The Foreign Policy of the Republic of Moldova (1998-2008)

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The Foreign Policy of the Republic of Moldova (1998-2008) THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA (1998-2008) Chişinău - 2010 This collection of studies was published in the framework of the project “The Main Themes of the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Moldova (1998-2008)”, im- plemented by the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova with the assistance of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. The volume was edited by: Igor Sarov and Igor Ojog The research project was carried out by: Victor Chirila Victoria Boian Andrei Popov Ana Mihailov Radu Vrabie Eugen Revenco Dr. Ion Stavila Vlad Lupan Lina Grau Descrierea CIP a Camerei Naţionale a Cărţii Evoluţia politicii externe a Republicii Moldova (1998-2008). – Ch. : Cartdidact, 2009 (Tipogr. „Balacron” SRL). – 192 p. 1000 ex. ISBN 978-9975-4001-6-9 327(478)”1998/2008” E 95 The opinions expressed in this book do not necessary represent the point of view of the financing institution. Design tehnoredactare coperta: Lilian Guţu Friedrich Ebert Stiftung All rights reserved 2 CONTENTS Abbreviations ...................................................................... 7 Introduction ....................................................................... 9 1. Republic of Moldova relations with Romania ............... 11 1.1. General aspects of the Republic of Moldova relations with Romania ...............................................................................11 1.2. Time of lost chances: January 1998-April 2001 ..............................14 1.3. Period of “constructive pragmatism”: April 2001 – December 2004..............................................................................17 1.4. Period of illusionary friendship: January 2004 – April 2006 ...........28 1.5. Period of continuous confrontations: April 2006- December 2008 ..............................................................................31 1.6. Prospects in the evolution of Moldovan-Romanian relations ..........40 2. Relations of the Republic of Moldova with Ukraine ...... 50 2.1. Moldovan-Ukrainian relations – a partnership on the edge of knife .............................................................................50 2.2. Current subjects of the Moldovan-Ukrainian partnership ..............51 2.3. Conclusions and recommendations ................................................59 3. Relations of the Republic of Moldova with the European Union ............................................................ 61 3.1. Legal framework: significance, advantages and disadvantages .........61 3.2. European Neighborhood Policy: implications and perspectives for Moldova ................................................................65 3.3. ENP from the point of view of the national interest for European integration .....................................................................72 3.4. Implementation of ENP – positive and negative elements ...............74 3.5. ENP prospects: opportunities, risks and visions .............................80 3.6. Prospect of negotiating a new legal framework with EU .................84 3 3.7. Republic of Moldova needs a realistic strategy in relation to EU .....90 3.8. Eastern Partnership – a possible stage of transition towards EU accession ..................................................................................92 4. Relationships of the Republic of Moldova with the Russian Federation .................................................. 99 4.1. Short overview of the evolution in the relationships of the Republic of Moldova with Russia .............................................99 4.2. Role of Russia in settling the Transnistrian conflict .....................103 4.3. Economic relations and dependence on Russian energy resources 106 4.4. Influence of the Russian mass media ............................................106 4.5. Influence of the Russian Orthodox Church...................................108 4.6. Russian minority as an instrument of pressure .............................109 4.7. Conclusions and recommendations .............................................. 111 5. Relations of the Republic of Moldova with the USA .... 113 5.1. Cooperation with the USA – major priority of the Moldovan foreign policy ..................................................... 113 5.2. A non-existing privileged Moldovan-American partnership .......... 115 5.3. Conclusions and suggestions ........................................................123 6. Cooperation of the Republic of Moldova in the Council of Europe ....................................................... 126 6.1. Republic of Moldova accession to the Council of Europe (CoE) ...126 6.2. Thematic monitoring of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe .............................................134 6.3. Transnistrian conflict on the Council of Europe agenda: lost opportunities ........................................................................137 7. Cooperation of the Republic of Moldova within the Com- monwealth of Independent States ................................ 141 7. 1. The CIS – a suitcase too heavy to carry ........................................ 141 7.2. Republic of Moldova - between the CIS and the EU ....................146 4 8. Regional cooperation of the Republic of Moldova in the Southeastern Europe ............................................. 153 8.1. From the CIS to regional cooperation in the Southeastern Europe............................................................... 153 8.2. Regional Cooperation in South-Eastern Europe: accomplishments and prospects .................................................... 156 9. Cooperation of the Republic of Moldova within GUAM .............................................................. 167 9.1. Historical background and affirmation of GUAM .......................167 9.2. The participation of the Republic of Moldova in GUAM: cooperation full of contradictions .................................................173 10. Republic of Moldova's relations with the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) ............................... 180 10.1. History and arguments ................................................................180 10.2. Partnership for Peace – a “menu” to choose from ourselves ........182 10.3. Republic of Moldova – Partnership for Peace, from IPP to IPAP .........................................................................183 10.4. PARP assessment and the necessity to proceed to an IPAP ..........187 10.5. IPAP, a complementary plan to the EU – Republic of Moldova Action Plan ................................................189 10.6. IPAP: objectives and mechanism .................................................190 10.7. Conclusions and recommendations ............................................ 191 11. Evolution in settlement of the Transnistrian conflict ............................................... 194 11.1. Background of the issue ...............................................................194 11.2. Origins of the Transnistrian conflict ...........................................196 11.3. Evolution of the settlement process during the years 1992-2001 .....................................................................197 11.4. Evolution of the settlement process during the years 2001-2009 ..206 11.5. Conclusions and suggestions ...................................................... 218 5 12. Foreign policy in the view of political leaders: state of affairs and prospects ..................................... 223 12.1. Foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Moldova ...................223 12.2. Republic of Moldova's relations with Ukraine and Romania .......226 12.3. Prospects for the development of the relationships between the Republic of Moldova and the EU ..............................230 12.4. Relationships of the Republic of Moldova with the Russian Federation and USA ........................................................231 12.6. Relationships of the Republic of Moldova with NATO ...............237 12.7 Withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova ..............................................................238 12.8. Settlement of the Transnistrian conflict .....................................240 12.9. The quality of diplomacy in the Republic of Moldova .................241 6 Abbreviations APE Foreign Policy Association AMN Our Moldova Alliance CEFTA Central European Free Trade Agreement CEI Central European Initiative CIS Community of Independent States CoE Council of Europe CFSP Common Foreign and Security Policy CPT Committee for Prevention of Torture EU European Union EEA European Economic Area EC European Commission ECHR European Court for Human Rights EFTA European Free Trade Agreement ENP European Neighborhood Policy ENPI European Neighborhood Policy Instrument ESDP European Security and Defense Policy EUBAM European Union Border Assistance Mission EUMAP EU-Moldova Action Plan GUAM Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaidjan, Moldova GSP General System of Preferences IMF International Monetary Fund IPAP Individual Partnership Action Plan IPP Individual Partnership Program NAC North Atlantic Council NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe PARP Partnership Review Process PfP Partnership for Peace PCA Partnership and Cooperation Agreement PCRM Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova PDM Democratic Party of Moldova PL Liberal Party 7 PLDM Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova SEEPCP South Eastern Europe Political Cooperation Process SPSEEE Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe UN
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