training for capacity Building   Site orientation training is part of each visit. (Refer Annexure 42) 8 Restoration and EMP provisions by Work is in  EMP is part of Contract agreement and beautification of Ancient contractors  progress Contractor is following the same during temples and Surrounding (53.00%) construction stage. areas at Rampur Bushair, Ambient Air/ Ambient Noise  Environmental monitoring has been Shimla (Package Monitoring conducted during the reporting period as HPTDB/16/5)  per approved monitoring plan of EMP. Monitoring results are within permissible limits. (refer Annexure-40) Machinery Noise Monitoring - - -  Not applicable as manual work underway Erosion control and re-  No major earthwork involved vegetation plan covering - - - construction phase List and maps showing  Utility Shifting for Rampur Bushair utilities to be shifted Parking site done as per requirement in pre-construction phase by contractor in - - - consultation with local authorities as per list and maps showing utilities to be shifted Checking of chance find  Being followed - - - protocol Permits issued to  Purchase Challan from registered quarries/sources of materials  vendors being submitted by the contractor Traffic management plan  Being followed in consultation with traffic  police on routine basis Health and safety (H&S) plan   Safety Plan is in place and being followed Public Consultation  Done prior to IEE preparation and is  being done on regular field visits.  The public consultation is being done on

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied regular field visits during construction stage and the contractor has been advised to do the same on regular intervals. Information Disclosure  IEE is at ADB Website and executive  summaries are displayed at the office of the asset owner and at Tourism website Grievance Redress  GRC in place at PMU/PIU level. Mechanism   No complaints received so far

Training for capacity Building  Site orientation training is part of each  visit 9 Restoration and EMP provisions by Work is in  EMP is part of Contract agreement and Improvement of contractors  progress Contractor is following the same during Chamunda Temple and (73.00%) construction stage. Bajreshwari Temple Ambient Air/ Ambient Noise  Environmental monitoring has been Precinct and Creation of Monitoring conducted during the reporting period as Cultural Centre for  per approved monitoring plan of EMP. Traditional Arts and Crafts Monitoring results are within permissible at Nagrota Bagwan, limits. (refer Annexure-40) Kangra (Package No. Machinery Noise Monitoring - - -  Not applicable as manual work underway HPTDB/13/4) Erosion control and re- - - -  No major earthwork involved vegetation plan covering construction phase List and maps showing - - -  No utility shifted so far utilities to be shifted Checking of chance find - - -  Being followed protocol Permits issued to   Purchase Challan from registered quarries/sources of materials vendors being submitted by the contractor

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied Traffic management plan   Being followed in consultation with traffic police on routine basis Health and safety (H&S) plan   Safety Plan is in place and being followed Public Consultation   Done prior to IEE preparation and is being done on regular field visits.  The public consultation is being done on regular field visits during construction stage and the contractor has been advised to do the same on regular intervals. (refer Annexure-41). Information Disclosure   IEE is at ADB Website and executive summaries are displayed at the office of the asset owner and at Tourism website Grievance Redress   GRC in place at PMU/PIU level. Mechanism  No complaints received so far Training for capacity Building   Site orientation training is part of each visit ( Refer Annexure 42) 10 Conservation /Restoration EMP provisions by Work is in  EMP is part of Contract agreement and and Rehabilitaion of contractors  progress Contractor is following the same during Bantony Castle in Heritage (3.00%) construction stage. Zone, Shimla (Package Ambient Air/ Ambient Noise  Environmental monitoring has been No. HPTDB/16/6) Monitoring conducted during the reporting period as  per approved monitoring plan of EMP. Monitoring results are within permissible limits. (refer Annexure-40) Machinery Noise Monitoring - - -  Not applicable as manual work underway Erosion control and re- - - -  No major earthwork involved vegetation plan covering construction phase List and maps showing - - -  No utility shifted so far utilities to be shifted

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied Checking of chance find - - -  Being followed protocol Permits issued to   Purchase Challan from registered quarries/sources of materials vendors being submitted by the contractor Traffic management plan   Being followed in consultation with traffic police on routine basis Health and safety (H&S) plan   Safety Plan is in place and being followed Public Consultation   Done prior to IEE preparation and is being done on regular field visits.  The public consultation is being done on regular field visits during construction stage and the contractor has been advised to do the same on regular intervals. (refer Annexure-41). Information Disclosure   IEE is at ADB Website and executive summaries are displayed at the office of the asset owner and at Tourism website Grievance Redress   GRC in place at PMU/PIU level. Mechanism  No complaints received so far Training for capacity Building   Site orientation training is part of each visit ( Refer Annexure 42) 11 Creation of Tourist Culture EMP provisions by Work is in  EMP is part of Contract agreement and Centre at Janjehli Dist. contractors  progress Contractor is following the same during Mandi (Package No. (5.00%) construction stage. HPTDB/15/2) Ambient Air/ Ambient Noise - - -  Environmental monitoring has been Monitoring - conducted during the reporting period as  per approved monitoring plan of EMP. Monitoring results are within permissible limits. (refer Annexure-40) Machinery Noise Monitoring - - -  Not applicable as manual work underway

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Sr. Name of project Stipulations Compliance Status Work Remark/Remedial Actions No. Status (Physical progress) Complied Partially Not complied complied Erosion control and re- - - - -  No major earthwork involved vegetation plan covering - construction phase - List and maps showing - - -  No utility shifted so far utilities to be shifted Checking of chance find - - -  Being followed protocol Permits issued to   Purchase Challan from registered quarries/sources of materials vendors being submitted by the contractor Traffic management plan   Being followed in consultation with traffic police on routine basis Health and safety (H&S) plan   Safety Plan is in place and being followed Public Consultation   Done prior to IEE preparation and is being done on regular field visits.  The public consultation is being done on regular field visits during construction stage and the contractor has been advised to do the same on regular intervals. Information Disclosure   IEE is at ADB Website and executive summaries are displayed at the office of the asset owner and at Tourism website Grievance Redress   GRC in place at PMU/PIU level. Mechanism  No complaints received so far Training for capacity Building   Site orientation training is part of each visit (Refer Annexure 42)

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A. Monitoring Basis

 To monitor project impact each worksite under each subproject has been selected as the ambient air/ambient noise sampling/ surface water monitoring locations. Water of natural source near to the subproject has been considered for the water sampling.  Selection of environmental receptors /attributes for monitoring is based on the site location and anticipated impact due to construction activity.  Environmental monitoring mechanism consist all three phases of project i.e. design, construction, operation and most of mitigation measures have been complied at design stage like storm water run-off, drainage etc. Further IEE defines overall monitoring mechanism.

