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abbesses versus prioresses, Woodford on, 173 Copeman, Albert, and, 61 Act of Supremacy (1534) death of (1537), 4 , 14 confl ict within individual houses following, as last anchorite in London, 14 5–6 Rheno-fl emish devotional tradition, infl uence exile community in Europe and, 107 of, 26 , 136 Fortescue, Sir Adrian, and, 83 St. Augustine Pappey, London, association Greyfriars Chronicle on, 7 with fraternity for aged priests at, 25 , 34 , 148 passage of, 1 Syon, possible connection with, 23 , 27 , 28 Acton, Joyce, 93 , 163 will of (1537), 4 , 34–35 , 52 , 148–49 Acton, Sir Robert, 93 , 163 see also Fruyte of Redempcyon Adriaensens, Adriaan, 120 Arnold’s Chronicle , 4 0 Aides, Th omas, 58 Arrows of Divine Love (Pharetra divini amoris ; alabaster carvings, 17 Lanspergius, 1536), 135 Albert the Great, 124 , 136 Arundel, Th omas (), Aldrich, Robert (provost of Eton), 48 3 , 28 All Hallows London Wall anchorites, 14 , Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus M. 15–24 , 144–46 , see also Appulby, Simon Lutherum (Henry VIII, 1521), 133 anchorites and anchorholds Audeley, Sir Th omas, 34 at All Hallows London Wall, 14 , 15–24 , 144–46 Augustinian Rule, Whitford’s translation and as city institution, 15 commentary on (1518/25), 130 , 131 , 137 , community function of, 36 141 , 143 disappearance of, 36 Augustinians as repositories for valuables, 21 Holy Trinity priory, Aldgate, London, 16 , 25 , secular patronage, former anchorholds 33 , 34 used for, 14 , 35 , 146 Woodford, Elizabeth (canoness at St. Ursula’s see also Appulby, Simon Louvain), 109 , 119 , 169–74 Ancrene Riwle , 21 Augustinus (Cornelius Jansenius, 1640), 120 Andrewe, Walter, 21 Anne, Duchess of Buckingham, 22 backbiting (detraction), Whitford’s sermon on anonymous publication, Whitford’s anxiety (1541), 131 , 137–39 , 175–78 about, 132 Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 82 Anstruther, Godfrey, 115 Badgecroft, Agnes, 76 Antidotarius Animae (Nicholas Weydenbosch or Baker, Augustine, 12 , 112 Salicetus), 26–27 Baker, John, 7 , 44 , 45 , 53–58 , 62 , 63 Appulby, Simon, 3–5 , 14–37 Bale, John, 29 , 76–77 , 114 All Hallows London Wall anchorhold and Barlow, William, 29 predecessors, 14 , 15–24 , 144–46 Barratt, Alexandra, 124 , 136 as anchorite, 32 Barron, Caroline, 57 background and biographical information, Barton, Elizabeth (Nun of Kent), 133 , 134 , 173 24–26 Baskerville, Geoff rey, 90 chronology of documentation on, 146 Basset, Fulk (Bishop of London) and Philip, 113


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Bathe, Edmund, 73 Camden, William, 7 , 64 Bedewell, Margaret, 20 Campion, Edmund, 60 Bedewell, Nicholas, 17 Canisius, Peter, 11 , 109 , 110 Benedictine order, Blosius’s Statutes of Reform Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 1 , 13 , 25 for (1539/45), 143 Cappes, Th omas, 44 Benedictine rule, Fox’s translation of (1517), 130 Caraman, P. G., 130 Berthelet, Th omas, 137 Cardmaker, John, 42 , 44 , 45 Best, Robert, 45 Beutler, Magdalena, 124, 136 execution of, 7 , 41 , 134 Bindoff , S. T., 85 of London, 126 , 136 Birgitta of Sweden, 27 St. Barbara, Carthusian house of, , 11 , Blackfriars London, restoration of, 115 12 , 110 , 124 , 127–28 , 136 , 143 Blomevenna, Peter, 111 , 136 at Sheen, 124 , 126 , 136 Blosius, Ludovicus, 142–43 Caterick, William, 44 , 47–49 , 62 Blount, Charles, fi fth Baron Mountjoy, 131 Cato, 134 Bodley, Richard, 23 Cavendish, William, 99 Bodley, William (son of Richard), 24 Cawood, John, 54 A Boke Made by a Certain Great Clerke agaynst Cecil, Robert, 56 the Newe Idole and Olde Deuyll (Luther, Certain Psalms in Number 21 with 102 Proverbs 1534), 132 (Lady Fane, 1550), 82 Boke of Pacience (Whitford, 1514/41), 130 , 133–35 Chambers, D. S., 46 , 105 Bokenham, Osbern, 129 Champneys, John, 33 Boleyn marriage, assent to, 79 chantries and chantry priests, 50 , 58 , 113 Bonde, William, 28 , 47 , 111 , 124 Chapman, Th omas (warden of London Bonner, Edmund (Bishop of London), 31 , 42 , Greyfriars) 54 , 58 , 113 , 114 compared to Cromwell’s female religious Bowerman, Richard (Abbot of St. Albans), 105 correspondents, 8 , 63 , 66 , 67 , 70 Bowers, John, 85 on conventual Franciscans’ eagerness for Bowker, Margaret, 50 change, 43 Bradford, John, 9 , 