Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03979-7 - Reading and Writing During the Dissolution: Monks, Friars, and Nuns 1530–1558 Mary C. Erler Index More information Index abbesses versus prioresses, Woodford on, 173 Copeman, Albert, and, 61 Act of Supremacy (1534) death of (1537), 4 , 14 confl ict within individual houses following, as last anchorite in London, 14 5–6 Rheno-fl emish devotional tradition, infl uence exile community in Europe and, 107 of, 26 , 136 Fortescue, Sir Adrian, and, 83 St. Augustine Pappey, London, association Greyfriars Chronicle on, 7 with fraternity for aged priests at, 25 , 34 , 148 passage of, 1 Syon, possible connection with, 23 , 27 , 28 Acton, Joyce, 93 , 163 will of (1537), 4 , 34–35 , 52 , 148–49 Acton, Sir Robert, 93 , 163 see also Fruyte of Redempcyon Adriaensens, Adriaan, 120 Arnold’s Chronicle , 4 0 Aides, Th omas, 58 Arrows of Divine Love (Pharetra divini amoris ; alabaster carvings, 17 Lanspergius, 1536), 135 Albert the Great, 124 , 136 Arundel, Th omas (Archbishop of Canterbury), Aldrich, Robert (provost of Eton), 48 3 , 28 All Hallows London Wall anchorites, 14 , Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus M. 15–24 , 144–46 , see also Appulby, Simon Lutherum (Henry VIII, 1521), 133 anchorites and anchorholds Audeley, Sir Th omas, 34 at All Hallows London Wall, 14 , 15–24 , 144–46 Augustinian Rule, Whitford’s translation and as city institution, 15 commentary on (1518/25), 130 , 131 , 137 , community function of, 36 141 , 143 disappearance of, 36 Augustinians as repositories for valuables, 21 Holy Trinity priory, Aldgate, London, 16 , 25 , secular patronage, former anchorholds 33 , 34 used for, 14 , 35 , 146 Woodford, Elizabeth (canoness at St. Ursula’s see also Appulby, Simon Louvain), 109 , 119 , 169–74 Ancrene Riwle , 21 Augustinus (Cornelius Jansenius, 1640), 120 Andrewe, Walter, 21 Anne, Duchess of Buckingham, 22 backbiting (detraction), Whitford’s sermon on anonymous publication, Whitford’s anxiety (1541), 131 , 137–39 , 175–78 about, 132 Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 82 Anstruther, Godfrey, 115 Badgecroft, Agnes, 76 Antidotarius Animae (Nicholas Weydenbosch or Baker, Augustine, 12 , 112 Salicetus), 26–27 Baker, John, 7 , 44 , 45 , 53–58 , 62 , 63 Appulby, Simon, 3–5 , 14–37 Bale, John, 29 , 76–77 , 114 All Hallows London Wall anchorhold and Barlow, William, 29 predecessors, 14 , 15–24 , 144–46 Barratt, Alexandra, 124 , 136 as anchorite, 32 Barron, Caroline, 57 background and biographical information, Barton, Elizabeth (Nun of Kent), 133 , 134 , 173 24–26 Baskerville, Geoff rey, 90 chronology of documentation on, 146 Basset, Fulk (Bishop of London) and Philip, 113 193 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03979-7 - Reading and Writing During the Dissolution: Monks, Friars, and Nuns 1530–1558 Mary C. Erler Index More information 194 Index Bathe, Edmund, 73 Camden, William, 7 , 64 Bedewell, Margaret, 20 Campion, Edmund, 60 Bedewell, Nicholas, 17 Canisius, Peter, 11 , 109 , 110 Benedictine order, Blosius’s Statutes of Reform Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 1 , 13 , 25 for (1539/45), 143 Cappes, Th omas, 44 Benedictine rule, Fox’s translation of (1517), 130 Caraman, P. G., 130 Berthelet, Th omas, 137 Cardmaker, John, 42 , 44 , 45 Best, Robert, 45 