B. EMP Implementation arrangement for IDIPT, Himachal Pradesh

9. The following agencies shall be responsible for EMP implementation:

 The Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation (DoTCA), Government of Himachal Pradesh, is the Executing Agency.  The implementing agency is the Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Board (HPTDB).  The Project Management Unit (PMU) has been established in Shimla for the overall project management  Project Implementation Unit (PIU) has been established in Dhaliyara at Distt. Kangra, Shimla and Kullu.  Environmental Specialist has been deputed by the PMU, who is responsible for implementation of the environmental safeguard provisions. The Project Management Consultants (PMC) and Design and Supervision Consultants (DSC) have been recruited to provide assistance to the PMU/PIUs in project implementation.  Within the PMC team, an Environmental Specialist provides overall direction for management of environmental issues, and provides technical support to the PMU including implementation of the environmental safeguards according to ADB requirements, and assist in monitoring impacts and mitigation measures associated with subprojects.  The Environmental Specialist of the DSC team is responsible for preparation of the Environmental assessment documents in line with the EARF and supervises the implementation of the EMP provisions in the subprojects. The DSC Safeguards specialist supports environmental management functions including updating IEEs with respect to sub-project Environmental Management Plans, and assist in monitoring impacts and mitigation measures associated with subprojects. He/she will be required to include mitigation measures in designs where appropriate, and to specify other measures in construction contracts. Contractors will be required by their contracts to implement all specified mitigation, monitoring, and reporting assigned to contractors as presented in the EMP.  The PMU, oversees the implementation of the environmental provisions related to subproject implementation, its responsibilities include preparation and updation of IEEs

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consistent with the ADBs Safeguards Policy Statement and the environmental compliance requirements of the Government of Himachal Pradesh and the Government of India. Environmental monitoring will be undertaken by the PMU supported by the DSC - Safeguards Specialist.  The project includes upfront and on-going supervision and training assistance for environmental monitoring reporting in project management structures. The effective implementation of the measures proposed will be ensured through the building up of capacity towards environmental management within the PMU supplemented with the technical expertise of a Safeguards Specialist as part of the PMC/DSC. 10. The following diagram indicates the proposed monitoring mechanism for IDIPT, HP.

C. Monitoring Quality Control

 Technical Specifications being followed.  Safeguard file being maintained.  Regular follow up of labour camps, drinking water quality, toilet cleanliness etc.  Regular orientations.  Constant Vigil.


11. Monitoring of environmental receptors/ attributes (e.g. ambient air, surface water, ground water, land, noise, hazardous/toxic wastes, etc.)

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 Baseline environmental monitoring for ambient air quality, ambient noise levels, and water quality has been generated through NABL accredited laboratory by the Project Management Unit/Contractor prior to commencement of civil works in Shimla Mall Road Extension, Manali, Mandi, Jwalaji, Dharamshala, & Markandeya subprojects. HPPCB data being collected regularly for Shimla Mall Road Extension subproject.  Environmental monitoring for ambient air quality, ambient noise levels, and water quality has also been generated during construction stage as per EMP in all the 11 sites at Markandeya, Janjehli, Manali, Mandi, Jwalaji, Kangra, Dharamshala, Shimla Mall Road Ext., Bantony, Rampur & Naldehra subprojects.  The monitoring frequency of ambient air quality, ambient noise levels and surface water quality shall be done at construction sites. (as per approved IEE)  The monitoring frequency of ambient air quality, ambient noise levels and surface water quality during construction phase is quarterly except monsoon period at all construction sites. (as per IEE)  The monitoring frequency of ambient air quality, ambient noise levels and surface water quality during post-construction phase may be once except monsoon period. (as per IEE)  Reporting shall be given in tabular format with analysis as results obtained.  Results obtained for Markandeya, Janjehli, Manali, Mandi, Jwalaji, Kangra, Dharamshala, Shimla Mall Road Ext., Bantony, Rampur & Naldehra sites are given at Anneure-40.


12. None of the other environmental aspects, impacts observed during implementation which were not covered earlier


13. Details of Grievance Redress Committee and complaints received from public and actions taken thereof to resolve

 Grievance redressal committee’s already formed at PMU and PIUs level (Copy attached at Annexure-39)  No complaints received so far from any ongoing subprojects


14. The details and job responsibilities are clearly stipulated in the EARF and there is a strong need for transforming these stipulations into actions so that environmental monitoring can lead to preventive measures rather than curative and now actions are in place. The sites are being visited regularly by the Safeguards’ Specialists since commencement of the work.

15. The field staff such as the site engineers/support engineers and the respective Contractors on site being advised and oriented time to time on maintaining a constant vigil in respect of all environmental parameters to be monitored and adherence to record keeping on site.

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Annexure 1

NOC from the Municipal Corporation, Shimla vide order No. 315 (AP) dated 18th September, 2015.

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Annexure 2

NOC from the Town & Country Planning Deptt, HP vide letter No. TCP (Plg office) Manali-Case No. BP- 62/2015-832-33 dated 21st January, 2016

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Annexure 3

Undertaking from Asset Owner (MOU)

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Annexure 4

NOC from the Municipal Council, Mandi vide letter No. MC/MND)/2014/3056 dated 20th August, 2014.

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Annexure 5

NOC from the Youth Services & Sports, Mandi vide letter diary No. 388 dated 20th August, 2014.

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Annexure 6

NOC form district Temple Management Committee vide letter No. 1554 dated 25 August, 2014

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Annexure 7

NOC from the Mata Bhimakali Sansthan, Mandi vide letter No. 1267 dated 8th January, 2014

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Annexure 8

NOC from the Public Works Department, Mandi vide letter No. PW-MD-II/WA-NOC/2014-12011 dated 20th August, 2014

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Annexure 9

NOC from the Public Works Department, Mandi vide letter No. PW/PNH/CB/WA/Road Side Adv/2014- 4509-10 dated 3rd September, 2014

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Annexure 10

NoC from the Education Department for restoration of Vijay High School at Mandi.

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Annexure 11

Statutory approval from Forest Department Mandi for cutting of existing trees at TRC (near Visco) site.

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Annexure 12

Undertaking (MOU) from the Municipal Council, Mandi

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Annexure 13

Undertaking (MOU) from the District Youth Services & Sports, Mandi

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Annexure 14

Undertaking (MOU) of Bhimakali Vikas Trust-cum-Deputy Commissioner, Mandi

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Annexure 15

NOC from the Municipal Council, Jwalamukhi, Kangra vide letter No 80/MCJ dated 16th August, 2014

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Annexure 16

NoC from Temple Trust Jwalaji vide letter No. 1566 dated 4th September, 2014

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Annexure 17

NOC from the Vyapar Mandal Jwalamukhi, Kangra vide letter No nil dated 4th September, 2014


It is certified that, the Shopkeepers association (Vypar Mandal) Jwalajimukhi and shopkeepers do not have any objection to beautification of pathways within the Temple Complex.

Pradhan, Vypar Mandal, Jwalamukhi, District Kangra, H.P.

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Annexure 18

NoC for Ponds

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Annexure 19

Undertaking (MOU) from Asset Owner for Jwalaji project.

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Annexure 20

NOC from the Temple Trust, Dharamshala vide letter No 977/S.D.A. dated 18th September, 2015

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Annexure 21

NOC from the Temple Trust, Dharamshala vide letter No Bha.Na.Ma.Na.2014/183 dated 27th August, 2014.

Transcript Land revenue record of Bhagsunath temple premises has been obtained.As per record khata no-100 min khatauni no-243 khasra no-383,385,388 area 9-41-37 hec

land are under the jurisdiction of Temple Trust,and the land of khasra no- 679,680,681,682,683,684,685,686,687,772,773,774,775,776,777,1488/778,780,692 area 5168.59 sq meter are under the jurisdiction of Bhagsunath Temple Trust.Temple Trust are issuing NOC for the development works in both the temple premises.