81 after dissolution, 63 Branston, John, 121 Greyfriars Chronicle , as possible author of, 44 Bray, Lord John, 116 letters to Cromwell and Richard Neville, Brethren of the Common Life, 108 , 111 45–47 Brigden, Susan, 3 , 48 , 114 reforming views of, 49 Brigittines Wattes, William, and, 51 Maria Troon, Termonde, 121–23 Chaucer, Geoff rey, 1 , 13 , 25 Vadstena, 138 Chedsey, William, 54 see also Syon Abbey Chekyng, John, 95 Brown, Nancy Pollard, 61 child boarders at female religious houses, 94–95 , Browning, Bridget, 80 , 155 97 , 171 Buckingham, Anne, Duchess of, 22 Christopherson, John, 54 Bulkeley, Arthur (Bishop of Bangor and nephew Christ’s Hospital, London, 53 , 115 of Katherine), 67 , 72 Chronicle of St. Ursula’s Louvain, 169–74 Bulkeley, Katherine (last abbess of Godstow), Chronicon (Polanco), 120 8–9 , 67–72 , 79 , 86–87 , 150–51 , Clark, Peter, 101 see also female religious and Th omas Clay, Rotha Mary, 21 , 33 Cromwell A Clear Instance of What Constitutes True Bulkeley, Sir Richard (brother of Katherine), Evangelical Religion (Lanspergius, 1528), 67 , 87 126 , 128 Bulkeley, Th omas (nephew of Katherine), 72 Clement, Dorothy, 11 , 108 , 109 , 111 , 117–20 , Burnham Abbey, 170 123 , 173 Burre, Margaret, 16–20 , 144 Clement, John (father of Dorothy), 11 , 117 , 118 , Buschius, Petrus, 135 171 Clement, Margaret (Prioress of St. Ursula’s Calendar of Papal Letters , 20 Louvain, and sister of Dorothy), 109 , calendar of saints’ days, changes to, 42 , 76 117–18 , 119–20 , 123 , 169 , 171–73

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Clement, Margaret Giggs (mother of Dorothy), Cunich, Peter, 6 , 121 , 140 11 , 117 , 118 Cyprian of Carthage, 12 , 133 , 134 Clement, Th omas (brother of Dorothy), 118 Clement, Ursula (sister of Dorothy), 171 da Costa, Alexandra, 124 Clement, Winifred (later Rastell; sister of Dancy, Anne, 122 Dorothy), 118 Dartford, Dominican priory of, 9 , 11 , 79–87 Clitheroe, Margaret, 12 , 112 David of Augsberg, 123 Cocks, John, 105 A Dayly Exercyse and Experyence of Dethe Coldicott, Diana, 74 , 75 (Whitford, 1511/34), 130 , 131 , 132 , 133 Cole, Henry, 170 De bono patientiae (Cyprian), 133 , 134 Collys, Alice, 170 de la Mare, Albinia, 41 Cologne Carthusians, 11 , 12 , 110 , 124 , 127–28 , De vita canonicorum (Denys Rykiel [Dionysius 136 , 143 Carthusiensis], 1510, 1514, 1532), 127–28 Colte, Anne (Abbess of Wherwell), 72 death, Whitford’s treatise on (1511/34), 130 , 131 , Compendium Historiae in Genealogia Christi 132 , 133 (Peter of Poitiers), 40 Defense of the Royal Assertion (Fisher, 1525), 128 compilations, 141 Defense of the Sacred Priesthood (Fisher, 1525), Confutation of Luther’s Assertion (Fisher, 1523), 128 128 Denys the Carthusian or Dionysius continuity of religious-based community life Carthusiensis [Denys Rykiel], 127–28 after dissolution detraction, Whitford’s sermon on (1541), 131 , in exile, see exile and spirituality 137–39 , 175–78 of female religious, 8 , 74–78 , 80 , 87 Devotio Moderna, 11 , 111 , 113 , 123–24 , 171 of Syon community in England, 131–32 A Dialogue on the Monastic State (Lanspergius, continuity of spiritual life through political and 1528), 126 , 128 religious turmoil, 36 , 141–42 Dickens, A. G., 6 , 112 Conway, William, 57 Dionysius Carthusiensis or Denys the Cooke, Anne, 9 , 82 Carthusian [Denys Rykiel], 127–28 Cooke, John, 72 , 155 Directorium aureum contemplativorum (Herp, Copeman, Albert, 7 , 44 , 45 , 58–62 , 63 , 65 1538), 111–12 , 124 Copland, John, 162 dissolution of monasteries in England, Cotton, Robert, 7 , 64 see English religious and religious life Counsels of pseudo-Isidore, Whitford’s Dolinge, Joan, 73 translation of (1541), 131 , 136–37 , 139 Dominican house in London, restoration of, 115 Coverdale, Miles, 32 Dormer, Sir Robert, 166 Covert, Margery, 122 Dowes, Henry, 95 Cranmer, Alice (Prioress of Sheppey and sister Dry suyberlijcke Tractaetkens (Adriaensens, 1557), of Th omas), 90 120 Cranmer, Th omas (Archbishop of Canterbury), Drynkmylke, John, 34 , 52 , 149 31 , 44 , 45 , 47 , 90 , 104 Dugdale [Dugdall], John (father of William), 7 , Cressener, Elizabeth (Prioress of Dartford), 79 , 60 , 63 , 64 155 Dugdale, William, 7 , 60 , 64 , 104 Cromwell, Gregory (son of Th omas), 10 , 79 , 92 , Dunne, Gabriel (last abbot of Buckfast, 94–95 , 101 , 150 , 160–61 Devon), 49 Cromwell, Richard (nephew of Th omas), 100 Duns Scotus, 4 , 28 Cromwell, Th omas Durant, C. S., 120 banking services of, 95–96 Dyaloge Descrybyng the Orygynall Ground of Chapman, Th omas (warden of London Th ese Lutheran Faccyons (Barlow), 29 Greyfriars), and, 45–46 , 66 Dyuers Holy Instrucyons and Teachynges Very female religious and, see female religious and Necessary for the Helth of Mannes Soule Th omas Cromwell ; Vernon, Margaret (Whitford, 1541), 129 , 131–42 letters of religious to, 5 , 66–67 network of contacts, 66–67 Eck, John, 29 work of Denys the Carthusian dedicated to, Eden, John, 55 128 Edward VI (king of England) Crowley, Robert, 9 , 67 , 82–85 , 86 , 114 English exile community in Europe and, 107

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Edward VI (cont.) Flemish mysticism and spirituality, infl uence Greyfriars Chronicle on, 42 of, 11 , 108 , 109–10 , 123–24 , 136 required use of fi rst prayer book of, 118 Ignatian spiritual exercises and Jesuit Edwards, Richard, 49 spirituality infl uencing, 11 , 108 , 109–10 , 120 Eire, Carlos, 110 , 134 , 143 Louvain diaspora, 108–09 Elizabeth I (queen of England) Palmer, Katherine (Abbess of Syon in exile), English exile community in Europe and, 11 , 108 , 109 , 111 , 112 , 119 , 121–23 , 125 107 Spirituall Exercyses (Peryn, 1555/57), 11–12 , in A Pensiue Mans Practise (Norden, 1584), 56 108–13 , 116 , 124 , 125 , 136 Ellesmere manuscript of Canterbury Tales , 25 Syon monks and nuns at Brigittine house of Elton, G. R., 5 , 30 , 96 Maria Troon, Termonde, 121–23 Elton, Guy, 45 Syon’s familiarity with continental spirituality, Elyngham, John de, 14 110 , 111 , 123–24 , 136 Elyot, Sir Th omas, 134 Woodford, Elizabeth (Augustinian canoness Emden, A. B., 28 , 47 , 48 , 50 , 116 at St. Ursula’s Louvain), 109 , 119 , 169–74 Emlyn, John, 20 see also Peryn, William Enchiridion (Erasmus), 3 An Expostulation or Complaynte Agaynste Enchiridion locorum communium adversus the Blasphemyes of a Franticke Papist of Lutheranus (Eck), 29 Hamshire (Bale, 1551/52), 76 Enchiridion vitae spiritualis ad perfectionem Eyers, Joan, 75 instituens quo novem impedimenta quae in via dei progredi cupientibus occurrent (1530), Faber [Fevre], Peter, 109 135 Fane, Elizabeth, Lady (sister-in-law of Joan), 9 , enclosure, practice of, 173 81–83 , 85 English, commission on publication of Scripture Fane, Joan (last prioress of Dartford), 8–9 , 67 , in, 30–32 79–87 , 155–56 , see also female religious and English religious and religious life (1530–58), Th omas Cromwell 1–13 Fane, Sir Ralph (brother of Joan), 9 , 81 , 85 , 87 Appulby, Simon, 3–5 , 14–37 , see also Appulby, Fawne, John, 154 Simon female religious bibliographical approach to, 2–3 Bulkeley, Katherine (last abbess of Godstow), confl ict within individual houses following 8–9 , 67–72 , 79 , 86–87 , 150–51 Act of Supremacy, 5–6 child boarders, 97 Cromwell and, see Cromwell, Th omas comparison of Bulkeley, Fane, and Kingsmill exile and spirituality of, 11–12 , 107–25 , to Th omas Chapman (warden of London see also exile and spirituality Greyfriars), 8 , 63 , 66 , 67 , 70 female religious and Cromwell, 8–9 , 66–87 , comparison of Bulkeley, Fane, and Kingsmill see also female religious and Th omas to Vernon, 80 , 90 , 93 , 103 Cromwell ; specifi c female religious by name continuity of religious-based community life Franciscans in London, 8 , 38–65 , after dissolution, 8 , 74–78 , 80 , 87 see also Franciscan community in external appointment of religious superiors, London growing trend toward, 90 Vernon, Margaret, 9–11 , 88–106 , family connections of, 66 , 87 , 90 , 93 see also Vernon, Margaret Fane, Joan (last prioress of Dartford), 8–9 , 67 , Whitford, Richard, 12–13 , 126–43 , 79–87 , 155–56 see also Whitford, Richard full text of Bulkeley, Kingsmill, and Fane Erasmus, Desiderius, 3 , 28 , 134 letters, 150–51 Ess, Nicholas van, 11 , 109–10 , 112 , 125 Kingsmill, Morpheta (last prioress of Everard, Johane, 75 Wherwell), 8–9 , 67 , 72–74 , 75 , 77–78 , 78 , Exercitia theologiae mysticae (van Ess, 1548), 86–87 , 154–55 109–10 , 125 marriage of former nuns, 75 exile and spirituality, 11–12 , 107–25 in network of Cromwell’s contacts, 66–67 Clement, Dorothy (Poor Clare in Louvain), payments for appointment as religious 11 , 108 , 109 , 111 , 117–20 , 123 , 173 superior, 90 , 91 English Catholic exile community in Europe, pensions granted to former nuns, 86 , 103–05 107–25 religious sympathies of, 67 , 70–72 , 75 , 80 , 87

