UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH Vol. 14 — No. 53 December 31, 1969 H.R. MacMillan Award Noted scientist-Laureate in Agriculture

tribution to Canadian agriculture. His Among the positions Dr. Bell has held research on methods of utilizing and im- with associations are: chairman of the Rape- proving rapeseed meal has had a momen- seed Association of Canada's research com- tous impact on increasing the size of the mittee; chairman of the Canada Department rape crop in Canada and particularly West- of Agriculture's Canada Animal Nutrition ern Canada. Committee; chaimam of the Sub-committee on Laboratory Animal Nutrition with the Dr. Bell's extensive use of computers in United States National Research Council; designing rations has been a breakthrough and president of the Nutrition Society of in the experimental control of nutrient Canada. content. His studies of levels of nutrients for rations has contributed significantly to The second Laureate award will be made increasing the viability of Canada's livestock in 1974, the Centennial year for the Ontario industry. Agricultural College. Mr. MacMillan, noted for his contribution to the forest industry, Dr. Bell has been a professor at the Uni- has given the responsibility for selecting versity of Saskatchewan since 1948 and head award winners to the University of Guelph. Dr. J. Milton Bell of its Department of Animal Science since 1955. Born in Islay, Alberta, in 1922 he was Dr. Bell's lecture, "Advancing Nutrition raised on a mixed farm, attended the Ver- Horizons With Computers" will be held on Canada's first "Laureate in Agriculture" milion School of Agriculture and graduated Tuesday, January 6 at 3:15 p.m. in Room is Dr. J. Milton Bell of Saskatoon. The with a B.S.A. degree from the University of 105, Physical Sciences building. The public Laureate award was created by H. R. Alberta. He later received an M.Sc. degree is invited. MacMillan of Vancouver to commemorate from Macdonald College of McGill Univer- the 100th anniversary of the Ontario Agri- sity and a Ph.D. degree from Cornell Uni- cultural College from which he graduated versity, Ithaca, New York. FARM WEEK '70 in 1906. The award, to be made at five SPECIAL EVENT year intervals, is designed to reward the In recognition of his contributions to individual who has made the most creative agriculture, Dr. Bell was presented with Tuesday, January 6th contribution to Canadian agriculture in the Borden Award in 1962 by the Nutrition 3:15 p.m. the previous five-year period. Society of Canada and made a Fellow of Room 105 the Agricultural Institute of Canada in 1966. Physical Sciences Building In announcing the first award winner He has presented papers to the Internation- address the Chairman of the Selection Committee, al Congress of Nutrition, Edinburgh, Scot- By First Recipient Dr. W. C. Winegard, stated that Dr. Bell's land, and the World Conference on Animal of the outstanding research on the chemistry of Production in Rome. In 1965 and 1968 he H. R. MacMillan Award rapeseed products and animal nutrition gave lectures and demonstrations in Japan in Agriculture constitute major advances that will have a to improve the use of rapeseed. long time benefit for Canadian agriculture. DR. J. MILTON BELL The Laureate award is accompanied by a Dr. Bell has taken part in the writing Saskatoon $10,000 prize. and publishing of 20 scientific papers since 1964 and has written 21 popular articles and "Advancing Nutrition Horizons The Laureate award will be presented two chapters of books. His own main research With Computers" to Dr. Bell by Dr. Winegard at the Univer- has been on toxicity in rapeseed. As chair- The H. R. MacMillan Award of $10,000 is sity of Guelph on Tuesday afternoon, Jan- man of the Associate Committee on Animal to be made every five years to the individual uaryceremony followedon ceremonyi follow- Nutrition for the National Research Coun- making the greatest contribution to Canad- ed by an address by Dr. Bell entitled "Ad- cil's Prairie Regional Laboratory, he has al- ian agriculture. vancing Nutrition Horizons with Comput- so encouraged other scientists to work in This is the first time the award is being ers," will be a feature attraction of the the same field. Their work has played an made. University's Farm Week '70. Mr. H. R. MacMillan of Vancouver is a 1906 important part in Canada's becoming the graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College world's largest exporter of rapeseed prod- Dr. Bell was selected because his research and has given the responsibility of selecting on rapeseed meal and swine nutrition is ucts. Dr. Bell's other research includes stud- award winners to the University of Guelph. outstanding and has made a significant con- ies on milk replacer formulations for calves. 2 Report from Senate