Temple Trust Officer Bhagsunath Temple Trust,Kangra

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Annexure 22

NoC from SDM vide letter no. 1148/ U.Ma.Ka dated 2nd September, 2014


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Annexure 23

MoU from Temple Trust, Bhagsunag

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Annexure 24 No Objection Certificate (NoC)

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Annexure 25

MOU with Asset Owner

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Annexure 26

MoU signed by the Managing Director, HPTDC

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Annexure 26 (a)

Documents related to permission for Construction of Entrance gate at Naldehra

(i) Letter written to SDM- Rural, Shimla on 26.04.2019 to conduct Joint Inspection at Naldehra

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(ii) Joint Inspection was conducted on 13.06.2019 and the report is as below

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Annexure 27

MoU from Asset Owner, Rampur Bushahr

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Annexure 28

No Objection Certificate from Sub Divisional Collector, Kangra

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Annexure 29 No Objection Certificate from Gram Panchayat, Rajihana, Kangra

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Annexure 30 No Objection Certificate from Temple Bajreshwari Devi & Administration, Kangra

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Annexure 31

MOU with Asset Owner, Nagrota Bhagwan

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Annexure 32 MOU with Asset Owner, Bajreshwari Devi

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Annexure 33 MOU with Asset Owner, Chamunda Devi

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Annexure 34

NOC for Bantony Castle from Department of Language and Culture, Govt. of H.P.


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Annexure 35 MOU from Asset Owner for Bantony Castle

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Annexure 36 MOU from Asset Owner for O&M of Janjehli subproject

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Annexure 37

Land Transfer from Panchayati Raj Dept and Horticulture Department

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Annexure 38

Forest diversion of 0.14 Hac and Tree cutting permission

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Annexure 39

Grievance Redressal Committee, PMU/PIUs (IDIPT-HP)

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Annexure 40 Environmental Monitoring Reports

a) Environmental monitoring analysis conducted at Shimla (Considered for Shimla Mall Road extension Project)

Concentration of Air Pollutants Monitored at Bus Stand, Shimla City Station Period SO2 NOx RSPM NH3 O3 PM 2.5 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 Bus Stand January 1 Shimla 3.1 27.6 67.4 BDL BDL 27.4 (R) 2019 Bus Stand February BDL BDL 2 Shimla 2.5 22.2 60.7 28.0 (R) 2019 Bus Stand March BDL BDL 3 Shimla 2.4 27.8 51.2 22.4 (R) 2019 Source: https://hppcb.nic.in/airquality/Shimla.pdf

Note- Results are within prescribed limits

b) Environmental monitoring analysis conducted at Kangra for the months of March and June 2019

Ambient Air Quality Results Environmental Results (Average) Results (Average) Analysis Monitoring Chamunda temple Chamunda temple (25-26 March 2019) (29-30 June 2019) PM10 μg/m3 78.1 76.7 Results within limit PM2.5 μg/m3 51.8 50.1 Results within limit

SOX μg/m3 6.9 5.9 Results within limit

NOX μg/m3 10.3 9.8 Results within limit CO μg/m3 BDL BDL Results within limit

Noise Quality Results Environmental Results (Average) Results (Average) Analysis Monitoring Chamunda Temple Chamunda temple 25-26 March 2019 (29-30 June 2019) Ambient Noise (Day 57.1 55.9 Results within limit time) dB(A)

Water Quality Results Environmental Results Results Analysis Monitoring Baner Khad, near Baner Khad, near Chamunda Temple Chamunda Temple (25-26 March 2019) (29-30 June 2019) pH 7.5 7.41 Results within limit TSS, mg/l 15 10 Results within limit TDS, mg/l 57.5 52.2 Results within limit Total hardness (as 86.0 84 Results within limit

CaCO3), mg/l Oil & Grease, mg/l N.D. N.D. Results within limit Total Coliform, <2 <2 Results within limit MPN/100ml

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c) Environmental monitoring analysis conducted at Dharamshala for the months of February and May, 2019

February, 2019

Environmental Results Results Results Results Analysis Monitoring (Average) (Average) (Average) (Monitoring) DC Office Aghanjar Bhagsu Nag Fuwara parking Mahadev temple Chowk Ambient Air Quality 17-18 February 2019

PM10 μg/m3 60.80 63.70 58.40 55.10 Results within limit

PM2.5 μg/m3 28.10 24.50 24.50 20.10 Results within limit

SOX μg/m3 7.80 6.50 7.5 7.60 Results within limit

NOX μg/m3 20.68 20.30 18.82 18.67 Results within limit CO μg/m3 - - - - Results within limit

Environmental Results Results Results Results Analysis Monitoring (Average) (Average) (Average) (Average) DC Office Aghanjar Bhagsu Nag Fuwara parking Mahadev Chowk Ambient Noise Level 17-18 February 2019 Ambient Noise 65.00 50.00 50.00 65.00 Results within (Day time) dB(A) limit Ambient Noise ( 55.00 40.00 40.00 55.00 Results within Night time) dB (A) limit

Environmental Monitoring Results (Average) Results (Average) Analysis Aghanjar Mahadev- Bhagsu Nag Temple- Water Quality 18 February 2019 pH 7.74 7.62 Results within limit TSS, mg/l 42.00 30.00 Results within limit BOD ( 3 days at 270C) <5.0 <5.0 Results within limit Dissolved Oxygen 7.0 6.9 Results within limit Oil & Grease, mg/l <0.20 <0.2 Results within limit Total Coliform, MPN/100ml Absent Absent Results within limit

May, 2019

Environmental Results Results Results Results Analysis Monitoring (Average) (Average) (Average) (Monitoring) DC Office Aghanjar Bhagsu Nag Fuwara parking Mahadev temple Chowk Ambient Air Quality30.04.2019 to 01.05.2019

PM10 μg/m3 79.2 71.4 54.4 65. 9 Results within limit

PM2.5 μg/m3 37.8 34.1 24.5 26.7 Results within limit

SOX μg/m3 6.8 <5.0 6.2 7.2 Results within limit

NOX μg/m3 19.4 15.7 12.7 13.4 Results within limit CO μg/m3 - - - - Results within limit

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Environmental Results Results Results Results Analysis Monitoring (Average) (Average) (Average) (Average) DC Office Aghanjar Bhagsu Nag Fuwara parking Mahadev Chowk Ambient Noise Level- 30.04.2019 to 01.05.2019 Ambient Noise No work 46.3 44.82 59.10 Results within (Day time) dB(A) limit Ambient Noise ( No work 38.20 36.50 51.22 Results within Night time) dB (A) limit

Environmental Monitoring Results (Average) Results (Average) Analysis Aghanjar Mahadev- Bhagsu Nag 30.04.2019 Temple- 30.04.2019 Water Quality pH 7.39 7.76 Results within limit TSS, mg/l 42.8 28.2 Results within limit BOD ( 3 days at 270C) <5.0 <5.0 Results within limit Dissolved Oxygen 10.6 11.3 Results within limit Oil & Grease, mg/l <0.2 <0.2 Results within limit Total Coliform, MPN/100ml Absent Absent Results within limit

d) Environmental monitoring analysis conducted at Naldehra for the months of February and May, 2019

