CHOATE in La Coruña

Great week with families, classes and excursions to the Domus Museum, a Roman Lighthouse and more!

View from La Torre de Hércules, La Coruña, España

Students are adjusting well to life in La Coruña! The group recently visited an interactive science museum called the DOMUS. It is a museum focusing on the study of man. Exhibits measure agility, how high you jump, multiple intelligences, and even how well your facial features mix with your partner’s. Another memorable outing was a trek to an icon of La Coruña: the famous Hercules Roman Lighthouse! is full of Roman structures and La Coruña boasts the oldest roman lighthouse still in use today. Students learned about the history of this Galician architectural gem from Sr. Bao during their visit. Today, Saturday (Happy 4th of July to you all), students visited two nearby medieval towns: and . They were very fortunate to catch a medieval fair in Pontedeume! Pictures of that visit in the next update.

Weather in La Coruña Students have enjoyed weather to the envy of most of us in the states, with highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s. Perfect for getting around La Coruña and for all of the walking in- volved in excursions to the Roman Lighthouse and (today) to the medieval towns of Betanzos and Pontedeume.

The Classes: Each student is taking three classes, with Spanish Literature of Spanish Grammar as a major and both History of Spanish Art and Spanish Civilization as minors. In Art History the class is studying the basics of Romanesque architecture while in Spanish Civilization the current focus is on Spain’s place and history in the European Union and the country’s current economic stresses. The Grammar course is concentrating on the uses of object pronouns, irregular indicative verbs Visiting the DOMUS Museum and present subjunctive. In Spanish Literature, students are reading Lazarillo de Tormes while learning about the cultural/ historical contexts of this classic Spanish work.

333 christian street, wallingford, ct 06492 Students visit (and climb) a two thousand year old Roman Lighthouse in La Coruña

Contact information: Louis Bao [email protected] 011 34 654 261 782; Angela Weston [email protected] 011 34 692 690 974; Nancy Burress [email protected] 203 697-2129

333 christian street, wallingford, ct 06492