December 17,1969 Meeting In further discussion on the subject,Dean Nutrition stay in O.A.C. of Graduate Studies and Research, H. S. Dean N. R. Richards, O.A.C., stressed that Discussion of supplemental examinations Armstrong pointed out that there were ob- the biology departments presently in O.A.C. in the Diploma in Agriculture program, a jections by some students to the words are not just concerned with agriculture, and new format for all University diplomas, and "Intercollegiate Press — Winnipeg, Kansas," suggested that there should be an in-depth the place of Botany and other biological appearing on the front of the present diploma. study made of the Ontario Agricultural Col- sciences in the new Academic Administra- H. W. Pettipiere, Registrar, said that these lege before any chages are made. tive Organization, highlighted the Decem- would be removed as quickly as possible. Dr. W. E. Tossell, Associate Dean, O.A.C. ber 17 meeting of the University of Guelph A motion to move from the old to a new felt that the two proposed colleges will not Senate. diploma was overwhealmingly defeated. succeed if faculty do not agree, and for A report from the Board of Undergradu- Discussion on the controversial Report that reason, the new structure should not ate Diplomas on the revised material for the on Academic Administrative Organization be forced upon them at this time. He added 1970-71 calendar, said that, "The pass mark again dominated the meeting, and again, that more study is needed in this area. in all courses is 50. A student will be allow- the creation of a new College of Biological Chairman of the Committee on Academic ed one opportunity to pass a failed course Sciences was the main topic of discussion. Administrative Organization, B. C. Matthews, by writing a supplemental examination pro- Dr. B. H. MacNeill, Department of Botany, said, following the discussion, "I sense no vided that his mark in the course is not less said that biology is an integral part of the basic disagreement with the general recom- than 40; any student who fails to obtain a fundamental philosophy of agriculture, and mendations in the report. People want to do pass mark on a supplemental examination that separate colleges of biology and agricul- what is best for agriculture and what is best or fails to qualify to write a supplemental ture would not be in the best interests of the for biology." will be required to repeat the course in Guelph campus. "There must be an honest review of the order to proceed in the program." Dr. K. M. Pretty, chairman of the Ontario recommendations," he said. A question was raised as to whether the Institute of Agrologists study committee Dr. Matthews suggested that Senate estab- 40 per cent stipulation should be deleted, said that the 01A council recommends that lish a special committee to study the recom- thereby allowing anyone to write supple- joint administration of agricultural and bio- mendation that there be the two colleges, mentals. During the discussion that follow- logical sciences within the same college is and that the committee report to Senate ed, it was pointed out that a student who necessary at the present time. He said that the functions and responsibilities of the two got less than 40 per cent in a course would there could be duplications in any separation colleges by March 15, 1970. be required to sit out a semester to wait for of the two areas. the course to come again, since the student "Agriculture is not just farming," he said. Motions Passed would not be able to proceed to the next "It is Canada's largest industry with respect Board of Undergraduate Studies: semester. to gross national product and employment. Course 40-450, Problems in Genetics,will An amendment to the report was propos- It is not second class," he stressed. be offered in Winter 1970 and included in ed to the effect that the 40 per cent regula- Professor C. M. Switzer, Chairman of the tion be eliminated. The amendment was nar- Department of Botany, suggested a new struc- the 1970-71 calendar. Changes in the B.Sc.(Agr.) course program rowly defeated on a 35 to 34 vote and the ture — a college of agriculture and biological report was passed. sciences with each area headed by an associ- with respect to core and elective courses The Committee for Graduation Ceremon- ate dean — because of the closeness of the were accepted. ials reported that it had received a brief from work carried out by the three biology de- Course 92-310, Comparative Vertebrate the Canadian Veterinary Students Associa- partments and agriculture. He said that the Development and Growth, in the B.Sc. tion recommending changes in the diplomas removal of the three major biology depart- program, will be transferred from Semes- issued by the University. The brief stated ments would seriously weaken the agriculture ter 5 to Semester 6 and will be replaced that the present diploma is too small and program at Guelph. Professor Switzer suggest- with an elective course in Semester 5. does not inspire confidence in clients of prac- ed that the present O.A.C. organization be left A new course schedule for Fisheries and tising veterinarians. The report also stated as it is at the present time, but that a new Wildlife Biology Major B.Sc. (Agr.). that the University seal is not prominent