Environmental Results (Average) Results (Average) Analysis Monitoring At park At park 12-13 February 2019 13-14 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality PM10 μg/m3 91.33 89.71 Results within limit PM2.5 μg/m3 54.75 52.36 Results within limit SOX μg/m3 7.81 8.11 Results within limit NOX μg/m3 26.15 31.12 Results within limit

Environmental Monitoring Results (Average) Results (Average) Analysis At park At park 12-13 February 2019 13-14 May 2019 Ambient Noise Level Ambient Noise (Day time) 75.00 63.10 Results within limit dB(A) Ambient Noise (Night time) 70.00 52.11 Results within limit dB(A)

e) Environmental monitoring analysis conducted at Jwalaji in May, 2019

Environmental Near Jwalaji At Parking site Analysis Monitoring Temple near Hotel Jwalaji parameters Ambient Air Quality (2- 3 May 2019) PM10 μg/m3 70.50 72.60 Results within limit PM2.5 μg/m3 38.50 40.20 Results within limit 3 SOX μg/m 16.50 18.40 Results within limit 3 NOX μg/m 26.50 28.60 Results within limit CO μg/m3 0.60 0.90 Results within limit

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Environmental Monitoring Results (Average) Analysis At Parking near Hotel Jwalaji Ambient Noise Level (2- 3 May 2019) Ambient Noise (Day time) dB(A) 60.50 Results within limit Ambient Noise (Night time) dB(A) 53.80 Results within limit

f) Environmental monitoring analysis conducted at Rampur for the month of March, 2019

Environmental Results (Average) Results (Average) Analysis Monitoring Near parking site Near Bhimakali Rampur Temple, Sarhan Ambient Air Quality- 23-24 March 2019 PM10 μg/m3 74.7 64.4 Results within limit PM2.5 μg/m3 49.3 44.9 Results within limit

SOX μg/m3 6.4 5.0 Results within limit

NOX μg/m3 9.8 8.7 Results within limit CO μg/m3 BDL BDL Results within limit

Environmental Results (Average) Results (Average) Analysis Monitoring Rampur parking site Near Bhimakali Temple, Sarhan Ambient Air Quality- 23-24 March 2019 Ambient Noise 58.2 61.5 Results within limit (Day time) dB(A) Ambient Noise NA NA Results within limit (Night time) dB(A)

Environmental Monitoring Results (Average) Results (Average) Analysis Sarahan Rampur Water Quality 24 March 2019 pH 7.29 7.48 Results within limit

Total hardness (as CaCO3), mg/l 55.0 134 Results within limit Total Suspended Solids, mg/l 9.0 11.4 Results within limit Total dissolved solids, mg/l 47.4 292 Results within limit Oil and grease, mg/l ND N.D. Results within limit Total coliform MPN/100 ml <2 <2 Results within limit

g) Environmental monitoring analysis conducted at Markandeya for the month of March, 2019

Environmental Results (Average) Near Building Analysis Monitoring Ambient Air Quality 24 March 2019 PM10 μg/m3 71.6 Results within limit PM2.5 μg/m3 48.4 Results within limit

SOX μg/m3 5.8 Results within limit

NOX μg/m3 9.5 Results within limit CO μg/m3 BDL Results within limit

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Environmental Monitoring Results (Average) Analysis (Baseline Data) Bajreshwari Temple Ambient Noise Level 24 March 2019 Ambient Noise (Day time) dB(A) 58.3 Results within limit

Environmental Results (Average) Results (Average) Analysis Monitoring Water sample from Water sample from Bath place charm Rog place Water Quality 25 March 2019 Ambient Air Quality pH 7.90 7.48 Results within limit TSS, mg/l 16 75.6 Results within limit TDS, mg/l 292 84 Results within limit Total hardness (as 148 112 Results within limit

CaCO3), mg/l Oil & Grease, mg/l N.D N.D Results within limit Total Coliform, <2 <2 Results within limit MPN/100ml

h) Environmental monitoring analysis conducted at Mandi for the month of June, 2019

Environmental Results Results Results Analysis Monitoring (Average) (Average) (Average) Convention Proposed Tarna Mata Center near parking at Temple Visco Resort Bhimakali Complex Temple Ambient Air Quality 30 June 2019 PM10 μg/m3 79.6 76.8 68.1 Results within limit PM2.5 μg/m3 50.5 48.2 42.3 Results within limit SOX μg/m3 11.8 9.4 6.0 Results within limit NOX μg/m3 15.3 13.9 8.4 Results within limit CO μg/m3 BDL BDL BDL Results within limit

Environmental Results Results Results Analysis Monitoring (Average) (Average) (Average) Convention Proposed Tarna Mata Center near parking at Temple Visco Resort Bhimakali Complex Temple Ambient Noise Level 30 June 2019 Ambient Noise 63.0 62.4 55.1 Results within (Day time) limit dB(A)

Environmental Monitoring Results (Average) Analysis Victoria Bridge or Ghats Water Quality 30 June 2019 pH 7.38 Results within limit TSS 21 Results within limit TDS 112 Results within limit

Total hardness (as CaCO3), 146 Results within limit mg/l

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Oil and Grease 1.3 Results within limit Total Coliform <2 Results within limit

i) Environmental monitoring analysis conducted at Manali for the month of June, 2019

Environmental Monitoring Results (Average) at Badagran Analysis Ambient Air Quality 30 June 2019 PM10 μg/m3 71.4 Results within limit PM2.5 μg/m3 45.8 Results within limit

SOX μg/m3 8.7 Results within limit

NOX μg/m3 12.3 Results within limit CO μg/m3 BDL Results within limit

Environmental Results (Average) at Badagran Analysis Monitoring Water Quality 30 June 2019 pH 7.30 Results within limit TSS 15 Results within limit TDS 106 Results within limit Total hardness (as 117 Results within limit

CaCO3), mg/l Oil and Grease 0.9 Results within limit Total Coliform <2 Results within limit

Environmental Monitoring Results (Average) Analysis At Badagran Ambient Noise Level 30 June 2019 Ambient Noise (Day time) dB(A) 56.8 Results within limit

j) Environmental Monitoring Analysis conducted at Rampur site in the month of March 2019

Environmental Results Near Results Analysis Monitoring parking site Near Rampur Bhimakali Temple Ambient Air Quality 24 March 2019 PM10 μg/m3 74.7 64.4 Results within limit PM2.5 μg/m3 49.3 44.9 Results within limit SOX μg/m3 6.4 5.0 Results within limit NOX μg/m3 9.8 8.7 Results within limit CO μg/m3 BDL BDL Results within limit

Environmental Results Results Analysis Monitoring (Average) (Average) Rampur Near parking site Bhimakali Temple Ambient Noise Level (Leq day time) 24 March 2019 Ambient Noise (Day 56.2 61.5 Results within limit time) dB(A) Ambient Noise (Night Results within limit time) dB(A)

