Filming for human rights can be dangerous. It can put you, the people you are filming and the communities you are filming in at risk. Carefully assess the risks before you press “record.”

INTRODUCTION If you are using video for human rights documentation, justice, and accountability, it’s good to have a basic understanding of what lawyers need to prove to hold a person, state, or institution accountable for committing human rights violations. The goal of this section is to help you understand the structure of a crime so you can make informed decisions about where to point your camera so you collect more relevant information and, in turn, enhance the usefulness and evidentiary value of your footage.

1 VIDEO AS EVIDENCE: ANATOMY OF A CRIME V 1.0 KEY DEFINITIONS and abetting,instigating, ordering, commandresponsibility,etc.). commission ofthecrime (e.g., individualperpetration,jointconspiracy, aiding participated inthecommission ofacrime—orinotherwords,whattheirrole wasinthe Mode ofLiabilityorFormParticipation: has toprove: example, toproveadefendantisguiltyofthecrime“attackingprotectedobjects,”lawyer need tobeproved.Tosecureaconviction,lawyermustproveeachelementonebyone.For Elements ofaCrime:Everycrimecanbebrokendownintospecificelements(orparts)that crime orwasitanaccident? person isthinkingwhentheywerecommittingthecrime—didintendtocommit or “MentalState“isreferredtoastheElements““MensRea.“Itsimplywhat specific action(s)apersonmusttaketowardsthecommissionofcrime.Aperson’sintent The “PhysicalAct“issometimescalledthe“MaterialElement“or“ActusReus.“Itmeans physical actoccurred;andii)theperpetratorhadrequiredintenttocommitcrime. When alawyerwantstoprovetheircase,theyneedtwoparts:i)thattheunderlying CATEGORIES OFELEMENTSACRIME international crimes.Theyare: have toprovethecontextinwhichcrimewascommitted.Therearethreerecognized International Crime: protected objects,violationoffairwagelaws,illegalevictions,electionfraud,etc. examples would include murder, torture, rape, pillaging, slavery, denial of a fair trial, attacking Base Crime:Anactoromissionthatconstitutesanoffenseandispunishablebylaw.Some • • • • births, orforciblytransferringchildrenfromthegroup. deliberately inflictingconditionsoflifecalculatedtodestroyagroup,prevention nationality, ethnicity,race,orreligionbykilling,causingseriousbodilymentalharm, : Theintenttodestroyallorpartofagrouppeoplebasedontheir peacetime. systematic andcommittedagainstcivilians.Theycanbeineitherwartimeor slavery, denialofafairtrial,attackingprotectedobjects)thatarewidespreador Crimes AgainstHumanity: of afairtrial,attackingprotectedobjects)thatarecommittedinwartime. War Crimes:Thesearebasecrimes(e.g.,murder,torture,rape,pillaging,slavery,denial science, charity,orwasahistorical,monumentand/or servedasahospital. The defendantknewthatsuchabuilding(s)werededicated toreligion,education,art, The targetoftheattackwasnotamilitarytarget. charity, orwasahistoricmonumentand/orserved asahospital. The targetoftheattackwasabuilding(s)dedicated toreligion,education,art,science, The defendantdirectedanattack. For abasecrimetobecomeaninternationalcrime,lawyersalso

Thesearebasecrimes(e.g.,murder,torture,rape,pillaging, 2 Thesearelegaltermsfor“how”someone VIDEO AS EVIDENCE: ANATOMY OFACRIME INFORMATION FOR MORE Notice Evidence”at Filming Linkageand Responsibility: see “Proving “Modes ofLiability,” To learnabout V1.0

LAW (Actus Reus) Physical Act Use ofExcessive Force WHAT happened? Property Damage Property Illegal Eviction Illegal Election FraudElection BASE CRIME ANATOMY OFACRIME Murder Torture Rape Etc. ONCE YOU HAVE ASUSPECT, THENPROVE... Mental State (Mens Rea) (Mens Who didit? (Actus Reus) Physical Act INTERNATIONAL CRIME Crime Against Humanity 3 WHAT happened? VIDEO AS EVIDENCE: Genocide Mental State (Mens Rea) (Mens ANATOMY OFACRIME (Actus Reus) Physical Act participate inthecrime? participate Superior Responsibility Superior Individual PerpetrationIndividual MODE OFLIABILITY What was theirrole? Conspiracy/Planning Instigating/Inducing Joint Perpetration Aiding &Abetting HOW didthey Command or Ordering Mental State (Mens Rea) (Mens V1.0