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Shelley, Elizabeth (last abbess of St. Mary’s Germyn, Helen (Prioress of St. Mary de Pr é ), Winchester [Nunnaminster]), 74–78 89 and Th omas Cromwell, 8–9 , 66–87 , Gibbs, Elizabeth (Abbess of Syon), 130 , 133 see also Vernon, Margaret Gibson, Margaret (Abbess of Burnham), 173 Fevre [Faber], Peter, 109 Giggs, Margaret (later Clement), 11 , 117 , 118 Fewterer, John, 124 , 134 Gilchrist, Roberta, 15 Fisher, John (salter), 58 Giles (anchorite at All Hallows London Wall), Fisher, John (scholastic and martyr) 23 , 145 Erasmus’s Enchiridion read by, 128 Goden, Amy (Prioress of Sopwell), 89 execution of, 7 , 41 , 134 Gold, Henry, 133 polemical works of, 128 , 129 Golden Litany , 124 , 136 Fisher, Philip, 58 Grafton, Richard, 31 , 55 Fitzjames, Richard (Bishop of London), 3 , 25 , Grantham, Master, 164 26 , 28–29 , 49 Greengrass, Mark, 107 Flemish mysticism, see Rheno-Flemish Grey, Lady Jane, 119 mysticism and spirituality Greyfriars Chronicle , 8 Fletcher, John Rory, 121 authorship, 38–39 , 62–65 Forest, John, execution of, 41 on closure of house, 41 Formula Noviciorum (David of Augsberg), 123 contents, 38–39 Fortescue, Sir Adrian, 83 genealogical table from Adam to Edward VI, Foster, Elizabeth, 73 39 , 40–41 Fox, Richard (), 130 leases in, 40 Foxe, John, 81 manuscript (London, BL MS Cotton Franciscan community in London, 8 , 38–65 Vitellius F.xii), 39–41 , 63–65 cloister, burial of former friars in, 53 “Register,” 38 , 39 conventual friars’ religious views, 43–44 , scripts and hands, 40 47–50 , 52 views of author of, 41–43 dispensations expected and paid out, 45–47 see also Franciscan community in London former friars remaining close to old Grocers’ Company, 24 neighborhood, 62 Grote, Geert, 123 Minoresses outside Aldgate, 16 , 23 Grynder (neighbor of Margaret Vernon), 96 , Observants, 5 , 43 159 restoration eff orts (1553), 45 , 115 Gwent, Richard (Dean of the Arches), 151 subsequent careers of conventual friars, 44–45 , 47–49 habits, religious, 6 , 45 , 70 , 76 , 97 warden’s religious views, 45–47 Hacker, Elizabeth (later Bathe), 73 wills of Baker and Copeman, 62 , Hales, Sir Christopher, 52 see also Greyfriars Chronicle Hall, Constance, 98 , 165 Franciscans outside London Harding, Th omas, 119 , 173 Clement, Dorothy, as Poor Clare in Louvain, 118 Hardy, Jane, 14 Dartford, Dominican priory of, 9 , 11 , 79–87 Hare, Robert, 61 , 63 Fruyte of Redempcyon (Appulby, 1514 and 1517), Hare, Sir Nicholas, 62 3–5 , 26–32 Hargat, Edmund, 112 Bonde’s recommendation of, 28 Hargrave, Richard, 115 continuity with later spirituality, 36 Harris, Oliver, 64 Fitzjames’s endorsement of, 3 , 26 , 28–29 Hasted, Edward, 104 genre and spiritual approach of, 14 Heale, Martin, 90 later editions of (1530, 1531, and 1532), 4 , 15 , Heaton, Annes, 59 29–32 Hennessy, George, 51 sources for, 26–28 Henry VIII (king of England) Frye, Joan, 75 assent to headship of Church by, 79 Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus M. Gardiner, Stephen (Bishop of Winchester), 55 , Lutherum (1521), 133 77 , 115 Fane, Sir Ralph, in will of, 81 Garet the tailor, 59 Greyfriars Chronicle on, 41 Gaynesford, Joan, 75 Whitford’s loyalty to, 12 , 132

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Henry VIII (cont.) Jesus Commons, 49 work of Denys the Carthusian dedicated to, John Chrysostom, 12 , 134 , 138–39 , 175 , 177 127 John Clymacus, 134 heresy, writings as response to Joliff e, Henry, 119 , 137 Fisher, polemical works of, 128 , 129 Jordan, Agnes (Abbess of Syon), 122 , 140 later editions of Appulby’s Fruyte , Joseph, John, 44 , 45 29–30 Jugge, Richard, 55 Whitford, Richard, 126–29 Herp, Hendrik, 11 , 110 , 111 , 113 , 124 , 136 Kenham, William, 58 Heys, Mistress, 116 Kingsford, C. L., 38 , 39 , 41 , 64 Heywood, John, 49 Kingsmill, John, 72 , 73 , 77–78 , 87 Hikkelyn, Th omas, 53 Kingsmill, Morpheta (last prioress of Wherwell), Hilsey, John (Bishop of Rochester), 79 , 81 , 97 8–9 , 67 , 72–74 , 75 , 77–78 , 78 , 86–87 , History of Kent (Hasted), 104 154–55 , see also female religious and Th omas Hodgkin, John (Dominican provincial), 79 Cromwell Hogg, James, 142 Kirchberger, Claire, 114 Holy Name of Jesus fraternity, St. Paul’s, Kirkham, Th omas, 44 , 45 London, 55 “Knight’s Tale” (Canterbury Tales , Chaucer), Holy Trinity priory (Augustinian), Aldgate, 1 , 13 London, 16 , 25 , 33 , 34 Knowles, David, 46 Homilies on the Statutes (John Chrysostom), Kyngeston, Susan, 134 138–39 Hopkins, Leonard, 59 laicization, 105 Horne, Robert (bishop), 85 Langland, William, Piers Plowman (1550 Horologium aeternae sapientiae (Suso), 123 Crowley edition), 9 , 67 , 83–86 Horstmann, C., 137 Lanspergius, Johannes Justus, 126 , 128 , 135 Houghton, John, 127 Larke, John, 91 , 161 Hout, Marie van [Marie d’Oisterwijk], 11 , 110 , Latimer, Hugh (Bishop of Worcester), 93 , 102 , 124 , 136 105 , 106 , 167 Hovy, George, 44 , 50 , 53 , 62 Lee, Edward (), 99 Howes, John, 54 , 115 Legh [Lee], Rowland, 154 Hugh of St. Victor, 130 Legh [Lee], Th omas, 166 humanism, 134 Leighley, Marcus, 58 Hunne, Richard, 29 Lewis, Flora, 26 Hunt, John, 95 Lewis [Lewys], John, 96 , 159 , 161 Th e Hurt of Hearing Mass (Bradford), 82 Lisle, Jane, Viscountess, 20 Hus, Jan, 128 Little, Anthony, 122 Little Marlow nunnery, closure of, 97–100 , Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises (1548) 165–66 Appulby’s Fruyte of Redempcyon and, 36 liturgy of saints’ days, changes to, 42 , 76 English religious spirituality in exile and, 11 , Loades, David, 116 108 , 109–10 , 120 loans and moneylending, 21–22 Lanspergius and, 135 Loher, Th eodoric (Dirk), 127 Imitation of Christ (Th omas à Kempis), 124 Lollardy, 3 , 29 Incent, John, 113 Lomley, William, 59 Inglefi eld [Ynglefi eld], William, 94 , 160 London, John, 69 , 152 , 153 Ingworth, Richard, 46 Longland, John (Bishop of Lincoln), 96 , 98 , Isidore of Seville, 12 , 136 164 , 170 A Looking Glace for the Religious (Whitford), Jack, Sibyl, 104 142–43 Jansenius, Cornelius, 120 Louvain diaspora community, 108–09 Jansonius, Dr. (spiritual director of Margaret Love, Nicholas, 3 , 15 , 28 , 29 Clement), 120 Lucar, Emmanuel, 57 Jesuit spirituality, see Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Lucas, William, 20–23 , 24 , 32 , 36 , 144 Exercises Lupset, Th omas, 137

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Luther, Martin, and , 12 , 29 , 126 , More, Christopher, 85 128 , 129 , 132 , 133 More, Th omas Lybert, Francis, 6 appointment of prioress of St. Helen’s Th e Lyfe of Prestes (De vita canonicorum ; Denys Bishopsgate and, 91 , 161 Rykiel [Dionysius Carthusiensis], 1533), 128 Clement family and, 11 , 107 , 117 Lynton, Robert, 23 , 145 execution of, 7 , 41 , 134 revival of laws against heresy and, 30 MacCulloch, Diarmaid, 76 , 107 More, William, 9 , 85–86 Machlinia, William, 137 Moreton [Martyn], Rose, 105 Machyn, Henry, 116 , 117 Morton, Joan, 75 McLaren, Mary-Rose, 40 Morton, John (Archbishop of Canterbury), 89 Malling nunnery, closure of, 101–04 , 167–68 Mounslow, Richard (last Benedictine abbot of Mannington, Margaret, 122 Winchcombe), 6 Margarita Evangelica (Th e Pearl of the ; Mountjoy, Charles Blount, fi fth Baron, 131 1535), 110 Mulder-Bakker, Anneke, 35 Marie d’Oisterwijk [Marie van Hout], 11 , 110 , Th e Myrrour of the Blessed Life of Jesus Chryst 124 , 136 (Love, 1410), 3 , 15 , 24 , 28 , 29 marriage Myrrour or Glasse of Christes Passion (Fewterer), Boleyn marriage, assent to, 79 124 of former nuns, 75 negotiations between Margaret Neville and Necollson, Dame Margaret, 28 Gregory Cromwell, 101 Neville, Margaret (daughter of Sir Th omas Marshall, George, 93 Neville), 101 Marshall, Peter, 1 , 141 Neville, Mary, 122 Marshall, William, 93 , 95 , 106 , 163 Neville, Richard, 45 , 46 , 47 , 101 , 102 Martiloge (Whitford, 1526), 132 Neville, Sir Th omas, 101 , 102 , 167 Martyn [Moreton], Rose, 105 Nichols, J. G., 63 Mary I (queen of England) Nix, Richard (Bishop of Norwich), 30 English exile community in Europe and, 107 Norden, John, 56 Greyfriars Chronicle on, 42 North, Edward, fi rst Baron, 25 Margarita Evangelica owned by, 110 North, Roger (father of Edward), 25 Peryn, William, and, 115 North, Roger, second Baron (son of Edward), 25 religious houses restored by, 115 North, Sir Th omas (son of Edward), 25 Massey, John, 122 , 139–41 Noster, Barnet [Barnard], 59 Mate, Joan, 73 Nun of Kent (Elizabeth Barton), 133 , 134 , 173 Mathew, John, 44 , 50 , 51 , 62 Nunnaminster [St. Mary Winchester], abbey of, Matthew’s Bible, 32 8 , 74–78 Mayr-Harting, Henry, 36 Meditationes de vita et benefi ciis Jesu Christi, siue oath of succession, 79 gratiarum actiones (1488), 26–27 Observant Franciscans in London, 5, 43 Memoirs of the Antiquities of Great Ochino, Bernardino, 82 Britain (1723), v Olrun, Emmota, 16 Merchant Taylors’ Company, 21 “On Detraction” (Whitford, ad populum Merriman, R. B., 89 sermon, 1541), 131 , 137–39 , 175–78 Messyndyne, Jane (Prioress of Legbourne), 5 On the Abrogation of the Private Mass (Luther, A Mirror for the Multitude (Norden, 1586), 56 1522), 126 Mirror of Perfection (Een Spieghel der One and Th irty Epigrammes (Crowley, 1550), Volcomenheit ; Herp), 11 , 111 , 136 114 monastic and religious life, affi rmations of, Orell, Mary, Lady (widow of Sir Lewis Orell), 126–28 , 142–43 93 , 163 monasticism in Reformation England, Oss, Marie van (Abbess of Maria Troon, see English religious and religious life Termonde), 122 moneylending and loans, 21–22 Owen, George, 70 , 154 Monmouth, Humphrey, 2 Moorman, John R. H., 118 Palmer, C. F. R., 79

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Palmer, Katherine (Abbess of Syon in exile), 11 , Poor Clare, Dorothy Clement as, 118 108 , 109 , 111 , 112 , 119 , 121–23 , 125 Powell, Th omas, 72 Palsgrave, John, 95 Power, Eileen, 69 , 97 Parker, Th omas (second husband of Lady Orell), Prestius, Th omas, 123 91 , 93 , 163 prioresses versus abbesses, Woodford on, 173 Parkyn, Robert, 112 Prudentius, Psychomachia , 134 Parsons, Robert, 121 , 122 , 123 pseudo-Isidorian Counsels , Whitford’s Parys, Philip, 155 translation of (1541), 131 , 136–37 , 139 patience, Whitford’s treatise on (1514/41), 130 , Psychomachia (Prudentius), 134 133–35 Pykard, Dame Katherine, 97 , 98 , 165 patristics, interest in, 12 , 134 Pylgrimage of Perfection (Bonde, 1526), 28 , Paulet, Lord Chidiock (brother of Giles), 7 , 60 , 47 , 111 61 , 62 Pynson, Richard, 30 Paulet, Lord Giles, 60–61 , 62 Pype of Perfection (Whitford, 1532), 126 , 128 , 129 , Paulet, John, second marquis of Winchester 130–31 , 135 , 143 (brother of Giles), 60 , 61 , 62 Pytt, Richard, 49 Paulet, William (son of Giles), 60 Paulet, William, fi rst marquis of Winchester Ramridge, John, 111 (father of Giles), 60 , 61 Rastell, William and Winifred Clement, 118 Pekeryng, Mistress, 73 Reddan, Minnie, 89 Penke, Joan, 73 Rede, Elizabeth (Abbess of Malling), 100 , 102 A Pensiue Mans Practise (Norden, 1584), 56 Reed, A. W., 118 , 169 Pepwell, Henry, 29 reforming program, writings as part of Peryn, William ( of reconstituted later editions of Appulby’s Fruyte and Blackfriars under Mary), 11–12 commission on publication of scripture in background and biographical information, English, 30–32 113–17 Whitford, Richard, 126–29 death and burial of, 116 Reges, reginae, nobilis et alii in ecclesia collegiate London Dominican house, restoration of, 115 B. Petri Westmonasterii sepulti (Camden), London Greyfriars, eff orts to restore, 45 64 Spirituall Exercyses (1555/57), 11–12 , 108–13 , religious and monastic life, affi rmations of, 116 , 124 , 125 , 136 126–28 , 142–43 Th re Godlye and Notable Sermons, of the religious men and women in Reformation Sacrament of Th aulter (Peryn, 1546), 113 England, see English religious and religious Pestell, Lewis, 44 , 50 , 51 , 62 life Peter of Poitiers, 40 Restwold, Elizabeth, 99 Peto, William, 45 , 115 Reynolds, Richard, 134 Petre, Sir William, 79 Rheno-Flemish mysticism and spirituality Pharetra divini amoris (Arrows of Divine Love ; Appulby infl uenced by, 26 , 136 Lanspergius, 1536), 135 Brethren of the Common Life, 108 , 111 Philpot, John, 9 , 82 Devotio Moderna, 11 , 111 , 113 , 123–24 , 171 Piers Plowman (Langland; 1550 Crowley English religious spirituality in exile and, 11 , edition), 9 , 67 , 83–86 108 , 109–10 , 123–24 , 136 Pilgrimage of Grace (Northern Rebellion, St. Barbara, Carthusian house of, Cologne, 11 , 1536/37), 42 , 151 12 , 110 , 124 , 127–28 , 136 , 143 Pinder, Ulrich, 124 Syon’s familiarity with, 110 , 111 , 123–24 , 136 “Pleasure and Pain” (Crowley, 1551), 9 , 82 Rhodes, J. T., 134 Plutarch’s Lives , 25 Rich, Hugh, 133 , 173 Polanco, Juan de, 120 Rich, Sir Richard, 115 Pole, David, 72 Richardson, John, 7 , 44 , 45 , 49–50 , 62 Pole, John, 58 Ridford, Joan, 75 Pole, Margaret, Countess of Salisbury, 97 , 164 Ridley, Nicholas, 9 , 81 Pole, Reginald, Cardinal, 81 , 115 , 122 Robertson, Mary, 66 Pollard, A. F., 116 Rollesley, Mary (Prioress of St. Helen’s Ponet, John, 76 Bishopsgate), 91 , 92 , 94