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Environmental Monitoring River I.P. H. Analysis Satluj Water Rampur Supply, Bhimakali Temple Date of Sample Collection 24 March 2019 pH 7.48 7.29 Results within limit Total suspended solid, mg/l 11.4 9.0 Total dissolved solid, mg/l 292 47.4 Total hardness as CaCO3 , mg/l 134 56.0 Results within limit Oil & grease, mg/l ND ND Total Coliform, MON/100 ml <2 <2 Results within limit

k) Environmental Monitoring Analysis conducted at Bantony site in the month of March 2019

Environmental Results (Average) Analysis Monitoring Near Chamunda Temple

PM10 μg/m3 86 Results within limit PM2.5 μg/m3 51 Results within limit SOX μg/m3 8 Results within limit Oxides of nitrogen 19 Results within limit

Environmental Results (Average) Analysis Monitoring Chamunda Temple

Ambient Noise Quality 23 March 2019 Ambient Noise (Day Results within limit time) dB(A) 54

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Sample Copy of Ambient Air quality Environmental Quality Monitoring Reports for Kangra sub-project site Ambient Air Quality

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Surface water testing

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Ambient Noise

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Annexure 41 PUBLIC CONSULTATION Summary of Public Consultations done during January-June 2019

S.No. Project and Package no., where Date of Consultation done by consultation done consultation 1 Eco-Tourism park at Naldehra, 06.02.2019 & Priyanka Khanghta, safeguard Shimla 05.04.2019 Specialist, PMU Sakib Qadri Environment Specialist PMC and Dr. Basobi Sheel Social Safeguard Specialist. 2 Creation of Centre for Traditional Arts 13.02.2019 Dr. Basobi Sheel, Social safeguard & Crafts at Badagran near Manali Specialist, PMC & Sakib Qadri (Package No. HPTDB/14/1) Safeguard Specialist Environment and Mr. Rizwi, Construction Manager DSC 3 Conservation and Upgradation of the 13.02.2019 Dr. Basobi Sheel, Social safeguard Historic Urban Precincts & Buildings Specialist, PMC & Sakib Qadri in Mandi Town (Package No. Safeguard Specialist Environment HPTDB/15/1) 4 Rejuvenation of the Markandeya 07.02.2019 Dr. Basobi Sheel, Social safeguard Temple Precinct and Provision of 29.05.2019 Specialist, PMC & Sakib Qadri Visitor Facilities, Bilaspur District Safeguard Specialist Environment (HPTDB/11/1) PMC 5 Conserving Prominent Temple 11.02.2019 Dr. Basobi Sheel, Social safeguard Precincts & Upgrading Urban 21.02.2019 Specialist, PMC & Sakib Qadri Infrastructure for Tourism in 27.06.2019 Safeguard Specialist Environment Dharamshala & Mcleodganj, Distt. PMC Mr. Abhay Srivastava, Kangra, HP (Package HPTDB/13/2) Environmental Specialist, DSC 6 Upgrading the Historic Urban 08.02.2019 Dr. Basobi Sheel, Social safeguard Precincts & Creating a Heritage 20.02.2019 Specialist, PMC & Sakib Qadri Circuit, Jwalaji Town, Kangra H.P. 25.06.2019 Safeguard Specialist Environment PMC Mr. Abhay Srivastava, Environmental Specialist, DSC 7 Conservation /Restoration and 06.04.2019 Priyanka Khanghta, Safeguard Rehabilitation of Bantony Castle in Specialist, PMU Dr. Basobi Sheel, Heritage Zone, Shimla Social safeguard Specialist, PMC & Sakib Qadri Safeguard Specialist Environment PMC 8 Restoration of Shimla Mall Road 06.04.2019 Priyanka Khanghta, Safeguard Extension (Package No. 12.04.2019 Specialist, PMU Dr. Basobi Sheel, HPTDB/16/2) Social safeguard Specialist, PMC & Sakib Qadri Safeguard Specialist Environment PMC, Mr. Abhay Srivastava, Environmental Specialist, MR. J. D. Singh, Social Safeguard Specialist, DSC 9 Restoration and Improvement of 10.02.2019 Priyanka Khanghta, Safeguard Chamunda Temple and Bajreshwari 27.06.2019 Specialist, PMU Dr. Basobi Sheel, Temple Precinct and Creation of Social safeguard Specialist, PMC & Cultural Centre for Traditional Crafts Sakib Qadri Safeguard Specialist and Arts at Nagrota Bhagwan, Distt. Environment PMC, Mr. Abhay Kangra, HP (Package HPTDB/13/4) Srivastava, Environmental Specialist,

Consolidated reports of above consultations are given below-

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Consultation Report-1

Project Name : Eco-Tourism Park at Naldehra, Shimla Package No. : Package No. HPTDB/16/4 Date of Consultation : 06.02.2019 & 05.04.2019 Place of Consultation : Road side shops and Naldera site Project Phase : Pre- Construction/ During Construction/ Post Construction Consultation Done By : Ms. Priyanka Khanghta, Safeguard Specialist PMU, Mr. Sakib Qadri Environment Specialist PMC & Dr. Basobi Sheel, Social Safeguard Specialist, PMC

Participants : Attendance letter with signatures are attached as Appendix-1 Objectives : To discuss the status of construction work at Naldehra and to seek their opinion about the safeguard measures. Issues Discussed :  Impact of Construction work at nearby residents?  Progress of work.  Any hindrances caused from ongoing construction work  Problems faced by the panchayat members due to construction activities.  Scope of employment generation for the local people during construction phase. Public Response :  Pony owners were overwhelmed with the work and are expecting improved business after the commissioning of the project.  They assured to give full support and co-operation during the construction work.  The tourists showed concern about lack of greenery during February month, however, they expressed happiness about the development activity.


Consultations with Pony owners.

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Consultation with Tourists and Project staff

Appendix-1 Attendance

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Consultation Report -2

Project Name : Creation of Centre for Traditional Arts & Crafts at Badagran near Manali Package No. : Package No. (HPTDB/14/1) Date of Consultation : 13th Feb. 2019 Place of Consultation : Project stakeholders, labourers, contractors staff and local residents Project Phase : Pre- Construction/ During Construction/Post Construction Consultation Done By : Dr. Basobi Sheel Social Safeguard Specialist and Sakib Qadri, Safeguard Specialist Environment,

Objectives  To gain opinion on construction work impact and suggestion’s  To seek stakeholders and project staffs views in strengthening the safeguard measures. Issues Discussed  Safety issues at site  Health & Hygiene issues  Training requirement at sites  Updating safeguards documents  Provisions for labors  Site maintenance  View of locals & tourists Stakeholders Response  The Staff and laborers were satisfied with the arrangements made by the contractor.  Some improvements in terms of better electricity wiring and safe work practices were made. Suggestion  Laborers suggested that protection provision of PPE must be regularized and records properly maintained


Consultation with Labours Consultation with Site Project Manager

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Consultation Report-3

Project Name : Conservation and Upgradation of the Historic Urban Precincts & Buildings in Mandi Town Package No. : Package No. HPTDB/15/1 Date of Consultation : 13th Feb, 2019 Place of Consultation : Tarna Mata Temple complex, and CM DSC office Mandi Project Phase : Pre- Construction/During Construction/Post Construction Consultation Done By : Dr. Basobi Sheel Social Safeguard Specialist and Sakib Qadri, Safeguard Specialist Environment

Objectives  To gain public opinion on construction work impact and suggestion’s  To seek stakeholder’s views in strengthening the safeguard measures. Issues Discussed  Safety issues at site  Training requirement at sites  Updating safeguards documents  Provisions for labors  Site maintenance  Health & hygiene issues at site  View of locals, pilgrims and & tourists Public Response  Pilgrims are happy with the development activities and provision of improved facilities in Tarna Mata temple complex.  Improved staircase facility has improved the access to the temple.  Overall impact could be assessed only after final development of local area.  There is negligible impact on environment due to construction and being mitigated by suitable measures  There is no tree cutting, no cultural loss and no loss of land.  Few issues of laboures were discussed and meeting was fruitful and all the communication gap resolved.  Efforts of Tourism Dept for development/up gradation of existing infrastructure are being appreciated. Suggestion  Stakeholders suggested that provision of PPE to the labourers need improvement. Safety measures at sites also require further improvement.