LAW DISSECTING ACRIME THE LAW: found notguilty. If therearetwentyelementsandthelawyerprovesonlynineteen,thenaccusedmustnotbe To secureaconviction,lawyermustproveeveryelementofthecrime,onebyone,withcertainty. and “mentalstate.” Every crime the crimeis: a domesticcrimebutaninternational(andthus,consideredevenmoreserious)byproving In aconflictormass-atrocitysituation,lawyermayalsoneedtoprovethatthecrimeisnotonly prove: All overtheworld,toholdsomeoneaccountableforcommissionofacrime,lawyermust who isfalselyaccused,it’simportanttounderstandthebasicstructureofacrime. If youhopetousevideoholdperpetratorsaccountableforhumanrightscrimesorfreesomeone • • • • • • • • Examples: their intent.Thisisalsoreferredtoas“mentalelements”or“MensRea”. “deprived,” “seriouslyendangered,”“failedtoactprotect,”etc. Examples: or “ActusReus”insomepartsoftheworld. crime tobeheldaccountableforthecrime.Thisisalsoreferredas“materialelements”

are “modeofliability”(MOL)or“formparticipation.”

“Mental state”istheperson’sstateofmindwhentheywerecommittingcrime.It “Physical acts”arethespecificaction(s)apersonmusttaketowardscommissionof genocide. a crimeagainsthumanity,or a warcrime, how theperpetratorparticipatedincommissionofcrime.Thelegaltermsforthis who didit—theidentityoftheperpetrator;and what “crime”wascommitted—murder,torture,rape,propertydamage,hatespeech,etc.; and MOLisbrokendownintoveryspecificelementsthatconsistof“physicalacts” Theperpetrator“knew,”“wasaware,”“intended,”“meantto,”etc. The perpetrator“inflictedpain,”“killed,”“forciblytransferred,”“caused,” 4 VIDEO AS EVIDENCE: ANATOMY OFACRIME INFORMATION FOR MORE Notice Evidence”at Filming Linkageand Responsibility: crime see“Proving the commission ofa can participate in or “How”aperson “Modes ofLiability” To learnabout V1.0

LAW ELEMENTS OFACRIME: committed by“CommandResponsibility”(modeofliability).Thereare18elementsthatmustbeprovedinthisexample. This exampleoutlinestheelementsof“Torture”(basecrime)asa“CrimeAgainstHumanity”(internationalcrime), elements. Eachelementmustbeprovedbyaprosecutortosecureconviction. understand theprinciplethateverybasecrime,internationalandmodeofliabilitycanbebrokendowninto It’s importanttoknowthatthereisnoreasonmemorizealltheelementsofacrime.moreyou 3. 2. 1. The accused: 13. 12. 11. PHYSICAL ACTIONS WHAT: MENTAL STATE under his/hercustodyorcontrol. Was the ordinarycourseofevents. mental painwouldbecausedin Was or mentalpainsuffering. Meant The accused lawful sanctions did The painandsuffering the perpetrator(s). under thecontrol were inthecustodyor The personorpersons more persons. suffering upononeor or mentalpain severe physical not arisefrom ElementsoftheBaseCrime aware thatthepersonswere aware severephysicalor to inflictseverephysical TORTURE inflicted also knownas . also knownas of

Mental ElementsoftheCrime Material ElementsoftheCrime 6. 5. 4. as partof: The conductwas WHAT: 16. 15. 14. the conducttobe: conduct waspartoforintended The accused CRIMES AGAINSTHUMANITY perpetrated againstcivilians. widespread orsystemicand an attackthatwas 5 perpetrated againstcivilians. widespread orsystemicand an attackthatwas ElementsoftheInt’lCrime VIDEO AS EVIDENCE: knew committed thatthe EXAMPLE MATRIX and and Mens Rea Actus Reus 10. 9. 8. 7. 17. authorities for investigation and prosecution. or tosubmitthemattercompetent to preventorrepresstheircommission reasonable measures authority The militarycommanderordefacto exercise controlproperlyoverhis/herforces. as aresultofthe The crimewascommittedbysuchforces effective authorityoftheaccused. under theeffectivecommandcontrolor The forcesthatcommittedthecrimewere the forcesthatcommittedcrime. person effectivelyactingasacommanderof The accusedwasa or abouttocommitsuchcrimes. known circumstances atthetime, either knew The militarycommanderorperson HOW: ANATOMY OFACRIME COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY thattheforceswerecommitting ElementsoftheModeLiability failed totakeallnecessaryand or,owingtothe failure military commander withinhisorherpower oftheaccusedto should have V1.0 ora

LAW LAW WHY DOES THIS MATTER? The reason it’s important to understand the structure of a crime is simple: different images can help prove different elements. Understanding the structure will help you determine LAW where to point your camera and ensure you don’t miss the opportunity to capture a variety Video Camera of footage that will provide a clearer picture of what happened.