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Index 201

Roper, William, 130 Smith, David M., 10 , 88 , 90 Rose, Th omas, 9 , 81 Smith, Sir Th omas, 48 Rule of Saynt Augustyne (Whitford, 1518/25), 130 , Smith, Sir William, 50 131 , 137 , 141 , 143 Smyth, Dame Margaret, 24 Ruysbroeck, Jan van, 11 , 110 , 111 , 113 , 124 , 136 Solon, 134 Ryckes, John, 3 Somer, Th omas, 95 , 106 , 160 , 162 Rykiel, Denys [Dionysius Carthusiensis or Somerset, Edward Seymour, fi rst duke of, 42 , Denys the Carthusian], 127–28 81 , 86 Ryley, Edward, 44 , 45 Sopwell nunnery, 89 Ryrie, Alec, 55 Southwell, Richard, 95 Southwell, Robert, 61 Sadler, Helen (wife of Ralph), 162 Speculum aureum decem praeceptorum Dei (Herp, Sadler, Nicholas, 95 , 162 1496), 111 , 124 Sadler, Ralph, 97 , 106 , 162 , 164 Speculum Christiani (Machlinia, c .1486), 137 saints’ days, changes to calendar of, 42 , 76 Speculum Monachorum (Blosius, 1538), 142–43 St. Augustine Pappey, London, fraternity for Een Spieghel der Volcomenheit (Mirror of aged priests at, 16 , 25 , 34 , 148 Perfection ; Herp), 11 , 111 , 136 St. Barbara, Carthusian house of, Cologne, 11 , spiritual continuity through political and 12 , 110 , 124 , 127–28 , 136 , 143 religious turmoil, 36 , 141–42 St. Bartholomew the Less parish, London, 53 , 56 Spiritual Exercises (Ignatius Loyola, 1548), St. Botolph Bishopsgate parish, London, 61 see Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises St. Helen’s Bishopsgate, priory of, 10 , 89–94 spirituality in exile, see exile and spirituality St. Katherine Cree parish, London, 34 Spirituall Exercyses (Peryn, 1555/57), 11–12 , St. Mary de Pr é nunnery, 89 108–13 , 116 , 124 , 125 , 136 St. Mary Winchester [Nunnaminster], abbey of, Spital precinct, London, 61 , 63 8 , 74–78 Stampe, Isabel/Elizabeth (Prioress of St. Helen’s St. Paul’s, London, 49 , 55 , 113 Bishopsgate), 92 St. Peter ad Vincula, feast of, at Syon Abbey, Standish, John, 114 134 , 138 Stathum, Master and Mistress, St. Sepulchre parish, London, 57 102 , 167 St. Ursula’s Chronicle , 169–74 Stokesley, John (Bishop of London), 4 , 29–30 , St. Ursula’s, Louvain, 117–20 , 169–74 31–32 Salicetus (Nicholas Weydenbosch; Cistercian Storey, John, 54 abbot of Baumgarten, Alsace), 26–27 Stow, John, 7 , 49 , 57 , 61 , 63 , 64 Sampson, Sir Th omas, 116 Strype, John, 82 Saunders, Laurence, 81 Stuarde, Edmund (chancellor of Bishop of Scale of Perfection (1494), 119 Winchester), 76 , 155 scripture in English, commission on publication Surius, Lawrence, 110 , 125 of, 30–32 Surman, John, 17 Selden, John, 64 Survey of London (Stow), 64 Seneca, 134 Suso, Heinrich, 11 , 123 Seymour, Edward, fi rst duke of Somerset, 42 , swordbearer of London (Robert Smart), 35 , 146 81 , 86 Syon Abbey Shagan, Ethan, 1 Appulby’s possible connection with, 23 , 27 , 28 Sheen (Carthusian monastery), 124 , 126 , 136 confl ict at, in 1534, 6 Shelley, Elizabeth (last abbess of St. Mary’s continental spiritual texts, familiarity with, Winchester [Nunnaminster]), 74–78 110 , 111 , 123–24 , 136 Shepey, John (Abbot of Faversham, Kent), 5 continuity of community-based religious life Shirley, Elizabeth, 117 , 169 , 172 after dissolution, 80 , 131–32 Sisson, C. J., 51 dissolution of, 12 , 129 , 141 Skeyle, Alice, Morveth Skeyle, and goodwife Erasmus’s Enchiridion and, 3 Skeyle, 73 feast of St. Peter ad Vincula at, 134 , 138 Slight, Dorothy, 122 Maria Troon, Termonde, Brigittine house of, Smart, Robert (swordbearer of London), 35 , 121–23 146 Martiloge (Whitford, 1526), 132

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202 Index