Consultation with pilgrims at Tarna Mata Temple Consultation with Locals

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Discussion with project staff of contractor and laborers Labour’s Personal Issues


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Consultation Report-4

Project Name: Rejuvenation of the Markandeya Temple Precinct and Provision of Visitor Facilities, Bilaspur Package No- HPTDB/11/1 Date of Consultation: 07.02.2019 and 29.05.2019 Project Phase: During Construction Consultation done by: Ms. Basobi Sheel, Social safeguard Specialist, PMC & Sakib Qadri Safeguard Specialist Environment

Place: Markandeya Participants: Labours, Individual shopkeepers, village people and visitors nearby the sites. Objective: The objective of consultation was to obtain shopkeepers and pilgrims and project staffs views on proposed work and to seek their views in strengthening the safeguard while construction to maximize the project benefits. 1. Issues Discussed: Following issues pertaining to Social/Environmental safeguards and existing direct and indirect impacts have been discussed for the improvement options.  Shopkeeper’s satisfaction level on construction work at Temple premises.  Progress on rehabilitation of shop keepers to new shops  Impact on the local environment due to construction activities of the project.  Scope of employment generation for the local people during construction phase.  Construction activity whether causing any type of hazard or not?  Any loss of land or property due to construction activity?  Any damage to historical or cultural monuments?  Problems faced by the local people in their daily activities due to construction work? Effective use of PPEs  Clear passage for safety of pilgrims & villagers.  Proper signages keeping in mind safety of workers & visitors  Habit of food wastage among labors 2 Response:  People are happy about the development activity.  The Passage will be improved. There will be a clear path leading to the temple entrance as well as the village.  APs confirmed that there is no negative impact of the work on their life.  Shopkeepers and visitors are having no problem due to construction work  Contractors Environment Safety officer expressed concern about the lack of willingness on part of workers towards PPE.  There is negligible impact on environment during construction and being mitigated by suitable measures  There is no tree cutting, no cultural loss.  Meeting was fruitful and all the communication gap resolved during sitting with Temple trust  All have appreciated the efforts of Tourism Dept for development/up gradation of existing infrastructure. 3 Recommendations & Suggestions:  Provision and usage of PPE must be ensured  Signages, caution boards and safety tapes must be strengthened.

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Consultation with workers Consultation with shopkeepers

Consultation with Pilgrims Consultation with project and contractors’ staff

Consultation with AP Consultation with SDM and Tehsildar Markandeya

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Consultation Report-5

Project Name: Upgrading the Historic Urban Precincts& Creating a Heritage Circuit, Dharamshala Package No- Package No. HPTDB/13/1 Date of Consultation: 11.02.2019, 21.02.2019 & 27.06.2019 Project Phase: During Construction Consultation Done By: Dr. Basobi Sheel, Social safeguard Specialist, PMC & Sakib Qadri Safeguard Specialist Environment PMC & Mr. Abhay Srivastava, Environmental Specialist, DSC

Place: MC Park, Bhagsunag Temple , Aghanjar Mahadev Temple, and DC office parking site- Dharamshala Participants: Local visitors, Individual shopkeepers, and project staff nearby the proposed works. Objective: The objective of consultation was to obtain shopkeepers and locals’ views on proposed work and to seek their views in strengthening the safeguard while construction to maximize the project benefits, Handing over the shop, allotment of shop by the Municipal council 1. Issues Discussed: Following issues pertaining to Social/Environmental safeguards and existing direct and indirect impacts have been discussed for the improvement options.  Shopkeeper’s satisfaction level on construction work at Chamunda Temple premises  Impact on the local environment due to initiated construction activities of the project.  Scope of employment generation for the local people during construction phase.  Construction activity whether causing any type of hazard or not?  Any loss of land or property due to construction activity?  Any damage to historical or cultural monuments?  Problems faced by the local people in their daily activities due to construction work? 2 Response:  Shopkeepers and visitors are having no problem due to construction work  There is negligible impact on environment during construction and being mitigated by suitable measures  One shopkeeper requested to consider the peak season ( up to June end) during proposed improvement works  There is no tree cutting, no cultural loss.  Meeting was fruitful and all the communication gap resolved during sitting with Temple trust  All have appreciated the efforts of Tourism Dept for development/up gradation of existing infrastructure.  Some visitors from other states were also consulted and proposed works for improvement of infrastructure near Aghanjar Mahadev temple were explained to them, they appreciated the ongoing works and appreciated the proposed works undergoing at temple 3 Recommendations & Suggestions:  It was suggested by visitors that signage and toilets should be provided at parking area for visitors, presently there is no arrangement of toilets for visitors at Aghanjar Mahadev Temple  Visitors suggested that during construction safe passage should be provided for visitors

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Photographs of Consultations

Consultation with visitors at MC park and project staff near DC Office site Dharamshala

Consultation with AP at Bhagsu temple Dharamshala

Consultation with visitors near Aghanjar Mahadev

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Consultations with shopkeepers near DC office Parking site

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Consultation Report-7

Project Name : Conservation /Restoration and Rehabilitation of Bantony Castle in Heritage Zone, Shimla Package No. : Package No. HPTDB/16/6 Date of Consultation : 06.04.2019 Place of Consultation : Near project sites. Project Phase : Pre- Construction/ During Construction/ Post Construction Consultation Done By : Priyanka Khanghta, Safeguard Specialist PMU, Dr. Basobi Sheel, Social safeguard Specialist, PMC & Sakib Qadri Safeguard Specialist Environment PMC

Participants : Site project manager, site safety officer, AE Civil PIU, site engineer DSC, residents, shop keepers, tourists Objectives : To seek public opinion about the ongoing work undergoing at Shimla Issues Discussed : Informal meeting and discussion was held with the tourists regarding any project impact due to construction of this project, site safety issues were discussed with the labourers and trainings on right use of PPEs etc were given to them Public Response :  The tourists were happy to see the renovation of such a heritage building as the building was in a very depilated condition and it will help to improve aesthetic value of the area.  Relevant signages & awareness posters to be put up.