committee be appointed to investigate on the present diploma. The veterinary stu- present and future agricultural organization dents proposed a diploma with larger letter- at Guelph. THE GERMAN SOCIETY ing, a more prominent seal and a horizontal "The Department of Nutrition is most def- style. presents initely a favour of retaining agriculture and During the discussion that followed, Pro- the full-length film (in German) biological sciences in one college under a fessor J. R. Stevens, who was on the commit- of 's Novel: new name such as college of agriculture and tee that designed the original diploma, said biological science," said Professor S. J. DIE that the committee had sought to create a Slinger, chairman of the department. distinctive Guelph diploma with type of a Featuring: Liselotte Pulver, , He said that, besides duplications, there more elegant nature, rather than the tradit- HansJorg Felmy, Hanns Lothar and would be small universities built up unto ional bold type of lettering. He added that the Robert Graf. themselves, by this proposed organization, diploma and folder is indended to be one Directed by: and this is not desirable. He pointed out entity — the diploma should not be taken Date: Thursday, January 8th that O.D.A.F. funds may not be available out of the folder. Time: 7:00 p.m. without an agricultural designation. The new diploma designs of a more tradit- Place: Music Room, 107, "The loss of more departments from ional nature were presented to the Senate. Arts building. O.A.C. would mean that O.A.C. would be- However, Senate members were not impres- come a shadow." he said. Please note the earlier starting time because sed. Professor K. E. Chamberlain, of the of the length of this film Fine Art Department said that the present Professor H. W. Caldwell, Extension diploma is distinctive,"The other one is just Education, suggested the establishment of Everybody Welcome! a sign," he said. "It does not project the a school of marine biology and that the de- character of the Guelph campus." partments of Botany, Microbiology and 3 Report from Board of Governors Marriage series I December 19,1969 meeting vice as required in research and teaching pro- APPOINTMENTS grams. The office which will be headed by a Marriage is the title of a series of lectures Director responsible to the Vice-President planned for the winter semester. To be held FAMILY STUDIES (Academic) will not provide "press" photo- on Thursday evenings the lectures will be David L Yeung, Assistant Professor graphic service. held in the 8th floor lounge of the Arts build- CLINICAL STUDIES ing. Claude L. Gendreau, Assistant Professor Everyone is welcomed, married or single. Late Registration Fee for Graduate Students For further information call Ext. 2272. The Effective January 1,1970, a late registra- MOTIONS ADOPTED program foMeeting" (Communication tion fee for graduate students will be esta- Membership Committee blished in the amount of $10.00 for the Thursday, January 15 Lawrence M. Kerr, Chatham, be reappoint- first day after the last announced day of ed to the Board of Governors for a third registration, and $2.00 for each subsequent Dr. S. Litch "Life is Meeting"(Communi- term, ending June 30,1972. day, Monday to Friday inclusive. cation in Marriage). Gordon B. Milling, Toronto, be appoint- Thursday, January 29 ed to the Board of Governors for the period Health Service Fee Dean F. Turner (Waterloo University) and ending June 30,1972. A health service fee of $6.00 per student Mr. F. Promoli (Childrens Aid) "Trial Paul Christopher Matthews, Well '68, per semester will be established, effective Marriage." Toronto, be appointed to the Board of in the spring semester, incorporating the ex- Governors for the period ending June 30, isting accident insurance fee of $3.00/stud- Thursday, February 12 1972. ent/semester and a medical service fee of Miss M. A. Harris, Dr. E. G. Brailsford and $3.00/student/semester. The health services R. McMurray "Control" (The Responsib- LABORATORY ANIMAL FACILITIES fee will be listed in both the undergraduate ility and Effects of Birth Control). BRIEF and graduate calendars under "Other Uni- versity Fees." Thursday, February 26 The brief on laboratory animal facilities Don Amichand, John Kauffman and Ralph at OVC was accepted and a building commit- Spence. "Mixed" (1 nter-racial, Teen-age tee will be established when approval in prin- Fees for Part Time Graduate Students and Mixed Marriage). ciple is obtained from the Department of Effective January 1,1970, fees for part- University Affairs. The brief outlined three time graduate students be established in the Thursday, March 12 situations which will have to be developed, amount of: $60.00 per three-credit course; Mrs. Jean Lillie "Bed and Bread" (The (a) the construction of the new field station $60.00 for research privileges. Working Wife). at Puslinch, to receive farm animals now housed in various buildings on campus (b) additions and modifications to the main OVC buildings (c) construction of more appro- priate accommodation on campus for ani- mals requiring repeated observations and measurement. The cost of all these renova- tions is expected to be $5Y2 million. The required funds for these renovations will be outside the major capital allotments to the University.