Syon Abbey (cont.) Sopwell, as prioress of, 10 , 88–89 , 97 , 106 religious turbulence of 1530s, involvement suggested chronology of letters, 157–58 in, 134 Vikers [Vicary], Th omas, 54 restoration under Mary, 11 , see also Whitford, Vikers, William (son of Th omas), 54 Richard Vincent, Augustine, 64 Vitas Patrum , 134 Tauler, Johannes, 11 , 110 , 124 , 125 Vyne, Morveth, 73 Tewkesbury, Margaret (Abbess of Godstow), 68 Th omas à Kempis, 26 , 124 Wabuda, Susan, 44 Th omas Becket (Archbishop of Canterbury), 76 Wallingford, William (Abbot of St. Albans), Th ornall, John, 44 , 50 24 , 89 Th re Godlye and Notable Sermons, of the Warner, Lawrence, 85 Sacrament of Th aulter (Peryn, 1546), 113 Wattes, William, 34 , 44 , 51–52 , 62 Th rockmorton, Elizabeth (last abbess of Wayland, John, 132 Denny), 2 Wayte, Jayne, 74 Th ynne, William, 101 , 166 Webbe, Elizabeth (Prioress of Sopwell), 89 Tichford, Th omas, 76 Welch, Charles, 21 , 22 Titler, Robert, 22 Wellyfed, Christopher, 95 Tomson, Edmund, 44 , 45 , 51 , 62 Werke for Housholders (Whitford, 1530–37), 126 , Tomson, John, 44 , 50 , 51 , 62 131 Th e Treatise of the Seven Points of True Love and West, Nicholas (), 128 Everlasting Wisdom (Horologium aeternae West, Richard, 21–22 sapientiae ; Suso), 123 Westcote, Sebastian, 49 Tregonwell, John, 68 Weston, Hugh, 58 Trent, Council of (1545), 108 Weydenbosch, Nicholas (Salicetus; Cistercian Tunstall, Cuthbert (Bishop of London), 32 abbot of Baumgarten, Alsace), 26–27 Turke, William, 58 Wherwell, abbey of, 8 , 78 Turlington, William, 122 White, John (Bishop of Lincoln and Turner, Robert, 51 Winchester), 77 Tyndale, William, 2 , 31 , 32 , 95 White, Sir Th omas, 60 Whitford, Richard, 12–13 , 126–43 Vadstena, Brigittine house of, 138 anonymous publication, anxiety about, 132 Vaugh[a]n, Stephen, 61 , 95–96 , 106 , 160 Boke of Pacience (1514/41), 130 , 133–35 Vernon, Margaret, 9–11 , 88–106 chronology of writings of, 129–31 administrative and entrepreneurial abilities, compilations of works of, 141 95–96 , 106 continuity of spiritual life through political background and biographical information, and religious turmoil, 141–42 88–89 A Dayly Exercyse and Experyence of Dethe compared to Bulkeley, Fane, and Kingsmill, (1511/34), 130 , 131 , 132 , 133 80 , 90 , 93 , 103 death of, 141 friendship with Cromwell, 88 , 92 , 105 Dyuers Holy Instrucyons and Teachynges Very full text of letters, 158–68 Necessary for the Helth of Mannes Soule Gregory Cromwell, letters regarding, 94–95 (1541), 129 , 131–42 Little Marlow, as prioress of, 10 , 80 , 88–89 , entry into religious life at Syon, 129 90 , 96 Henry VIII, loyalty to, 12 , 132 Little Marlow, closure of, 97–100 , 165–66 A Looking Glace for the Religious , 142–43 Malling, as prioress of, 10 , 88–89 , 97 , Martiloge (1526), 132 100–01 Massey, John, possibly anonymous in Malling, closure of, 101–04 , 167–68 Dyuers Instrucyons , 139–41 pension following dissolution, 103–05 “On Detraction” (ad populum sermon, 1541), religious views of, 106 131 , 137–39 , 175–78 St. Helen’s Bishopsgate, negotiations to pseudo-Isidorian Counsels , translation of become prioress of, 10 , 89–94 , 101 , 161 , (1541), 131 , 136–37 , 139 162–64 Pype of Perfection (1532), 126 , 128 , 129 , 130–31 , St. Mary de Pr é , as prioress of, 9 , 88–89 , 106 135 , 143

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religious and monastic life, affi rmations of, Woodford, Elizabeth, 109 , 119 , 169–74 126–28 , 142–43 Wooding, Lucy E. C., 108 Rule of Saynt Augustyne (1518/25), 130 , 131 , 137 , Woodloke, Jane, 73 141 , 143 Worde, Wynkyn de, 119 Wayland, John, collected works published by A Worke of Dyuers Impedimentes and Lettes of (1537), 132 Perfection (Whitford, 1541), 131 , 135–36 Werke for Housholders (1530–37), 126 , 131 Wotton, Edward (fi rst reader in Greek at will of (1511), 129 Corpus Christi, Oxford), 57 A Worke of Dyuers Impedimentes and Lettes of Wotton, Sir Edward (brother-in-law of Perfection (1541), 131 , 135–36 Elizabeth Rede, Abbess of Malling), 100 , writings as response to heresy and as part of 101 reforming program, 126–29 Wotton, Henry (son of Edward, fi rst reader in Whittington College, 50 Greek), 57 Whittington, Richard, library of, 54 Wriothesley, Charles, 115 Wilcocks [Wilcokk], Walter, 96 , 163 Wriothesley, Th omas, 72 , 77 , 154 Williams, Franklin B., 72 Wyatt, Sir Th omas, 100 , 101 , 103 , 167 Willoughby, Sir Th omas, 100 , 101 Wygens, John, 59 Winchester Cathedral and College, 76 Windesheim movement, 171 Ymage of Loue (Ryckes), 3 Wizeman, William, 134 Ynglefi eld [Inglefi eld], William, 94 , 160 Wolsey, Th omas, Cardinal, 10 , 66 , 89–90 , 92 Wood, Anthony, 113 Zell, Ulrich, 26

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