Carthusians Beutler, Magdalena, 124 , 136 execution of, 7 , 41 , 134 Bindoff , S. T., 85 of London, 126 , 136 Birgitta of Sweden, 27 St. Barbara, Carthusian house of, Cologne, 11 , Blackfriars London, restoration of, 115 12 , 110 , 124 , 127–28 , 136 , 143 Blomevenna, Peter, 111 , 136 at Sheen, 124 , 126 , 136 Blosius, Ludovicus, 142–43 Caterick, William, 44 , 47–49 , 62 Blount, Charles, fi fth Baron Mountjoy, 131 Cato, 134 Bodley, Richard, 23 Cavendish, William, 99 Bodley, William (son of Richard), 24 Cawood, John, 54 A Boke Made by a Certain Great Clerke agaynst Cecil, Robert, 56 the Newe Idole and Olde Deuyll (Luther, Certain Psalms in Number 21 with 102 Proverbs 1534), 132 (Lady Fane, 1550), 82 Boke of Pacience (Whitford, 1514/41), 130 , 133–35 Chambers, D. S., 46 , 105 Bokenham, Osbern, 129 Champneys, John, 33 Boleyn marriage, assent to, 79 chantries and chantry priests, 50 , 58 , 113 Bonde, William, 28 , 47 , 111 , 124 Chapman, Th omas (warden of London Bonner, Edmund (Bishop of London), 31 , 42 , Greyfriars) 54 , 58 , 113 , 114 compared to Cromwell’s female religious Bowerman, Richard (Abbot of St. Albans), 105 correspondents, 8 , 63 , 66 , 67 , 70 Bowers, John, 85 on conventual Franciscans’ eagerness for Bowker, Margaret, 50 change, 43 Bradford, John, 9 , 81 after dissolution, 63 Branston, John, 121 Greyfriars Chronicle , as possible author of, 44 Bray, Lord John, 116 letters to Cromwell and Richard Neville, Brethren of the Common Life, 108 , 111 45–47 Brigden, Susan, 3 , 48 , 114 reforming views of, 49 Brigittines Wattes, William, and, 51 Maria Troon, Termonde, 121–23 Chaucer, Geoff rey, 1 , 13 , 25 Vadstena, 138 Chedsey, William, 54 see also Syon Abbey Chekyng, John, 95 Brown, Nancy Pollard, 61 child boarders at female religious houses, 94–95 , Browning, Bridget, 80 , 155 97 , 171 Buckingham, Anne, Duchess of, 22 Christopherson, John, 54 Bulkeley, Arthur (Bishop of Bangor and nephew Christ’s Hospital, London, 53 , 115 of Katherine), 67 , 72 Chronicle of St. Ursula’s Louvain, 169–74 Bulkeley, Katherine (last abbess of Godstow), Chronicon (Polanco), 120 8–9 , 67–72 , 79 , 86–87 , 150–51 , Clark, Peter, 101 see also female religious and Th omas Clay, Rotha Mary, 21 , 33 Cromwell A Clear Instance of What Constitutes True Bulkeley, Sir Richard (brother of Katherine), Evangelical Religion (Lanspergius, 1528), 67 , 87 126 , 128 Bulkeley, Th omas (nephew of Katherine), 72 Clement, Dorothy, 11 , 108 , 109 , 111 , 117–20 , Burnham Abbey, 170 123 , 173 Burre, Margaret, 16–20 , 144 Clement, John (father of Dorothy), 11 , 117 , 118 , Buschius, Petrus, 135 171 Clement, Margaret (Prioress of St. Ursula’s Calendar of Papal Letters , 20 Louvain, and sister of Dorothy), 109 , calendar of saints’ days, changes to, 42 , 76 117–18 , 119–20 , 123 , 169 , 171–73 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03979-7 - Reading and Writing During the Dissolution: Monks, Friars, and Nuns 1530–1558 Mary C. Erler Index More information Index 195 Clement, Margaret Giggs (mother of Dorothy), Cunich, Peter, 6 , 121 , 140 11 , 117 , 118 Cyprian of Carthage, 12 , 133 , 134 Clement, Th omas (brother of Dorothy), 118 Clement, Ursula (sister of Dorothy), 171 da Costa, Alexandra, 124 Clement, Winifred (later Rastell; sister of Dancy, Anne, 122 Dorothy), 118 Dartford, Dominican priory of, 9 , 11 , 79–87 Clitheroe, Margaret, 12 , 112 David of Augsberg, 123 Cocks, John, 105 A Dayly Exercyse and Experyence of Dethe Coldicott, Diana, 74 , 75 (Whitford, 1511/34), 130 , 131 , 132 , 133 Cole, Henry, 170 De bono patientiae (Cyprian), 133 , 134 Collys, Alice, 170 de la Mare, Albinia, 41 Cologne Carthusians, 11 , 12 , 110 , 124 , 127–28 , De vita canonicorum (Denys Rykiel [Dionysius 136 , 143 Carthusiensis], 1510, 1514, 1532), 127–28 Colte, Anne (Abbess of Wherwell), 72 death, Whitford’s treatise on (1511/34), 130 , 131 , Compendium Historiae in Genealogia Christi 132 , 133 (Peter of Poitiers), 40 Defense of the Royal Assertion (Fisher, 1525), 128 compilations, 141 Defense of the Sacred Priesthood (Fisher, 1525), Confutation of Luther’s Assertion (Fisher, 1523), 128 128 Denys the Carthusian or Dionysius continuity of religious-based community life Carthusiensis [Denys Rykiel], 127–28 after dissolution detraction, Whitford’s sermon on (1541), 131 , in exile, see exile and spirituality 137–39 , 175–78 of female religious, 8 , 74–78 , 80 , 87 Devotio Moderna, 11 , 111 , 113 , 123–24 , 171 of Syon community in England, 131–32 A Dialogue on the Monastic State (Lanspergius, continuity of spiritual life through political and 1528), 126 , 128 religious turmoil, 36 , 141–42 Dickens, A. G., 6 , 112 Conway, William, 57 Dionysius Carthusiensis or Denys the Cooke, Anne, 9 , 82 Carthusian [Denys Rykiel], 127–28 Cooke, John, 72 , 155 Directorium aureum contemplativorum (Herp, Copeman, Albert, 7 , 44 , 45 , 58–62 , 63 , 65 1538), 111–12 , 124 Copland, John, 162 dissolution of monasteries in England, Cotton, Robert, 7 , 64 see English religious and religious life Counsels of pseudo-Isidore, Whitford’s Dolinge, Joan, 73 translation of (1541), 131 , 136–37 , 139 Dominican house in London, restoration of, 115 Coverdale, Miles, 32 Dormer, Sir Robert, 166 Covert, Margery, 122 Dowes, Henry, 95 Cranmer, Alice (Prioress of Sheppey and sister Dry suyberlijcke Tractaetkens (Adriaensens, 1557), of Th omas), 90 120 Cranmer, Th omas (Archbishop of Canterbury), Drynkmylke, John, 34 , 52 , 149 31 , 44 , 45 , 47 , 90 , 104 Dugdale [Dugdall], John (father of William), 7 , Cressener, Elizabeth (Prioress of Dartford), 79 , 60 , 63 , 64 155 Dugdale, William, 7 , 60 , 64 , 104 Cromwell, Gregory (son of Th omas), 10 , 79 , 92 , Dunne, Gabriel (last abbot of Buckfast, 94–95 , 101 , 150 , 160–61 Devon), 49 Cromwell, Richard (nephew of Th omas), 100 Duns Scotus, 4 , 28 Cromwell, Th omas Durant, C. S., 120 banking services of, 95–96 Dyaloge Descrybyng the Orygynall Ground of Chapman, Th omas (warden of London Th ese Lutheran Faccyons (Barlow), 29 Greyfriars), and, 45–46 , 66 Dyuers Holy Instrucyons and Teachynges Very female religious and, see female religious and Necessary for the Helth of Mannes Soule Th omas Cromwell ; Vernon, Margaret (Whitford, 1541), 129 , 131–42 letters of religious to, 5 , 66–67 network of contacts, 66–67 Eck, John, 29 work of Denys the Carthusian dedicated to, Eden, John, 55 128 Edward VI (king of England) Crowley, Robert, 9 , 67 , 82–85 , 86 , 114 English exile community in Europe and, 107 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03979-7 - Reading and Writing During the Dissolution: Monks, Friars, and Nuns 1530–1558 Mary C.
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