Photographs of Consultations

Consulting Tourists

Discussion with Labors

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Consultation Report-8

Project Name : Upgrading the Historic Urban Precincts & Creating a Heritage Circuit, Jwalaji Town Package No. : Package No. HPTDB/13/1 Date of Consultation : 08.02.2019, 20.02.2019 and 25.06.2019 Place of Consultation : Near Jwalaji Temple and project sites. Project Phase : Pre- Construction/ During Construction/ Post Construction Consultation Done By : Dr. Basobi Sheel, Social safeguard Specialist, PMC & Sakib Qadri Safeguard Specialist Environment PMC and Mr. Abhay Srivastava, Environment Specialist, DSC

Participants : Project affected person, project staff, laborers and local residents Objectives : Information dissemination, Mitigation measures for avoid livelihood impact, Health and Safety issues related to Labors, Records maintaining at site as per ADB Guidelines Issues Discussed : Informal meeting and discussion was held with shopkeepers and it was informed that drain and canopy works will be executed in the night time to avoid any negative impact on their businesses .If the contractor will executed the works in day time and access issues will be identified, they will be compensated as per ADB policy. Public Response :  Public/Shop owners were well aware about the project works and ensured all kind of support for smooth execution of the project.  Shopkeepers near temple were asking to finish the works of canopy at earliest as rains disturb their routine works  No Grievances reported and shopkeepers are willing for their support to the project APs response :  Affected people are satisfied with the rehabilitation process and quality of construction works.


Consultations with AP’s / shopkeeper

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Consultation with laborer family and project engineers

Consultation at Jwalaji Parking Site

Consultation at Jwalaji Temple lane

Consultation with Shop owners and public nearby the project sites

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Sample Attendance

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Consultation Report-9

Project Name : Restoration of Shimla Mall Road Extension Package No. : Package No. HPTDB/16/2 Date of Consultation : 06.04.2019, 12.04.2019, 26.04.2019 Place of Consultation : Mall Road Extension sites as described below: Project Phase : Pre- Construction/ During Construction/ Post Construction Consultation Done By : Ms. Priyanka Khanghta, Safeguard Specialist, PMU, Dr. Basobi Sheel Social Safeguards Specialist and Sakib Qadri Environment Specialist PMC.

Participants : Project staff of Contractor, Laborers, locals and Tourists. Objectives : To seek public opinion about the ongoing work undergoing at Shimla Mall Road Extension. Issues Discussed :  Is the ongoing work causing any damage to the nearby residents or the property?  Are proper signages and cautionary tape being used at construction site?  Safety at site.  Views of local tourists on the work done.  Any hindrances is caused to the locals due to the on-going work Public Response :  Work done under the Sub-project like illumination, drain work, construction of rain-shelter, tarring work etc has been appreciated by the tourists and the locals.  People were happy with the progress and results of ongoing work.

Location Date Person consulted Topics discussed Outcomes AG Chowk to 12.04.2019 Alexander and Issues of required Sanitation conditions are good, Victory tunnel Michael, facilities at this road, Solid waste is collected road shopkeepers, Hiten, conditions of road regularly by municipal local resident and requirement of corporation, very few dust bins strengthening, are there at roads, solar lights landslides in the are required, railing are area damaged at places and needs to be repaired. Advance 12.04.2019 Mahesh Kumar, Issues of required Sanitation and solid waste Study to Man Singh facilities at this road, collection is proper, rain Summer Hill conditions of road shelters are required as there Road and requirement of are no arrangement for tourists strengthening, to get shelter during rains, solar landslides in the lights are required as there is area insufficient lighting during night Summer Hill 12.04.2019 Joginder Kumar, Issues of required Solid waste collection and to Akashwani Sanjeev, Honey, facilities at this road, sanitation conditions are road Abhishek conditions of road adequate at Mall road, road and requirement of conditions needs improvement, strengthening, dust bins and rain shelters are landslides in the required at different places, area retaining wall is damaged in some places and needs to be repaired

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Location Date Person consulted Topics discussed Outcomes Jakhu to 12.04.2019 Dilaram Sharma, Issues of required Environmental conditions in Ridge road Ashish, facilities at this road, Shimla are good enough. shopkeepers near conditions of road Roads need strengthening and Jakhu road and requirement of tourism information boards strengthening, needs to be displayed at landslides in the prominent locations. area Edward to 12.04.2019 Dharmendra, Issues of required Road is being used for morning Marina Road Satish, locals facilities at this road, and evening walks by tourists conditions of road and locals, road side rain and requirement of shelters are required, parking strengthening, space is required, landslides landslides in the occurs during rainy season due area to poor retaining walls, which needs to be strengthen. Approach 26.04.2019 Locals and tourists Issues of required Hotel Holiday Home is near to road to Hotel facilities at this road, the Mall Road Shimla and many Holiday conditions of road tourist visits the Hotel. Due to Home and requirement of landslide, the approach road to strengthening, the Hotel and drains has been landslides in the damaged. As many tourists and area locals visit the area, the approach road to be strengthened with proper lighting.


Consultations with Contractor staff

Consultations at Advance Studies to Summer Hills Road & AG Office to Victory tunnel road

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Consultations at AG Office to Victory tunnel road and with students of H.P. University at Summer Hills to Akashwani Road

Consultations with locals at Marina to Edward road & near Jakhu Temple- Jakhu to Ridge Road

Consultation with locals near Balak Nath Temple- Jakhu to Ridge Road & near Jakhu Temple- Jakhu to Ridge Road

Attendance Sheet

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Consultation Report-9

Project Name: Restoration and Improvement of Chamunda Temple and Bajreshwari Temple Precinct and Creation of Cultural Centre for Traditional Crafts and Arts at Nagrota Bhagwan, Distt. Kangra, HP Package No- Package No. HPTDB/13/4 Date of Consultation: 10.02.2019 and 27.06.2019 Project Phase: During Construction Consultation Done By: Dr. Basobi Sheel, Social safeguard Specialist, PMC, Sakib Qadri Safeguard Specialist Environment PMC & Mr. Abhay Srivastava, Environment Specialist, DSC

Place: Near Nagrota Bagwan site, Parking site and Chamunda Temple Participants: Individual residents at Nagrota Bhavan site, shopkeepers and local visitors nearby the proposed works of Mata Ka Bagh and Chamunda Temple. Objective: Information dissemination, Health and Safety issues related to Labors, Records maintaining at site as per ADB Guidelines 1. Issues Discussed: Awareness about the project, level of satisfaction from ongoing works, any negative impact on environment, grievances, if any, tree cutting done at site etc. 2 Response:  Junior Engineer of Temple trust at Chamunda Temple informed that demolition of some buildings are still ongoing and after demolitions all the site will be cleared for construction works  He also informed that works are satisfactory  and contractor is cooperative with temple authorities, shopkeepers and visitors of temple  Shopkeepers are satisfied with construction work.  They are aware about the proposed works. Project information board is displayed at site.  There is negligible impact on environment during construction and being mitigated by suitable measures  They had given their assurance for all kind of support if required  Access to shops is maintained and no disturbance to business occurred due to proposed works  Shopkeepers near proposed parking site made complain of dust from construction works  Consultations were done with tourists from other state visiting Chamunda Temple site, they appreciated the ongoing works and were pleased to see the scope of works which will enhance beauty of the site  Visitors complained about absence of barricades in some construction areas  Residents are happy and overwhelmed about the projevt activity at Nagrota baghwan site . Shopkeepers are satisfied with construction work. They aware about the proposed works. After knowing the details they hoped that the project would help uplift the area. \  There is negligible impact on environment during construction and being mitigated by suitable measures  People consulted gave their assurance for all kind of support if required.  No any tree cutting done at any site and there is no any cultural loss or disturbance to existing structure during construction works  No Grievances received from anyone. 3 Recommendations & Suggestions:  Provide full barricades around construction sites  Use appropriate PPE and safety measures  Avoid works during peak season, speed up the work and complete at the earliest  Dust suppression through water sprinkling is required at parking site