Let’s see how this works by looking at four of the elements above and considering how different video clips can help prove different elements.


The accused inflicted severe physical or mental pain or Footage of: suffering upon one or more persons. • the actual commission of the torture • the instrument/s used to implement the torture • he sound (audio) of the victims’ cries • medium and close-up shots of the injuries endured • medium and close-up shots of these injuries three months later, six months later • Etc.

The conduct committed was widespread or systematic. Footage of: • the same military unit committing torture in different locations • the same military unit committing torture on different dates HAND • testimony of victims in different locations sharing what happened, when, where, and by whom • Etc.

The accused was aware that such persons were under Footage of: his/her custody or control. • a wide shot of the location • any restraints placed on the victim (handcuffs, gags, etc.) • weapons and whether they are being used to control the victim BRAIN • the number of people surrounding the victim • guards placed around a perimeter • the perpetrators discussing the implementation of the torture • any identifying information that helps investigators understand who the perpetrator(s) and victim(s) are • Etc.

The accused was a military commander or a person Footage of the accused commander: effectively acting as a commander of the forces that • giving orders to his troops and the troops promptly obeying committed the crime. • giving commands over a satellite phone, cell phone, or radio • getting updates from the field via radio, cell phone, etc. • giving public speeches to the troops he controls HAND • being honored by his troops at public events • Etc.

6 VIDEO AS EVIDENCE: ANATOMY OF A CRIME V 1.0 KEY POINT Now let’slookatastoryfrom thefieldtoseehowvideocanhelpproveanelementof howacrimewascommitted. ELEMENTS OFACRIME: genocide, weonlyneedtoprovefourelements.Mucheasier. outside ofwaroramassatrocitysituation.Toprovemurderwhenit’snotcrime,crimeagainsthumanity, or perpetration.” Thischartdoesn’tincludeacolumnfor“internationalcrime”becauseit’sonepersonkillinganother Here’s asimplerexample.Thischartshowstheelementsforbasecrimeof“murder”committedby“individual prove differentelementsofthecrime. will helpyouthinkaboutwhereelseshouldpointyourcamerasoimagescan of whatalawyerneedstoprovesecureconviction.Understandinghowcrimeisstructured it istakingplace.Thisfootagedefinitelyvaluable.Butprovingtheactualviolationonlypart On thefrontlines,documenterstendtoturntheircameratowardhumanrightsviolationas Differentimagescanhelpprovedifferentelementsofacrime. The tableonthepreviouspageillustrateskeypointhere,whichisworthrepeating: (Mens Rea) MENTAL STATE (Actus Reus) PHYSICAL ACTION

3. 2. 1. his orheractions. aware thatdeathwasalikelyconsequenceof The accused one ormorepersons. The accused The accused WHAT: meant tocausedeathor meant toengageinthekillingof killed oneormorepersons MURDER

7 Base Crime Make alist ofvideo clipsthat could helpprove thefour elements you needto prove to holdsomeone accountable for murderbyindividual perpetration. VIDEO AS EVIDENCE: Consider video’s strengths andlimitations whilemakingyour list. ANOTHER EXAMPLE was 4. of hisorheractions. aware thatdeathwasalikelyconsequence The accused killing ofoneormorepersons. The accused murder, etc.) killing, providingaid,incitingthe individual (asopposedtoorderingthe The accused ANATOMY OFACRIME INDIVIDUAL PERPETRATION HOW: ModeofLiability meant tocausedeathor meant toengageinthe committed thecrimeasan TEST YOUR SKILLS V1.0 was