Audio Visual Services

— That an Office of Audio Visual Services be established and the position of Director of Audio Visual Services be established, ef- fective January I, 1970." The office will pro- vide service to the academic units and pro- grams: maintain and coordinate use of all teaching aids and equipment, such as pro- jectors and closed circuit TV; review and prepare long-range plans for development and use of audio-visual in teaching programs; assist faculty in making full and effective use of teaching aids; provide photographic ser-

: The News Bulletin is published by the De- : partment of Information and edited by * Mrs, Betty Keeling. Copy for the next edi- Professor David J. Piggins, Psychology, representing the Zoology and Psychology Departments, tion must reach the editor, Room 361, recently gave a paper entitled "The refraction of the Harp Seal," at the annual conference of * McLaughlin Library not later than noon the American Academy of Optometry held in Philadelphia. The photograph (courtesy of Monday, January 5,1969. Ken Jinde) shows Eric Lilius and Professor Piggins carrying out a refraction on one of the harp seals. 4

NEXT WEEK AT GUELPH POOL SCHEDULE NOTICE Winter 1970 SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 Following are the days and periods that Service R. C. FOLK MASS, Newman Centre, 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. the University of Guelph swimming pool MONDAY, JANUARY 5 is available for recreational swimming. The schedule becomes effective on January 5. Meeting O.A.C. FARM WEEK '70, for consumers, agricultural industry, farmers, Extension workers. Monday II a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. Continues through to Wednesday. 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 Recreational Swim Students REGISTRATION 8:00 - 10:30 p.m. Recreational Swim Tuesday TUESDAY, JANUARY 6 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 Recreational Swim Award THE FIRST H. R. MACMILLAN LAUREATE will be presented to J. Milton Bell at 3:15 p.m. 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Recreational Swim in the Physical Sciences building, Room 305. Wednesday Conference AIR BLAST SPRAYER OPERATORS'CONFERENCE, sponsored by ODAF and Ontario 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 Recreational Swim Dept. of Health, Room 130, Biology. Contact: Dr.F. L. McEwan, Zoology. 8:30 - 10:30 p.m. Recreational Swim Students REGISTRATION Thursday 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 Recreational Swim WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Recreational Swim Friday Conference CANNERS' F IELDM EN'S CONFERENCE, sponsored by the Ontario Food Processors' 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 Recreational Swim Association. War Memorial Hall. Contact: Dr. I. Nonnecke, Horticulture. Students REGISTRATION 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Recreational Swim Saturday THURSDAY, JANUARY 8 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 Learn to Swim Classes Film DIE I UDDENBROOKS, a full length film in German of Thomas Mann's novel presented by 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Special Event or the German Society. Music Room 107, Arts building. 7 p.m. Recreational Swim Classes COMMENCE Sunday 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Recreational Swim SUNDAY, JANUARY II 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Children of Students, Faculty and Staff, Service R. C. FOLK MASS. 10:30 a.m. War Memorial Lounge. 7 p.m. 9th floor lounge, Arts building. when accompanied in the pool, by at MONDAY, JANUARY 12 least one of their Lecture ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY LECTURE SERIES, for anyone with an interest in environ- parents. Series mental quality. Monday nights through to March 16. Co-ordinated by Dr. D. E. Elrick, Soil The Saturday Recreational Swim Period Science, and Mrs. V. L. Gray, Continuing Education. will be cancelled on days of competitive meets etc. TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 Water Safety Rules must be practised by all persons using pool facilities. Meeting UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH SENATE. 8 p.m. Room 113, Physical Sciences building. During the Recreational Swim period on Sunday when children are allowed in the pool they must be accompanied in the pool Man and the quality of his environment by at least one of their parents.

A series of nine discussions entitled, recreational parks are threatened by man's SUNDAY SERVICES Man and the Quality of his Environment wastes. (ANGLICAN — UNITED) will be held Monday evenings beginning In this series of special lectures, speakers January 12. from the University will present the latest A program of films and talks will accom- The sessions will be held in Room 105, facts in certain problem areas and discuss pany the weekly Holy Eucharist held Sun- Physical Sciences building from 7:30 to the role of man in pollution abatement and day mornings at 10:30 a.m. in Room 138, 9:00 p.m. each Monday until March 9. control. Arts building. Considerable attention has recently been Dr. W. C. Winegard will open the series The program follows: devoted to the subjects of pollution and on the topic Environment Quality — the January II Wine and Cheese Party environmental quality. A sense of crisis is Problems, when he discusses our resources, January 18 Film: "The Universe" felt in the daily comments found in the their protection and use. January 25 Talk: Christain Beginnings public press. It is heightened in the public Speaking during the following evenings February I Dr. H. Dale: The Fate of the mind because it comes at a time when man- on the problem areas will be: Dr. M. H. World's Energy Systems kind is facing the truth that the "good Miller, Soil Science; Dr. J. B. Robinson, February 8 Film: "Red Kite" life", at least as it is defined in western in- Microbiology; Dr. H. R. MacCrimmon, February 15 Construction of the Scriptures dustrials terms, is not obtained without a Zoology; Dr. C. M. Switzer, Botany; Dr. F. February 22 The Underground Church marked modification of man's physical and A. Dahms, Geography; Prof. R. S. Rodd, March I Film: "Roadsigns on a Merry- social environment. Agricultural Economics; Dr. C. T. M. Had- Go-Round Canadians are enjoying an extremely high wen, Sociology and Anthropology; and Pro- March 8 What Do I Mean ; "To Follow standard of living, yet in the midst of this fessor N. Pearson, Centre for Resources Christ?" affluence it is possible that our future is Development. March 15 Talk: Provost Paul Gilmor doomed. Clean, unpolluted water is rare, The series is provided for the public March 22 Film: "The Parable" our air is often overloaded with irritating without charge as part of the continuing ed- March 29 Easter chemicals and even the vast expanses of our ucation program of the OAC.