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Consultation with residents are Nagrota Bagwan site

Consultation with Shopkeeper at Chamunda Temple site

Consultation with Tourists at Chamunda Temple site

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Sample Consultation Sheet

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Annexure 42

A. Workers training for Safeguards for on-going sub-projects: During six months (January to June, 2019), on-site training on social and environmental safeguards (health, safety & environment along with social concerns of workers) were conducted by PMC & DSC safeguard experts alongwith the Junior Engineers of PIU during their site visits to different sites. Summary of the trainings are as below:

Summary of Safeguard Orientations and Trainings Done during Jan-June 2019 by PMU/DSC/PMC

S.N Subproject Number of Training Given by Date Topics and package Participants 3 Training on right use of PPEs & Mr. Sakib Qadri, 1. 06.02.2019 following safety measures at Environment Naldehra worksite etc. Specialist PMC and 4 Safety issues at construction Dr Basobi Sheel, 05.04.2019 sites Social Safeguard 10 Right use of PPEs, Sanitation & Specialist PMC 2. 07.02.2019 Health Issues, environment safeguard requirements, safety measures and cleanliness to be Markandeya followed at worksite 21 Videos shared on Safety at 29.05.2019 construction site, use of PPEs, 12 Mr. Jagdish, Junior 25.06.2019 Sanitation & Good health Engineer, PIU Kullu 08.02.2019 Jwalaji 25 Smoking, Girl Child Education, Mr. Sakib Qadri, 3. LPG Fire Safety, Plastic Use, Environment Flood Protection & Tree Care, Specialist PMC and health and hygiene Dr Basobi Sheel, Social Safeguard Specialist PMC

25.06.2019 17 Use of PPEs, sanitation, labour Mr. Abhay Srivastava camp facilities, signage etc. Environment Specialist DSC 27.06.2019 35 Videos shared on Safety at Mr. Himanshu, Junior construction site, use of PPEs, Engineer, PIU Sanitation & Good health Kangra Kangra 32 Safety of workers and pubic at Mr. Sakib Qadri, 4. construction sites & Do’s & Environment Don’ts at work site Specialist PMC and 09.02.2019 Dr Basobi Sheel, Social Safeguard Specialist PMC 15 Use of PPEs, sanitation, labour Mr. Abhay Srivastava 27.06.2019 welfare facilities Environment Specialist DSC 11.02.2019 Dharamshala 41 Safety measures PPEs, and Mr. Sakib Qadri, 5. cleanliness, sanitation, labour Environment camp facilities, signage etc Specialist PMC and Dr Basobi Sheel,

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S.N Subproject Number of Training Given by Date Topics and package Participants Social Safeguard Specialist PMC 27.06.2019 26 Use of PPEs, sanitation, labour Mr. Abhay Srivastava welfare facilities Environment Specialist DSC 17 Right use of PPEs, Sanitation & Mr. Sakib Qadri, 6. 13.02.2019 Health Issues Environment Specialist PMC Mandi 25 Videos shared on Safety at Mr. Rahul, Junior 24.06.2019 construction site, use of PPEs, Engineer, PIU Kullu Sanitation & Good health 15 Right use of PPEs, Sanitation & Mr. Sakib Qadri, 7. 14.02.2019 Health Issues Environment Specialist PMC Manali 25 Videos shared on Safety at Mr. Rahul, Junior 24.06.2019 construction site, use of PPEs, Engineer, PIU Kullu Sanitation & Good health 29 Right & regular use of PPEs, Mr. Sakib Qadri, 8. 18.03.2019 Health & Hygiene, Safety of Environment Bantony Children. Specialist PMC 27 Sanitation and good health 07.04.2019 07 Awareness on Safety & 9. 06.04.2019 Mall Road Ext. Sanitation Issues 15 Videos shared on Safety at Mr. Rahul, Junior 10. 25.06.2019 Janjehli construction site, use of PPEs, Engineer, PIU Kullu Sanitation & Good health

Some of the Photographs of orientations

Orientation of workers at Jawalaji Site Orientation of workers at Markandey

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Training at Chamunda Mata Temple Site Orientation to workers at Bantony Sub-project site

Orientation of labours at Shimla Mall road site Orientation of labours at Markanday site

Construction safety Training at Tarna Mandir site Training at Dharamshala site Mandi

Orientation of labours at Aghanjar Mahadev project Orientation of labours at Jwalaji parking project site site Dharmshala

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Orientation of labours at Dhauladhar Biodiversity Park Orientation of labours at Chamunda Temple, parking project site Dharmshala project site, Kangra

Training at Parking site Kangra Training at Jwalaji Site

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Attendance Sheets of Safeguard orientations Kangra Subproject site

B. Workers training for Safeguards for on-going sub-projects by Contractors: During six months (January-June, 2019), various trainings have been conducted at site by the Contractor’s representatives. Summary of the trainings are as below:

Summary of Safeguard Orientations and Trainings Done during January-June, 2019 by Contractors

SN Date Site Awareness &Training Total Implementer Program Topics participants 1. 11.01.2019 Manali Sexually transmitted 68 Mr Ghanashyam from disease Civil Hospital and Mr. Piyush Soni, Site safety officer

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SN Date Site Awareness &Training Total Implementer Program Topics participants 2. 21.01.2019 Electric shock 19 Mr. Piyush Soni, Site 3. 26.01.2019 Financial education 39 safety officer 4. 05.02.2019 Snake bite 30 5. 03.04.2019 Chamunda Harms of Tobacco use 15 Anil Kumar and Temple site, Balwant Katoch, site Kangra engineers, M/s MCC- DKS JV 6. 27.06.2019 Jwalaji General safety training 25 Mr. Ishan Rajput, HSE Parking Site, officer, M/s AKSEC- Kangra PKCC JV

Some of the photographs of Training/Orientations at different sites

Training on Sexually Transmitted Diseases Training on Electric Shock

Training on Snakebite Financial Education

Orientation program of workers for harms of Tobacco use at Chamunda Temple Site, Kangra

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Attendance Sheet ( Harms of tobacco use at Chamunda Temple site, Kangra)

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Training Report on orientation on harms of Tobacco Usage at Chamunda Temple site, Kangra

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Attendance Sheet on training on General Safety at Jwalaji Parking Site, Kangra

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Summary of Welfare program conducted at construction site and at US Club, Shimla

SN Date Site Programs Participants Implementer 1 21.06.19 IDIPT-HP Awareness & Training on 33 PMU & PMC Shimla Yoga

Instructors Ms. Pallavi Sharma Staff in Yoga Action

Information on Yoga shared at Office

Attendance Sheet

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