LAW FIELD NOTE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALTRIBUNALFORTHEFORMERYUGOSLAVIA V. TOLIMIR A CRIMEWAS COMMITTED USING VIDEOTO HELPPROVEONEELEMENTOF“HOW” partygoer whounwittinglycaptured keyevidence. help byaseriesofmundanevideoclipsspeechesand meetings, oneofwhichwasfilmedbya element canbedifficultforprosecutorstoprove.Asluck wouldhaveit,however,theyweregiven knowingly designedandassistedincarryingoutaplanto eradicatetheBosnianMuslims.This prosecution had,inpart,toprovethatTolimirwasamember oftheinnercommandcirclethat To successfullyprosecuteCommanderTolimirforthemassacres andevictionsatSrbrenica,the and oneofMladić’smosttrustedallies. accused ofperpetratingthecrimesatSrebrenica.Commander ZdravkoTolimirwaspartofthisstaff General RatkoMladićandtheMainStaffofBosnian SerbArmyofRepublikaSrpska(VRS)stood World WarII. and Herzegovina.TheUNdescribedthismassmurderastheworstcrimeonEuropeansoilsince and elderlywereforciblymovedfromtheirhomesaroundthetownofSrebrenicaineasternBosnia InJuly1995,over8,000menandboysweremassacredbetween25,000–30,000women,girls, forced evictionsandmassacreatSrebrenica. ICTY investigatedandbroughttotrialwasthe in theYugoslavwars.Oneofincidents humanity, andgenocidecommittedbyallsides perpetrators ofwarcrimes,crimesagainst (ICTY)wascreatedtoprosecute International CriminalTribunalfortheFormer tumultuous warsthatcontinueduntil2001.The began unravelinginasuccessionofincreasingly Macedonia, Montenegro,Serbia,andSlovenia— Yugoslavia—Bosnia andHerzegovina,Croatia, Beginning in1991,thesixrepublicsof Backstory Basics “safe areas”forciviliansandtoexecuteMuslimmenboys. agreed to,andimplementedaplantoforciblyremoveBosnianMuslimsfromareasthattheUNhaddeclared How: JointCriminalEnterprise.HeandotherMainStaffwiththeArmyofRepublikaSrpskamappedout, reporting directlytoGeneralRatkoMladić Who: Forcible transfer,Deportation What Crimes: Tribunal: ZdravkoTolimir,AssistantCommanderforIntelligenceandSecurityoftheBosnianSerbArmy, InternationalCriminalTribunalfortheFormerYugoslavia(ICTY) Genocide,Conspiracytocommitgenocide,Extermination,Murder,Persecutions, 8 VIDEO AS EVIDENCE: ANATOMY OFACRIME DEFINED crime’s execution. participate inthe they donot directly the crime,evenif perpetration of directing the organizing, or crime byplanning, people committing a to twoormore enterprise” refers “joint criminal In non-legal terms, V1.0

LAW At a New Year’s Eve party with senior leaders of the VRS, Commander Tolimir’s boss, General Mladić, gave a speech that was recorded on camera. Here are several quotes from his speech:

Ladies, dear guests, colleagues, officers and generals. General Gvero asked me to say a few words. LAW It was long ago, in 1992, a difficult year, when it was difficult to look at this area even on a map. Fortunately, there are witnesses. One of them is my wife, and several associates and comrades-in-arms….[B]ut I am saddened that the most important among them, General Tolimir and his wife are not with us tonight. As you know he is on assignment fighting the Serbian people in Vienna, battling the dragons of the world.

The most important decisions were made by a group of five people. This was the inner core of the Main Staff, which, in addition to myself, included General Milovanovic as my right hand man, Generals Ðukic, Gvero, and General Tolimir. This was the inner core.

From Bokganica, General Tolimir and Kucic fired on Ribioc.…

I also want to thank the rest of my assistants and associates, General Dukic, General Gvero, General Tolimir. SHOWN IN THIS CLIP Video’s Role To watch this two- The importance of this speech as a source of evidence should be clear. Mladić clearly listed, by name, minute clip, go to the main decision makers and thanked them for their assistance. Tolimir was one member of his staff whom he thanked personally. This helped prove that Tolimir was member of the inner core and The clip shows participated in the decision making. In finding Tolimir guilty, the three-judge panel clearly stated that General Mladić speaking into a they relied, in part, on this videotaped speech to conclude that Tolimir was indeed a member of the microphone at inner circle of the command, or the collegium, making “the most important decisions.” the New Year’s Eve party. He is Outcome addressing other On December 2012, Commander Tolimir was found guilty of genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, members of the military and extermination, murder, persecutions, and forcible transfer. He was sentenced to life in prison. Tolimir invited guests. The died while in detention on February 8, 2016. transcript of the key parts of this speech are to the KEY POINT left. This short clip does not show a crime in progress nor does it include any footage of the defendant, Commander Tolimir. The clip has little to no news value, whereas a clip showing Mladić and Tolimir participating in the execution of civilians would most certainly be shown on international news platforms. A video clip of a suspected war criminal giving a speech thanking his friends and colleagues isn’t something that captures the world’s attention.

But, when we talk about bringing high-level commanders to justice — especially those who sit many steps away from the actual commission of the crimes — lawyers must prove many different elements, both to establish that the underlying crime was committed, and that there’s enough of a connection between the commander and the underlying crime that the commander should be held responsible for its occurrence. While this mundane footage seems unremarkable to most people, it can be invaluable in a courtroom. In this case, the innocuous footage of a New Year’s Eve speech helped to prove that Tolimir actively participated in the military decision-making process. This, in turn, helped put Tolimir behind bars.


Case Information Sheet, Zdravko Tolimir by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

Judgment in Prosecutor v. Tolimir by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.